12-001168MPI Agency For Health Care Administration vs. Matanzas Group Home
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, December 3, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved, by clear and convincing evidence, that Respondent committed all violations alleged in Sanction Letter. Recommend fine of $7,000.00






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1168MPI




32Respondent. )



38Pursuant to notice, a hearing was cond ucted in this case

49pursuant to s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes

58(201 2 ) 1 / , before Cathy M. Sellers , a n Administrative Law Judge of

73the Division of Administrative Hearings, on September 24, 201 2 ,

83by video t eleconference at sites in Lauderdale Lakes and

93Tallahassee, Florida.


96For Petitioner: Rachic A. Wilson , Esquire

102Agency for Health Care Administration

107Office of the General Counsel

1122727 Mahan Drive, Mail Station 3

118Tallahassee, Florida 32399

121For Respondent: Laura Quirantes

125Matanzas Group Home, Inc.

1294801 Southwest 201st Terrace

133Southwest Ranches, Florida 33332


142The issues in this case are : (1) W hether Respondent

153violated section 409.913, Florida Statutes, by f ailing to have

163documentation evidencing the receipt of current Zero Tolerance

171training in three employees ' files; failing to have

180document ation showing that one employee has a high school

190diploma or equivalent ; failing to have documentation of an

199implementation plan in one consumer ' s file; failing to have

210documentation of quarterly summaries in one consumer ' s file; and

221failing to have writte n policies and procedures addressing the

231staff training plan and specifying how pre - service and in -

243service activities will be carried out, including HIV/AIDS

251training, cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, and all other

258training mandated pursuant to sect ion 381.0035 ; and (2) if so,

269the penalty that should be imposed.


277On February 22, 2011, Petitioner issued a Sanction Letter

286charging Respondent with violating section 409.913 by failing to

295have certain required documentation in it s employee and consumer

305files, and seeking to impose a fine pursuant to Florida

315Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070. Respondent timely requested

324an administrative hearing, and Petitioner referred the

331proceeding to the Division of Administrative Hearings fo r

340assignment of an Administrative Law Judge and conduct of a

350hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) to dispute

359the allegations in the Sanction Letter .

366The final hearing initially was set for June 18 and 19,

3772012, but pursuant to Respondent ' s request, the final hearing

388was continued until September 10, 2012. Due to a scheduling

398conflict, the final hearing was rescheduled until September 24,


408At the final hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

417Ms. Gina Selwitz and offered Petiti oner ' s Exhibits 1 through 13,

430which were admitted into evidence without objection. Respondent

438presented the testimony of Amarilys Gomez and Laura Quirantes and

448offered Respondent ' s Exhibits 1 through 4, which were admitted

459into evidence over objection.

463T he one - volume Transcript was filed on October 11, 2012.

475Petitioner timely filed its Proposed Recommended Order on

483October 22, 2012, and Respondent filed its Proposed Recommended

492Order on October 23, 2012; both were duly considered in preparing

503this Recom mended Order.


510I. The Parties and Medicaid Provider Agreement

5171. Petitioner is the state agency responsible for

525administering the Florida Medicaid Program 2 / pursuant to chapter

535409. Petitioner ' s duties include operating a program to ov ersee

547the activities of Medicaid recipients, providers , and their

555representatives to ensure that fraudulent and abusive behavior

563and neglect of recipients occur to the minimum extent possible,

573and to recover overpayments and impose sanctions as appropriate .

583§ 409.913(1), Fla. Stat. To that end, Petitioner is authorized

593to conduct investigations of Medicaid providers to determine

601compliance with the Medicaid program. § 409.913(2), Fla. Stat.

6102. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent

619was an enrolled Medicaid provider 3 / providing residential

628rehabilitation and companion care services to the

635developmentally disabled pursuant to a valid Medicaid Provider

643Agreement ( " MPA " ) with Petitioner. 4 /

6513. The MPA establishes the terms and conditions o f an

662enrolled provider ' s participation in the Medicaid program. A

672key condition is that the provider agrees to comply with all

683federal, state, and local laws, including rules, regulations,

691an d statements of policy applicable to the Medicaid program,

701inclu ding the Medicaid Handbooks. The Florida Medicaid

709Developmental Disabilities Waiver Services Coverage and

715Limitations Handbook , dated November 2010 ( " Disabilities

722Handbook " ), and the Florida Medicaid Provider General Handbook,

731dated July 2008 ( " General Ha ndbook " ), are among the laws and

744policies applicable to this proceeding.

749II. Petitioner ' s Inspection of Respondent ' s Facility

7594 . On September 27, 2011, Ms. Gina Selwitz, an Inspector

770Specialist with Petitioner ' s Bureau of Medicaid Program

779Integrity ( " MPI " ) , 5 / along with another employee of Respondent ' s

793Bureau of MPI and a representative from the United States

803Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and

813Medicaid Services, conducted a site inspection at Respondent ' s

823facility , to det ermine Respondent ' s compliance with applicable

833Medicaid Program requirements . In the course of the inspection,

843Ms. Selwitz and the other inspect ion team members review ed

854Respondent ' s employee records and recipient files for compliance

864with applicable Medi caid program requi rements . They

873contemporaneously documented their findings on checklists .

8805. While at the facility, Ms. Selwitz hand - delivere d a

892demand letter with an attached provider questionnaire form and a

902Certification of Completeness form to Res pondent . The letter

912stated in pertinent part:

916Pursuant to Section 409 .913, Florida

922Statutes ( " F.S. " ), this is official notice

930that the Agency requests that documentation

936for services paid by the Florida Medicaid

943program to the above provider number. Th e

951Medicaid - related records to substantiate

957billing for the recipients identified on the

964enclosed printout are due within fifteen

970(15) calendar days of our receipt of this

978notification. In addition, please complete

983the attached questionnaire and submit it

989along with the copies of the Medicaid -

997related records. Please submit the

1002documentation and the attached Certification

1007of Completeness of Records to the Agency

1014within this timeframe ....

10186. Respondent signed a form acknowledgi ng receipt of the

1028demand let ter . Respondent completed and signed the provider

1038questionnaire and the Certification of Completeness form and

1046submitted them, along with the requested records, to Petitioner.

1055By signing the Certification of Completeness form, Respondent

1063verified that th e records it provided were true and correct

1074copies of all requested information. Petitioner received the

1082records and completed forms on October 4, 2011.

10907 . After the inspection was completed, Ms. Selwitz

1099reviewed the checklists prepared during the in spection and

1108determined that the following was missing from Respondent's

1116files: (1) Documentation showing current Zero Tolerance

1123training missing from employee file s of Respondent ' s employees

1134L .Q., A.G., and A.H. ; (2) Documentation showing receipt of a

1145high school diploma missing from the file of L.Q.; (3)

1155Documentation of an implementation plan in the consumer file for

1165A.G. - A.; (4) Documentation of quarterly summaries in the

1175consumer file for L.G.; and (5) Written policies and procedures

1185addressing t he staff training plan and specifying how pre -

1196service and in - service activities will be carried out, including

1207HIV/AIDS training, C.P.R. training, and all other training

1215mandated pursuant to section 381.0035.

12208 . On February 22, 2011, Petitioner sent Re spondent a

1231Sanction Letter specifically identifying these deficiencies,

1237stating that the deficiencies constitute violat ions of federal

1246and state Medicaid laws, and imposing a total fine of $7,000.00 .

1259III. Findings Regarding Alleged Violations

1264A. Zero To lerance Training

12699 . Ms. Selwitz testified that the inspection of

1278Respondent's facility revealed that documentation evidencing the

1285receipt of current Zero Tolerance training was missing from the

1295employee files for A.G., A.H., and L.Q. Her testimony was

1305supported by the inspection checklist prepared at the time of

1315the inspection, indicating that L.Q. ' s and A.H. ' s employee file s

1329did not contain documentation showing that they had received

1338Zero Tolerance training, and that the A.G. ' s Zero Tolerance

1349training had expired. 6 /

135410 . At hearing, Respondent conceded that A.G. ' s Zero

1365Tolerance training had expired .

137011. With respect to A.H., at hearing Respondent provided a

1380document purporting to be an unofficial transcript from

1388Tallahassee Community College sh owing that Respondent had

1396completed Zero Tolerance in 2010, so that her training was

1406current. However, Respondent acknowledged that this

1412documentation was not in A.H. ' s employee file at the time of

1425Petitioner ' s inspection.

142912. With respect to L.Q., Re spondent claims that

1438documentation showing her current Zero Tolerance training was ,

1446in fact, present in her employee file, and that Petitioner ' s

1458inspection team overlooked the documentation. Respondent noted

1465that Delmarva 7 / had inspected the facility appr oximately 15 days

1477before Petitioner ' s inspection, and claimed that Delmarva ' s

1488report did not show Zero Tolerance documentation deficiencies

1496for L.Q. ' s file. Respondent argues that this shows that that

1508the Zero Tolerance documentation was present in L.Q. ' s file when

1520Petitioner inspected the facility and Petitioner ' s inspection

1529team simply overlooked it. In support, Respondent provided a

1538document purported to be the Delmarva inspection report.

15461 3 . The persuasive evidence establishes that Respondent

1555viol ated the requirement to maintain documentation of current

1564Zero Tolerance Training in the employee files of A.G., A.H., and

1575L.Q . At hearing, Respondent conceded that A.G. ' s Zero Tolerance

1587training had expired and that A.H. ' s employee file did not

1599contain t he required Zero Tolerance Training documentation at

1608the time Petitioner conducted its inspection. Further, Ms.

1616Selwitz credibly testified that L.Q. ' s employee file did not

1627contain the required Zero Tolerance training information, and

1635her testimony was bu ttressed by the contemporaneously - prepared

1645inspection checklists . Respondent did not provide persuasive

1653evidence to the contrary . 8 / Accordingly, it is determined that

1665Respondent violate Medicaid laws, rules, regulations, and

1672policies by failing to have Z ero Tolerance training

1681documentation in the employee files for A.G., A.H., and L.Q.

1691B. Educational Level Documentation for L.Q.

16971 4 . Ms. Selwitz testified that during the inspection, the

1708team determined that documentation was missing from L.Q. ' s

1718employee file showing that she possessed the required level

1727educational training ÏÏ i.e., a high school diploma or

1736equivalent 9 / ÏÏ to serve as direct care staff providing residential

1748rehabilitation services. Ms. Selwitz ' s testimony was supported

1757by the inspection che cklist , which expressly not ed the lack of

1769high school diploma or general educational development

1776( " G.E.D. " ) in L.Q. ' s file and that a copy of L.Q. ' s application

1793for employment with Respondent stated that she had not graduated

1803from high school.

18061 5 . At hearing, L.Q ., a director and employee of

1818Respondent, testified on behalf of Respondent , and Respondent

1826offered for admission into evidence a document purported to be

1836L.Q. ' s application for employment with Respondent . The

1846application stated that Responden t had graduated from high

1855school. L.Q testified that this application was completed in

18642006 when she started working with Respondent , but subsequently

1873testified that she graduated from high school in 2008 . Her

1884testimony was inconsistent with, and undercu t the veracity o f,

1895the document Respondent offered to show that L.Q. met the

1905educational training level requirement . Furthermore, even if

1913L.Q. satisfied the applicable educational training requirements,

1920Respondent did not provide credible evidence to over come

1929Petitioner ' s showing that the required documentation showing

1938that training was not in L.Q. ' s file when Petitioner inspected

1950Respondent ' s facility. Accordingly, the credible, persuasive

1958evidence establishes that Respondent violated Medicaid laws,

1965rule s, regulations, and policies by failing to have

1974documentation of L.Q. ' s educational status in her employee file.

1985C. Inclusion of Implementation Plan in Consumer File

19931 6 . Ms. Selwitz testified that the inspection also showed

2004that a current Implementatio n Plan was not included in A.G. - A. ' s

2019consumer file , and her testimony was supported by the

2028Residential Rehabilitation Services checklist that Petitioner ' s

2036team completed at the time of the inspection . Respondent did

2047not offer any testimony or other eviden ce to the contrary .

2059Accordingly, Petitioner established that Respondent violated

2065applicable Medicaid laws , rules, regulations, and policies by

2073failing to have in its file s a copy of the current

2085Implementation Plan for consumer A.G. - A.

2092D. Quarterly Summa ry Documentation in Consumer File

210017 . Ms. Selwitz testified that Petitioner ' s inspection

2110also revealed that Respondent failed to include a quarterly

2119summar y in L.G. ' s consumer file documenting her progress , and

2131this testimony was supported by the inspe ction checklists. At

2141hearing, Respondent conceded this violation. Accordingly,

2147Petitioner demonstrated that Respondent violated applicable

2153Medicaid laws , rules, regulations, and policies by failing to

2162have a quarterly summary in L.G. ' s consumer file.

2172E. Written Policies and Procedures Addressing Staff Training

218018 . At hearing, Respondent conceded that at the time of

2191the inspection, it f ailed to have written policies and

2201procedures addressing the staff training plan and specifying how

2210pre - service and i n - service activities will be carried out,

2223including HIV/AIDS training, C.P.R. training, and all other

2231training mandated pursuant to section 381.0035. Accordingly, it

2239is determined that Respondent violated applicable Medicaid laws ,

2247rules, regulations, and policies by failing to maintain this

2256required documentation.


226119 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2269jurisdiction over the parties to, and subject matter of, this

2279proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and

2286409.913 (31).

22882 0 . In this proceeding, Pet itioner alleges that

2298Respondent, by failing to have specified documentation in its

2307employee and consumer files, violated federal and state Medicaid

2316laws, rules, and policies . Petitioner seeks to impose

2325administrative fin es for these violations. To prevail,

2333Petitioner must prove the alleged violations by clear and

2342convincing evidence. Dep ' t of Banking & Fin., Div. of Secs. &

2355Investor Prot. v. Osborne Stern, Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932, 935 (Fla.

23671996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 (Fla. 1987).

2378Clear and convincing evidence requires that:

2384the evidence must be found to be credible;

2392the facts to which the witnesses testify

2399must be distinctly remembered; the testimony

2405must be precise and explicit and the

2412witnesses must be lacking in confusion as to

2420the facts in issue. The evidence must be of

2429such weight that it produces in the mind of

2438the trier of fact a firm belief or

2446conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2452truth of the allegations sought to be


2460Slomowit z v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

24732 1 . Section 409.913(9) provides in pertinent part:

2482A Medicaid provider shall retain medical,

2488professional, financial, and business

2492records pertaining to services and goods

2498furnished to a Medicaid reci pient and billed

2506to Medicaid for a period of 5 years after

2515the date of furnishing such services or

2522goods. The agency may investigate, review,

2528or analyze such records, which must be made

2536available during normal business hours

2541. . .. The provider is respo nsible for

2550furnishing to the agency, and keeping the

2557agency informed of the location of, the

2564provider ' s Medicaid - related records.

25712 2 . Section 409.913(15), in pertinent part, authorizes

2580Petitioner to seek remedies provided by law if:

2588(b) The provider has failed to make

2595available or has refused access to Medicaid -

2603related records to an auditor, investigator,

2609or other authorized employee or agent of the

2617agency, the Attorney General, a state

2623attorney, or the Federal Government;

2628(c) The prov ider has not furnished or has

2637failed to make available such Medicaid -

2644related records as the agency has found

2651necessary to determine whether Medicaid

2656payments are or were due and the amounts


2665* * *

2668(e) The provider is not in compliance with

2676p rovisions of Medicaid provider publications

2682that have been adopted by reference as rules

2690in the Florida Administrative Code; with

2696provisions of state or federal laws, rules,

2703or regulations; with provisions of the

2709provider agreement between the agency and

2715t he provider; or with certifications found

2722on claim forms or on transmittal forms for

2730electronically submitted claims that are

2735submitted by the provider or authorized

2741representative, as such provisions apply to

2747the Medicaid program.

275023 . Section 409.913(1 6)(c) authorizes Petitioner to impose

2759a fine of up to $5,000 .00 for each violation described in

2772section 409.913(15).

277424 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070(3)(q)

2783defines a " violation " as any " omission or act " contrary to the

2794Medicaid laws. Rule 59G - 9.070(3)(h) defines an " [o]ffense " as

2804the violations contained in an audit report. Rule 59G -

28149.070(7)(e) provides for a fine of $1000 .00 per violation, if a

2826first offense, for a failure to comply with Medicaid laws.

283625 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 5.020(1 )

2846incorporates the General Handbook ' s record keeping requirements .

2856The General Handbook provides in pertinent part:

2863Medicaid requires that the provider retain

2869all business records as defined in 59G -

28771.010(3), F.A.C., medical - related record s as

2885defined in 59G - 1.010(154), F.A.C., and

2892medical records as defined in 59G -

28991.010(160), F.A.C., on all services provided

2905to a Medicaid recipient.

2909* * *

2912Right to Review Records

2916Authorized state and federal agencies and

2922their authorized representat ives ma y audit

2929or examine a provider ' s or facility ' s

2939records. This examination includes all

2944records the agency finds necessary to

2950determine whether Medicaid payments amounts

2955were or are due. This requirement applies

2962to the provider ' s records for which th e

2972provider is the custodian. The provider

2978must give authorized state and federal

2984agencies and their authorized

2988representatives access to all Medicaid

2993patient records and to other information

2999that cannot be separated from Medicaid -

3006related records.

3008* * *

3011At the time of the request , all records must

3020be provided regardless of the media format

3027on which the original records are retained

3034by the provider. All Medicaid records must

3041be reproduced onto paper copies.

3046* * *

3049Incomplete Records

3051Providers wh o are not in compliance with the

3060Medicaid documentation and record retention

3065policies described in this chapter may be

3072subject to administrative sanctions and

3077recoupment of Medicaid payments. Medicaid

3082payments for services that lack required

3088documentation or appropriate signatures will

3093be recouped.

3095General Handbook, Record Keeping

3099Requirements, 2 - 55 Î 2 - 57 (emphasis added) .

311026. Rule 59G - 1.010(30) defines " business records " in

3119pertinent part as:

3122documents related to the administrative or

3128commercial ac tivities of a provider, as

3135contrasted with medical or professional

3140activities. Business records made available

3145to Medicaid must be dated and legible.

3152Business records include, as applicable

3157. . . personnel . . . documents, all

3166administrative or commerci al records that

3172are customarily prepared or acquired and are

3179customarily retained by the provider, and

3185administrative or commercial records that

3190are required by statute or rule to be

3198prepared or acquired and retained by the

3205provider. Records may be on pap er, magnetic

3213material, film or other media.

32182 7 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 1.010(154)

3228defines " Medicaid - related records " as:

3234records that relate to the provider ' s

3242business or profession and to a Medicaid

3249recipient. Medicaid - related records include

3255records related to non - Medicaid customers,

3262clients, or patients, to the extent that the

3270documentation is shown by the department to

3277be necessary to determine a provider ' s

3285entitlement to payments under the Medicaid


32922 8 . The DD Waiver Ha ndbook, Appendix A, page A - 1, requires

3307Petitioner and APD to establish performance standards for all

3316contracted recipient services and service provision quality in

3324the delivery of contracted Medicaid waiver services. The terms

3333and conditions by which deve lopmentally disabled services

3341providers are bound are based, in part, on the Core Assurances.

3352The DD Waiver Handbook, Appendix A, page A - 10, requires

3363providers and their employees to receive training in Core

3372Assurances topics, including Zero Tolerance and HIV/AIDS; to

3380document this training ; and to keep proof of training on file

3391and accessible so that it is available for compliance monitoring

3401and review.

34032 9 . The DD Waiver Handbook, Appendix A, page A - 10, section

34172.1(H), requires Medicaid direct service p roviders to complete

3426the APD - developed Zero Tolerance Training course before

3435providing direct care services, and to complete further training

3444at least once every three years. Providers and their employees

3454must receive training in Zero Tolerance, document this training,

3463and keep proof of training on file and accessible so that it is

3476available for compliance monitoring and review.

348230. The DD Waiver Handbook addresses qualifications

3489required for residential rehabilitation providers, stating in

3496pertinent par t:

3499Direct care staff providing residential

3504rehabilitation services must be at least 18

3511years of age and have a high school diploma

3520or equivalent and one year of experience

3527working in a medical, psychiatric, nursing

3533or child care setting or in working with

3541persons who have a developmental disability.

3547College, vocational, or technical training

3552equal to 30 semester hours, 45 quarter

3559hours, or 720 classroom hours can substitute

3566for the required experience.

35703 1 . The DD Waiver Handbook, as part of its reimbur sement

3583and monitoring documentation requirements, mandates that

3589providers maintain copies of individual implementation plans for

3597consumers and m aintain quarterly summaries documenting consumer

3605progress .

36073 2 . The DD Waiver Handbook , Appendix A, also requi res

3619providers to train staff in, among other things, cardiopulmonary

3628resuscitation, infection control techniques, and prevention and

3635management of HIV/AIDS, and other areas set forth in section

3645381.0035, and to develop and maintain written procedures and

3654p olicies that address staff training and specify how staff

3664training will be carried out. The DD Handbook specifies that

3674proof of annual or required updated training must be maintained

3684on file for review.

36883 3 . The MPA states in section (5), " Provider

3698R espo nsibilities, " that the Medicaid provider must: " (b) Keep,

3708maintain, and make available in a systematic and orderly manner

3718all medical and Medicaid - related records as AHCA requires for a

3730period of at least five (5) years. " Additionally, section (3)

3740of the MPA, entitled " Compliance, " requires Medicaid providers

3748to comply with local, state, and federal laws, rules,

3757regulations, and policy statements applicable to the Medicaid

3765program, including the Medicaid Provider handbooks issued by


37743 4 . For the reasons set forth in the Findings of Fact,

3787Petitioner demonstrate d , by clear and convincing evidence, that

3796Respondent violated the foregoing statutes, rules, regulations,

3803Medicaid Handbook provisions, and MPA provisions . Accordingly,

3811Petitioner demons trate d , by clear and convincing evidence, that

3821Respondent violated federal and state Medicaid laws as charged

3830in the Sanction Letter dated February 22 , 2012.


3839Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

3848of Law, it is hereby R EC OMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care

3862Administration enter a Final Order determining that Respondent

3870violate d federal and state Medicaid laws as charged in the

3881February 22, 2012 Sanction Letter, and imposing a fine of


3893D ONE AND ENTERED thi s 3rd day of Dec ember , 20 12 , in

3907Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




3916Administrative Law Judge

3919Division of Administrative Hearings

3923The DeSoto Building

39261230 Apalachee Parkway

3929Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3 060

3935(850) 488 - 9675

3939Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3946Filed with the Clerk of the

3952Division of Administrative Hearings

3956this 3rd day of Dec ember , 20 1 2 .


39681 / All references are to 2012 Florida Statutes.

39772 / The Medicaid Program is the federal - state medical assistance

3989program authorized by Title XIX of the Federal Social Securi ty

4000Act, pursuant to which the State of Florida provides medical

4010goods and services to eligible indigent recipients. See 42

4019U.S.C. § 1396(a) and 42 C.F.R. Parts 400, 430 - 455 ; see also §§

4033409.901(13) - (14), Fla. Stat.

40383 / Respondent operates its group home u nder AHCA Provider License

4050No. 230977 and APD Provider License No. 10 - 2619.

40604 / To become enrolled as a Medicaid provider for the

4071developmentally disabled in Florida, a provider applies with

4079Petitioner and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities ( " APD " ).

4090Upon approv al for enrollment in the Medicaid program, the

4100provider enters into the MPA with Petitioner.

41075 / MPI is the entity charged with ensuring the integrity of

4119Florida's Medicaid Program. Among other statutory duties, MPI

4127oversees the activities of Medicaid providers; conducts reviews,

4135investigations, and audits of Medicaid providers; and imposes

4143sanctions on Medicaid providers for Medicaid program violations.

41516 / Zero Tolerance training is required to be completed at least

4163once every three years. See Florida Medicaid Developmental

4171Disabilities Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook,

4178November 2010, Appendix A, section 2.1.

41847 / Delmarva is an organization under contract with APD to review

4196providers that render services to the developmen tally disabled

4205through the Development Disabilities Waiver Program.

42118 / The document purported to be the Delmarva inspection report

4222was unauthenticated and therefore c ould not be verified as being

4233a true and accurate copy of that report. Moreover, it is not

4245relevant to this proceeding because it would only address

4254documentation in Respondent ' s files on the date Delmarva

4264conducted its inspection ÏÏ not on the date Petiti oner conducted

4275its inspection.

42779 / See Florida Medicaid Development al Disabilities Waiver

4286Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook, November 2010, page

42941 - 24.


4300Rachic A. Wilson, Esquire

4304Agency for Health Care Administ ration

4310Mail Stop 3

43132727 Mahan Drive

4316Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4319Amarilys Gomez

4321Matanzas Group Home

43244801 Southwest 201st Terrace

4328Southwest Ranches, Florida 33332

4332Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

4337Agency for Health Care Administration

4342Mail Stop 3

43452727 Mahan Drive

4348Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4351Stuart Williams, General Counsel

4355Agency for Health Care Administration

4360Mail Stop 3

43632727 Mahan Drive

4366Tallahassee, Florida 32308

4369Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

4372Agency for Health Care Administration

4377Mail Stop 1

43802727 Mahan Dr ive

4384Tallahassee, Florida 32308


4395All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

440515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4416to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agenc y that

4428will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/04/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/04/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/04/2012
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Petitioner's exhibits, which were not admitted into evidence, to the agency.
Date: 12/03/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/03/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 24, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/03/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/23/2012
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/22/2012
Proceedings: Agency for Health Care Administration's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/12/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 10/11/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/24/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/21/2012
Proceedings: Agency for Health Care Adminstration's Notice of Filing Amended Exhibit List and Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/21/2012
Proceedings: Agency for Healthcare Administration's Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 07/24/2012
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 24, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes, FL).
Date: 06/25/2012
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 10, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes, FL).
Date: 06/22/2012
Proceedings: New Dates filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by June 22, 2012).
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 06/13/2012
Proceedings: Agency for Health Care Administration's Witness List filed.
Date: 06/11/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing)
Date: 06/11/2012
Proceedings: Agency for Health Care Administration's Notice of Filing Exhibits.
Date: 04/13/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/13/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 18 and 19, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/10/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/30/2012
Proceedings: Agency Action Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):