Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Hotels And Restaurants vs.
Valentinos Cucina Italiana
Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 25, 2012.
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 25, 2012.
24Petitioner, )
27vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1174
40Respondent. )
42______________________________ _ )
47Pursuant to notice, a final hear ing was held in this case
59on June 11, 2012 , by video teleconference with conn ecting sites
70in Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, Florida, befo re Errol H.
80Powell, an Administrative Law Judge of the Divi sion of
90Administrative Hearings.
93For Petit ioner: Charles F. Tunnicliff, Esquire
100Blair N. Bodenmiller , Qualified
105Department of Business and
109Professional Re gulation
11219 40 North Monroe Street, Suite 42
119Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202
124For Respondent: Giovanni Rocchio, pro se
130Valentinos Cucina Italiana
1331145 South Federal Highway
137Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
145The issue for determination is whether Respondent com mitted
154the offense s set forth in the Administrative Complaint dated
164June 2 7, 2011 , and, if so, what action should be taken.
179The Department of Business and Professional Regulation,
186Division of Hotels and Restaurants, hereinafter Department,
193issued an Administrative Compl aint ag ai nst Valentinos Cucina
203Italiana , hereinafter Restaurant , dated June 2 7, 2011 . The
213Depar tment char ged the Restaurant w ith a three - count
225A dministrative C omplaint : C ount 1 -- v iolating sect ion 509,
239Florida Statutes, through a violation of Food Code Rule
2483 - 302 .11(A)(1) in that (A) raw animal food was observed stored
261over rea dy - to - eat food (eggs, reach - in cooler) and (B) raw
277animal food was observed not properly separated from ready - to -
289eat food (beef, reach - in cooler); C ount 2 -- violating section 509
303through a violation of Food Code Rule 5 - 205.11 (A) in that (A)
317the hand wash sink was observed not accessible for employee use
328at all times (kitchen) and (B) the hand wash sink was observed
340used for purposes other than handwashing (kitchen); and C ount 3 -
352- violating section 509 through a violation of Food Code Rule 6 -
365301.12 in that (A) the hand wash sink was observe d lacking
377proper hand drying provisions (kitchen), (B) the handwashing
385cleanser was observed lacking at a hand washing lavatory
394(kitchen), and (C) no handwashing sign was provided at a
404handsink used by food employees (kitchen) . The Restaurant
413disputed the material allegations of fact an d requested a
423hearing. On March 3 0, 2012 , this matter was referred to the
435Division of Administrative Hearings.
439Prior to hearing, a s to C ount 3, the Department dismissed
451Counts 3(A) and (C) , thereby, Count 3(B) was remaining .
461Further, as to Count 3(B), the Department corrected the citation
471of the Food Code violation from a violation of Food Code Rule 6 -
485301.12 to a violation of Food Code Rule 6 - 301.11 and set forth
499the provision of the said correc ted citation . Moreover, at
510h earing, as to C ount 1, the D epartment dismissed Count 1(B),
523thereby, Count 1(A) was remaining; and as to C ount 2, the
535Department dismissed Count 2(B), thereby, Count 2(A) was
543remaining .
545At hearing, the Department presented the testimony of two
554witness es an d entered three exhibits (Petitioner ' s Exhi bits
566numbered 1 through 3 ) into evidence. Giovanni Rocchio testified
576on behalf of t he Restaurant . The undersigned took O fficia l
589R ecognition of s ection 509.032(6), Florida Statutes ; Florida
598Administrative Code Ru le s 61C - 1.001(14) and 61C - 1.005 ; and Fo od
613Code Rule s 3 - 302.11(A)(1), 5 - 205.11(A), and 6 - 301.12 .
627A t ranscript of the hearing was ordered . At the r equest of
641the parties , the time for filing post - hearing su bmissions was
653set for ten days following the filing of the transcript. The
664Transcript, consisting of one volume, was filed o n June 27,
6752012 . The Department timely filed its post - hearing submission .
687The Restaurant did not file a post - hearing submission. The
698Department ' s post - hearing submission has been c onsidered in the
711preparation of this Recommended Order.
7191. At a ll times mate rial hereto, the Restaurant was
730licensed as a public food service establishment in the State of
741Florida by the Department, having been issued license type 2010
751an d license number 1620035 .
7572. At a ll times mat erial hereto, the Restaurant was
768located at 1145 South Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale , Florida
77733316 .
7793. A critical violation in food service is considered to
789be a violation of the F ood C ode that, if not cor rected, will
804most likely cause and is directly related to food - borne illness ,
816food contamination, or environmental hazards .
8224. A non - critical violation in food service is considered
833to be a violation that is less likely to cause and will not
846directly cont ribute to food - borne illness or food contamination .
8585 . On October 27, 2010 , Lynden Lewis , a n inspector with
870the Department, c onducted a routine inspection of the
879Restaurant .
8816 . D uring the inspection, Inspector Lewis found
890violation s , which were considere d to be critical and non -
902critical violation s . Further , d uring the inspection,
911Inspector Lewis prepared a f ood inspection report , setting forth
921the alleged violation s a nd that the violations were required to
933be corrected by the next unannounced inspection . The inspection
943report was signed by Inspector Lewis and a representative of the
954Restaurant . Inspector Lewis made the representative aware of
963the alleged violation s and that the violations were required to
974be corrected by the next unannounced inspection , and he provided
984the representative with a copy of the inspection report.
9937 . On June 16, 2011, Inspector Lewis and Begum Khatoon, an
1005inspector with t he Department, conducted an unannounced routine
1014inspection of the Restaurant . Among other things, three
1023c ritical violations were not corrected from the routine
1032inspection of October 27, 2010. During the unannounced
1040inspection, Inspector Khatoon prepared a food inspection report,
1048setting forth, among other things, the alleged cr itical
1057violations. The unannou nced inspection repo rt was signed by
1067Inspector Khatoon and a representative of the Restaurant , and
1076Inspector Khatoon provided the representative with a copy of the
1086inspection report . Inspector Khatoon made the representative
1094aware of the alleged violation s and that an administrative
1104complaint would be recommended .
11098 . The most serious alleged critical violation , which had
1119been found on October 27, 2010 , and was not corrected by
1130June 16, 2011 , was raw animal food was stored over ready - to - eat
1145food -- raw eggs were being stored over yogurt -- in the reach - in
1160cooler . This violation is critical because the ready - to - eat
1173food (yogurt) has already been cooked and gone through the
1183process of pathogenic destruction and will no t go through that
1194process again; whereas, th e raw animal food (eggs) has not been
1206cooked and not gone through the process of pathogenic
1215destruction. C ross - c ontamination could occur from the raw
1226animal food by dripping onto or touching of the ready - to - eat
1240food , and any pathogens present on the ready - to - eat food, as a
1255result of the cross - contamination , would pass - on to consumers
1267when the ready - to - eat food is served . Mr. Rocchio ' s testimony
1283that eggs are stored on the bottom of the refrigerator (reach - in
1296cooler) is found to be credible; however, most importantly, the
1306evidence fails to show that, on the day of the inspection, eggs
1318were stored on the bottom of the refrigerator .
13279 . The next most serious alleged critical violation , which
1337had been found on October 27, 2010, and was not corrected by
1349June 16 , 2011, was the hand wash sink in the kitchen was not
1362accessible for employee use at all times . A garbage can was
1374placed in front of the hand wash sink in the kitchen, making the
1387sink inaccessible to employees at all times to wash their hands .
1399Even thoug h Mr. Rochhio testi fied, and his testimony is found to
1412be credible, that the garbage can was " not a large garbage c an, "
1425the evidence fails to show , most importantly, that the garbage
1435can did not cause the hand wash sink to be inaccessible to the
1448employees at all times. This violation is a critical violation
1458because the hands of employees become contaminated as employees
1467work and, if the handwash sink is not accessible , the employees
1478will be discouraged from washing their hands .
148610. The next most serious a lleged critical violation ,
1495which had been found on October 27, 2010, and was not corrected
1507by June 16, 2011, was ha ndwashing cleanser was lacking at the
1519hand washing lavatory in the kitchen . This violation is a
1530critical violation because hands are a vehic le of contamination ,
1540and the use of soap by employees , when washing their hands ,
1551removes bacteria and viruses that can contaminate the employees '
156511 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has
1573jurisdiction over the subject matte r of this proceeding and t he
1585parties thereto pursuant to s ections 120.569 and 1 20.57(1),
1595Florida Statutes (2012 ).
159912 . The Department has the burden of proof to show by
1611clear and convincin g evidence that the Restaurant committed the
1621offense s set forth in t he Administrative Complaint. Dep ' t of
1634Banking & Fin. , Div. of Sec . & Investor Prot . v. Osborne Stern &
1649Co . , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So.
16622d 292 (Fla. 1987).
166613 . Section 509.032, F lorida Statutes (2010 ), 1 provides in
1678pertinent part:
1680(1) GENERAL. -- The division [Division of
1687Hotels and Restaurants of the Department of
1694Business and Professional Regulation] shall
1699carry out all of the provisions of this
1707chapter and all other applicable laws and
1714rules relating to the inspection or
1720r egulation of public lodging establishments
1726and public food service establishments for
1732the purpose of safeguarding the publ ic
1739health, safety, and welfare . . . .
1751(a) The division has responsibility and
1757jurisdiction for all in spections required by
1764this chapter. The division has
1769respo nsibility for quality assurance . . . .
1778(b) For purposes of performing required
1784inspections and the enforcement of this
1790chapter, the division has the right of entry
1798and access to public lodging e stablishments
1805and public food service establishments at
1811any reasonable time.
1814(c) Public food service establishment
1819inspections shall be conducted to enforce
1825provisions of this part and to educate,
1832inform, and promote cooperation between the
1838division and the establishment.
1842(d) The division shall adopt and enforce
1849sanitation rules consistent with law to
1855ensure the protection of the public from
1862food - borne illness in those establishments
1869licensed under this chapter. These rules
1875shall provide the standards and requirements
1881for obtaining, storing, preparing,
1885processing, serving, or displaying food in
1891public food service establishments . . .
1898conducting necessary public food service
1903establishment inspections for compliance
1907with sanitation regulations . . . and
1914initiating enforcement actions, and for
1919other such responsibilities deemed necessary
1924by the division . . . .
1931* * *
1944division shall:
1946(a) Prescribe sanitary standards which
1951sha ll be enforced in public food service
1960* * *
1963(6) RULEMAKING AUTHORITY. -- The division
1969shall adopt such rules as are necessary to
1977carry out the provisions of this chapter.
198414 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 61C - 1.001 provides in
1995pe rtinent part:
1998Except when otherwise defined in this rule,
2005the definitions provided in paragraph
20101 - 201.10(B), Food Code, 2001 Recommendations
2017of the United States Public Health
2023Service/Food and Drug Administration; the
20282001 Food Code Errata Sheet (August 2 3,
20362002); and Supplement to the 2001 FDA Food
2044Code (August 29, 2003) shall apply to
2051Chapters 61C - 1, 61C - 3 and 61C - 4, F.A.C. In
2064addition, the following definitions apply to
2070Chapters 61C - 1, 61C - 3 and 61C - 4, F.A.C.:
2082* * *
2085(14) Food Code - This term is used in
2094Chapters 61C - 1, 61C - 3, and 61C - 4, F.A.C.,
2106means paragraph 1 - 201.10(B), Chapter 2,
2113Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6,
2121and Chapter 7 of the Food Code, 2001
2129Recommendations of the United States Public
2135Health Service/Food and Drug Administrat ion
2141including Annex 3: Public Health
2146Reasons/Administrative Guidelines; Annex 5:
2150HACCP Guidelines of the Food Code; the 2001
2158Food Code Errata Sheet (August 23, 2002);
2165and Supplement to the 2001 FDA Food Code
2173(August 29, 2003), herein adopted by
2179reference. A copy of the Food Code, as
2187adopted by the division, is available on the
2195division ' s Internet website
2200www.MyFloridaLicense.com/dbpr/hr. A copy of
2204the entire Food Code is available on the
2212U.S. Food and Drug Administration Internet
2218website. Printed copies of the entire Food
2225Code are available through the National
2231Technical Information Service, 5285 Port
2236Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
224115. Food Code Rule 3 - 302.11 provides in pertinent part:
2252(A) Food shall be protected from cross
2259contamination by:
2261(1) Separating raw animal foods during
2267storage, preparation, holding, and display
2273(a) Raw ready - to - eat food including other
2283raw animal food such as fish for sushi or
2292molluscan shellfish , or other raw ready - to -
2301eat food such as vegetables, and
2307(b) Cooke d ready - to - eat food . . . .
232016. The evidence is clear and convincing and demonstrates
2329that the Restaura nt violated r ule 3 - 302.11(A)(1) in that t he raw
2344animal food (the eggs) was stored over the ready - to - eat food
2358(the yogurt) . Furthermore, the evidence is clear and convincing
2368and de monstrates that the violation wa s a critical violation.
237917. Food Code Rule 5 - 205.11 provides in pertinent part:
2390(A) A handwashing facility shall be
2396maintained so that it is accessible at all
2404times for employee use.
240818 . The evidence is clear and convincing and demonstrates
2418that the Rest aurant violated r ule 5 - 205.11(A) in that a garbage
2432can blocked employees ' access to the handwashing sink in the
2443kitchen . Furthermore, the evidence is clear and convincing and
2453de monstrates that the violation wa s a critical violation.
246319 . Food Code Rule 6 - 301.11 provides :
2473Each handwashing lavatory or group of 2
2480adjacent lavatories shall be provided with a
2487supply of hand cleansing liquid, powder, or
2494bar soap.
249620 . The evidence is clear and convi ncing and demonstrates
2507that the Restaurant violated rule 6 - 301.11 in that no
2518handwashing cleanser (liquid, powder, or soap) was provided at
2527the handwash sink in the kitchen . Furthermore, the evidence is
2538clear and convincing and demonstrates that the viola tion was a
2549critical violation.
255121 . As to penalty, s ection 509.261 , Florida Statutes ,
2561provides in pertinent part:
2565(1) Any public lodging establishment or
2571public food service establishment that has
2577operated or is operating in violation of
2584this chapter or t he rules of the division,
2593operating without a license, or operating
2599with a suspended or revoked license may be
2607subject by the division to:
2612(a) Fines not to exceed $1,000 per offense;
2621(b) Mandatory attendance, at personal
2626expense, at an educational pro gram sponsored
2633by the Hospitality Education Program; and
2639(c) The suspension, revocation, or refusal
2645of a license issued pursuant to this
265322 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 61C - 1.005 provides in
2664pertinent part:
2666(1) This rule sets out the dis ciplinary
2674guidelines for imposing penalties upon
2679public lodging establishments and public
2684food service establishments under the
2689jurisdiction of the Division of Hotels and
2696Restaurants (division) in administrative
2700actions. The purpose of this rule is to
2708not ify licensees of the standard range of
2716penalties routinely imposed unless the
2721division finds it necessary to deviate from
2728the standard penalties for the reasons
2734stated within this rule.
2738* * *
2741(5) Definitions.
2743(a) " Critical violation " means a viola tion
2750determined by the division to pose a
2757significant threat to the public health,
2763safety, or welfare and which is identified
2770as a food borne illness risk factor, a
2778public health intervention, or critical in
2784DBPR Form HR - 5022 - 014 Lodging Inspection
2793Report or DBPR Form HR - 5022 - 015 Food Service
2804Inspection Report, incorporated by reference
2809in subsection 61C - 1.002(8), F.A.C., and not
2817otherwise identified in this rule.
2822* * *
2825(c) " First offense " means a violation of
2832any law subject to penalty under Chapte r
2840509, F.S., when no disciplinary Final Orders
2847involving the same licensee have been filed
2854with the Agency Clerk within the 24 months
2862preceding the date the current
2867administrative complaint is issued.
2871* * *
2874(6) Standard penalties. This section
2879spec ifies the penalties routinely imposed
2885against licensees and applies to all
2891violations of law subject to a penalty under
2899Chapter 509, F.S. Any violation requiring
2905an emergency suspension or closure, as
2911authorized by Chapter 509, F.S., shall be
2918assessed at the highest allowable fine
2925* * *
2928(b) Critical violation. Fines may be
2934imposed for each day or portion of a day
2943that the violation exists, beginning on the
2950date of the initial inspection and
2956continuing until the violation is corrected.
29621. 1st offense - Administrative fine of
2969$250 to $500.
2972* * *
2975(7) Aggravating or mitigating factors.
2980The division may deviate from the standard
2987penalties in paragraphs (a) through (h) of
2994subsection (6) above, based upon the
3000consideration of aggravating o r mitigating
3006factors present in a specific case. The
3013division shall consider the following
3018aggravating and mitigating factors in
3023determining the appropriate disciplinary
3027action to be imposed and in deviating from
3035the standard penalties:
3038(a) Aggravating factors.
30411. Possible danger to the public.
30472. Length of time since the violation
30553. Number of violations in the current
3062administrative complaint.
30644. Severity of violations in the current
3071administrative complaint.
30735. Disciplinary history of t he licensee
3080within the 60 months preceding the date the
3088current administrative complaint was issued.
30936. Number of Emergency Orders of Suspension
3100or Closure against the same licensee filed
3107with the Agency Clerk by the division within
3115the 12 months precedin g the date the current
3124administrative complaint was issued.
31287. The current administrative complaint
3133alleges a violation for obstruction of
3139division personnel.
31418. The licensee was prosecuted by another
3148authority having jurisdiction resulting in a
3154violatio n of Chapter 509, F.S., including
3161but not limited to cases based on
3168discrimination, civil rights violations, and
3173criminal violations.
31759. Actual physical damage or bodily harm
3182caused to persons or property by the
319010. Any other aggravating facto rs, as
3197relevant under the circumstances.
3201(b) Mitigating factors.
32041. Violation resulted from an act of God or
32142. Length of time since the violation
32223. Length of time the licensee has been in
32324. Effect of the penalty upon th e
3240licensee ' s livelihood.
32445. Attempts by the licensee to correct the
32536. Number of previous inspections without
3259violations of Chapter 509, F.S., and the
3266rules adopted pursuant thereto.
32707. Disciplinary history of the licensee
3276within the 60 month s preceding the date the
3285current administrative complaint was issued.
32908. Any other mitigating factors, as
3296relevant under the circumstances.
330023 . The Department suggests an administrative fine in the
3310amount of $250.00 per critical violation, totaling $750 .00. The
3320undersigned considers the suggested administrative fine
3326reasonable under the circumstances of this case.
3334Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of
3344Law, it is
3347RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and
3354Professi onal Regulation, Division of Hotels and Restaurants,
3362enter a fin al order :
33681. Finding t hat Valentinos Cucina Italiana violated
3376section 509, Florida S tatutes, through a violation of Food Code
3387Rule s 3 - 302.11(A)(1), 5 - 205.11(A), and 6 - 301.11 ; and
34002. I mposing an administr ative fine in the amount of
3411$ 75 0 .00 ag ainst Valentinos Cucina Italiana .
3421DONE AND ENTERED this 2 5 th day of July, 2012 , in
3433Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.
3442Administrative Law Judge
3445Division of Administrative Hearings
3449The DeSoto Building
34521230 Apalachee Parkway
3455Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060
3460(850) 488 - 9675
3464Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847
3471Filed with the Clerk of the
3477Division of Administrative Hearings
3481this 2 5 th day of July, 20 12 .
34921/ All future references to Flori da Statutes will be for 2010.
3506Charles F. Tunnicliff, Esquire
3510Blair N. Bodenmiller , Qualified Representative
3515Department of Business and
3519Professional Regulation
35211940 North Monroe Street , Su ite 42
3528Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202
3533Giovanni Rocchio
3535Valentinos Cucina Italiana
35381145 South Federal Highway
3542Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33316
3546William L. Veach , Director
3550Division of Hotels and Restaurants
3555Department of Business and
3559Professional Re gulation
3562Northwood Centre
35641940 North Monroe Street
3568Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792
3573J. Layne Smith , General Counsel
3578Department of Business and
3582Professional Regulation
3584Northwood Centre
35861940 North Monroe Street
3590Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792
3601All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within
361115 days from the date of this recommended order. Any exceptions
3622to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that
3633will issue the final order in this c ase.
- Date
- Proceedings
- Date: 07/25/2012
- Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
- Date: 06/27/2012
- Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
- Date: 06/11/2012
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
- Date: 05/11/2012
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits List (exhibits not available for viewing)
- Date: 05/10/2012
- Proceedings: Letter to Judge Powell from Charles Tunnicliff regarding exhibits filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 03/30/2012
- Date Assignment:
- 03/30/2012
- Last Docket Entry:
- 08/14/2012
- Location:
- Lauderdale Lakes, Florida
- District:
- Southern
- Agency:
Blair N. Bodenmiller
Address of Record -
Giovanni Rocchio
Address of Record -
Charles F. Tunnicliff, Esquire
Address of Record -
Blair N. Bodenmiller, Esquire
Address of Record