12-001264PL Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Real Estate vs. Sarah Elizabeth Hendrick
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, August 8, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respndent violated statutes by acting as a real estate sales associate for an entity that was not registered as her employer, and for assisting an unlicensed entity in selling real estate.







22Petitioner , )


25vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1264PL




38Respondent . )



44Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

55on June 20, 2012 , by video teleconference at sites in

65Tallahassee and Lakeland, Florida , before Thomas P. Crapps, a

74designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

82Administrative Hearings.


85For Petitioner: Megan Demartini, Esquire

90Paul Rendleman, Esquire

93Department of Business and

97Professional Regulation

99Suite 42

1011940 N orth Monroe Street

106Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202

111For Respondent: N o Appearance by

117Sarah Elizabeth Hendrick, pro se

122527 Ridges Drive

125Dundee, Florida 33838


132Whether Respondent violated sections 475.42(1 ) ( b) and (e),

142and 455.227(1 ) ( j), Florida Statutes (2011), as alleged in the

154Administrative Complaint; and , if so, the appropriate penalty. 1/


165On December 15, 201 1, Petitioner, Department of Business

174and Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate

181(Department), filed a two - count Administrative Complaint against

190Respondent , Sarah Elizabeth Hendrick (Ms. Hendrick). The

197Administrative Complaint charges Ms. Hendr ick with violating the

206following: section 475.42(1)(b), which prohibits a licensee

213from operating as a sales associate for an entity not registered

224as her employer; section 475.25(1)(e), which subjects a licensee

233to discipline for violating any provisions of chapter 475; and

243section 455.227(1)(j), which prohibits a licensee from aiding,

251assisting, procuring, employing , or advising any unlicensed

258person or entity to practice a profession contrary to

267chapter 455.

269On January 11, 2012, Ms. Hendrick disputed the material

278facts contained in the Administrative Complaint, and requested a

287formal hearing pursuant to chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

295On April 11, 2012, the Department sent Ms. HendricksÓs

304request for hearing to the Division of Administrative Hearings

313(D OAH). On April 12, 2012, an Initial Order was issued to the

326parties, and based on the joint response , a final hearing was

337set for June 20, 2012.

342The Department presented the testimony of Robert Howes

350(Mr. Howes) and introduced into evidence Exhibits 1 th rough 5.

361The Department requested official r ecognition of sections

369475.25(1)(e), 475.42(1)(b), and 455.227(1)(j), which was


376Ms. Hendrick failed to appear for the hearing. A review of

387the case docket showed that she failed to file a request for a

400continuance. Further, at the beginning of the hearing, the

409undersigned inquired of the Department's counsel and learned

417that Ms. Hendrick had not contacted the Department indicating

426that she would not be able to attend the hearing. Having found

438that pro per notice had been given, the undersigned inquired

448whether the Department wanted DOAH to relinquish jurisdiction or

457proceed with the hearing. The Department elected to present its

467case before the undersigned, and the hearing was held.

476The Department or dered a transcript of the proceedings ,

485which was filed with DOAH on July 6, 2012. The Department

496submitted a P roposed R ecommended O rder on July 16, 2012.

508Ms. Hendrick did not file a proposed recommended order.


5201. At all times releva nt, Ms. Hendrick held real estate

531sales associate license number 3239708 with the State of


5412. From February 24 to April 18, 2011, Ms. Hendrick was

552registered with the Department as a sales associate with Florida

562Home Choice Realty, LLC, which is a brokerage company located in

573Winter Haven, Flor ida, and holds license number

581CQ 1037790. The record shows that Ms. HendricksÓs license was

591inactive for t he time period of April 18 - 20, 2011. Her license

605was then activated for the time period of April 2 0, 2011 , until

618April 20, 2012. During the time period of April 20, 2011 to

630April 20, 2012, Ms. Hendrick was listed in the Department's

640records as a sales associate affiliated with EZ Choice,

649Incorporated, trading as EZ Choice Realty license number

657CQ 103 6523. Since April 20, 2012, Ms. HendricksÓs real estate

668sales associate license has been listed as inactive with the


6793. La Roca Realty International Corporation (La Roca

687Realty) is a corporation organized under the laws of the State

698of Flor ida , and listed with the State of Florida, Department of

710State. The Articles of Incorporation on file with Florida

719Department of State show that Ms. Hendrick incorporated La Roca

729Realty on October 27, 2010, listing herself as registered agent ,

739initial off icer , and director. On November 23, 2010,

748Ms. Hendrick filed an amendment to the Articles of

757Incorporation , removing herself as initial officer and director,

765and placing ownership of the stock in Mr. Harry Hunt and

776Ms. Louise Allen.

7794. A Certificate of Non - Licensure, dated May 10, 2012,

790shows "no evidence that La Roca Realty ever had a current or

802active license as a r eal e state brokerage in the State of

815Florida , in accordance with c hapter 475, Florida Statutes." As

825such, it is clear that at all times p ertinent to this case, La

839Roca Realty did not hold a brokerage license.

8475. In late March 2010, Mr. Howes, a real estate investor

858from Canada , sought to invest in Florida. Mr. Howes was seeking

869to purchase between 10 and 15 homes in the Orlando, Florida ,

880area. Mr. Howes holds a real estate license in Canada; thus, he

892is familiar with purchasing and investing in real estate.

9016. Mr. Howes contacted a Florida b ank located in

911Kissimmee , to discuss his potential investment. During the

919meeting, the bank loan officer informed Mr. Howes that he had a

931friend who was a realtor and could help him . The loan officer

944introduce d Mr. Howes to Ms. Hendrick on March 30, 2011.

9557. During the initial meeting, Ms. Hendrick provided

963Mr. Howes with a business card , which sho w ed Ms. Hendrick as a

"977Realtor" for "La Roca Realty . " Further, Ms. Hendrick informed

987Mr. Howes that she could be his realtor, and she beg a n to

1001forward potential investment properties to Mr. Howes for

1009consideration. Further, Ms. Hendrick showed Mr. Howes specific

1017properties which she stated were for sale .

10258. Mr. Howes became suspicious about Ms. Hendrick because

1034when he asked the name of the seller of the homes, Ms. Hendrick

1047stated that all title checks would list "owner of record."

1057Furthermore, Ms. Hend rick informed Mr. Howe that he should make

1068any escrow deposit check for the purchase of the homes payable

1079to La Roca Realty. Based on his prior real estate experience,

1090Mr. Howe knew that escrow deposit checks were made payable to

1101the listing agent, not th e buyer's real estate agent.


11149. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject

1123matter of this cause, pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida

1132Statutes (2012).

113410. Petitioner is the state governmental agency charged

1142with the licen sing and regulation of real estate brokers and

1153sales associates, pursuant to section 20.165 and chapters 120,

1162455, and 475, Florida Statutes.

116711. This is a disciplinary proceeding against Respondent's

1175license. Accordingly, Petitioner must prove the all egations in

1184the Administrative Complaint by clear and convincing evidence.

1192Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. & Inv . Prot. v. Osborne

1206Stern, Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932, 935 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v.

1217Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 (Fla. 1987).

122512. Clear and c onvincing evidence requires the evidence to

1235be credible; the facts to which the witnesses testify to be

1246distinctly remembered; and the testimony to be precise and

1255lacking in confusion as to the facts in issue. The evidence

1266must be of such a weight that it produces in the mind of the

1280trier of fact a firm belief or conviction, without hesitancy, as

1291to the truth of the allegations sought to be established. In re

1303Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994) (quoting Slomowitz v.

1314Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4t h DCA 1983) ) . Moreover, in

1329disciplinary proceedings, the statutes and rules for which a

1338violation is alleged must be strictly construed in favor of

1348Respondent. Elmariah v. Dep't of Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 574 So. 2d

1360164 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990).

136513. The Agency first charged Ms. Hendrick with violating

1374sections 475.42(1)(b) and 475.25(1)(e). Section 475.42(1)(b)

1380provides that "[a] person licensed as a sales associate may not

1391operate as a broker or operate as a sales associate for any

1403person not registered as her or his employer." Further,

1412section 475.25(1)(e) makes it a disciplinary offense to violate

1421any of the provisions of chapter 475.

142814. The issue presented here is whether Ms. Hendrick

1437operated as a sales associate. It is undisputed that

1446Ms. Hendrick ho lds a sales associate license, and that La Roca

1458Realty was not registered as her employer. Section

1466475.01(1)(j) , defines a "sales associate" as:

1472a person who performs any act specified in

1480the definition of "broker," but who performs

1487such act under the dir ection, control, or

1495management of another person. A sales

1501associate renders a professional service and

1507is a professional within the meaning of

1514s. 95.11(4)(a).

151615. The term "broker" is fully defined in section

1525475.01(1)(a). 2/ In pertinent part, the def inition provides that

1535a " broker " is a person who , for payment , agrees to negotiate the

1547sale or purchase of any real property, or who holds out to the

1560public by any oral or printed solicitation that she is engaged

1571in the business of selling real property of others, or who

1582assists in the procuring of prospects or the negotiation or

1592closing of any real property transaction.

159816. Here, the facts show that Ms. Hendrick informed

1607Mr. Howes that she was a realtor and would assist him in

1619identifying real propert y for him to purchase. In addition to

1630the oral statements to Mr. Howes, Ms. Hendrick provided Mr. Howe

1641with a business card showing her as a realtor for La Roca

1653Realty. Mr. Howes understood Ms. Hendrick to be his realtor and

1664that he would pay her for her work . Finally, the record showed

1677by clear and convincing evidence that Ms. Hendrick offered to

1687negotiate and help Mr. Howes purchase real estate properties for

1697his business, and directed Mr. Howes to make escrow deposit

1707checks payable to La Roca Realty. Based on the foregoing facts,

1718the Department showed by clear and convincing evidence that

1727Ms. Hendrick violated sections 475.42(1)(b) and 475.25(1)(e).

173417. Count Two of the Administrative Complaint charges

1742Ms. Hendrick with violating section 455.227(1) (j), Florida

1750Statutes, which prohibits a person from "aiding, assisting,

1758procuring, employing , or advising any unlicensed person or

1766entity to practice a profession contrary to chapter 455."

177518. The Department showed by clear and convincing evidence

1784that Ms. Hendrick assisted La Roca Realty by acting as a realtor

1796for the corporation, even though La Roca Realty was not licensed

1807in the State of Florida. Ms. Hendrick, who incorporated La Roca

1818Realty, knew or should have known that it was not licensed as a

1831b roker in the State of Florida. Additionally, the facts showed

1842that Ms. Hendrick requested that escrow deposit checks be made

1852payable to La Roca Realty and held h erself out as a "realtor"

1865for La Roca Realty. At the time she was requesting the escrow

1877check s and showing Mr. Howes properties, the record shows that

1888La Roca Realty was not a licensed entity. Therefore, the

1898Department proved by clear and convincing evidence that

1906Ms. Hendrick violated section 455.227(1)(j), Florida Statutes.

191319. Florida Admin istrative Code Rule 61J2 - 24.001 sets

1923forth a range of disciplinary guidelines from which to impose

1933disciplinary penalties. The recommended range for a first

1941violation of section s 475.42(1)(b) and 475.25(1)(e) is an

1950administrative fine from $250.00 to $1,0 00.00 , and suspension to

1961revocation. Further, because Ms. Hendrick is guilty of

1969violating section 455.227(1)(j), the disciplinary range set out

1977for 475.25(1)(e), which covers a violation of any rule or order

1988or provision under chapters 475 and 455, is als o applicable.

1999The rule allows for proof of mitigating and aggravating

2008circumstances that allow for deviation from the guidelines. No

2017facts were brought forward to show that a deviation f rom the

2029guidelines is appropriate.

203220. Based on the evidence, the undersigned finds that the

2042guidelines are appropriate in recommending the discipline for

2050the two counts. The undersigned recommends $1,000.00 ,

2058administrative fine for Count I, a $1,000.00 , administrative

2067fine for Count II, and a five - year suspension of M s. HendricksÓs

2081real estate license.


2085Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2095Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order

2106finding th at :

21101. Ms. Hendrick violated section s 475.42(1)(b) and

2118475. 25 (1)(e) , as alleged in Count I of the Administrative

2129Complaint, and fining her $1,000.00;

21352. Ms. Hendrick violated section 455.227(1)(j) , as alleged

2143in Count II of the Administrative Complaint, and fining her

2153$1,000.00 ; and

21563. Suspending her real estate license for a period of five


2168DONE AND ENT ERED this 8 t h day of August , 2012 , in

2181Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2189Administrative Law Judge

2192Division of Administrative Hearings

2196The DeSoto Building

21991230 Apala chee Parkway

2203Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2208(850) 488 - 9675

2212Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2219Filed with the Clerk of the

2225Division of Administrative Hearings

2229this 8 t h day of August , 2012 .


22391/ Unless otherwise indicated, all refere nces to the Florida

2249Statutes are to the 201 1 version.

22562/ Section 475.01 (1)(a) provides :

2262(a) ÐBrokerÑ means a person who, for

2269another, and for a compensation or valuable

2276consideration directly or indirectly paid or

2282promised, expressly or impliedly, or wi th an

2290intent to collect or receive a compensation

2297or valuable consideration therefor e ,

2302appraises, auctions, sells, exchanges, buys,

2307rents, or offers, attempts or agrees to

2314appraise, auction, or negotiate the sale,

2320exchange, purchase, or rental of business

2326enterprises or business opportunities or any

2332real property or any interest in or

2339concerning the same, including mineral

2344rights or leases, or who advertises or holds

2352out to the public by any oral or printed

2361solicitation or representation that she or

2367he is e ngaged in the business of appraising,

2376auctioning, buying, selling, exchanging,

2380leasing, or renting business enterprises or

2386business opportunities or real property of

2392others or interests therein, including

2397mineral rights, or who takes any part in the

2406procur ing of sellers, purchasers, lessors,

2412or lessees of business enterprises or

2418business opportunities or the real property

2424of another, or leases, or interest therein,

2431including mineral rights, or who directs or

2438assists in the procuring of prospects or in

2446the n egotiation or closing of any

2453transaction which does, or is calculated to,

2460result in a sale, exchange, or leasing

2467thereof, and who receives, expects, or is

2474promised any compensation or valuable

2479consideration, directly or indirectly

2483therefor e ; and all person s who advertise

2491rental property information or lists. A

2497broker renders a professional service and is

2504a professional within the meaning of s.

251195.11 (4 ) ( a). Where the term ÐappraiseÑ or

2521ÐappraisingÑ appears in the definition of

2527the term Ðbroker,Ñ it specifically excludes

2534those appraisal services which must be

2540performed only by a state - licensed or state -

2550certified appr aiser, and those appraisal

2556services which may be performed by a

2563registered trainee appraiser as defined in

2569part II. The term ÐbrokerÑ also includes

2576any person who is a general partner,

2583officer, or director of a partnership or

2590corporation which acts as a b roker. The

2598term ÐbrokerÑ also includes any person or

2605entity who undertakes to list or sell one or

2614more timeshare periods per year in one or

2622more timeshare plans on behalf of any number

2630of persons, except as provided in ss.

2637475.011 and 721.20 .


2644Megan Demartini, Esquire

2647Department of Business and

2651Professional Regulation

2653Suite 42

26551940 North Monroe Street

2659Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2662Sarah Hendrick

2664517 Ridges Drive

2667Dundee, Florida 33838

2670J. Layne Smith, Ge neral Counsel

2676Department of Business and

2680Professional Regulation

26821940 North Monroe Street

2686Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2689Juana Watkins, Director

2692Department of Business and

2696Professional Regulation

2698Division of Real Estate

2702400 West Robinson Street, Suite N801

2708Orlando, Florida 32801


2717All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

272715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2738to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency t hat

2750will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/22/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/19/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 20, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/08/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/16/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/06/2012
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/28/2012
Proceedings: Certification of Oath filed.
Date: 06/20/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's List of Statutes for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits (exhibits attached) filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 06/15/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 06/01/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Allow Witness to Testify by Telephone filed.
Date: 04/17/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/17/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 20, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Lakeland and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/16/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/12/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 04/11/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lakeland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):