12-001560MPI Agency For Health Care Administration vs. New Life Assisted Living, Inc., D/B/A New Life Assisted Living Facility
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, November 14, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner demonstrated that Respondent failed to comply with the provisions of the Medicaid laws. This violation was Respondent's first offense. Respondent presented mitigating factors. Recommend fine and corrective action plan.






16Petitioner, )


19vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1560 MPI






43Respondent. )

45___________________________ _____)


49Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

60on July 30, 2012 , by video teleconferenc e with connecting sites

71in West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, Florida, before Errol H.

81Powell, an Administrative Law Judge of the Di vision of

91Administrative Hearings.


94For Petitioner: Jeffries H. Duvall , Esquire

100Agency for Health Care Administration

105Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

1122727 Mahan Drive

115Ta llahassee, Florida 32308

119For Re sponden t: J. Garry Rooney, Esquire

127Rooney & Rooney, P.A.

131Second Floor, Suite 20

1352145 - 14th Avenue

139Vero Beach , Florida 32960 - 4414


150The issue for determination i s whether Respondent committed

159the offense set forth in Petitioner's letter of agency action

169dated March 9, 2012, and, if so, what action should be taken.


183By agency action letter dated March 9, 2012 , the Agency for

194Health Care Administration, hereinafter AHCA, notified New Life

202Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New Life Assisted Living Facility ,

211hereinafter N ew Life , that , in accordance with section 409.913,

221Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative C ode Ru le 59G -

2329. 070 , AHCA was imposing a fine against Ne w Life in the amount

246of $7,000.00 for violating r ule 59G - 9.070(7)(e) , in that New

259Life violated federal and state laws, including the failure to

269maintain a current Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, a nd

279Certification of Medical Necessity for consumers E . H . , I . M . ,

293J . S . , K . L . , M . B . , R . F . , and R . J. New Life challenged AHCA's

317action and requested a hearing. On April 2 7, 2012 , this matter

329was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

337At hearing , AHCA presented the testimony of two witness es ,

347including the owner/ administrator of New Life, and entered ten

357exhibit s (Petitioner's Exhibit s numbered 1 through 3, 4A, 4B,

3684C, 4D , 4E, 4F, and 4G ) into evid ence. New Life presented no

382witnesses and entere d one exhibit (Respondent's Exhibit numbered

3911) into evidence. Additionally, the undersigned took Official

399Recognition of chapter 409, Florida Statutes; Florida

406Ad ministrative Code c hapter 59G ; Florida Medicaid Assistive Care

416Services Coverage an d Limitat ions Handbook, July 2009; and

426Florida Medicaid Provider General Handbook, January 2007 and

434July 2008 .

437A t ranscript of the hearing was ordered. At the request of

449the parties, the time for filing post - hearing submissions was

460set for more than ten days follo wing the filing of the

472transcript . The t ranscript, consisting of one volume, was filed

483on August 1 4, 2012. A n extension of time to file pos t - hearing

499submissions was granted. The parties timely filed their post -

509hearing submissions, which were considered in the preparation of

518this Recommended Order.


5241. At all times material hereto, New Life was issued

534individual Medicaid provider number 140680900.

5392 . A t all times material hereto, New Life was enrolled as

552an assisted l iving facility .

5583 . At all tim es material hereto, New Life had a valid

571Medicaid Provider Agreement with AHCA (Agreement).

5774. Under the Agreement, New Life was authorized to provide

587assistive living services to Medicaid recipients.

5935 . The Florida Medicaid Assistive Care Serv ices Coverage

603and Limit ations Handbook, effective July 2009 , hereinafter

611Handbook, provides , among other things, requirements of Medicaid

619home health services providers and sets forth pertinent Medicaid

628policies and service requirements . The Handbook is p rovided to

639each Medicaid provider upon enrollment into the Medicaid program

648and is available online. Each provider is expected and presumed

658to be familiar with the Handbook .

6656 . The Handbook was incorporated by reference in to r ule

67759G - 4.0 25 , Assistive Car e Services .

6867 . No dispute exists that, at all times material hereto,

697New Life was an assistive care services provider as defined by

708the Handbook.

7108 . The Handbook provides in pertinent part:

718Recipients receiving Assistive Care Services

723must have a complet e assessment at least

731annually . . . or sooner if a significant

740change in the recipient's condition occurs

746. . . . An annual assessment must be

755completed no more than one year plus fifteen

763days after the last assessment. An

769assessment triggered by a sig nificant change

776must be completed no more than fifteen days

784after the significant change.

788The assessment for a resident of a ALF . . .

799must be completed by a physician or other

807licensed practitioner of the healing arts

813(Physician Assistant, Advanced Regis tered

818Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse) acting

823within the scope of practice under state

830law, physician assistant or advanced

835registered practitioner.

837* * *

840Th e assessment for ALF [assisted living

847facility] residents must be recorded on the

854Resid ent Health Assessment for Assisted

860Living Facilities, AHCA Form 1823.

865* * *

868Along with the annual assessment

873requirement, all recipients receiving ACS

878[Assistive Care S ervice s ] must have an

887updated Certification of Medical Necessity

892for Medicaid Assi stive Care Services, AHCA -

900Med Serv Form 035, July 2009 , signed by a

909physician or other licensed practitioner of

915the healing arts (Physician Assistant,

920Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner,

924Registered Nurse ) and the Resident Service

931Plan for Assistive Car e Services, AHCA - Med

940Serv Form 036 , July 2009, completed and

947available in the recipient's case file at

954the facility.

956* * *

959Every ACS recipient must have a service plan

967completed by the ACS service provider. The

974Resident Service Plan for Assistive Ca re

981Services, AHCA - Med Serv Form 036, July 2009,

990shall be us ed for each recipient receiving

998ACS . The form must be included in the

1007recipient's case file at the facility. The

1014ALF , RTF [residential medical facility] and

1020AFCH [adult family care home] are

1026resp onsible for ensuring the service plan is

1034developed and implemented.

1037* * *

1040The Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care

1047Services (AHCA - Med Serv Form 036) must be

1056completed within 15 days after the initial

1063health assessment or annual assessment, be

1069in writing and based on information

1075contained in the health assessment. . . .

1083* * *

1086A new service plan is required on an annual

1095basis or sooner if a significant change in

1103the recipient's condition occurs. The new

1109service plan must be completed no more than

111715 days after the annual assessment or an

1125assessment because of a significant change

1131in the recipient's condition.

1135* * *

1138In addition to records required by the

1145applicable licensure standards, ACS records

1150that must be kept include:

1155Copies of all eligibility documents;

1160Health Ass essment Forms, AHCA Form 1823

1167. . .;

1170Certification of Medical Necessity for

1175Medicaid Assistive Care Services, AHCA - Med

1182Serv Form 035;

1185The Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care

1192Services, AHCA - Med Serv Form 036; and

1200The Resident Service Log, AHCA - Med Serv Form


1210This documentation must be maintained at the

1217facility, kept for at least five years, and

1225be made available to the Agency for Health

1233Care Administration monitoring or surveyor

1238staff or its designated repres entative, upon

1245request. . . .

1249* * *

1252ACS documentation may be in electronic

1258format. The original, signed . . .

1265documents must be kept in the recipient's

1272case file in the facility . . . for audit,

1282monitoring and quality assurance

1286purposes. . . .

1290Han dbook at P 2 - 7 through 2 - 11.

13019 . AHCA's investigator performed a sit e visit at New Life

1313on December 8, 2011. The investigator reviewed case files of

1323residents for the service - period covering January 1, 2011,

1333through November 30, 2011 (service - p eriod) .

134210 . AHCA's investigator found deficiencies in the case

1351files of seven residents at New Life : M . B . ; R . F . ; E . H . ; R . J . ;

1375I . M . ; K . L . ; and J . S. Additional document s , not contained in the

1394case files during the site visit, were provided subsequent to

1404the site vis it.

140811 . Regarding Resident M . B . , the Health Assessment and the

1421Resident Service Plan were dated August 17, 2010 , which was

1431after the s ervice - p eriod; and the Certification of Medical

1443Necessity was dated March 28, 2012, which was not within the

1454s ervice - p eri od and after the site visit.

146512 . The evidence demonstrates that the case file of

1475Resident M . B . lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service

1486Plan, and Certification of Med ical Necessity for the service -


149813 . As to Resident R . F . , the Health Assessm ent was dated

1513January 1, 2011 , which was with in the service - period but not up -

1528to - date ; the Resident Service Plan was up - to - date; and the

1543Certification of Medi cal Necessity was dated March 1 , 2012,

1553which was not within the service - period and after the site


156614 . The evidence demonstrates that the case file of

1576Resident R . F . lacked the Heal th Assessment and Certification of

1589Medical Necessity for the se rvice - period .

159815 . Regarding Resident E . H . , the Health Assessment was

1610dated January 24, 2011, and was up - to - date ; the Resident Service

1624Plan was not provided ; and the Certification of Medical

1633Ne cessity was dated September 27, 2002 , with no more recent

1644Certificat ion of Medical Necessity .

165016 . The evidence demonstrates t hat the case file of

1661Resident E . H . lacked the Resident Service Plan and Certification

1673of Medical Necessity for the se rvice - period .

168317. As to Resident R . J . , the parties stipulated that the

1696Health Assessment was up - to - date; the Resident Service Pla n was

1710not provided ; and the Certification of M edic al Necessity was

1721dated February 29 , 2012, which was not within the service - period

1733and after the site visit.

173818 . The evidence demonstrates t hat the case file of

1749Resident R . J . lacked the Resident Service Plan and Certification

1761of Medical Necessity for the s e rvice - period .

177219. Regarding Resident I . M . , the Health Assessment and the

1784Re sident Service Plan were up - to - date ; and the Certification of

1798Medi cal Necessity was dated March 1 , 2012, which was not within

1810the service - plan and after the site visit.

18192 0 . The evidence demonstrates t hat the case file of

1831Resident I . M . lacked the Certification of Medical Necessity for

1843the se rvice - period .

184921. As to Resident K . L . , the Health Assessmen t was dated

1863March 1, 2012, which was not within the service - period and after

1876the s ite visit ; the Resident Service Plan was not provided ; and

1888the Certification of Medical Necessity was provided, but the

1897date as to the year was unintelligible e ven though the month and

1910day were intelligible, i.e., March 1 .

19172 2. The evidence demonstrates t h at the case file of

1929Resident K . L . lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service

1940Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the serv ice -

1951period .

195323. Regarding Resident J . S . , the Health Assessment was

1964dated August 22, 2009, which was not within the se rvice - period;

1977the Resident Service Pla n was not provided ; and the

1987Certification of M edical Necessity was dated February 29 , 2012,

1997which was not within the service - period and was after the site


201124 . The evidence demonstrates t hat the case file of

2022Res ident J . S . lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service

2034Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the ser vice

2044period .

204625. The Director and owner of New Life is Ethel Newton.

2057Ms. Newton has been the Director and owner for the past 13

2069years. S he was not familiar with the Health Assessment form ,

2080the Resident Service Plan form, or the Certification of Medical

2090Necessity form. Ms. Newton advised AHCA's investigator that she

2099was not familiar with the forms and admitted same at the


211126. Ms. N ewton historically depended upon the assistance

2120of the Dep artment of Children and Family Services (DCF) to

2131complete any required forms. She depended upon DCF until 2005

2141when DCF closed its local office which had been assisting her .

2153After DCF closed its l ocal office , Ms. Newton dep ended upon the

2166residents' case managers at New Horizons , an agency where the

2176residents' physicians are located , to complete any required

2184forms . Five of the seven residents had case managers at New

2196Horizons; J.S. and E.H. did not have case managers at New

2207Horizons. E.H. is no longer a resident at New Life.

221727. Ms. Newton is willing to cooperate with AHCA and do

2228whatever it takes to have the required forms completed timely

2238and correctly .

224128. The evidence does not demonstrate tha t Ms. Newton

2251intentionally failed to complete the required forms.

225829 . None of the seven residents w ere harmed as a result of

2272the deficiencies in the documentation .

227830 . No evidence was presented demonstrating that New Life

2288has any prior administrative san ction or penalty.

229631. No evidence was presented demonstrating that New Life

2305has any prior violations .


231332 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2321jurisdiction over the subject matter of this proceeding and the

2331parties thereto pursu ant to sections 120.569 and 1 20.57(1),

2341Florida Statutes (2012 ).

234533 . No dispute exists that AHCA is responsible for

2355administering the Medicaid program in Florida.

236134 . AHCA is required to "operate a program to oversee the

2373activities of Florida Medicaid rec ipients, and providers and

2382their representatives, to ensure that fraudulent and abusive

2390behavior and neglect of recipients occur to the minimum extent

2400possible, and to recover overpayments and impose sanctions as

2409appropriate." § 409.9 13, Fla. Stat. (2009 ) . 1

241935. Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 4.025 , titled

2428Assistive Care Services, provides:

2432(1) This rule applies to all assistive care

2440service providers enrolled in Medicaid under

2446Section 409.906, F.S., who pr ovide assistive

2453care services.

2455(2) All as sistive care service providers

2462enrolled in Medicaid program must be in

2469compliance with the Florida Medicaid

2474Assistive Care Services Coverage and

2479Limitations Handbook, July 2009 which is

2485incorporated by reference, and the Florida

2491Medicaid Provider Reimburse ment Handbook,

2496CMS - 1500, which is incorporated by reference

2504in Rule 59G - 4.001, F.A.C. Both handbooks

2512are available from the Medicaid fiscal

2518agent's Web Portal at http://mymedicaid -

2524florida.com . Click on Public Information

2530for Providers, then on Provider S upport, and

2538then on Provider Handbooks. Paper copies of

2545the handbooks may be obtained by calling the

2553Provider Contact Center at (800) 28 9 - 7799

2562and selecting Option 7.

2566(3) The following forms that are included

2573in the Florida Medicaid Assistive Care

2579Servi ces Coverage and Limitations Handbook

2585are incorporated by reference:

2589(a) Appendix B contains the Certification

2595of Medical Necessity for Medicaid Assistive

2601Care Services, AHCA - Med Serv Form 035, July

26102009, one page. The form is available from

2618the Medicai d fiscal agent's Web Portal at

2626http://mymedicaid - florida.com . Click on

2632Public Information for Providers, then on

2638Provider Support, and then on Forms or by

2646phot ocopying it from the handbook.

2652(b) Appendix C contains the Resident

2658Service Plan for Assistive Care Services,

2664AHCA - Med Serv Form 036, July 2009, three

2673pages. The form is available from the

2680Medicaid fiscal agent's Web Portal at

2686http://mymedicaid - florida.com . Click on

2692Public Information for Providers, then on

2698Provider Support, and then on Forms or by

2706phot ocopying it from the handbook.

2712(c) Appendix D contains the Resident

2718Service Log for Medicaid Assistive Care

2724Services, AHCA - Med Serv Form 037, July 2009,

2733one page. The form is available from the

2741Medicaid fiscal agent's Web Portal at

2747http://mymedic aid - florida.com . Click on

2754Public Information for Providers, then on

2760Provider Support, and then on Forms or by

2768photocopying it from the handbook.

277336 . Section 409.913 , Florida Statutes , provides in

2781pertinent part:

2783(1) For the purposes of this section, th e


2793* * *

2796(c) "Fraud" means an intentional deception

2802or misrepresentation made by a person with

2809the knowledge that the deception results in

2816unauthorized benefit to herself or himself

2822or another person. The term includes any

2829act that constitute s fraud under applicable

2836federal or state law.

2840(d) "Medical necessity" or "medically

2845necessary" means any goods or services

2851necessary to palliate the effects of a

2858terminal condition, or to prevent, diagnose,

2864correct, cure, alleviate, or preclude

2869deterior ation of a condition that threatens

2876life, causes pain or suffering, or results

2883in illness or infirmity, which goods or

2890services are provided in accordance with

2896generally accepted standards of medical

2901practice. For purposes of determining

2906Medicaid reimburs ement, the agency is the

2913final arbiter of medical necessity.

2918Determinations of medical necessity must be

2924made by a licensed physician employed by or

2932under contract with the agency and must be

2940based upon information available at the time

2947the goods or servic es are provided.

2954(e) "Overpayment" includes any amount that

2960is not authorized to be paid by the Medicaid

2969program whether paid as a result of

2976inaccurate or improper cost reporting,

2981improper claiming, unacceptable practices,

2985fraud, abuse, or mistake.

2989* * *

2992(2) The agency shall conduct, or cause to

3000be conducted by contract or otherwise,

3006reviews, investigations, analyses, audits,

3010or any combination thereof, to determine

3016possible fraud, abuse, overpayment, or

3021recipient neglect in the Medicaid program

3027a nd shall report the findings of any

3035overpayments i n audit reports as

3041appropriate. . . Medical necessity

3046determination requires that service be

3051consistent with symptoms or confirmed

3056diagnosis of illness or injury under

3062treatment and not in excess of the pat ient's

3071needs. . . .

3075* * *

3078(7) When presenting a claim for payment

3085under the Medicaid program, a provider has

3092an affirmative duty to supervise the

3098provision of, and be responsible for, goods

3105and services claimed to have been provided,

3112to supervise an d be responsible for

3119preparation and submission of the claim, and

3126to present a claim that is true and accurate

3135and that is for goods and services that:

3143(a) Have actually been furnished to the

3150recipient by the provider prior to

3156submitting the claim.

3159(b) Are Medicaid - covered goods or service s

3168that are medically necessary.

3172* * *

3175(e) Are provided in accord with applicable

3182provisions of all Medicaid rules,

3187regulations, handbooks, and policies and in

3193accordance with federal, state, and local


3200(f) Are documented by records made at the

3208time the goods or services were provided,

3215demonstrating the medical necessity for the

3221goods or services rendered. Medicaid goods

3227or services are excessive or not medically

3234necessary unless both the medical basis and

3241the specific need for them are fully and

3249properly documented in the recipient's

3254medical record.

3256The agency shall deny payment or require

3263repayment for goods or services that are not

3271presented as req uired in this subsection.

3278* * *

3281(9) A Medicaid pro vider shall retain

3288medical, professional, financial, and

3292business records pertaining to services and

3298goods furnished to a Medicaid recipient and

3305billed to Medicaid for a period of 5 years

3314after the date of furnishing such services

3321or goods. The agency may investigate,

3327review, or analyze such records, which must

3334be made available during normal business

3340hours. . . The provider is responsible for

3348furnishing to the agency, and keeping the

3355agency informed of the location of, the

3362provider's Medicaid - related reco rds. The

3369authority of the agency to obtain Medicaid -

3377related records from a provider is neither

3384curtailed nor limited during a period of

3391litigation between the agency and the


3398* * *

3401(15) The agency shall seek a remedy

3408provided by law, includ ing, but not limited

3416to, any remedy provided in subsections (13)

3423and (16) and s. 812.035, if:

3429* * *

3432(e) The provider is not in compliance with

3440provisions of Medicaid provider publications

3445that have been adopted by reference as rules

3453in the Florida A dministrative Code; with

3460provisions of state or federal laws, rules,

3467or regulations; with provisions of the

3473provider agreement between the agency and

3479the provider; or with certifications found

3485on claim forms or on transmittal forms for

3493electronically submi tted claims that are

3499submitted by the provider or authorized

3505representative, as such provisions apply to

3511the Medicaid program;

3514* * *

3517A provider is subject to sanctions for

3524violations of this subsection as the result

3531of actions or inactions of the pro vider, or

3540actions or inactions of any principal,

3546officer, director, agent, managing employee,

3551or affiliated person of the provider, or any

3559partner or shareholder having an ownership

3565interest in the provider equal to 5 percent

3573or greater, in which the provi der

3580participated or acquiesced.

3583(16) The agency shall impose any of the

3591following sanctions or disincentives on a

3597provider or a person for any of the acts

3606described in subsection (15):

3610* * *

3613(c) Imposition of a fine of up to $ 5,000

3624for each viola tion. . . .

3631* * *

3634(i) Corrective - action plans that would

3641remain in effect for providers for up to 3

3650years and that would be monitored by the

3658agency every 6 months while in effect.

3665* * *

3668The Secretary of Health Care Administration

3674may make a de termination that imposition of

3682a sanction or disincentive is not in the

3690best interest of the Medicaid program, in

3697which case a sanction or disincentive shall

3704not be imposed.

3707(17) In determining the appropriate

3712administrative sanction to be applied, or

3718th e duration of any suspension or

3725termination, th e agency shall consider:

3731(a) The seriousness and extent of the

3738violation or violations.

3741(b) Any prior history of violations by the

3749provider relating to the delivery of health

3756care programs which resulted i n either a

3764criminal conviction or in administrat ive

3770sanction or penalty.

3773(c) Evidence of continued violation within

3779the provider's management control of

3784Medicaid statutes, rules, regulations, or

3789policies after written notification to the

3795provider of impr oper practice or ins tance of


3805(d) The effect, if any, on the quality of

3814medical care provided to Medicaid recipients

3820as a result of t he acts of the provider.

3830(e) Any action by a licensing agency

3837respecting the provider in any state in

3844which t he provider o perates or has operated.

3853(f) The apparent impact on access by

3860recipients to Medicaid services if the

3866provider is suspended or terminated, in th e

3874best judgment of the agency.

3879The agency shall document the basis for all

3887sanctioning actions an d recommendations.

38923 7 . The parties agree that the ultimate burden of proof is

3905on AHCA to e stablish by a preponderance of the evidence that New

3918Life committed the violations . Southpointe Pharmacy v. Dep't of

3928HRS , 596 So. 2d 106, 109 (Fla. 1st DCA 1992); S. Medical Serv . ,

3942Inc. v. A g. For Health Care Admin. , 653 So. 2d 440, 441 (Fla. 3d

3957DCA 1995).

395938. The evidence demonstrates that New Life failed to have

3969in the files of Resident M . B . , Resident K.L. , and Resident J.S.

3983a Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, and Certification of

3992Medical Necessity for the service - period as required by the


400439. The evidence demonstrates that New Life failed to have

4014in Resident R . F . 's file a Health Assessment and Certification of

4028Medical Necessity for the service - period as required by the


404040. The evidence demonstrates that New Life failed to have

4050in its file of Resident E . H . and Resident R.J. a Resident

4064Service Plan and Certification of Medical Necessity for the

4073service - period as required by the Handbook .

408241. The evidence demonstrates that New Life failed to have

4092in Resident I.M.'s file a Certification of Medical Necessity for

4102the service - period as required by the Handbook.

411142. Hence, the evidence demonstrates that New Life failed

4120to comply with the Med icaid laws.

412743 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G - 9.070 provides in

4138pertinent part:

4140(1) PURPOSE: This rule provides notice of

4147administrative sanctions imposed upon a

4152provider, entity, or person for each

4158violation of any Medicaid - related law.

4165* * *


4170* * *

4173(d) A "corrective action plan" is an

4180activity to address the specific areas of

4187non - compliance determined by the Agency, to

4195reduce the risk of future non - compliance.

4203* * *

4206(f) "Fine" is a monetary sanction. The

4213amou nt of a fine shall be as set forth

4223within this rule.

4226* * *

4229(h) "Offense" means the occurrence of one

4236or more violations as set forth in a final

4245audit report. For purposes of the

4251progressive nature of sanctions under this

4257rule, offenses are characte rized as "first",

"4264second", "third", or "subsequent" offenses;

4269subsequent offenses are any occu rrences

4275after a third offense.

4279(i) "Patient Record" means the patient's

4285medical record, including all documentation

4290maintained by the provider, entity, or

4296pers on to document furnishing, ordering, or

4303authorizing goods or services, and includes

4309the documentation in multiple files if the

4316practitioner maintains separate files for

4321different types of documentation.

4325(j) "Patient Record Request" means a

4331request by the Agency for Medicaid - related

4339documentation or information. Such requests

4344are not limited to Agency audits to

4351determine overpayments or violations and are

4357not limited to enrolled Medicaid providers.

4363Each requesting document constitutes a

4368single Patient Re cord Request.

4373* * *

4376(n) "Sanction" shall be any monetary or

4383non - monetary disincentive imposed pursuant

4389to this rule; a monetary sanction may be

4397referred to as a "fine."

4402* * *

4405(q) "Violation" means any omission or act

4412performed by a provider, entity, or person

4419that is contrary to Medicaid laws, the laws

4427that govern the provider's profession, or

4433the Medicaid provider agreement.

4437* * *

4440(7) SANCTIONS: In addition to the

4446recoupment of the overpayment, if any, the

4453Agency will impose sanction s as outlined in

4461this subsection. Except when the Secretary

4467of the Agency determines not to impose a

4475sanction, pursuant to Section

4479409.913(16)(j), F.S., sanctions shall be

4484imposed as follows:

4487* * *

4490(e) For failure to comply with the

4497provisions of t he Medicaid laws: For a first

4506offense, $ 1,000 fine per claim found to be

4516in violation. For a second offense, $ 2,500

4525fine per claim found to be in violation.

4533For a third or subsequent offense, $ 5,000

4542fine per claim found to be in violation.

4550[Section 409.913(15)(e), F.S.] . . . .

455744 . AHCA suggests the sanction of a fine in the amount of

4570$1,000.00 for each Resident for which a violation was found ,

4581totaling $7,000.00 .

458545. Under the particular circumstances of the instant

4593case, AHCA's suggested sanctio n is too harsh. For several

4603years, New Life's owner and administrator, Ms. Newton , has

4612depended upon other agencies to know what forms were required to

4623be complete and to complete the required forms . Her dependency

4634upon the other agencies , regarding the required forms , was to

4644the extent that, if forms were not completed, she did not

4655consider the forms as being required. Additionally, New Life

4664has had no prior violations under Ms. Newton's 13 - year ownership

4676and administration . Further, Ms. Newton is will ing to do

4687whatever she needs to do to comply with the Medicaid laws and to

4700comply with AHCA's directives. Moreover, no harm to the

4709Residents occurred.

471146. A corrective action plan would be more appropriate for

4721the particular ci rcumstances of the instant case and beneficial

4731to New Life and the Medicaid program.

473847. Further, AHCA's Secretary has the authority not to

4747impose the sanction provided in r ule 59G - 9.070 (7)(e).

475848. A more appropriate sanction under the particular

4766circumstances of the instant case is a fine in the amount of

4778$250.00 per Resident, totaling $1,750.00.


4785Based on the foregoing Finding s of Fact and Conclusions of

4796Law, it is

4799RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration

4807enter a final order :

48121. Finding that New Life Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New

4822Life Assisted Living Facility, violated Florida Administrative

4829Code Rule 59G - 9.070(7)(e) by failing to have in the case files

4842of Resident M.B., Resident K.L., and Resident J.S. a Health

4852Assessment, Resident Service Pl an, and Certification of Medi cal

4862Necessity for the service - period covering January 1, 2011,

4872through November 30, 2011; by failing to have in the case file

4884of Res ident R.F. a Health Assessment and Certification of

4894Medical Necessity for the service - period co vering January 1,

49052011 , through November 30, 2011; by failing to have in the case

4917file of Resident E.H. and Resident R.J. a Resident Service Plan

4928and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service - period

4938covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2 011; and by

4949failing to have in Resident I.M.'s case file a Certification of

4960Medical Necessity for the service - period covering January 1,

49702011, through November 30, 2011 ;

49752. Requiring New Life Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New

4984Life Assisted Living Facility to enter into a corrective action

4994plan; and

49963. Imposing a fine against New Life Assisted Living, Inc.,

5006d/b/a New Life Assist ed Living Facility in the amount of


5019DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of November , 2012 , in

5029Tallahassee, Leon County, Flo rida.



5038Administrative Law Judge

5041Division of Administrative Hearings

5045The DeSoto Building

50481230 Apalachee Parkway

5051Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5056(850) 488 - 9675

5060Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5067Filed with the Clerk of the

5073Div ision of Administrative Hearings

5078this 14th day of November , 2012 .


50861 / Unless otherwise provided, all citati ons t o Florida Statutes

5098are 2009. Section 409.913 was last amended in 2009.


5109Jeffries H. Duvall, Esquire

5113Agency for H ealth Care Administration

5119Fort Knox Building III, Mail Station 3

51262727 Mahan Drive

5129Tallahassee, Florida 32308

5132J. Garry Rooney, Esquire

5136Rooney & Rooney, P.A.

5140Second Floor, Suite 20

51442145 - 14th Avenue

5148Vero Beach, Florida 32960 - 4414

5154Elizabeth Dudek, Secret ary

5158Agency for Health Care Administration

51632727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

5169Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

5174Stuart F. Williams , General Counsel

5179Agency for Health Care Administration

51842727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

5190Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403

5195R ichard J. S hoop, Agency Clerk

5202Agency for Health Care Administration

52072727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

5213Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 5403


5224All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

523415 days from the date of this rec ommended order. Any exceptions

5246to this recommended order should be filed with the agency that

5257will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/04/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/04/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/14/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/14/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 30, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/14/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/25/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/25/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/25/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Receipt of Transcript filed.
Date: 09/14/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time for Proposed Recommended Orders.
Date: 09/10/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Request for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 09/10/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Order filed.
Date: 08/16/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 08/14/2012
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/30/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/25/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Order Regarding Request for Judicial [SIC] Notice filed.
Date: 07/25/2012
Proceedings: Order Regarding Request for Judicial [SIC] Notice.
Date: 07/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Providing (Proposed) Exhibits to Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 07/23/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Serving Witness & (Proposed) Exhibit Lists filed.
Date: 07/19/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's (Proposed) Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/19/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 07/12/2012
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 30, 2012; 1:00 p.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Changing Time of Hearing).
Date: 07/12/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Change of Time of Hearing.
Date: 07/11/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Change Time of Hearing filed.
Date: 05/04/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/04/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 30, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; West Palm Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/02/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/30/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/27/2012
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 04/27/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Petition for Formal Hearing before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 04/27/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
West Palm Beach, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):