12-001837 Sun And Earth Citrus, Llc vs. Florida Department Of Citrus
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, August 30, 2012.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Department's recommendation of denial of Petitioner's application is justified.





15Petitioner , )


18vs. ) Case No. 12 - 1837




32Respondent . )



38Pursuant t o notice to all parties, the final hearing was

49conducted in this case on July 25, 2012, in Bartow, Florida,

60before Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of the

69Division of Administrative Hearings.


74For Petitioner: Paulino Vazquez - Plasencia

80Sun and Earth Citrus, LLC

859732 Southwest 133rd Place

89Miami, Florida 33186

92For Respondent: Joseph P. Mawhinney, Esquire

98Reed and Mawhinney, P.L.

1021828 South Florida Avenue

106Lakeland, Florida 33803


114The issue in this case is whether the licensure application

124filed by Petitioner, Sun and Earth Citrus, LLC ("Sun and

135Earth") , for licensure as a citrus fruit dealer should be denied

147or approved by the Florida Citrus Commission (the "Commission").


160Sun and Earth filed an application with Respondent, Florida

169Department of Citrus (the "Department"), on March 6, 2012. The

180Department reviewed the application and notified Sun and Earth

189by letter dated May 3, 2012, that it would recommend denial of

201the application to the Commission. Sun and Earth timely filed

211an administrative challenge to the Department's decision to

219recommend denial. At the final hearing held in this matter, Sun

230and Earth called two witnesses: Paulino Vazquez - Plasencia

239("Vazquez"), owner of Sun and Earth; and Guillermo "William"

250Vazquez (referred to herein as William). Sun and Earth did not

261offer any exhibits into evidence. The Department called three

270witnesses: Vazquez; Kaye Parkins; and Alice Wiggins.

277Respondent o ffered seven exhibits into evidence, each of which

287was admitted.

289The parties ordered a transcript of the final hearing;

298proposed recommended orders were due ten days after filing of

308the transcript at the Division of Administrative Hearings

316(" DOAH ") . The transcript was filed at DOAH on August 1 , 2012 ;

330Respondent submitted a proposed recommended order , and it was

339duly considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.

348Sun and Earth did not submit a proposed recommended order.


3621. Su n and Earth is a Florida limited liability company

373formed for the purpose of buying and selling citrus products.

383Vazquez is the sole owner of Sun and Earth and serves as its

396p resident. The company was formed in January 2012.

4052. Vazquez formed the compan y partly in response to a

416series of events concerning his brother, William. A discussion

425of those facts is pertinent to the underlying facts in this

436case: William operated businesses named Zumoval Citrus Packer

444and Zumoval Trucking and Cold Storage. Wil liam obtained a

454license to operate a packinghouse after seeing other dealers

463acting in a way he believed to be illegal. He renewed the

475license each year for two years, but when he attempted to renew

487the third year, his application was denied. At the C omm ission

499meeting where William's renewal application was considered,

506Vazquez appeared on William's behalf because William could not

515adequately articulate his position. The meeting did not go well

525for William; Vazquez had to calm William down and keep him fr om

538yelling at the commissioners during the meeting. The meeting

547date was January 18, 2012.

5523. After the meeting at which William's license renewal

561was denied, Vazquez announced to Department employees that

569because his brother could not be licensed, Vazqu ez would seek

580his own license. Inasmuch as Vazquez had appeared on William's

590behalf , and they were siblings, the Department had some concern

600that Vazquez's application was a subterfuge and simply an

609attempt to allow William to operate using Vazquez's lice nse.

6194. On March 2, 2012, Vazquez filed an application with the

630Department; it was received on March 6 , 2012 . The application ,

641as filed , said the proposed business would include operation of

651a packinghouse, being a fruit broker, operating a roadside

660st and, and being a wholesaler. The application contained

669information about Sun and Earth , as well as its owner, Vazquez.

680An application fee of $25.00 and a cashier's check in the amount

692of $1,000.00 for a bond were included with the application.

7035. Upon i ts initial review of the application, the

713Department noticed several errors and omissions. Ms. Wiggins, a

722license and regulation specialist for the Department, contacted

730Vazquez via telephone on March 6, 2012, to discuss her findings

741concerning the applic ation content. She told Vazquez that a

751substantially larger bond was required for a license that

760included a packinghouse. She also noted that if the proposed

770roadside stand was purchasing fruit directly from a grower, then

780it must also have a bond. If t he fruit was being purchased from

794a packinghouse, no bond would be required. Ms. Wiggins asked

804Vazquez to identify the packinghouse(s) from whom he intended to

814purchase fruit. The purpose of her request was to verify that

825fruit was being purchased from a packinghouse , rather than from

835a grower.

8376. Vazquez sent Ms. Wiggins an email the very next day

848confirming the telephone discussion. Vazquez, in response,

855asked that the packinghouse designation be removed from his

864application. He also stated that ac cording to everything

873discussed during their telephone conversation, it was his

881contention that the application was complete. He then

889questioned why his brother's company -- which had recently been

899denied renewal of its license -- was pertinent to his applica tion

911for a citrus dealer license. Vazquez asked when his application

921would be considered by the Commission.

9277. Ms. Wiggins replied to the Vazquez email via an email

938dated March 8, 2012. The email noted that Ms. Wiggins had

949removed the packinghouse reque st from the application. It also

959addressed the need for different reference letters relating to

968Sun and Earth. Then the email set out five enumerated issues

979that still needed to be addressed, to wit:

9871) An explanation as to how he operated

995Zumoval Citrus , LLC , without a wholesaler

1001license from 2009 to 2011.

10062) How Zumoval Citrus, LLC , continued doing

1013business in 2011 , when it became inactive

1020in September 2010.

10233) An explanation of his probation or parole

1031from New York State relating to a

1038conviction for st olen property.

10434) A list of the packinghouses from which he

1052would be purchasing fruit.

10565) An address for the roadside stand.

10638. Ms. Wiggins also advised Vazquez in her email that the

1074Department could not grant a conditional approval of the

1083application in that there were "unusual or questionable

1091circumstances" surrounding the filing of the application. That

1099is, the relationship between Vazquez and William caused some

1108concern for the Department. Ms. Wiggins reminded Vazquez that

1117the $1,000.00 bond submitte d with the application would not be

1129sufficient if Sun and Earth planned to purchase fruit from

1139growers. She then advised Vazquez that if he would submit all

1150the missing information at least five days prior to the

1160Commission meeting scheduled for March 21, 2012, the application

1169would be presented for review.

11749. Vazquez responded via email dated March 13, 2012. He

1184provided responses to the five enumerated issues set forth in

1194Ms. Wiggins' email as follows:

11991) He explained that neither of his

1206companies conti nued to do business after

1213they were declared inactive in September

12192010. He explained that he had another

1226business entity that was operating, but

1232neither of the questioned businesses was

1238in operation.

12402) Included in above response.

12453) Vazquez had presente d evidence of his

1253conviction in the application; he did not

1260believe anything further was required.

1265He was upset that Ms. Wiggins apparently

1272had information from his other prior

1278transgressions (more on this below) and

1284wanted to know what information she ha d


12934) Vazquez refused to provide names of the

1301packinghouses with whom he planned to do

1308business. He stated that the inquiry was

1315outside of Ms. Wiggins' "scope of

1321duties , " and he did not have to comply

1329with her request.

13325) He asked that the roadside s tand

1340designation be removed from the


134610. Vazquez's email then became somewhat belligerent and

1354argumentative. He concluded with a demand that his application

1363be presented to the Commission on March 21 , 2012 .

137311. The reason Ms. Wiggins had ask ed Vazquez for a list of

1386the packinghouses he planned to do business with was two - fold:

1398First, Vazquez had indicated he planned to have a roadside

1408stand. If the stand was going to get its fruit from a grower,

1421then a larger bond would be required. If the fruit was to come

1434from packinghouses, then there would be no bond requirement.

1443Ms. Wiggins attempted to ascertain whether Vazquez was planning

1452to obtain fruit from packinghouses. Second, due to Vazquez

1461first indicating he would operate a packinghouse an d then

1471removing that designation, Ms. Wiggins wanted to make sure he

1481was being honest and truthful in his responses. Citrus dealers

1491by and large police themselves, so it is important that the

1502Department know they can trust entities to which they issue

1512lic enses. By striking the roadside stand item from his

1522application, Vazquez still did not alleviate the basis for

1531Ms. Wiggins' questions about packinghouses.

153612. The Department decided that because of the

1544questionable and unusual circumstances surrounding V azquez's

1551application, it would not issue a conditional license. Rather,

1560it would process the application and send it on to the

1571Commission for review and approval or denial.

157813. After further review, the Department ultimately

1585decided that it would recommen d denial of the Sun and Earth

1597application when it was forwarded to the Commission. Vazquez

1606was notified of the decision by way of a letter dated May 3,

16192012, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. The

1628letter advised Vazquez that he could chall enge the decision in

1639an administrative hearing. Vazquez chose to do so, thereby

1648staying any further action on the application until a final

1658order could be issued in the instant proceeding.

166614. The basis of the Department's decision was that the

1676Sun and Ea rth application had misrepresented Vazquez's

1684circumstances with respect to his work history, residence , and

1693criminal background. Further, Vazquez had been reluctant to

1701respond to requests for information after reasonable inquiry by

1710the Department.

171215. As to Vazquez's reported work history as set forth in

1723the application, Vazquez had initially provided a work history

1732summary in response to question 18. The response indicated

1741employment from March 2007 until January 2011 with Associated

1750Produce in Bronx, Ne w York. In fact, Vazquez was incarcerated

1761in New York for most of that time period. An amended response

1773to question 18 was submitted; it did not list Associated Produce

1784as a former employer. Vazquez explained the erroneous

1792information thusly: The dates of employment were taken directly

1801from his resume. His resume was attached to the application

1811only to show his employment duties, not as evidence of the dates

1823he actually worked. It was simply a mistake, said Vazquez, not

1834an attempt to mislead the Depar tment. Vazquez's testimony in

1844this regard was self - serving and not credible.

185316. As to his history of residence in the state, the

1864application said Vazquez had lived at the same address in

1874Florida for the past five years. In truth, Vazquez was in

1885prison in New York and did not move to Florida until 2009.

1897Again, Vazquez said that was simply a mistake and was not meant

1909to mislead the Department. Again, the testimony provided by

1918Vazquez as to this issue was not credible.

192617. The issues concerning Vazquez's criminal history are

1934more complex. Question 10 in the application asks for

1943information concerning investigations, charges, arrests or

1949convictions "in the last 10 years." Vazquez provided

1957information concerning an arrest in October 2010 for carrying a

1967co ncealed weapon. He also provided the Order acquitting him of

1978the charge. The arrest report references probation for a

1987conviction of possession of stolen property in New York. The

1997Department, during its background check of Vazquez, found that

2006he was on p arole. Vazquez was asked to clarify the probation

2018versus parole discrepancy. He explained that between the arrest

2027and acquittal, his parole officer had submitted a violation of

2037parole, but that was lifted after his acquittal.

204518. The Department's concern about Vazquez's relationship

2052with his brother was founded on the fact that Vazquez

2062represented William before the Commission just prior to the

2071filing of the Sun and Earth application. That representation

2080preceded Vazquez's remark to a Department employee that if his

2090brother could not have a license, he would seek one himself.

2101The statement put the Department on notice that the brothers may

2112be trying to circumvent William's loss of his license.

212119. At final hearing, it was evident the brothers had no

2132such intent. In fact, William was not cooperative with

2141Vazquez's efforts to obtain a license that would, in effect,

2151compete with William's business.

215520. The Department also raised a concern about the letters

2165of reference received in support of the Sun and E arth

2176application. Normally, the Department would forward Letter of

2184Reference forms to businesses , and they would be returned

2193directly to the Department. In this case, Vazquez took the

2203letters to business owners himself. There is nothing inherently

2212impro per about doing this, but it caused some concern to the

2224Department in a case where red flags had already been raised.

223521. Ms. Wiggins had never had an applicant refuse to

2245answer questions during the application process. When Vazquez

2253raised his "scope of w ork" objections, Ms. Wiggins was taken

2264aback. Vazquez, an admitted novice in the citrus business,

2273basically told the Department how to do its job.

228222. Faced with this very unique situation, Ms. Wiggins

2291then asked her supervisor to become involved in the a pplication

2302review so that it would be done completely in accordance with

2313Department rules. After the March 13, 2012, email from Vazquez,

2323it was decided that the Department legal counsel should also be

2334involved. T he Department was justifiably concerned ab out the

2344propriety of the Sun and Earth application. Citrus dealers are

2354generally self - governing , and the Department began to have

2364concern s that Vazquez could not be trusted. That, in and of

2376itself, was sufficient basis for the recommendation of denial of

2386Vazquez's application.

238823. Vazquez admitted to being less than forthright with

2397the Department on his application. He withheld information that

2406he believed the Department could easily obtain on its own. He

2417refused to answer questions that he did not beli eve were

2428relevant. He would not cooperate with inquiries made into

2437issues about his past. He disagreed that his affiliation with

2447his brother's company was relevant, so he stonewalled all

2456inquiries about that issue. All in all, Vazquez -- the applicant

2467for a license -- refused to provide information and assistance to

2478the entity which was reviewing his application. While he may

2488have had his personal reasons for his actions, what he did was

2500not conducive to obtaining approval from the Department. Thus,

2509his ap plication was given a recommendation for denial.


252124. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2528jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

2539proceeding pursuant to sections 120.57 and 120.569, Florida

2547Statutes (2012) . 1/

255125. Petitioner has the burden of proof in this matter as

2562it is asserting the affirmative of the issue, i.e., that its

2573application as a citrus dealer should be approved. See Balino

2583v. Dep't of HRS , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

259526. The Depart ment's review of Sun and Earth's application

2605was conducted in accordance with subsections 601.57(1), (4)

2613and (5), Fla. Stat. Those statutory provisions require the

2622Department to thoroughly examine the applicants, including , but

2630not limited to , their finan cial history, their past and current

2641history of industry - related activities, and their reputation in

2651the industry. Little was known of Vazquez prior to the filing

2662of his application under the name Sun and Earth. The

2672Department , therefore , correctly inves tigated and examined all

2680the information available to them concerning Vazquez.

268727. Section 601.67(1) discusses the kinds of actions by a

2697licensee which can be used by the Department to sanction the

2708license of a citrus dealer. The list of prohibited or suspect

2719activities is also reasonably relied upon by the Department when

2729determining whether to issue a license to an applicant.

2738Included in that list is fraud, misrepresentation or concealment

2747of information. Vazquez's improper responses to Ms. Wiggins'

2755requests for information clearly involved some misrepresentation

2762or concealment of information.

276628. The Department's recommendation of denial of the Sun

2775and Earth application was based on its legitimate concerns about

2785Vazquez and his corporate entity. S un and Earth did not meet

2797its burden of proving that the Department's recommendation was


280729. It should be noted that Vazquez attempted at final

2817hearing to introduce evidence as to possible conflicts of

2826interest by Commission members, saying tha t the members should

2836not be making a decision on his application because he would be

2848competing with their own companies. That argument is premature;

2857the issue in this proceeding is simply whether the Department's

2867recommendation of denial to the Commission was justified. Once

2876the Commission takes action on the licensure application,

2884Vazquez's argument concerning their conflict of interest may be

2893ripe for consideration.


2897Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2907Law, it is REC OMMENDED that a final order be entered by the

2920Department of Citrus /Florida Citrus Commission, denying Sun and

2929Earth 's application.

2932DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of August, 2012 , in

2942Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2950Administrative Law Judge

2953Division of Administrative Hearings

2957The DeSoto Building

29601230 Apalachee Parkway

2963Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2968(850) 488 - 9675

2972Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2979Filed with the Clerk of the

2985Division of Administrative Hearings

2989this 30th day of August , 2012 .


29971/ Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, all references to

3006Florida Statutes are to the 201 2 codification.


3016Douglas Ackerman, Executive Director

3020Department of Citr us

3024605 East Main Street

3028Post Office Box 9010

3032Bartow, Florida 33831 - 9010

3037Joseph P. Mawhinney, Esquire

3041Reed and Mawhinney, P.L.

30451828 South Florida Avenue

3049Lakeland, Florida 33803

3052Paulino Vazquez - Plasencia

3056Sun and Earth Citrus, LLC

30619732 Southwest 133rd Pla ce

3066Miami, Florida 33186


3075All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

308515 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3096to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3107will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/01/2012
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 25, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/30/2012
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/13/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/01/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I-II (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/25/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/16/2012
Proceedings: Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/25/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/25/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 25 and 26, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Bartow, FL).
Date: 05/25/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/18/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/18/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 05/18/2012
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/18/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bartow, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):