12-002593TTS Glades County School Board vs. Alice Gardner
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 11, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: School Board did not prove just cause to discipline teacher; it did not introduce evidence showing that alleged misconduct in office impaired the teacher's effectiveness.





14Petitioner , )


17vs. ) Case No. 12 - 2593TTS




29Respondent . )



35Pursuant to notice, a final hearing was held on November 14,

462012, in Moore Haven, Florida , before Thomas P. Crapps, a

56designated Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

64Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


68For Petitioner: Robert C. Shearman, Esquire

74Henderson, Franklin, Starnes

77and Holt, P.A.

801715 Monroe Street

83Ft. Myers, Florida 33901

87For Respondent: Mark Herdman, Esquire

92Herdman and Sakellarides

95Suite 110

9729605 U.S. Highway 19 , North

102Clearwater, Florida 33761


109Whether Petitioner established Ðjust causeÑ to discipline

116Respondent as a teacher.


122On August 3, 2012, Petitioner, Glades County School Board

131(School Board), transmitted the request by Respondent, Alice

139Gardner (Ms. Gardner) , to DOAH for an administrative hearing.

148The undersigned was assigned the case, and set a hearing for

159September 24, 2012. The School Board filed a moti on for

170continuance which the undersigned granted. The u ndersigned reset

179the case for final hearing on November 14, 2012.

188At the November 14, 2012, hearing, the School Board

197presented the testimony of C.H., Wayne Aldrich ( Superintendent

206Aldrich), Debra Dav is (Principal Davis), Tina Wills (Ms. Wills),

216and Ms. Gardner. The parties introduced into evidence joint

225Exhibits numbered 2, 5 through 9, 12 through 22 , and 24. The

237School Board introduced into evidence Exhibits 1, 3, 4 , and 10,

248over objection. Ms. Ga rdner did not present any witnesses.

258On December 3, 2012, a one - volume Transcript was filed with

270DOAH. The parties timely submitted proposed recommended orders

278on December 13, 2012, which have been considered in the

288preparation of this Recommended Order .


2981. Since 2004, Ms. Gardner has been employed by the Glades

309County School District as a teacher. During the 2009 - 2010 school

321year, she taught language arts to middle school students at West

332Glades School. During the relevant time perio d, Ms. Gardner

342worked under a professional service contract. A teacher's

350professional service contract automatically renews each year, and

358the contract can be terminated only by a showing of Ðjust causeÑ

370or by performance deficiencies outlined in section 1012.34,

378Florida Statues.

3802. On April 16, 2010, Ms. Gardner was teaching language

390arts to seventh grade students. The students were supposed to be

401working on the language arts assignment. However, as Ms. Gardner

411walked around the class, she found some s tudents working on their

423math homework. Frustrated by students doing math homework during

432her language arts class, Ms. Gardner confiscated the students'

441math work. In one instance, Ms. Gardner tore a student's math

452homework in half. One of the students who se math work

463Ms. Gardner confiscated was C.H. C.H. was generally described as

473a "good student." Ms. Gardner placed C.H.'s math workbook on a

484table near Gardner's desk at the front of the room, and

495redirected C.H. to the language arts assignment.

5023. At some point in the class, C.H. walked up to the front

515of the classroom and removed her math workbook from the table

526without Ms. Gardner's permission. As C.H. turned to walk back

536with her book, Ms. Gardner forcefully grabbed C.H.'s arm from

546behind. C .H. credibly testified that Ms. Gardner "grabbed my arm

557and turned me around and pushed me, and my books fell." C.H.

569started crying, and walked out of the classroom. As C.H. was

580leaving the classroom, Ms. Gardner told C.H. to return to her

591desk. C.H. st ated that she was crying because she was "shocked."

6034. C.H. walked to the School's office , which is in the same

615hallway as Ms. Gardner's class. When she arrived at the office,

626C.H. was crying and visibly upset. The school guidance counselor

636took C.H. to speak with Principal Davis. Principal Davis found

646C.H. to be "distraught, crying, [and] shaking." Principal Davis

655spoke with C.H. to determine why the student was upset. C.H.

666informed Principal Davis that Ms. Gardner had become angry with

676C.H., and t hat Ms. Gardner had snatched C.H.'s books, grabbed her

688arm and pushed her. Based on the seriousness of the allegation,

699Principal Davis decided to immediately investigate C.H.'s claims

707by obtaining statements from C.H.'s classmates.

7135. After the language arts class, the next class for C.H.

724and her classmates was math taught by Ms. Wills. Before the math

736class began, Ms. Gardner came to Ms. Wills' class and gave her

748C.H.'s workbook and other students' papers. Ms. Gardner informed

757Ms. Wills that several o f the students had been doing math

769homework when the students should have been doing their language

779arts work. Ms. Wills credibly testified that Ms. Gardner was

"789really upset" with students doing their math homework in her

799class, and appeared agitated.

8036. Shortly after Ms. Wills' class began, Principal Davis

812came to speak with the students. Principal Davis released

821Ms. Wills to take an early lunch, and then asked the students to

834write down anything "bothersome" that has happened in

842Ms. Gardner's class during the prior period. A majority of the

853students provided written statements that , in essence ,

860corroborated C.H.'s story.

8637. After reviewing the students' statements, Principal

870Davis decided she needed to investigate further. Principal Davis

879met w ith Ms. Gardner and advised her about C.H.'s allegation that

891Ms. Gardner had inappropriately touched C.H. Because the

899investigation could result in discipline, Ms. Gardner decided to

908have a union representative present when she gave her statement.

918Furthe r, Principal Davis informed Ms. Gardner that Ms. Gardner

928should go home until the investigation was completed.

9368. On April 21, 2010, Ms. Gardner gave her statement to

947Principal Davis. Ms. Gardner admitted to confiscating C.H.'s

955math notebook and calcul ator. Ms. Gardner indicated that later

965in the class C.H. walked across the room and retrieved her math

977notebook without permission. Ms. Gardner stated that she merely

"986touched" C.H.'s arm to redirect the student, and to put the math

998notebook back on the table. C.H. dropped the math notebook, and

1009left the class. According to Ms. Gardner's interview, she did

1019not forcefully grab C.H.'s arm.

10249. Ms. Gardner's testimony that she merely "touched" C.H.'s

1033arm was consistent with the interview given to Princi pal Davis.

1044The undersigned finds Ms. Gardner's characterization that she

1052only "touched" C.H.'s arm without force not to be credible.

1062Ms. Gardner's testimony concerning the events was often evasive

1071on key points. For example, when asked if she recalled that C.H.

1083was crying when leaving the classroom, Ms. Gardner indicated that

1093she did not. Yet, in her deposition, taken just a week earlier,

1105she testified that C.H. was crying when she left the classroom.

1116Similarly, Ms. Gardner was evasive concerning ques tions about

1125whether or not she acted in frustration or her understanding that

1136the change in her contract status was the result of her touching

1148C.H. As a result of Ms. Gardner's evasiveness, the undersigned

1158found her credibility damaged.

116210. C.H. did not receive any physical injury from the

1172incident on April 16, 2010.

117711. After completing her investigation on April 21, 2010,

1186Principal Davis provided Wayne Aldrich, s uperintendent for Glades

1195County School Board, with the following recommendation:

1202As a res ult of a battery allegation by a

1212student against Ms. Gardner, I have conducted

1219a thorough investigation and found the

1225allegation to be substantial. Ms. Gardner

1231has been suspended with pay since the

1238incident occurred on Friday, April 16. As a

1246result, I ha ve followed protocol required by

1254the Florida Department of Education Office of

1261Professional Practices and I am recommending

1267the following action:

12701. Placement of a narrative of my

1277investigation in her personnel file .

12832. Change of her contractual status to

1290fourth year annual for 2010 - 2011 school year .

13003. Recommendation of termination if any

1306further substantiated incidents of

1310intentional physical contact with a student

1316occur .

1318I am requesting that she return to the

1326classroom on Friday, April 23, 2010.

13321 2. Principal Davis testified that she considered the

1341recommended change in Ms. Gardner's contract status from a

1350professional service contract to a "fourth year annual contract"

1359as less severe than termination or suspension. A "fourth year

1369annual contract " would allow Ms. Gardner to return to

1378professional service contract after being on an annual contract

1387for one year. Principal Davis explained that Ms. Gardner had

1397been evaluated as a high - performing teacher in the past, and it

1410was hoped that she would re turn to that level after this


142313. At the end of the 2009 - 2010 school year, Principal

1435Davis evaluated Ms. Gardner as "needs improvement." Under the

1444comments section, Principal Davis noted "offer to wait for 2010

1454FCAT declined." There was no evidence tying this "needs

1463improvement" evaluation to the incident that occurred on

1471April 16, 2010.

147414. Superintendent Aldrich reviewed Principal Davis'

1480investigation and recommendation. Based on his review,

1487Superintendent Aldrich recommended that the School Board follow

1495Principal Davis' recommendation, including the change in

1502Ms. Gardner's contract status. Similar to Principal Davis,

1510Superintendent Aldrich believed that the change in Ms. Gardner's

1519contract status was less severe than a suspension.

152715 . Superintendent Aldrich testified that a teacher should

1536use physical force only "if the student was out of control and

1548would be in a position to do physical harm to another student or

1561themselves." However, no School Board Policy concerning the use

1570of ph ysical force was offered into evidence.

157816. The School Board, without notice to Ms. Gardner

1587concerning her rights to an administrative hearing, adopted

1595Principal Davis' recommendations. Ms. Gardner , subsequently ,

1601requested a formal administrative hearin g and reconsideration of

1610the School Board's decision. The School Board denied her

1619request, finding that Ms. Gardner had waived her right to a

1630hearing. Ms. Gardner filed an appeal.

163617. The Second District Court of Appeal found the


1646It is undisp uted that the Board did not give

1656Ms. Gardner written notice of her right to

1664seek administrative review and the time

1670limits for requesting a hearing. Under these

1677circumstances, the Board failed to provide

1683Ms. Gardner with a point of entry into the

1692administ rative process before taking adverse

1698action on her contract status. It follows

1705that Ms. Gardner did not waive her right to

1714request a formal hearing.

1718Consequently, the appellate court reversed the School Board's

1726decision, and remanded the case for furth er proceedings. Gardner

1736v. Sch. Bd. of Glades Cnty. , 73 So. 3d 314 (Fla. 2d DCA 2011).

175018. While Ms. Gardner's appeal was pending before the

1759Second District Court of Appeal, Ms. Gardner worked under the

1769fourth year annual contract for 2010 - 2011 school year. At the

1781end of the 2010 - 2011 school year, Ms. Gardner's annual contract

1793was not renewed.

179619. On remand, the School Board issued a May 16, 2012,

1807letter, notifying Ms. Gardner of her rights to an administrative

1817hearing. The School Board framed the issue as Ð to challenge the

1829change in her contract status from a professional service

1838contract for fourth year annual contract. Ñ In the Joint Pre -

1850Hearing Stipulation, the parties identified a factual issue for

1859resolution as Ð [w]hether Gardner's physical co ntact with the

1869student, C.H., constitutes Ðjust causeÑ for discipline. Ñ

1877Further, the parties Ó stipulation identified three disputed

1885issues of law: 1) Whether the disciplinary options available to

1895Petitioner included placement of Ms. Gardner on a fourth y ear

1906annual contract status; 2) w hether the placement of Ms. Gardner

1917on fourth - year annual contract status was the appropriate

1927discipline; and 3) w hether the School Board's action in denying

1938Ms. Gardner's request for a formal hearing in July 2010 renders

1949t he placement of Gardner on a fourth - year annual contract status

1962for the 2010 - 2011 school year, and the non - renewal of her annual

1977contract at the end of the 2010 - 2011 school year void ab initio .

199220. Before considering the legal issues identified by the

2001par ties, it is clear that the factual dispute of whether or not

2014Ðjust causeÑ exists must be addressed first. If Ðjust causeÑ

2024does not exist, then the issue of the penalty becomes moot. At

2036the hearing, the parties presented testimony concerning the facts

2045und erlying the School Board's action here, and whether or not

2056Ðjust causeÑ existed to sanction Ms. Gardner.


206621 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject

2076matter of this proceeding pursuant to a contract with the Glades

2087County Sc hool Board. The proceedings are governed by sections

2097120.57 and 120.569, Florida Statutes (2012).

210322. The School Board has the authority to operate, control

2113and supervise the public schools in its district. Art. IX,

2123§ 4(b), Fla. Const. This authorit y includes the power to suspend

2135and dismiss employees and to adopt personnel policies. See

2144§§ 1001.42(5), 1012.22(1)(f), 1012.23(1), and 1012.33, Fla. Stat.

2152(2010). 1/

215423 . Generally, a professional service contract is a

2163continuous contract which renews a utomatically. A profession al

2172service contract, however, "may be suspended or dismissed at any

2182time during the term of the contract for Ðjust causeÑ as provided

2194in paragraph (1)(a)[,]" 2/ or not renewed by a school district

2206based upon uncorrected performanc e deficiencies , pursuant to

2214section 1012.34, Florida Statutes. 3/ , 4/ The School Board must

2224prove by the preponderance of the evidence that "just cause"

2234exists. See McNeill v. Pinellas Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 678 So. 2d 476

2246(Fla. 2d DCA 1996).

225024. "'Just cause' includes, but is not limited to, the

2260following instances, as defined by rule of the State Board of

2271Education: misconduct in office, incompetency, gross

2277insubordination, willful neglect of duty, or conviction of a

2286crime involving moral turpitude." § 1012. 33(1)(a). This "just

2295cause" list is not exhaustive, and the statute recognizes that

2305other wrong doing may also constitute "just cause," if the act

2316meets the same magnitude or seriousness as the listed offenses. 5/

232725. Here, the parties tried by consent the issue of whether

2338or not the School Board established by preponderance of the

2348evidence "just cause" by proving that Ms. Gardner is guilty of

"2359misconduct in office." 6/

236326. As it existed during the relevant time frame, rule 6B -

23754.009(3) defined "misconduc t in office" as "a violation of the

2386Code of Ethics of the Education Profession as adopted in Florida

2397Administrative Code Rule 6B - 1.001, and the Principles of

2407Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida as

2416adopted in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B - 1.006, which is so

2428serious as to impair the individualÓs effectiveness in the school

2438system." 7/

244027. The Principles of Professional Conduct for the

2448Education Profession found in rule 6B - 1.006 provides, in

2458pertinent part, the following:

2462(3) Obligation to the student requires that

2469the individual:

2471(a) Shall make reasonable effort to protect

2478the student from conditions harmful to

2484learning and/or to the studentÓs mental

2490and/or physical health and/or safety.

2495* * *

2498(e) Shall not inten tionally expose a student

2506to unnecessary embarrassment or


251128. Applying these rules of law to the facts of this case,

2523the School Board has failed to establish "just cause" to

2533discipline Ms. Gardner's employment. Specifically, the School

2540Bo ard failed to bring forward evidence showing that Ms. Gardner's

2551acts on April 16, 2010, impaired her effectiveness in the school


256329. At the onset, the record here shows by a preponderance

2574of the evidence that Ms. Gardner acted inappropriately in u sing

2585physical force to compel C.H.'s behavior. The record showed that

2595Ms. Gardner acted in anger, grabbing C.H.'s arm, turning her

2605around, and pushing her forcefully in order to have C.H. drop the

2617confiscated math workbook. These actions created a condit ion

2626harmful to learning and demonstrated a lack of self - control by

2638Ms. Gardner. Therefore, the School Board proved that Ms. Gardner

2648violated rule 6B - 1.006(3)(a). 8/

265430. Similarly, the School Board also proved by a

2663preponderance of the evidence that Ms. Gardner violated rule 6B -

26741.006(3)(e) by intentionally exposing C.H. to unnecessary

2681embarrassment. C.H. credibly testified that she was "shocked" by

2690Ms. Gardner's actions and that she left the classroom crying and

2701became hysterical. C.H.'s response was n ot typical of her, as she

2713was described by both Principal Davis and Ms. Gardner as a model

2725student. Although Ms. Gardner did not have a specific intent to

2736embarrass or disparage C.H., she did have the intent to use

2747physical force to obtain C.H.'s complian ce. The result was C.H.

2758dropping her books and leaving the class crying and emotionally

2768distraught. Under these facts , the undersigned finds that the

2777School Board showed by a preponderance of the evidence that

2787Ms. Gardner intentionally exposed C.H. to e mbarrassment.

279531. The School Board did not, however, bring forward

2804sufficient evidence showing that the incident on April 16, 2010,

2814impaired Ms. Gardner's effectiveness in the school system. The

2823facts concerning this question are a close call. On one ha nd, the

2836undersigned recognizes that at the moment that Ms. Gardner angrily

2846grabbed C.H. in an effort to assert classroom control, Ms. Gardner

2857was not acting as an effective teacher. However, there is no

2868evidence outside of this one moment showing that Ms. Gardner was

2879ineffective. The only marginal evidence of Ms. Gardner's

2887effectiveness concerned her teacher performance appraisal for

28942009 - 2010 school year. The teacher performance appraisal shows

2904overall that Ms. Gardner "need[ed] improvement," and contai ned

2913comments that the evaluator offered to wait to conduct the

2923evaluation until after the 2010 Florida Comprehensive Assessment

2931Test (FCAT) scores were received, but Ms. Gardner declined to wait

2942for the scores. The School Board did not offer any evidence

2953showing how Ms. Gardner's performance appraisal reflected that she

2962was not effective based on the April 16, 2010, incident.

2972Ms. Gardner's performance appraisal does not contain any statement

2981tying her "need[ed] improvement" rating to the actions of

2990inapp ropriately using physical force on C.H. In fact, a review of

3002Ms. Gardner's performance appraisal shows that she was rated as

3012meeting expectations in certain areas, and needing improvement in

3021other areas. For example, the performance appraisal shows that

3030Ms. Gardner was rated as "meeting expectations" in an area

3040identified as "Intervention/Direct Services." This

"3045Intervention/Direct Services" section rated, among other factors,

3052whether a teacher "[f]oster[s] student responsibility, appropriate

3059social be havior, integrity, valuing of cultural diversity, and

3068respect for self and others by role modeling and learning

3078activities." In contrast, the performance appraisal also shows

3086Ms. Gardner as needing improvement in an area titled

"3095Administrative Management. " "Administrative Management"

3099evaluated, in part, whether Ms. Gardner "maintain[s] a positive ,

3108organized , and safe learning environment." Consequently, one may

3116find facts on both sides of the question concerning Ms. Gardner's

3127effectiveness in the school system. Therefore, Ms. Gardner's

3135performance appraisal for 2009 - 2010 has only marginal value, and

3146does not support a finding that the incident of misconduct

3156impaired her effectiveness as a teacher in the school district.


3167Based on the foreg oing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3178Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Glades County School Board enter

3189a final order finding:

31931) The record contains insufficient evidence of "just

3201cause" in order to discipline Ms. Gardner; and

32092) Pursuant to section 1012.33(6)(a), Florida Statutes

3216(2010), immediately reinstate Ms. Gardner under her professional

3224service contract and pay her back salary.

3231DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of February , 2013 , in

3241Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3249Administrative Law Judge

3252Division of Administrative Hearings

3256The DeSoto Building

32591230 Apalachee Parkway

3262Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3267(850) 488 - 9675

3271Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3278Filed with the Clerk of the

3284D ivision of Administrative Hearings

3289this 11th day of February , 2013 .


32981/ Unless stated otherwise, all references in the Recommended

3307Order shall be to the 2010 version.

33142/ § 1012.33(6)(a), Fla. Stat. (2010).

33203/ § 1012.33(e), Fla. Stat. (201 0).

33274/ The legislature extensively revised section 1012.33(3)(a),

3334Florida Statutes (2010), so that as of July 1, 2011, a district

3346school board can no longer issue professional service contracts.

3355Ch 2011 - 1, § 13, Laws of Florida. See Orange C n ty Sch. Bd . v.

3373Rachman , 87 So. 3d 48, 48 - 49 n.1 (Fla. 5th DCA 2012).

33865/ See Miami - Dade Cnty Sch . Bd. v. Pusey , Case No. 12 - 0808TTS,

340219 - 34 (Dec. 26, 2012), citing Dietz v. Lee Cnty. Sch. Bd. , 647

3416So. 2d 217, 218 - 19 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994)(Blue, J., specially

3428concurring) ("We assume that drunkenness and immorality, which are

3438not included in the non - exclusive list of sins [set forth in

3451section 231.36(1)(a), Florida Statutes (2001), the predecessor of

3459Ðjust causeÑ , would also be

3464grounds fo r dismissal . . . . In amending section 231.36 and

3477creating a new contract status for teachers (professional

3485service) and by failing to further define Ðjust causeÑ , the

3495legislature gave school boards broad discretion to determine when

3504a teacher may be dis missed during the contract term. . . . I

3518agree with the majority -- that the legislature left that

3528determination to the respective wisdom of each school board by

3538providing no definite parameters to the term 'just cause.'").

35486/ In the submission of the Pro posed Recommended Orders, the

3559School Board and Ms. Gardner recognize that the "just cause"

3569issue concerns whether or not the facts show that she is guilty

3581of "misconduct in office." See School Board's Proposed

3589Recommended Order at page 4, and Respondent's Proposed

3597Recommended Order at page 11. Thus, the parties tried this issue

3608by consent.

36107/ On July 8, 2012, Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B - 4.009,

3622was repromulagated and transferred to the current version of

3631Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A - 5.056. Rule 6A - 5.056 is

3643inapplicable to the instant case because it took effect July 8,

36542012, after Ms. Gardner's alleged misconduct on April 16, 2010.

3664See Anglickis v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg ., 593 So. 2d 298, 300 (Fla.

36782d DCA 1992)("[T]his rule was not in effect at the time of the

3692audit; therefore, appellants cannot be found to have violated

3701this rule.").

37048/ The School Board did not allege or attempt to prove that

3716Ms. Gardner's actions rose to the level of "corporal punishment"

3726which is the "moderate use of phy sical force or physical contact

3738by a teacher or principal as may be necessary to maintain

3749discipline or to enforce a school rule . . ." Although

3760Superintendent Aldrich and Principal Davis both testified that it

3769was a school policy prohibiting a teacher fr om touching a student

3781to compel compliance in the classroom, the School Board failed to

3792offer into evidence the policy. Consequently, there can be no

3802finding that Ms. Gardner violated this unidentified School Board

3811policy, and to what extent that she viol ated, if at all.


3825Mark F. Kelly, Esquire

3829Kelly and McKee, P.A.

38331718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301

3839Post Office Box 75638

3843Tampa, Florida 33675 - 0638

3848Robert C. Shearman, Esquire

3852Henderson, Franklin, Starnes

3855and Holt, P.A.

38581715 Monroe Str eet

3862Fort Myers, Florida 33901

3866Mark S. Herdman, Esquire

3870Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A.

3874Suite 110

387629605 U.S. Highway 19, North

3881Clearwater, Florida 33761

3884Scott Bass, Superintendent

3887Glades County School Board

3891400 10 th Street

3895Moore Haven, Florida 33471

3899Dr . Tony Bennett, Commissioner

3904Department of Education

3907Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3911325 West Gaines Street

3915Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400

3920Lois Tepper, Interim General Counsel

3925Department of Education

3928Turlington Building, Suite 1 24 4

3934325 West Gaines Stree t

3939Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


3950All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

396015 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3971to this Recommended Order should be filed with the ag ency that

3983will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 14, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/13/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order and Memorandum in Support filed.
Date: 12/13/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/03/2012
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/14/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/13/2012
Proceedings: Stipulated Administrative Hearing (Proposed) Exhibits filed.
Date: 11/09/2012
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/11/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/10/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 10/09/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition (of A. Gardner) filed.
Date: 09/17/2012
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 14, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Moore Haven, FL; amended as to location of final hearing).
Date: 09/12/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for November 14, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Moore Haven, FL).
Date: 09/11/2012
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Serving Answers to Petitioner's Interrogatories Combined with Request for Admissions and Request to Produce filed.
Date: 09/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Mark Herdman) filed.
Date: 08/24/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 08/21/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for September 24, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Moore Haven, FL).
Date: 08/17/2012
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Service of Interrogatories Combined with Request for Admissions and Request to Produce filed.
Date: 08/13/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 08/06/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 08/03/2012
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.
Date: 08/03/2012
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 08/03/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Arcadia, Florida
County School Boards


Related Florida Statute(s) (6):