12-003138EC In Re: Steven J. Mueller vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, January 24, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: Candidates for public office are required to accurately complete financial disclosure form and this party did not and would not amend form voluntarily.



8IN RE: STEVEN J. MUELLER , ) Case No. 12 - 3138EC


20Respondent . )



26Pursuant to notice , this case was heard in St. Petersburg,

36Florida, on November 15, 2012, before J. D. Parrish, an

46Administrative Law with the Division of Administrative Hearings



56For Petitioner: Melody A. Hadley, Esquire

62Office of the Attorney General

67The Capitol, Plaz a Level One

73Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

78For Respondent: Steven J. Mueller, pro se

8551 Freshwater Drive

88Palm Harbor, Florida 34684


97Whether Respondent, Steven J. Mueller (Res pondent),

104violated Florida law by filing an inaccurate Public Disclosure

113of Financial Interests form and, if so, what penalty should be



127On February 9, 2011, the Florida Commission on Ethics (the

137Commission) issued an Order Fi nding Probable Cause against

146Respondent that determined he had filed an inaccurate or

155incomplete form that failed to disclose his liabilities, assets,

164net worth, and a $20,000 .00 loan. As a result of the finding

178reached by the Commission, it ordered a pub lic hearing be held

190to address whether Respondent violated Florida law. On

198September 19, 2012, the case was forwarded to DOAH for formal


210At the hearing, the Commission through the Advocate

218presented testimony from Respondent and A. Keith Powe ll, an

228investigator with the Commission. Two exhibits, marked for

236identification as AdvocateÓs Exhibits 1 and 2, were admitted

245in to evidence for the Commission . Respondent offered

254RespondentÓs Exhibits 1 and 2 which were also admitted into


265The Transcript of the proceedings was filed with DOAH on

275November 30, 2012. The parties were granted ten days from that

286date within which to file a proposed order. The Advocate timely

297filed a Proposed Recommended Order which has been considered in

307the prepar ation of this Recommended O rder. Respondent did not

318file a proposed recommended order.


327The Parties

3291. The Commission is the state entity charged with the

339responsibility of administering, maintaining records, reviewing

345complaints, and dis ciplining violations of Florida law

353pertaining to Article II, Section 8, Florida Constitution.

3612. As a former candidate for public office, Respondent was

371subject to the requirements of Florida law pertaining to the

381disclosure of financial interests as set forth in Article II,

391Section 8, Florida Constitution.

3953. More specifically, Respondent was a candidate for the

404Florida House of Representatives, District 48, in the 2010

413election. As such, Respondent was obligated to file a 2009 CE

424Form 6, ÐFull and P ublic Disclosure of Financial Interests

434(Form 6).Ñ

436The Form

4384. Form 6 requires a candidate to list assets,

447liabilities, and net worth. Explicit in the form is the

457requirement that the information provided in Form 6 be accurate

467and complete. Page 2 of F orm 6 requires that the document be

480submitted under oath.

4835. Respondent completed Form 6 on June 7, 2010.

492Respondent represented his net worth (Part A, Form 6) as of

503June 7, 2010, to be $500,000 .00 .

5126. Respondent represented the aggregate value of his

520household goods and personal effects to be $100,000 .00 (Part B,

532Form 6).

5347. Respondent listed individual assets valued at over

542$1 , 000 .00 as: a Binelli 12 - gauge shotgun ; a Hitachi television ;

555a sofa ; a Ford F150 ; and a Buick LeSabre (Part B, Form 6).

5688. U nder Part C, Form 6, Respondent listed his liabilities

579in the amount of $90,384 .00 owed to Morgan Stanley.

590The Inaccuracies

5929. With regard to assets, Respondent failed to list: his

602home ; a Porsche Boxter automobile ; a Sea Ray boat, a Ski

613Nautique boat ; a bank account valued at $4,691.18, and a

624$20,000 .00 loan made to his campaign.

63210. With regard to the disclosure of his liabilities,

641Respondent did not list an address (as required by Form 6) for

653his creditor, Morgan Stanley.

657The Complaint

65911. On or abo ut July 30, 2010, a complainant filed a

671complaint against Respondent alleging inaccuracies in

677RespondentÓs Form 6. On August 11, 2010, the complaint was

687deemed sufficient for investigation purposes.

69212. During the course of the investigation, Respondent was

701afforded the opportunity to file an amended Form 6 to clarify

712any omissions or inaccuracies that may have been included in the

723original form. He did not accept the offer.

73113. After the investigation was completed, the Advocate

739recommended that probab le cause be found in this matter. The

750Commission made that recommendation on February 9, 2011.

75814. As of the date of the formal hearing, Respondent did

769not wish to change or amend Form 6.


78015 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and the

791subject matter of this proceeding. § 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.


80116. The Commission is authorized to conduct investigations

809and to make public reports on complaints concerning violations

818of law pertaining to ethics for public officers and emplo yees.

829See § 112.322, Fla. Stat. (2012).

83517. In this case, the Commission, through the Advocate,

844bears the burden of proof to establish by clear and convincing

855evidence Respondent violated Florida law in the submission of

864his Form 6. See Latham v. Fla . C ommÓn on Ethics , 694 So. 2d

87983(Fla. 1 st DCA 1997) .

88518. Article II, Section 8, Florida Constitution, provides,

893in pertinent part:

896SECTION 8 Ethics in government. -- A public

904office is a public trust. The people shall

912have the right to secure and sustain that

920trust against abuse. To assure this right:

927(a) All elected constitutional officers and

933candidates for such offices and, as may be

941determined by law, other public officers,

947candidates, and employees shall file full

953and public disclosure of their fin ancial


961* * *

964(f) There shall be an independent

970commission to conduct investigations and

975make public reports on all complaints

981concerning breach of public trust by public

988officers or employees not within the

994jurisdiction of the judic ial qualifications


1001(g) A code of ethics for all state

1009employees and nonjudicial officers

1013prohibiting conflict between public duty and

1019private interests shall be prescribed by


1026(h) This section shall not be construed to

1034limit disclosures and prohibitions which may

1040be established by law to preserve the public

1048trust and avoid conflicts between public

1054duties and private interests.

1058(i) Schedule Ï On the effective date of this

1067amendment and until changed by law:

1073(1) Full and public disclosu re of financial

1081interests shall mean filing with the

1087custodian of state records by July 1 of each

1096year a sworn statement showing net worth and

1104identifying each asset and liability in

1110excess of $1,000 and its value . . .

1120* * *

1123(3) The independent commission provided for

1129in subsection (f) shall mean the Florida

1136Commission on Ethics.

113919. Section 112.3144, Florida Statutes (2010) , provides,

1146in part:

1148Full and public disclosure of financial


1155(1) An officer who is required by s. 8,

1164Art. I I of the State Constitution to file a

1174full and public disclosure of his or her

1182financial interests for any calendar or

1188fiscal year shall file that disclosure with

1195the Florida Commission on Ethics.

1200* * *

1203(3) For purposes of full and public

1210disclo sure under s. 8(a), Art. II of the

1219State Constitution, the following items, if

1225not held for investment purposes and if

1232valued at over $1,000 in the aggregate, may

1241be reported in a lump sum and identified as

1250Ðhousehold goods and personal effectsÑ:

1255(a) Je welry;

1258(b) Collections of stamps, guns, and

1264numismatic properties;

1266(c) Art objects;

1269(d) Household equipment and furnishings;

1274(e) Clothing;

1276(f) Other household items; and

1281(g) Vehicles for personal use.

1286(4)(a) With respect to reporting, on form s

1294prescribed under this section, assets valued

1300in excess of $1,000 which the reporting

1308individual holds jointly with another

1313person, the amount reported shall be based

1320on the reporting individualÓs legal

1325percentage of ownership in the property.

1331However, a ssets that are held jointly, with

1339right of survivorship, must be reported at

1346100 percent of the value of the asset. For

1355purposes of this subsection, a reporting

1361individual is deemed to own a percentage of

1369a partnership which is equal to the

1376reporting indi vidualÓs interest in the

1382capital or equity of the partnership.

1388(b)1. With respect to reporting liabilities

1394valued in excess of $1,000 on forms

1402prescribed under this section for which the

1409reporting individual is jointly and

1414severally liable, the amount re ported shall

1421be based on the reporting individualÓs

1427percentage of liability rather than the

1433total amount of the liability. However,

1439liability for a debt that is secured by

1447property owned by the reporting individual

1453but that is held jointly, with right of

1461survivorship, must be reported at 100

1467percent of the total amount owed.

14732. A separate section of the form shall be

1482created to provide for the reporting of the

1490amounts of joint and several liability of

1497the reporting individual not otherwise

1502reported in su bparagraph 1.

1507(5) Forms for compliance with the full and

1515public disclosure requirements of s. 8, Art.

1522II of the State Constitution shall be

1529created by the Commission on Ethics.

1535* * *

1538(e) Any person who is required to file full

1547and public discl osure of financial interests

1554and whose name is on the commissionÓs

1561mailing list but who fails to timely file is

1570assessed a fine of $25 per day for each day

1580late up to a maximum of $1,500; however this

1590$1,500 limitation on automatic fines does

1597not limit the civil penalty that may be

1605imposed if the statement is filed more than

161360 days after the deadline and a complaint

1621is filed, as provided in s. 112.324 . The

1630commission must provide by rule the grounds

1637for waiving the fine and the procedures by

1645which each person whose name is on the

1653mailing list and who is determined to have

1661not filed in a timely manner will be

1669notifi ed of assessed fines and may appeal.

1677The rule must provide for and make specific

1685the following:

16871. The amount of the fine due is based upon

1697the earliest of the following:

1702a. When a statement is actually received by

1710the office.

1712b. When the statemen t is postmarked.

1719c. When the certificate of mailing is


1727d. When the receipt from an established

1734courier company is dated.

17382. Upon receipt of the disclosure statement

1745or upon accrual of the maximum penalty,

1752whichever occurs first, the commission shall

1758determine the amount of the fine which is

1766due and shall notify the delinquent person.

1773The notice must include an explanation of

1780the appeal procedure under subparagraph 3.

1786Such fine must be paid within 30 days after

1795the notice of payment due is tra nsmitted,

1803unless appeal is made to the commission

1810pursuant to subparagraph 3. The moneys

1816shall be deposited into the General Revenue


18243. Any reporting person may appeal or

1831dispute a fine, based upon unusual

1837circumstances surrounding the failure to

1842file on the designated due date, and may

1850request and is entitled to a hearing before

1858the commission, which may waive the fine in

1866whole or in part for good cause shown. Any

1875such request must be made within 30 days

1883after the notice of payment due is

1890transmi tted. In such a case, the reporting

1898person must, within the 30 - day period,

1906notify the person designated to review the

1913timeliness of reports in writing of his or

1921her intention to bring the matter before the


1930* * *

1933(h) Notwithstanding a ny provision of

1939chapter 120, any fine imposed under this

1946subsection which is not waived by final

1953order of the commission and which remains

1960unpaid more than 60 days after the notice of

1969payment due or more than 60 days after the

1978commission renders a final or der on the

1986appeal must be submitted to the Department

1993of Financial Services as a claim, debt, or

2001other obligation owed to the state, and the

2009department shall assign the collection of

2015such fine to a collection agent as provided

2023in s. 17.20 .

2027* * *

2030(7) The commission shall adopt rules and

2037forms specifying how a person who is

2044required to file full and public d isclosure

2052of financial interests may amend his or her

2060disclosure statement to report information

2065that was not included on the form as

2073originally filed. If the amendment is the

2080subject of a complaint filed under this

2087part, the commission and the proper

2093dis ciplinary official or body shall consider

2100as a mitigating factor when considering

2106appropriate disciplinary action the fact

2111that the amendment was filed before any

2118complaint or other inquiry or proceeding,

2124while recognizing that the public was

2130deprived of a ccess to information to which

2138it was entitled.

214120. In this case, the Commission, through the Advocate,

2150has established by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent

2159did not complete Form 6 accurately. The omission of assets

2169valued at more than $1 , 000 .00 , the omission of the address for

2182Morgan Stanley, and the failure to disclose a bank account

2192sufficient to loan $20,000 .00 , all point to a casual

2203indifference to the financial disclosure requirements of Florida

2211law. Among assets not disclosed was Respo ndentÓs home. It is

2222reasonable to conclude the homeÓs value exceeds $1 , 000 .00 . By

2234RespondentÓs admission the Porsche, Sea Ray boat, and Correct

2243Craft boat all individually exceed $1 , 000 .00 in value.

2253RespondentÓs failure to correctly complete Form 6 or t o amend it

2265when provided the opportunity constitute violations of

2272Article II, Section 8, Florida Constitution.


2279Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2289Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a Final Order

2300and Pub lic Report determining that Respondent violated

2308Article II, Section 8, Florida Constitution, and imposing a fine

2318in the amount of $1 , 500.00.

2324DONE AND ENT ERED this 24th day of January , 2013 , in

2335Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2343Administrative Law Judge

2346Division of Administrative Hearings

2350The DeSoto Building

23531230 Apalachee Parkway

2356Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2361(850) 488 - 9675

2365Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2372Filed with the Clerk of the

2378Divi sion of Administrative Hearings

2383this 24th day of January , 2013 .


2393Melody A. Hadley, Esquire

2397Office of the Attorney General

2402The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

2407Tallahassee, Florida 32399

2410Kaye B. Starling

2413Florida Commission on Ethics

2417Post Offic e Drawer 15709

2422Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709

2427Steven J. Mueller

243051 Freshwater Drive

2433Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

2437Virlindia Doss, Executive Director

2441Florida Commission on Ethics

2445Suite 201

24473600 Maclay Boulevard, South

2451Post Office Drawer 15709

2455Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709

2460C. Christopher Anderson, III, General Counsel

2466Florida Commission on Ethics

2470Post Office Drawer 15709

2474Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709


2485All parties have the right to submit written exceptions withi n

249615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2507to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2518will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 03/15/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/15/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order and Public Report filed.
Date: 01/24/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/24/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 15, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/24/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/10/2012
Proceedings: Advocate's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/30/2012
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/15/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/13/2012
Proceedings: Motion to Amend Notice of Filing Advocate's Premarked Exhibits, or in the Alternative, Request to Take Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 11/09/2012
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 15, 2012; 1:00 p.m.; St. Petersburg and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to time of hearing).
Date: 11/09/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Advocate's Premarked Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/09/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Advocate's Premarked Exhibits filed.
Date: 11/07/2012
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 15, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to video hearing).
Date: 11/01/2012
Proceedings: Motion for Video Teleconference Hearing filed.
Date: 10/03/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 15, 2012; 1:00 p.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 10/01/2012
Proceedings: Unilateral Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/21/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Service filed.
Date: 09/20/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Order Finding Probable Cause filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Advocate's Recommendation filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Report of Investigation filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Order for Supplemental Investigation of Facts Materially Related to Complaint filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Determination of Investigative Jurisdiction and Order to Investigate filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Complaint filed.
Date: 09/19/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):