12-003427 Save Our Creeks, Inc. And Environmental Confederation Of Southwest Florida, Inc. vs. Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission And Department Of Environmental Protection
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, July 3, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: The applicant for a Consolidated Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization failed to provide reasonable assurance that the proposed restoration of Fisheating Creek was not contrary to the public interest.






19Petitioners ,

20vs. Case No. 12 - 3427





37Respondents .



42The final hearing in this case was held on March 4, 6 - 8,

5611, 12, 14, 19 and 20, 2013, in Tallahassee, Florida, before

67Bram D.E. Canter, an Administrative La w Judge of the Division of

79Administrative Hearings ("DOAH").


85For Save Our Creeks , Inc., and Environmental Confederation

93of Southwest Florida , Inc. :

98Alisa A. Coe, Esquire

102Joshua D. Smith, Esquire

106Bradley I. B. Marshall, Esquire


112111 South Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard

119Tallahassee, Florida 32301

122For Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission:

129Ryan Osborne, Esquire

132Florida Fish and Wildlife

136Conservation Commission

138Bryant Building

140620 South Meridian Street

144Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

149For Florida Department of Environmental Protection:

155W. Douglas Beason, Esquire

159Department of Environmental Protection

163Mail Station 35

1663900 Commonwealth Boulevard

169Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000


178The issue to be determined in this case is whether the

189Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (ÐCommissionÑ)

196is entitled to the requested minor modification of its existing

206Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands

213Authorization, which would authorize the backfilling of a

221portion of Fisheating Creek as part of a restoration project.


233In May 2011, the Department of Environmental Protecti on

242(ÐDepartmentÑ) issued to the Commission an Environmental

249Resource Permit and a Sovereign Submerged Lands Authorization

257(ÐpermitsÑ). The permits authorized the installation of six

265earthen check dams on Fisheating Creek to prevent the over -

276draining of Co wbone Marsh, through which Fisheating Creek runs.

286The work was completed later that year.

293On September 10, 2012, the Department approved the

301CommissionÓs application to modify the initial permits. The

309modification would allow the Commission to backfill

316a pproximately two miles of Fisheating Creek.

323Petitioners timely filed a petition for administrative

330hearing. The Department referred the petition to DOAH to

339conduct an evidentiary hearing and issue a recommended order.

348Petitioners were granted leave to fi le an amended petition.

358The Department filed a motion in limine to exclude evidence

368and argument concerning a 1998 circuit court judgment which

377determined that Fisheating Creek is navigable, and a related

3861999 settlement agreement. The motion was denied. Petitioners

394filed a motion in limine to bar the Department or Commission

405from presenting evidence inconsistent with evidence presented by

413the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund

423("Board of Trustees") in the 1998 circuit court case. N o

436evidence was excluded by the ALJ, but a final ruling on whether

448any evidence sh ould not be considered was deferred.

457At the final hearing, Petitioners presented the testimony

465of: William Giles, accepted as an expert in aquatic plant

475removal; Darina Palac io, accepted as an expert in hydrology and

486stream restoration as it relates to hydrology; Robert Miller,

495P.E., accepted as an expert in surface water hydrology and

505stream flow analysis; Peter Barile, Ph . D., accepted as an expert

517in aquatic ecology; Greg Sa wka, accepted as an expert in

528wetlands delineation and soil sciences; Walt Wheeler, accepted

536as an expert in wetland ecology and wetland determinations in

546Florida; Ron Edenfield, P.E., accepted as an expert in water

556resource management; Jeff Cooner, accept ed as an expert in

566surveying and aerial interpretation; Thomas Conboy, P.E.,

573accepted as an expert in hydrologic restoration; Jeri Curley,

582accepted as an expert in biology; Bob Ballard; Nicole Williams;

592Dale Williams; Karen Putnal; Becky Ayech; Rhonda Roff ;

600Bobbie Lee; Patty Whitehead; Paula House; Leonard Bryant Jr.;

609Dale Gillis; and Erica Lynne. Petitioners ' Exhibits 3, 4, 7,

62014, 18, 20 - 23, 25, 38, 43, 45, 47, 55, 56, 61 - 63, 65, 80, 87,

63890 - 96, 98 - 100, 103, 106 - 108, 111, 113, 114, 116, 120, 125, 127,

655130, 132 - 13 6 , 142, 146, 148, 155, 156, 158, 161a, 162a - 162d,

670171, 173, 176, 178a, 179 - 183, 193 - 196, 198, and 199 were

684admitted into evidence. Petitioners ' Exhibit 72, which is a

694composite of aerial photographs of Cowbone Marsh, was admitted

703except as to the d ates noted on the photographs. Petitioners '

715Exhibit 200 was placed in the record as a proffer.

725The Commission presented the testimony of:

731Mahmoud Madkour, accepted as an expert in engineering,

739hydrology, civil engineering, and lake, stream and aquatic

747re storation; Jessica Griffith, accepted as an expert in wetlands

757delineation; and Stephen M. Shea. Commission Exhibits 1 - 13 were

768admitted into evidence.

771The Department presented the testimony of: Jon Iglehart,

779accepted as an expert in environmental assessm ent and

788restoration; Paul Gray, Ph . D., accepted as an expert in

799environmental assessment and restoration; and Lawrence Glenn.

806Department Exhibits 2 - 8 were admitted into evidence.

815Commission and Department Joint Exhibits 1 - 10 were admitted

825into evidence. J oint Exhibits 6 and 7, which are compliance

836orders issued by the Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA"),

846and Joint Exhibit 10, which is an emergency final order issued

857by the Department, were not admitted to prove the truth of the

869statements contained in the orders.

874Official recognition was taken of the Judgment on Title and

884Right to Immediate Possession, issued in Board of Trustees of

894the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida v.

905Lykes Bros., Inc. , Case No. CA93 - 136 (Fla. 20th Cir. Ct. 19 98).

919On April 15, 2013, the ten - volume Transcript of the hearing

931was filed with DOAH. Two requests to extend the time for filing

943proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law were granted.

953A third request was denied. On June 12, 2013, all parties fil ed

966proposed recommended orders, which were carefully considered in

974the preparation of this Recommended Order.


983The Parties

9851. The Department is the state agency responsible for

994regulating construction activities in waters of the State. The

1003Department has also been delegated authority to process and act

1013on applications for authorization from the Board of Trustees for

1023activities on sovereignty submerged lands.

10282. The Commission is the state wildlife management agency.

1037The Commission is the applicant for the minor modification at

1047issue in this proceeding.

10513. Petitioner, Save Our Creeks, Inc. , is a non - profit

1062Florida corporation with its offices in Lake Place, Florida.

1071Save Our CreeksÓ members are interested citizens and groups

1080devoted to the conservation of natural resources, especially

1088creeks and small waterways. Save Our Creeks owns property on

1098Fisheating Creek in Glades County, approximately nine miles

1106upstream of Cowbone Marsh.

11104. Petitioner, Environmental Confederation of South west

1117Florida, Inc. (ECOSWF) , is a non - profit Florida corporation with

1128its offices in Sarasota, Florida.

11335. A substantial number of the members of Save Our Creeks

1144and ECOSWF use and enjoy the waters of Fisheating Creek for a

1156variety of purposes, including canoeing, boating, fishing, and

1164wildlife observation. Their interests would be affected by the

1173proposed project.

1175Fisheating Creek and Cowbone Marsh

11806. Fisheating Creek flows from Highlands and Desoto

1188Counties south and east through Glades County. The Creek runs

1198in a northeastern direction through Cowbone Marsh before

1206draining into Lake Okeechobee. The Creek contributes

1213approximately nine percent of the flow into Lake Okeechobee.

1222Fisheating Creek is designated as Class III waters.

12307. Cowbone Marsh is located about eight miles west of Lake

1241Okeechobee. It is a mile and a half long and two miles wide,

1254covering about 2,500 acres.

12598. Fisheating Creek and Cowbone Marsh a re within the

1269Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area.

12749. In 1929 , the United S tates Army Corps of Engineers

1285("USACOE") prepared a survey map which shows Fisheating Creek as

1297an open water route from Lake Okeechobee through Cowbone Marsh

1307and continuing beyond. The accuracy of the course of the Creek

1318as it is depicted in the 1929 map is not disputed by the


133210. The 1929 map does not describe the depth or width of

1344the Creek. Some evidence about historical width s and depth s was

1356presented, but it was incomplete . T he re was credible evidence

1368show ing that some segments of Fisheat ing Creek were four to five

1381feet deep and 20 to 30 feet wide. There was also credible

1393evidence that other segments of the Creek were shallower and


140411. The record shows only that canoes, kayaks, and other

1414vessels drawing twelve inches of water or less have been used on

1426the Creek.

142812. For a number of years, much of Fisheating Creek has

1439been choked by vegetation and Ðtussocks.Ñ Tussocks are floating

1448mats of vegetation. Carolina willow now dominates Cowbone

1456Marsh, having replaced areas that wer e previously open water or

1467covered with herbaceous marsh communities.

147213. The vegetation in the Creek made navigation difficult

1481or impossible through Cowbone Marsh.

1486The 1998 Judgment and 1999 Settlement Agreement

149314. In 1989, Lykes Bros. , Inc. , assert ed o wnership of

1504Fisheating Creek and tried to prevent public access to the

1514Creek. The Board of Trustees responded with a civil action

1524against Lykes Bros., seeking a determination that Fisheating

1532Creek throughout Glades County is navigable and, consequentl y,

1541the title to its bottom is held by the Board of Trustees as

1554sovereignty submerged lands. Petitioners in this administrative

1561proceeding intervened in the circuit court case on the side of

1572the Board of Trustees.

157615. The jury found Fisheating Creek navi gable throughout

1585Glades County and the court entered a judgment in 1998

1595determining that the Creek is sovereignty land held in trust by

1606the Board of Trustees. The judgment did not include any

1616findings about the widths and depths of Fisheating Creek. The

1626court retained jurisdiction to determine the boundaries of the

1635Creek, but the boundaries were never determined.

164216. The circuit court case was appealed, but in May 1999,

1653the parties entered into a settlement agreement pursuant to

1662which Lykes Bros. agreed to sell to the Board of Trustees a

1674conservation easement on upland areas adjacent to Fisheating

1682Creek, to be held and managed for the benefit of the public.

1694The conservation area is known as the Fisheating Creek Expanded


170517. The settlement ag reement also called for the Board of

1716Trustees to lease the Fisheating Creek Expanded Corridor to the

1726Commission, wh o the Board of Trustees designated as the managing


173818. The settlement agreement acknowledges the public's

"1745right to boat and canoe on Fisheating Creek throughout the

1755entire Expanded Corridor.Ñ With respect to navigation, the

1763settlement agreement provides:

1766Protection of Navigation . The navigability

1772of Fisheating Creek throughout the entire

1778Expanded Corridor shall be maintained and

1784en hanced through a navigation maintenance

1790program which includes aquatic weed control

1796and removal of fallen logs and similar

1803obstructions. This section does not

1808authorize dredging.

1810The Cookie - Cutter Project

181519. In January 2009, the Commission aerially applied an

1824herbicide to kill the vegetation along the course of the Creek.

183520. In April 2010, the Commission contracted with A & L

1846Aquatic Weed Control (ÐA & LÑ) to Ð[m]echanically dismantle

1855floating tussocks.Ñ The Commission directed A & L to perform

1865t he project by Ðshredding vegetation and accumulated organic

1874material to re - open the navigation across Cowbone Marsh.Ñ

188421. The Commission instructed A & L to re - open a channel

"1897approximately 2.2 miles long and 18 - 20 feet wide,Ñ and to clear

1911some areas of the Creek Ðas wide as 35 - feet wide occasionally as

1925necessary to turn shredding equipment during the shredding


193422. The Commission did not direct A & L to dredge a deeper


194823. The vessel used by A & L to perform the work is known

1962as a Ð cookie - cutter.Ñ The cookie - cutter has two cutting wheels

1976at the front of the vessel to shred and side - cast vegetation.

1989The cutting wheels also act as propellers to propel the cookie -

2001cutter forward.

200324. The cookie - cutter can clear woody vegetation up to

2014four inches in diameter.

201825. The two cutting wheels can be lowered or raised in

2029order to cut vegetation at various depths in the water.

2039Evidence was presented to show how the cutting wheels could be

2050lowered two to three feet, but it was not made clear whether the

2063cutting wheels could be lowered even more .

207126. No evidence was presented to establish how deep the

2081cookie - cutter blades were lowered into Fisheating Creek during

2091the work performed by A & L.

209827. No evidence was presented to establish what d epth of

2109soil the cookie - cutter was capable of dredging through if the

2121cutting wheels cut into the Creek bottom.

212828. The cookie - cutter began on the eastern side of Cowbone

2140Marsh and moved upstream. The parties disputed the point of

2150beginning. Petitioner s contend it was farther upstream , but the

2160more persuasive evidence for the point of beginning was

2169presented by the Commission.

217329. The cookie - cutter generally followed the course of

2183Fisheating Creek as depicted on the 1929 USACOE map. However,

2193there ar e three areas where the cookie - cutter deviated from the

22061929 map. One deviation is about 100 feet off - line. The other

2219two deviations are 25 to 30 feet off - line. No explanation was

2232given for the deviations, but the cookie - cutter operator

2242generally follow ed the path of dead vegetation killed by the

2253aerial spraying of herbicide and the line may have deviated from

2264the true course of the Creek in these three areas.

227430. During the cookie - cutter project, water levels within

2284the Creek and Marsh fluctuated. At some point, the project was

2295postponed due to low water conditions. A sandbag dam was placed

2306in the channel to artificially raise the water level so the

2317cookie - cutter could continue.

232231. In July 2010, the Department and USACOE ordered the

2332Commission to stop the project due to its adverse environmental

2342impacts, including the draining of Cowbone Marsh. Before the

2351cookie - cutter stopped, it had cleared about two miles of

2362Fisheating Creek.

236432. Where the cookie - cutter stopped there is a discernible

2375channel continuing west, but it is shallower and narrower than

2385the channel created by the cookie - cutter. At this terminus, the

2397cookie - cutter was dredging a deeper and wider channel than

2408existed naturally.

241033. Additional evidence of dredging along the Creek

2418chan nel is the soil cast up on the banks , and the removal of

2432peat soils in the bottom of the Creek and exposure of underlying

2444mineralized soil.

24463 4. The cookie - cutter altered the natural conditions of

2457the Fisheating Creek in some areas by dredging the sides a nd

2469bottom of the Creek.

247335. The dredging by the cookie - cutter altered the

2483hydrology of the Creek and Marsh. The Marsh drain ed rapidly to

2495Lake Okeechobee. In addition, large quantities of soil, muck,

2504silt, and debris disturbed by the cookie - cutter were carried

2515downstream toward Lake Okeechobee. Some of the soil and debris

2525settled out at the mouth of the Creek, causing shoaling.

253536. The sides of the channel in many areas is continuing

2546to erode.

2548The DepartmentÓs Emergency Final Order

255337. In July 2010 , the Department issued an Emergency Final

2563Order, which directed the Commission to: (a) remove the cookie -

2574cutter and immediately stop all activities associated with the

2583cookie - cutter; (b) place temporary emergency flow restrictors in

2593the channel to reduce flow velocities and minimize downstream

2602sediment transport, as well as raise the water level to minimize

2613surface and groundwater flow from the adjacent marsh into the

2623channel; and (c) develop a long - term remedial plan to return

2635water levels within the Mar sh to pre - impact conditions and apply

2648to the Department for an Environmental Resource Permit to

2657implement the plan.

266038. In August 2010, pursuant to the Emergency Final Order,

2670the Commission constructed an aluminum weir in the Creek to

2680decrease flow veloc ities, reduce erosion, and maintain the

2689hydration of the Marsh. The weir was placed approximately half

2699a mile downstream from where the cookie - cutter stopped.

270939. During the wet season of 2010, the aluminum weir was

2720completely submerged. Erosion and sh oaling occurred immediately

2728downstream. The Commission determined that the weir was

2736ineffective and removed it.

2740The EPA Compliance Orders

274440. In March 2011, the EPA issued an Administrative

2753Compliance Order in which it alleged the Commission had engage d

2764in "unauthorized activities associated with the excavation and

2772construction of a channel within Cowbone Marsh.Ñ The Commission

2781was ordered to construct an initial check dam in the upper

2792reaches of the Marsh to minimize the loss of groundwater and

2803preven t further adverse impacts.

280841. In April 2011, EPA issued a second Administrative

2817Compliance Order, directing the Commission to construct five

2825additional check dams. The order describes the check dams as

"2835initial corrective measures " and states that the Ðfinal

2843restoration plan will include measures for backfilling the

2851unauthorized cut through Cowbone Marsh.Ñ

2856The Initial Permits

285942. In May 2011, the Department issued to the Commission

2869an Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands

2877Auth orization, which authorized the construction of six earthen

2886check - dams within the portion of Fisheating Creek where the

2897cookie - cutter had operated. The purpose of the check dams was

2909to improve the hydrology of Cowbone Marsh and promote the

2919accumulation of sediments within the channel to restore the

2928natural depth and width of Fisheating Creek.

293543. The check dams were c onstructed using sand bags,

2945marine plywood, coconut matting, and pressure - treated posts.

295444. The check dams have ten - foot wing walls whic h extend

2967into the surrounding marsh. The wing walls are to prevent

2977erosion around the dams and to direct water into the marsh.

298845. The installation of the check dams was completed in

2998July 2011. Since that time, some repair efforts have been

3008required to replace lost sandbags and to address erosion that

3018has occurred around the check dams.

302446. The check dams have been somewhat successful in

3033maintaining higher water levels in the Marsh. However, they

3042have not restored natural hydrologic conditions, or pr evented

3051erosion along the channel.

3055The Proposed Modification

305847. In June 2012, the Commission applied for a "minor

3068modification" to the existing permits, which the Department

3076granted. The modified permits authorize the Commission to

3084backfill the chann el cleared by the cookie - cutter with

3095approximately 27,000 cubic yards of sand. The check dams would

3106not be removed.

310948. The sand for the backfilling would be excavated from a

" 3120borrow " area located about a mile away. Petitioners contend

3129that the borrow a rea is in wetlands, but the more persuasive

3141evidence is that it is uplands.

314749. A 1.164 - mile temporary access road would be

3157constructed from the borrow area through uplands and wetlands to

3167a 100 - square - foot staging area adjacent to Fisheating Creek

3179where the backfilling would begin. Wetland impacts would be

3188minimized by constructing the temporary access road and staging

3197area with interlocking mats.

320150. Petitioners did not show that the route or manner in

3212which the temporary road would be constructed and used would

3222have unacceptable adverse impacts to the environment or

3230otherwise fail to comply with applicable criteria.

323751. The sand would be dumped into the Creek and then

3248compacted. As the Creek was filled, the compacted sand would be

3259used as a roadway f or the trucks to transport sand to the end of

3274the filled area to dump more sand, until the backfilling was


328652. The proposed backfilling would not restore a typical

3295stream profile, deepest in the middle and becoming more and more

3306shallow moving toward the banks. Th at kind of profile can be

3318seen in the photographs of Fisheating Creek taken before t he

3329cookie - cutter project. T he proposed modification calls for

3339filling the cut channel from "bank to bank" :

3348Final Grade: Fill must be compacted and

3355gr ound surface elevations must be the same

3363as the adjacent marsh ground surface

3369elevations (within a tolerance of - 6


337753. The filled channel would be seeded and fertilized to

3387grow native vegetation. The proposed seed mixture is mostly

3396water gras ses, but has some willow included.

3404Compliance with Criteria

34075 4 . Florida Administrative Code Rule 62 - 343.100 provides

3418that a modification is treated as either minor or major

3428depend ing on the magnitude of the changes and the potential for

3440environmental im pacts that differ from those addressed in the

3450original permit:

3452[A] modification shall be considered to be

3459minor only where the modification does not:

34661. Require a new site inspection by the

3474Department in order to evaluate the request;


34822. Substantially :

3485a. Alter permit conditions;

3489b. Increase the authorized discharge;

3494c. Have substantially different or

3499increased impacts on wetlands and other

3505surface waters. . . ;

3509d. Decrease the retention/detention

3513specified by the original permit;

3518e. Decrease any flood control elevations

3524for roads or buildings specified by the

3531original permit; or

3534f. Increase the project area.

35395 5 . At the final hearing, it was not shown how the

3552modification meets the criteria for a minor modification. The

3561proposed modification do es not meet the criteria because i t

3572required new site visits , substantially alters the original

3580permit conditions , and has a substantially different impact on


35905 6 . The criteria applicable to an application for a major

3602modification were not identi fied, nor was it shown how the

3613evidence presented at the final hearing satisfies the

3621requirements for such an application.

36265 7 . The proposed backfilling plan would not restore the

3637natural conditions that existed in Fisheating Creek. The

3645Commission did not show that it made a reasonable effort to

3656determine the pre - disturbance conditions throughout the

3664disturbed area.

36665 8 . The proposed modification would not restore the

3676natural depths in the Creek. The backfilling plan calls for a

3687finished grade of plus or minus six inches above the level of

3699the adjacent marsh . A final grade of z ero to plus six inches

3713w ould essentially eliminate Fisheating Creek . The maximum

3722allowed depth of m inus six inches below the level of the

3734adjacent marsh would be shallower than the natural depths in

3744portions of the Creek. Even the Department described the Creek

3754was "one to two feet deep" before the cookie - cutter project.

3766Adequate measures are not included in the permits to ensure that

3777after backfilling and planting, the Creek woul d have the

3787ordinary attributes of a creek.

379259 . The proposed modification would not restore the pre -

3803existing hydrologic conditions of the Creek.

38096 0 . The modified Environmental Resource Permit requires

3818strict compliance with the terms of the 1999 settlemen t

3828agreement. The modification would not be consistent with the

38371999 settlement agreement because t he backfilling and planting

3846would destroy the navigability of the Creek.

38536 1 . Petitioners want to preserve the current depths of

3864Fisheating Creek, but some o f those depths are unnatural, being

3875the result of dredging by the cookie - cutter. However, the

3886proposed backfilling would not restore the natural depths in

3895some parts of the Creek and would not maintain the navigability

3906of the Creek, even for shallow draft vessels such as canoes and



39226 2 . This is a de novo proceeding designed to formulate

3934final agency action, not to review action taken preliminarily.

3943See Capeletti Bros. v. DepÓt of Gen. Servs. , 432 So. 2d 1359,

39551363 - 64 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983).


39636 3 . Standing to participate in a proceeding under section

3974120.57(1), Florida Statutes, is afforded to persons whose

3982substantial interests will be affected by the proposed agency

3991action. See § 120.52(13)(b), Fla. Stat.

39976 4 . In order to have standing to participate as a party, a

4011person must have substantial rights or interests that reasonably

4020could be affected by the agencyÓs action. See St. Johns

4030Riverkeeper, Inc. v. St. Johns River Water Mgmt. Dist. , 54 So. 3d

40421051, 105 4 (Fla. 5th DCA 2011).

40496 5 . For organizational standing, Petitioners must prove

4058that a substantial number of their members, but not necessarily

4068a majority, have a substantial interest that would be affected,

4078that the subject matter of the proposed activity is within the

4089general scope of the interests and activities for which the

4099organization was created, and that the relief requested is of

4109the type appropriate for the organization to receive on behalf

4119of its members. See Fla . Home Builders AssÓn v. DepÓt of Labor

4132& E mpÓt Sec. , 412 So. 2d 351 (Fla. 1982) ; Fla . League of Cities,

4147Inc. v. DepÓt of Envtl. Reg. , 603 So. 2d 1363 (Fla. 1st DCA


41616 6 . The standing of Petitioners is not disputed. The

4172evidence establishes their standing to participate as parties.

4180Burden and Standard of Proof

41856 7 . The Environmental Resource Permit was issued under

4195c hapter 373, Florida Statutes. A petitioner who challenges a

4205permit issued under chapter 373 has the burden of ultimate

4215persuasion. See § 120.569(2)(p), Fla. Stat.

42216 8 . The S overeign Submerged Lands Authorization was issued

4232under chapter 253. The applicant for such an authorization has

4242the burden of ultimate persuasion to demonstrate its entitlement

4251to the authorization. See Fla . DepÓt of Transp. V. J.W.C. Co.,

4263Inc. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

427269 . The standard of proof is preponderance of the

4282evidence. See § 120.57(1), Fla. Stat.


42897 0 . Navigability in Florida can be established even if

4300only boats with shallow drafts of Ðthree to six inchesÑ can

4311navi gate on the waterbody. See Broward v. Mabry , 58 Fla. 398,

432340 5 - 406 (Fla. 1909).

43297 1 . Although the determination that a waterbody is

4339navigable means the public has a right to navigate on the

4350waterbody, Petitioners have not shown that Florida law

4358recognizes a right to navigation that is greater than the

4368natural, physical limits of the waterbody will allow. If a

4378stream is only deep enough to float canoes or similar shallow

4389draft vessels, the public's right of navigation is limited to

4399such vessels. If a stre am can only be navigated during the high

4412water season of the year, the public's right of navigation can

4423only be exercised during the high water season.

4431Judicial Estoppel

44337 2 . Petitioners contend that the doctrine of judicial

4443estoppel is applicable in thi s proceeding and prevents the

4453Department or the Commission from presenting evidence

4460contradicting the Board of TrusteesÓ testimony and evidence

4468presented in the 1998 circuit court case.

44757 3 . Judicial estoppel bans litigants from asserting

4484inconsistent pos itions in separate judicial proceedings. See

4492Blumberg v. USAA Cas. Ins. Co. , 790 So. 2d 1061, 1066 (Fla.

45042001). A party is estopped from making an inconsistent claim or

4515taking a conflicting position in a subsequent action, which was

4525successfully relied upon by the party itself or a party with

4536which it is in privity and the inconsistent position will

4546prejudice the adverse party. Ramsey v. Jonassen , 737 So. 2d

45561114, 1115 - 16 (Fla. 2d DCA 1999).

45647 4 . Under the terms of the 1999 s ettlement a greement, and

4578as the Board of Trustees' designated manager of the Fisheating

4588Creek Expanded Corridor, the Commission is acting as the agent

4598of the Board of Trustees in seeking to conduct the activities

4609authorized by the permits. The Department is acting for the

4619Board of T rustees in issuing the Sovereignty Submerged Lands

4629Authorization. Therefore, judicial estoppel bars the Commission

4636and Department from presenting evidence in this proceeding that

4645contradicts the position taken by the Board of Trustees in the

46561998 circuit court case and prejudices Petitioners .

46647 5 . However, the evidence presented by the Board of

4675Trustees in the circuit court case was not credibly established

4685in this administrative proceeding. This record does not contain

4694the transcript or exhibits from th e circuit court case , other

4705than the 1929 USACOE map and some photographs. No findings of

4716fact in this Recommended Order are inconsistent with the 1929

4726map and photographs .

47307 6 . Judicial estoppel must be based on clear ly

4741in consistent positions. Id. It is not enough for Petitioners'

4751counsel to make general statements in this proceeding about the

4761contrary testimony that was offered in the circuit court case.

4771Among other reasons, that is too self - serving to support a

4783motion to exclude credible evidence ab out the natural conditions

4793of Fisheating Creek. Neither the Commission nor the Department

4802is claiming that Fisheating Creek is not navigable.

48107 7 . As stated previously, the circuit court retained

4820jurisdiction to determine the boundaries of Fisheating Cr eek,

4829but the boundaries were never determined.

48357 8 . It should also be noted that, w ithout written findings

4848of fact it is impossible to know whether any particular evidence

4859was accepted as true by a court, except for facts that are

4871necessary to a court's j udgment. This is so e ven for evidence

4884presented by the prevailing party. Because the determination

4892that Fisheating Creek is navigable was possible even if it was

4903believed the Creek was only several inches deep, the re was no

4915need to resolve the question Ð How much more than several

4926inches?Ñ The court (jury) only needed to conclude that the

4937Creek is Ðdeep enough.Ñ The court did not necessarily give much

4948weight to the testimony of any particular Board of Trustees '

4959witness about depth s in the Creek when the court c oncluded the

4972Creek was deep enough to be navigable.

4979Environmental Resource Permit

498279 . Section 373.414(1) requires a n applicant for an

4992Environmental R esource Permit to provide reasonable assurance

5000that the proposed activity is not contrary to the public

5010interest. Section 373.414(1)(a) sets forth the following

5017criteria to be considered in determining whether a proposed

5026project is contrary to the public interest:

50331. Whether the activity will adversely

5039affect the public health, safety, or welfare

5046or the property of others;

50512. Whether the activity will adversely

5057affect conservation of fish and wildlife,

5063including endangered or threatened species,

5068or their habitats;

50713. Whether the activity will adversely

5077affect navigation or the flow of water or

5085cau se harmful erosion or shoaling;

50914. Whether the activity will adversely

5097affect the fishing or recreational values or

5104marine productivity in the vicinity of the


51125. Whether the activity will be of a

5120temporary or permanent nature;

51246. Whether the a ctivity will adversely

5131affect or will enhance significant cultural

5137and archaeological resources under the

5142provisions of s. 267.061, and

51477. The current condition and relative value

5154of the functions being performed by the

5161areas affected by the proposed acti vity.

51688 0 . The proposed modification would adversely affect

5177public welfare by impairing navigation and recreation on

5185Fisheating Creek. All the Department could offer on the subject

5195of post - modification navigability in the Creek is that "[o]ver

5206time a sl ight depression may form in the [backfilled] cut" due

5218to "some minimal amount of settling in the level of the fill."

52308 1 . The proposed modification would adversely affect the

5240conservation of fish and wildlife by eliminating the Creek or

5250permanently reduci ng its natural dimensions so that the uses of

5261the Creek by fish and wildlife are also eliminated or

5271substantially reduced .

52748 2 . The proposed modification would adversely affect

5283navigation and the flow of water in Fisheating Creek.

52928 3 . The proposed modif ication fails to restore the

5303functions performed by the pre - disturbed Creek.

53118 4 . The proposed modification is contrary to the public


53238 5 . The proposed modification fails to meet the criteria

5334in rule 40E - 4.301(1), to provide reasonable assuranc e that the

5346proposed project will not adversely affect storage and

5354conveyance capabilities, will not cause adverse secondary

5361impacts, and will function as proposed.

5367Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization

53718 6 . The proposed modification fails to meet the

5381requirements of rule 18 - 21.004(1) that activities on sovereignty

5391land not be contrary to the public interest, and that the

5402authorization "contain such terms, conditions, or restrictions

5409as deemed necessary to protect and manage sovereignty lands.Ñ

54188 7 . T he proposed modification fails to meet the

5429requirement of rule 18 - 21.004(2) that sovereignty lands be

"5439managed primarily for the maintenance of essentially natural

5447conditions, propagation of fish and wildlife, and traditional

5455recreational uses such as fish ing, boating, and swimming.Ñ


5465Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5475Law it is

5478RECOMMENDED that the Department deny the requested

5485modification to the Commission's Environmental Resource Permit

5492and Sovereignty Submerged Lands Authorization.

5497DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of July , 2013 , in

5507Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5516Administrative Law Judge

5519Division of Administrative Hearings

5523The DeSoto Building

55261230 Apalachee Parkway

5529Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5534(850) 488 - 9675

5538Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5545Filed with the Clerk of the

5551Division of Administrative Hearings

5555this 3rd day of July , 2013 .


5565W. Douglas Beason, Esquire

5569Department o f Environmental Protection

5574Douglas Building, Mail Station 35

55793900 Commonwealth Boulevard

5582Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

5587Alisa A. Coe, Esquire

5591Joshua D. Smith, Esquire

5595Bradley I . B . Marshall, Esquire


5603111 South Martin Luther King, Jr., Boule vard

5611Tallahassee, Florida 32301

5614Harold "Bud" Viehauer, General Counsel

5619Ryan Osborne, Esquire

5622Florida Fish and Wildlife

5626Conservation Commission

5628Bryant Building

5630620 South Meridian Street

5634Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

5639Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr., Secreta ry

5645Department of Environmental Protection

5649Mail Station 35

56523900 Commonwealth Boulevard

5655Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000

5660Matthew Z. Leopold, General Counsel

5665Department of Environmental Protection

5669Mail Station 35

56723900 Commonwealth Boulevard

5675Tallahassee, Flo rida 32399 - 3000

5681Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk

5685Department of Environmental Protection

5689Mail Station 35

56923900 Commonwealth Boulevard

5695Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3000


5706All parties have the right to submit written exception s within

57171 5 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5729to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5740will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Department of Enviromental Protection's Response to Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to FWC's and DEP's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/15/2014
Proceedings: Consolidated Final Order filed.
Date: 07/03/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/03/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 4, 6-8, 11-14, and 19-20, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/03/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/27/2013
Proceedings: Order (denying Commission's motion to consolidate).
Date: 06/26/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 06/26/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal filed.
Date: 06/25/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Unopposed Motion for an Extension of Time to Respond to FWC's Notice of Related Case and Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 06/18/2013
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 06/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Related Case and Motion to Consolidate by Respondent Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed.
Date: 06/12/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/12/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/12/2013
Proceedings: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Proposed Recommended Order of filed.
Date: 06/07/2013
Proceedings: Order (on the joint motion for extension of time to file proposed recommended orders).
Date: 06/07/2013
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 06/06/2013
Proceedings: Order (denying DEP's second unopposed motion for extension of time to file proposed recommended order).
Date: 06/06/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Second Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/28/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 05/24/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/06/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 05/06/2013
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 04/15/2013
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (Volumes I-X, not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/18/2013
Proceedings: Order (granting motion to allow witness to appear by video teleconference).
Date: 03/15/2013
Proceedings: Responsent's Opposition to Petitioners' Motion in Limine to Preclude Evidence and Argument Inconsistent with 1997 Adjudication filed.
Date: 03/15/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Motion to Allow Witness to Appear by Videoconference filed.
Date: 03/14/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion in Limine to Preclude Evidence and Argument Inconsistent with 1997 Adjudication filed.
Date: 03/12/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Paul Gray filed.
Date: 03/08/2013
Proceedings: Non-party's, Dr. Paul Gray, Amended Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 03/08/2013
Proceedings: Non-Party's, Dr. Paul Gray, Amended Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 03/08/2013
Proceedings: Non-Party's, Dr. Paul Gray, Amended Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 03/08/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Jessica Griffith filed.
Date: 03/07/2013
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/06/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Order Allowing Remote Testimony filed.
Date: 03/05/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Filing Substitute Amended Petition filed.
Date: 03/05/2013
Proceedings: DEP and FWCC's Joint Notice of Taking Depositions Duces Tecum of Petitioners' Expert Witnesses (T. Conboy, G. Sawka, W. Wheeler) filed.
Date: 03/04/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/04/2013
Proceedings: Conservationists' Amended Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Motion to Appear by Telephone at the Hearing filed.
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Conservationists' Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Respondents' Joint Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Order (granting motion for protective order).
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Conservationists' Response to Motion for Protective Order by Non-party Paul Gray filed.
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Order (granting motion for leave to amend petition).
Date: 03/01/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/28/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time to File Pre-trial Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/28/2013
Proceedings: Non-Party's Paul Gray, Motion for Protective Order filed.
Date: 02/28/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' First Set of Interrogatories to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed.
Date: 02/28/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Filing Notice of Intention to Use Summary Exhibit filed.
Date: 02/27/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Gary Woodfield) filed.
Date: 02/27/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/26/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Second Amended Witness Disclosures filed.
Date: 02/26/2013
Proceedings: Second Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion for Leave to File Substitute Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Lawrence Glenn filed.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Clay Giles filed.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Randy Wilder filed.
Date: 02/25/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/22/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's First Amended Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 02/22/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Paul Gray filed.
Date: 02/22/2013
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Pre-trial Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/21/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Motion for Leave to Amend Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 02/20/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Pre-hearing Instruction filed.
Date: 02/19/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's (Proposed) Exhibit List filed.
Date: 02/19/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Amended Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 02/19/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Pre-hearing Instruction filed.
Date: 02/19/2013
Proceedings: DEP and FWCC's Joint Notice of Rescheduling the Deposition Duces Tecum of Petitioners' Expert Witness G. Sawka filed.
Date: 02/18/2013
Proceedings: Order (on motion in limine).
Date: 02/14/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to the Department of Environmental Protection's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 02/13/2013
Proceedings: Corrected DEP and FWCC's Joint Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Petitioners' Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 02/13/2013
Proceedings: DEP and FWCC's Joint Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Petitioners' Expert Witnesses filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Amended Witness Disclosures filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Donald Fox filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Jerrie Lindsey filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Steve Shea filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Lawson Snyder filed.
Date: 02/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Mahmoud S. Madkour filed.
Date: 02/07/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 02/07/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 02/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent FWC's Initial Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 02/06/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum of Jennifer Nelson & Megan Mills filed.
Date: 01/31/2013
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protection's Initial Witness Disclosure filed.
Date: 01/23/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Witness Disclosures filed.
Date: 01/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioners' First Set of Interrogatories to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed.
Date: 01/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioners' First Set of Interrogatories to Florida Department of Environmental Protection filed.
Date: 01/18/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Jon Iglehart filed.
Date: 11/06/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (B. Marshall) filed.
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 4 through 8, 11 through 15 and 18 through 22, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 10/31/2012
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/30/2012
Proceedings: Department of Environmental Protections' Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/29/2012
Proceedings: Respondent Commission's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/19/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/18/2012
Proceedings: Request for Assignment of Administrative Law Judge and Notice of Preservation of Record filed.
Date: 10/18/2012
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 10/18/2012
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):

Related Florida Rule(s) (3):