12-003604F Secure Enterprises, Llc vs. Office Of Insurance Regulation And Financial Services Commission
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, January 16, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: No fees and costs against agency because its adoption of successfully challenged rule (i.e., form) was substantially justified, as it was reasonable in law and fact.





13Petitioner , )


16vs. ) Case No. 1 2 - 3604F






37Respondent s . )



44On December 10, 2012, Robert E. Meale, Administrative Law

53Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings conducted the

62final hearing in Tallahassee, Florida.


68For Petitioner: Amy W. Schrader , Esquire

74Perry Ian Cone , Esquire

78GrayRobinson, P.A.

80301 South Bronough Street, Suite 600

86Post Office Box 11189

90Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 3189

95For Respondents: Bruce Culpepper , Esquire

100Stephen H. Thom as , Jr., Esquire

106Office of Insurance Regulation

110200 East Gaines Street

114Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4206


123The issue is whether Petitioner is enti tled to

132reimbursement of its attorneys' fees and costs under section

141120.595(3), Florida Statutes , from its successful prosecution of

149a rule challenge in DOAH Case No. 12 - 1944RX .


162On November 5, 2012, Petitioner filed a Motion for Awar d of

174Attorney's Fees, under section 120.595(3), Florida Statutes.

181The request arises out of Petitioner's challenge to existing

190rules, and the undersigned's issuance, on October 19, 2012, of a

201Final Order in DOAH Case No. 12 - 1944RX invalidating certain of

213these rules (Final Order).

217By joint stipulation filed December 5, 2012, the parties

226identified the issues to be tried in this case as whether

237Respondents had a reasonable basis in law and a reasonable basis

248in fact to adopt the rules that were invalidate d in the Final


262The court reporter filed the transcript of the final

271hearing on January 2, 2013. On January 14, 2013, Petitioner

281filed a proposed final order and Respondents filed a memorandum

291of law.


2961. In DOAH Case No. 12 - 1944R X, Petitioner challenged

307Florida Administrative Code R ules 69O - 170.017 and 69O - 170.0155

319and incorporated forms OIR - B1 - 1699 (Form 1699) and OIR - B1 - 1655

335(Form 1655). These rules generally relate to fixtures and

344construction techniqu es that mitigate wind los s and earn

354homeowners a discount on the wind portion of their homeowners'

364insurance premium.

3662. The most important of these rule s, Form 1699 consists

377of two matrices: one matrix provides discounts for mitigative

386fixtures and construction techniques app lied to existing

394residential construction ( i.e., predating the 2001 Florida

402Building Code) , and the other matrix provides discounts for

411mitigative fixtures and construction techniques applied to new

419residential construction ( i.e., subject to the 2001 Flori da

429Building Code or any of its successors ). The Final Order

440invalidates the matrix applicable to existing residential

447construction, but not the matrix applicable to new residential

456construction. The Final Order concludes that the omission from

465Form 1699 of discounts for increased wind resistivity for doors

475modifies and contravenes the law implemented and is arbitrary.

484The Final Order finds other omissions from Form 1699 -- i.e.,

495discounts for increased wind resistivities for windows and

503increased impact re sistivities for doors -- but these findings

513served the purpose of partly justifying the invalidation of the

523entire form for the omission of a single set of discounts

534substantially affecting Petitioner -- i.e., the discounts for

542increased wind resistivities for doors. (Findings as to the

551interdependency of all of the discounts provided the remaining

560justification for invalidating the entire form for the omission

569of a single set of discounts.)

5753. Form 1655 advises homeowners of the availability of

584discounts app licable to the wind portion of their homeowners'

594insurance premium s for various mitigative fixtures and

602construction techniques. The Final Order invalidates Form 1655

610in its entirety. The main reason is that Form 1655 fails to

622notify homeowners about the availability of discounts for

630fixtures and construction techniques that increase the wind

638resistivity of windows and doors . An additional reason is that

649Form 1655 mentions shutters as the sole fixture to increase the

660impact resistivity of windows and doo rs, misleadingly implying

669that shutters are the sole fixture or construction technique for

679increasing the impact resistivity of windows and doors.

6874. Rule 69O - 170.017 incorporates by reference Form 1699.

697The Final Order denied Petitioner's request to i nvalidate r ule

70869O - 170.017 because the rule incorporate s the still - valid,

720existing - co nstruction matrix in Form 1699 .

7295. Rule 69O - 170.0155 incorporates by reference several

738forms. The Final Order invalidates only r ule 69O - 170.0155(k),

749which is the subsect ion that incorporates Form 1655.

7586. Petitioner commenced its rule challenge to obtain a

767wind - premium discount for homeowners who purchased and installed

777its bracing system on their existing , nonglazed garage doors in

787order to increase the ir wind resistivi ty. The thrust of

798Petitioner's challenge was thus to the omission from Form 1699

808of any discounts for fixtures and construction techniques that

817increase the wind resistivity of doors. Obviously, the

825shortcomings of Form 1655 -- and its adopting rule, r ule

83669O - 170.0155(k) -- were almost entirely derived from this omission

847from Form 1699. Respondents' liability for attorneys' fees and

856costs thus requires consideration on ly of its adoption of Form

8671699 without any discounts for fixtures and construction

875techniq ues that increase the wind resistivity of doors.

8847. As noted in the Final Order, the establishment of

894discounts for all mitigative fixtures and construction

901techniques is a complicated process. The actuarial expertise

909necessary to complete this task resi des in Respondent Office of

920Insurance Regulation (OIR) , but is itself dependent on

928engineering expertise that is not found within either

936respondent, or at least was not in 2006 when Form 1699 was


9498. The engineering work underlying Form 1699 featu red

958computer modeling, among other things, to project the salient

967features of storms that may be expected to strike various parts

978of Florida over thousands of years; as for impact resistivity,

988to project the trajectories and momentum of missiles that will

998be launched by these storms; to place in the path of these

1010storms and missiles various forms of residential construction

1018with relevant combinations of mitigative fixtures and

1025construction techniques covering several factors, including the

1032protection of win dows and doors from impacts and the protection

1043of windows and doors from wind (without regard to impacts); to

1054project the damage states that will result from these modeled

1064storms upon individual hypothesized residential buildings; and

1071to project the econom ic losses -- with particular emphasis on

1082insured losses -- that will result from these damages.

10919. The relevant timeframe for this case begins with

1100Hurricane Andrew in 1992. As the Final Order describes, the

1110Florida legislature and other federal and state agencies and

1119organizations reacted swiftly and comprehensively to this storm

1127and the catastrophic damage and loss that it caused. FEMA

1137quickly published its analysis of, among other things, the

1146relationship between construction and storm damage. In 2001,

1154the legislature adopted the Florida Building Code (FBC) , which

1163required, among other things, new construction to meet wind

1172loads specified in the code, based on projected wind speeds in

1183different regions of Florida.

118710. Almost at the same time that the 2 001 FBC went into

1200effect , in March 2002, Applied Research Associates, Inc.,

1208published the Development of Loss Relativities for Wind

1216Resistive Features of Residential Structures (2002 ARA Report).

1224Procured by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, wh ich,

1234at the time, had considerable responsibilities in the adoption

1243of the 2001 FBC, the 2002 ARA Report was a groundbreaking

1254achievement in modeling the effects , in terms of reduced damage

1264and loss, from various forms of mitigative fixtures and

1273constructi on techniques , alone and in almost countless

1281combinations .

128311. For present purposes, the focal point of the 2002 ARA

1294Report were tables of loss relativities, which provided factors

1303by which to calculate how different combinations of mitigative

1312fixtures and construction techniques reduced wind losses.

1319Taking these data, OIR's actuaries issued in January 2003 an

1329informational memorandum and a precursor to Form 1699, which

1338suggested premium discounts to be used by homeowners' insurers

1347when filing insurance rates. ( Then and now, i nsurers are

1358permitted to use other data sources in setting their rates, but

1369all but two of them use the suggested discounts in Form 1699.)

138112. In August 2004, Hurricane Charley struck Florida. A

1390design wind event, like Hurrican e Andrew, the timing of Charley ,

1401after the adoption of the 2001 FBC, proved the effectiveness of

1412the 2001 FBC in requiring fixtures and construction techniques

1421that demonstrably mitigated wind damage and loss. In 2006,

1430respondents issued Form 1699 in its present form, eliminating a

1440dampening factor that they had included in the precursor form

1450three years earlier. (To allow insurers to adapt to the new

1461rate - setting environment, respondents had halved the discounts

1470in the precursor form.)

147413. The 2002 AR A Report claims to adhere to the statutory

1486mandate contained in section 627.0629(1), to determine discounts

1494for fixtures or construction techniques that "enhance roof

1502strength, roof covering performance, roof - to - wall strength,

1512wall - to - floor - to - foundation s trength, opening protection, and

1526window, door, and skylight strength." For reasons explained in

1535the Final Order, "opening protection" is limited to the impact

1545resistivity of windows and doors, and the "strength" of windows

1555and doors (skylights being treat ed as window s ) is limited to

1568their wind resistivity. Unfortunately, the 2002 ARA Report

1576collapsed opening protection and the strength of windows and

1585doors into one category -- opening protection -- so ARA never

1596developed loss relativities for fixtures and con struction

1604techniques that increased the wind resistivities of doors or,

1613for that matter, windows.

161714. As noted above, respondents were entirely dependent on

1626the work of ARA due to its specialized knowledge of the FBC and,

1639more generally, its expertise i n engineering and computer

1648modeling . ARA, not respondents, possessed this highly

1656specialized knowledge, which was necessary to generate the loss

1665relativities, on which respondents, in turn, could rely to

1674generate the legislatively mandated premium discoun ts. The

1682omission of loss relativities for th e strength of windows and

1693doors -- as a standalone category or within the category of

1704opening protection -- is not apparent in the richly detailed 2002

1715ARA Report . The above - described facts -- coupled with the time -

1729p ressured nature of the task assigned to respondents -- provide

1740the reasonable basis in fact for the adoption of the portion of

1752Form 1699 that has been invalidated.

175815. The factual justification for the adoption of the

1767portion of Form 1699 that has been in validated is greater than

1779any legal justification that respondents may claim. The statute

1788truly is a model of clarity -- and succinctness. Reduced to its

1800plainest terms, the statute calls for discounts for six

1809categories of mitigative fixtures and construc tion techniques,

1817and ARA and respondents addressed only five.

182416. However, some legal justification exists for the

1832adoption of the portion of Form 1699 that has been invalidated.

1843First, the legal mandate of section 627.0629(1) does not exist

1853in a vacuu m; it operates in the complex facts of engineers,

1865computer programmers, and actuaries whose work is necessary to

1874lend meaning to the statutory mandate. To this extent,

1883respondents find some legal justification for the same reason

1892that they find ample fact ual justification for the adoption of

1903the portion of Form 1699 that has been invalidated.

191217. Second, the legislature itself missed a clear, early

1921opportunity to remind respondents of their failure -- obvious,

1930perhaps, only in hindsight -- to address the omit ted sixth factor

1942enumerated in section 627.0629(1). The precursor of Form 1699

1951likewise omitted discounts for fixtures and construction

1958techniques that increased the wind resistivities of doors and

1967windows. When, in 200 6, the legislature ma ndated the ado ption

1979of full discounts, without any dampening, it easily could have

1989forcibly reminded respondents that they -- and their contractor --

1999had missed one of the six statutory discounts. The subtlety of

2010respondents' legal error seems to have eluded the legislatur e,

2020as well.

202218. Third, even in hindsight, the legal underpinning of

2031the invalidation of the existing - construction matrix of Form

20411699 is sometimes elusive, given the temptation to join ARA and

2052respondents in analyzing wind resistivities under the factor o f

2062opening protection. As disclosed at the hearing, the

2070Administrative Law Judge spent a considerable amount of time, in

2080preparing the Final Order, misanalyzing respondents' treatment

2087of the wind resistivities of doors from the perspective of

2097opening prote ction. Repeated, close readings of section

2105627.0629(1), in the context of the complex materials presented

2114in the 2002 ARA Report, eventually revealed the now - clear legal

2126principle that the omitted sixth statutory factor -- the strength

2136of windows and doors - - applied to wind resistivity (and opening

2148protection was restricted to impact resistivity). And

2155Petitioner itself joined in exactly the same misanalysis , both

2164in its pleading and proof at the hearing in the rule challenge.

2176Seeming to yield once more to t his misanalysis, even in the fee

2189hearing , Petitioner cross - examined OIR's lone witness with an

2199emphasis on respondents' flawed decision , as described in the

2208Final Order, to omit a discount for doors under opening

2218protection .


222319 . DOAH has jurisdiction of the subject matter.

2232§ 120.569(3), Fla. Stat.

223620 . Section 120.569(3) provides:

2241If the appellate court or administrative law

2248judge declares a rule or portion of a rule

2257invalid pursuant to s. 120.56(3) or (5), a

2265judgment or order shall b e rendered against

2273the agency for reasonable costs and

2279reasonable attorneyÓs fees, unless the

2284agency demonstrates that its actions were

2290substantially justified or special

2294circumstances exist which would make the

2300award unjust. An agencyÓs actions are

2306Ðsubs tantially justifiedÑ if there was a

2313reasonable basis in law and fact at the time

2322the actions were taken by the agency.

232921 . Because the Administrative Law Judge has invalidated

2338the existing - construction matrix in Form 1699 pursuant to

2348section 120.56(3), P etitioner is entitled to its reasonable

2357attorneys' fees and costs, unless respondents prove that their

2366actions were "substantially justified." (Respondents have not

2373claimed the existence of "special circumstances.")

238022 . The statute provides that the acti ons taken by the

2392agency -- here the adoption of Form 1699 in 2006 -- must be

2405evaluated to determine if respondents can prove that there was a

"2416reasonable basis in law and fact" for the adoption of the form.

2428The "reasonable basis" standard lies somewhere betwe en correct

2437and frivolous. Agency for Health Care Admin . v. MVP Health,

2448Inc. , 74 So. 3d 1141, 1143 - 44 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011) (construing

2461identical language in § 57.111). In attempting to narrow the

2471analytic framework, the MVP Health opinion adds:

2478The close st approximation is that if a state

2487agency can present an argument for its

2494action "'that could satisfy a reasonable

2500person[,]'" then that action should be

2507considered "substantially justified." Helmy

2511[v. Dep't of Bus. & Pro'al Reg.] , 707 So. 2d

2521[366] at 36 8, quoting Pierce v. Underwood ,

2529487 U.S. 55 2, 565, 108 S. Ct. 2541, 101

2539L. Ed. 2d 490 (1998).

254423 . Clearly, the 2002 ARA Report provides a reasonable

2554basis in fact to adopt Form 1699 in 2006. This situation is

2566similar to an agency's justifiable reliance on an expert's

2575opinion. Even if other expert opinions disagree, a lone

2584expert's opinion can provide an agency with a reasonable basis

2594for commencing a disciplinary prosecution against a licensee.

2602Dep't of Health v. Thomas , 890 S o. 2d 400, 401 (Fla. 1s t DCA

26172004) (construing § 57.111).

262124 . The question is closer as to whether respondents had a

2633reasonable basis in law to adopt Form 1699 in 2006. C ase law

2646does not go to great lengths differentiating between reasonable

2655bases in fact and in law , so the first justification described

2666in p aragraph 16 -- the extent to which complicated facts

2677complicate a clearly drafted law -- has some traction . The second

2689and third justifications in p aragraphs 17 and 18 are supportive

2700of the first justification , although, perh aps due to a still -

2712stinging recollection of his long, false start in drafting the

2722Final Order, the Administrative Law Judge more easily finds

2731legal justification for respondents' confusion in 2006, despite

2739the clear mandates of section 627.0629(1).

274525. Petitioner is not entitled to fees and costs because

2755respondents have proved that their adoption, in 2006, of the

2765invalidated matrix of Form 1699 was reasonable in fact and law.


2777Based on the foregoing, it is

2783ORDERED that Petitioner's request for atto rneys' fees and

2792costs is denied.

2795DONE AND ORDERED this 16th day of January , 2013 , in

2805Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2813Administrative Law Judge

2816Division of Administrative Hearings

2820The DeSoto Building

28231230 Apalachee Parkway

2826Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2831(850) 488 - 9675

2835Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2842Filed with the Clerk of the

2848Division of Administrative Hearings

2852this 16th day of January , 2013 .


2861Perry Ian Cone, Esq uire

2866Amy W. Schrader, Esquire


2871Suite 1000

2873301 South Bronough Street

2877Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2880Bruce Culpepper, Esquire

2883Stephen H. Thomas, Jr., Esquire

2888Office of Insurance Regulation

2892200 East Gaines Street

2896Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4206

2901Kevin M. McCarty , Commissioner

2905Office of Insurance Regulation

2909200 East Gaines Street

2913Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4206

2918Bruce Kuhse, General Counsel

2922Department of Financial Services

2926200 East Gaines Street, Suite 526

2932Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4206


2943A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

2954entitled to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida

2963Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

2972of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

2980filing the original notice of administrative appeal with the

2989agency clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings within

299830 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of

3012the notice, accompanied by any filing fees prescrib ed by law,

3023with the clerk of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate

3035district where the agency maintains its headquarters or where a

3045party resides or as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/23/2016
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the one-volume Transcript to the agency.
Date: 08/30/2013
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 08/30/2013
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 08/30/2013
Proceedings: Opinion filed.
Date: 08/14/2013
Proceedings: Opinion
Date: 03/07/2013
Proceedings: Index, Record, and Certificate of Record sent to the First District Court of Appeal.
Date: 02/26/2013
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 02/26/2013
Proceedings: Invoice for the record on appeal mailed.
Date: 02/15/2013
Proceedings: Acknowledgment of New Case, First DCA Case No. 1D13-0709 filed.
Date: 02/14/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Administrative Appeal filed and Certified copy sent to the First District Court of Appeal this date.
Date: 01/16/2013
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/16/2013
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held December 10, 2012). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/14/2013
Proceedings: Proposed Order on Motion for Award of Attorney's Fees filed.
Date: 01/14/2013
Proceedings: Memorandum of Law Opposing Petitioner's Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 01/02/2013
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/10/2012
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/05/2012
Proceedings: Supplemental Affidavit of Perry Ian Cone filed.
Date: 12/05/2012
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/29/2012
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/29/2012
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Extension of Time to File Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 11/29/2012
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Abate without Prejudice.
Date: 11/28/2012
Proceedings: Respondents' Motion to Abate filed.
Date: 11/15/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Affidavits filed.
Date: 11/06/2012
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/06/2012
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 10, 2012; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Notice sent out that this case is now before the Division of Administrative Hearings.
Date: 11/05/2012
Proceedings: Motion for Award of Attorney's Fees filed. (FORMERLY DOAH CASE NO. 12-1944RX)

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Office of Insurance Regulation


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):