12-003990PL Department Of Health, Board Of Massage Therapy vs. Ranjie Xu, L.M.T.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: Lack of clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to complete an approved course of study. Allegations relating to fraud and mistake abandoned by the Department. Recommend dismissal of Administrative Complaint.





15Petitioner ,

16vs. Case No. 12 - 3990PL


25Respondent .



30Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was

38conducted by video teleconference at sites in Tallahassee and

47Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, on May 9, 2013, before Administrative

56Law Judge Edward T. Bauer of the Division of Administrative



68Fo r Petitioner: Candace Rochester, Esquire

74Department of Health

77Bin C - 65

814052 Bald Cypress Way

85Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

90For Respondent: June H. Zhou, Esquire

96June Zhou, PLLC

99Suite 209

1012136 Saint Andrews Boulevard

105Boca Raton, Florida 33433


113The issues in this case are whether Respondent committed

122the a llegations contained in the Administrative Complaint and,

131if so, the penalty that should be imposed.


141On October 17, 2012, Petitioner, Department of Health

149("Department"), filed a three - count Administrative Complaint

159("Complaint") agai nst Respondent, Ranjie Xu. In Count One of

171the Complaint, the Department alleges that Respondent violated

179section 456.072(1)(h), Florida Statutes, in that she obtained

187her license to practice massage therapy through "error of the

197Department of Health or b y fraudulent misrepresentation." The

206Department further alleges, in Count Two, that Respondent

214submitted fraudulent documentation in connection with her

221application for licensure, contrary to section 456.072(1)(w).

228Finally, in Count Three, the Department asserts that

236Respondent's license is subject to revocation pursuant to

244section 480.041(1)(b), Florida Statutes, which provides that, in

252order to qualify for licensure as a massage therapist, an

262applicant must complete a course of study at an approved mass age

274school or complete an appropriate internship program.

281Respondent timely requested a formal hearing to contest the

290allegations, and, on December 12, 2012, the matter was referred

300to the Division of Administrative Hearings ("DOAH") and assigned

311to Admini strative Law Judge John G. Van Laningham. Thereafter,

321on May 6, 2013, Judge Van Laningham transferred this cause to

332the undersigned for further proceedings.

337As noted above, the final hearing was held on May 9, 2013,

349at the outset of which the Department a nnounced that it had

361abandoned Counts One and Two of the Complaint. 1 / The Department

373called one witness, Melissa Wade, and introduced two exhibits

382into evidence, numbered 1 - 2. Respondent testified on her own

393behalf and introduced 14 exhibits, numbered 1 - 14.

402The final hearing transcript was filed with DOAH on May 21,

4132013. Pursuant to Respondent's unopposed request, the deadline

421for the submission of proposed recommended orders was extended

430to June 11, 2013. Thereafter, the parties submitted proposed

439rec ommended orders, which the undersigned has considered in the

449preparation of this Recommended Order. 2 /


460A. The Parties

4631. The Department and the Board of Massage Therapy

472("Board") have regulatory jurisdiction over licensed massage

481therapis ts such as Respondent. The Department furnishes

489investigative services to the Board and is authorized to file

499and prosecute an administrative complaint, as it has done in

509this instance, when cause exists to suspect that a licensee has

520committed one or mor e disciplinable offenses.

5272. On June 18, 2009, the Department issued Respondent

536license number MA 56426, which authorized her to practice

545massage therapy in the state of Florida. Respondent's address

554of record is 7027 West Broward Boulevard, Box 278, Pla ntation,

565Florida 33317.

567B. The Events

5703. Respondent was born in China and, at all times relevant

581to this proceeding, was a citizen of China. In 2006, Respondent

592immigrated to the United States and, some two years later,

602enrolled at Royal Irvin College ( "Royal Irvin"), an institution

613located in Monterey Park, California, that offered massage

621therapy instruction. In March 2009, upon Respondent's

628successful completion of a course of study comprising

636500 classroom hours, Royal Irvin awarded her a degree.

6454. Subsequently, on May 22, 2009, Respondent passed the

654National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and

661Bodywork. At or around that time, and in response to a help -

674wanted advertisement, Respondent relocated to Florida to pursue

682a career in m assage therapy.

6885. Upon Respondent's arrival in Florida, her potential

696employer, Woody McLane, advised her that she needed to obtain a

707Florida license in order to be hired as a massage therapist.

718Owing to the fact that Royal Irvin was not a Board - approve d

732massage school, only two paths to licensure were available to

742Respondent: complete a course of study at an approved

751institution; or, alternatively, satisfy the requirements of an

759apprenticeship program.

7616. On May 26, 2009, Respondent and Mr. McLane tra veled to

773the Pompano Beach campus of the Florida College of Natural

783Health ("FCNH"), a Board - approved massage school. Respondent's

794ensuing dealings with FCNH's registrar are discussed shortly;

802first, though, a description of FCNH ÏÏ and its responsibilities

812under Florida law ÏÏ is in order.

8197. FCNH, an incorporated nonpublic postsecondary

825educational entity, holds a license by means of accreditation

834that authorizes its operation in Florida as an independent

843college. The Florida Commission for Independent Edu cation

851("CIE"), which regulates nonpublic postsecondary institutions,

859issued the necessary license to FCNH pursuant to

867section 1005.32, Florida Statutes (2012). 3 / In addition to being

878duly licensed by the state, FCNH is accredited by the

888Accrediting Comm ission of Career Schools and Colleges and by the

899Commission on Massage Therapy. Finally, FCNH is a "Board -

909approved massage school" within the meaning of that term as

919defined in section 480.033, Florida Statutes.

9258. At the times relevant to this proceedin g, the minimum

936requirements for becoming and remaining a Board - approved massage

946school were set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B7 -

95732.003 (Oct. 30, 2007), which provided in relevant part as


968(1) In order to receive and maintain Board

976o f Massage Therapy approval, a massage

983school, and any satellite location of a

990previously approved school, must:

994(a) Meet the requirements of and be

1001licensed by the Department of Education

1007pursuant to Chapter 1005, F.S., or the

1014equivalent licensing author ity of another

1020state or county, or be within the public

1028school system of the State of Florida; and

1036(b) Offer a course of study that includes,

1044at a minimum, the 500 classroom hours listed

1052below . . . .

1057(c) Apply directly to the Board of Massage

1065Therapy and provide the following


10711. Sample transcript and diploma;

10762. Copy of curriculum, catalog or other

1083course descriptions;

10853. Faculty credentials; and

10894. Proof of licensure by the Department of


1098(emphasis added).

11009. As an ins titution holding a license by means of

1111accreditation, FCNH must comply with the fair consumer practices

1120prescribed in section 1005.04 and in the rules of the CIE. 4 /

1133Regarding these required practices, section 1005.04, Florida

1140Statutes (2008), provided dur ing the relevant time frame as


1151(1) Every institution that is under the

1158jurisdiction of the commission or is exempt

1165from the jurisdiction or purview of the

1172commission pursuant to s. 1005.06(1)(c) or

1178(f) and that either directly or indirectly

1185solic its for enrollment any student shall :

1193(a) Disclose to each prospective student a

1200statement of the purpose of such institution,

1207its educational programs and curricula, a

1213description of its physical facilities, its

1219status regarding licensure, its fee sched ule

1226and policies regarding retaining student fees

1232if a student withdraws, and a statement

1239regarding the transferability of credits to

1245and from other institutions . The institution

1252shall make the required disclosures in

1258writing at least 1 week prior to enro llment

1267or collection of any tuition from the

1274prospective student. The required

1278disclosures may be made in the institution's

1285current catalog;

1287(b) Use a reliable method to assess, before

1295accepting a student into a program, the

1302student's ability to complet e successfully

1308the course of study for which he or she has


1319(c) Inform each student accurately about

1325financial assistance and obligations for

1330repayment of loans; describe any employment

1336placement services provided and the

1341limitations thereof; and refrain from

1346promising or implying guaranteed placement,

1351market availability, or salary amounts;

1356(d) Provide to prospective and enrolled

1362students accurate information regarding the

1367relationship of its programs to state

1373licensure requirements for practic ing related

1379occupations and professions in Florida;

1384* * *

1387(2) In addition, institutions that are

1393required to be licensed by the commission

1400shall disclose to prospective students that

1406additional information regarding the

1410institution may be obtained by co ntacting the

1418Commission for Independent Education,

1422Department of Education, Tallahassee.

1426(emphasis added).

142810. At the time of the events giving rise to this

1439proceeding, the CIE's rule relating to fair consumer practices

1448provided in relevant part as follo ws:

1455(1) This rule implements the provisions of

1462Sections 1005.04 and 1005.34, F.S., and

1468establishes the regulations and standards of

1474the Commission relative to fair consumer

1480practices and the operation of independent

1486postsecondary education institutions in


1491(2) This rule applies to those institutions

1498as specified in Section 1005.04(1), F.S.

1504All such institutions and locations shall

1510demonstrate compliance with fair consumer


1516(6) Each prospective student shall be

1522provided a written copy , or shall have

1529access to an electronic copy, of the

1536institution's catalog prior to enrollment or

1542the collection of any tuition, fees or other

1550charges. The catalog shall contain the

1556following required disclosures, and catalogs

1561of licensed institutions mus t also contain

1568the information required in subsections 6E -

15752.004(11) and (12), F.A.C.:

1579* * *

1582(f) Transferability of credits: The

1587institution shall disclose information to

1592the student regarding transferability of

1597credits to other institutions and from ot her

1605institutions. The institution shall

1609disclose that transferability of credit is

1615at the discretion of the accepting

1621institution , and that it is the student's

1628responsibility to confirm whether or not

1634credits will be accepted by another

1640institution of the student's choice. . . .

1648No representation shall be made by a

1655licensed institution that its credits can be

1662transferred to another specific institution,

1667unless the institution has a current, valid

1674articulation agreement on file. Units or

1680credits applied t oward the award of a

1688credential may be derived from a combination

1695of any or all of the following:

17021. Units or credits earned at and

1709transferred from other postsecondary

1713institutions, when congruent and applicable

1718to the receiving institution's program an d

1725when validated and confirmed by the

1731receiving institution.

17332. Successful completion of challenge

1738examinations or standardized tests

1742demonstrating learning at the credential

1747level in specific subject matter areas.

17533. Prior learning, as validated, eval uated,

1760and confirmed by qualified instructors at

1766the receiving institution.

1769* * *

1772(11) An institution is responsible for

1778ensuring compliance with this rule by any

1785person or company contracted with or

1791employed by the institution to act on its

1799behalf in m atters of advertising,

1805recruiting, or otherwise making

1809representations which may be accessed by

1815prospective students, whether verbally,

1819electronically, or by other means of


1826Fla. Admin. Code R. 6E - 1.0032 (July 23, 2007)(emphasis added).

183711. As a duly - licensed, accredited, Board - approved massage

1848school, FCNH was, at all relevant times, authorized to evaluate

1858the transferability of credits to FCNH from other massage

1867schools, so that credits earned elsewhere (including from

1875schools such as Roya l Irvin, which are not Board - approved) could

1888be applied toward the award of a diploma from FCNH. In making

1900such an evaluation, FCNH was obligated to follow the standards

1910for transfer of credit that the Board had established by rule. 5 /

1923Further, when exerc ising its discretion to accept transfer

1932credits, FCNH was required to complete, sign, and attach to the

1943student's transcript the Board's Transfer of Credit Form, by

1952which the school's dean or registrar certified that the

1961student's previously - earned credits , to the extent specified,

1970were acceptable in lieu of the student's taking courses at FCNH.

198112. Returning to the events at hand, Respondent met with

1991FCNH's registrar, Glenda Johnson, on May 26, 2009. Notably,

2000Ms. Johnson possessed actual authority, on th at date and at all

2012relevant times, to generate official transcripts and diplomas on

2021behalf of FCNH. 6 /

202613. The meeting, which took place on a weekday during

2036normal business hours, was held in Ms. Johnson's office ÏÏ located

2047on the first floor of a multi - stor y building on FCNH's Pompano

2061Beach campus. Upon Respondent's arrival at the main entrance, a

2071receptionist summoned Ms. Johnson, who, a short time later,

2080appeared in the lobby and escorted Respondent and Mr. McLane (as

2091noted previously, Respondent's potent ial employer) to her


210014. During the meeting that ensued, Respondent reiterated

2108(with her limited English skills) her desire to obtain licensure

2118in Florida as a massage therapist. To that end, Respondent

2128presented Ms. Johnson with various document s, which included her

2138diploma and transcript from Royal Irvin, as well as proof of her

2150national certification.

215215. From what can be fairly inferred from the record, it

2163appears that Ms. Johnson led Respondent to believe, erroneously,

2172that her existing cour sework and credentials were sufficient for

2182licensure and that all Respondent needed to do was transfer her

2193previously - earned credits to FCNH. (Among other things,

2202Ms. Johnson should have informed Respondent that Board - approved

2212coursework in "HIV/AIDS" and the "prevention of medical

2220errors" ÏÏ neither of which Respondent completed until after 7 / the

2232Complaint was filed in this matter ÏÏ was required 8 / for


224516. As the meeting progressed, Ms. Johnson made copies of

2255Respondent's records and asked her to sign an FCNH enrollment

2265agreement, which Respondent did. The agreement reflects (and

2273Respondent's credible testimony confirms) that, on the date of

2282their meeting, Ms. Johnson collected a cash payment from

2291Respondent totaling $418.98. 9 / Ms. Johnson also furnished

2300Respondent with a receipt, the face of which indicated that the

2311payment was for a "transfer of [licensure]."

231817. In addition to the enrollment agreement, Respondent

2326signed a three - page form titled, "State of Florida Application

2337for Massage Thera pist Licensure." In the application,

2345Respondent truthfully disclosed, among other things, that she

2353had completed 500 hours of study at Royal Irvin; that Royal

2364Irvin was not approved by the Board; and that she had not

2376attended an apprenticeship program.

238018 . At the end of the meeting, Ms. Johnson advised

2391Respondent that no further action on her part was required and

2402that all she need do was "go home and wait." Thereafter, and on

2415Respondent's behalf, Ms. Johnson submitted to the Department

2423Respondent's appl ication for licensure. The application was

2431accompanied by a number of supporting documents, including two

"2440Certificates of Completion," both of which bore Ms. Johnson's

2449signature and FCNH's official seal. The first such certificate

2458reflected that Respond ent had satisfied a two - hour course

2469relating to the prevention of medical errors, while the second

2479indicated the completion of a "Therapeutic Massage Training

2487Program (Transfer of Licensure)." The application package

2494prepared and submitted by Ms. Johnson also contained: a

"2503Transfer of Credit Form" signed by Ms. Johnson, which indicated

2513that FCNH accepted Respondent's credits from Royal Irvin, and,

2522further, that Respondent's coursework at Royal Irvin included a

2531two - credit class involving the prevention of medical errors and

2542a three - credit course concerning "HIV/AIDS"; an FCNH transcript

2552that bore Ms. Johnson's signature and indicated that Respondent

2561had completed a 500 - hour program titled "Therapeutic Massage

2571Training Program (Transfer of Licensure)"; Respo ndent's diploma

2579and transcript from Royal Irvin; proof of Respondent's national

2588certification as a massage therapist; and a copy of Respondent's

2598permanent resident card. Notably, of the FCNH documents listed

2607above, Respondent was aware only of the "Transf er of Credit

2618Form" prior to the initiation of the current proceeding.

262719. Collectively, the credit transfer form, the FCNH

2635certificates, and the FCNH transcript "signify satisfactory

2642completion of the requirements of an educational or career

2651program of st udy or training or course of study" and constitute

2663a "diploma" within the meaning of that term as defined in

2674section 1005.02(8), Florida Statutes. (These documents, which

2681Respondent's FCNH diploma comprises, will be referred to

2689hereafter, collectively, as the "Diploma.")

269520. Subsequently, on June 18, 2009, the Department issued

2704Respondent her license to practice massage therapy. With the

2713exception of the instant proceeding, there is no evidence that

2723Respondent's license has been the subject of prior disc iplinary


273421. In December 2011, an individual with the National

2743Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork ("NCB")

2753placed a telephone call to Melissa Wade, a managerial employee

2763of FCNH, to report that the NCB had received a number of

2775applications to sit for the National Certification Examination

2783(which the NCB administers) from FCNH graduates whose

2791transcripts seemed irregular. What these applicants had in

2799common was that they had earned their massage therapy diplomas

2809from Royal Irvi n, and that the same member of FCNH's

2820administration ÏÏ i.e., Ms. Johnson ÏÏ had accepted their transfer

2830credits. The NCB sent copies of the suspicious credentials to


284122. Ms. Wade reviewed the materials and detected some

2850anomalies in them. She was una ble to find records in the

2862school's files confirming that the putative graduates in

2870question had been enrolled as students. Ms. Wade confronted

2879Ms. Johnson with the problematic transcripts and certificates.

2887Ms. Johnson admitted that she had created and s igned them, but

2899she denied ÏÏ untruthfully, at least with respect to her dealings

2910with Respondent ÏÏ ever having taken money for doing so.

2920(Ms. Johnson provided the rather dubious explanation that she

2929had been merely trying to "help" people.) Shortly thereaft er,

2939in December 2011, FCNH terminated Ms. Johnson's employment.

294723. Thereafter, Ms. Wade notified the Department that some

2956of FCNH's diplomates might not have fulfilled the requirements

2965for graduation. This caused the Department to launch an

2974investigatio n, with which FCNH cooperated. The investigation

2982uncovered numerous graduates, including Respondent, whose

2988credentials FCNH could not confirm.

299324. Respondent has not surrendered her Diploma or

3001otherwise acceded to the allegation that the credentials FCNH

3010conferred upon her are invalid. While Ms. Wade testified at

3020hearing that Ms. Johnson should not have conferred Respondent an

3030FCNH Diploma based on Respondent's Royal Irvin credits, there is

3040no evidence that FCNH has initiated a legal proceeding to revoke

3051or withdraw Respondent's Diploma. At present, therefore, there

3059is no legally binding or enforceable determination that the

3068Diploma is void or that Respondent is without rights and

3078privileges thereunder.


3083A. Jurisdiction

308525. DOAH has j urisdiction over the parties and subject

3095matter of this cause, pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida


3105B. The Burden and Standard of Proof

311226. This is a disciplinary proceeding in which the

3121Department seeks to discipline Respondent's license to practice

3129massage therapy. Accordingly, the Department must prove the

3137allegations contained in the Administrative Complaint by clear

3145and convincing evidence. Dep't of Banking & Fin., Div. of Secs.

3156& Investor Prot. v. Osborne Sterne, Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932, 935

3168(Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292, 294 (Fla.


318027. Regarding the standard of proof, in Slomowitz v.

3189Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983), the court

3201developed a "workable definition of clear and convincing

3209evidence" and found that of necessity such a definition would

3219need to contain "both qualitative and quantitative standards."

3227The court held that:

3231[C]lear and convincing evidence requires

3236that the evidence must be found to be

3244credible; the facts to which the witnesses

3251testify must be distinctly remembered; the

3257testimony must be precise and explicit and

3264the witnesses must be lacking in confusion

3271as to the facts in issue. The evidence must

3280be of such weight that it produces in the

3289mind of the trier of fact a firm belief or

3299conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

3305truth of the allegations sought to be


3313Id. The Florida Supreme Court later adopted the Slomowitz

3322court's description of clear and convincing evidence. See In re

3332Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 19 94).

3341C. Statutory Construction/Notice

334428. Disciplinary statutes and rules "must be construed

3352strictly, in favor of the one against whom the penalty would be

3364imposed." Munch v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg., Div. of Real Estate ,

3375592 So. 2d 1136, 1143 (Fla. 1st DC A 1992); Camejo v. Dep't of

3389Bus. & Prof'l Reg. , 812 So. 2d 583, 583 - 84 (Fla. 3d DCA 2002);

3404McClung v. Crim. Just. Stds. & Training Comm'n , 458 So. 2d 887,

3416888 (Fla. 5th DCA 1984)("[W]here a statute provides for

3426revocation of a license the grounds must be s trictly construed

3437because the statute is penal in nature. No conduct is to be

3449regarded as included within a penal statute that is not

3459reasonably proscribed by it; if there are any ambiguities

3468included, they must be construed in favor of the licensee.").

34792 9. Due process prohibits an agency from taking

3488disciplinary action against a licensee based on matters not

3497specifically alleged in the charging instrument. Trevisani v.

3505Dep't of Health , 908 So. 2d 1108, 1109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005)("A

3518physician may not be di sciplined for an offense not charged in

3530the complaint"); Delk v. Dep't of Prof'l Reg. , 595 So. 2d 966,

3543967 (Fla. 5th DCA 1992)("[T]he conduct proved must legally fall

3554within the statute or rule claimed [in the administrative

3563complaint] to have been violate d"); § 120.60(5), Fla. Stat. (" No

3576revocation, suspension, annulment, or withdrawal of any license

3584is lawful unless, prior to the entry of a final order, the

3596agency has served, by personal service or certified mail, an

3606administrative complaint which affords reasonable notice to the

3614licensee of facts or conduct which warrant the intended

3623action . . . .").

3629D. The Charges Against Respondent

363430. As noted previously, the Department has abandoned

3642Counts One and Two of the Complaint, which alleged,

3651respectively, that Respondent's license was issued in error and

3660that Respondent committed acts of fraud in connection with her

3670application for licensure. Count Three, the Complaint's only

3678remaining charge, alleges a violation of section 480.046(1)(o),

3686a provision which subjects a licensee to discipline for, among

3696other things, running afoul of any provision of chapter 480.

3706Specifically, the Department alleges that Respondent has not

"3714completed a course of study at a board - approved massage

3725school," and has therefore vio lated a provision of chapter 480 ÏÏ

3737namely, section 480.041(1)(b), which makes completion of such a

3746course of study (or, alternatively, an apprenticeship program) a

3755qualification for licensure as a massage therapist.

376231. As an initial matter, the undersigne d is dubious of

3773the Department's attempt to punish Respondent for "violating"

3781section 480.041(1), a provision that:

3786[D]oes not by its terms require compliant

3793behavior, either by prescribing minimum

3798standards of conduct or forbidding conduct

3804deemed wrongful . Rather, this statute

3810merely describes the qualifications that a

3816person must possess to be licensed as a

3824massage therapist. A person who lacks one

3831or more of the statutory requirements is

3838unqualified, but being unqualified is not

3844the same as being a law breaker. Because

3852section 480.041(1) is not violable as that

3859term is ordinarily understood, the

3864undersigned is skeptical that any person

3870can be punished for "violating"

3875section 480.041(1).

3877Dep't of Health, Bd. of Massage Therapy v. Diamond , Case

3887No. 12 - 38 25PL, 2013 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 204, *30 - 31 (Fla.

3903DOAH Apr. 9, 2013)(Van Laningham, J.); see also Dep't of Health,

3914Bd. of Massage Therapy v. Jiang , Case No. 12 - 3610PL, 2013

3926Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 340, *15 (Fla. DOAH June 11,

39372013)(Johnston, J.)(" [S]ection 480.046(1)(o) sets out

3943qualifications for an applicant for licensure; it does not,

3952strictly speaking, make it a violation to obtain a license

3962without being qualified."). Even assuming, however, that a

3971licensee can be properly disciplined for hav ing "violated"

3980section 480.041(1)(b), the Department has failed to prove, for

3989the reasons detailed below, that Respondent did not complete a

3999course of study at a Board - approved massage school.

400932. At the time Respondent submitted her initial

4017application, Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B7 - 32.002

4025provided as follows:

4028In order to be acknowledged as a graduate of

4037a Board approved massage school as referred

4044to in subsection 480.033(9), F.S., the

4050Board's administrative office must receive

4055an official transcr ipt documenting the

4061applicant's training. Such transcript must

4066document to the satisfaction of the Board

4073that the applicant has successfully

4078completed a course of study in massage which

4086met the minimum standards for training and

4093curriculum as delineated i n this rule

4100chapter. A transcript indicating passing

4105grades in all courses, and including dates

4112of attendance, and stating the date of

4119successful completion of the entire course

4125of study, is evidence of successful

4131completion. If the transcript does not

4137s pecifically state that the student

4143successfully completed the entire course of

4149study, the transcript must be accompanied by

4156a diploma or certificate of completion

4162indicating the dates of attendance and


4169(emphasis added).

417133. As discussed previ ously, Respondent's application

4178included a Diploma that comprised the FCNH transcript, credit

4187transfer form, and certificates ÏÏ all of which were issued by the

4199school registrar, who possessed the actual authority to generate

4208documents of that type on behalf of FCNH. After reviewing

4218Respondent's application, the Department determined that the

4225Diploma constituted proof of Respondent's completion of a course

4234of study in massage therapy that met the minimum standards.

4244(The undersigned infers as much in light o f the Department's

4255abandonment of Count One of the Complaint, wherein it alleged

4265that Respondent's license was issued in error.) The Diploma,

4274which FCNH has not rescinded , continues to be exactly what it

4285was in May 2009: evidence of successful completion of a course

4296of study at a Board - approved massage school. The Department

4307contends, nevertheless, that because the registrar should not

4315have issued the Diploma, a fact of which Respondent was unaware

4326until the filing of the Complaint, Respondent's rights u nder

4336that credential ÏÏ which include her licensure as a massage

4346therapist ÏÏ should be terminated.

435134. Persuaded by the reasoning expressed in Department of

4360Health, Board of Massage Therapy v. Diamond , Case No. 12 - 3825PL,

43722013 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEXIS 204 (Fla. DOAH Apr. 9, 2013), a

4385case that involved facts nearly identical to those at hand, the

4396undersigned rejects the Department's implicit attempt to nullify

4404Respondent's Diploma. As Judge Van Laningham explained in

4412Diamond :

4414[T]he questions which the Depar tment has

4421raised implicating the Diploma's validity,

4426namely whether FCNH should have issued

4432Diamond a Diploma and ÏÏ to the point ÏÏ whether

4442the Diploma is operative as a legal

4449instrument under which Diamond has certain

4455rights and privileges, are not amenable to

4462adjudication in this administrative

4466proceeding. Neither the Department nor the

4472Board has the authority to revoke or rescind

4480the Diploma, rendering it a nullity, any

4487more than either agency could revoke a

4494degree from, say, Harvard University or

4500Tallahas see Community College. Diplomas,

4505degrees, and other educational credentials

4510confer rights and privileges in which their

4517holders have a property interest. The power

4524to revoke or withdraw such a valuable

4531credential, once conferred, belongs to the

4537issuing i nstitution, not a third - party state

4546agency, and such action, to be enforceable,

4553must be undertaken in accordance with a

4560legal process ensuring that the rights and

4567interests of the degree holder are


4574* * *

4577Diamond's FCNH Diploma certifies to the world

4584that she has completed a course of study at a

4594Board - approved massage school. Because of

4601this certification, which the Diploma

4606represents, the Department's allegation that

4611Diamond has not completed such a course of

4619study is true only if the Diploma is a

4628nullity, a worthless piece of paper

4634signifying nothing. The Diploma is not a

4641nullity, however, unless and until it is


4649FCNH has persuaded the Department that the

4656Diploma is invalid. But the Department,

4662which did not confer the Diploma, is

4669p owerless to revoke this academic credential.

4676Only FCNH has the authority to revoke the

4684Diploma, provided it does so in accordance

4691with due process of law, and it has not yet

4701taken such action, as far as the evidence in

4710this case shows. The upshot is that , in

4718arguing that Diamond is academically

4723unqualified for licensure as a massage

4729therapist, the Department is attempting to

4735steal a base, taking for granted that the

4743Diploma is void or, alternatively, voidable

4749in this proceeding. Because the Diploma is

4756ne ither void nor voidable in this forum, the

4765Department's argument is rejected.

4769* * *

4772[W]hether the Diploma should be revoked ÏÏ a

4780question which, as explained, cannot be

4786decided here ÏÏ is perhaps less clear than the

4795Department and FCNH would have it. This i s

4804because Diamond might have equitable defenses

4810to rescission, such as waiver and estoppel,

4817which could preclude FCNH from relying on so -

4826called irregularities to deny the validity of

4833the credentials that Ms. Johnson issued

4839Diamond in her capacity as FCNH's registrar

4846and agent. Obviously such equitable defenses

4852were useless to Diamond here, which is why

4860this proceeding is no substitute for the fair

4868hearing to which she is entitled in the event

4877FCNH seeks to revoke her Diploma.

48832013 Fla. Div. Adm. Hear. LEX IS at *36 - 37, 40 (internal citations

4897omitted); see also Jaber v. Wayne State Univ. Bd. of Governors ,

49082010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 88144, *10 (E.D. Mich. Aug. 26, 2010)

4919("[T]he Board of Governors nonetheless has the exclusive power to

4930revoke degrees. The Board wa s not involved in Jaber's revocation

4941process. Accordingly, [the] revocation of Jaber's Doctorate

4948degree is void"); Waliga v. Bd. of Trustees , 488 N.E.2d 850, 852

4961(Ohio 1986)(holding that a college or university acting through

4970its board of trustees is auth orized to revoke a degree upon good

4983cause, provided the degree - holder is afforded a fair hearing to

4995protect his interest).

499835. Because FCNH has not revoked the Diploma, the Diploma

5008continues to certify that Respondent completed a course of study

5018in massa ge therapy at a Board - approved school. For these

5030reasons, Count Three fails.


5035Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5045Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board enter a final order

5056finding Respondent not guilty of the offenses charged in the


5067DONE AND ENTERED this 2 6 th day of June , 2013 , in

5079Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5087Administrative Law Judge

5090Division of Administrative Hearings

5094The DeSoto Building

50971230 Apalach ee Parkway

5101Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5106(850) 488 - 9675

5110Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5117Filed with the Clerk of the

5123Division of Administrative Hearings

5127this 2 6 th day of June , 2013 .


51381/ See Final Hearing Transcript, pp. 6 - 7.

51472 / Unless otherwise noted, all statutory and rule references are

5158to current versions.

51613 / The undersigned takes official recognition of the public

5171record of the Florida Department of Education concerning FCNH's

5180licensure status, which is available onli ne at


5189schoolid=2217 (last visited June 12, 2013).

51954 / See § 1005.32(5), Fla. Stat.

52025 / See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64B7 - 32.004 (Feb. 27, 2006).

52156 / Melissa Wade, an FCNH managerial employee, credibly tes tified

5226that FCNH's registrar possesses actual authority to print and

5235sign official transcripts. See Final Hearing Transcript, p. 41,

5244lines 2 - 4. With respect to diplomas and certificates, however,

5255Ms. Wade further asserted that the registrar is authorized to

5265print ÏÏ but not sign ÏÏ such documents. Id. The undersigned

5276rejects this portion of Ms. Wade's testimony and concludes,

5285based upon the circumstances surrounding Respondent's

5291interaction with Ms. Johnson (and the fact that the Department

5301granted Responde nt's application for licensure, notwithstanding

5308the absence of any signature other than the registrar's on the

5319FCNH certificates), that Ms. Johnson had actual authority to

5328sign each of the documents included with Respondent's


53377 / See Respon dent's Exhibits 13 & 14.

53468 / See Fla. Admin. Code R. 64B7 - 25.001(1)(d) & (1)(f) (June 15,

53602009); see also § 456.013(7), Fla. Stat. (2008)("The boards, or

5371the department when there is no board, shall require the

5381completion of a 2 - hour course relating to pr evention of medical

5394errors as part of the licensure and renewal process. . . . The

5407course shall be approved by the board or department, as

5417appropriate . . . .").

54239 / According to the enrollment agreement, a tuition fee of

5434$218.98 was assessed, as well as a transfer fee in the amount of



5450Candace Rochester, Esquire

5453Department of Health

5456Bin C - 65

54604052 Bald Cypress Way

5464Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3265

5469June H. Zhou, Esquire

5473June Zhou, PLLC

5476Suite 209

54782136 Saint Andrews Boulevard

5482Boc a Raton, Florida 33433

5487Anthony R. Jusevitch, Executive Director

5492Board of Massage Therapy

5496Department of Health

54994052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 06

5507Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3256

5512Jennifer A. Tschetter, General Counsel

5517Department of Health

55204052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A - 02

5528Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701


5539All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

554915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5560to this Recommended Order should be file d with the agency that

5572will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/18/2019
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/18/2019
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Adopting Settlement Agreement filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/18/2013
Proceedings: Responses to Petitioner's Exceptions to the ALJ's Findings of Fact filed.
Date: 06/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 9, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/12/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/11/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Amended Unopposed Motion for Ten-Day Enlargement of Time to Submit Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for One-Week Enlargement of Time to Submit Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/21/2013
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/13/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Hearing Exhibit (R-15) filed.
Date: 05/09/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal of Count Two filed.
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's Request for Discovery filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Ranjie Xu's Response to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's Request for Production filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Respondent's Responses to Petitioner's Request for Discovery filed.
Date: 05/06/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 05/02/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Pre-hearing Statement filed.
Date: 05/02/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/02/2013
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 05/02/2013
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/02/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of R. Xu) filed.
Date: 02/15/2013
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Consolidate Related Cases.
Date: 01/31/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 9, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes, FL).
Date: 01/30/2013
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/11/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/11/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 11, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/02/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Request for Admissions, Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 12/18/2012
Proceedings: Joint Response to the Initial Order filed.
Date: 12/13/2012
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/12/2012
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 12/12/2012
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 12/12/2012
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


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