13-000414BID Vaastu Design Engg And Construction Services, Inc. vs. Department Of Agriculture And Consumer Services
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, March 26, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: Bid proposals arriving minutes late to agency as a result of third party courier service constituted minor irregularity within agency discretion to waive.






18Petitioners, )


21vs. ) Case No. 13 - 0414BID





38Respondent. )



43Pursuant to notice, a formal hearing was conducted in this

53case on February 27, 2013, in Tallahassee, Florida, bef ore

63Barbara J. Staros, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

73Administrative Hearings.


77For Petitioner: Stephen M. Donelan , Esquire

83Florida Department of Agriculture

87And Consumer Services

90Room 509, Mayo Building

94407 South Calhou n Street

99Tallahassee, Florida 323 99

103For Respondent: Sanjeev Mangoli

107V AASTU Design Engineering

111a nd Construction Service s , Inc.

117Post Office Box 222155

121West Palm Beach , Florida 33 422


131Whether Respondent's intention to award the contract arising

139out of Invitation to Bid 12/13 - 44 (the ITB) to Paragon

151Constru ction is contrary to RespondentÓs governing statutes,

159RespondentÓs rules on policies, or the ITB specifications .


170On November 16 , 20 12 , the Department of Agriculture and

180Consumer Services ( the Department or the Agency ) posted the ITB

192f or demolition and r enovation at the Pompano State F armers Ó

205Market. The Solicitation Tabulation Sheet (the tabulation

212sheet) , showing the Department's intention to award a contract to

222Paragon Con struction , was posted on January 7, 2013. Petitioner

232timely filed a Petition challenging the Agency's intended

240decision , alleging that the intention to award the bid to Paragon

251Construction was erroneous because it violated the terms and

260conditions specified in the ITB in that late bids were opened,

271and was in viol ation of section 255.0525, Florida Sta tutes. The

283Petition was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings

292on or about January 2 8 , 20 13 . A Notice o f Hearing was issued on

309January 29, 2013, scheduling the final hearing for February 27,

3192013. The hearing was held as scheduled.

326The parties filed a Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation. The

336parties stipulated to the admission of Joi nt Exhibits numbered 1

347through 12 . At hearing, Petitioner and Respondent presented the

357testimony of Christie Hutchinson and Ti na Peacock .

366A t ranscript was not ordered or filed. The parties timely

377filed Proposed Recommended Orders which have been considered in

386the preparation of this Recommended Order. All citations are to

396Florida Statutes (20 12 ) unless otherwise indicated.


408Stipulated Facts

4101. On November 16, 2012, the Department posted its ITB for

421demolition and renovation at the Pompano State Farmers Market .

4312. The ITB specified that bids were to be sub mitted to the

444Respondent at 407 South Calh oun Street, Mayo Building, Room SB - 8,

457Tallahassee, Florida .

4603. The bid opening for the ITB was scheduled for 2:00 p.m.

472on December 21, 2012.

4764. Petitioner's response was receive d by the Department on

486December 21, 2012 , at 11:07 a.m.

4925. Three other responses , from B i - Tech Construction, Inc.,

503JW Anthony Builders, Inc. , and Eagle Enterprises, were received

512by Respondent prior to 2:00 p.m. on December 21, 2012.

5226. Five responses , from Paragon Construction, West

529Construction, State Contracting and Engineering Corporatio n, Real

537Concepts, and Anzco, Inc., were delivered by FedEx to the

547Department's ma ilroom at 2:02 p.m. on December 21, 2012. Each

558was tendered to Fed Ex on December 20, 2012 , for delivery to the

571Department by 8:30 a.m. on December 21, 2012.

5797. The five resp onses were logged in by the Department's

590employees on December 21, 2012, between 2:03 p.m. and 2:04 p.m.

6018. Petitioner's response and the responses of Bi - Tech

611Construction, Inc., JW Anthony Builders, Inc., and Eagle

619Enterprises were opened at approximatel y 2: 10 p.m. by

629Tina Peacock, assistant to the Department's purchasing d irector,

638Christie Hutchinson.

6409. Ms. Hutchinson advised Petitioner at 2:15 p. m. on

650December 21, 2012 , via e - mail that Petitioner had provided the

662apparent low bid of $114,500.

66810. At 2:30 p.m. on December 21, 2012, the Department's

678mailroom personnel delivered the five additional responses to the

687Dep artment's purchasing bureau in r oom SB - 8 and left them

700unopened on Ms. Peacock's desk. Ms. Peacock had already left for

711the day.

71311 . Ms. Hutchinson discovered the responses and opened them

723at approximately 2:40 p.m. on December 21, 2012.

73112. At 2:56 p.m. , Ms. Hutchinson advised Petitioner that

740Petitioner was no longer the apparent low bidder and that the

751apparent low bidder was P aragon Co nstruction , with a bid of


76513. The Department was initia lly advised by FedEx on

775January 9, 2013 , that the delay in delivering the five responses

786was due to weather delays in FedEx's Tennessee processing center.

796FedEx later confirmed that the dela y was caused by their internal

808package sorting network and not due to weather conditions.

81714. The tabulation sheet showing the Department's intention

825to award a contract to Paragon Con struction was posted on

836January 7, 2013.

83915. Petitioner timely filed i ts Petition challenging the

848Department's intended award.

851Findings of Fact Based on the Evidence of the Record

86116. Under ÐSpecial Terms, Conditions and Specifications,Ñ

869t he ITB states in the "Purpose" section that the "project budg et

882is estimated to be $12 0,000.Ñ

88917 . All m ail and express courier deliveries addressed to

900the Department are delivered to the Department's central

908mailroom , which is located in a differ ent part of the building

920from Ms . Hutchinson's office. Mailroom personnel log in the

930delivered item , then deliver the mail or item to the room

941specified on the envelope or package .

94818 . The normal bid opening procedure used by the Department

959is for bids to be opened by Ms. Peacock in Ms. Hutchinson's

971office. In this instance, both Ms. Peacock and Ms. Hutchinson

981were present for the opening of the first four bids that were

993received before 2:00 p.m. Bid responders are notified in the ITB

1004that they may, but are not required to , attend th e bid opening,

1017which is public.

102019 . At approximately 2:33 p.m. on December 21, 2012,

1030Ms. Hutchinson received an e - mail from one of the bidders, West

1043Construction, inquiring if the Department received their bid

1051package by the deadline. She sent the t ab ulation s heet to West

1065Construction .

106720 . Ms. Hutchinson went to Ms . Peacock's desk at

1078approximately 2:40 p.m. to return the file with the tabulation

1088sheet, and discovered the additional envelopes on Ms. Peacock's

1097desk. She went to the mailroom to find out when the packages

1109were received by the Department, then sought adv ice from the

1120Department's legal counsel . U pon receiving that advice,

1129Ms. Hutchinson proceeded to open the late arrivals. By that

1139time, Ms. Peacock had gone home, so Ms . Hutchinson personally

1150opened them. There is nothing in the record to indicate that

1161a nyone else was in the room with Ms. Hutc hinson when she opened

1175the late - arriving bid responses. Betwee n the time of delivery of

1188the responses to the Department, and the opening of the same, the

1200five bid responses remained sealed.

120521 . Ms. Hutchinson testi fied that p rior to the opening of

1218the fiv e late bids, she did not know what comprised the contents

1231of each bid and had no way of knowing whether the late bids were

1245higher or lower than those already opened. Her testimony in this

1256regard was credible and is accepted.

126222 . Paragraph 16 of the General Instructions to Respondents

1272reads as follows :

1276Minor Irregularities - Right to Reject. The

1283buyer reserves the right to accept or reject

1291any and all bids, or separable portions

1298thereof, and to waive any minor ir regularity,

1306technicality, or omission if the Buyer

1312determines that doing so will serve the

1319State's best interests. The Buyer may reject

1326any response not submitted in the manner

1333specified in the manner specified by the

1340solicitation documents.

1342T he Ð Evaluati on and Award Ñ section of the ITB a lso informs the

1358bidders that "[a]s the best interests of the state may require,

1369the right is reserved to reject any and all bids or waive any

1382minor irregularity or technicality in bids received."

13892 3 . The ITB contains the following language regarding late



1403Bids received after the bid opening time and

1411date will be rejected as untimely and will

1419not be opened. A late bid notice will be

1428sent to the bidder upon the posting of award

1437notice with instructions for it s return.

1444Unclaimed late bids will be destroyed after

145145 days. Offers from vendors listed on the

1459Department's posted award notice are the only

1466offers received timely in accordance with the

1473Department's bid opening time and date.

147924 . After leaving work shortly afte r 2:00 p.m. on Friday,

1491December 21, 2012, Ms. Peacock did n ot return to work until

1503January 2, 2013. She then contacted FedEx to inquire about the

1514reason for the delay in the delivery of the late responses .

1526Initially, she was informed that the delay was due to weathe r.

1538However, by letters dated Jan uary 29, 2013, the Department was

1549informed by FedEx that the delay was caused by their package

1560sorting network. Whether the delay was caused by the weath er or

1572the package sorting network is of no co nsequence. In either

1583event, the lateness of the five bids which arrived at the

1594Department two minutes after the posted bid opening time was due

1605to problems of the courier, and was not caused by the bidders.

161725 . The January 29, 2013 , letters also informed the

1627Department that the late packages, including the one containing

1636the bid from Paragon Construction , were tendered to the courier

1646service for morning deli very on December 21, 2012.


16582 6 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1667jur isdiction over the parties and subject m atter in this case

1679pursuant to s ections 120.569, 120.57(1) and (3), Florida


168927 . Petitioner has challenged the Department's proposed

1697agency action to award the ITB contract to Paragon Construction .

170828 . T he burden of proof resides with the Petitioner. The

1720standard of proof in this proceeding is whether the agency action

1731was clearly erroneous, contrary to competitio n, arbitrary, or

1740capricious. § 120.57(3)(f), Fla. Stat.

174529 . The underlying findings of fac t in this case are based

1758on a preponderance of the evidence. § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

176830 . This de novo proceeding was conducted for the purpose

1779of evaluating the act ion that was taken by the Department in an

1792attempt to determine whether that action is contrary to the

1802Department 's governing statutes, the Department 's rules or

1811policies, or the solicitation specifications. 1 / See

1819§ 120 .57(3)(f), Fla. Stat., and State Contracting and Eng ' g Corp .

1833v. Dep ' t of Transp . , 709 So. 2d 607 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998).

184831 . Petitioner argues that the Department erroneously

1856misused the ITB language relating to minor irregularities and the

1866right to reject bids by opening the late - arriving responses after

1878the timely ones were opened and the lowest apparent bidder

1888(Petition er) had been notified of the tabulation results. Courts

1898have addressed the distinction of major versus minor

1906irregularities. The court in Harry Pepper & Associates v. City

1916of Cape Coral , 352 So. 2d 1190 , 1193 (Fla. 2d DCA 1977) ,

1928described the test for me asuring whether an irregularity is


1939The test for measuring whether a deviation in

1947a bid is sufficiently material to destroy its

1955competitive character is whether the

1960variation affects the amount of the bid by

1968giving the bidder an advantage or benef it no t

1978enjoyed by the other bidders.

198332 . Applying the Harry Pepper rationale to the instant

1993case, the amount s of the late - arriving bids were not affected by

2007the late delivery caused by a third party. See also Liberty

2018Cnty. v . Baxter's Asphalt & Concrete , Inc. , 421 So. 2d 505

2030(Fla. 1982)(county's waiver of a relatively minor irregularity in

2039the technical bidding requirements upheld).

204433 . An agency has the discretion to waive the irregularity

2055of a late bid. Hewitt Contracting Co. v. Melbourne Reg ' l Airp ort

2069Auth . , 528 So. 2d 122 (Fla. 5th DCA 1988).

207934 . Accordingly, it is concluded that the acceptance of the

2090bids received by the Department a few minutes after the posted

2101deadline , when the delay was caused by a third party, constitute s

2113a minor irregu larity which may be waived at the discretion of the

2126Department . The bidders whose responses were delivered late had

2136no opportunity to adjust their bid proposals and therefore did

2146not ha ve a competitive advantage over any other proposed vendor.

2157Petitioner Ós argument that the late bids were not delivered to

2168the purchasing office, the room specified in the ITB , is

2178unpersuasive. All mail and other deliveries are delivered to a

2188central mailroom which then distributes items to the appropriate

2197room .

219935 . In it s Petition, Petitioner asserts that the Department

2210violated section 255.0525, Florida Statutes. Petitioner's

2216reliance on this statute is misplaced. Section 255.0525 requires

2225advertisement in the Florida Administrative Weekly in the

2233solicitation of compet itive bids or proposals for any

2242construction project that is projected to co st more than

2252$200,000. The ITB states in the "Purpose" section that the

2263project budget is estimated to be $120,000. Petitioner's bid i s

2275$114,500; the bid from Paragon Constructio n is $98,873. Thus,

2287section 255.0525 is not applicable in this case.

229536. At hearing and in the Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation ,

2306Petitioner alleged that the Agency 's intent to award the contract

2317to Paragon Construction is also arbitrary and capricious. An

2326agen cy action is capricious if the a gency takes the action

2338without thought , reason , or rationality. An agency decision is

2347arbitrary if it is not supported by facts or logic. Agrico Chem.

2359Co. v. State Dep't of Envtl. Reg. , 365 So. 2d 759, 763 (Fla. 1st

2373DCA 1978).

237537. The Agency 's decision to open the late bids was based

2387on the number of late responses received by the Agency at the

2399same time by the same courier, the fact that the lateness of the

2412delivery was not the fault of the bidders, and the fact t hat the

2426delivery occurred within minutes of the stated time. Petitioner

2435has not shown that the Agency 's intended action is arbitrary or


244838. I n its Proposed Recommended Order, Petitioner stated

2457that in addition to section 255.0525, the Agency violated

2466sections 255.0518 and 286.111, Fl orida Statutes.

2473Section 255.0518 reads as follows:

2478Public bids; b id opening. Notwithstanding

2484s. 119.07(1)(b), the state or any county or

2492municipality thereof or any department or

2498agency of the state, county, or municipality ,

2505or any other public body or institution


2513(1) When opening sealed bids or the portion

2521of any sealed bids that include the

2528prices submitted that are received

2533pursuant to a competitive solicitation

2538for construction or repairs on a public

2545buil ding or public work, open the sealed

2553bids at a public meeting conducted in

2560compliance with s. 286.011.

2564(2) Announce at that meeting the name of

2572each bidder and the price submitted in

2579the bid.

2581(3) Make available upon request the name of

2589each bidder and th e price in the bid.

259839 . Section 255.072(2) defines construction services to

2606include demolition, reconstruction , and any other improvements to

2614real property. The ITB is for the demolition and renovation of

2625the Pompano State F armer's Market. The effective date of

2635section 255.0518 was May 4, 2012. C h. 2012 - 211, § 3, Laws of

2650Fla. It appears, then, that the provisions of section 255.0518

2660apply to this bid opening.

266540. However, Petitioner did not plead a violation of

2674255.0518 in its Petition challenging the intend ed contract award.

2684It was not included in the Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation.

2695See Fla. Admin. Code R. 28 - 106.201 (requires a statement of the

2708specific rules or statutes P etitioner contends warrant reversal

2717or modification). The Department , therefore, was not on notice

2726that this was one of the grounds of the challenge prior to

2738hearing or that it must prepare to defend any such allegations .

275041 . Accordingly, Peti tioner has not shown that the

2760Department 's proposed action is contrary to the Department 's

2770gove rning statutes, rules or policies, or the ITB specifications.


2781Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2791Law set forth herein, it is


2798That the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

2806enter a final order dismissing the bid protest filed by

2816Petitioner .

2818DONE AND ENTERED this 26 th day of March, 2013, in

2829Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2837Administrative Law Judge

2840Division of Administrative Hearings

2844The DeSoto Building

28471230 Apalachee Park way

2851Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2856(850) 488 - 9675

2860Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2867Filed with the Clerk of the

2873Division of Administrative Hearings

2877this 26 th day of March, 2013.


28851 / The Department 's reliance on the standards set forth in

2897Department of Transportation v. Groves - Watkins , 530 So. 2d 912

2908(Fla. 1988) is misplaced. Since the 1996 amendments to the

2918Administrative Procedures Act, the standard of review is set forth

2928clearly in section 120.57(3)(f), Florida Statutes. Moreo ver, that

2937section specifies that the standard of review of whether the

2947agency's action is illegal, arbitrary, dishonest, or fraudulent

2955applies to only cases in which the agency's intended action is to

2967reject all bids , which is not the circumstance of the i nstant

2979case .


2984Stephen M. Donelan, Esquire

2988Florida Department of Agriculture

2992and Consumer Services

2995Room 509, Mayo Building

2999407 South Calhoun Street

3003Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3006Sanjeev Mangoli

3008VAASTU Design Engineering

3011and Constru ction Services, Inc.

3016Post Office Box 222155

3020West Palm Beach, Florida 33422

3025Lorena Holley, General Counsel

3029D epartment of A griculture

3034and C onsumer S ervices

3039407 South Calhoun Street, Suite 520

3045Tallahassee, Florida 32399

3048Honorable Adam Putnam

3051Commissioner of Agriculture

3054D epartment of A griculture

3059and C onsumer S ervices

3064The Capitol, Plaza Level 10

3069Tallahassee, Florida 32399


3078All parties have the right to submit exceptions within 10 days

3089from the date of the Recommende d Order. Any exceptions to this

3101Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will issue

3112the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/17/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/17/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 03/26/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 27, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law, and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/07/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/27/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/20/2013
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/30/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Order of Pre-hearing Instructions filed.
Date: 01/29/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/29/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 27, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/28/2013
Proceedings: Petition filed.
Date: 01/28/2013
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 01/23/2013
Proceedings: Solicitation Tabulation Sheet filed.
Date: 01/23/2013
Proceedings: Petition filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):