13-001208F Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living, Llc, D/B/A Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living And D/B/A Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living At Avalon Park, And Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living Ii, Llc, D/B/A Avalon&Apos;S Assisted Living At Southmeadow vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, September 17, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: AHCA was substantially justified initiating administrative action versus Petitioners; no award.










46Petitioners ,

47vs. Case Nos. 13 - 1206F

5313 - 1207F



64Respondent .



69On July 18, 2013, an administrative hearing was held in this

80case, using video teleconferencing with sites in Orlando and

89Tallahassee, before J. Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law

96Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


103For Petitioner s : John E. Terrel, Esquire

111Law Office of John E. Terrel

117Suite 11 - 116

1211700 North Monroe Street

125Tallahassee, Florida 32303

128For Respondent: Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

134Agency for Health Care Administration

139Mail Stop 3

1422727 Mahan Drive

145Tallahassee, Florida 3 2303

149Thomas J. Walsh, II, Esquire

154Agency for Health Care Administration

159Sebring Building, Suite 330G

163525 Mirror Lake Drive, North

168St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


176The issue is whether the Respondent, Agency for Health Care

186Administration (AHCA), should pay the Petitioners attorney ' s fees

196and costs under section 57.111, Florida Statutes (2013), 1/ the

206Florida Equal Access to Justice Act, for initiating DOAH

215Case s 10 - 0528, 10 - 1672 and 10 - 1673.


230AHCA filed an administrative complaint against Avalon ' s

239Assisted Living, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s Assisted Living and d/b/a

250Avalon ' s Assisted Living at Avalon Park (Avalon) and gave notice

262of intent to deny license renewals to Avalon and Avalon ' s

274As sisted Living, II, LLC, d/b/a Avalon ' s Assisted Living at

286Southmeadow (Avalon II) on various grounds. They requested

294hearings, which resulted in DOAH Case s 10 - 0528, 10 - 1672

307and 10 - 1673. A consolidated hearing was held, and A dministrative

319Law Judge Willia m F. Quattlebaum recommended that the licenses be

330revoked and not renewed. AHCA entered a f inal o rder adopting the

343recommendation. Avalon and Avalon II appealed, and the final

352order was reversed, essentially because the findings were based

361on hearsay tha t would not be admissible over objection in a civil

374action. See § 120.57(1)(c), Fla. Stat. Avalon and Avalon II

384filed petitions for attorney ' s fees and costs under section

39557.111 that initiated these proceedings.

400Issues regarding entitlement to an award and the amount of

410the award were bifurcated. At the hearing on entitlement on

420July 18, 2013, the Petitioners called two witnesses and

429had 14 exhibits admitted. AHCA called no witnesses , but had

43914 exhibits admitted in evidence. The parties filed propos ed

449orders, which have been considered.


4581. Avalon and Avalon II are licensed assisted living

467facilities (ALFs) in Orange County. In 2009, they were owned and

478operated by Robert Walker and Chiqquittia Carter - Walker. Each

488had no more than 25 employees and a net worth of not more than

502$2 million (making them small business parties under section


5122. On December 4, 2009, AHCA filed an administrative

521complaint against Avalon (DOAH Case 10 - 0528). The administrative

531complaint alleged that Avalon was guilty of three Class II

541deficiencies, which are deficiencies that directly threaten the

549physical or emotional health, safety, or security of a resident.

559Count I alleged that Avalon falsified employee training

567documentation (cited as Tag A 029) to deliberately misrepresent

576the level of information and skill possessed by a staff member.

587Count II alleged that Avalon failed to provide appropriate

596medication to a terminally ill resident (cited as Tag A427),

606resulting in unnecessary pain suffere d by the resident. Count

616III alleged that Avalon failed to provide one resident with a

627prescribed nutritional supplement and two residents with

634appropriate pain - relieving medications, including the resident

642identified in Tag A427 (cited as Tag A700). Cou nt IV alleged

654that the licenses of Avalon and Avalon II should be revoked under

666section 408.812(5), Florida Statutes (2009), 2/ because they or

675their owners and operators ( " controlling interests " under section

684408.803(7)) operated a third, unlicensed ALF an d because of a

695demonstrated pattern of deficient performance at Avalon.

7023. The first three counts of the administrative complaint

711were based on the results of an inspection (survey) of Avalon ' s

724facility completed on July 23, 2009.

7304. As to Count I, i t was discovered during the inspection

742that training certificates for one Avalon staff member were not

752accurate and falsely indicated that the employee received

760required training, which the employee denied. Avalon disputed

768the employee ' s statement, offere d explanations for some of the

780anomalies in the training certificates, and pointed out that

789Avalon still had time to provide some of the required training ,

800but the employment was terminated before the time would have run

811out. Avalon also pointed to variou s mistakes and confusion in

822the survey report to attack its overall credibility.

830Nonetheless, the information in the survey report was a

839reasonable basis in fact to charge Avalon in Count I.

8495. Section 429.19(2)(b) provided a reasonable basis in law

858to file an administrative complaint seeking to fine Avalon for

868the violation alleged in Count I.

8746. As to Count II, the inspection revealed that a

884terminally ill resident, who no longer met the criteria for

894continued ALF residency, was allowed to remain i n the ALF subject

906to the coordination of hospice care, the provision of additional

916medical services, and the development and implementation of an

925interdisciplinary care plan that adequately designated

931responsibility for the various kinds of care required b y the

942resident. The inspection revealed that the resident did not

951receive medication for pain management, which had been authorized

960by the resident ' s physician, and suffered pain unnecessarily

970during the early morning hours of July 13, 2009. The inspecti on

982concluded that Avalon was responsible.

9877. Avalon disputed some of the findings in the survey

997report regarding this resident. Specifically, Avalon disputed

1004statements in the survey report to the effect that there was no

1016interdisciplinary plan in plac e and being implemented at the

1026time. Avalon also contended that the allegations in Count II

1036were based on inadequate investigation by unqualified personnel

1044(i.e., not medical professionals), which resulted in a

1052misunderstanding by the inspectors regarding how a hospice

1060patient is treated in an ALF.

10668. The crux of the findings in the survey report and of the

1079allegations in Count II was that Ms. Carter - Walker, who is a

1092nurse and was the only ALF staff member authorized to administer

1103medications to residen ts, as well as the administrator in charge

1114of the ALF, had the facility ' s medication cart locked and made

1127herself unavailable to authorize that it be opened during the

1137evening hours of July 12 and early morning hours of July 13,

11492009, resulting in the inab ility of anyone to administer the

1160resident ' s pain medication for five hours when it was needed by

1173the resident, as ordered by the resident ' s physician. This was a

1186reasonable basis in fact to charge Avalon in Count II of the

1198administrative complaint (even if there may not have been a

1208reasonable basis for each and every allegation in Count II).

12189. Section 429.19(2)(b) provided a reasonable basis in law

1227to file an administrative complaint seeking to fine Avalon for

1237the violation alleged in Count II.

124310. Count III of the administrative complaint repeated the

1252allegation in Count II and added allegations regarding two other


126311. One of the other two residents was alleged to have had

1275a history of weight loss and been prescribed a daily can of

" 1287Ens ure " nutritional supplement, but did not receive the

1296supplement , as ordered , because the facility had not obtained or

1306provided it to the resident.

131112. Avalon contended that there were no medical records,

1320facility records, or any other documentation submi tted to

1329substantiate the claim about the Ensure. It is true that the

1340survey report did not include such supporting documentation, and

1349no such supporting documentation was introduced in evidence in

1358this case. However, the survey report indicates that AHCA staff

1368reviewed Avalon ' s records on July 14, 2009, and that there was a

1382health care provider order dated June 16, 2009, on file for one

1394can of Ensure a day, and a Medication Observation Record showing

1405none was provided to the resident in June or July. The report

1417also indicates that Ms. Carter - Walker confirmed that no Ensure

1428had been provided to the resident and telephoned the pharmacy to

1439see if the pharmacy had received the order. This was a

1450reasonable basis in fact to charge Avalon regarding the Ensure i n

1462Count III of the administrative complaint .

146913. The other resident mentioned in Count III was alleged

1479to have had a history of hypertension and hypothyroid issues and

1490to have been prescribed a daily Ibuprofen (400mg) for pain, but

1501Avalon ' s medication rec ords allegedly indicated that the

1511medication had been provided to the resident twice on some days

1522and not at all on other days. Avalon points out the vagueness of

1535some of the evidence AHCA had to support this charge (namely, the

1547statement of a former empl oyee about an unknown date in June 2009

1560when the resident did not receive any pain medication), the

1570confused and inconsistent testimony of AHCA ' s inspector and her

1581supervisor as to the basis in fact for this allegation, and the

1593absence of the medical recor ds for this resident from the

1604evidence introduced in this case. Nonetheless, the statements in

1613the survey report reflecting that Avalon ' s records were reviewed

1624by the AHCA inspectors were a reasonable basis in fact to include

1636these allegations in Count II I of the administrative complaint .

164714. Avalon complains that Count III repeated the

1655allegations in Count II in order to combine with and elevate the

1667other two deficiencies in Count III from Class III deficiencies

1677to Class II deficiencies. While there ma y be no specific

1688statutory or rule authority for doing so, Avalon does not point

1699to any rule or statute prohibiting doing so, and AHCA had a

1711reasonable basis in fact to take the position that the three

1722alleged deficiencies, combined, were Class II.

172815. S ection 429.19(2)(b) provided a reasonable basis in law

1738to file an administrative complaint seeking to fine Avalon for

1748the violations alleged in Count III.

175416. The allegation in Count IV of the administrative

1763complaint that at an unlicensed facility was b eing operated by

1774the owners and operators of Avalon and Avalon II on August 5,

17862009, was supported by the report of an inspection (survey) of

1797the facility on that day.

180217. As stated in the survey report, Mrs. Carter - Walker

1813arrived and identified herself to the AHCA inspectors as the

1823administrator of the facility. She was known to them as the

1834administrator of Avalon and Avalon II, as well. It also was

1845reported that she identified herself as the administrator of the

1855facility to other care providers, inclu ding a clinical social

1865worker, a registered nurse providing contract health care

1873services to facility residents, and administrators at other

1881local ALFs. In addition, according to the statements of an

1891employee at the facility, there had been residents at t he

1902facility since at least June 16, 2009, which was when the staff

1914member began to work at the facility. The employee worked

1924providing resident services five days a week. According to the

1934employee, there were always at least three residents in the

1944facili ty, and the same residents were present on a day - to - day

1959basis. There was no indication that those residents were

1968transported out of the facility during the evening for some

1978reason or that they did not otherwise remain in the facility


199018. A li censed practical nurse present at the facility on

2001August 5, 2009, was the person who permitted the Agency ' s

2013inspector to enter the facility. The nurse was there to provide

2024personal care assistance to a terminally ill resident receiving

2033care through an agr eement between Mrs. Carter - Walker, as the

2045facility ' s administrator, and hospice. After Mrs. Carter - Walker

2056arrived at the facility, she appeared to the inspector to be

2067unhappy that the nurse had permitted the inspector to enter the

2078facility and directed th e nurse to leave the facility.

208819. During the inspection on August 5, 2009, a " Notice of

2099Unlicensed Activity/Order to Cease and Desist " was issued to

2108Mrs. Carter - Walker and to Robert Walker, who arrived during the

2120inspection and identified himself as an owner of the facility.

213020. At no time during the inspection on August 5, 2009, did

2142Mr. Walker, Mrs. Carter - Walker, or anyone else say that the

2154residents in the facility did not spend the night at the

2165facility, that the residents had a familial relation t o the

2176owners, or that the facility was exempt from or otherwise not

2187required to comply with relevant ALF licensing requirements. To

2196the contrary, on August 14, 2009, Mr. Walker and Mrs. Carter -

2208Walker applied for an ALF license for the facility to cure the


222121. Avalon and Avalon II contend that there was no

2231reasonable basis in fact and law for Count IV of the

2242administrative complaint because Mr. Walker and Ms. Carter - Walker

2252ceased and desisted as ordered by AHCA and applied for licensure.

2263They cite to section 408.812(3) and (5), which they say subjected

2274them to penalties only if they failed to cease and desist. AHCA

2286contends that section 408.812(5) did authorize revocation and

2294other disciplinary actions. AHCA also contends that section

2302429.14( 1)(k) authorized revocation or suspension and fines.

2310AHCA ' s arguments are reasonable.

231622. Avalon and Avalon II point to section 408.832, which

2326provides that chapter 408 prevails over chapter 429 in the case

2337of a conflict. However, it is reasonable for AHCA to argue that

2349there is no irreconcilable conflict between section 408.812(3)

2357and (5) and section 429.14(1)(k). AHCA ' s legal arguments

2367persuaded Judge Quattlebaum, whose c onclusions of l aw in that

2378regard were not addressed by the appellate court in re versing the

2390f inal o rder that adopted them. For these reasons, the survey

2402report for the inspection on August 5, 2009, provided a

2412reasonable basis in fact and law for this allegation in Count IV.

242423. Count IV also alleged a demonstrated pattern of

2433defici ent performance by Avalon between 2007 and 2009, as

2443reflected in the attached survey reports. These survey reports

2452indicated that Avalon had numerous lesser deficiencies during

2460that time period. As pointed out by Avalon, not everything

2470listed in these su rveys indicated an actual deficiency, and all

2481the earlier deficiencies presumably were corrected. Nonetheless,

2488the survey reports were a reasonable basis in fact to charge

2499Avalon with a continuing pattern of inadequate performance and a

2509failure to meet re levant standards.

251524. In addition, section 429.14(1)(e)2. authorized fines

2522and revocation, suspension, or denial of a license for three or

2533more Class II deficiencies and was a reasonable basis in law to

2545charge Avalon in Count IV.

255025. AHCA gave notice o f intent to deny the license renewals

2562for Avalon and Avalon II because of the unlicensed operation of

2573an ALF and because their licenses were " under revocation. " The

2583first ground has been addressed. As to the latter, Avalon and

2594Avalon II contend that ther e was no reasonable basis in fact and

2607law because no final action revoking their licenses had been

2617taken. However, the pending administrative complaint to revoke

2625their licenses was a reasonable basis in fact and law to give

2637notice of intent not to renew t hem.


264826. Section 57.111 , the Florida Equal Access to Justice

2657Act, authorizes the award of attorney ' s fees and costs to a small

2671business party that prevails in an administrative proceeding

2679seeking review of or defending against unreason able government

2688action by a state agency, i.e., when the state agency ' s actions

2701are not substantially justified and no special circumstances

2709exist that would make the award unjust. Section 57.111(3)(e)

2718defines substantial justification as a reasonable bas is in fact

2728and law.

273027. The agency has the burden to prove substantial

2739justification. AHCA v. MVP Health, Inc. , 74 So. 3d 1141, 1143

2750(Fla. 1st DCA 2011); Helmy v. Dep ' t of Bus. and Prof ' l Reg. ,

2766707 So. 2d 366, 368 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998).

277528. It was held in AHCA v. MVP Health, Inc. , supra , at

27871143 - 44:

2790[A] n agency cannot satisfy the " substantial

2797justification " standard simply by showing an

2803action was " not frivolous. " This is because

" 2810while governmental action may not be so

2817unfounded as to be frivolous, it may

2824nonetheless be based on such an unsteady

2831foundation factually and legally as not to

2838be substantially justified. " Dep ' t of

2845Health & Rehab. Servs. v. S.G. , 613 So. 2d

28541380, 1386 (Fla. 1st DCA 1993). On the

2862other hand, the standard is not so strict a s

2872to require the agency to demonstrate that

2879its action was correct. Id. , quoting

2885McDonald v. Schweiker , 726 F.2d 311, 316

2892(7th Cir. 1983) (stating the government need

2899not have a " necessarily correct basis [] for

2907the position that it took " ). The

" 2914substant ial justification " standard lies

2919between these two extremes. The closest

2925approximation is that if a state agency can

2933present an argument for its action "' that

2941could satisfy a reasonable person[,] '" then

2949that action should be considered

" 2954substantially just ified. " Helmy , 707 So.

29602d at 368, quoting Pierce v. Underwood , 487

2968U.S. 552, 565, 108 S. Ct. 2541, 101 L. Ed.

29782d 490 (1998).

2981An additional consideration when evaluating

2986an agency ' s action under section 57.111 is

2995that the inquiry is limited only to whet her

3004the agency had a " reasonable basis in law

3012and fact at the time " it took the action.

3021§ 57.111(3)(e), Fla. Stat. (2010) (emphasis

3027added). The reviewing body -- whether DOAH or

3035a court -- may not consider any new evidence

3044which arose at a fees hearing, but m ust

3053focus exclusively upon the information

3058available to the agency at the time that it

3067acted. See Dep ' t of Health, Bd. of Physical

3077Therapy Practice v. Cralle , 852 So. 2d 930,

3085932 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003) (criticizing an ALJ

3093for being " influenced by considerati on of

3100evidence which was presented at [a fees]

3107hearing rather than being focused solely on

3114whether the [agency ' s underlying] decision

3121had a reasonable basis in law and fact " ).

3130Using this legal standard, there was substantial justification

3138for AHCA ' s act ions in this case.

314729. In the underlying cases, the appellate court held that

3157AHCA failed to meet its burd e n of proof because its allegations

3170were supported only by hearsay evidence that was not admissible

3180over objection in a civil action. See § 120.57( 1)(c). That rule

3192of evidence does not apply to the initiation of an action by a

3205state agency since hearsay is, by definition, " a statement, other

3215than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or

3227hearing . . . . " § 90.801(1)(c). The unavoi dable hearsay

3238character of the results of the inspections on August 5 and 23,

32502009, did not undermine their ability to serve as a reasonable

3261basis in fact to file the administrative complaint against Avalon

3271in DOAH C ase 10 - 0528 and the notices of intent to deny the

3286license renewal applications of Avalon and Avalon II in DOAH

3296C ase s 10 - 1672 and 10 - 1673.

330630. There may not have been a reasonable basis for each and

3318every factual allegation in Count II. However, that does not

3328mean attorney ' s fees and costs sho uld be awarded for that claim.

3342While there appears to be no Florida law on the point, it is

3355appropriate to look to the federal case law for guidance.

3365Gentele v. Dep ' t of Prof ' l Reg. , 513 So. 2d 672, 673 (Fla. 1st

3382DCA 1987) ( " The [Florida Equal Access to Justice Act] is

3393generally modeled after its federal counterpart, 5 U.S.C.

3401S ection 504 (the Federal Act). It is instructive to look to the

3414decisions of federal courts, which have construed the meaning of

3424the language of the Federal Act. " ) . The federal law is that a

3438claim - by - claim analysis is not appropriate for claims that are

3451factually closely entwined. See Baeder v. Heckler , 826 F.2d

34601345, 1347 (3d Cir. 1987); Haitian Refugee Ctr . v. Meese ,

3471791 F.2d 1489, 1500 (11th Cir. 1986 ), vacated in part on other

3484grounds , 804 F.2d 1573 (11th Cir. 1986). A fortiori , an

3494allegation - by - allegation analysis within Count IV would not be

3506appropriate where the arguably unsubstantiated allegations are

3513closely entwined with the crux of the overarching substantive

3522allegation of Count II.


3527Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3537Law, the petitions for attorney ' s fees and costs in these cases

3550are denied.

3552DONE AND ORDERED this 17th day of September , 2013 , in

3562Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3570Administrative Law Judge

3573Division of Administrative Hearings

3577The DeSoto Building

35801230 Apalachee Parkway

3583Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3588(850) 488 - 9675

3592Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3599Fi led with the Clerk of the

3606Division of Administrative Hearings

3610this 17th day of September , 2013 .


36191/ Unless otherwise indicated, references to section 57.111 are

3628to the 2013 codification of the Florida Statutes, as are the

3639references to chapters 120 and 90. The other statutory

3648references are to the 2009 codification.

36542/ See footnote 1.


3660Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

3663Agency for Health Care Administration

3668Mail Stop 1

36712727 Mahan Drive

3674Tallahassee, Florida 32308

3677Stuart Williams, General Counsel

3681Agency for Health Care Administration

3686Mail Stop 3

36892727 Mahan Drive

3692Tallahassee, Florida 32308

3695Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

3700Agency for Health Care Administration

3705Mail Stop 3

37082727 Mahan Drive

3711Tallahassee, Florida 32308

3714John E. Terrel, E squire

3719Law Office of John E. Terrel

3725Suite 11 - 116

37291700 North Monroe Street

3733Tallahassee, Florida 32303

3736Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

3740Agency for Health Care Administration

3745Mail Stop 3

37482727 Mahan Drive

3751Tallahassee, Florida 3230 8

3755Thomas J. Walsh, II, Esqui re

3761Agency for Health Care Administration

3766Sebring Building, Suite 330G

3770525 Mirror Lake Drive, North

3775St. Petersburg, Florida 33701


3785A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

3797to judicial review pur suant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

3807Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

3817Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing the original

3826notice of administrative appeal with the agency clerk of the

3836Division of Adminis trative Hearings within 30 days of rendition

3846of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the notice,

3858accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk

3869of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where

3880the agency maintains its he adquarters or where a party resides or

3892as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 04/25/2014
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1-14, and Respondent's Exhibits numbered 1-14 to the agency.
Date: 09/17/2013
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 09/17/2013
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held July 18, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/19/2013
Proceedings: Agency Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 08/19/2013
Proceedings: Avalon I's and Avalon II's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 07/23/2013
Proceedings: Order on AHCA`s Motions to Amend Exhibit Table of Contents, to Redact Petitioners` Exhibit 10, and to Admit or Officially Recognize Administrative Complaints and Notices of Intent to Deny.
Date: 07/22/2013
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Post Hearing Motion to Supplement Record and Motion to Redact Petitioners' Exhibit 10 filed.
Date: 07/22/2013
Proceedings: Response to Notice of AHCA's Trial Exhibits Amended Table of Contents filed.
Date: 07/19/2013
Proceedings: Post Hearing Motion to Supplement Record Motion to Redact Petitioner's Exhibit #10 filed.
Date: 07/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing of the Agency for Health Care Administration's Trial Exhibits Amended Table of Contents filed.
Date: 07/18/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/15/2013
Proceedings: The Agency for Health Care Administration's Unilateral Pretrial Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/15/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/15/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/15/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Avalon's (Proposed) Exhibits for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 07/12/2013
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Summary Final Order.
Date: 07/10/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 07/09/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Motion Hearing (Motion hearing set for July 10, 2013; 10:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/08/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 07/08/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Disqualify.
Date: 07/05/2013
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Motion for Summary Final Order and Request to Strike Exhibits filed.
Date: 07/05/2013
Proceedings: Agency Response to Motion to Disqualify Administative Law Judge filed.
Date: 07/05/2013
Proceedings: Motion to Disqualify Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 06/27/2013
Proceedings: Affidavit filed.
Date: 06/27/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 06/24/2013
Proceedings: Order Denying Pending Motions.
Date: 06/20/2013
Proceedings: Request for Ruling Regarding the Agency Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 06/11/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/11/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 18, 2013; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/24/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Service of the Agency for Health Care Administration's Responses to Avalon's Assisted Living at Avalon Park and Avalon's Assisted Living at Southmeadow's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/24/2013
Proceedings: Agency Reply to Request for Admissions from Avalon's Assisted Living at Avalon Park and Avalon's Assisted Living at Southmeadow filed.
Date: 05/15/2013
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Motion to Strike/Deny Request for Appellate Fees filed.
Date: 05/15/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to AHCA's Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/15/2013
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Motion to Modify Second Amended Initial Order and Request for Attorney's Fees filed.
Date: 05/09/2013
Proceedings: Motion to Modify Second Amended Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/09/2013
Proceedings: Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/08/2013
Proceedings: Motion to Strike/Deny Request for Appellate Fees filed.
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: *Second Amended Initial Order.
Date: 04/30/2013
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 13-1206F, 13-1207F, and 13-1208F).
Date: 04/30/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioners' First Set of Interrogatories to AHCA filed.
Date: 04/30/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners' First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/17/2013
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Motion to Dismiss Application for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/12/2013
Proceedings: Joint Response to Amended Initial Order and Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 04/10/2013
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss Application for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 04/10/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Richard Saliba) filed.
Date: 04/05/2013
Proceedings: Amended Initial Order.
Date: 04/05/2013
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/26/2013
Proceedings: Avalon I and Avalon II filed.
Date: 03/25/2013
Proceedings: Affidavit of John E. Terrel filed.
Date: 03/25/2013
Proceedings: Application for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed. (FORMERLY DOAH CASE NO. 10-1673) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):