13-001634N Diana Lynn Benner, On Behalf Of And As Parent And Natural Guardian Of Madison Carlene Benner, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, April 15, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Claimant settled civil lawsuit against doctor for injuries to infant which occurred during labor and delivery. Claimant's claim is barred.



8DIANA LYNN BENNER, on behalf of

14and as parent and natural

19guardian of MADISON CARLENE

23BENNER, a minor,


27vs. Case No. 13 - 1634N










53This cause came on for consideration upon Respondent's

61Motion for Summary Final Order filed by R espondent, Florida

71Birth - Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association

78(NICA), on March 20, 2014.


87On May 1, 2013, Petitioner, Diana Lynn Benner, on behalf of

98and as parent and natural guardian of Madison Carlene Benner

108(Madison ), a minor, filed a Petition for Benefits Pursuant to

119Florida Statute Section 766.301 et se q . (Petition) with the

130Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for a determination of

139compensability under the Florida Birth - Related Neurological

147Injury Compensat ion Plan (Plan). The Petition named Anjana D.

157Patel, M.D., as the physician providing obstetric services at the

167birth of Madison at Mease Countryside Hospital in Safety Harbor,


178DOAH served NICA with a copy of the Petition on May 6, 2013.

191DOAH se rved a copy of the Petition on Mease Countryside Hospital

203on May 8, 2013. On July 17, 2013, DOAH served a copy of the

217Petition on Dr. Patel.

221On May 28, 2013, Mease Countryside Hospital filed a Motion

231to Intervene, which was granted by Order dated June 11, 2013. As

243of the date of this Summary Final Order of Dismissal, Dr. Patel

255has not petitioned to intervene.

260On March 20, 2014, NICA filed a Motion for Summary Final

271Order, asserting that PetitionerÓs claim was barred by section

280766.304, Florida Statutes, b ecause Petitioner had settled a

289lawsuit against Dr. Patel for injuries to Madison which occurred

299during labor and delivery. The motion was heard by telephonic

309conference call on March 28, 2014.


3181. Madison Carlene Benner was born on May 2 , 2008, at Mease

330Countryside Hospital in Safety Harbor, Florida.

3362. On November 21, 2008, a complaint for medical

345malpractice was filed by Diana Lynn Benner, individually, and as

355parent and natural guardian of Madison Benner, a minor. The

365complaint alle ged that Tampa Bay WomenÓs Healthcare Alliance,

374LLP, d/b/a Tampa Bay WomenÓs Care (Defendant), acting by and

384through an agent or employee, delivered Madison. The complaint

393further alleged that DefendantÓs agent or employee applied

401excessive lateral tracti on Ðto the fetal head during the dystocia

412causing and/or substantially contributing to the brachial plexus

420injury and/or aggravating a pre - existing condition.Ñ

4283. Subsequent to the filing of the medical malpractice

437action a Guardian Ad Litem was appointed .

4454. Shortly thereafter, a settlement agreement was entered

453into between Diana Benner, individually, and as parent and

462natural guardian of Madison Benner, a minor, and Anjana D. Patel,

473M.D. ; Tampa Bay WomenÓs Healthcare Alliance, L LP , d/b/a Tampa Bay

484Wome nÓs Care ; Tampa Bay WomenÓs Healthcare Alliance, LLP , d/b/a

494WomenÓs Care Florida ; and First Professionals Insurance Company,


5035. The Settlement Agreement and Release states as recitals

512the following:


515a. Diana Benner was a patient of Defenda nts.

524Madison Benner, the minor, was injured by

531Defendants during her delivery on May 2, 2008

539in Pinellas County, Florida. Claimants

544allege that the minorÓs physical and personal

551injuries arose out of certain alleged

557negligent acts or omissions by Defenda nts and

565have made a claim seeking monetary damages on

573account of those injuries. The Release

579extends to all damages which could have been

587alleged in the Notice of Intent to Initiate

595Litigation against the Defendants. The

600Release does not extend to any ot her person

609or entity not identified herein.

614b. FPIC is the DefendantsÓ liability insurer

621and, as such, would be obligated to pay any

630claim made or judgment obtained against

636Defendants which is covered by its policy

643with Defendants.

645c. The parties desir e to enter into this

654Settlement Agreement in order to provide for

661certain payments in full settlement and

667discharge of all claims which have, or might

675be made, by reason of the incident described

683in Recital A above, upon the terms and

691conditions set forth below.

6956. In exchange for the complete release and forever

704discharge given to the Defendants and insurer, Diana Benner,

713individually , and as parent and natural guardian of Madison ,

722received $250,000, $80,000 of which was annuitized.

7317. The settlement fu rther states:

7371.0 Release and Discharge

7411.1 In consideration of the payments set

748forth in Section 2 Claimants hereby

754completely release, and forever discharge,

759Defendants and Insurer from any and all past,

767present or future claims, demands,

772obligations, actions, causes of action,

777wrongful death claims, rights, damages,

782costs, losses of services, expenses and

788compensation of any nature whatsoever,

793whether based on a tort, contract, or other

801theory of recovery, which the Claimants may

808have, or which may he reafter accrue or

816otherwise be acquired, on account of, or may

824in any way grow out of, the incident

832described in Recital A above, including,

838without limitation, any and all known or

845unknown claims for bodily or personal

851injuries to Claimants or any future wrongful

858death claim to ClaimantsÓ representatives or

864heirs, which have resulted or may result from

872the alleged acts or omission s of the

880Defendants .

8828. On February 12, 2009, Ms. Benner filed a Motion to

893Approve Settlement. A two - page letter from the Gua rdian Ad Litem

906in support of the settlement was also filed.

9149. On March 6, 2009, a hearing was held before Circuit

925Judge Amy Williams, who approved the settlement. Any claims of

935MadisonÓs father were extinguished by the settlement. The

943Guardian Ad Litem was relieved of further responsibilities. The

952medical malpractice action was voluntarily dismissed on March 16,


96210. At the time of MadisonÓs birth, Dr. Patel, who was one

974of the parties settling with Ms. Benner, was a Ðparticipating

984physicianÑ as that term is defined by section 766.302(7). There

994is no dispute that Dr. Patel delivered Madison, was named in the

1006Petition as the physician providing obstetric services , and was

1015present at the birth of Madison.


102411. The Division of Ad ministrative Hearings has

1032jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of these

1043proceedings. §§ 766.301 - 766.316, Fla. Stat.

105012. The Plan was established by the Legislature "for the

1060purpose of providing compensation, irrespective of fault, for

1068birth - related neurological injury claims" relating to births

1077occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

1088The Plan is a limited no - fault alternative for common law rights

1101and liabilities. Romine v. Fla. Birth - Related Neurological

1110Inj ury Comp. AssÓn , 842 So. 2d 148, 151 (Fla. 5 th DCA 2003)( " In

1125its current form, [the Plan] provides exclusive no - fault benefits

1136to eligible claimants in lieu o f the claimantsÓ traditional

1146common law tort rights. " )

115113. Section 766.303(2) provides:

1155The right s and remedies granted by this plan

1164on account of a birth - related neurological

1172injury shall exclude all other rights and

1179remedies of such infant, her or his personal

1187representative, parents, dependents, and next

1192of kin, at common law or otherwise, against

1200any person or entity directly involved with

1207the labor, delivery, or immediate

1212postdelivery resuscitation during which such

1217injury occurs, arising out of or related to a

1226medical negligence claim with respect to such

1233injury; except that a civil action shall not

1241be foreclosed where there is clear and

1248convincing evidence of bad faith or malicious

1255purpose or willful and wanton disregard of

1262human rights, safety, or property, provided

1268that such suit is filed prior to and in lieu

1278of payment of an award under ss. 76 6.301 -

1288766.316. Such suit shall be filed before the

1296award of the division becomes conclusive and

1303binding as provided in s. 766.311.

130914. In 1998 the Florida legislature adopted Chapter 98 - 113,

1320Laws of Florida, which in part , amended section 766.304. As

1330amended, section 766.304 provides:

1334The administrative law judge shall hear and

1341determine all claims filed pursuant to ss.

1348766.301 - 76 6 .316 and shall exercise the full

1358power and authority granted to her or him in

1367chapter 120, as necessary to carry out the

1375pu rposes of such sections. The

1381administrative law judge has exclusive

1386jurisdiction to determine whether a claim

1392filed under this act is compensable. No

1399civil action may be brought until the

1406determinations under s. 766.309 have been

1412made by the administrati ve law judge. If the

1421administrative law judge determines that the

1427claimant is entitled to compensation from the

1434association, or if the claimant accepts an

1441award issued under s. 766.31, no civil action

1449may be brought or continued in violation of

1457the exclus iveness of remedy provisions of

1464766.303. If it is determined that a claim

1472filed under this act is not compensable,

1479neither the doctrine of collateral estoppel

1485nor res judicata shall prohibit the claimant

1492from pursuing any and all civil remedies

1499available under common law and statutory law.

1506The findings of fact and conclusions of law

1514of the administrative law judge shall not be

1522admissible in any subsequent proceeding;

1527however, the sworn testimony of any person

1534and the exhibits introduce d into evidence in

1542t he administrative case are admissible as

1549impeachment in any subsequent civil action

1555only against a party to the administrative

1562proceeding, subject to the Rules of Evidence.

1569An award may not be made or paid under ss.

1579766.301 - 766.316 if the claimant recover s

1587under a settlement or a final judgment is

1595entered in a civil action.

160015. By amending section 766.304 to include Ð[a]n a ward may

1611not be made or paid under ss. 766.301 - 766.31 6 if the claimant

1625recovers under settlement or a final judgment is entered,Ñ the

1636legislature intended to prevent claimants from maintaining an

1644administrative action after having received a monetary recovery

1652in a medical malpractice action involving the labor, delivery or

1662immediate post - delivery period. ÐAs it now stands, a claimant

1673c annot assert a NICA claim and make a civil recovery.Ñ Romine at

1686842 So. 2d 151. ÐFollowing the 1998 amendments to NICA, it is

1698clear that a plaintiffÓs acceptance of a civil settlement bars a

1709claim for NICA benefits.Ñ Gugelmin v. Fla. Birth - Related

1719Neuro logical Injury Comp. AssÓn , 882 So. 2d 517, 520 (Fla. 4 th

1732DCA 2004).

173416. The settlement agreement clearly releases Dr. Patel

1742from all damages resulting from the birth of Madison, which could

1753have been alleged by Ms. Benner. Thus, having settled with

1763Dr. Patel, Ms. Benner is now precluded from pursuing a claim for

1775benefits pursuant to sections 766.301 - 766.316.


1783Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1793Law, it is ORDERED that the Petition filed by Diana Benner, on

1805behalf of an d as parent and natural guardian of Madison Carlene

1817Benner, is dismissed with prejudice.

1822DONE AND ORDERED this 15th day of April , 2014 , in

1832Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1840Administrative Law Judg e

1844Division of Administrative Hearings

1848The DeSoto Building

18511230 Apalachee Parkway

1854Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1859(850) 488 - 9675

1863Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1870Filed with the Clerk of the

1876Division of Administrative Hearings

1880this 15th day o f April , 2014 .


1890(via certified mail)

1893Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

1897Florida Birth Related Neurological

1901Injury Compensation Association

19042360 Christopher Place, Suite 1

1909Tallahassee, Florida 32308

1912(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8471)

1920Diana Lynn Benner

1923Apartment 1218

192514330 58th Street North

1929Clearwater, Florida 33760

1932(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8488)

1940David S. Nelson, Esquire

1944La Cava and Jacobson, P.A.

1949101 East Kennedy Boulevard , Suite 2500

1955Tampa, Florida 33602

1958(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8495)

1966Robert J. Grace, Esquire

1970The Bleakley Bavol Law Firm

197515170 North Florida Avenue

1979Tampa, Florida 33613

1982(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8501)

1990Amie Rice, Investigation Manager

1994Consumer Services Unit

1997Depa rtment of Health

20014052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 75

2009Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3275

2014(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8518)

2022Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

2025Health Quality Assurance

2028Agency for Health Care Administration

20332727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

2039Tallaha ssee, Florida 32308

2043(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8525)

2051Anjana D. Patel, M.D.

2055Women's Care Florida Countryside

20592665 SR 580

2062Clearwater, Florida 33761

2065(Certified Mail No. 7012 3050 0000 1250 8532)


2079Review of a final order of an administrative law judge shall be

2091by appeal to the District Court of Appeal pursuant to section

2102766.311(1), Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by

2110the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

2119commen ced by filing the original n otice of a dministrative a ppeal

2132with the a gency c lerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings

2144within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a

2157copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

2167clerk of the appropriate District Court of Appeal. See

2176§ 766.311(1), Fla. Stat., and Fla. Birth - Related Neurological

2186Injury Comp. Ass'n v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st DCA


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Date: 04/21/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 04/17/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Summary Final Order of Dismissal (hearing held March 28, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/28/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 03/27/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 03/26/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Notice of Filing filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 03/26/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/25/2014
Proceedings: Letter to David Nelson & Diane Benner from Robert Grace regarding conference call filed.
Date: 03/25/2014
Proceedings: Intervenor Mease Countryside Hospital's Unopposed Motion to Continue Hearing filed.
Date: 03/25/2014
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/20/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 03/11/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 03/11/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/26/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Assocation's Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (of Donna Beckner) filed.
Date: 02/26/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Assocation's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Raymond Fernandez, M.D.) filed.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Notice of Taking Deposition (of Donna Beckner) filed.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Donald Willis, M.D.) filed.
Date: 01/13/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Withdrawal filed.
Date: 01/13/2014
Proceedings: Order (David S. Nelson of LaCava and Jacobson is counsel of record for Intervenor Mease Countryside Hospital).
Date: 01/09/2014
Proceedings: Stipulation for Substitution of Counsel (filed by Michael Tonelli and David Nelson).
Date: 12/30/2013
Proceedings: Intervenor Mease Countryside Hospital's Amended Notice of Designation of Electronic Mail Addresses filed.
Date: 12/30/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Change of Address filed.
Date: 12/19/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/19/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 31, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 12/19/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Kirkland from Robert Grace regarding dates for final hearing filed.
Date: 12/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Designation of Email Addresses for Service of Documents filed.
Date: 12/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Robert Grace) filed.
Date: 12/09/2013
Proceedings: Order (denying Respondent's motion for summary final order).
Date: 11/18/2013
Proceedings: Intervenor Mease Countyside Hospital's Response to Order to Show Cause filed.
Date: 11/14/2013
Proceedings: Response to Order to Show Casue filed.
Date: 11/04/2013
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 10/18/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 09/19/2013
Proceedings: Joint Response to September 4, 2013 Order filed.
Date: 09/16/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Martin McDonnell) filed.
Date: 09/11/2013
Proceedings: Response to: Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 09/09/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (addendum report from Raymond J. Fernandez, M.D. (Medical Records filed; not available for viewing).
Date: 09/05/2013
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 09/04/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing and Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 09/04/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 09/04/2013
Proceedings: Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 08/02/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 07/30/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 07/24/2013
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 07/09/2013
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 07/09/2013
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Judge Kirkland.
Date: 06/19/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 06/18/2013
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 06/11/2013
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene.
Date: 05/29/2013
Proceedings: Order (Motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 05/28/2013
Proceedings: Petition to Intervene (filed by Mease Countryside Hospital) filed.
Date: 05/13/2013
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/13/2013
Proceedings: Motion To Act As Qualified Representative Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 05/07/2013
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/03/2013
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 05/03/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Claudia Llado enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 05/03/2013
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: NICA filing fee $15.00: Check No 1198 filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 05/01/2013
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):