13-001842PL Florida Board Of Professional Engineers vs. Joseph Potts, P.E.
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, August 27, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: Board did not show clearly and convincingly that licensee had affixed his seal to documents not prepared by him because it did not show licensee, who denied under oath any involvement in the project, to be the Project's engineer.





13Petitioner ,

14vs. Case No. 13 - 1842PL


23Respondent .



28A final hearing w as held in this matter before David M.

40Maloney, Administrative Law Judge with the Division of

48Administrative Hearings, on July 11, 2013 . The hearing was

58conducted by video teleconferencing at sites located in

66Tallahassee and Lauderdale Lakes .


72For Petitioner: John Jefferson Rimes, III , Esquire

79Florida Engineers Management Corp oration

842639 North Monroe Street , Suite B - 112

92Tallahassee, Florida 32303

95For Respondent: Joseph Potts, P.E. , pro se

1024440 Northeast 13th Avenue

106Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334


114Whether Joseph Potts violated statutes and rules governing

122the practice of engineering as charged in the Amended

131Ad ministrative Complaint filed with the Clerk of the Florida

141Board of Professional Engineers (the "Board") on April 24 , 2013 .


155At the final hearing, the Board presented the testimony of

165Robert Monsour , P.E.; Wendy Anderson, investigator and public

173records clerk for Florida Engineers Management Corporation; and,

181Roger Jeffery, P.E., accepted as an expert in structural

190engineering. The Board offered nine exhibits , labeled

197Petitioner's Exhibits 1 - 9 . All were admitted into evidence .

209Respon dent presented his own testimony and offered seven exhibits

219labeled Respondent's Exhibits 1 - 7 . Respondent's Exhibits 1, 3,

2305, 6 , and 7 were admitted. Respondent's Exhibits 2 and 4 were

242ruled inadmissible in light of objections by the Board.

251A Transcript was filed on July 22, 2013 . After the hearing,

263Petitioner and Respondent filed their proposed findings of fact

272and conclusions of law in a timely manner . Their prop osed orders

285have been given due consideration.


294Stipulated Facts

2961. A Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation (the "Stipulation") was

307filed by the parties on July 9, 2013.

3152. The Stipulation contains a section denominated " Admitted

323facts " (the "Admitt ed Facts").

3293. The Admitt ed Facts are contained in seven paragraphs of

340the Stipulat ion as follows:

3451. Petitioner, Florida Board of Professional

351Engineers, is charged with regulating the

357practice of engineering pursuant to Chapter

363455, Florida Statutes. This complaint is

369filed by the Florida Engineers Management

375Corporation (FEMC) on be half of Petitioner.

382FEMC is charged with providing

387administrative, investigative, and

390prosecutorial services to the Florida Board

396of Professional Engineers pursuant to Section

402471.038, Florida Statutes (1997).

4062. Respondent is, and has been at all times

415material hereto, a licensed professional

420engineer in the State of Florida, having been

428issued license number PE 22656. Respondent's

434last known address is 4440 NE 13th Ave., Ft.

443Lauderdale, FL 33334.

4463. On November 23, 2011 Respondent sealed,

453signed and dated engineering documents for an

460aluminum canopy and screen enclosure for a

467Residence located at 7603 NW 167 Street ,

474Miami (the Project). The documents consisted

480of two (2) pages of engineering design

487documents (Drawings) and five (5) pages of

494engineer ing calculations (Calculations). The

499Calculations provided the engineering basis

504for the structural design assumptions

509contained in the Drawings.

5134. The Calculations were identical copies of

520calculations that were originally prepared

525and signed and seal ed on May 23, 2011 by

535another Professional Engineer, Robert Mansour

540[sic] , for another aluminum canopy and screen

547enclosure which was located at 15265 SW 36

555Terrace, Miami, Fl. [sic] Respondent simply

561reproduced and then sealed the Mansour [sic]

568calculations for the Project.

5725. To meet acceptable engineering standards

578the Calculations must have met the following


586A. They must be susceptible to rational

593analysis in accordance with well - established

600principles of mechanics and sound enginee ring


608B. They must be mathematically correct.

614C. They must clearly state any material

621assumptions, if those assumptions are not


628D. They must accurately model the

634actual physical conditions in the area which

641they profe ss to address - in this case the


652E. They must recognize and deal with

659all critical structural conditions in the

665area they profess to address - in this case

674the Drawings.

6766. Section 471.033(1)(j), Florida Statutes,

681provides that a Profess ional Engineer's

687license is subject to disciplinary action by

694the Board for " . . . affixing or permitting

703to be affixed his or her seal, name, or

712digital signature to any final drawings,

718specifications, plans, reports, or document

723that were not prepared by him or her or under

733his or her responsible supervision,

738direction, or control." Rule 61G15 -

74419.001(6)(j), Florida Administrative Code,

748provides that it is misconduct in the

755practice of engineering for a Professional

761Engineer to affix his seal and/or signa ture

769to plans, specifications, drawings or other

775documents required to be sealed pursuant to

782471.024(1), Florida statutes, when such

787documents have not been personally prepared

793by the engineer or prepared under his

800responsible supervision, direction and

804co ntrol.

8067. Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes,

811provides that an engineer is subject to

818discipline for engaging in negligence in the

825practice of engineering. Rule 61G15 -

83119.001(4), Fla. Admin Code, provides that

837negligence constitutes "failure by a

842pr ofessional engineer to utilize due care in

850performing in an engineering capacity or

856failing to have due regard for acceptable

863standards of engineering principles."

867Joint Pre - Hearin g Stipulation, filed July 9, 2013.

877The Stipulation's Contested Facts

8814. The Stipulation also contains a section denominated

"889Contested issues of fact . " See Joint Pre - Hearing Stipulation ,

900section g., at 5 - 6. Among them are those under the heading,

" 913Respondent's Statement " :

916Respondent state s he took no actions in this

925Project .

927Respondent state s he had no involvement in

935the final engineering documents for this


942* * *

945Respondent state s he had not [sic]

952involvement in this project.

956Id. at 6.

9595. The Respondent's Statement in s ection g . of the

970Stipulation contra venes matters contained in the Stipulation's

978Admitted Facts. ( See "Disavowed Admitted Facts , " below.)

9866. Mr. Potts bolstered his written statement s that he had

997taken no actions in the Project and was not involved in it,

1009when , under oath at the hearing, he averred that he had not been

1022involved in the Project (a disavowal of the Stipulation's

1031Admitted Facts crucial to the outcome of the case ) .

1042Disavowed Admit ted Facts

10467 . At the final hearing, Mr. Potts under oath disavowed the

1058first sentence of Stipulat ed Fact No. 3 (that he "signed, sealed

1070and dated engineering documents for an aluminum canopy and screen

1080enclosure for a Residence located at 7603 N W 167 Street, Miami

1092(the Project)" ) .

10968 . In sworn testimony, Mr. Potts also disavowed t he second

1108sentence o f Admitted Fact No. 4 (that he "simply reproduced and

1120then sealed the Mansour [sic] calculations for the Project") .

11319 . With regard to these matters , Mr. Potts, after having

1142been placed under oath, testified:

1147My whole case is based on the fact that I had

1158nothing to do with this -- with this job, and

1168then someone else placed a seal on the work

1177and ID stamp on the work, and they did i t

1188incorrectly . . . .

1193I have nothing at all to do with these jobs.

1203Someone else was involved that -- besides

1210Monsour , someon e also was involved with

1217placing these seals.

1220Hr'g Tr. 51 - 52.

122510 . When asked who "someone else" might be, Mr. Potts

1236stated under oath, "Well, I don't want to implicate anybody, but

1247perhaps the contractor." Hr'g Tr. 52.

125311 . On cross - examin ation, Mr. Potts, still under oath,

1265reiterated that h e had nothing to do with the Project when he

1278testif i ed that his work was primarily in Palm Beach and Broward

1291c ounties and that "in the last year or two, I haven't signed any

1305in Miami that I can recall." Hr'g Tr. 5 4.

1315Facts Adduced at Hearing

1319a. Complaint filed by Mr. Monsour

132512. In May 2011, Robert Monsour , a professional engineer

1334who designs aluminum structures, prod uced a set of engineering

1344documents for an aluminum screened enclosure to be located at

135415265 S ou thwest 36 th Terrace, Miami, F lorida (the "SW 36th

1367Terrace Documents") . The documents included design drawing s and

1378six pages of hand - written calculations (the " SW 36th Terrace

1389Calculations " ).

139113. In March of 2012, Mr. Monsour received a telephone

1401call fr om a Miami building official, June Willcott.

1410Ms. Willcott told Mr. Monsour that a permit applica nt had filed

1422a set of engineering calculations as part of a permit

1432application with the building department. The permit

1439application was for a pool screen encl osure to be located at

14517603 N orthwest 167 th Street, Miami (the "167th Street

1461P roperty " ). Ms. Willcott, i n her capacity as a building

1473official, is f amiliar with Mr. Monsour 's work product . Her

1485familiarity with his work led her to note that the calculation s

1497for the 167th Street Property appeared to be id entical to

1508Mr. Monsour 's work yet contained the seal and signature of

1519another professional engineer . The seal and signature appeared

1528to be that of Mr. Potts.

153414. Approximately three weeks later , the owner s of the

1544167th Street Property paid a visit to M r. Monsour . They

1556presented the 167th Street Property d ocuments related to their

1566property that purported to be signed and sealed by Mr. Potts.

1577Mr. Monsour reviewed the documents . He noted that the

1587calculati ons (the "167th Street Calculations") appeared to be

1597copies of the SW 36 th Terrace C alculations made by Mr. Monsour

1610in May 2011 , with a few modification s .

161915. Mr. Monsour explained the modifications in the second

1628set of calculations in his testimony:

1634[T] he calcs were intact for columns that are

1643spaced on seven - foot centers, but the sketch

1652that was submitted . . . had calcs spaced on

1662nine - foot centers. So that didn't

1669correspond. And also, the footing was

1675changed from a 16 - by - 22 to 16 - by - 12 . . . .

1693Hr'g Tr. 21. Otherwise , the six pages of the hand - written 167th

1706Street C alculations appeared to be identical to the six pages of

1718the SW 36th Terrace Calculations. Furthermore, but for the

1727m odifications detailed by Mr. Monsour , the two sets of

1737calculations app eared to be in Mr. Monsour 's writing, that is,

1749the 167th Street Calculations appeared to be pho tocopies of the

1760SW 36th Terrace Calculations hand - written by Mr. Monsour with

1771the few modifications detailed above .

177716. The only other differences between the two sets of

1787calculations related to identification information. The initial

1794page of the SW 36th Terrace Calculations show that they were

1805produced by Ramms Engineering, Inc., Mr. Monsour 's Structural

1814Design company located in Hialeah, Florida. The initial page of

1824the 167th Street Calculations indicates they were produced by

1833Mr. Potts as follows :

1838Joseph Potts, P.E.

18414440 NE 13th Ave

1845Ft. Lauderdale Fl. 33334

1849954 - 772 - 1713

1854Petitioner's Ex. 4 at 000016 .

18601 7 . Mr. Monsour observe d that his seal and signature h a d

1875been removed or cove red over in the 167th Street Calculations .

1887In place of Mr. Monsour 's seal and signature, t he initial page

1900of the 167th Street Calculations now contained what purported to

1910be the embossed seal and signature of Mr. Potts. See

1920Petitio ner's Ex. 4, bate - stamped 000016. Two additiona l pages

1932of 167th Street Property d ocuments also purported to be sealed

1943and signed by Mr. Potts: Design Drawings of a "PROPOSED 3"

1954INSULATED ROOF ." See Petitioner's Ex. 3 and 4 at 000014 and


19671 8 . Mr . Monsour filed a complaint with the Florida Board

1980of Professional Engineers against Respondent since the

1987identification information ( including the seals and sig natures )

1997appeared to be attributable to Mr. Potts , and Mr. Potts had

2008neither obtained permissio n from Mr. Monsour nor notified him of

2019intent to use the SW 36th Terrace C alculations .

2029b. Use of the Work of Another Engineer

20371 9 . Protocols must be followed for an engineer to properly

2049utilize and incorporate original work of another engineer into a

2059new project. The incorporating engineer must notify the

2067original engineer. The incorporating engineer must review and

2075analyze the original engineer's work to determine if it is

2085applicable to the incorporating engineer's project before

2092sealing and signing it .

209720 . Mr. Monsour was not notified that his work on the

2109SW 3 6th Terrace p roject would be used for the 167th Street

2122Property p roject.

21252 1 . The c alculations in the 167th Street Property

2136d ocuments , furthermore, were not appropriate for the 167th

2145Street Pro perty Project. The inappropriateness was significant

2153as explain ed by Mr. Jeffery in expert testimony at hearing . See

2166Hr'g Tr . 38 - 43. Among the problems created by the

2178inappropriateness of using the SW 3 6th Terrace Calculations

2187(even in consideration of the two modifications) is that "the

2197beam is inadequate to resist the loads shown in the

2207calculations. " Hr'g Tr. 42. Simply put, the assumptions and

2216analysis in the SW 3 6th Terrace Calculations were for an

2227enclosure that was of a different size and scope than the

2238enclosure at the 167th Street Property.

22442 2 . T he 167th Street Calculations were materially

2254deficient , moreover, because of inconsistency with the drawing s

2263in the 167th Street Property d ocuments in the following ways :

2275(a) The drawings indicated a column spacing of nine feet.

2285The calculations used a column spacing of seven feet . The

2296incorrect length used in the calculations results in an

2305overstress of the 2 - by - 5 beam that spans the nine feet between

2320the columns. This error also results in a def lection in excess

2332of the allowable deflection.

2336(b) The footing size required to resist the uplift is

2346correctly calculated in the SW 3 6th Terrace Calculations. In

2356contrast, t he footing indicated on the corresponding page of the

2367167th Street Calculations is undersized and will not resist the

2377calculated uplift forces.

2380A More Detailed Defense: Seal and Other Discrepancies

23882 3 . In addition to declaiming involvement in the 167th

2399Street Property P roject , Mr. Potts offered details of the seal

2410he claim s to use currently as proof that he did not sign or seal

2425the 167th Street Calculations .

24302 4 . The impre ssion on the seal Mr. Potts claims to use

2444currently contains the term "certificate" in its center . It is

2455the term that identifies his engineering license along w ith a

2466number uniquely assigned to him . In contrast, the impression on

2477the 167th Street Property d ocuments contain s the word "license . "

24892 5 . The abbreviation for "number" on the impression of the

2501seal he uses currently is "NO" with both the "N" and the "O " in

2515upper case. The abbreviation for "number" on the impression of

2525the seal affixed to the 167th Street Property d ocuments is "No"

2537with only the "N" in upper case and the "o" in lower case.

25502 6 . The term "license , " unlike the term in the seal

2562Mr. Potts claims he uses currently, is the required term for

2573seals of professional engineers in Florida. The use of the term

"2584certificate" has been invalid for some 1 6 years.

25932 7 . Mr. Potts offered no documents that confirmed his use

2605of the invalid seal he claims he now uses. But, i t is not

2619unusual for an engineer to possess several seals. And, i t is

2631certainly possible that Mr. Pot ts might possess a seal that is

2643not up - to - date, howeve r unlikely it would be that an engineer

2658who strives to comply with the Board's r ules might use a seal

2671that has been outdated for such a length of time .

26822 8 . Mr. Potts pointed out another discrepancy in the 167th

2694Street Property d ocuments. The telephone number listed in the

2704i nformatio n in the heading of the initial page of the

2716calc ulations that identifies Mr. Potts as the Project's engineer

2726transposes two of the numbers. The telephone number is shown as

2737954 - 772 - 17 13 when, in fact, Mr. Potts' business telephone number

2751is 954 - 772 - 17 31 .

2759Signature Evidence

27612 9 . Petiti oner's Exhibit 6 contains six pages of documents

2773retrieved from the records of the Florida Engineers Management

2782Corporation , the custodian of disciplinary records for the Board

2791of Professional Engineers . See Petitioner's Ex. 6 at 000029 -

2802000035. The documents had been sub mitted by Mr. Potts to the

2814Board's custodian of records in "two separate disciplinary cases

2823during his probationary period." Hr'g Tr. 33.

283030 . Each of the six pages contains Mr. Potts ' signature.

2842To the e ye untrained in hand - writing analysis, t he six

2855si gnatures are similar to the signature that appear s on the

2867initial page of the 167th Street Calculations. See Petitioner's

2876Ex. 4 at 000016.

28803 1 . There are some unusual characteristics that the

2890signatures in Petitioner's Ex hibit 6 have in common with the

2901s ignatures on the 167th Street Calculations. For example , the

2911signature over the seal on the initial page of the 167th Street

2923Calculations is slanted upward much the same as the signature

2933that appears in Petitioner's Exhibit 6 at 000033 ( a page that

2945contai ns a boxed - in heading, "FRAME CALCS" ). In essence, the

2958sign ature and date on bate - stamped page 000033 in Petitioner's

2970Exhibit 6 ( a page of frame calculations ) is in a somewhat

2983unusual manner similar to the signature over the seal on the

2994initial page of th e 167th Street C alculations .


3007a. Jurisdiction

30093 2 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3018jurisdiction over the subject matter of and the parties to this

3029proceeding. § § 120.569 and 12 0. 57(1), Fla. Stat .

3040b . Clear and Convincing E vidence

30473 3 . Petitioner must prove the allegations of its

3057administrative complaint by clear and convincing evidence. Dep ' t

3067of Banking & Fin . v. Osborne Stern and Co . , Inc. , 670 So. 2d 932

3083(Fla. 1996), Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987).

30943 4 . The "clear and convincing" standard requires:

3103[T]hat the evidence found must be credible;

3110the facts to which the witnesses testify must

3118be distinctly remembered; the testimony must

3124be precise and explicit and the witnesses

3131must be lacking in confusion as to the facts

3140in issue. The evidence must of such weight

3148that it produces in the mind of the trier of

3158fact a firm belief or conviction, without

3165h e s itancy, as to the truth of the allegations

3176sought to be established.

3180In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994) ( quoting Slomowitz

3193v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983) ) .

3206c . Strict Construction of Penal Statutes

32133 5 . " Statutes providing for the revocation or suspension of

3224a license to practice are deemed penal in nature and must be

3236strictly con strued, with any ambiguity interpreted in favor of

3246the licensee." Elmariah v. Dep ' t of Bus . & Prof 'l Reg . , 574 So.

32632d 164, 165 (Fla. 1st DCA 1990).

3270d. Application of the Charges to the Facts

32783 6 . If Mr. Potts, contrary to his denials under oath,

3290signed and sealed the 167th Street Documents, he is in violation

3301of : s ection 471.033(1)(g ), 1/ as charged in Count I of the

3315Administrative Complaint ; and s ection s 471.003(1)(j) and

3323471.033(1)(a) [ by violating r ules 61G15 - 19.001(6)(j) and 61G15 -

333529. 001 (3) ], as char ged in Count II .

33463 7 . The issue is whether Mr. Potts did, indeed, sign and

3359seal the 167th Street Property d ocuments. Other than making

3369documents that purport to be signed, sealed and dated by

3379Mr. Potts part of the evidentiary record, and providing docume nts

3390in other projects that appear to match the signatures on the

3401Project's documents, the Board did not prove a nexus between

3411Mr. Potts and the 167th Street Property Project. It did not

3422present the testimony of the owner or the co ntractor who might

3434have h ired Mr. Potts; nor did it offer documentary evidence, such

3446as a written contract, an invoice or other billing record or a

3458copy of a check paid to Mr. Potts for work on the project , which

3472might have demonstrated Mr. Potts' involvement in the Project .

3482In c ontrast, Mr. Potts under oath denied involvement in the


34943 8 . Ordinarily, parties are bound by facts admitted in a

3506stipulation or are confined to the scope of issues they stipulate

3517to be the issues in a case. See, e.g. , Gandy v. Dep ' t of

3532Offender Rehab . , 351 So. 2d 1133 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). The

3544Stipulation in Mr. Potts' case, however, contains an internal

3553conflict. The "Respondent's Statement" that Mr. Potts took no

3562action with r egard to the P roject and had no involvement in it

3576contravenes th e Admitted Facts : 1 ) that Mr. Potts sealed, signed

3589and dated the 167th Street Property Project's engineering

3597documents ; and 2 ) t hat Mr. Potts reproduced and then sealed

3609Mr. Monsour 's SW 36th Terrace Calculations . In sum, the

3620Stipulation does not clearly an d convincingly establish facts

3629necessary to sustain the charges against Mr. Potts.

36373 9 . Without regard to whether the Admitted Facts stand or

3649are nullified by the Stipulation's internal conflicts ( or by

3659Mr. Potts ' subsequent sworn testimony ) , t he Board ar gues that it

3673prove d the violations through the evidence presented in its case -

3685in - chief : the 167th Street Property d ocuments and the SW 3 6th

3700Terrace Calculations ; the testimony of M ess r s . Monsour and

3712Jeffery and Ms. Anderson ; and the documentary evidence in troduced

3722through them, in particular , the signature evidence . I n the wake

3734of the Board's evidence , however, the Board views Mr. Potts'

3744defense to be th at th e 167th Street Property d ocuments were

3757forged. Forgery is a defense th at th e B oard asserts is "in the

3772nature of an avoidance or affirmative defense." Petitioner's PRO

3781at 11.

378340 . The Board also sees Silverstone v. Bd . of Opticianry ,

3795Case No. 96 - 5772 (DOAH June 13, 1997) as instructive of which

3808party bears the burden of proving the facts with regard t o the

3821alleged forgery . The case involve d an application for licensure

3832that on its face showed the standards for licensure had been met .

3845The agency asserted that a document filed by the applicant was

3856forged , and the administrative law judge determined tha t, even

3866though the applicant had the burden of proof (as does the Board

3878in this case) to establish entitlement to the license, the agency

3889there - - by asserting the documents were forged (as Mr. Potts

3901does) - - assumed the burden of persuasion in proving the forgery.

39134 1 . Mr. Potts did not prove the documents were forged by

3926some other party . But, Mr. Potts' defense was not limited to a

3939claim of forgery. His primary defense was utter lack of

3949involvement in the Project. Mr. Potts' lack of proof with regard

3960to forgery does not cure the Board's failure to prove an

3971es sential element of its case clearly and convincingly : that

3982Mr. Potts was the engineer for the P roject.

39914 2 . The signature evidence produced by the Board lends

4002credence to its decision to take ac tion against Mr. Potts'

4013license. But, standing alone, it is not of sufficient quality

4023a nd weight to show that Mr. Potts was the Project's engineer .

40364 3 . The Board's suspicions , without doubt, were right ly

4047raised by the documentary evidence it produced. And Mr. Potts

4057did much less than he could have done (assuming his testimony

4068were truthful) to aid his denial of involvement in the 167th

4079Street Property Project. Testimony from the owner of the

4088property or the contractor that Mr. Potts was not involved, f or

4100example, would have e ased any doubt about Mr. Potts' veracity or

4112the quality of his testimony. Were there a competent witness who

4123testified that Mr. Potts was involved in the 167th Street

4133Property Project and were Mr. Potts still to testify under oath

4144that he was not, then an exercise in determining which witness

4155was the more credible could have been undertaken. Had

4164documentary evidence been admitted that showed involvement in the

4173Project, such as a contract or an invoice, it could have been

4185weighed ag ainst Mr. Potts' testimony. As the record stands,

4195however, there is no evidence of involvement in the Project

4205against which to judge Mr. Potts' sworn testimony.

421344. Without proof that Mr. Potts was the Project's engineer

4223that meets the "clear and conv incing" standard , the Board did not

4235prove that Mr. Potts committed the violations with which he is

4246charge d in the Amended Administrative Complaint. The case

4255against Mr. Potts should be dismissed.


4262Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact an d Conclusions of

4273Law, it is

4276RECOMMENDED that the Florida Board of Professional Engineers

4284enter a Final Order that dismisses the Amended Administrative

4293Complai nt filed on April 24, 2013 , with the Florida Engineers

4304Management Corporation on behalf of the Bo ard against Joseph

4314Potts , P.E., license number PE 22656 .

4321DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of August , 2013 , in

4331Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4339Administrative Law Judge

4342Division of Administrative Hearing s

4347The DeSoto Building

43501230 Apalachee Parkway

4353Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4358(850) 488 - 9675

4362Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4369Filed with the Clerk of the

4375Division of Administrative Hearings

4379this 27th day of August , 2013 .


43871 / Refer ences to statutes are to Florida Statutes (2012) unless

4399otherwise noted.


4403John Jefferson Rimes, III , Esquire

4408Florida Engineers Management Corp oration

44132639 North Monroe Street , Suite B - 112

4421Tallahassee, Florida 32303

4424Joseph Potts, P.E.

44274 440 Northeast 13th Avenue

4432Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

4436Zana Raybon, Executive Director

4440Board of Professional Engineers

4444Department of Business and

4448Professional Regulation

44502639 North Monroe Street, Suite B - 112

4458Tallahassee, Florida 32303

4461Michael Flury , Esquire

4464Office of the Attorney General

4469The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

4474Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

4479J. Layne Smith, General Counsel

4484Department of Business and

4488Professional Regulation

4490Northwood Centre

44921940 North Monroe Street

4496Tallahassee, Florida 323 99 - 0792


4508All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

451815 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4529to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4540will issue the Fi nal Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/02/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/22/2013
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/03/2013
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado returning Respondent's Proposed Exhibits.
Date: 08/27/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 08/27/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 11, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/27/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 08/09/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/31/2013
Proceedings: (Respondent`s) Proposed Administrative Order filed.
Date: 07/22/2013
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/11/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/09/2013
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/08/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/02/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's and Respondent's (Proposed) Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 11, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/24/2013
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/17/2013
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/16/2013
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/16/2013
Proceedings: Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 05/16/2013
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 05/16/2013
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):