13-002004GM The Richman Group Of Florida, Inc. vs. Pinellas County Board Of County Commissioners
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, November 18, 2013.

View Dockets  
Summary: The proposed amendment is determined to be consistent with the Countywide Rules and it is recommended that the amendment be approved.




13INC. ,

14Petitioner ,

15vs. Case No. 13 - 2004GM



27Respondent .



33The final hearing in this case was held on August 27 - 28,

462013, in Clearwater, Florida, before Bram D.E. Canter, an

55Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

63Hearings (ÐDOAHÑ).


66For Petitioner: Scott A. McLaren, Esquire

72Edward D. Armstrong, III, Esquire

77Hill Ward Henderson, P.A.

81101 East Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 3700

87Tampa, Florida 33701

90For Respondent: Nancy S. Meyer, Esquire

96David S. Sadowsky, Esquire

100Pinellas County AttorneyÓs Office

104315 Court Street, Sixth Floor

109Clearwater, Florida 33756


116The issue to be determined in this case is whether the

127proposed amendment to the Pinellas Countywide Plan Map, changing

136the land use designation s on 34.6 acres of land in Safety Harbor,

149Florida, should be approved .


156On August 29, 2012, Petitioner submitted its in itial

165application to the City of Safety Harbor to amend the City of

177Safety Harbor Comprehensive Plan. A revised application was

185submitted on December 3, 2012, which included a Development

194Agreement. After a public hearing, the City approv ed the proposed

205amendment to its Comprehensive Plan , subject to the Countywide

214Plan amendment process.

217On March 8, 2013, the City submitted an application to amend

228the Countywide Plan Map (Ð the AmendmentÑ) to the Pinellas Planning

239Council on behalf of the Petitioner. Th e Pinellas Planning

249Council recommended approval of the Amendment. On May 7, 2013,

259the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners, in their

268capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority (ÐCPAÑ) denied the


278On May 28, 2013, pursuant to the Countywide Rules, Petitioner

288applied for an administrative hearing . Pursuant to a contract

298with DOAH, the matter was forwarded to DOAH to conduct an

309evidentiary hearing and prepare a recommended order in conformance

318with the procedures of chapter 120, Flo rida Statutes. A corrected

329petition was subsequently filed.

333At the final hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

342Robert C. Pergolizzi, who was accepted as an expert in planning;

353Matt McLachlan, who was accepted as an expert in planning;

363Scott Cull en, who was accepted as an expert in marketing;

374Gordon Beardslee and Mike Meidel (via video of the May 7, 2013,

386CPA meeting ) ; and Mike Crawford ( via video deposition).

396PetitionerÓs Exhibits 1 - 13, 18 - 19, 29 - 31, 33 - 49, 52 - 54, 54A, 54C,

41557, 59, and 60 were r eceived into evidence.

424Respondent presented the testimony of Mike Meidel, who was

433accepted as an expert in economic development; and Mike Crawford,

443who was accepted as an expert in planning. RespondentÓs Exhibits

4538 - 17 were received into evidence.

460The tw o - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed with

473the DOAH. The parties filed proposed recommended orders that have

483been considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


495The Parties

4971. Petitioner is the contract purchaser of 34.6 acres of

507land ( Ð the PropertyÑ) located near the northeast corner of 10th

519Street South and McMullen - Booth Road in the City of Safety


5322. Respondent is the Board of County Commissioners of

541Pinellas County, in their capacity as the CPA.

549Th e Proposed Amendment

5533. The Amendment would change the land use designations for

563nine parcels within the Property. The A mendment would make the

574following changes to the current land use designations:

5824. However, t he partiesÓ dispute focuses on the 1 5.8 - acre

595parcel that is now designated Industrial Limited ( Ð IL Ñ ). The

608A mendment would change the designation of the parcel to

618Residential Medium (ÐRMÑ).

621Existing Land Uses on the Property and Surrounding Area

6305. Located on t he 15.8 - acre parcel (referre d to here after

644as the ÐIL parcelÑ or ÐRichman parcelÑ) are numerous industrial

654buildings and structures associated with a citrus processing

662facility that is no longer in operation.

6696. There are no uses being made of the other eight parcels

681that comprise the Property. The balance of the Property is

691undeveloped and relatively undisturbed. There are wetlands as

699well as a creek on the Property. There is an extensive tree

711canopy in the undeveloped area.

7167. Access to the IL parcel is via 10th Street South

727(S.R. 590), which is a two - lane, undivided roadway on the

739southern boundary. There is no rail access to the IL parcel.

7508. To the north and east of the Property are relatively

761affluent neighborhoods of single - family residences on lands

770designated Residen tial Suburban and Residential Low. The

778residences on the north are separated from the IL parcel by the

790large undeveloped area, but the residences to the east are

800immediately adjacent to the IL parcel.

8069. McMullen - Booth Road, a six - lane arterial roadway , runs

818along the northwestern boundary of the Property.

8251 0 . On the southwestern boundary, adjacent to the IL

836parcel , are lands designated Residential/Office/Retail where

842there is a drug store, car wash, and bank.

8511 1 . Across 10th Street South, on the so utheast corner of

864its intersection with McMullen - Booth Road, is a gas

874station/convenience store. Also across 10th Street South,

881opposite the entrance to the citrus processing facility, is land

891designated IL and used for warehousing, auto - repair, and other


903The Scenic Non - Commercial Corridor

9091 2 . McMullen - Booth Road has been designated by Pinellas

921County as a Scenic Non - Commercial Corridor (ÐSNCCÑ). The SNCC

932designation includes lands bordering both sides of McMullen - Booth

942Road. The SNCC designatio n identifies preferred land uses within

952the corridor to achieve the CPAÓs goal to preserve and enhance

963the scenic qualities of the corridor.

9691 3 . The western half of the IL parcel is within the

982McMullen - Booth Road SNCC. Under the SNCC policies, the prefe rred

994land use for the western half of the parcel is ÐMixed Use.Ñ The

1007Amendment would allow for land uses consistent with the SNCC.

1017The Development Agreement

10201 4 . The proposed Amendment is accompanied by a Development

1031Agreement between Richman and the Ci ty of Safety Harbor which

1042provides more specifically for how the Property would be

1051developed. Among other items, the Development Agreement provides


1060a. 246 apartment units in three - story and four - story


1073b. a 25,000 - square - foot office bui lding fronting on

1086McMullen - Booth Road;

1090c. a 182 - foot buffer between the nearest apartment unit and

1102the residences to the east;

1107d . a requirement that no three - story building will be

1119located within 450 feet of the eastern property line; and

1129e. the pres ervation of more than 10 acres of the undeveloped

1141area , including the creek and wetlands .

1148Action on the Proposed Amendment

11531 5 . Changing a land use designation in the City of Safety

1166Harbor requires an amendment to the Countywide Plan Map, which

1176depicts all land use designations in Pinellas County and its


11871 6 . Countywide Rules are used in conjunction with the

1198Countywide Plan and they address amendments to the Countywide Plan


12091 7 . The Countywide Plan and Countywide Rules are created and

1221administered by t he CPA.

12261 8 . Proposed amendments to the Countywide Plan Map are

1237reviewed by the Pinellas County Planning Advisory Committee

1245(ÐPACÑ), which is comprised of planners from most of the local

1256governments in Pinellas County. The PAC makes a recommendation to

1266the Pinellas Planning Council on a proposed amendment . The PAC

1277recommended approval of the Amendment.

128219 . The staff of the Pinellas Planning Council prepared a n

1294Ð A genda M emorandum,Ñ which included the following findings which

1306are sup ported by the preponderance of the evidence presented in

1317this case and , therefore, are findings of fact in this Recommended


1329a. The RM land use is well - suited to serve as a transition

1343from non - residential areas to the west and south and the

1355resident ial neighborhoods to the east and north.

1363b. The area is not part of a larger consolidated industrial

1374area, but the Richman parcel, together with the IL parcel across

138510th Street South, could function as a small industrial park.

1395c. The IL category, with a ll potential uses allowed, is Ðin

1407the broadest senseÑ inconsistent with single - family uses to the

1418north and east.

1421d . The IL parcel can accommodate certain Ðtarget employers.Ñ

1431At the final hearing, target employers were identified as Ð office

1442light industr ial and research and development .Ñ

1450e . The e nvironmentally sensitive areas on the Property and

1461adjacent to single - family residences limit the types of industrial

1472uses that could be located on the IL parcel .

1482f . The Amendment does not foreclose the opportu nity to

1493attract target employers to other parcels within the Property .

1503g . Ð O n balance,Ñ the Amendment is consistent with the

1516Countywide Rules.

15182 0 . The Council staff recommended approval of the Amendment.

1529A s partial mitigation for the loss of the IL la nd use, the staff

1544recommended that Richman work with the County to attract target

1554employers to other parcels within the Property.

15612 1 . The Council held a public hearing and voted to recommend

1574approval of the Amendment.

15782 2 . The Pinellas County planning s taff recommended approval

1589of the Amendment to the CPA.

159523. The CPA, at a public hearing, voted to deny the

1606Amendment, based primarily on concern over the loss of industrial


1617Relevant Criteria

16192 4 . Section 5.5.3 .1 of the Countywide Rules states:

1630In the consideration of a regular Countywide

1637Plan Map amendment, it is the objective of

1645these Countywide Rules to evaluate the

1651amendment so as to make a balanced legislative

1659determination based on the following six (6)

1666Relevant Countywide Considerations, as they

1671pertain to the overall purpose and integrity

1678of the Countywide Plan.

16822 5 . Of these six criteria, the parties stipulated that only

1694the consideration stated in Section is at issue in this

1705case. That section states:

1709Consistency with Countywi de Rules. The manner

1716in, and extent to, which the amendment is

1724consistent with Article 4, Plan Criteria and

1731Standards of these Countywide Rules and with

1738the Countywide Plan as implemented through the

1745Countywide Rules.

17472 6 . The parties disputed what crit eria are Ðimplemented

1758through the Countywide Rules.Ñ Richman contends that to be

1767implemented through the Countywide Rules, a policy must be

1776contained in the Countywide Rules. The CPA contends that there

1786are provisions of the Plan that must be considered even if they do

1799not also appear in the Rules .

18062 7 . As set forth in the Conclusions of Law, in order for a

1821provision of the Countywide Plan to be implemented through the

1831Countywide Rules so that the provision can act as a criterion

1842applied by the CPA in th e approval or denial of a proposed

1855amendment to the Countywide Plan Map , the provision must be

1865repeated, paraphrased, or adopted by reference in the Countywide


18752 8 . In this regard it is noted that Resolution 06 - 3 of the

1891Pinellas Planning Council, w hich discusses the need to reserve

1901industrial parcels for target employers, was referred to in the

1911Council 's A genda M emorandum and discussed in the public hearing

1923before the CPA . However, Resolution 06 - 3 i s not implemented

1936through the Countywide Rules and , therefore, is not a source of

1947criteria applicable to the Amendment.

19522 9 . The SNCC designation for McMullen - Booth Road is in the

1966Countywide Rules and, therefore, must be considered by the CPA in

1977its review of the Amendment.

198230 . Section of the Countywide Rules is relevant to

1993the issues raised and states in part:

2000Category/Symbol Î Industrial Limited (IL)

2005Purpose Î It is the purpose of this category

2014to depict those areas of the county that are

2023now developed, or appropriate to be

2029developed, in a limited industrial manner;

2035and so as to encourage the reservation and

2043use of consolidated areas for industrial and

2050industrial/mixed use in a manner and location

2057consistent with surrounding use,

2061transportation facilities, and natural

2065resource characteristic s.

2068In addition to this statement of purpose, the section addresses

2078locational characteristics, traffic generation characteristics,

2083density/intensity characteristics, density/intensity standards,

2087and Ðother standards.Ñ

20903 1 . Section identifies th e Ð primary uses Ñ allowed

2103in the IL land use category as office, research/development,

2112light manufacturing/assembly, wholesale/distribution, and

2116storage/warehouse. The ÐsecondaryÑ uses allowed are residential,

2123retail/commercial; personal service/office sup port,

2128commercial/business service, commercial recreation, temporary

2133lodging, institutional, transportation/utility, recreation/open

2137space, transfer/recycling, incinerator facility, and

2142agricultural .

21443 2 . The CPAÓs desire for certain target employers to us e

2157the IL parcel fails to account for the fact that there are

2169industrial uses of the site that are allowed under the IL land

2181use category in the Countywide Plan that would cause noise, odor,

2192truck traffic, or other conditions that are incompatible with

2201adja cent residential uses. Understandably, the CPA would like to

2211see the Richman parcel used in the future by one of the target

2224employers, but the CPA does not acknowledge that the IL

2234designation authorizes other use s that would be incompatible with

2244surroundi ng uses.

22473 3 . At the final hearing, the CountyÓs Director of Economic

2259Development testified that the Richman parcel is ÐperfectÑ for an

2269IL land use, but that testimony only makes sense in the context of

2282certain target employers. I n the context of all the IL uses that

2295are allowable under the Countywide Plan and Countywide Rules, the

2305site is imperfect and impracticable because of the proximity of

2315single - family homes and the access from an undivided, two - lane

2328street used by residential traffic.

23333 4 . Several years of marketing efforts by Richman and the

2345County have not generated a single offer to purchase or lease the

2357Richman parcel for any of the allowed IL uses , including target

2368employers .

23703 5 . Following the CPAÓs denial of the Amendment, the staff

2382of the Pinellas Planning Council undertook a review of its current

2393policies regarding the preservation of industrial lands and

2401recommended amending the Countywide Rules to identify industrial

2409properties Ðworthy of preservingÑ and to develop criteria for the

2419evalu ation of proposed amendments to convert industrial land.

2428These recommendations highlight the current lack of adequate

2436guidance in the Countywide Rules.

24413 6 . The determination by the CPA that the Amendment is

2453inconsistent with the Countywide Rules is base d primarily on three

2464propositions which are contrary to the preponderance of the

2473evidence. First, that the Richman parcel is being reserved for IL

2484uses. The preponderance of the evidence shows that the parcel is

2495inappropriate for several authorized IL us es and the CPA wants the

2507parcel reserved only for a few target employers.

25153 7 . Second, that the IL designation is not inconsistent with

2527the McMullen - Booth Road SNCC. T he identification of preferred

2538land uses in the corridor would have no effect unless it was a

2551factor to be considered by the CPA when it reviews proposed

2562amendments to the Countywide Plan Map. The IL designation within

2572the McMullen - Booth SNCC is inconsistent with the goal of the

2584corridor and is a factor (not a requirement) in favor of chang ing

2597current IL designation to another designation that qualifies as

2606Mixed Use.

26083 8 . Third, that the Richman parcel is part of a

2620Ðconsolidated areaÑ for industrial uses in a location Ð consistent

2630with surrounding uses Ñ as described in Section Th e

2641preponderance of the evidence shows that this is not a

2651consolidated area for industrial uses. It was once a

2660consolidated area , but past land use decisions have eliminated

2669more than half the industrial acreage. If Richman had proposed

2679to consolidate its parcel with the IL parcel south of 10th Street

2691South to create a large, integrated warehousing and distribution

2700operation served by rail, the proposal would have been consistent

2710with the core purpose for IL lands as expressed in Section

27212. The im practicability of such a proposal, however,

2730highlights the problem with the current IL designation for the

2740Richman parcel.

274239 . The CountyÓs 2008 Target Employment and Industrial Land

2752Study found that two - thirds of the Ðtarget industriesÑ operating

2763in Pin ellas County are on lands not designated industrial,

2773because these uses can often be accommodated on lands designated

2783for office uses.

27864 0 . The 2008 study recommended that the industrial

2796designations of lands in five Ðprime industrial areasÑ be

2805preserve d. RichmanÓs IL parcel is not in one of these prime

2817industrial areas. When all relevant factors are considered, the

2826CPA appears to be t aking a stand for preservation of industrial

2838lands in the wrong place .


28474 1 . This is a de novo proce eding. The standard of proof is

2862a preponderance of the evidence.

28674 2 . The CPA contends that the IL classification for the

2879Richman parcel is presumptively valid and Richman must prove the

2889classification is invalid, citing Lee County v. Sunbelt Equities,

2898I I , 619 So. 2d 996 (Fla. 2d DCA 1993). However, the Sunbelt

2911Equities case arose in a different context. This proceeding is

2921not governed by either chapter 125 or chapter 163, Florida

2931Statutes. It is a unique proceeding established by the CPA.

29414 3 . Sectio n of the Countywide Rules expressly

2952states, and the parties have stipulated, that the issue to be

2963determined is Ð[t]he manner in, and extent to, which the amendment

2974is consistent with" certain criteria in the Countywide Rules. The

2984CPA establishe d this review procedure and review standard. It

2994cannot ignore its own standard and insist, instead, that a

3004challenger prove the existing land use classification is invalid.

30134 4 . The CPA contends that industrial use - related policies

3025and strategies of the Countywide Plan can be applied to the

3036proposed Amendment, even if they do not appear anywhere in the

3047Countywide Rules. The CPA treats all related Plan provisions as

3057implemented by the Rules and, therefore, as potential criteria to

3067be applied by the CPA in its review of a proposed Countywide Plan

3080Map amendment. Its position requires an illogical construction

3088of the phrase Ðimplemented by the Countywide RulesÑ that is

3098contrary to the ordinary meaning of the words used. Its position

3109makes the determination of what criteria are applicable to a map

3120amendment difficult to determine and open to debate.

312845. The CPA is not foreclosed from considering related

3137matters discussed in the Countywide Plan that give context to

3147words and concepts used in the Countywide R ules. However, n othing

3159in the Countywide Plan can be transformed into a Countywide Rule

3170criterion that requires IL lands to be reserved for certain target

3181employers when the Countywide Rules addressing industrial uses do

3190not mention target employers and a llow uses that are not target


32034 6 . It is concluded that a criterion must appear somewhere

3215in the Countywide Rules in order to be reasonably described as

3226Ðimplemented through the Countywide Rules.Ñ This conclusion

3233harmonizes with the title of Se ction, ÐConsistency with

3243the Countywide Rules,Ñ and with Section 2.2.3 of the Countywide

3254Rules, which states that Ð[a]ll Countywide Plan Map amendments

3263shall be made in accordance with the provisions of these

3273Countywide Rules, as amended.Ñ

32774 7 . Section, which describes the IL

3286classification, is a Countywide Rule directly relevant to a

3295proposed map amendment involving IL lands and must be consider ed

3306by the CPA in its review of Amendment.

331448 . Section .1 requires consideration of the extent

3324to which an amendment is consistent with Article 4 of the

3335Countywide Rules and with the provisions of the Countywide Plan

3345that are implemented through the Countywide Rules. E very

3354professional planner that reviewed the Amendment leading up to

3363it s presentation to the CPA opined, and the preponderance of the

3375evidence shows, that the Amendment creates more points of

3384consistency and fewer points of inconsistency than the existing

3393IL land use classification.

339749 . Nevertheless, under Section 5.3.3 of the Countywide

3406Rules, the review of a proposed Countywide Plan Map amendment

3416requires a Ð a balanced legislative determination.Ñ The CPA is

3426bound by factual findings made by the Administrative Law Judge

3436which are supported by competent substantial evidence , but the

3445CPA is not bound by the balance struck by the Administrative Law

3457Judge , based on his perception of the differential importance of

3467various findings. The ultimate balancing and determination of

3475consistency is for the CPA to make. See Save Anna Ma ria, Inc. v.

3489DepÓt of Transp. , 700 So. 2d 113, 116 (Fla. 2d DCA 1997)(The

3501Department of Environmental Protection did not reject any of the

3511hearing officer's findings regarding the proposed mitigation of

3519environmental impacts, but balanced the findings to r each the

3529ultimate legal conclusion that DOT had provided reasonable

3537assurance.) Save Anna Maria involved a statute that specifically

3546directed the agency to determin e whether mitigation was

3555sufficient and no similar statute is involved here. However, the

3565ultimate authority of the CPA is similar, because it is making a

3577legislative decision , which cannot be delegated to an

3585Administrative Law Judge.


3589Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3599Law, it is

3602RECOMMENDED that the Cou ntywide Planning Authority issue a

3611F inal O rder approving the Amendment.

3618DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 2013 , in

3628Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3637Administrative Law Judge

3640Division of Admi nistrative Hearings

3645The DeSoto Building

36481230 Apalachee Parkway

3651Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3656(850) 488 - 9675

3660Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3667Filed with the Clerk of the

3673Division of Administrative Hearings

3677this 18th day of November , 2013 .


3686Scott A. McLaren, Esquire

3690Edward D. Armstrong, III, Esquire

3695Hill, Ward and Henderson, P.A.

37003700 Bank of America Plaza

3705101 East Kennedy Boulevard

3709Tampa, Florida 33602

3712Gordon Beardslee , General Planning Administrator

3717Pinellas County De partment

3721of Strategic Planning and Initiatives

3726310 Court Street

3729Clearwater, Florida 33756

3732Michael Crawford , Executive Director

3736Pinellas Planning Council

3739310 Court Street , Second Floor

3744Clearwater, Florida 33756 - 5137

3749Kenneth Welch , Commission Chairman

3753Board of County Commissioners

3757Pinellas County

3759315 Court Street

3762Clearwater, Florida 33756

3765Nancy S. Meyer, Esquire

3769David S. Sadowsky, Esquire

3773Pinellas County Attorney's Office

3777315 Court Street , Sixth Floor

3782Clearwater, Florida 33756


3791All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

380115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3812to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3823will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/27/2014
Proceedings: Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners in their Capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority, Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/27/2014
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation to Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/27/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from Michael Crawford regarding Resolution No. 14-10, denying a proposed amendment to the Updated Countywide Plan for Pinellas County filed.
Date: 11/27/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from Michael Crawford regarding a confirm receipt of the recommended order filed.
Date: 11/18/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/18/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 27-28, 2013). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/18/2013
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/14/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/11/2013
Proceedings: Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners, in Their Capacity as the Countywide Planning Authority, Proposed Recommended Final Order filed.
Date: 09/25/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 09/20/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from N. Meyer regarding date proposed final orders are due filed.
Date: 09/20/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Filing of Respondent's Final Hearing Transcripts filed (Original transcripts).
Date: 09/19/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Filing of Respondent's Final Hearing Transcripts filed.
Date: 09/19/2013
Proceedings: Defendants Notice of Filing of Deposition Transcript filed.
Date: 09/18/2013
Proceedings: Transcript from Final Hearing August 28, 2013 (Part II) filed.
Date: 09/18/2013
Proceedings: Transcript from Final Hearing August 27, 2013 (Part I) filed.
Date: 08/27/2013
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/26/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Second Amended Answer to Petitioner's Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/23/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from N. Meyer regarding modification in 8/27/13 hearing time filed.
Date: 08/22/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Answer to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/22/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Trial Brief filed.
Date: 08/22/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 27 and 28, 2013; 1:30 p.m.; Clearwater, FL; amended as to start time of first day of hearing).
Date: 08/20/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion to Preclude Application of Unadopted Review Criteria to its Proposed Land Use Plan Map Amendment filed.
Date: 08/20/2013
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/14/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Answer to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/13/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Request for Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 08/12/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Verified Return of Service (for L. Arrington, G. Beardslee, M. Crawford, L. Matzke, M. McLachlan, J. Millspaugh, and R. Pergolizzi) filed.
Date: 08/12/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Verified Return of Service (for L. Arrington and G. Beardslee) filed.
Date: 08/09/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of A. Bartolotta) filed.
Date: 08/08/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's (Proposed) Exhibit List filed.
Date: 08/07/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 08/07/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Request for Judicial View of Premises and Surrounding Area filed.
Date: 08/07/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's (Proposed) Exhibit List for Final Hearing Scheduled for August 27th and August 28th, 2013 filed.
Date: 08/02/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Videotaped Deposition Duces Tecum (of M. Crawford) filed.
Date: 07/31/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of L. Matzke) filed.
Date: 07/31/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of M. Crawford) filed.
Date: 07/18/2013
Proceedings: Petitioner's Potential Witness List filed.
Date: 07/18/2013
Proceedings: Respondent's Witness List for Final Hearing Scheduled for August 27th and 28th, 2013 filed.
Date: 06/25/2013
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 27 and 28, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; Clearwater, FL; amended as to hearing location).
Date: 06/19/2013
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/19/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 27 and 28, 2013; 9:00 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 06/18/2013
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Nancy Meyer) filed.
Date: 06/13/2013
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Canter from Gina Grimes regarding dates of availability for final hearing filed.
Date: 06/07/2013
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial DOAH Order filed.
Date: 05/31/2013
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/30/2013
Proceedings: Corrected Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/28/2013
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 05/28/2013
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/28/2013
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Clearwater, Florida
Growth Management (No Agency)
