St. Lucie County, Florida vs.
Department Of Juvenile Justice
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, December 18, 2013.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, December 18, 2013.
7Comrl'Y, OKALOOSA CO'Olft''J',
10COtJllr1IY, DBSAtl
12COtJJft"Y', BT. L'D'Cl:lil: Comf'l'!', DJJ case mo.: 15-0003
21w.Atl.l'OR' Cotm'l'Y' I ORU'GB
25CO'D!Pl''l', LAD COUJft'Y, ur
29COtJill'l'Y' I SUiiTA ROSA COUift'Y I DOAH Case Nos.: 13-1442
39and Hl:LLSBOROUCm C01JRl'Y, 13-2906
44Petitioners, 13-2908
49PO:I.X Cotlll'l"!', CBARLOTTB 13-2912
54C()'O])I'J.'Y, MLUD:-IlJ\\DB 13-2913
57COt1J.f'l'Y, H.UIARB 13-2914
60C01JIR'Y, ALrACBO.A COD1Ir1'!', 13-2915
64W.:B CO'IJII"l'Y, aDd J:l!ml'AR' 13-4390
70Rl:BR Catm'l'Y,
80l'l:DL OB.D.D. USOLVJ:HG Dl:SP1'J'.I.IBS I'OR I'J:SCAL DAR 2011-2012
88On May 30, 2014, the Department entered an "'Order on
98Proposed Final Ordersn lifting the abeyance of the DOAH
107proceedings 1 allowing the parties to submit Proposed Final
116Appendix C
118orders, and acknowledging the intention to enter a
126Final Order disposing of the parties' challenges to the 2011-2012
136Annual Reconciliation of detention costs. Thereafter, the
143parties submitted proposed final orders that were based upon a
153December 2013 Joint Stipulation of Facts and Procedure,w which
163set out overpayment amounts for each party for Fiscal Year 2011-
1742012, as follows:
177CC>lJft'f AJIOmfll OW:UJUD
180Alachua $632,903.94
183Bay 47.2,599.66
186Broward 2,426,584.83
190Charlotte 249,382.11
193Hernando 265,923.84
196Hillsborough 2,779,165.84
200Ind1a.n River 249,311.88
204Lake 306.929.23
206Lee 1,843,740.49
210Manatee 1,105,029.72
214Miami-Dade 2,354,399.72
218Nassau 92,175.12
221Okaloosa 1,105,671.65
225Orange 3,338,184.67
229Pinellas 1,966,211.88
233Polk 546,175.30
236Santa Rosa 228,520.24
240St. Lucie 645,087.93
244Vol usia 2,043,709.89
249Walton 129,239.26
252The Department is unable to enter a Final Order adopting the
263stipulated amounts as the parties' overpayments. The amounts are
272contrary to section 985.686(3) and (5}, Florida Statutes, in that
282they obligate the State to pay for detention stays that are
293prior to final court disposition. Specifically, the
300calculations include youth on probation who are subsequently
308detained on new criminal charges, and whose detention stays are
318prior to disposition of the new charges. These stays are
329Appendix C
331predispositional, and the Department cannot obligate the State to
340assume fiscal responsibility for charges associated with these
348detention stays.
350The overpayment amounts in the last column of the following
360table are produced when this error is corrected:
368C01JR'l'!' .AIIIO'DII'I".t OVDPAJ:D
372( S!.':tPOLATJm)
374Alachua $632,903.94 $124,715 .95
381Bay 472,599.66 223,046.04
386Broward 2 I 42 6 1 5 84 83 1,5451942.90
398Charlotte 249,382.11 153,895.04
403Hernando 265,923.84 222,200.24
4082,779,165.84 1,402,680.28
414Indian River 249,311.88 195,093.78
420Lake 3061929.23 228,778.37
424Lee 1,843,740.49 823,718.26
430Manatee 1,105,029.72 801,8.96.52
436Miami-Dade 213541399.72 656,916'.50
440Nassau 92,175.12 771065,79
445Okaloosa l 1 1051 6'71. 65 7l9,659.8l
453Orange 3,338,184.67 1,722,666.06
460Pinellas 11966,211.88 849,531.54
465Polk 546 1 17 5 o 3 0 1021537.99
475Santa Rosa 2281520.24 58,718.86
480St. Lucie 645,087.93 240,440.72
486Vol usia 2,043,709.89 2,3361719.53
493walton 129,239.26 35,169.20
498Based upon the foregoing it is hereby DRDBBBD:
5061 . The "Corrected amounts set forth in the last col-umn of
519preceding table represent the Department's final action on the
528parties' challenges to the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 detention cost
5381 The "Corrected" overpayments do not take into account credits
548that may already have been taken by specific counties, which will
559reduce the overpayment totals and subsequent credits when and if
569the Legislature funds such credits.
5762. The parties are deemed to have overpaid their actual
586costs for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 in the amounts set forth as
597ucorrectedR in the preceding table.2
602Entered day of , 2015, in
607Tallahassee, Florida.
609cmu::sw:na R. DALY, cretary
613Department of Juvenile Justice
617c:ak:a Agency Clerk
620Filed this of
623 2015
625COPIES FURNISHED (addresses on record):
630Brian D. Berkowitz, General Counsel
635Department of Juvenile Justice
639Carly Schrader, Esq.
642Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson, P.A.
647Terrell K. Arline, Esq.
651Bay County Attorney's Office
655Carl Brody, Esq.
658Pinellas County Attorney's Office
662Estephanie Resnik, Esq.
665Miami-Dade County Attorney's Office
6692 No moneys were appropriated for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 to credit
680counties. Only the Legislature has the power to provide funding
690for credits or refunds for past fiscal years.
699Appendix C
701Scott Schevenell, Esq.
704Orange County Attorney's Office
708Robert Livingston, Esq.
711Alachua county Attorney's Office
715Adam Katzman, Esq.
718Broward County Attorney's Office
722Stephen M. Todd, Esq.
726Hillsborough County Attorney's Office
730Richard Appicello, Esq.
733Hernando County Attorney's Office
737Kate Pingolt Cotner, Esq.
741Indian River County Attorney's Office
746Sanford A. Minkoff, Esq.
750Lake County Attorney's Office
754Melody Bowers, Esq.
757Lee County Attorney's Office
761Mitchell 0. Palmer, Esq.
765Manatee County Attorney's Office
769Roy V. Andrews, Esq.
773Santa Rosa County Attorney's Office
778Mary J. Jolley, Esq.
782Volusia County Attorney's Office
- Date
- Proceedings
- Date: 05/09/2017
- Proceedings: Consolidated Motion for Award of Appellate Attorneys' Fees and Costs filed.
- Date: 04/15/2016
- Proceedings: Petitioner, Lake County, Florida's, Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice filed.
- Date: 06/30/2014
- Proceedings: Intervenor Alachua County's Notice of Adoption of Proposed Final Order submitted by Charlotte County, et. al., filed.
- Date: 06/25/2014
- Proceedings: County of Volusia's Notice of Adoption of Proposed Final Order Submitted by Charlotte County, et al filed.
- Date: 06/19/2014
- Proceedings: Hillsborough County Notice of Adoption of Proposed Final Order Submitted by Charlotte County, Et.Al filed.
- Date: 12/27/2013
- Proceedings: Intervenor Hillsborough County, Florida's Notice of Joinder in Petitioners' and Intervenors' Motion to Abate Proceedings filed.
- Date: 12/17/2013
- Proceedings: Joint and Consented Motion for Relinquishment of Jurisdiction to the Department of Juvenile Justice filed.
- Date: 11/08/2013
- Proceedings: Miami-Dade County's Notice of Unavailability January 2-14, 2014 filed.
- Date: 10/18/2013
- Proceedings: Linda Brehmer Lanosa's Updated Designation of Secondary E-Mail Addresses filed.
- Date: 10/11/2013
- Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene (Broward County, Manatee County, and Alachua County).
- Date: 09/03/2013
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for January 15, 2014; 10:00 a.m.).
- Date: 09/03/2013
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 24 through 26, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Daytona Beach and Tallahassee, FL).
- Date: 08/23/2013
- Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for August 28, 2013; 3:00 p.m.).
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 08/02/2013
- Date Assignment:
- 08/09/2013
- Last Docket Entry:
- 05/09/2017
- Location:
- Daytona Beach, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
- Other
Brian D. Berkowitz, General Counsel
Address of Record -
Lynn Miyamoto Hoshihara, Esquire
Address of Record -
Daniel S McIntyre, Esquire
Address of Record -
Carly J. Schrader, Esquire
Address of Record -
Gregory Thomas Stewart, Esquire
Address of Record -
Michael John Wheeler, Assistant General Counsel
Address of Record -
Carley J. Schrader, Esquire
Address of Record