14-000530N Melissa Roberts And Christopher Roberts, On Behalf Of And As Parents And Natural Guardians Of Braylon Roberts, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, March 6, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Child did not sustain an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital.




12ROBERTS, on behalf of and as

18parents and natural guardians of



28vs. Case No. 14 - 0530N










55This cause came on for consideration upon a Motion for

65Summary Final Order filed by Respondent, Florida Birth - Related

75Neurological Injury Compensation Association (NICA), on

81January 27, 2015.


88On February 3, 2014, Petitioners, Melissa Roberts and

96Christopher Roberts, on behalf of and as parents and natural

106g uardians of Braylon Roberts (Braylon), a minor, filed a Petition

117for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq.

127(Petition) with the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH)

135for a determination of compensability under the Florida Birth -

145R elated Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (Plan). The

153Petition named Yejide O. Sokoya, M.D., as the physician providing

163obstetrical services at the birth of Braylon on February 3, 2009,

174at St. JosephÓs WomenÓs Hospital located in Tampa, Florida.

183DOAH s erved NICA with a copy of the Petition on February 5,

1962014. DOAH served St. Joseph Ó s WomenÓs Hospital with a copy of

209the Petition on March 13, 2014. On February 4, 2014, DOAH

220attempted service of a copy of the Petition to Yejide O. Sokoya,

232M.D., by certi fied mail. However, the envelope was returned to

243DOAH from the United States Postal Service marked ÐReturn to

253Sender, Attempted - Not Known, Unable to ForwardÑ on February 24,


265Intervenor St. JosephÓs WomenÓs Hospital filed a Petition to

274Intervene on March 27, 2014, which was granted by Order dated

285April 10, 2014.

288On January 27, 2015, NICA filed a Motion for Summary Final

299Order, asserting that Braylon did not sustain a "birth - related

310neurological injury" as that term is defined in section

319766.302(2), Florida Statutes. An Order to Show Cause was entered

329on February 10, 2015, and an Amended Order to Show Cause was

341entered on February 16, 2015, advising Petitioners to show cause

351in writing why RespondentÓs Motion for Summary Final Order should

361not be gra nted. As of the date of this Summary Final Order of

375Dismissal, no response has been filed by Petitioners nor by



3891. Braylon Roberts was born on February 3, 2009, at St.

400JosephÓs WomenÓs Hospital located in Tampa, Florida. BraylonÓs

408birth weight exceeded 2,500 grams.

4142. Donald Willis, M.D. (Dr. Willis), was requested by NICA

424to review the medical records for Braylon. On July 1, July 9,

436and August 18, 2014, Dr. Willis performed a medical records

446review and wrote medical r eports. In an affidavit dated

456December 29, 2014, he summarized his records review and opined as


468In summary, labor was induced at term with an

477uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal delivery.

481The newborn was not depressed and required no

489resuscitation after birth. Hospital course

494was uneventful until DOL 2 when seizure

501activity was noted. MRI was consistent with

508cerebral stroke.

510The baby suffered a cerebral stroke at some

518time on DOL 2. Medical history of a normal

527spontaneous vaginal birth with no n ewborn

534depression and a normal initial newborn

540hospital course, suggests the stroke was not

547due to oxygen deprivation or mechanical

553trauma during labor, delivery or in the

560immediate post - delivery period.

565There was no apparent obstetrical event that

572result ed in loss of oxygen or mechanical

580trauma to the babyÓs brain during labor,

587delivery or the immediate post - delivery


595The additional records do not change any of

603the opinions expressed in the letter of


611The FHR monitor tracing does not suggest

618fetal distress during labor. This would be

625in agreement with the previous opinion that

632the newborn stroke did not result from oxygen

640deprivation during labor.

6433. NICA retained Raymond J. Fernandez, M.D.

650(Dr. Fernandez), a pediatric neurologist, to examine Braylon and

659to review his medical records. Dr. Fernandez examined Braylon on

669October 6, 2014. In a medical report regarding his independent

679medical examination of Braylon, Dr. Fernandez opined as follows:

688Braylon has a subtle (very mild) right

695hemiparesis that is not causing substantial

701motor impairment at this time and it is not

710predicted not [ sic ] to cause substantial

718motor impairment in the future. Speech is

725mildly to moderately delayed, but improving

731and he is improving with regard to basi c

740learning skills in his regular kindergarten

746classroom setting. The ultimate outcome with

752regard to more complicated learning is

758indeterminate at this time, but he should

765continue to improve with appropriate input

771from teachers and family members.

776Brayl onÓs neurological injury was due to an

784ischemic stroke in the distribution of a

791branch of the left middle cerebral artery.

798His neurological injury was not caused by

805oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury due

811to an obstetrical event during labor,

817delivery, or in the immediate post delivery

824of [sic] resuscitation.

8274. Dr. Fernandez confirmed his opinion in an affidavit

836dated January 7, 201 5 . 1/

8435. A review of the file in this case reveals that there

855have been no expert opinions filed that are contrary to the

866opinion of Dr. Willis that there was no apparent obstetrical

876event that resulted in loss of oxygen or mechanical trauma to the

888baby's brain during labor, delivery, or the immediate post -

898delivery period. Dr. WillisÓ opinion is credited. There are no

908contrary expert opinions filed that are contrary to

916Dr. FernandezÓs opinion that although Braylon has a subtle (very

926mild) right hemiparesis, it is not causing, and is not predicted

937to cause, substantial motor impairment. Further, Dr. Fernandez

945also opine d that BraylonÓs neurological injury was not caused by

956oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury due to an obstetrical

965event during labor, delivery, or in the immediate post - delivery

976or resuscitation. Dr. FernandezÓs opinion is credited.


9866. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

994over the parties to and the subject matter of these proceedings.

1005§§ 766.301 - 766.316, Fla. Stat.

10117. The Plan was established by the Legislature "for the

1021purpose of providing compensation, irre spective of fault, for

1030birth - related neurological injury claims" relating to births

1039occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

10508. The injured infant, her or his personal representative,

1059parents, dependents, and next of kin may seek c ompensation under

1070the Plan by filing a claim for compensation with DOAH.

1080§§ 766.302(3), 766.303(2), and 766.305(1), Fla. Stat. NICA,

1088which administers the Plan, has "45 days from the date of service

1100of a complete claim . . . in which to file a res ponse to the

1116petition and to submit relevant written information relating to

1125the issue of whether the injury is a birth - related neurological

1137injury." § 766.305(4), Fla. Stat.

11429. If NICA determines that the injury alleged in a claim is

1154a compensable birt h - related neurological injury, it may award

1165compensation to the claimant, provided that the award is approved

1175by the administrative law judge to whom the claim has been

1186assigned. § 766.305(7), Fla. Stat. If, on the other hand, NICA

1197disputes the claim, as it has in the instant case, the dispute

1209must be resolved by the assigned administrative law judge in

1219accordance with the provisions of chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

1228§§ 766.304, 766.309, and 766.31, Fla. Stat.

123510. In discharging this responsibility, th e administrative

1243law judge must make the following determination based upon the

1253available evidence:

1255(a) Whether the injury claimed is a birth -

1264related neurological injury. If the claimant

1270has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the

1277administrative law jud ge, that the infant has

1285sustained a brain or spinal cord injury

1292caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical

1298injury and that the infant was thereby

1305rendered permanently and substantially

1309mentally and physically impaired, a

1314rebuttable presumption shall arise that the

1320injury is a birth - related neurological injury

1328as defined in s. 766.303(2).

1333(b) Whether obstetrical services were

1338delivered by a participating physician in the

1345course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation

1351in the immediate postdelivery period in a

1358hospital; or by a certified nurse midwife in

1366a teaching hospital supervised by a

1372participating physician in the course of

1378labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the

1384immediate postdelivery period in a hospital.

1390§ 766.309(1), Fla. Stat. An award may be sus tained only if the

1403administrative law judge concludes that the "infant has sustained

1412a birth - related neurological injury and that obstetrical services

1422were delivered by a participating physician at birth."

1430§ 766.31(1), Fla. Stat.

143411. The term "birth - rel ated neurological injury" is defined

1445in section 766.302(2) as follows:

"1450Birth - related neurological injury" means

1456injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live

1466infant weighing at least 2,500 grams for a

1475single gestation or, in the case of a

1483multiple gestati on, a live infant weighing at

1491least 2,000 grams at birth caused by oxygen

1500deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in

1506the course of labor, delivery, or

1512resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

1517period in a hospital, which renders the

1524infant permanently and substantially mentally

1529and physically impaired.

153212. The evidence, which is not refuted, established that

1541Braylon did not sustain an injury to the brain or spinal cord

1553caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury in the course

1563of labor, deliver y, or resuscitation in the immediate post -

1574delivery period in a hospital. Therefore, Br a y lon is not

1586eligible for benefits under the Plan.


1593Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1603Law, it is ORDERED that

16081. The Petition fi led by Melissa Roberts and Christopher

1618Roberts, on behalf of Braylon Roberts, is dismissed with


16282. The final hearing scheduled for March 17, 2015, is


1639DONE AND ORDERED this 6th day of March , 2015 , in

1649Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1657Administrative Law Judge

1660Division of Administrative Hearings

1664The DeSoto Building

16671230 Apalachee Parkway

1670Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1675(850) 488 - 9675

1679Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1686Filed with the Clerk of the

1692Division of Administrative Hearings

1696this 6th day of March , 2015 .


17041/ The date of January 7, 2014, on Dr. Fernandez's affidavit is

1716an apparent scriveners error, as the Petition for Benefits was

1726filed February 3, 2014 , and Dr. Fernandez's examination of

1735Braylon took place on October 6, 2014.


1744(via certified mail)

1747Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

1751Florida Birth Related Neurological

1755Injury Compensation Association

17582360 Christopher Place, Suite 1

1763Ta llahassee, Florida 32308


1768(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2144)

1776Melissa Roberts

1778Christopher Roberts

17807508 Camarina Calle

1783Tampa, Florida 33615

1786(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2151)

1794David S. Nelson, Esquire

1798La Cava and Jacobson, P .A.

1804Suite 2500

1806101 East Kennedy Boulevard

1810Tampa, Florida 33602


1814(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2168)

1822Robert J. Grace, Esquire

1826The Bleakley Bavol Law Firm

183115170 North Florida Avenue

1835Tampa, Florida 33613


1839(Certified Mail No. 701 4 2120 0003 1048 2175)

1848Melissa Roberts

1850Christopher Roberts

18525832 Coventry Drive

1855Tampa, Florida 33615

1858(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2182)

1866Amie Rice, Investigation Manager

1870Consumer Services Unit

1873Department of Health

18764052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 75

1884Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3275

1889(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2199)

1897Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

1900Health Quality Assurance

1903Agency for Health Care Administration

19082727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

1914Tallahassee, Florida 32308

1917(Certified Mail No. 701 4 2120 0003 1048 2205)

1926Yejide O. Sokoya, M.D.

1930Suite 6419

19322021 North Lemans Boulevard

1936Tampa, Florida 33607

1939(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2212)


1953Review of a final order of an administrative law judge shall be

1965by appeal to the District Court of Appeal pursuant to section

1976766.311(1), Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by

1984the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

1993commenced by filing the original n otice of a dministrative a ppea l

2006with the a gency c lerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings

2018within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a

2031copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

2041clerk of the appropriate District Court of Appeal. See

2050§ 766.311 (1), Fla. Stat., and Fla. Birth - Related Neurological

2061Injury Comp. Ass'n v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st DCA


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Date: 03/23/2015
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/23/2015
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/12/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/11/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/10/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/06/2015
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/06/2015
Proceedings: Summary Final Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/06/2015
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 02/16/2015
Proceedings: Amended Order to Show Cause.
Date: 02/10/2015
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 01/27/2015
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/10/2014
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 11/03/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 17, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/31/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Staros from Robert Grace, Jr., regarding this court's order of October 17, 2014 filed.
Date: 10/31/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Robert Grace) filed.
Date: 10/17/2014
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 10/16/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Medical Records (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/16/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Case Reassignment.
Date: 09/09/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 06/26/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 06/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 06/04/2014
Proceedings: St. Joseph's Women's Hospital Notice of Non-objection to Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's "Motion of Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition" filed.
Date: 05/28/2014
Proceedings: Motion For Extension of Time in which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 04/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene.
Date: 03/27/2014
Proceedings: St. Joseph's Women's Hospital's Motion to Intervene filed.
Date: 03/25/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 03/24/2014
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/17/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/11/2014
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/11/2014
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Judge Kirkland.
Date: 02/25/2014
Proceedings: Order (motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 02/24/2014
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 02/11/2014
Proceedings: Motion to Act as a Qualified Representative Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 02/06/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 02/04/2014
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 02/04/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Claudia Llado enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 02/04/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 02/03/2014
Proceedings: NICA filing fee $15.00: Money Order No. 0006069703 filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 02/03/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):