14-000940GM Katie Pierola And Greg Geraldson vs. Manatee County
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, July 8, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners proved that the proposed comprehensive plan amendments which increased residential density in the Coastal Evacuation area and Coastal High Hazard area were "not in compliance."






14vs. Case No. 14 - 0940GM








34The final hea r ing in this case was held o n M ay 7 , 2 014,

51in B r adenton, Florid a , befo r e B ram D. E. C a nter, Administrative

68L aw Judge of the D ivision of Administrative He a rin g s (DOA H ).


91For Petitioners: Thomas W. Reese, Esquire

972951 61 st Avenue South

102St. P ete r sbur g , Florida 33712 - 4539

112For Respondent: J ames A. Minx, Esquire

119Sarah A . Schenk, Esquire

124Office of the Manat e e County Attorne y

133P o st Office B ox 1000

140B r adenton, F lorida 34206 - 1000

148For I nterv e nor: Edwa r d Vol g er, II , Esquire

161Vol g ler Ashton, P LL C

1682411 - A Man a tee Av e nue West

178B r adenton, F lorida 34205 - 4948


193The issue to be determined in this case is w hether the

205a mendments to the Manat e e County Comprehensive Plan (M a natee

218Plan) adopted by the B oard of County Comm i ssioners of Manatee

231County via Ordin a nce N o. 13 - 10 on De c ember 5, 2013 , a r e Ðin

251c om pliance , Ñ as defined in section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida

261Statutes (2013).


266On De c ember 5, 2013, Manat e e County adopted O r dinance

280No. 13 - 10 which amended the Future Land Use Map of the Manat e e

296Plan to re classify certain real propert y owned by Robinson Farms ,

308Inc. , f r om Residential 1 (RES - 1) to Residential 3 (RES - 3) and to

325add text in the Manatee Plan which limit s the future development

337of the property to a maxi m um of 38 dwelling units (2013

350Amendments) .

352Petitioners Pierola and Ge r ald son filed a petition for

363hearing to c hallen g e the 2013 Amendment s, using DOAH C a se

378No. 11 - 0009GM , a case which involved a challenge by these same

391Petitioners to an earlier and different amendment to the Manatee

401Plan (2010 Amendment) . An Order was is sued in Case

412No. 11 - 0009GM , stating that the Recommended Order had already

423been issued in the case , the case was c losed , and a new DOAH case

438file would have to be opened for the new petition . D OAH Case

452No. 13 - 0940 GM was then opened on Petitio nersÓ challenge to the

4662013 Amendments.

468Manat e e County and the I nterv e nors filed a motion to

482d i smiss t he petition. T he motion was denied.

493At the final hearing , Petitioners presented the testimony

501of Katie Pierola and John Osborne. PetitionersÓ Exhibit 9 w as

512admitted into evidence. Petitioners Ó r equests for offici a l

523re c o g nition of certain a g ency and app e llate cou r t orders were

542g rant e d. Manatee County presented the testimony of

552John Osborne. Manatee CountyÓs Exhibits 1 - 2 and 5 - 13 were

565admitted into evi dence. Manatee County and Robinson Farms '

575Joint Exhibits 3 and 4 were admitted into evidence. Robinson

585Farms presented the testimony of Frank Domingo.

592The one - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed

603with DOAH. The parties filed proposed recomm ended orders that

613were considered by the Administrative Law Judge in the

622preparation of this Recommended Order.


630The Pa r ties

6341. Katie Pierola is a resid e nt and landown e r in M a natee

650Count y . Mrs. Pierola made timely obje c tions and comments to

663Manatee County on the 2013 Am e ndment s .

6732. Gr e g Ge r aldson is a r e sident and landown e r in M a natee

693Count y . Mr. Ge r aldson made timely obje c tions and comments to

708Manatee County on the 2013 Am e ndment s .

7183. Manat e e County is a political subdivis i on of the S tate

733and h a s adopted the Manat e e Plan , which it amends f r om time to

751t i me pursuant to s ection 163.3184, F l orida Statutes .

7644. Robinson Farms is a F lorida co r poration doing business

776in Manatee County and owning re a l property in the Count y . It

791owns the prope rty affected by the 2013 Amendments .

801The 2013 Amendments

8045 . The 2013 Amendments would amend t he Future Land Use Map

817of the Manatee Plan to change the future land use classification

828of approximately 20 acres of land owned by Robinson Farms from

839RES - 1 to R ES - 3. The land is described by metes and bounds in

856Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 13 - 10 . It is located on the north

871side of 9th Avenue Northwest, about 600 feet east of 99th Street.

8836 . The RES - 1 classification allows one dwelling unit per

895acre (du/a). The RES - 3 classification allows up to three du/a.

9077 . The General Introduction c hapter of the Manatee Plan,

918Section D Î Special Plan Interpretation Provisions, would be

927amended to add the following new text:

934D.5.16 Ordinance 13 - 10 (ROBINSON FARMS PLAN


944The 20± acre property identified as the

951Robinson Farms Plan Amendment and designated

957RES - 3 on the Future Land Use Map pursuant to

968Manatee County Ordinance No. 13 - 10 shall be

977limited to a maximum of thirty eight (38)

985residential units.

987Coastal Evacuat ion Area and Coastal High Hazard Area

9968. All 20 acres of the Robinson Farms property is within

1007the Coastal Evacuation Area (CEA).

10129 . The CEA is defined in the Manatee Plan as:

1023The evacuation Level A for a Category 1

1031hurricane as established in the regio nal

1038evacuation study applicable to Manatee

1043County, as updated on a periodic basis.

10501 0 . Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policy,

1060which addresses the purposes of the CEA, states in part:

1070a) To limit population in the Category 1

1078hurricane evacuatio n area requiring

1083evacuation during storm events.

1087b) To limit the amount of infrastructure,

1094both private and public, within the CEA

1101Overlay District and thereby limit magnitude

1107of public loss and involvement in mitigating

1114for loss of private infrastructur e to Manatee

1122County residents.

1124c) To, through exercise of the police power,

1132increase the degree of protection to public

1139and private property, and to protect the

1146lives of residents within the CEA, and reduce

1154the risk of exposing lives or property to

1162storm damage.

116411. All but 4.68 acres is within the Coastal High Hazard

1175Area (CHHA).

117712 . The CHHA is defined in the Manatee Plan as:

1188The geographic area below the Category 1

1195storm surge line as established by a Sea,

1203Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes

1209(SLOSH) computerized storm surge model,

1214pursuant to applicable law, as updated on a

1222periodic basis.

122413. FLUE Policy, which addresses the purposes of

1233the CHHA, repeats the same purposes that are set forth above for

1245the CEA.

1247Relevant Goals, Obje ctive s, and Polic ies

12551 4 . Goal 4.3 of the Coastal Element of the Manatee Plan is :

1270Protection of the Residents and Property

1276Within the Coastal Planning Area from the

1283Physical and Economic Effects of Natural


12901 5 . Coastal Element Objective 4.3.1 s tates :

1300Limit development type, density and intensity

1306within the Coastal Planning Area and direct

1313population and development to areas outside

1319the Coastal High Hazard Area to mitigate the

1327potential negative impacts of natural hazards

1333in the area.

13361 6 . Coas tal Element Policy states :

1346Direct population concentrations away from

1351the Coastal Evacuation Area

13551 7 . F LUE Policy 2.2.2. 4 . 5 (a) , which addresses development

1369restrictions in the C EA, states :

1376Prohibit any amendment to the Future Land Use

1384Map which w ould result in an increase in

1393allowable residential density on sites within

1399the Coastal Evacuation Area.

14031 8 . FLUE Policy 2.2.2. 4 . 4(a) states , in part:

1415The area designated under the CEA Overlay

1422District on the Future Land Use Map shall

1430also be subject to all goals, objectives and

1438policies for any land use category overlaid

1445by the CHHA District, except where policies

1452associated with the CEA Overlay conflict with

1459such goal s , objectives and policies. In this

1467event, policies associ a ted with the CHHA

1475Ov e rlay D istrict shall ove r ride other g oals,

1487objectives a nd policies.

149119 . FLUE Policy ( a ) , which addresses development

1502r estrictions in the CHHA , states :

1509Prohibit any amendment to the F uture L and Use

1519Map which w ould result in an incr e ase in

1530a llowable r e si dential density on sites within

1540the Coastal High H a zard Ar e a Ov e rlay


155320 . FLUE Policy 4(a) states that , in the event of a

1566conflict between CHHA policies and other policies in the Manatee

1576Plan , the CHHA policies shall override .

1583D ata and A nalysis

15882 1 . Petitioners contend that the 2013 Amendments are not

1599based on best av a ilable data a nd anal y sis as r e quired by Fl orida

1618Administrative Code Rule 9 J - 5.005(2 ) . However, that rule was

1631repealed in 2011 .

16352 2 . Section 163.3177(1)(f) requires that pla n amendments be

1646based on Ðrelevant and appropriate data and analysis.Ñ This

1655section explains:

1657To be based on data means to react to it in an

1669appropriate way and to the extent necessary

1676indicated by the data available on that

1683particular subject at the time of adoption of

1691the plan or plan amendment at issue.

16982 3 . Petitioners contend that t he proposed reclassification

1708of the Robinson Farms property from RES - 1 to RES - 3 does n ot react

1725appropriately to the data which show the Robinson Farms property

1735lies within the CEA and CHHA. However, as explained in the

1746Conclusions of Law, it is not the mapping of the CEA and CHHA

1759that creates a conflict with the 2013 Amendments . The conflict

1770is created by the policies which address future land uses in the

1782CEA and CHHA .

1786In ternal Consistency

17892 4 . Petitioners contend that the 2013 Amendments make the

1800Manatee Plan internally inconsistent with Coastal Element

1807Objective 4.3.1 and Coastal Element Policy which require

1816Ð population concentrations Ñ to be directed away from th e Coastal

1828Evacuation Area.

18302 5 . No evidence was presented by Petitioners or by Manatee

1842County on the CountyÓs interpretation of the term Ðpopulation

1851concentrations . Ñ However, FLUE Policy 2.2. 2.4 .5 (a) prohibits any

1863increase in residential density in the C E A . Therefore, assuming

1875as we must that the Manatee Plan is internally consistent , it

1886follows that Ðpopulation concentrationsÑ in Coastal Element

1893Objective 4.3.1 and Policy means any increase in

1902residential density . Because the 2013 Amendments inc rease

1911residential density in the CEA, they are inconsistent with this

1921objective and policy.

19242 6 . Because the 2013 Amendments would amend the Future Land

1936Use Map to increase allowable residential density on a site

1946within the CEA they are inconsistent with F LUE Policy

19562.2.2. 4 . 5 (a) , which p rohibit s any amendment to the Future Land

1971Use Map that would increase allowable residential density on

1980sites within the C EA .

19862 7 . Because the 2013 Amendments would amend the Future Land

1998Use Map to increase allowable resident ial density on a site

2009within the C HHA they are inconsistent with FLUE Policy

20192. ( a ) , which p rohibit s any amendment to the F uture L and

2035Use Map that w ould i ncr e ase a llowable r e sidential density on

2051sites within the C HHA .

2057Competing Policies

20592 8 . Manatee County and Robinson Farms argue that there are

2071other policies in the Manatee Plan, such as those that discourage

2082urban sprawl and encourage infill in the Urban Core Area , which

2093the County must weigh along with the policies discussed above .

2104The County cont ends that it weighed these conflicting policies

2114and reached a fairly debatable determination that the 2013

2123Amendments are consistent with the Manatee Plan.

213029 . Contradicting th is argument are FLUE Policy

21392.2.2. 4 . 4(a) and FLUE Policy 4 ( a ) , which st ate that the

2156CEA and CHHA policies shall override any conflicting goal s,

2166objective s, and polic ies in the Manatee Plan.

21753 0 . U rban sprawl , infill , and other policies of the Manatee

2188Plan cannot be invoked to avoid the specific prohibition s in FLUE

2200Polic ies 2 .2.2.4 .5 (a) and ( a ) against any amendment to

2215the F uture L and Use Map that w ould result in an incr e ase in

2232a llowable r e sidential density on sites within the CEA and C HHA .

2247Density Offsets

22493 1 . Manatee County and Robinson Farms argue that the

2260CountyÓs reduction in dwelling units in other parts of the CHHA

2271over the past several years is a valid consideration in

2281determining whether an increase in residential density on the

2290Robinson Farms property is permissible despite the prohibition in

2299FLUE Policy 2.2. 2.5.5 (a). In support of their argument, they

2310cite D ep artment of Community Affairs v. Leeward Yacht Club, LLC ,

2322DOAH Case No. 06 - 0049GM, 2006 WL 2497934 ( Nov. 16, 2006 ) .

2337However, the Leeward Yacht Club case involved the comprehensive

2346plan of Lee County , wh ich did not p rohibit increase s in

2359residential density in the CHHA.

23643 2 . In contrast , the Manatee Plan quite plainly prohibits

2375Ð any amendment Ñ to the Future Land Use Map that w ould incr e ase

2391r e sidential density in the CHHA.

2398Previous Proceedings

24003 3 . These same parties were involved in a dispute regarding

2412an earlier proposed amendment to the Manatee Plan to reclassify

2422property owned by Robinson Farms from RES - 1 to RES - 3. The 2010

2437Amendment was di ffere nt in that it affected 28 acres (which

2449encompasses the 20 acres in the 2 013 Amendments) . The 2010

2461Amendment would have increased the residential density on the 28

2471acres from 28 dwelling units to 105 dwelling units, all in the

2483CEA. It would have added 56 dwelling units to the CHHA.

24943 4 . Petitioners challenged t he amendment and an evidentiary

2505hearing was held befo r e A dministrative Law Judge D.R. Alexander

2517(DOAH Case No. 11 - 0009GM ) . On April 13, 2011, Judge Alexander

2531ent e red a Recommend e d Ord e r which recommended that the 2010

2546Amendment be determined not in compli ance because:

2554a. The amendment was not based on relevant

2562and appropriate data because the most current

2569SLOSH model results were not used;

2575b. The amendment was inconsistent with FLUE

2582Policy which prohibits any

2587increase in residential density in the C EA .

2596c . The amendment was inconsistent with

2603Coastal Element Objective 4.3.1 and Policy

26094.3.1.1 which require that population and

2615development be directed to areas outside the


26233 5 . The Recommended Order went to the Administration

2633Commission, which ultimately dismissed the case when Manatee

2641County rescinded Ordinance No. 10 - 02 and the 2010 Amendment.

26523 6 . In Manatee County Ordinance No. 11 - 035, which was the

2666ordinance used to rescind the 2010 Amendment, the Board of County

2677Commissioners determ ined that the 2010 Amendment w as internally

2687inconsistent with FLUE Policy , Coastal Element

2694Objective 4.3.1 , and Coastal Element Policy because the

2703amendment increased residential density in the CEA and CHHA .


2716Stan d in g

27203 7 . To have standing to challen g e a c ompreh e nsive plan

2736am e ndment, a pe r son must be an Ða f fe c ted pe r sonÑ as de f ined in

2759section 163.3184(1) ( a) , Florida Statutes (2013) .

27673 8 . Petitioners meet the definition of affected persons and

2778have standing to challeng e the 2013 Amendments.

278639 . Intervenor meets the definition of affected person and

2796has st a nding to intervene in this proceeding.

2805Scope of Review

28084 0 . An a f fe c ted pe r son challen g ing a plan amendm e nt must

2829show that it is not Ðin complianc e Ñ as th a t term is d efined in

2847s e c tion 163.3184(1)(b):

2852Ð I n complianc e Ñ me a ns consistent with the

2864requir e ments of ss. 163.3177, 163.3178,

2871163.3180, 163.3191, 163.3245, and 163.3248,

2876with the app r opriate strate g ic r e g ional

2888policy plan, and with the p r inciples for

2897g uiding d e velop ment in desi g nated a re a s of

2912c r itical state con c ern a nd with part II I of

2926ch a pter 369, wh e re applicabl e .

29364 1 . The statutes listed in s ection 163.3184(1) ( b) do not

2950include section 163.3184, which set s forth the procedures to be

2961followed in adopting a plan am endment. It follows , therefore,

2971t hat alleged procedural errors are beyond the scope of an Ðin

2983complianceÑ determination . P etitioners were not allowed to

2992present evidence or argument in support of their contention that,

3002in adopting O rdinance No. 13 - 10, Ma natee County failed to follow

3016the appropriate procedures of section 163.3184.

30224 2 . However, t here is no dispute about the procedures that

3035Manatee County followed in adopting the 2013 Amendments. The

3044County used the procedures applicable to the adoption of a plan

3055amendment following a compliance agreement. Petitioners contend

3062that the County should have followed the procedures applicable to

3072a new plan amendment. Petitioners did not allege they were

3082prejudiced by the procedures the County followed.

30894 3 . Pe titioners concede that procedural errors can not be

3101reviewed and determined in this proceeding, but argue that they

3111should have been allowed to make a record at the final hearing

3123because procedural errors can be considered and determined for

3132the first time on appeal of a comprehensive plan case .

31434 4 . In support of thi s argument, Petitioners cite the

3155statement in section 163.3184(1 0 ) that Ðthis section shall be the

3167sole proceedingÑ for determining whether a plan amendment is in

3177compliance with Ð this act. Ñ Ho wever, because the term Ðin

3189complianceÑ is defined to exclude the procedural requirements for

3198adopting a plan amendment , section 163.3184 (10) does not ma ke

3209this the proceeding for determining whether procedural errors

3217were made .

32204 5 . The decisions cited by Petitioners involv e different

3231kinds of claims which arose in different procedural contexts .

32414 6 . Procedural errors made by local governments in the

3252adoption of ordinances are generally reviewable in the circuit

3261courts. PetitionersÓ argument is unpersuasi ve.

3267Estoppel by Judgment

32704 7 . Petitioners contend that the doctrine of estoppel by

3281verdict, more commonly known as estoppel by judgment, is

3290applicable in this case and should bar Manatee County from

3300litigating the same issues that were litigated in DOAH Ca se

3311No. 11 - 0009GM.

33154 8 . Estoppel by judgment is applicable where the same

3326parties are involved in a subsequent suit involving a different

3336cause of action, in which event the judgment in the first suit

3348estops the parties from litigating in the second sui t points and

3360questions common to both causes of action and which were actually

3371adjudicated in the first suit. See Deep Lagoon Boat Club, LTD v.

3383Sheridan , 784 So. 2d 1140, 1143 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001).

339349 . The cases cited by Petition er s , Wire g rass Ran c h, I nc. v .

3412Saddleb r ook Resorts, I nc., 645 So. 2d 374 ( F la. 1994) and City of

3429North Port, F lorida v. Consolidated Miner a ls, I nc. , 645 So. 2d

3443485 (Fla. 2d DCA 1994) , deal with a different legal issue :

3455whether a party c an unilaterally divest an agency of jurisdiction

3466after a recommended order ha s been issued. Both courts answered

3477the question in the negative. There is no attempt here to

3488unilaterally divest an agency of jurisdiction. Wire g rass Ran c h

3500and City of North Port were appeal s to contest an agenc yÓs action

3514i n terminating the proceedings, but Petitioners here did not

3524appeal the Administration CommissionÓs Final Order of Dismissal .

35335 0 . Petitioners assert Wire g rass Ran c h held that Ða

3547Recommended Order of a DOAH Hearing Officer after an evidentiary

3557hearing is a verdi c t which is binding upon the p a rties pursuant

3572to the estoppel by verdi c t doctrine .Ñ However, nowhere in the

3585opinion is there such a holding. Instead, the court quotes from

3596Middlebrooks v. St. Johns River Water M anagement District , 529

3606So. 2d 1167, 1 169 (Fla. 5th DCA 1988), wh ich refers to a

3620recommended order as a ÐtentativeÑ verdict and ma kes no mention

3631of the doctrine of estoppel by verdict or estoppel by judgment .

36435 1 . T he Supreme Court of Florida s tated in Wire g rass Ran c h

3661that Ðthe [agency] could have agreed with some of the points made

3673by WiregrassÑ ( the petitioner who had filed a notice of voluntary

3685dismissal ). In other words, it was still up to the agency to

3698make the final determination of whether the challenged permit

3707should be issued , and the agency could have disagreed with the

3718recommended order. The c ourt recognized that the adjudication

3727process is not concluded with the issuance of a recommended

3737order. See also D ykes v. Quincy Telephone Co. , 539 So. 2d 503, 504

3751(Fla. 1st DCA 1989)(Findings of fact in a recommended order c annot

3763support a summary judgment in a civil action because a recommended

3774order is not a final order.) .

37815 2 . The Administration CommissionÓs Final Order of Dismissal

3791in DOAH Case No. 1 1 - 0009GM stated, Ð T here is no final acti on to be

3810taken on the ALJÓs Recommended Order because Ordinance 10 - 02 has

3822been and remains rescinded, thereby rendering the PetitionersÓ

3830original challenge moot.Ñ The Administration Commission did not

3838determine whether the findings of fact in the recommen ded order were

3850based on competent substantial evidence or whether the conclusions

3859of law were based on a correct application of the law to the facts.

387353. T he points and issues in DOAH Case No. 1 1 - 0009GM were not

3889Ð actually Ñ or fully adjudicated. Therefore , the doctrine of

3899estoppel by judgment is inapplicable in this proceeding .

3908Burden and S tan d ard of P roof

39175 4 . As the parties ch a llen g ing the 2013 Amendments ,

3931Petitioners h a ve the bu r den of p r oof.

39435 5 . Man a tee Count y Ós dete r mination that the 2013 Amendments

3959are Ðin complianc e Ñ is presum e d to be co r re c t and must be

3978sustained if the Count y Ós dete r mination of compliance is fairly

3991debat a ble. See § 163.3184(5)( c ), Fla. Stat.

40015 6 . The te r m Ðf a irly debat a bleÑ is not defin e d in c hapter

4022163. In Ma r tin Coun t y v. Yuse m , 690 So. 2d 1288 (Fl a . 1997) , t he

4043Supreme Court of Florida explained :

4049T he fairly debat a ble standa r d is a hi g hly

4063def e rential stand a rd r e quiring approv a l of a

4077planning action if a r e asonable person c ould

4087differ as to its propriet y . In other words,

4097an ordi nance may be said to be fairly

4106debatable when for any reason that is open to

4115dispute or controversy on grounds that make

4122sense or point to a logical deduction that in

4131no way involves its constitutional validity.

4137Id. , 1295.

41395 7 . The stand a rd of p r oof for f indin g s of f a ct is

4160p r eponde r ance of the eviden c e. § 120.57(1 ) (j), F la. Stat.

4177Data and Analysis

41805 8 . Petitioners contend that the proposed reclassification

4189of the Robinson Farms property from RES - 1 to RES - 3 does not react

4205appropriately to the data which sh ow the Robinson Farms property

4216lies within the CEA and CHHA and, therefore, the 2013 Amendments

4227violate s ection 163.3177(1)(f). However, it is not the mapping of

4238the CEA and CHHA that gives rise to a conflict. I f the Manatee

4252Plan a lready allow ed up to tw o du/a within the CEA and CHHA,

4267there would be no conflict with t he 2013 Amendments. The

4278conflict is created by the policies which prohibit any increase

4288in residential density in the CEA and CHHA .

42975 9 . Generally, c onflict with a n existing policy will not

4310constitute a failure to react appropriately to data . Otherwise ,

4320every instance of internal inconsistency between a proposed

4328amendment and an existing polic y would also be a violation of the

4341requirement in section 163.3177(1)(f) that amendments be based on

4350relevant and appropriate data and analysis. It is clear in

4360chapter 163 that the requirement for an amendment to be internal ly

4372consistent and the requirement that it be based on relevant and

4383appropriate data and analysis are intended to be distinct

4392criter ia . In this case, there was no dispute about data or the

4406analysis of data.

440960 . Petitioners failed to prove that the 2013 Amendments

4419are not based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis.

4429Internal Consistency

44316 1 . Petitioners proved beyond fair deba te that the 2013

4443A m e ndments would create internal inconsistency with F L UE Policies

44562. and a ) , Coastal Element Objective 4.3.1 ,

4465and Coastal Element Policy

44706 2 . The inconsistency is clear. The Manatee Plan prohibits

4481Ð any amendme ntÑ that would increase residential density in the

4492CEA and the CHHA and directs that these prohibitions shall

4502override any other policies that may be in conflict. The

4512inconsistency is not open to dispute or controversy on grounds

4522that make sense or point to a logical deduction.

45316 3 . Manatee County and Robinson Farms assert that the

4542County me e t s the mitigation criteria described in section

4553163.3178(8)(a) for a proposed amendment affecting lands in the

4562CHHA. However, section 163.3178(8) ( a) addresses state c riteria.

4572The 2013 Amendments must also satisfy local criteria in the

4582Manatee Plan. As explained herein, t hey do not.


45926 4 . Petitioners proved be y ond fair d e bate that the 2013

4607Amendments are not in complianc e .


4615Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4625Law, it is

4628RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission issue a

4635final order determining that the 2013 Amendments adopted by

4644Manatee County Ordinance No. 13 - 10 are not in compliance.

4655DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of J uly , 2014 , in Tallahassee,

4667Leon County, Florida.



4675Administrative Law Judge

4678Division of Administrative Hearings

4682The DeSoto Building

46851230 Apalachee Parkway

4688Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4693(850) 488 - 9675

4697Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4704Filed with the Clerk of the

4710Division of Administrative Hearings

4714this 8th day of July , 2014 .


4723James A. Minix, Esquire

4727Manatee County Attorney's Office

4731Post Office Box 1000

4735Bradenton, Flori da 34206

4739Edward Vogler, II, Esquire

4743Vogler Ashton, PLLC

47462411 - A Manatee Avenue West

4752Bradenton, Florida 34205 - 4948

4757Thomas W. Reese, Esquire

47612951 61st Avenue South

4765St. Petersburg, Florida 33712 - 4539

4771Barbara Leighty, Clerk

4774Transportation and Economic

4777D evelopment Policy Unit

4781The Capitol, Room 1801

4785Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

4790Peter Antonacci, General Counsel

4794Office of the Governor

4798The Capitol, Suite 209

4802Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

4807Robert N. Sechen, General Counsel

4812Department of Economic Opport unity

4817Caldwell Building, MSC 110

4821107 East Madison Street

4825Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 4128


4836All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

484615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptio ns

4858to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4869will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/06/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/05/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Meeting filed.
Date: 03/05/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Joinder to Amended Draft Final Order filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: (Intervenor's) Notice of Filing Draft Final Order filed.
Date: 10/14/2014
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 07/15/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Prohibited Parties filed.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 7, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/25/2014
Proceedings: Respondent Manatee County and Intervenor Robinson Farms, Inc. Joint Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/13/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/03/2014
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/29/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript of Administrative Proceedings filed.
Date: 05/07/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/05/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Second Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/05/2014
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 05/05/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Fourth Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/05/2014
Proceedings: Intervenors Objection to Petitioner's Second Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/05/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Third Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 05/02/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 04/30/2014
Proceedings: Order (denying motion to dismiss).
Date: 04/30/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for May 2, 2014; 2:00 p.m.).
Date: 04/29/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Request for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 04/28/2014
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Stipulation of Robinson Farms, Inc., and Manatee County filed.
Date: 04/28/2014
Proceedings: Manatee County's Notice of Joinder to Intervenor's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 04/28/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/28/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Notice of Filing Their Requests for Admission to Respondent, Manatee County, and Intervenor, Robinson Farms, Inc. filed.
Date: 04/28/2014
Proceedings: Intervenor's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 04/10/2014
Proceedings: (Manatee County's) Notice of Recordation filed.
Date: 04/09/2014
Proceedings: Manatee County's Response to Petitioner's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 04/08/2014
Proceedings: Robinson Farms, Inc's Response to Petitioner's Request For Admissions filed.
Date: 03/12/2014
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 7, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL; amended as to hearing room location).
Date: 03/12/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/12/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 7, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Bradenton, FL).
Date: 03/11/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Amended Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/10/2014
Proceedings: (Joint) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/06/2014
Proceedings: Order (on Intervenor's motion to dismiss).
Date: 03/05/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene (Robinson Farms, Inc.).
Date: 03/04/2014
Proceedings: (Robinson Farms, Inc.) Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 03/04/2014
Proceedings: Petition to Intervene (filed by Robinson Farms, Inc.) filed.
Date: 03/03/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/03/2014
Proceedings: Order.
Date: 01/24/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Joinder in Response to Intervenors' Motion to Dismiss and for Additional Relief filed.
Date: 01/24/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners Response in Opposition to the Intervenors' Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 01/20/2014
Proceedings: Intervenors Motion to Dismiss and for Additional Relief filed.
Date: 12/13/2013
Proceedings: Petitioners Challenge to Compliance Agreement Amendments filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Bradenton, Florida


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