14-001652 William Coleman vs. Daytona Beach, Ocean Center Parking Garage
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, June 27, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to establish a prima facie case of employment discrimination based upon gender; accordingly, the Petition is dismissed.





11vs. Case No. 14 - 1652






28Pursuant to notice, a formal administrative hearing was

36conducted on May 21, 2014, in De l and, Florida, before W. David

49Watkins , the duly designated Administrative Law Judge of the

58Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).


65For Petitioner: William Coleman, pro se

71208 Madison Avenue, Apartment 4

76Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

80For Respondent: Michael G. Moore, Esquire

86Volusia County

88123 West Indiana Avenue

92Deland, Florida 32720


100Two issues are presented for determination in this

108proceeding. The first is w hether Respondent , Volusia County , was

118Pet itioner ColemanÓs employer . The second issue is whether

128Respondent otherwise violated the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992

138by unlawfully discriminating against Petitioner on the basis of

147his gender .


152On Septemb er 26, 2013, Petitioner filed an Employment

161Complaint of Discrimination (Complaint) against Daytona Beach,

168Ocean Center Parking Garage. 1 / The Complaint alleged an unlawful

179employment practice against Petitioner based on his gender and

188stated :

190I am a male with parental responsibilities.

197I believe I was discharged because of my

205gender. I worked for Respondent as a Temp

213employee/Parking Lot Attendant beginning on

218July 28, 2012. On June 28, 2013, I was

227unable to report to work because I had to take

237care of my twins due to not being able to

247get a baby sitter. I was terminated. The

255reason given was excessive tardiness.

260Following its investigation, by Notice dated March 11,

2682014, the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR) issued a

278Ð Determination: No Cause Ñ ( Determination). The Determination was

288forwarded to Petitioner and to Respondent Volusia CountyÓs Human

297Resources Manager , Tammy King. Thereafter, Petitioner filed a

305Petition for Relief (Petition) that was date - stamped by the

316FCHR as being received on April 11, 2014. Succinctly stated,

326Petitioner, a self - described temporary parking lot attendant,

335contends that he was fired because he is male.

344Respondent asserts that it was not Petitioner Ós e mployer , and

355that Petitioner was a temporary leased employee of his employer ,

365AUE Staffing Solutio ns (AUE) . Respondent a lso asserts that

376Petitioner was properly terminated by his AUE Supervisor for his

386failure to adhere to AUE employee expectations , and that

395Petitioner consistently failed to report to work on time and would

406frequently be a Ð no - show Ñ without calling in.

417Pursuant to notice, the final hearing was held on May 21,

4282014, at the Volusia County Courthouse. At the hearing, the

438parties jointly stipulated to findings o f fact 1, 4 through 11,

45016, 17, 18 and 20 contained in Joint Exhibit 1, which was admitted

463into evidence. Where relevant, those stipulations have been

471incorporated in the Findings of Fact set forth herein.

480Petitioner testified on his own behalf and presented no

489exhibits. R espondent presented the testimony of Tammy King, Human

499Resources Manager for Volusia County, and Rebecca Pearsall,

507Petitioner Ós AUE Supervisor. Respondent also offered its Exhibits

5161, 2, 2A, 3, 7 , and 8, each of which was admitted into evidence .

531A transcript of the final hearing was not ordered by either

542party. Accordingly, at the conclusion of the hearing, the parties

552agreed to file their proposed recommended orders within 10 days of

563the hearing. Thereafter, Respondent timely filed its Proposed

571R ecommended Order on May 23, 2014. Petitioner did not file a

583proposed recommended order.

586Unless otherwise noted, all statutory references are to

594Florida Statutes (2013).


600Based upon the testimony and documentary evidence presented

608at hearing, the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses, and on

619the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of

629fact are made:

6321. Ocean Center Parking Garage is a parking facility owned

642and operated by Volusia County in Da ytona Beach, Flori da.

6532 . Petitioner Ós employer , AUE Staffing Solutions ,

661and Respondent entered into a services contract for t emporary

671e mployment and e mployment l easing s ervices.

6803 . Respondent has no ownership interest in, or control

690over, AUE Staffing Solutions.

6944 . On or about July 19, 2012 , AUE hired Petitioner. Upon

706his hiring, AUE provided Petitioner with a list of employment

716expectations entitled ÐWelcome to AUE Staffing Solutions Î What

725is Expected of You as a AUE Staffing Solutions Employee.Ñ

7355 . Among the relevant employment expectations are numbers

7444, 12, and 14 which provide:

7504. Always arrive on time; contact AUE

757Staffing Solutions immediately if you cannot

763report to work or are arriving late. Always

771leave a message on our 24 [h]our answering

779servicing if you do not personally speak with

787a Staffing Coordinator.

790* * *

79312. Misconduct includes: Failure to follow

799any of our company procedures,

804insubordination to supervisors or to office

810personnel, sleeping on the job, horse playing

817on the job, excessive tardiness and

823absenteeism, unauthorized use of internet

828activity, and the use of profanity and/or

835abusive language on any assignment or to any

843AUE Staffing Solutions personnel will be

849grounds for immediate termination.

853* * *

85614. If you are a no call/no show, walk off,

866or do not complete an assignment, we will

874consider this a QUIT and you will be paid the

884minimum wage for all hours worked for that

892entire week Î no exceptions will be made .

901( Emphasis in original. )

9066 . On July 19, 2012, Petitioner acknowledged his acceptance

916of these employment expectations.

9207 . Thereafter, on or about July 28, 2012, AUE assigned

931Petitioner to work as a temporary employee parking lot attendant

941at the Ocean Center Parking Garage to fulf ill the terms of its

954contract with Respondent .

9588 . B eginning in February 2013, Petitioner began

967experiencing absences and tardiness .

9729 . PetitionerÓs schedule and time cards for the period

982February 18, 2013 , through June 2 8 , 2013, reflect that Petitioner

993was late on the following dates:

999February 22

1001March 22

1003April 2, 7, 11, 14, 28

1009May 12, 21

1012June 4, 8, 15, 23

101710 . PetitionerÓs schedule and time cards for the period

1027February 18, 2013 , through June 2 8 , 2013, also reflect that

1038Petitioner was a no show on the following dates:

1047February 16

1049March 24

1051June 11

1053June 28

105511 . On February 16, 2013 , and June 28, 2013 , Petitioner was

1067a no show and did not call in to report his absence (no show/no

1081call) .

108312 . Petitioner testified that on June 28, 2013, his

1093immediate supervisor , Rebecca Pearsall , called him at 11:48 a.m.

1102and informed him that he was supposed to be at work. Petitioner

1114disagreed with Ms. Pearsall that he was scheduled to work that


112613 . The AUE work schedule for the week of June 24, 2013

1139clearly reflects that Petitioner, known as ÐWillie,Ñ was scheduled

1149to work on June 28, 2013 from 8:30am to 5pm.

115914 . Ms. Pearsall testified that work schedules were always

1169posted in a prominent place near the office the Thursday prior to

1181the start of the following work week , and that copies were made

1193available on a clipboard to employees who needed a copy.

1203Petitioner acknowledge d that copies were available and claims to

1213have taken a copy but lost it when it Ðblew out the windowÑ of his

1228car. Petitioner as serted at hearing that the ÐlostÑ version of

1239the schedule did not require him to work on June 28 th .

125215 . Petitioner worked the Saturday, (June 22nd), Sunday

1261(June 23rd), and Tuesday (June 25th) preceding Friday , June 28 ,

12712013 , and so would have had notice, opportunity, and

1280responsibility to review the work schedule to understand when he

1290was to report to work that week .

129816 . Ms. PearsallÓs testimony , as corroborated by the AUE

1308work schedule and time card for June 28, 2013 , is more credible

1320than PetitionerÓs assertion that he had a different schedule that

1330Ðblew out the windowÑ of his car.

133717 . Ms. Pearsall testified that Petitioner had previously

1346been counseled about the need to report timely and call in when he

1359was not going to be able to report so that the garage could make

1373other arrangements for coverage.

137718 . During their telephone conversation of June 28, 2013,

1387Ms. Pearsall explained to Petitione r that his services were

1397no longer needed and that he was not to report to the Ocean Center

1411Parking Garage due to his inability to show up to work on time and

1425for not showing up for his shifts without calling. Pearsall

1435terminated PetitionerÓs employment w ith AUE Staffing Solutions

1443immediately .

144519 . Ms. Pearsall is also an AUE Staffing Solutions employee

1456assigned to the Ocean Center Parking Garage . She has worked at

1468Ocean Center Parking Garage for five years. During the course

1478of PetitionerÓs assignment to Ocean Center Parking Garage

1486( February 2013 through June 28, 2013 ) the other AUE - assig ned

1500employee performing duties similar to PetitionerÓs was also a

1509male ( Patrick ) . After PetitionerÓs termination, Patrick

1518continued working for AUE on assignment to t he Ocean Center

1529Parking Garage . As of the hearing, he was still employed by AUE

1542in that capacity.

154520 . Ms. Pearsall testified that Patrick has not had the

1556same challenges with punctuality and att endance that Petitioner

1565de monstrated.

156721 . Ms. Pearsall testified that subsequent to PetitionerÓs

1576termination, AUE filled PetitionerÓs position with other males.

158422 . Ms. Pearsall testified that during her five years at

1595the Ocean Center Parking Garage other AUE employees, both males

1605and females, were terminated for similar attendance and tardiness

1614issues as Petitioner .

161823 . On September 26, 2013, Petitioner filed an Employment

1628Complaint of Discrimination (Complaint) against Daytona Beach,

1635Ocean Center Parking Garage, but did not otherwise identify either

1645Volusia County or AUE Staffing Solutions as PetitionerÓs employer.

165424 . PetitionerÓs Complaint alleged an unlawful employment

1662practice against him based on his gender and provided in pertinent


1674I am a male with parental responsibilities.

1681I believe I was discharged because of my

1689gender. I worked for Respondent as a Temp

1697employee/Parking Lot Attendant beginning on

1702July 28, 2012. On June 28, 2013, I was

1711unable to report to work because I had to take

1721care of my twins due to not being able to

1731get a baby sitter. I was terminated. The

1739reason given was excessive tardiness.

174425 . Tammy King, Human Resources Manager for Volusia

1753County , conducted a review and investigation into the

1761circumstances of PetitionerÓs Complaint . Ms. King responded to

1770FCHR Investigator Jim Barnes by letter dated November 6, 2013,

1780conclud ing that Petitioner had not been discr iminated against on

1791the basis of his gender or any other basis .

180126 . In his Investigative Memorandum dated April 23, 2014,

1811Investigator Barnes noted that:

1815Complainant was offered multiple opportunities

1820to provide a rebuttal but has not responded.

1828During an introductory telephone call,

1833Complainant provided no additional information

1838relative to his complaint. A telephone

1844message was left on voicemail requesting an

1851interview but Complainant has not responded.

1857Complainant filed this complaint of

1862discrimina tion based on his gender. The

1869findings of the investigation do not support

1876the allegation. Complainant alleged that he

1882had been terminated because of his gender,

1889after being told he was terminated for

1896excessive tardiness/absenteeism. Respondent

1899related that Complainant was late for work

190613 times and failed to report for work four

1915times in 5 months. After repeated counseling

1922and cautions, Complainant was terminated for

1928tardiness and absenteeism . Complainant

1933provided no evidence of discriminatory animus,

1939and no documentary or t estamentary evidence

1946that he was discharged for anything other than

1954the stated reason.

195727 . Upon completion of its investigation, FCHR issued a

1967Ð Determination : No Cause Ñ finding Ðthat no reasonable cause

1978exists to believe that an unlawful employment practice occurred.Ñ

198728 . Petitioner t estified that following the termination of

1997his employment with AUE he found employment with Americano Resort

2007as a porter and entertainer.

201229 . Petitioner testified that he was terminated from his

2022employment with Americano Resort after he was absent on a Monday,

2033following a weekend trip to Georgia . Petitioner failed to report

2044or call in his absence because he was tired and stayed home to

2057take care of his twin infants.

206330 . At hearing, Petitioner candidly admitted that he had no

2074evidence to suggest that , had he been a female , he would have been

2087treated any differently by AUE .


209631 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

2105over the partie s and the subject matter of this cause pursuant to

2118sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

212432 . Petitioner claim s he was discriminated against because

2134of his sex (male), in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of

21471992 ( Ð FCRA Ñ ).

215333 . Section 760.10(1)(a), Florida Statutes, makes it

2161unlawful for an employer to take adverse action against an

2171individual because of the individual's sex . Under the FCRA, an

2182employer commits an unlawful employment practice if it terminates

2191or retaliates a gainst employees based on their protected status,

2201which in this case, is gender. See § 760.10(1)(a), Fla . Stat.

221334 . Section 760.11(7) permits a party who receives a no

2224cause determination to request a formal administrative hearing

2232before the Division of Administrative Hearings. Ð If the

2241administrative law judge finds that a violation of the Florida

2251Civil Rights Act of 1992 has occurred, he or she shall issue an

2264appropriate recommended order to the commission prohibiting the

2272practice and recommending affi rmative relief from the effects of

2282the practice, including back pay. Ñ Id.

228935 . Florida's chapter 760 is patterned after Title VII of

2300the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Consequently, Florida

2310courts look to federal case law when interpreting chapt er 760.

2321Valenzuela v . GlobeGround N. Am., LLC. , 18 So. 3d 17 (Fla. 3rd DCA


233636 . Petitioner claim s disparate treatment (as opposed to

2346disparate impact) under the FCRA; in other words, he claim s he w as

2360treat ed differently because of his gender. Pe titioner ha s the

2372burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that

2382Respo ndent discriminated against him . See Fla. Dep't of Transp.

2393v. J.W.C. Co., 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). A party may

2407prove unlawful sex discrimination by direct or circumstantial

2415evidence. Smith v. Fla. Dep't of Corr. , Case No. 2:07 - cv - 631,

2429(M.D. Fla. May 27, 2009); 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 44885 (M.D. Fla.


244237 . Direct evidence is evidence, that, Ð if believed, proves

2453[the] existence of [a] fact in issue without inference or

2463presumption. Ñ Burrell v. Bd. of Tr. of Ga. Military College , 125

2475F.3d 1390, 1393 (11th Cir. 1997). Direct evidence consists of

2485Ð only the mo st blatant remarks, whose intent could be nothing

2497other than to discriminate Ñ on the basis of an impermissible

2508factor. Carter v. City of Miami , 870 F.2d 578, 582 (11th Cir.


252138 . The record in this case did not establish unlawful

2532gender discriminat ion by direct evidence.

253839 . To prove unlawful discrimination by circumstantial

2546evidence, a party must establish a prima facie case of

2556discrimination by a preponderance of the evidence. If successful,

2565this creates a presumption of discrimination. Then t he burden

2575shifts to the employer to offer a legitimate, non - discriminatory

2586reason for the adverse employment action. If the employer meets

2596that burden, the presumption disappears and the employee must

2605prove that the legitimate reasons were a pretext. Valenzuela v.

2615GlobeGround N. Am., LLC. , supra . Facts that are sufficient to

2626establish a prima facie case must be adequate to permit an

2637inference of discrimination. Id.

264140 . Accordingly, Petitioner must prove discrimination by

2649indirect or circumstantia l evidence under the McDonnell Douglas

2658framework. Petitioner must first establish a prima facie case by

2668showing: (1 ) he is a member of a protected class; (2) he was

2682qualified for the job; (3) he was subjected to an adverse

2693employment action; and (4) othe r similarly - situated employees, who

2704are not members of the protected group, were treated more

2714favorably than Petitioner . See McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green ,

2724411 U.S. 792, 802 (1973). Ð When comparing similarly situated

2734individuals to raise an inference of discriminatory motivation,

2742these individuals must be similarly situated in all relevant

2751respects. Ñ Jackson v. BellSouth Telecomm. , 372 F.3d 1250, 1273

2761(l1th Cir. 2004).

276441 . Thus, in order to establish a prima facie case of

2776disparate treatment based o n gender, Petiti oner must show that

2787Respondent treated similarly - situated female employees differently

2795or less severely. Valdes v. Miami - Dade Coll. , 463 Fed. Appx. 843,

2808845 (11th Cir. 2012); Camara v. Brinker Intern. , 161 Fed. Appx.

2819893 (11th Cir. 2006). See also Longariello v. Sch. Bd. Of Monroe

2831Cnty., Fla. , 987 F. Supp. 1440, 1449 (S.D. Fla. 1997) (quoting

2842Coleman v. B - G Maint. Mgmt. of Colo., Inc. , 108 F.3d 1199, 1204

2856(10th Cir.1997)) ( Ð Gender - plus plaintiffs can never be successful

2868if there is no cor responding subclass of members of the opposite

2880gender. Such plaintiffs cannot make the requisite showing that

2889they were treated differently from similarly - situated members of

2899the opposite gender . Ñ).

290442 . The findings of fact here are not sufficient to

2915establish a prima facie case of discrimination based on gender .

292643 . There is no question that Petitioner was subject to an

2938adverse employment action. Petitioner was terminated.

294444 . However, Petitioner failed to prove that similarly

2953situated female employees were treated more favorably or that he

2963was replaced by someone outside of his protected classification.

2972Indeed, there was no mention of any female in a remotely similar

2984position employed by AUE who was treated any differently than was

2995Petitione r. To the contrary, the credible evidence established

3004that female employees of AUE who violated the no call/no show

3015policy were also terminated.

301945 . Petitioner admitted he had no evidence to suggest that

3030had he been a female he would have been treated di fferently.

3042Ms. Pearsall testified that other similarly situated male and

3051female employees had been terminated for the same reasons as

3061Petitioner. Further, Ms. Pearsall testified that PetitionerÓs

3068position had subsequently been filled with males, and another

3077position continued to be filled by ÐPatrick , Ñ also a male.

308846 . Respondent presented ample evidence to support its

3097position that Petitioner w as fired for legitimate,

3105nondiscriminatory reasons. Petitioner had been repeatedly

3111counseled about his tardiness and absenteeism, and was made aware,

3121in writing, of the serious consequences of failing to report for

3132work without providing advance notice to AUE. The evidence of

3142reco rd does not support PetitionerÓs theory that he was fired for

3154discriminatory reasons. Indeed, t here is no evidence that

3163Petitioner was fired because of his gender. Rather, the greater

3173weight of the evidence established that Petitioner w as fired for

3184violating AUE 's written policy regarding no calls/no shows.

319347 . Finally, t here was no evidence of any ownership interest

3205on behalf of Respondent Volusia County in AUE Staffing Solutions.

3215Moreover, Petitioner was hired by AUE and was terminated by his

3226AUE Supervisor. There is no evidence that Volusia County

3235exercise d any authority over Petitioner.


3242Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3252Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human

3262Relations dismiss the Petition for Relief from an Unlawful

3271Employment Practice filed against Respondent.

3276DONE AND ENTERED this 2 7 th day of June , 2014 , in Tallahassee,

3289Leon County, Florida.



3296Administrative Law Judge

3299Division of Administrative Hearings

3303The DeSoto Building

33061230 Apalachee Parkway

3309Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3314(850) 488 - 9675

3318Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3325Filed with the Clerk of the

3331Division of Administrative Hearings

3335this 2 7 th day of June , 2014


33441 / Ocean Center Parking Garage is a parking facility owned and

3356operated by Volusia County in Daytona Beach, Florida.


3367Violet Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

3372Florida Commission on Human Relations

33772009 Apalachee Parkway , Suite 100

3382Tallahassee, Florida 32301

3385William Coleman

3387Apartment 4

3389208 Madison Avenue

3392Daytona Beach, Florida 32114

3396Tammy Woodruff - King

3400Daytona Beach, Ocean Center Parking Garage

3406230 North Woodland Boulevard , Suite 262

3412Deland, Florida 32720

3415Nancye R. Jones, Esquire

3419County o f Volusia

3423123 West Indiana Avenue

3427Deland, Florida 32720

3430Michael Gray Moore, Esquire

3434County of Volusia

3437123 West Indiana Avenue , Suite 301

3443Deland, Florida 32720

3446Cheyanne Costilla, Gen eral Co unsel

3452Florida Commission on Human Relations

34572009 Apalachee Parkway , Suite 100

3462Tallahassee, Florida 32301


3471All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

3482days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions to

3493this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

3504issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 09/10/2014
Proceedings: (Agency) Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief From an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 21, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/23/2014
Proceedings: Respondent Volusia County's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/21/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/16/2014
Proceedings: Volusia County's Pre-hearing Witness and (Proposed) Exhibit List filed.
Date: 05/02/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Michael Moore) filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Court Reporter Notice filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 21, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Deland, FL).
Date: 04/22/2014
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 04/22/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Nancye Jones) filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 04/15/2014
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Deland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):