14-001919 Dietrich R. Jenkins vs. Jones Walker
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, July 24, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to timely file her Employment Complaint of Discrimination with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, and, therefore, it was recommended that a final order be entered dismissing the same due to lack of jurisdiction.





12vs. Case No. 14 - 1919





24This case came before Administrative Law Judge Todd P.

33Resavage for final hearing by video teleconference on June 27,

432014, at sites in Tallahassee and Miami, Florida.


52For Petitioner: Kenneth E. Walton, II, Esquire

59The Walton Law Firm

631999 Sout h west 27t h Avenue

70Miami, Florida 33145

73For Respondent: Laurie Michele Chess, Esquire

79Jones Walker, LLP

82Suite 2600

84201 South Biscayne Boulevard

88Miami, Florida 33131


96Whether Petitioner timely filed her Employment Complaint of

104Discrimination ( " Complaint " ) with the Florida Commission o n Human

115Relations ( " FCHR " ) , and, if so, whether FCHR has jurisdiction to

127entertain Petitioner ' s Complaint on the merits .


139Petitioner, a former employee of Respondent, on

146November 13, 2012, tendered her resignation via correspondence

154entitled " Notice of Constructive Discharge. " On December 23,

1622013, F CHR received an " Employment Complaint of Discrimination, "

171wherein Petitioner alleged Respondent committed various

177discrimina tory practices in violation of c hapter 760 of the

188Florida Civil Rights Act ("FCRA") .

196On March 20, 2014, FCHR issued a Determination: No

205Jurisdiction, on the grounds that " [t]he complain t was not timely

216filed. " Petitioner elected to pursue administrative remedies,

223timely filing a Petition for Relief with FCHR on April 24, 2014 .

236That same day, FCHR referred the matter to the Division of

247Administrative Hearings ( " DOAH " ) for further procee dings.

256On June 17, 2014, the parties filed a Joint Pre - Hearing

268Stipulation. The parties stipulated to the facts contained

276therein in paragraph E. To the extent relevant, the stipulated

286facts have been incorporated herein. The final hearing was

295schedule d for and conducted on June 27, 2014. The final hearing

307Transcript was filed on July 7, 2014. The identity of witnesses

318and exhibits and the rulings regarding each are as set forth in

330the Transcript. The parties timely filed Proposed Recommended

338Orders and same have been considered in preparing this

347Recommended Order.

349Unless otherwise indicated, all rule and statutory

356references are to the 2013 edition s .


3681. Petitioner was previously employed by Respondent as an

377attorney in its Miami , Florida office.

3832. On November 13, 2012, Petitioner tendered her

391resignation via correspondence entitled a " Notice of Constructive

399Discharge. " The correspondence provided that her resignation

406would be e ffective on November 23, 2012.

4143. Petitioner ' s last date of employment with Respondent was

425November 23, 2012, and she was paid through that date.

4354. Petitioner completed a FCHR form entitled Technical

443Assistance Questionnaire for Employment Complaints

448( " Questionnare " ) and signed the same on Novembe r 20, 2013. The

461Questionnare provides on its face the following langauge:

" 469REMEMBER, a charge of discrimination must be filed within 365

479days of the alleged act of discrimination. " Additionally, the

488Questionnare describes the principal purpose of the do cument as


499The purpose of this questionnaire is to

506solicit information about claims of

511employment discrimination, determine whether

515the Florida Commission on Human Relations has

522jurisdiction over those claims, and provide

528charge filing counseling, as appropriate.

5335. On December 23, 2013, Petitioner filed an Employment

542Complaint of Discrimination ( " Complaint " ) against Respondent with

551FCHR. The Complaint was stamped as received by FCHR on

561December 23, 2013 at 4:47 p.m. In the Complaint, under section

572C ÏÏ " Cause of Discrimination " ÏÏ Petitioner checked the boxes for

583sex and retaliation. Petitioner alle ged discrimination pursuant

591to c hapter 760 of the Florida Civil Rights Act. The Complaint

603further alleges that November 23, 2012, was the date that the

" 614most recent discrimination took place. "

6196. On March 20, 2014, following the completion of its

629investigation, FCHR issued a Determination: No Jurisdiction, on

637the grounds that " [t]he complaint was not timely filed. "


6497 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to, and subject

660matter of, this proceeding pursuant to section s 120.569 and

670120.57(1), Florida Statutes.

6738. " As a jurisdictional prerequisite to filing an FCRA

682action, a plaintiff must exhaust her administrative remedies by

691filing a timely charge with the appropriate agency. " Jones v.

701Bank of America , 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 164730, *7 - 8 (M.D. Fla.

7142013) (citations omitted). " To exhaust administrative remedies

721under the FCRA, a plaintiff must satisfy the requirements of Fla.

732Stat. § 760.11. " Id. , at *8 citing Maggio v. Fl a . Dep 't of Labor

748& Emp. Sec. , 899 So. 2d 1074, 1079 (Fla. 2005); Woodham v. Blue

761Cross & Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. , 829 So. 2d 891, 894 (2002).

7749. S ection 760.11(1), Florida Statutes, provides, in

782per tinent part, as follows:

787(1) Any person aggrieved by a violation of

795ss. 760.01 - 760.10 may file a complaint with

804the commission within 365 days of the alleged

812violation, naming the employer, employment

817agency, labor organizati on, or joint labor -

825management committee, or, in the case of an

833alleged violation of s. 760.10 (5), the person

841resp onsible for the violation and describing

848the violation . . . . On the same day the

859complaint is filed with the commission, the

866commission shall clearly stamp on the face of

874the complaint the date the complaint was

881filed with the commission. In lieu of fi ling

890the complaint with the commission, a

896complaint under this section may be filed

903with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity

909Commission or with any unit of government of

917the state which is a fair - employment - practice

927agency under 29 C.F.R. ss. 1601.70 - 1601.80 .

936If the date the complaint is filed is clearly

945stamped on the face of the complaint, that

953date is the date of filing . . . . The

964complaint shall contain a short and plain

971statement of the facts describing the

977violation and the relief sought. The

983commi ssion may require additional information

989to be in the complaint. The commission,

996within 5 days of the complaint being filed,

1004shall by registered mail send a copy of the

1013complaint to the person who allegedly

1019committed the violation. The person who

1025alleged ly committed the violation may file an

1033answer to the complaint within 25 days of the

1042date the complaint was filed with the

1049commission. Any answer filed shall be mailed

1056to the aggrieved person by the person filing

1064the answer. Both the complaint and the

1071an swer shall be verified.

107610 . Florida Admini strative Code Rule 60Y - 5.001(3) further

1087provides, in pertinent part, that, " [a] complaint may be filed at

1098the office of the Commission. The date of filing shall be the

1110date of actual receipt of the complaint by the Clerk or other

1122agent of the Commission. "

112611 . Rule 60Y - 5.001 also sets forth the requisite form and

1139contents of a " complaint. " Specifically, the rule provides as


1149(5) Form. The complaint must be in writing

1157and shall be signed by the compl ainant. The

1166complaint shall be verified.

1170(6) Contents.

1172(a) The complaint should contain the

1178following information:

11801. The name, address and telephone number of

1188the person filing the complaint;

11932. The name, address and telephone number of

1201the respo ndent;

12043. A clear and concise statement of the

1212facts, including pertinent dates,

1216constituting the unlawful employment


12214. If known, the approximate number of

1228employees of a respondent employer;

12335. If known, a statement disclosing whether

1240pro ceedings involving the alleged unlawful

1246employment practice have been commenced

1251before a Federal, State or local agency

1258charged with the enforcement of fair

1264employment practice laws and, if so, the date

1272of such commencement and the name of the


1281(b) Notwithstanding the provision of

1286paragraph (a) of this subsection, a complaint

1293is sufficient if it is in writing, signed by

1302the Complainant, verified, and is

1307sufficiently precise to identify the parties

1313and to describe generally the action or

1320practice com plained of.

13241 2 . Petitioner ' s unverified Questionnaire does not meet the

1336requirements of a " complaint " within the meaning of section

1345760.11. See Jones , 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 164730, at *15 - 21.

13571 3 . The only " complaint " in the record is Petitioner ' s

1370Com plaint received and d ate - stamped by FCHR on December 23, 2013.

1384Petitioner ' s Complaint was filed more than 365 days after the

1396last date of the alleged unlawful occurrence, November 23, 2012,

1406and, therefore, is untimely, unless the limitations period was

1415to lled by operation of section 95.051, Florida Statutes. See

1425Greene v. Seminole Elec. Coop., Inc. , 701 So. 2d 646, 648 (Fla.

14375th DCA 1997)(holding that the limitations period for the filing

1447of a discrimination complaint with FCHR can be equitably tolled,

1457bu t only based on the act or circumstances enumerated in section


147014 . Section 95.051 provides, in relevant part, as follows:

148095.051 When limitations tolled

1484(1) The running of the time under any

1492statute of limitations except ss. 95.281 ,

149895.35 , and 95.36 is tolled by:

1504(a) Absence from the state of the person to

1513be sued.

1515(b) Use by the person to be sued of a false

1526name that is unknown to the person entitled

1534to sue so that process cannot be served on

1543the person to be sued.

1548(c) Concealment in the state of the person

1556to be sued so that process cannot be served

1565on him or her.

1569(d) The adjudicated incapacity, before the

1575cause of action accrued, of the person

1582entitled to sue. In any event, the action

1590must be begun within 7 years after the act,

1599event, or occurrence giving rise to the cause

1607of action.

1609(e) Voluntary payments by the alleged father

1616of the child in paternity actions during the

1624time of the payments.

1628(f) The payment of any part of the principal

1637or interest of any obligation or liability

1644founded on a written instrument.

1649(g) The pendency of any arbitral proceeding

1656p ertaining to a dispute that is the subject

1665of the action.

1668(h) The period of an intervening bankruptcy

1675tolls the expiration period of a tax

1682certificate under s. 197.482 and any

1688proceeding or process under chapter 197.

1694(i) The minority or previously adjudicated

1700incapacity of the person entitled to sue

1707during any period of time in which a parent,

1716guardian, or guard ian ad litem does not

1724exist, has an interest adverse to the minor

1732or incapacitated person, or is adjudicated to

1739be incapacitated to sue; except with respect

1746to the statute of limitations for a claim for

1755medical malpractice as provided in s. 95.11 .

1763In any event, the action must be begun within

17727 years after the act, event, or occurrence

1780giving rise to the cause of act ion.

17881 5 . Petitioner bears the burden of showing that equitable

1799tolling is appropriate. Ross v. Buckeye Cellulose Corp. , 980

1808F.2d 648, 661 (11th Cir. 1993). As none of the circumstances

1819enumerated in section 95.051(1) are applicable in this

1827procee ding, Petitioner ' s Complaint is untimely.

18351 6 . In summary, since Petitioner filed her Complaint with

1846FCHR more than 365 days after the last date of the alleged

1858unlawful occurrence and no reason has been established to support

1868tolling the time period requ ired under section 760.11(1), Florida

1878Statutes, for filing her Complaint with FCHR, Petitioner ' s claim

1889is time - barred. There is no jurisdiction in FCHR or DOAH to

1902entertain her claim on the merits.


1909Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact a nd Conclusions of

1920Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the

1932Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the subject

1940petition in its entirety due to lack of jurisdiction.

1949DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July , 2014 , in

1959Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



1967Administrative Law Judge

1970Division of Administrative Hearings

1974The DeSoto Building

19771230 Apalachee Parkway

1980Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1985(850) 488 - 9675

1989Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

1995w ww.doah.state.fl.us

1997Filed with the Clerk of the

2003Division of Administrative Hearings

2007this 24th day of July , 2014 .


2016Violet Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk

2021Florida Commission on Human Relations

2026Suite 100

20282009 Apalachee Parkway

2031Tallahassee, Florida 32301

2034Dietrich Renee Jenkins, Esquire

2038Unit 1503

20401861 Northwest South River Drive

2045Miami, Florida 33125

2048Laurie Michele Chess, Esquire

2052Jones Walker, LLP

2055Suite 2600

2057201 South Biscayne Boulevard

2061Miami, Florida 33131

2064Kenneth E. Walton, II, Esquire

2069The Walton Law Firm

20731999 Southwest 27th Avenue

2077Miami, Florida 33145

2080Elizabeth M. Rodriguez, Esquire

2084FordHarrison LLP

2086100 Southeast 2nd Street

2090Miami, Florida 33131

2093Cheyanne Costilla, General Counsel

2097Florida Commission on Human Relations

2102Suite 100

2104200 9 Apalachee Parkway

2108Tallahassee, Florida 32301


2117All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

212715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

2138to this Recommended Order should be file d with the agency that

2150will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/10/2014
Proceedings: Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/24/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/24/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 27, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/24/2014
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 07/17/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/15/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/07/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 07/07/2014
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/24/2014
Proceedings: Respondents Notice of Intent to Order Transcripts filed.
Date: 06/23/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss.
Date: 06/19/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing (Proposed) Exhibits filed.
Date: 06/17/2014
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/16/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Elizabeth Rodriguez) filed.
Date: 06/10/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Reply to Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petition for Relief for Lack of Jurisdiction and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 06/09/2014
Proceedings: Case Law Cited in Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/09/2014
Proceedings: Case Law Cited in Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/09/2014
Proceedings: Case Law Cited in Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/09/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response in Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petition for Lack of Jurisdiction and Incorporated Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 06/03/2014
Proceedings: Order Directing Response.
Date: 05/16/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Petition for Relief for Lack of Jurisdiction Caselaw filed.
Date: 05/16/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Petition for Relief for Lack of Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 05/16/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss Petition for Relief for Lack of Jurisdiction Exhibits filed.
Date: 05/16/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion to Dismiss Petition for Relief for Lack of Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 05/06/2014
Proceedings: Court Reporter Notice filed.
Date: 05/06/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/06/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 27, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/02/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/02/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kenneth Walton, II) filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Appearance (Laurie M. Chess) filed.
Date: 04/25/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 04/24/2014
Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed.
Date: 04/24/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 04/24/2014
Proceedings: Determination: No Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 04/24/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 04/24/2014
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (11):