14-002041MTR Nelson Puente vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, August 29, 2014.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner shall reimburse the Agency for Health Care Administration $33,319.66 in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien under section 409.910(17), Florida Statutes.





11vs. Case No. 14 - 2041MTR






26On July 17, 2014, a duly - notic ed hearing was held in Miami

40and Tallahassee, Florida, via video teleconference, before

47F. Scott Boyd, an Administrative Law Judge assigned by the

57Division of Administrative Hearings.


62For Petitioner: Andrew M. Moss, Esquire

68Kutner, Rubinoff and Moss, P.A.

73501 Northeast First Avenue, Suite 300

79Miami, Florida 33132

82For Respondent: Adam James Stallard, Esquire

88Xerox Recovery Services Group

922073 Summit Lake Drive, Suite 300

98Tallahassee, Florida 32317


105The issue to be decided is the amount payable to Respondent

116in satisfaction of Respondent ' s Medicaid lien from a settlement,

127judgment, or award received by Petitioner from a third party

137under section 409.910(17), Florida Statutes. 1/


145On May 1, 2014, Petitioner filed a Petition for Reduction of

156Medicaid Lien. After a continuance, the hearing was held on

166July 17, 2014. Petitio ner presented the testimony of one expert

177and fact witness, Mr. Mario Quintero, Jr., Esquire, and offered

187two exhibits, which were admitted into evidence. Respondent

195offered no witnesses or exhibits. The parties filed a Joint Pre -

207hearing Stipulation. Th e facts stipulated therein were accepted

216and are made a part of the Findings of Fact below. Respondent ' s

230objection to portions of the testimony of Mr. Quintero on the

241ground that he had not been disclosed as an expert was denied.

253In a joint motion filed over 45 days prior to hearing,

264Mr. Quintero was clearly identified as an expert; yet, Respondent

274did not seek to depose him or seek to discover information he was

287relying upon as the basis for his opinion.

295Respondent ' s unopposed motion to allow the partie s 20 days

307from the filing of the transcript to submit proposed final orders

318was granted. The one - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed

330on July 29, 2014. Both parties timely filed proposed orders,

340which were carefully considered.


3481. It was stipulated that Petitioner, Mr. Nelson Puente,

357sustained gunshot injuries on or about February 4, 2010, for

367which he received medical treatment.

3722. Mr. Puente had Medicaid at that time, and Medicaid paid

383the amount of $112,397.79 to treat Mr. P uente for his injuries.

3963. As a result of his injuries, Mr. Puente has permanent

407scars on his abdomen and thigh.

4134. Mr. Mario Quintero, Jr., Esquire, represented Mr. Puente

422in a personal injury case alleging negligent security.

4305. Mr. Quintero has bee n practicing law in Florida for over

44230 years, specializing in personal injury litigation. He has

451tried well over 150 cases and has handled catastrophic injury

461cases that were similar to Mr. Puente ' s case. Mr. Quintero is an

475expert on the valuation of pe rsonal injury cases.

4846. Mr. Quintero interviewed Mr. Puente regarding the scope

493of his injuries, reviewed extensive medical records, considered

501the prognosis for improvement, and examined jury verdict reports

510and facts from similar cases to reach an opini on as to the value

524of Mr. Puente ' s damages.

5307. Mr. Quintero testified that if he had presented the case

541to a jury that he would have asked for damages for past medical

554expense s , future medical expense s , future loss of earning

564capacity, pain and suffering, permanent scarring, and inability

572to lead a normal life.

5778. Mr. Quintero testified that, in addition to the

586$112,397.79 paid by Medicaid, the Florida Patient s' Compensation

596Fund 2/ or another fund paid for some of Mr. Puente ' s medical care.

611There was no evidence presented as to the specific amount that

622this fund paid. Mr. Quintero testified:

628I don ' t have the figures in front of me right

640now. But it was probably significantly less

647than Medicaid.

649* * *

652I do know, I just don ' t remember. I am -- my

665file is three boxes large. And for purposes

673of my testimony here today, I don ' t believe

683it was necessary for me to bring in those

692three boxes and go through everything. So I

700mentioned it would be less than Medicaid, but

708I don ' t remember the exact amount .

7179. The exact amount for which the fund ' s claim was settled

730was similarly not in evidence, but Mr. Quintero characterized it

740as a " few thousand dollars. " He testified, " They understood the

750severity of Mr. Puente ' s injuries and damages, they knew the

762amount of the settlement, and they took - Ï they factored in

774everything and significantly reduced the amount that we had to

784repay them. "

78610. Mr. Quintero said that he would have asked a jury for

798significant damages for future lost earning capacity. He noted

807that Mr. Puente was 35 years old at the time of the settlement,

820had a long life expectancy, and the " potential to earn 35

831to 40 thousand dollars per year. " Mr. Quintero did not offer a

843dollar estimate of lost future earnings. There was no evidence

853as to Mr. Puente ' s occupation. Mr. Quintero admitted on cross -

866examination that he was " pretty sure " that Mr. Puente was

876unemployed at the time of his injuries.

88311. Mr. Quintero testified that future medical expenses

891would " probably not " be very large, based u pon his understanding

902that " other than maybe palliative issues with therapy and things

912like that, " there wasn ' t that much more that could be done for

926Mr. Puente. Mr. Quintero noted that " there probably would be

936some rehabilitation that he could benefit fr om in the future, but

948nothing major. " On cross examination, he admitted that there was

958nothing in evidence to indicate that there would not be

968significant future medical expenses for Mr. Puente.

97512. No life care plan or testimony from health care

985perso nnel, vocational specialists, or economists was introduced.

993Mr. Quintero stated that it is expensive to have life care plans

1005and economist reports prepared . He stated t hat they are prepared

1017only when there is adequate insurance coverage , and it is worth

1028the expenditure.

103013. Mr. Quintero testified that he believed that 80 to 85

1041percent of a jury verdict in Mr. Puente ' s personal injury case

1054would have been based upon pain and suffering and the inability

1065to lead a normal life. He did not elaborate on how he arrived at

1079this conclusion.

108114. Mr. Quintero testified that , although the value that a

1091particular jury might put on a case can never be absolutely

1102determined, in his opinion , a reasonable estimate of the value of

1113Mr. Puente ' s damages was $2.5 million. He testified that, in his

1126opinion, the range of damages would be from $2 million to

1137$5 million and that $2.5 million was a conservative estimate.

1147Mr. Quintero ' s testimony on this point was credible, Respondent

1158offered no contrary testimony, and the valu e of Mr. Puente ' s

1171damages is found to be $2.5 million.

117815. The settlement in the personal injury case was for the

1189sum of $100,000.

119316. There was no direct evidence as to what portion of the

1205$100,000 total settlement was designated by the parties as

1215co mpensation to Petitioner for medical expenses, or conversely,

1224for the various other types of damages he may have suffered, such

1236as pain and suffering, scarring and other permanent physical

1245injury, or loss of future earnings. Neither the settlement

1254agreeme nt itself nor any other documents prepared in connection

1264with the settlement were introduced. Mr. Quintero offered no

1273testimony on this issue. Based upon the evidence presented at

1283hearing, all of the settlement might have been for medical care,

1294or none o f it might have been.

130217. It is possible that there was no discussion or

1312understanding among the parties as to what portions of the

1322settlement were to be allocated to Mr. Puente ' s various

1333categories of damages, but such a conclusion would be pure

1343specul ation, for there was no testimony or other evidence to that

1355effect. Mr. P u en t e did not show by clear and convincing evidence

1370that the settlement was " unallocated " by the parties.

137818. The Florida Statutes provide that Respondent, Agency

1386for Health Care A dministration (AHCA), is the Florida state

1396agency authorized to administer Florida ' s Medicaid program.

1405§ 409.902, Fla. Stat.

140919. The Florida Statutes provide that Medicaid shall be

1418reimbursed for medical assistance that it has provided if

1427resources of a l iable third party become available.

1436§ 409.910(1), Fla. Stat.

144020 . AHCA did not participate in settlement negotiations or

1450sign any of the settlement documents. There was no evidence to

1461suggest that A HCA otherwise released its lien.

146921. Application of the formula found in section

1477409.910(11)(f) to the $100,000 settlement in the personal injury

1487case yields a Medicaid lien in the amount of $33,319.66.

149822. The $100,000 total recovery represents four percent of

1508the $2.5 million total economic damages.

151423. Mr. Puente failed to prove by clear and convincing

1524evidence that the settlement was unallocated as to categories of


153524. Mr. Puente failed to prove by clear and convincing

1545evidence that all categories of damages sought in the personal

1555injury case wer e, or should be, compromised pro rata in the


156825. Mr. Puente failed to prove the amount of the settlement

1579that should be allocated to medical expenses by clear and

1589convincing evidence.

159126. Mr. Puente failed to prove by clear and convincing

1601evi dence that the statutory lien amount of $33,319.66 exceeds the

1613amount actually recovered in the settlement for medical expenses.


162527. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1632jurisdiction over the subject matter and parties in this

1641case pursuant to sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 409.910(17),

1649Florida Statutes (2014) .

165328. As a condition for receipt of federal Medicaid funds,

1663s tates are required to seek reimbursement for medical expenses

1673incurred on behalf of beneficiaries who later recover from third -

1684party tortfeasors. See Arkansas Dep ' t of Health & Human Servs.

1696v. Ahlborn , 547 U.S. 268 (2006).

170229. Consistent with this federal requirement, the Florida

1710Legislature has enacted section 409.910. This statute authorizes

1718and requires the State to be reimbursed for Medicaid funds paid

1729for a plaintiff ' s medical care when that plaintiff later receives

1741a personal injury judgment or settlement from a third party.

1751Smith v. Ag. for Health Care Admin . , 24 So. 3d 590 (Fla. 5th DCA

17662009). The statute creates an automatic lien on any such

1776judgment or settlement for the medical assistance provided by

1785Medicaid. § 409.910(6)(c), Fla. Stat.

179030. A formula is set forth in section 409.910(11)(f) to

1800determine the amount the State is to be reimbursed . The statute

1812sets that amount at half the amount of the total recovery, after

1824deducting taxable costs and 25 percent attorney ' s fees, not to

1836exceed the amount actually paid by Medicaid on the beneficiary ' s

1848behalf. Ag. for Health Care Admin. v. Riley , 11 9 So. 3d 514, 515

1862n . 3 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013).

186931. Section 409.910(17)(b) makes clear that the formula set

1878forth in subsection (11) constitutes a default allocation of the

1888amount of a settlement attributable to medical costs. See Davis

1898v. Roberts , 130 So. 3d 264, 268 (Fla. 5th DCA 2013); Roberts v.

1911Albertson ' s Inc. , 119 So. 3d 457, 465 - 466 (Fla. 4th DCA 2012),

1926reh ' g and reh ' g en banc denied sub nom. Giorgione v.

1940Albertson ' s, Inc. , 2013 Fla. App. LEXIS 10067 (Fla. 4th DCA

1952June 26, 2013).

195532. Section 409.910( 17)(b) provides that a Medicaid

1963recipient has the right to rebut this presumptively valid

1972allocation created under Florida law in an administrative hearing

1981by establishing, through clear and convincing evidence, that

1989either: 1) a lesser portion of the tot al recovery should be

2001allocated as medical expense reimbursement than has been

2009calculated by the statutory formula; or 2) Medicaid actually

2018provided a lesser amount of medical assistance than has been

2028asserted by AHCA.

203133. Petitioner stipulated as to t he amount of medical

2041assistance provided by Medicaid, but attempted to show that a

2051lesser portion of the total recovery should be allocated as

2061medical expense reimbursement than that calculated by the

2069statutory formula.

207134. Petitioner argues 3/ that $11 2,397.79 represents

20804.49 percent of the $2 .5 million total damages and concludes that

2092the Medicaid lien should therefore be limited to that same

21024.49 percent of the $100,000 total recovery, that is, to the sum

2115of $4,495, which he (questionably) rounds to $ 4,900.

212635. In reliance upon this pro rata approach, Petitioner ' s

2137case was centered upon proof of only three facts: the amount of

2149total damages; the amount of the Medicaid lien; and the amount of

2161the settlement. While it might result in less litigation,

2170Florida and federal 4/ law do not provide for automatic application

2181of this mathematical calculation.

218536. First, any such calculation would have to be based upon

2196the total amount of medical expense paid, not just that portion

2207of medical expense paid by Med icaid. Section 409.910(17)(b)

2216provides for determination that a lesser portion of a total

2226recovery has been allocated as reimbursement for " medical

2234expenses. " Smith v. Ag . for Health Care Admin. , 24 So. 3d 590,

2247591 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009). The federal anti - lien provision, 42

2259U.S.C. § 1396p(a)(1), similarly pre - empts State efforts to take

2270any portion of a Medicaid beneficiary ' s settlement allocated as

2281compensation for other than " medical care. " Arkansas Dep ' t of

2292Health & Human Servs. v. Ahlborn , 547 U.S. 268 , 284 (2006).

2303Petitioner presented no clear and convincing evidence as to the

2313total amount of medical expenses. Putting aside the issue of

2323future medical care, 5/ in addition to the $112,397.79 paid by

2335Medicaid, the evidence clearly showed an unknown amou nt paid for

2346medical expenses by another fund, and possibly some small amounts

2356paid by Petitioner and his family. 6/

236337. Second, even had there been clear and convincing

2372evidence of the total amount of medical expenses, it would not

2383follow that the settleme nt necessarily reflected a pro rata

2393allocation. As the Fifth District has noted, a tortfeaser might

2403be willing to pay 100 percent of a plaintiff ' s medical expense

2416claim, but not all non - economic claims. Smith v. Ag . for Health

2430Care Admin. , 24 So. 3d 590, n.1 (Fla. 5th DCA 2009). The

2442evidence here does not negate the possibility of disproportional

2451allocation, for Petitioner chose not to introduce the settlement

2460documents or any other evidence as to the parties ' own

2471allocation. Petitioner had the burden i n this proceeding to

2481prove appropriate division of the settlement between medical and

2490non - medical expenses. 7/ Dillard v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. ,

2502127 So. 3d 820, 821 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013).

251138. While Petitioner ' s assessment that the case had an

2522overall value of $2 . 5 million was unrefuted, he did not go on to

2537clearly or convincingly break down that total amount among the

2547various categories of damages -- most importantly the amount of

2557medical claims -- much less demonstrate, as he was then obligated

2568to do, th at it was appropriate and accurate to attribute these

2580same proportions to the total recovery.

258639. Petitioner failed to prove by clear and convincing

2595evidence what portion of the $100,000 settlement should be

2605allocated to compensate Petiti o ner for his medi cal expenses.

261640. Petitioner failed to prove by clear and convincing

2625evidence that less than $33,319.66 of the total recovery should

2636be allocated as reimbursement for medical expenses.


2644Upon consideration of the above F indings of F act and

2655C onclusion s of L aw, it is hereby

2664ORDERED that t he Agency for Health Care Administration is

2674entitled to $33,319.66 in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien.

2684DONE AND ORDERED this 29th day of August , 2014 , in

2694Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2702Administrative Law Judge

2705Division of Administrative Hearings

2709The DeSoto Building

27121230 Apalachee Parkway

2715Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2720(850) 488 - 9675

2724Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2731Filed with the Clerk of the

2737Divis ion of Administrative Hearings

2742this 29th day of August , 2014 .


27511/ All statutory citations are to the 2013 Florida Statutes

2761except as otherwise indicated.

27652/ It does not appear that the Florida Patients ' Compensation

2776Fund would have any liabi lity for damages resulting from

2786negligent security. See § 766.195, Fla. Stat. It is more likely

2797that the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund was involved, see section

2807960.065, Florida Statutes. The testimony on this point, as with

2817so many others, was less th an clear or convincing. As noted, the

2830settlement agreement and supporting documents were not introduced

2838and details of the settlement were not made a part of the record.

28513/ This calculation is taken from Petitioner ' s p roposed o rder.

2864Petitioner arrived at a slightly different amount based upon the

2874calculations in his original Petition for Reduction of Medicaid


28844/ Federal law is relevant because Medicaid is a cooperative

2894federalism program. The United States Supreme Court has

2902determined that a S tate statute allowing a Medicaid lien to be

2914asserted against any portion of a settlement allocated to other

2924than medical care is contrary to, and preempted by, the " anti -

2936lien " provision of federal law found at 42 U.S.C. § 1396p(a)(1).

2947Arkansas Dep ' t of Health & Human Servs. v. Ahlborn , 547 U.S. 268,

2961284 - 285 (2006)( " [T]he exception carved out by §§ 1396a(a)(25) and

29731396k(a) is limited to payments for medical care. Beyond that,

2983the anti - lien provision applies. " ).

29905/ The parties disagree as to whether or not settlement amounts

3001allocated to future medical expenses are subject to a Medicaid

3011lien. In view of the insufficient evidence as to the amount

3022allocated to past medical expenses, it is not necessary to

3032address this issue.

30356/ In the Petition for Redu ction of Medicaid Lien, it was noted

3048in footnote 1, " Mr. Puente actually had other medical bills not

3059covered by Medicaid. For the sake of simplicity he is not

3070claiming these additional bills in this Petition. " Since

3078Mr. Quintero testified that another fu nd ' s claim for medical care

3091was settled, it was incumbent upon Petitioner to either prove

3101that the settlement did not include these expenses or

3110alternatively include them in calculations.

31157/ The Court in Wos v. E.M.A. , 133 S. Ct. 1391, 1400 - 1401 (2013) ,

3130noted that s tates can conduct administrative or judicial

3139proceedings to perform the difficult task of dividing settlements

3148between medical and non - medical expenses in the absence of



3162Andrew M. Moss, Esquire

3166Kutner, Rubin off and Moss, P.A.

3172501 Northeast First Avenue , Suite 300

3178Miami, Florida 33132


3182Adam James Stallard, Esquire

3186Xerox Recovery Services Group

31902073 Summit Lake Drive , Suite 300

3196Tallahassee, Florida 32317


3200Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

3203Agenc y for Health Care Administration

32092727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

3215Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3219Stuart Williams, General Counsel

3223Agency for Health Care Administration

32282727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

3234Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3238Richard J. Sho op, Agency Clerk

3244Agency for Health Care Administration

32492727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

3255Tallahassee, Florida 32308



3265A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

3277to judicial review pursuant t o section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

3287Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

3297Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing the original

3306notice of administrative appeal with the agency clerk of the

3316Division of Administrative Hearings within 30 days of rendition

3325of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the notice,

3337accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk

3348of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where

3359the agency maintains its headquart ers or where a party resides or

3371as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 03/24/2015
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the one-volume Transcript, along with Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 1-4 to the agency.
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held July 17, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/29/2014
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 07/17/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/17/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing (Proposed) Trial Exhibits filed.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/07/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 06/02/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 17, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 05/30/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Continue Final Hearing filed.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 05/09/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for June 10, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/08/2014
Proceedings: Amended Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/08/2014
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Stuart Williams from C. Llado (forwarding copy of petition).
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/01/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Reduction of Medicaid Lien filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):