14-002486 Rebco Enterprises, Inc. vs. Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Alcoholic Beverages And Tobacco
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, July 17, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner entitled to renewal of its lien against quota license where DABT failed to notify lienholder of license revocation proceeding.





12vs. Case No. 14 - 2486








34On April 29, 2015 , Administrative Law Judge Lisa Shearer

43Nelson conducted a disputed - fact hearing in Tallahassee,

52Florida , pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2014).


61For Petitioner: Maggie M. Shultz, Esquire

67Rutledge Ecenia, P.A.

70119 South Monroe Street, Suite 202

76Tallahassee, Florida 32301

79For Respondent: Jason D. Borntreger, Esquire

85Department of Business

88and Professional Regulation

911940 North Monroe Street , Suite 40

97Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


106The issue to be determined is w hether PetitionerÓs request

116to renew a lien against alcoholic beverage license number 62 -

12708383 on or about July 8, 2011, should be approved or denied.


141On August 17, 2011, Petitioner, Rebco Enterprises, Inc.

149(Petitioner or Rebco) , filed an Amended Request for Hearing with

159the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Division

167of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (DABT ), challenging DABTÓs

176July 25, 2011 , and August 3, 2011, denial s of RebcoÓs request to

189renew a lien against a quota license. The agency referred the

200matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for

209assignment of an administrative law judge on May 22, 2014. 1/ The

221case was originally assigned to Judge F. Scott Boyd, who

231promptl y scheduled it for hearing July 15, 2014.

240On June 24, 2014, a Joint Motion for Continuance was filed,

251the parties asserting that discovery was ongoing. Judge Boyd

260granted the motion and rescheduled the case for September 16,

2702014. On July 3, 2014, the case was transferred to Judge Edward

282Bauer. On August 29, 2014; October 30, 2014; January 15, 2015;

293and March 11, 2015, additional motions for continuance were

302filed, all o f which resulted in the granting of the motion s and

316rescheduling of the hearing. On March 19, 2015, the case was

327transferred to the undersigned. On April 21, 2015, another

336Joint Motion for Continuance was filed, and was denied by Order

347dated April 22, 20 15. As a result, the case proceeded to

359hearing on April 29, 2015.

364At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of Beverly

372Peebles, Damon Larry , and Stephanie Coxwell, and PetitionerÓs

380Exhibits 1 through 11 and 12B were admitted into evidence.

390Responden t did not present any witnesses but RespondentÓs

399Exhibits 4 through 7 were admitted into evidence. Prior to

409hearing, the parties filed a Pre - hearing Stipulation that

419contained several stipulated facts for which no evidence at

428hearing was required. Where relevant, those stipulated facts

436have been incorporated into the findings of fact below. The

446Transcript of the proceedings was filed with DOAH on May 14,

4572015. At the request of the parties, 20 days were allowed for

469the filing of proposed recommended ord ers. Both parties filed

479their post - hearing submissions on a timely basis, and both have

491been carefully considered in the preparation of this Recommended



505Based on the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses and

515other evidence pre sented at hearing, and upon the entire record

526of this proceeding, the following facts are found:

5341. Respondent is the state agency charged with the

543licensing, regulation , and enforcement of FloridaÓs alcoholic

550beverage laws pursuant to section 20.165(2)(b ) and chapters 561 -

561568, Florida Statutes , including recordation of liens against

569alcoholic beverage licenses and provision of notice to

577lienholders pursuant to section 561.65.

5822. Petitioner is the holder of a recorded lien against

592alcoholic beverage licen se number 62 - 08383, a 4 COP spirituous

604alcoholic beverage license, commonly referred to as a quota

613license, which was issued pursuant to sections 561.20(1) and

622565.02(1)(a) - (f) for use in Pinellas County.

630Liens and Security Interests in Alcoholic Beverage L icenses

6393. Section 561.65 governs mortgages, liens, and security

647interests against spirituous alcoholic beverage licenses . DABT

655has a lien section within its Bureau of Licensing that is

666responsible for the oversight of lien recordings and lien


6764. To perfect a lien or security interest in a spirituous

687alcoholic beverage license that may be enforceable against the

696license, the entity holding the security interest or lien must

706record it with DABT within 90 days of the date of creation of

719the lie n or security interest, using forms authorized by DABT.

730The forms adopted by DABT require the names of the parties and

742the terms of the obligation being recorded. § 561.65(4), Fla.


7535. For m DBPR ABT - 6022, Application for MortgageeÓs

763Interest in Sp irituous Alcoholic Beverage License, is used to

773record a new lien, a lien assignment or assumption, or a lien

785renewal or extension. The form is adopted by rule. Fla. Admin.

796Code R. 61A - 5.0012.

8016. Upon receipt of a request to record a lien or the

813renewa l of an existing lien, DABT will review the provided

824documentation and, if the documentation is in order on approved

834forms and accompanied by the security agreement and statutorily -

844required payment, will record the lien or lien renewal.

8537. If there is a deficiency noted during review of the

864lien documentation submitted, DABT will issue a 14 - day

874deficiency notice to the requesting entity to provide any

883missing information. If timely corrected, DABT will record the

892lien or lien renewal.

8968. Section 561.65 (4) provides that a ny lien or security

907interest filed with DABT on or after July 1, 1995, expires five

919years after recordation by DABT unless renewed by the lienholder

929within six months prior to its expiration date.

937Statutory Notice Requirements to Lienhol ders

9439. Recording a lien not only makes it enforceable, but

953provides assurance to the lienholder that it will receive notice

963of pending actions by DABT against the license that may

973compromise the lienÓs vitality. Section 561.65 also sets forth

982requireme nts for DABT to provide notice to lienholders of both

993pending actions against encumbered licenses and any suspension

1001or revocation of a license subject to a lien .

101110. Specifically, section 561.65(3) provides that Ð such

1019lienholder shall be notified in wri ting of the filing of an

1031order to show cause as to why the license should not be

1043suspended or revoked; and also the lienholder shall be furnished

1053a copy of any order of suspension or revocation.Ñ (Emphasis

1063added). In other words, two separate notices are required: one

1073when the agency institutes proceedings against the licensee and

1082a second if the agency action against the licensee results in a

1094suspension or revocation of the license.

110011. Respondent does not assert and no evidence was

1109presented to demon strate that Petitioner had knowledge of or

1119participated in the cause for revocation of the license at issue

1130in this proceeding, or that Petitioner would not otherwise be

1140entitled to notice of the revocation proceeding.

114712. The holder of a recorded lien i s entitled to notice

1159because the lienholder has the right to enforce the lien against

1170the licensee within 180 days after the entry of any order of

1182revocati on or suspension of the license. Section 561.65(3)

1191specifies that Ðthe 180 days within which to file for

1201enforcement of the lien by the lienholder shall commence running

1211from the date of the mailing of the copy of the order of

1224revocation or suspension. Ñ Thus, the 180 - day period runs from

1236when notice is sent to the lienholder, not from the entry of the

1249f inal order of suspension or revocation.

125613. Once notice is provided to the lienholder, any

1265e nforcement of the lien is through foreclosure proceedings in

1275circuit court. The process for foreclosure proceedings is

1283outlined in section 561.65(5). Most impor tantly, both section

1292561.19(2) and section 561.65(1) provide that no revoked quota

1301beverage license encumbered by a lien or security interest

1310perfected in accordance with section 561.65 shall be issued

1319until the 180 - day period (from mailing of the suspensi on or

1332revocation order) has elapsed or until such enforcement

1340proceeding is final.

1343Re - issuance Through Double Random Drawings

135014. Quota licenses may become available three ways:

13581) when a dry county goes wet (i.e. , a county that previously

1370prohibited th e sale of alcohol de cides to allow it) , three

1382initial quota licenses are issued for the county; 2) when there

1393are population increases in a county, an additional quota

1402license is issued for every population increase of 7,500; and 3)

1414when a quota license in a county has been revoked. When any of

1427those instances occur, pursuant to the directive in section

1436561.19(2), quota licenses are issued through the use of a double

1447random public drawing.

145015. While a revoked quota license may be reissued in a

1461double r andom quota drawing, if a revoked quota license is

1472encumbered by a perfected and recorded lien or security

1481interest, as discussed previously, it may not be reissued until

1491the 180 - day period has elapsed or until enforcement/foreclosure

1501proceedings are final .

150516. Damon Larry is currently the assistant bureau chief of

1515licensing , and oversees the annual quota drawing . Each year, he

1526runs a report of all revoked quota licenses and, if the

1537revocation is final, determines whether the 180 - day period has


154917. Before a revoked quota license is placed in the double

1560random drawing, there is communication between staff in

1568different sections within the Department to determine if a

1577license is eligible for inclusion in the quota drawing. The

1587communications invo lve the quota drawing section, the licensing

1596section, the administrative case unit, the Office of the General

1606Counsel, and the lien section. During th is process, DABT staff

1617will determine whether the r e is a lien attached to the license

1630and , if so, whether there was notice to the lienholder, and

1641whether the 180 days has elapsed or foreclosure proceedings no

1651longer remain pending.

165418. If all of these conditions have been met, the revoked

1665license is placed in the quota drawing for reissuance under a

1676new lic ense number. The revoked license number is then deleted

1687from the DepartmentÓs database.

1691PetitionerÓs Lien Against Alcoholic Beverage License

1697No. 62 - 08383

170119. Turning to the facts of this case, Daniel A. King, as

1713debtor, executed and delivered a Demand Promissory Note in favor

1723of Rebco on or about April 18, 1997, in the principal amo unt of

1737$61,000 , and simultaneously executed a security agreement in

1746favor of Rebco, as the secured party, pledging license number

175662 - 08383 (the License) as collateral for re payment of the sums

1769due and owing under the Promissory Note.

177620. Rebco submitted the promissory note and security

1784agreement to DABT for initial recordation as a lien against the

1795License on or about May 1, 1997, within 90 days of the date of

1809the creatio n of the lien , on forms approved by the Division.

1821The forms clearly identified the parties and the obligation.

183021. DABT recorded the lien against the License effective

1839May 8, 1997. If not timely renewe d, the lien would expire on

1852May 8, 2002.

185522. Re bco submitted a request to renew its existing lien

1866against the License for recordation on or about November 7,

18762001, within six months of expiration of the lien, on forms

1887approved by the Division. The request for renewal was

1896accompanied by the promissory note and security agreement, and

1905the forms clearly identified the parties and the obligation.

191423. DABT recorded the lien renewal against the License

1923effective November 7, 2001. If not timely renewed, the lien

1933would expire on November 7, 2006.

193924. Rebc o submitted a second request to renew its existing

1950lien against the License for recordation on or about July 26,

196120 0 6, within six months of expiration of the lien, on forms

1974approved by the Division. The request for renewal was

1983accompanied by the promissor y note and security agreement and

1993the forms clearly identified the parties and the obligation.

200225. DABT recorded the lien renewal against the License

2011effective August 1, 2006. If not timely renewed, the lien would

2022expire on August 1, 2011.

2027The License R evocation Proceedings

203226. On or about November 16, 2006, at a time when the lien

2045was recorded in the records of DABT, DABT filed administrative

2055charges against Daniel J. King, holder of the License, in Case

2066number 2006 - 049240, alleging that the licensee failed to operate

2077the License in accordance with section 561.29(1)(f). DABT was

2086unable to achieve personal service on Mr. King, so it published

2097notice of the administrative action in the St. Petersburg Times

2107on May 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2007. The published n otice did not

2121identify Petitioner , and no evidence was presented to indicate

2130that DABT sent a copy of the notice to Rebco.

214027. Rebco clearly had a recorded lien against the License

2150when the disciplinary action was filed against the License .

2160DABT did not notify Petitioner of the pending action.

216928. On or about June 22, 2007, after receiving no written

2180defense in the disciplinary proceeding, DABT issued a Final

2189Order revoking the License effective July 31, 2007. The Final

2199Order of Revocation was not ser ved on Rebco, the owner of the

2212security interest in the License.

221729. Petitioner had a recorded lien against the License on

2227file with DABT both when proceedings were instituted against the

2237License and on the date of the entry of the Final Order of

2250Revocat ion.

225230. Stephanie Coxwell works in the administrative case

2260unit of DABT and has done so for at least the last 14 years.

2274The administrative case unit is responsible for determining

2282whether an alcoholic beverage license that is pending revocation

2291or su spension is encumbered by a lien and for notifying any

2303lienholder of the revocation or suspension of an encumbered

2312license. DABTÓs practice was to mail any lienholder notice of

2322the license suspension or revocation, along with a copy of the

2333final order, so on after entry of the final order. It is this

2346mailing of the notice and final order that commences the 180

2357days referenced in section 561.65.

236231. For at least the last 14 years, DABT has used a form

2375Ðnotice to lienholderÑ to notify lienholders of the re vocation

2385or suspension of an alcoholic beverage license, accompanied by a

2395copy of the final order revoking or suspending the license. The

2406notification form is a public record maintained by DABT. It is

2417this notification, and not the publication of the pen ding

2427action, that provides notice to the lienholder.

243432. Internal c orrespondence from Ms. Coxwell within the

2443licensure file for the License indicates that in December 2006,

2453she requested a lien search with respect to the License .

2464Ms. Coxwell was advised by return e - mail that Rebco had a

2477recorded lien against the license. On or about March 21, 2007,

2488Ms. Coxwell requested research for any bankruptcy proceedings

2496affecting the License. She was again informed by intra - agency

2507e - mail that Rebco had a recorded lien against the License.

2519Ms. Coxwell replied by e - mail th at she was aware that there was

2534a lien, but that they would notify the lienholder of the

2545administrative action Ð in the usual way. Ñ However,

2554Ms. CoxwellÓs March 27 e - mail was sent three months bef or e the

2569final order revoking the l icense, not simultaneous to the Order.

2580T here is no record that notification was sent to Rebco , either

2592at the time of the administrative action, or after issuance of

2603the final order.

260633. Beverly Peebles works in RebcoÓs corporate office

2614located at 701 Tennessee River Drive, Muscle Shoals, Alabama

262335661, and has done so since 1990. She is responsible for

2634receiving, retaining, and disbursing any mail received by Rebco.

2643Ms. Peebles testified regarding the process used to c opy, scan

2654into the companyÓs electronic database, and distribute any mail

2663received by Rebco. Rebco did not receive any notice concerning

2673the administrative action or the revocation of the License until

2683Rebco received the letter denying the recordation of its lien

2693renewal against the license in 2011. RebcoÓs address was at all

2704times on file with the DABT since the inception of the lien

2716against the license in 1997.

272134. It is found that the DABT did not notify Rebco that

2733there was an administrative action filed against the License,

2742and did not notify Rebco of the Final Order of Revocation

2753against the License. The licensure file contains all other

2762expected documents from the first recordation of the lien in

27721997 to the present. It does not include a copy o f notice to

2786Rebco of either the pending action or the Final Order of

2797revocation. Moreover, both a letter dated August 19, 2011 , to

2807counsel for Rebco , as well as an e - mail date d March 21, 2007 ,

2822from Ms. Coxwell , contain handwritten notes regarding the

2830fail ure to send proper notification. The notes, which are

2840clearly hearsay, are part of public records maintained in the

2850normal course of business, and corroborate Ms. PeeblesÓ

2858testimony that no notification was received . They also

2867corroborate evidence of the absence of any record of

2876notification to Rebco in DABTÓs records of regularly - conducted

2886activity . The August 19, 2011 , letter contains a handwritten

2896note at the top stating, Ð$61K lien no lien ltr sent,Ñ and the

2910e - mail dated March 21, 2007, referenced in paragraph 32,

2921contains the following note: Ðare we the only group/people who

2931check for current liens recorded before deleting the license?

2940It was deleted on 5/4/2011. Lien was still recorded at that

2951time.Ñ 2/ Respondent has presented no credible eviden ce to

2961indicate that the notice was somehow sent despite the lack of

2972any documentation to that effect contained in the DABTÓs

2981records . While the handwritten notes standing alone do not

2991establish that no notice was sent, they do indicate that a

3002question was raised internally regarding whether adequate notice

3010was provided.

301235. Despite the failure to notify Rebco of the revocation

3022of the License, the License was placed in the 2010 double random

3034drawing held on March 10, 2011 , at a time when a valid lien

3047agai nst the License was duly recorded . Only one license for

3059Pinellas County was included in the drawing for that year, and

3070no licenses for Pinellas County have been issued in a double

3081random quota drawing since then.

308636. Shortly after the random drawing , the license number

3095assigned to the License was removed from the DepartmentÓs system

3105and a new number assigned to the license issued as a result of

3118the drawing. While there is no direct testimony on the issue,

3129it can be inferred that the purchaser of the n ew license

3141received the license with no notice that there was any

3151outstanding lien on the right to engage in the sale of alcoholic

3163beverages in Pinellas County under the new license.

317137. While it is DABTÓs practice to delete a revoked

3181license number from its database, no evidence or statutory

3190reference was presented to support the premise that there is a

3201legal impediment to renewing an existing lien for a revoked

3211license when no n otice of the revocation was provided.

322138. Given the DepartmentÓs failure t o notify Rebco of the

3232revocation of the License, the 180 - day period identified in

3243section 560.65 never began to run.

324939. On or about July 6, 2011, Rebco timely submitted a

3260third request to DABT to renew its existing lien against the

3271License for recordati on, within six months of expiration of the

3282lien, on forms approved by the Division, which request was

3292accompanied by the promissory note and security agreement.

330040. DABT notified Rebco by letter dated July 19, 2011,

3310that it was unable to record the lien renewal because it was not

3323submitted for recordation within 90 days of its creation. The

3333July 19, 2011 , notice of de nial was issued based upon a revi ew

3347of the lien renewal request submitted to DABT , be cause the

3358executed ABT6022 lien - recording form submitt ed with RebcoÓs

3368third renewal request mistakenly identified the effective date

3376of the lien renewal as April 18, 1997, the date of the creation

3389of the original lien.

339341. On or about July 25, 2011, Rebco submitted an amended

3404form ABT6022 correcting the eff ective date for renewal of the

3415lien as August 1, 2011.

342042. On August 3, 2011, DABT notified Rebco that it was

3431unable to record the renewal of the lien against the License

3442because Ðthe alcoholic beverage license being pledged as

3450collateral was revoked by the Division on July 31, 2007,Ñ

3461following service of a Notice of Action through publication in

3471the St. Petersburg Times on May 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2007.

348343. No action taken by Rebco compromised the vitality of

3493its recorded lien against the License. To the contrary, Rebco

3503faithfully adhered to the recording requirements outlined by

3511statute to record and renew its lien.

351844. DABT , however, failed to take the action required by

3528section 561.65 to provide notice to Rebco of the pending action

3539and subsequent re vocation of the License. As a result, the 180 -

3552day period required by section 561.65 did not run before the

3563License was placed in the quota drawing .


357445 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3582jurisdiction over the parties and th e subject matter of this

3593proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.5 7 (1), Florida

3603Statutes (2015).

360546. Petitioner, as the holder of the security interest at

3615issue in this proceeding, has standing to challenge DABTÓs

3624denial of its request to renew it s lien in the License.

363647. This case involves the denial of RebcoÓs request to

3646renew a lien against an alcoholic beverage license. As the

3656party asserting its right to have the lien renewed, Petitioner

3666bears the burden of proof by a preponderance of the e vidence

3678that it is entitled to have the lien renewal recorded by the

3690Division. DepÓt of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. ,

3701670 So. 2d 932, 933 - 34 (Fla. 1996); DepÓt of Transp. v. J.W.C.

3715Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 788 (Fla. 1996).

372348. DABT has regulatory an d enforcement authority over the

3733sale of alcoholic beverages and entities licensed for that

3742purpose, including the perfection of liens or security interests

3751against spirituous alcoho lic beverage licenses, and the

3759assignment, assumption, renewal, extension , and satisfaction of

3766said liens. § 561.65, Fla. Stat.

377249. The resolution of this case is governed by the

3782interpretation of section 561.65, which provides as follows:

3790561.65 MortgageeÓs interest in license. Ï

3796(1) Any person holding a bona fide

3803mortgage or lien or security interest in a

3811spirituous alcoholic beverage license in

3816this state shall have the right to

3823enforcement of a lien against that license

3830within 180 days after a ny order of

3838revocation or suspension by an

3843administrative officer or department of the

3849government for a cause or causes of which

3857the lienholder did not have knowledge or in

3865which he or she did not participate. The

3873division is required to notify any

3879lienho lder properly filing pursuant to

3885subsection (4) of a pending revocation or

3892suspension. No revoked quota beverage

3897license encumbered by a lien or security

3904interest perfected in accordance with this

3910section shall be issued in accordance with

3917s. 561.19 (2) until the 180 - day period has

3927elapsed or until such enforcement

3932proceeding is final. Liens or security

3938interests in spirituous alcoholic beverage

3943licenses existing prior to July 1, 1981,

3950shall not be affected by the provisions of

3958this section.

3960(2) The purchaser at a foreclosure sale

3967shall have the right to operate under such

3975license, if otherwise lawfully qualified and

3981authorized by the division to do so, or to

3990have a reasonable time within which to

3997transfer the license to some person

4003qualified un der the laws of this state to

4012operate under such license. If the

4018purchaser is a distributor licensed under

4024the Beverage Law, the license becomes

4030inoperative immediately and remains in such

4036status until transferred, in accordance with

4042the Beverage Law, to a person qualified to

4050operate under such license; however, the

4056distributor shall transfer such license

4061within 245 days after the date of purchase.

4069(3) If any such bona fide mortgagee or

4077lienholder serves notice in writing on the

4084division of the extension of such lien and

4092accompanies that notice with the payment of

4099the fee set forth in subsection (4) to the

4108division , which money shall be used by the

4116divi sion to defray the costs of providing

4124this service, then such lienholder shall be

4131notified in writing of the filing of an

4139order to show cause as to why the license

4148should not be suspended and revoked; and

4155also the lienholder shall be furnished a

4162copy of an y order of suspension or

4170revocation. In this event, the 180 days

4177within which to file for the enforcement of

4185the lien by the lienholder shall commence

4192running from the date of the mailing of the

4201copy of the order of revocation or


4209(4) In order to perfect a lien or security

4218interest in a spirituous alcoholic beverage

4224license which may be enforceable against

4230the license, the party which holds the lien

4238or security interest, within 90 days of the

4246date of creation of the lien or security

4254i nterest, shall record the same with the

4262division on or with forms authorized by the

4270division, which forms shall require the

4276names of the parties and the terms of the

4285obligation. The division, upon the request

4291of any person or entity, shall conduct a

4299lien search and shall provide to the

4306requester copies of all recorded liens and

4313security interests in the divisionÓs

4318records under the name searched, all for

4325the fee set forth in this subsection. The

4333fee for recording a lien or security

4340interest shall be $10; the fee for

4347recording an assignment of a recorded lien

4354or security interest shall be $10; the fee

4362for recording a satisfaction of a lien or

4370security interest shall be $10; and the fee

4378for a lien search shall be $20. The

4386division shall promulgate forms to be used

4393under this subsection . All liens and

4400security i nterests filed on or after

4407July 1, 1995, shall expire 5 years after

4415recordation unless renewed by the

4420lienholder within 6 months prior to its

4427expiration date. All liens and security

4433interests filed p rior to July 1, 1995,

4441shall expire on July 1, 2000, unless

4448renewed by the lienholder within 6 months

4455prior to that date . Renewals of liens and

4464security interests shall be subject to a

4471$10 renewal fee.

4474(5) Any foreclosure of a perfected lien in

4482a beverage license shall be in the circuit

4490court in the county in which the beverage

4498license is issued , and the division shall

4505be joined as an indispensable party. All

4512holders of liens senior to the lien being

4520foreclosed shall be joined and deemed

4526necessary parties to the foreclosure.

4531(6 ) Upon a judgment of foreclosure and

4539after written notice to each distributor of

4546alcoholic beverages who has filed a claim

4553in the foreclosure, the clerk of the

4560circuit court shall sell the license at

4567public auction, pursuant to chapter 45, to

4574the highest an d best bidder, who shall pay

4583the amount bid by a cashierÓs check within

459124 hours of the time of sale . The proceeds

4601from the sale of such license, after

4608deducting the expenses of the sale, shall

4615be paid, first, to the lienholder or

4622lienholders in the order of date of filing

4630and, second, to creditors who have paid or

4638by law are obligated to pay federal or

4646state excise taxes on purchases by the

4653licensee; and the balance shall be paid as

4661directed in the judgment of foreclosure.

4667(7) The institution of foreclosure

4672procedures or the judicial transfer of a

4679license shall not prevent the division from

4686suspending or imposing a civil penalty

4692against the licensee of record at the time

4700of the alleged violation. However, should

4706the division o btain a revocation of the

4714license against the previous licensee of

4720record, the revocation shall be effective

4726only to impair the qualifications of the

4733officers, directors, or stockholders of

4738that licensee . (Emphasis added).

474350. The facts giving rise to this case are largely

4753undisputed: Rebco had a perfected security interest against the

4762License recorded with the Division in 1997, which it renewed in

4773accordance with the provisions of section 561.65 every five

4782years thereafter. At a time when RebcoÓs lie n was duly recorded

4794with the Division, DABT began disciplinary proceedings against

4802the License, but has no record that it notified Rebco concerning

4813either the pending disciplinary action or the revocation of the

4823License. Thereafter, at a time when the lie n was recorded with

4835the Division, DABT placed the License in a quota drawing,

4845deleted the license number from its records, and issued a new

4856license in Pinellas County to a purchaser who is not a party to

4869this proceeding. When Rebco timely sought to renew its lien in

48802011, DABT declined to renew it based on the revocation of the

4892license. The most significant factual issue for determination

4900is whether DABT failed to notify Rebco of the disciplinary

4910action or the subsequent revocation of the License before

4919p lacing it in the quota drawing. The greater weight of the

4931evidence is that DABT failed to provide the statutory notice s

4942required by section 561.65. DABTÓs contention that its regular

4951practice of notify ing lienholders means that it in fact did so

4963here is rejected as contrary to the greater weight of the


497551. As stated by the Supreme Court of Florida in Walling

4986Enterprises, Inc. v. Mathias , 636 So. 2d 1294, 1297 (Fla. 1994),

4997while a liquor license has the quality of property, it is

5008considered a ge neral intangible. See also United States v.

5018McGurn , 596 So. 2d 1038, 1041 (Fla. 1992). Section 561.65 is

5029the exclusive means by which to perfect a lien against a liquor

5041license. McGurn ; VMI EntmÓt, LLC v. Westwood Plaza, LLC , 152

5051So. 3d 617, 619 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2014); Dery v. Occhiuzzo &

5064Occhiuzzo Enters., Inc. , 771 So. 2d 1276, 1278 (Fla. 4th DCA

50752000 ) . Once the lien is perfected, section 561.65(5) makes it

5087clear that enforcement proceedings are in the circuit court in

5097the county in which the beverage li cense was issued. Thus,

5108consideration of any defenses to the enforcement proceeding are

5117within the purview of the circuit court, should enforcement

5126proceedings be instituted, and are not an issue to be decided in

5138this proceeding.

514052. The crux of this cas e is that DABT failed to notify

5153Rebco before placing the License in the quota drawing. It

5163appears, from the evidence presented, that the agency mistakenly

5172relied on the publication of revocation proceedings to start the

5182clock running for placement of the L icense in the quota drawing.

5194However, section 561.65(3) expressly directs that the 180 - day

5204period begins to run Ð from the date of the mailing of the copy

5218of the order of revocation or suspension. Ñ In this case,

5229because DABT did not notify Rebco of the r evocation, that period

5241never began to run.

524553. In its Proposed Recommended Order, Respondent points

5253out that an agencyÓs interpretation of the statute it is charged

5264with enforcing is entitled to great deference, citing Verizon

5273Florida, Inc. v. Jacobs , 81 0 So. 2d 906, 908 (Fla. 2002) and

5286Bellsouth Telecommunications , Inc. v. Johnson , 708 So. 2d 594,

5295596 (Fla. 1998). With this deference referenced, Respondent


5304In RespondentÓs view, at no point does

5311Section 561.65 strictly require Respondent

5316record any and all liens submitted thereto.

5323Indeed, Section 561.65 commands Respondent

5328to perform various tasks with regard to

5335liens and lien recording, but nowhere does

5342the statute require Respondent to record

5348liens without discretion Î - certainly not

5355those li ens which Respondent suspects or

5362knows to be deficient. In the present

5369case, Petitioner has attempted to record a

5376lien on a license that has been revoked

5384and, in RespondentÓs view, does not legally

5391exist. While Respondent is likely ÐableÑ

5397to record such a lien, Respondent

5403rightfully questions such recording, and

5408has reasonably refused to comply.

541354. As a preliminary matter, Petitioner is not attempting

5422to record a new lien, it is seeking to renew a duly - recorded

5436lien already on file with DABT, as conte mplated by sectio n

5448561.65(4). I t is also noteworthy that Respondent does not base

5459its refusal to renew the lien on any deficiency in the renewal

5471request submitted by Rebco, but rather upon circumstances

5479created by DABT through no fault of Petitioner .

548855. Moreover, RespondentÓs reading of section 561.65 is,

5496in the undersignedÓs view, clearly erroneous. Bridlewood Group

5504Home v. Ag. for Pers. with Disabilities , 136 So. 3d 652, 656

5516(Fla. 2d 2013); M.H. v. DepÓt of Child. and Fam. Servs. , 977 So.

55292d 755, 759 (Fla. 2d DCA 2008). For the reasons discussed

5540below, recording of a properly - submitted lien is a ministerial

5551duty and Respondent does not have discretion to refuse the


556256. A ministerial duty is a duty Ðimposed expressly by

5572law, not by contra ct or arising necessarily as an incident to

5584the office, involving no discretion in its exercise, but

5593mandatory and imperative.Ñ City of Tarpon Springs v. Planes ,

560230 So. 3d 693, 695 (Fla. 2d DCA 2012)(quoting Escambia Cnty. v.

5614Bell , 717 So. 2d 85, 88 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988) , and State ex rel.

5628Allen v. Rose , 123 Fla. 544, 167 So. 21, 22 - 23 (Fla. 1936)); see

5643also Haines v. State , 80 So. 3d 1144, 1146 (Fla. 4th DCA

56552012)(certification of costs is a purely ministerial duty

5663requiring no discretion); Vocelle v. Ridde ll , 119 So. 2d 809 ,

5674811 (Fl a. 2d DCA 1960)(once license issued, annual renewal

5684accompanied by required fee is a ministerial duty and a matter

5695of right; alleged violations must be addressed through

5703revocation proceedings). Recording of liens is generally

5710c onsidered to be a ministerial duty. First American Title Ins.

5721Co. v. Dixon , 603 So. 2d 562, 565 (Fla. 4th DCA 1992).

573357. In order to determin e whether an action is ministerial

5744or discretionary , the authorizing statuteÓs language must be

5752examined to see what discretion may be granted to the agency, as

5764public officers and agencies only have such authority as is

5774Ðclearly conferred by statute or is necessarily implied from

5783express statutory powers or duties.Ñ Escambia Cnty. v. Bell ,

5792717 So. 85, 87 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988). Absent statutorily -

5803enumerated grounds for exercising discretion, there is no

5811discretion to exercise. Wells v. Castro , 117 So. 3d 1233, 1238

5822(Fla. 3d DCA 2013).

582658. Section 561.65(1) provides that DABT must notify a

5835lienholder Ðproperly fili ng pursuant to subsection (4)Ñ of a

5845pending revocation or suspension, and prohibits the inclusion of

5854a revoked license in the quota drawing until the 180 - day period

5867has elapsed or until enforcement proceedings are final.

5875Paragraph four lists the only requ irements for recording of a

5886lien or security interest: that the lien be recorded within 90

5897days of the date of the creation of the lien; that the lien be

5911recorded Ðwith the division on or with forms authorized by the

5922division;Ñ that the forms require the names of the parties and

5934the terms of the obligation; and that the lienholder pay a $10

5946fee. Likewise, the requirements for renewal of a lien with the

5957Division are equally sparse: that the lienholder pay a $10

5967renewal f ee and file the renewal within six months prior to the

5980expiration of the prior recordation. Nowhere in section 561.65

5989doe s the Legislature provide any other basis for DABT to refuse

6001to record a lien. To accept DABTÓs argument that it has

6012discretion to reject a properly submitted request f or renewal is

6023to inject into section 561.65 language that the Legislature did

6033not include.

603559. The rule adopted by DABT to implement section 561.65

6045is rule 61A - 5.0012. It provides in pertinent part:

6055(2) To file a lien or security interest in

6064a spirit uous alcoholic beverage license

6070which may be enforceable against the

6076license, the party which holds the lien or

6084security license, within 90 days of the

6091date of creation of the lien or security

6099interest, shall record the same with the

6106division. An applicat ion must be filed on



6126LICENSE, effective July 2013, adopted and

6132incorporated herein by reference. This

6137form may be used to file one of the


6147(a) New Lien;

6150(b) Lien Assignment/Assumption;

6153(c) Lien Renewal/Extension;

6156This form is available upon request from

6163the Division of Alcoholic Beverages &

6169Tobacco at 1940 N. Monroe Street,

6175Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1021, the

6181DivisionÓs district office serving your

6186area of interest whose contact information

6192is provided at



6197doc , or at


6201p?No䗧 - 03330 . Application must be

6209complete and requirements fu rnished in

6215accordance with the list of license

6221application requirements.

622360. Nothing in this rule or the form adopted as referenced

6234in the rule contemplate any basis for rejection of a lien or

6246renewal/extension of a lien, other than those required by

6255se ction 561.65, i.e., failing to fil e the lien in a timely

6268manner or failing to provide the names of the parties and the

6280terms of the obligation along with the filing fee. Moreover,

6290DABT has not asserted that there is any deficiency with respect

6301to the info rmation Rebco provided.

630761. In Escambia County v. Bell , a dispute arose between

6317the county and the tax collector regarding the use of the

6328statutory uniform collection method in section 197.3632, Florida

6336Statutes, to collect a non - ad valorem assessment fo r funding of

6349fire protection services. The tax collectorÓs concerns were

6357that the assessment was based on services not yet provided to

6368the property subject to the ass essment, that the assessment

6378might not be constitutionally lienable, and that the county

6387could not collect its fiscal - year budgeted assessment through

6397the tax notice, which collects ad valorem taxes in arrears

6407pursuant to a calendar - year methodology. The county filed an

6418action for declaratory judgment and sought a writ of mandamus to

6429require the tax collector to collect the special assessment, and

6439the trial court granted summary judgment in favor of the tax

6450collector. The trial court found that its decision was not

6460based on the failure of the county to comply with any

6471requirement in section 1 97.3632 or the rule adopted to implement

6482the statute, but on the courtÓs determination that the right to

6493place and collect the non - ad valorem assessments on the ad

6505valorem tax notice by the tax collector was not absolute,

6515creating no duty or obligation on the tax collector. On appeal,

6526the First District reversed, holding that the duty of the tax

6537collector was wholly ministerial. In explaining its decision,

6545the First District stated:

6549[b]oth parties agree that the Tax Collector

6556only has such authority as is clearly

6563conferred by statute or is necessarily

6569implied from express statutory powers or

6575duties . . . .

6580Section 197.3632 prescribes the procedures

6585with which the County must comply if it

6593elects to use the uniform method of

6600collection of its non - ad valorem assessment

6608on the a nnual tax notice. See § 197.3632 ,

6617(9), Fla. Stat. The statute, however, does

6624not invest the Tax Collector with any

6631discretion with regard to the collecting of

6638the special assessment on the annual tax

6645notice once the County elects to u se this

6654statutory uniform method for collection and

6660complies with the statuteÓs requirements.

6665Rather, a tax collectorÓs duty under

6671section 197.3632 is wholly ministerial at

6677that point, a conclusion confirmed by

6683Florida Administrative Code Rule 12D -

668918.001, which implements section 197.3632.

6694The rule explains that it is the duty of

6703the local government to determine, under

6709law, whether an assessment levy is

6715constitutional and may be collected as a

6722lien. The duties of the property

6728appraisers and tax collecto rs under section

6735197.3632, Florida Statutes, are ministerial

6740and shall not be construed to authorize any


6749* * *

6752We understand that the Tax CollectorÓs

6758objections to use of the annual tax notice

6766for collection of the special assessment

6772were motivated by his concerns for the

6779property owners in Escambia County subject

6785to the CountyÓs special assessment.

6790Nevertheless, the Tax Collector acting in

6796his official capacity has the ministerial

6802duty of placing the CountyÓs assessment in

6809this case on the annual t ax notice upon the

6819CountyÓs compliance with the uniform

6824collection procedures contained in section

6829197.3632 and Florida Administrative Code

6834Chapter 12 - 18. The Tax Collector has no

6843authority to refuse that duty based upon

6850his own determinations of the lega lity of

6858the assessment or the constitutionality of

6864any lien resulting from nonpayment of the


6872717 So. 2d at 87 - 8 8 .

688162. Like the countyÓs action in Bell , Petitioner has

6890complied with the statutory and rule requirements for renewing

6899its lien a gainst the License. Like the tax collector in Bell ,

6911DABT has concerns based on matters outside the confines of the

6922statute and rule . 3 / Like the tax collectorÓ s concerns about the

6936constitutionality of using the uniform process for the

6944assessment in Bell , DABTÓs concerns about the vitality of the

6954lien, given the revocation and reissuance of the License, are

6964issues for another entity to decide: in this case, the circuit

6975court should decide any challenges related to enforcement

6983proceedings . Those concerns a re not a basis for refusing to

6995extend PetitionerÓs lien.


6999Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7009Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Business and

7019Professional Regulation enter a Final Order approving the

7027renewal of RebcoÓs lien in the License at issue in this case.

7039DONE AND ENTERED t his 17th day of July , 2015 , in

7050Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7058Administrative Law Judge

7061Division of Administrative Hearings

7065The DeSoto Building

70681230 Apalachee Parkway

7071Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7076(850) 488 - 9675

7080Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7087Filed with the Cler k of the

7094Division of Administrative Hearings

7098this 17th day of July , 2015 .


71071/ Requests for hearing based on a dispute of material fact must

7119be granted or denied within 15 days of receipt, and requests are

7131to be forwarded to DOAH w ithin that sam e time period.

7143§ 120.569(2)(a), Fla. Stat. Here, there was a delay of close to

7155three years. No explanation was made for the lengthy delay.

71652/ Given that the handwritten note on the 2007 e - mail referenced

7178activities in 2011, it is presumed that this no te was added by

7191someone reviewing the file at a later date.

71993/ Here, those concerns would not exist had DABT complied with

7210section 561.65Ós requirements regarding notice of the revocation

7218of the License.


7223Jason Douglas Borntreger, Es quire

7228Department of Business

7231and Professional Regulation

72341940 North Monroe Street , Suite 40

7240Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


7246Maggie M. Schultz, Esquire

7250Rutledge Ecenia, P.A.

7253Post Office Box 551

7257Tallahassee, Florida 32302


7261Thomas P hilpot, Director

7265Division of Alcoholic Beverages

7269and Tobacco

7271Department of Business

7274and Professional Regulation

7277Northwood Centre

72791940 North Monroe Street

7283Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202


7289William N. Spicola, General Counsel

7294Department of Bus iness

7298and Professional Regulation

7301Northwood Centre

73031940 North Monroe Street

7307Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2202



7319All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

732915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

7340to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

7351will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 12/04/2015
Proceedings: Petition for Attorney's Fees and Costs Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 57.111 filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 15-6839F ESTABLISHED)
Date: 10/06/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/05/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/17/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 07/17/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held April 29, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 07/17/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/03/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/03/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/29/2015
Proceedings: Statement of Person Administering Oath (Rita Jackson) filed.
Date: 04/29/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's List of Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibit List filed.
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Responses to First Set of Interrogatories and Supplemental Response to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 04/28/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 04/27/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Witness to Testify by Telephone filed.
Date: 04/23/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Agency Representative Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 04/23/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum (of Stephanie Coxwell) filed.
Date: 04/22/2015
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 04/21/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 04/14/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Rebco Enterprises, Inc.'s Second Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/14/2015
Proceedings: Rebco Enterprises, Inc.'s Second Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/19/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Deposition of Agency Representative (Marie Fraher) filed.
Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Deposition of Agency Representative (Damon Larry) filed.
Date: 03/11/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 29, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 03/11/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 03/11/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/15/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 12, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 01/15/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/09/2015
Proceedings: Order Amending Case Style.
Date: 01/07/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Amend Case Style filed.
Date: 11/03/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 22, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 11/03/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 10/30/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 09/11/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Service of Answers to Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 09/11/2014
Proceedings: Rebco Enterprises, Inc.'s Response to Petitioner's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 09/11/2014
Proceedings: Rebco Enterprises, Inc.'s Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 09/02/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 6, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 08/29/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 08/12/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's First Set of Admissions, Interrogatories and Request for Production filed.
Date: 08/11/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's Response to Interrogatory #4 of Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/30/2014
Proceedings: Order on Pending Motions.
Date: 07/22/2014
Proceedings: Rebco Enterprise's Response in Opposition to Motion in Limine to Exclude or Limit Evidence or Testimony and Motion to Compel Response to Rebco's Interrogatory Number 4 filed.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion in Limine to Exclude or Limit Evidence or Testimony filed.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Serving Petitioner's Responses to Respondent's First Set of Admissions, Interrogatories, and Request for Production filed.
Date: 07/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 07/01/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 16, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 06/24/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 06/13/2014
Proceedings: Rebco Enterprises, Inc.'s Notice of Filing Discovery Requests to Petitioner filed.
Date: 06/02/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/02/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 15, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Tampa and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/29/2014
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/23/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/22/2014
Proceedings: Amended Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 05/22/2014
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 05/22/2014
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):