14-002978N Katherine Nobles, A/K/A Katherine Johnson, On Behalf Of And As Parent And Natural Guardian Of Jinger-Anne Nobles, A Minor vs. Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Association
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Monday, March 9, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Child did not sustain an injury to the brain or spinal cord caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury in the course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post-delivery period in a hospital.




11KATHERINE JOHNSON, on behalf of

16and as parent and natural

21guardian of JINGER - ANNE NOBLES,

27a minor,


30vs. Case No. 14 - 2978N







52This cause came on for consideration upon a Motion for

62Summary Final Order filed by Respondent, Florida Birth - Related

72Neurolog ical Injury Compensation Association (NICA), on

79February 25, 2015.


86On June 19, 2014, Petitioner, Katherine Nobles, a/k/a

94Katherine Johnson, on behalf of and as parent and natural

104guardian of Jinger - Anne Nobles (Jinger - Anne), a minor, filed a

117Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301

126et seq. (Petition) with the Division of Administrative Hearings

135(DOAH) for a determination of compensability under the Florida

144Birth - Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan (P lan). The

154Petition named Shivakumar Hanubal, M.D., as the physician

162providing obstetrical services at the birth of Jinger - Anne on

173February 14, 2011, at Leesburg Regional Medical Center located in

183Leesburg, Florida.

185DOAH served NICA with a copy of the Peti tion on June 26,

1982014. DOAH served Leesburg Regional Medical Center with a copy

208of the Petition on June 30, 201 4 . DOAH served Shivakumar

220Hanubal, M.D., with a copy of the Petition on October 27, 2014.

232On February 25, 2015, NICA filed a Motion for Summa ry Final

244Order, asserting that Jinger - Anne did not sustain a "birth -

256related neurological injury" as that term is defined in section

266766.302(2), Florida Statutes.

269As of the date of this Summary Final Order of Dismissal, no

281petitions to intervene have been filed by Dr. Hanubal or Leesburg

292Regional Medical Center.


2981. Jinger - Anne Nobles was born on February 14, 2011, at

310Leesburg Regional Medical Center located in Leesburg, Florida.

318Jinger - Anne weighed in excess of 2,500 grams at birth.

3302. Donald Willis, M.D. (Dr. Willis), was requested by NICA

340to review the medical records for Jinger - Anne . In a medical

353report dated July 14, 2014, Dr. Willis opined as follows:

363I have reviewed the medical records for the

371above individual. The mother, K atherine

377Johnson, was a 26 year old G4 P2 with no

387significant prenatal problems. The mother

392presented to the hospital in early labor at

40038 weeks gestational age. Antibiotics were

406given during labor for a positive vaginal

413culture for Group B Streptococcus . Amniotic

420membranes were ruptured with clear fluid.

426Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitor tracing during

433labor was reviewed. Baseline heart rate was

440135 bpm with normal variability. There was

447no fetal distress during labor.

452Spontaneous vaginal delivery was

456uncomplicated. Birth weight was 2,890 grams.

463Apgar scores were 8/9. The newborn was not

471depressed. No resuscitation was required.

476The baby was taken to the nursery and stated

485to be in stable condition. Newborn hospital

492course was uncomplicated.

495The ba by was re - admitted to the hospital

505twice during the first two weeks after birth.

513The first was two days after newborn hospital

521discharge. This admission was for elevated

527bilirubin level. The second was for choking

534and vomiting with possible cyanosis. No

540etiology was discovered and the baby was

547discharged home.

549In summary, the baby was delivered at term by

558spontaneous and uncomplicated vaginal birth.

563There was no fetal distress during labor.

570The newborn was not depressed and had a

578normal hospital course .

582There was no apparent obstetrical event that

589resulted in loss of oxygen or mechanical

596trauma to the babyÓs brain during labor,

603delivery, or the immediate post delivery


6103. Dr. Willis reaffirmed his opinion in an affidavit dated

620December 29, 20 14.

6244. NICA retained Michael S. Duchowny, M.D. (Dr. Duchowny),

633a pediatric neurologist, to examine Jinger - Anne and to review her

645medical records. Dr. Duchowny examined Jinger - Anne on October 1,

6562014. In an affidavit date d December 22, 2014, regarding hi s

668independent medical examination of Jinger - Anne, Dr. Duchowny

677opined as follows:

680In summary, Jinger - AnneÓs examination reveals

687findings consistent with a substantial mental

693and motor impairment. She evidences spastic

699quadriparesis, microcephaly, cortical visual

703impairment, optic nerve atrophy, no evidence

709of receptive or expressive language

714development, and generalized hyperreflexia.

718I have had an opportunity to review medical

726records sent on May 21, 2014. They document

734the pre and pe r inatal history and provide

743evidence of hyperbilirubinemia, but only to a

750level of 15. Jinger - AnneÓs mother ha d

759presented to the hospital in early labor and

767had artificial rupture of membranes. Her

773mother had a postpartum tubal ligation.

779Jinger - AnneÓs Apgar scores were 8 and 9 at 1

790and 5 minutes and her birth weight was 6

799pounds 6 ounces. Cord blood gases were not

807drawn and apart from hyperbilirubinemia, her

813postnatal course was uncomplicated. Her

818readmission on February 18 documented a rapid

825rise in bilirubin, reaching a peak level of

83315.4. She was also di agnosed with an acute

842life - threatening event which after evaluation

849was believed to be caused by gastro

856esophageal reflux.

858I have not yet received either of the MRI

867scans. Although Jinger - AnneÓs course would

874be extr emely atypical of kernicterus as most

882affected individuals have normal cognitive

887status and present with findings consistent

893with athetotic cerebral palsy, I believe it

900is pr u dent to review the MR images in this

911case before making a final recommendation

917wi th regard to consideration for acceptance

924into the NICA program.

928ADDENDUM: I have reviewed the brain MR

935images obtained on July 8, 2011. The study

943reveals no significant abnormalities. Of

948note, the basal ganglia and thalami are

955normal. The study findi ngs support my

962initial impression that Jinger - AnneÓs

968neurological problems did not result from

974hyperbilirubinemia , mechanical injury or

978oxygen deprivation acquired in the course of

985labor, delivery or the immediate post -

992delivery period.

9945. A review of t he file in this case reveals that there

1007have been no expert opinions filed that are contrary to the

1018opinion of Dr. Willis that there was no apparent obstetrical

1028event that resulted in loss of oxygen or mechanical trauma to the

1040baby's brain during labor, de livery, or the immediate post -

1051delivery period. Dr. WillisÓ opinion is credited. There are no

1061expert opinions filed that are contrary to Dr. DuchownyÓs opinion

1071that although Jinger - AnneÓs examination reveals findings

1079consistent with a substantial mental a nd motor impairment, her

1089neurological problems did not result from hyperbilirubi n emia,

1098mechanical injury or oxygen deprivation acquired in the course of

1108labor, delivery or the immediate post - delivery period.

1117Dr. DuchownyÓs opinion is credited.


11266. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

1134over the parties to and the subject matter of these proceedings.

1145§§ 766.301 - 766.316, Fla. Stat.

11517. The Plan was established by the Legislature "for the

1161purpose of providing compe nsation, irrespective of fault, for

1170birth - related neurological injury claims" relating to births

1179occurring on or after January 1, 1989. § 766.303(1), Fla. Stat.

11908. The injured infant, her or his personal representative,

1199parents, dependents, and next of k in may seek compensation under

1210the Plan by filing a claim for compensation with DOAH.

1220§§ 766.302(3), 766.303(2), and 766.305(1), Fla. Stat. NICA,

1228which administers the Plan, has "45 days from the date of service

1240of a complete claim . . . in which to file a response to the

1255petition and to submit relevant written information relating to

1264the issue of whether the injury is a birth - related neurological

1276injury." § 766.305(4), Fla. Stat.

12819. If NICA determines that the injury alleged in a claim is

1293a com pensable birth - related neurological injury, it may award

1304compensation to the claimant, provided that the award is approved

1314by the administrative law judge to whom the claim has been

1325assigned. § 766.305(7), Fla. Stat. If, on the other hand, NICA

1336disputes the claim, as it has in the instant case, the dispute

1348must be resolved by the assigned administrative law judge in

1358accordance with the provisions of chapter 120, Florida Statutes.

1367§§ 766.304, 766.309, and 766.31, Fla. Stat.

137410. In discharging this respo nsibility, the administrative

1382law judge must make the following determination based upon the

1392available evidence:

1394(a) Whether the injury claimed is a birth -

1403related neurological injury. If the claimant

1409has demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the

1416administr ative law judge, that the infant has

1424sustained a brain or spinal cord injury

1431caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical

1437injury and that the infant was thereby

1444rendered permanently and substantially

1448mentally and physically impaired, a

1453rebuttable presumption shall arise that the

1459injury is a birth - related neurological injury

1467as defined in s. 766.303(2).

1472(b) Whether obstetrical services were

1477delivered by a participating physician in the

1484course of labor, delivery, or resuscitation

1490in the immediate postdeliver y period in a

1498hospital; or by a certified nurse midwife in

1506a teaching hospital supervised by a

1512participating physician in the course of

1518labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the

1524immediate postdelivery period in a hospital.

1530§ 766.309(1), Fla. Stat. An awa rd may be sustained only if the

1543administrative law judge concludes that the "infant has sustained

1552a birth - related neurological injury and that obstetrical services

1562were delivered by a participating physician at birth."

1570§ 766.31(1), Fla. Stat.

157411. The te rm "birth - related neurological injury" is defined

1585in section 766.302(2) as follows:

"1590Birth - related neurological injury" means

1596injury to the brain or spinal cord of a live

1606infant weighing at least 2,500 grams for a

1615single gestation or, in the case of a

1623mul tiple gestation, a live infant weighing at

1631least 2,000 grams at birth caused by oxygen

1640deprivation or mechanical injury occurring in

1646the course of labor, delivery, or

1652resuscitation in the immediate postdelivery

1657period in a hospital, which renders the

1664infan t permanently and substantially mentally

1670and physically impaired.

167312. The evidence, which is not refuted, established that

1682Jinger - Anne did not sustain an injury to the brain or spinal cord

1696caused by oxygen deprivation or mechanical injury in the course

1706of labor, delivery, or resuscitation in the immediate post -

1716delivery period in a hospital. Therefore, Jinger - Anne is not

1727eligible for benefits under the Plan.


1734Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1744Law, it is ORDERED that :

17501. T he Petition filed by Katherine Nobles, a/k/a Katherine

1760Johnson, on behalf of Jinger - Anne Nobles, is dismissed with


17722. The final hearing scheduled for March 23, 2015, is


1783DONE AND ORDERED this 9th day of March , 2015 , in

1793Tallahas see, Leon County, Florida.



1802Administrative Law Judge

1805Division of Administrative Hearings

1809The DeSoto Building

18121230 Apalachee Parkway

1815Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1820(850) 488 - 9675

1824Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6 847


1832Filed with the Clerk of the

1838Division of Administrative Hearings

1842this 9th day of March , 2015 .


1851(via certified mail)

1854Kenney Shipley, Executive Director

1858Florida Birth Related Neurological

1862Injury Compensation Ass ociation

18662360 Christopher Place, Suite 1

1871Tallahassee, Florida 32308


1875(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2229)

1883David Ryan Best, Esquire

1887Best Law Firm Florida, P.A.

1892Post Office Box 3306

1896Orlando, Florida 32802


1900(Certified Mail No. 70 14 2120 0003 1048 2236)

1909Robert J. Grace, Esquire

1913The Bleakley Bavol Law Firm

191815170 North Florida Avenue

1922Tampa, Florida 33613


1926(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2243)

1934Amie Rice, Investigation Manager

1938Consumer Services Unit

1941Department of H ealth

19454052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C - 75

1953Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3275

1958(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2250)

1966Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

1969Health Quality Assurance

1972Agency for Health Care Administration

19772727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

1983Tallahassee, Flori da 32308

1987(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2267)

1995Leesburg Regional Medical Center, Inc.

2000Attention: Risk Management

2003600 East Dixie Avenue

2007Leesburg, Florida 34748

2010(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2274)

2018Shivakumar Hanubal, M.D.

2021Advanced Obst etrics/Gynecology

20241414 East Main Street

2028Leesburg, Florida 34748

2031(Certified Mail No. 7014 2120 0003 1048 2281)


2045Review of a final order of an administrative law judge shall be

2057by appeal to the District Court of Appeal pursuant to section

2068766.311(1), Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by

2076the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are

2085commenced by filing the original n otice of a dministrative a ppeal

2097with the a gency c lerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings

2109within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a

2122copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the

2132clerk of the appropriate District Court of Appeal. See

2141§ 766.311(1), Fla. Stat., and Fla. Birth - Related Ne urological

2152Injury Comp. Ass'n v. Carreras , 598 So. 2d 299 (Fla. 1st DCA


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Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/11/2015
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/09/2015
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/09/2015
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 03/09/2015
Proceedings: Summary Final Order of Dismissal. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/25/2015
Proceedings: Respondent, Florida Birth-related Neurological Injury Compensation Association's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 12/05/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/05/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 23, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Staros from Robert Grace in response to Order dated November 20, 2014 filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Robert Grace) filed.
Date: 11/20/2014
Proceedings: Order (regarding availability, estimated hearing time, and venue for compensability hearing).
Date: 11/19/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Medical Reports) filed.
Date: 11/19/2014
Proceedings: Medical Reports (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/19/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Response to Petition for Benefits filed.
Date: 11/17/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 10/29/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 10/22/2014
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 10/22/2014
Proceedings: Letter to parties of record from Judge Staros.
Date: 10/15/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 10/15/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 09/18/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Case Reassignment.
Date: 08/14/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 08/11/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Respond to Petition filed.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Order (motion to accept K. Shipley as qualified representative granted).
Date: 07/03/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 07/01/2014
Proceedings: Motion to Act as a Qualified Representative Before the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 06/27/2014
Proceedings: Certified Return Receipt received this date from the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 06/25/2014
Proceedings: Certified Mail Receipts stamped this date by the U.S. Postal Service.
Date: 06/25/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Kenney Shipley from Claudia Llado enclosing NICA claim for compensation.
Date: 06/25/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/23/2014
Proceedings: NICA filing fee $15.00: Check No. 1392 filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 06/19/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Records Custodian from David Best regarding requested medical records (Jinger-Anne Nobles) filed.
Date: 06/19/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Records Custodian from David Best regarding requested medical records (Katherine Nobles, a/k/a Katherine Johnson) filed.
Date: 06/19/2014
Proceedings: Petition for Benefits Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 766.301 et seq. filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Orlando, Florida
Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Associati


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):