14-004678EC In Re: Daniel Calabria vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, May 12, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Advocate did not prove that mayor committed ethics violation by questioning a business owner and discussing the owner's sign urging votes for incumbent city commissioner.




12Respondent. Case No. 14 - 4678EC



21On March 10, 2015, a disputed fact hearing was held in this

33case by video teleco nferenc e with sites in Tallahassee and

44St. Petersburg before J. Lawrence Johnston, Administrative Law

52Judge, Division of Administrative Hearings.


58For Advocate : Melody A. Hadley, Esquire

65Office of the Attorney General

70The Capitol, Plaza L evel 01

76Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

81For Respondent: Joseph A. Corsmeier, Esquire

87Law Office of Joseph A. Corsmeier, P.A.

94Building B, Suite 431

982454 McMullen Booth Road

102Clearwater, Florida 33759 - 1339


111The issue in this case is whether the Respondent is guilty

122of using or attempting to use his position as mayor of the City

135of South Pasadena for his benefit or the benefit of candidates

146that he supported in the 2014 city commission election, in

156violation of section 112 .313(6), Florida Statutes (2013).


166The Ethics Commission received a sworn complaint that the

175Respondent committed the alleged violation on the Friday before

184the city commission election on Tuesday, March 11, 2014. The

194Ethics Commis sion investigated, found probable cause, and

202referred the matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings.

211At the final hearing, six joint exhibits were admitted in

221evidence. (Joint Exhibits 5 and 6 are t ranscripts of deposition

232testimony of two witne sses, which were admitted in lieu of live

244testimony.) The Advocate for the Ethics Commission called five

253witnesses, including the Respondent, and had Advocate Exhibits 7

262through 9 and 11 through 13 admitted in evidence. The Respondent

273testified in his ca se and had one exhibit admitted in evidence.

285A Transcript of the final hearing was filed on March 24,

2962015. The parties filed proposed recommended orders that have

305been considered in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


3181. In M arch 2014, the Respondent was the mayor of the City

331of South Pasadena, having been elected the year before. City

341commission elections were scheduled for Tuesday, March 11. There

350were two contested slots. The incumbents were Max Elson and

360Arthur Penny. The challengers were Harris Blair and Robert

369Small. The Respondent supported the challengers and donated to

378their campaigns to unseat the incumbents, who had been voting

388against the Respondent ' s positions since his election as mayor.

399Of the two elections , the Respondent was more interested in

409unseating Penny, who regularly opposed the mayor.

4162. Pasadena Liquors is a retail business operating in the

426City of South Pasadena. It was operated by Jimmy Valenty, whose

437family trust owned the business. Althou gh not a resident and not

449eligible to vote in the city commission elections, Valenty

458supported Elson, who was a personal friend. A few weeks before

469the election, Elson mentioned to Valenty that the campaign signs

479Valenty allowed him to place outside Pasad ena Liquors kept

489disappearing. Elson asked if Valenty would let him use the

499marquee inside the front window. Valenty agreed. Elson then

508asked if Valenty also would let Penny use it. Valenty had no

520personal interest in Penny ' s campaign but agreed to his friend ' s

534request. Valenty arranged the letters on the marquee to read:


5503. During the week before the election, the Respondent

559received telephone calls regarding the marquee from several

567constituents who were supporting Blair and Small. They did not

577recall the marquee being used to solicit votes for city

587commission elections in the past and questioned whether it was

597legal. The Respondent was not aware of the sign before receiving

608the telephone calls and told his constituents that he would look

619into it.

6214. On Friday, March 7, the Respondent went to Pasadena

631Liquors to talk to Valenty and tell him about the telephone calls

643he had received. Valenty asked if the Respondent was there as

654mayor, and the Responden t said, no, he was there as a concerned

667customer or concerned citizen. During the discussion about the

676propriety and legality of the sign, Valenty asked to see the

687city ' s sign ordinance. The Respondent offered to get a copy of

700it for Valenty.

7035. Norma lly, the mayor would not be involved in enforcement

714of the city ' s sign ordinance. The city ' s government is run by

729the mayor and five commissioners, all elected positions. The

738city has five departments. The mayor oversees the administration

747department. Each commissioner oversees one of the other four

756departments. Code enforcement, which includes enforcement of the

764sign ordinance, is part of the community improvement department

773(CID). Code violations usually would come to the attention of

783the city throu gh either a code enforcement inspection or a

794citizen complaint, which would be referred to code enforcement

803for investigation. It was the CID director ' s job to interpret,

815as necessary, the ordinances being enforced. His interpretation

823would stand unless the city commission overruled him.

8316. In March 2014, Commissioner Elson was in charge of and

842oversaw the CID. The CID ' s director, Neal Schwartz, reported

853directly to Commissioner Elson. After talking to Valenty, the

862Respondent went to Schwartz ' s offic e, told him about his

874conversation with Valenty, and asked for a copy of the sign

885ordinance pertaining to the Pasadena Liquors marquee. Schwartz

893copied the sign ordinance, which was long and convoluted, and

903highlighted the pertinent provisions. It was th e CID director ' s

915opinion that the sign was legal , in part because the marquee was

927a " reader board " with changeable letters.

9337. The CID director offered to check with the county

943election supervisor to verify his opinion and was told that the

954city clerk, who directed the administration department overseen

962by the Respondent, was in charge of city elections. It was not

974clear from the evidence whether the Respondent was still present

984in the office of the CID director when he telephoned the county

996elections s upervisor.

9998. It was clear that the Respondent had left the CID

1010director ' s office before the CID director talked to the city

1022clerk. When the clerk was asked, she was of the opinion that the

1035sign was legal because it was not paid political advertising.

1045She was prepared to tell the Respondent her opinion if he

1056contacted her.

10589. The Respondent did not contact the city clerk for her

1069opinion. After meeting with the CID director, the Respondent

1078returned to Pasadena Liquors to show Valenty the sign ordina nce.

1089Valenty saw nothing in the highlighted portions of the sign

1099ordinance that made it clear to him that the sign was illegal,

1111but there appeared to him to be a size limitation. Valenty got a

1124tape measure and concluded that the sign exceeded the size

1134re quirements. Valenty asked if the Respondent was requiring him

1144to remove the signage from the marquee. The Respondent said no,

1155it was up to Valenty to decide what to do with the sign. Valenty

1169was planning to remove the sign the next day anyway to replace it

1182with advertising for St. Patrick ' s Day, so he decided to go ahead

1196and switch the signage on the marquee that day.

120510. At the election on March 11, the incumbents won.

121511. After information was reported to him about the

1224Respondent ' s actions regardin g the Pasadena Liquors marquee,

1234Commissioner Penny swore out an Ethics Commission complaint

1242alleging that the Respondent went to Pasadena Liquors and

1251demanded that the owner remove the " vote - for - the - incumbents " sign

1265by falsely telling him that he was in vi olation of the political

1278advertisement laws, after insisting that the CID director call

1287the supervisor of elections and not waiting for the opinion of

1298the city clerk as to the sign ' s legality.

130812. After receiving and reading the ethics complaint, the

1317Res pondent brought a copy to Valenty because his name was

1328mentioned , and the Respondent thought he should know about it.

1338Valenty read it and said there was nothing negative in it about

1350him, so he was not concerned about it. The Respondent did not

1362try to inf luence Valenty ' s reaction to the complaint, and there

1375was no evidence that there was anything else to this encounter.

138613. A few months later, the Respondent asked the city clerk

1397to begin the process of recognizing the lounge at Pasadena

1407Liquors for being open for 25 years and to be sure to say that it

1422was at his request. When the city clerk broached the subject

1433with Valenty, he declined the honor because the timing suggested

1443to him that the recognition was to " make up for " any hard

1455feelings that arose fr om the issue regarding the business ' s

1467election sig n . In fact, the timing was a coincidence. The city

1480had recognized Pasadena Liquors for the 10 th anniversary of its

1491lounge being open, and other businesses in the city were

1501recognized similarly when they r eached landmark anniversaries.

15091 4. It was not proven by clear and convincing evidence that

1521the Respondent ' s actions with respect to the Pasadena Liquors

1532marquee were taken for the purpose of influencing the election,

1542and it is unlikely that they had any influence on the election.

1554In part for these reasons, it was not proven by clear and

1566convincing evidence that the Respondent ' s actions with respect to

1577the Pasadena Liquors marquee were taken for the purpose of

1587securing a special privilege, benefit, or exe mption for himself

1597or the unsuccessful candidates. It also was not proven by clear

1608and convincing evidence that the Respondent ' s actions with

1618respect to the Pasadena Liquors marquee were taken with corrupt



16321 5 . Section 112.313( 6), Florida Statutes (2013), provided:

1642(6) Misuse of public position. - No public

1650officer, employee of an agency, or local

1657government attorney shall corruptly use or

1663attempt to use his or her official position

1671or any property or resource which may be

1679wit hin his or her trust, or perform his or

1689her official duties, to secure a special

1696privilege, benefit, or exemption for himself,

1702herself, or others. This section shall not

1709be construed to conflict with s. 104.31.

"1716' Corruptly ' means done with a wrongful int ent and for the

1729purpose of obtaining . . . any benefit resulting from some act or

1742omission of a public servant which is inconsistent with the

1752proper performance of his or her public duties. " § 112.312(9),

1762Fla. Stat. (2013). This means there must be proof that the

1773Respondent acted " with reasonable notice that [his or] her

1782conduct was inconsistent with the proper performance of [his or]

1792her public duties and would be a violation of the law or code of

1806ethics . " Siplin v. Comm ' n on Ethics , 59 So. 3d 150, 151 (Fla.

18215th DCA 2011) (citations omitted).

18261 6 . The elements of an ethics violation, including corrupt

1837intent, must be proven by clear and convincing evidence. Latham

1847v. Fla. Comm ' n on Ethics , 694 So. 2d 83, 86 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997).

18631 7 . The Advocate ' s evi dence did not prove by clear and

1878convincing evidence that the Respondent corruptly used or

1886attempted to use his official position or any property or

1896resource within his trust, or performed his official duties, to

1906secure a special privilege, benefit, or exe mption for himself or



1919Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1929Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Ethics Commission enter a final

1940order dismissing the charges against the Respondent.

1947DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of May , 2015 , in Tallahassee,

1958Leon County, Florida.



1965Administrative Law Judge

1968Division of Administrative Hearings

1972The DeSoto Building

19751230 Apalachee Parkway

1978Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1983(850) 488 - 9675

1987Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1994Filed with the Clerk of the

2000Division of Administrative Hearings

2004this 12th day of May , 2015 .


2013Virlindia Doss, Executive Director

2017Florida Commission on Ethics

2021Post Office Drawer 15709

2025Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709


2031C. Christopher Anderson, III, General Counsel

2037Florida Commission on Ethics

2041Post Office Drawer 15709

2045Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709


2051Millie Wells Fulford, Agency Clerk

2056Florida Commission on Ethics

2060Pos t Office Drawer 15709

2065Tallahassee, Florida 32317 - 5709


2071Melody A. Hadley, Esquire

2075Office of the Attorney General

2080The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

2085Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


2091Joseph A. Corsmeier, Esquire

2095Law Office of Joseph A. Corsmei er, P.A.

2103Building B, Suite 431

21072454 McMullen Booth Road

2111Clearwater, Florida 33759 - 1339



2123All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

213315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any e xceptions

2145to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

2156will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 06/05/2018
Proceedings: Order Dismissing Petition for Attorney Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 08/03/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order and Public Report filed.
Date: 07/29/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/12/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/12/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 10, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/12/2015
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/27/2015
Proceedings: Advocate's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/27/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/24/2015
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/25/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 03/24/2015
Proceedings: Agreed Upon Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 03/24/2015
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/16/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/10/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/09/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Case Law filed.
Date: 03/06/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 03/05/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Pre-Marked Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Joint and Advocate's Pre-marked (Proposed) Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Joint and Advocate's Pre-Marked Exhibits (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Joint and Advocate's Pre-Marked Exhibits.
Date: 03/04/2015
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 03/03/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 02/26/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 02/25/2015
Proceedings: Agreed Upon Motion for Extension to File the Prehearing Stipulation and Submit Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 02/06/2015
Proceedings: Advocate's Notice of Service of Supplemental Responsive Discovery/Production of Documents (Set I) filed.
Date: 02/06/2015
Proceedings: Advocate's Notice of Service of Supplemental Responsive Discovery/Interrogatories (Set I) filed.
Date: 01/05/2015
Proceedings: Advocate's Notice of Service of Responsive Discovery/Interrogatories (Set 1) filed.
Date: 01/05/2015
Proceedings: Advocates Notice of Service of Responsive Discovery/Request for Admissions (Set 1) filed.
Date: 01/05/2015
Proceedings: Advocate's Notice of Service of Responsive Discovery/(Production of Documents (Set 1) filed.
Date: 12/18/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 10 and 11, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg, FL).
Date: 12/17/2014
Proceedings: Agreed Upon Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 12/10/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Admissions to Commission Advocate filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents to Commission Advocate filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Answers to Advocate's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Answers to Advocate's Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Advocate's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 12/04/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Answers to Advocate's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Claire Ippolito) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Arthur Penny) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Carley Lewis) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Jim Valenty) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Neal Schwartz) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Daniel Calabria) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of June Fruland) filed.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 28 and 29, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/17/2014
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/10/2014
Proceedings: (Advocate's) Notice of Service filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Order of Finding Probable Cause filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Advocate's Recommendation filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Report of Investigation filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Determination of Investigative Jurisdiction and Order to Investigate filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Complaint filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (3):