14-005036RX Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc.; Port Everglades Pilots, Inc., D/B/A Port Everglades Pilots Association; And The Florida State Pilots&Apos; Association, Inc., D/B/A Florida Harbor Pilots Association vs. Board Of Pilot Commissioners, Pilotage Rate Review Committee And Department Of Business And Professional Regulation
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, May 27, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rule 61G14-22.012 constitutes an invalid exercise of legislative authority within the meaning of section 120.52(8)(b), (c), (e), and the flush left provision.










34vs. Case No. 14 - 5036RX









62Intervenor .



67The parties to this rule challenge proceeding agreed that

76the issues to be determined are legal matters and stipulated

86that a formal administrative hearing was not required. Thus, no

96formal hearing was held in this matter. On February 9 , 2015,

107proposed final orders were submitted by the parties, for

116consideration by June C. McKinney, a designated Administrative

124Law Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (ÐDOAHÑ) .


135For Petitioner s : Donna E. Blanton

142Radey Law Firm , P.A.

146301 South Bronough, Suite 200

151Tallahassee, Florida 32301

154( Counsel for Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc. )

162Robert Peltz

164The Peltz Law Firm

16810220 S outhwest 141st Street

173Miami, Florida 33176

176( Couns el for Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc. )

185George N. Meros, Jr.

189Gray Robinson, P.A.

192600 South Bronough Street, Suite 600

198Post Office Box 11189

202Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 3189

207( Counsel for Port Everglades Pilots, Inc.,

214d/b/a Port Everglades PilotsÓ Association )

220Warren H. Husband

223Metz, Husband & Daughton , P.A.

228215 South Monroe Street, Suite 505

234Tallahassee, Florida 32301

237( Counse l for The Florida State PilotsÓ

245Association, Inc., d /b/a Florida Harbor

251Pilots Association )

254For Respondent s: Marlene K. Stern

260Clark Jenn ings

263Michael Flury

265Assistant Attorneys General

268Office of the Attorney General

273PL - 01, The Capitol

278Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050

283For Intervenor: Thomas Panza

287Gregory McDermott

289Panza, Mauer & Maynard , P.A.

2943600 North Federal Highway , 3rd Floor

300Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308


308The issue is whether Florida Administrative Code Rule

31661G14 - 22.012 is an invalid exercise of legislatively delegated

326authority in violation of section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes

334(2014) .


338On October 23, 2014, Petitioners Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc.

347(ÐBBP Ñ ); Port Everglades Pilots, Inc., d/b/a Port Everglades

357Pilots Association (ÐPEPAÑ); and the Florida State PilotsÓ

365Association, Inc., d/b/a Florida Harbor Pilots Associat ion

373(ÐFHPAÑ) (collectiv ely ÐP ilotsÑ or ÐPetitionersÑ) filed a

382Petition to Determine the Invalidity of Existing Rule 61G14 -

39222.012, Florida Administrative Code. A final administrative

399hearing was scheduled for November 18, 2014.

406On October 31, 2014, the Pe titioners filed an Unopposed

416Motion to Cancel Hearing and Place Case in Abeyance, which was

427granted on November 5, 2014. Subsequent motions filed by

436Petitioners on November 13, 2014, and December 18, 2014, to

446remove the case from abeyance were denied on N ovember 18, 2014,

458and January 6, 2015, respectively. On January 23, 2015,

467Petitioners filed a Status Report a nd Unopposed Request that

477Case b e Removed from Abeyance. That pleading also advised the

488Administrative Law Judge (ÐALJ Ñ) that because all issues in the

499case are legal issues, no hearing would be necessary and that a

511decision could be made based on th e submission of proposed f inal

524o rders. That motion was granted on January 26, 2015.

534The Florida - Caribbean Cruise Associat ion (ÐFCCAÑ or

543ÐIntervenor Ñ ) filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene on

554November 3, 2014. Petitioners filed a response to FCCAÓs motion

564on November 5, 2014. FCCAÓs Motion for Leave to I ntervene was

576renewed on November 14, 2014, De cember 24, 2014, and on

587Ja nuary 30, 2015. FCCAÓs motion was granted on February 2,


599On February 3, 2015, the parties filed a Stipulated

608Preliminary Statement and Facts , which contains a stipulation

616regarding agreed - upon facts that, where relevant, have been

626incorporated into the Findings of Fact below . The parties filed

637Joint Exhibits 1 through 8.

642The parties were given until February 9, 2015, to file

652their proposed final orders. All submissions were timely filed

661and have been considered in the preparation of this Final Order.


6751. Petitioner BBP is an association of harbor pilots that

685performs the pilotage services at PortMiami. BBP consists of

694pilots licensed by the State of Florida in accordance with

704chapter 310, Florida Statutes. Petitioner PEPA is an

712association of harbor pilots that performs the pilotage services

721at Port Everglades. PEPA consists of pilots licensed by the

731State of Florida in accordance with chapter 310. FHPA is a

742statewide organization representing the interests of FloridaÓs

749approximately 100 state - licensed harbor pilots, the membership

758of which is comprised of the eleven local pilot associations

768that serve each of FloridaÓs 14 deep - water p orts. BBP and PEPA

782are members of FHPA.

7862. Chapter 310 governs pilots, piloting, and pilotage in

795the waters, harbors, and ports of Florida. Section 310.141 ,

804Florida Statutes , requires that, except in certain narrow

812circumstances, all vessels shall have a licensed state pilot or

822deputy pilot on board to direct the movements of the vessel when

834entering or leaving ports of the state or when underway on the

846navigable waters of the stateÓs bays, rivers, harbors, and


8563. Section 310.011 creates the 10 - member Board of Pilot

867Commissioners (Ð BOPC Ñ or ÐBoardÑ) ; each member is appointed by

878the Governor Ðto perform such duties and possess and exercise

888such powers relative to the pr otection of the waters, harbors,

899and ports of this state as are prescribed and conferred on it in

912this chapter.Ñ In addition to other responsibilities, the Board

921determines the number of pilots in each port (section 310.061)

931and disciplines licensed pilot s when appropriate (section

939310.101). Although the BOPC has numerous statutory

946responsibilities, setting the rates of pilotage in each port is

956not one of them .

9614. Florida Administrative Code R ule 61G14 - 22.012

970(Ðchallenged ruleÑ or ÐruleÑ) is entitled ÐDetermination of

978Disputed Issues of Material Fact; Formal or Informal Hearings.Ñ

9875. R ule 61G14 - 22.012 cites section 310.151(1)(c) as

997specific authority.

9996. The challenged rule lists as ÐLaw I mplementedÑ section s

1010310.151 and 120.57.

10137. The former Pi lotage Rate Review Board originally

1022adopted the rule in 1995. When the Legislature amended chapter

1032310 in 2010, the former Pilotage Rate Review BoardÓs name was

1043changed to the Pilotage Rate Review Committee ( ÐPRRCÑ or

1053ÐCommitteeÑ) . The Committee consists of seven members, all of

1063whom are also members of the BOPC. The PRRC is responsible for

1075setting rates of pilotage in each port.

10828. On November 5, 2014, the BOPC/PRRC published a notice

1092in the Florida Administrative Register announcing a teleph one

1101conference call meeting for consideration of ÐRate Review

1109Committee Rules.Ñ PRRC members voted at tha t meeting to repeal

1120rule 61G14 - 22.012, but determined they did not have enough

1131information to know if a Statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs

1141was re quired.

11449. On December 11, 2014, the BOPC/PRRC published a second

1154notice in the Florida Administrative Register announcing a

1162telephone conference call meeting for consideration of ÐRate

1170Review Committee Rules.Ñ At that meeting, the PRRC voted to

1180reconsi der its original vote to repeal rule 61G14 - 22.012, but

1192because the issue of potential reconsideration had not been

1201properly noticed, no official vote on reconsideration was taken.

121010. On January 7, 2015, the BOPC/PRRC published a notice

1220in the Florida Ad ministrative Register announcing a meeting on

1230January 22, 2015, and January 23, 2015. Amo ng the subjects

1241noticed for consideration was ÐReconsideration of Repeal of Rule

125061G14 - 22.012, F.A.C. Ñ This matter was considered by the PRRC on

1263January 23, 2015. B y a 5 - 2 vote, the Committee voted against

1277repealing rule 61G14 - 22.012.

128211. FCCA is a trade association representing cruise lines

1291that are subject to pilotage fees pursuant to chapter 310,

1301Florida Statutes. FCCA has filed petitions to reduce the rates

1311of pilotage in both PortMiami and in Port Everglades.


132312. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties to and subject

1333matter of this proceeding pursuant to section s 120.56(1) a nd

1344(3), Florida Statutes (2014) .

134913. Petitioners are substantially affected by the

1356challenged rule and have associational standing to challenge the


136614. Intervenors a lso have standing to participate in this


137715. Petitioners have Ðthe burden of proving by a

1386preponderance of the evidence that the existing rule is an

1396invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority as to the

1405objections raised.Ñ § 120.56(3)(a), Fla. Stat. The standard of

1414review is de novo. § 120.56(1)(e), Fla. Stat.

142216. Section 120.52 (17) defines Ðrulemaking authorityÑ as

1430Ðstatutory language that explicitly authorizes or requires an

1438agency to adopt, develop, establish or otherwise create any

1447statement coming with in the definition of the term Òrule . Ó Ñ

146017. The challenged rule states in pertinent part:

1468Since the determination of the actual rate

1475of pilotage to be imposed at any port is a

1485quasi - legislative act, the resolution of any

1493disputed issue of material fact by a hearing

1501officer assigned by the Division o f

1508Administrative Hearings shall not result in

1514a recommendation from the hearing officer as

1521to the appropriate rate to be imposed at any

1530port area in question. The hearing

1536officerÓs recommendation shall only extend

1541to resolving disputed issues of material

1547fact which result from a partyÓs disputing

1554the underlying facts upon which the Board

1561has suggested intended rates for the port

1568area in question. ( See Rule 61G1 4 - 22.010,


157918. FCCAÓs assertion that PetitionersÓ rule challenge is

1587absurd because for 20 years the rule has been relied on at

1599various DOAH hearings and other review proceedings is rejected.

1608Petitioners have the right to challenge the rule Ðat a ny time

1620during the existence of the ruleÑ according to the plain

1630language of section 120.56(3)(a).

163419. PetitionersÓ rule challenge is based on the amendments

1643to the Florida Administrative Procedure Act (ÐAPAÑ) in 1999 and

1653subsequent case law. Petitioners contend that the changes have

1662now rendered rule 61G14 - 22.012 an invalid exercise of delegated

1673legislative authority . Pilots assert that the challenged rule

1682violates the requirements of sections 120.52(8)(b), (c), (e),

1690and the flush left provis ion, specifically the language stating

1700that Ðan agency may adopt only rules that implement or interpret

1711the specific powers and duties granted by the enabling statute.Ñ

172120. A n Ðinvalid exercise of delegated legislative

1729authorityÑ is an Ðaction that goes beyond the powers, functions,

1739and duties delegated by the Legislature.Ñ § 120.52 (8), Fla.

1749Stat. A rule is an Ðinvalid exercise of delegated legislative

1759authorityÑ if any one of the following standards relevant to

1769this case applies:

1772(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

1780rulemaking authority, citation to which is

1786required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

1790(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

1796contravenes the specific provisions of law

1802implemented, citation to which is required

1808by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

1811* * *

1814(e) The rule is arbitrary or capricious. A

1822rule is arbitrary if it is not supported by

1831logic or the necessary facts; a rule is

1839capricious if it is adopted without thought

1846or reason or is irrational;

185121. Furthermore, s ection 120.52(8) also contains what is

1860r eferred to as the Ðflush left Ñ provision, an unnumbered

1871paragraph that was added to the APA in 1996, and was revised in

18841999 to restrict the scope of agency rule making authority. The

1895paragraph states in full :

1900A grant of rulemaking authority is necessary

1907but not sufficient to allow an agency to

1915adopt a rule; a specific law to be

1923implemented is also required. An agency may

1930adopt only rules that implement or interpret

1937the specific powers and duties granted by

1944the enabling statute. No agency shall have

1951authority to adopt a rule only because it is

1960reasonably related to the purpose of the

1967enabling legislation and is not arbitrary

1973and capricious or is within the agencyÓs

1980class of powers and duties, nor shall an

1988agenc y have the authority to implement

1995statutory provisions setting forth general

2000legislative intent or policy. Statutory

2005language granting rulemaking authority or

2010generally describing the powers and

2015functions of an agency shall be construed to

2023extend no furth er than implementing or

2030interpreting the specific powers and duti es

2037conferred by the enabling statute.

2042Whether the Department Has Exceeded Its Authority

204922 . Petitioners maintain correctly the challenged rule is

2058invalid and exceeds its grant of rulemaking authority because it

2068prohibits an ALJ from performing duties required under section

2077120.57(1)(k) . Petitioners advance that nothing in the laws

2086implemented or any other statute provides an exception for ALJÓs

2096to perform their duties other th an required under section

2106120.57(1)(k) , and section 310.151(4)(a) plainly states that if a

2115petitioner requesting a hearing raises a disputed issue of

2124material fact, the hearing will be conducted by an ALJ at DOAH

2136Ðpursuant to [sections] 120.569 and 120.57( 1).Ñ

21432 3 . Respondent s counter that the rule has specific

2154authority because fixing rates is a legislative function.

2162Respondent s claim in their Proposed Final Order that the

2172L egislature delegated rate - fixing authority to the PRRC in

2183section 301.151(6) (Ð[t]he committee shall fix rates of

2191pilotageÑ) and ALJs are prohibited from either substitut ing

2200judgment for that of the PRRC regarding pilotage rate or

2210recommend ing a rate in its recommended order , because section

2220301.151(4)(a) limits DOAH Ós decisions to only resolv ing issues

2230of material fact and PRRC Ós quasi - legislative role is to

2242formulate pilotage rates on DOAHÓs factual findings.

22492 4 . F CCA supports Respondents Ó position that the

2260challenged rule is valid and also contends that the d octrine of

2272in para materia should be applied in this matter. FCCA

2282maintain s in its Proposed Final Order that the Legislature

2292provided specific authority for the challenged rule in section

2301310.151(4)(a) when read within the context of the entire section

231131 0.151 and not in isolation . Intervenor advances that the

2322Legislature set up a statutory framework for pilotage rates that

2332deviate s from the usual APA procedures . FCCA correctly states

2343that section 310.15 1(4)(a) takes undisputed matters outside of

2352the typical informal administrative review that is held under

2361section 120.57(2 ) and makes the notice of intended agency action

2372final action if there are no disputed issues of fact raised .

23842 5 . FCCA further contends that a different process was

2395also enacted for the administrative appeals of pilotage rate

2404orders when parties raise disputed issues of material fact

2413seek ing administrative review . FCCA asserts that section

2422310.151(4)(a) is specific authority, when read in para materia

2431with in the entirety of section 310.151 , because it limits

2441section 120.57(1) by narrowing the ALJ Ó s role in a rate - review

2455proceeding to only resolv ing the factual disputes not the

2465pilotage rat e . FCCA contends that such provisions require th at

2477the ALJ only send his or her resolution back to the PRRC , the

2490sole rate arbiter , to analyze and determine the rate as

2500instructed in section 310.151(6) and section

2506310.002(7)(ÐÓPilotageÓ means the compensation fixed by the

2513Pilotage Rate Review C ommittee . . . Ñ) and the challenged rule

2526carries out such an intent .

25322 6 . Rule 61G14 - 22.012 identifies as specific authority

2543section 310.151(1)(c), which the parties have stipulated is

2551currently section 310.151(1)(d). Section 310.151(1)(d) states:

2557(d) The committee has authority to adopt

2564rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54

2571to implement provisions of this section

2577conferring duties upon it. The department

2583shall provide the staff required by the

2590committee to carry out its duties under this

2598section .

26002 7 . Respondent s contend in its Proposed Final Order that

2612identifying section 120.57 as the ÐLaw ImplementedÑ for the

2621challenged rule is outdated and this section should not be

2631relied on for authority , because a technical ch ange could delete

2642it from the ÐLaw I mplementedÑ section. The undersigned rejects

2652such a proposition in that no change has been made in the ÐLaw

2665I mplemented Ñ section and sections 310.151 and 120.57 exist as

2676text and must be addressed regarding this challenge .

26852 8 . The First District limited the scope of authority for

2697rulemaking after the APA 1999 amendments and determined that

2706Ðthe authority to adopt an administrative rule must be based on

2717explicit power or duty identified in the enabling statutes Ñ in

2728S outhwest Florida Water Managemen t District v. Save the Manatee

2739Club, Inc. , 773 So. 2d 594 , 599 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000) (The court

2752determined that because the exemptions from permitting

2759requirements created within the rule had no specific statutory

2768authority, the rule was invalid) . Ultimately, Save the Manatee

2778also set the standards for determining if a rule is authorized

2789by creating the test " whether the statute contains a specific

2799grant of authority for the rule, not whether the grant is

2810specific enough. Either the enabling statut e authorizes the

2819rule at issue or it does not. " Id. at 599.

28292 9 . The First District also identified the parameters for

2840a specific grant of authority in Florida Dep artment of Highway

2851Safety and Motor Vehicles v. JM Auto, Inc . , 977 So. 2d 733 , 734

2865(Fla. 1st DCA 2008). The court reiterated its view that " the

2876legislature ' s intent to restrict the scope of agency rulemaking

2887[requires that the court] approve a rule only when there is

2898statutory language authorizing the agency to adopt rules to

2907implement the subject matter of the statute. " Id. at 734.

291730 . The case law also supports limit ing rulemaking

2927authority to the specific subject matter addressed by the

2936statutory grant . For instance, in State v. Peter R. Brown

2947Construction, Inc . , 108 So. 3d 723, 726 - 27 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013),

2961the statute authorized the Chief Financial Officer to adopt

2970rules to process expenditures; the court held that the Chief

2980Financial Officer lacked the statutory authority to adopt a rule

2990prohibiting public expenditures for decorative items. In Lamar

2998Outdoor Advertising v. Department of Transportation , 17 So. 3d

3007799 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009), the statute authorized the agency to

3018administer statutes "related to the size, lighting, and spacing

3027of signs"; the court held that the agen cy lacked rulemaking

3038authority to adopt a rule as to the height of signs. In

3050Subirats v. Fidelity National Property , 106 So. 3d 997 (Fla. 3d

3061DCA 2013), the statute authorized the agency to adopt by rule a

3073property - insurance mediation program modeled after the practices

3082and procedures of a Supreme Court mediation program; the court

3092held that the agency lacked rulemaking authority to adopt a rule

3103setting a deadline for insurers to give insureds notice of t he

3115mediation program.

31173 1 . The undersigned agrees that the Legislature was

3127specific in creating a different procedure than the APA in

3137section 310.151(4)(a) for handling undisputed matters. T he

3145Legislature only dicta ted that if the Ðpetitioner has not raise d

3157a disputed issue of mate rial factÑ the CommitteeÓs decision

3167shall be final agency action . B y the Legislature not

3178referenc ing section 120.57(2), the informal hearing statute

3186under the APA, in section 310.151(4)(a) , and specifically

3194providing that the noticed rate becomes final, t he Legislature

3204eliminated the section 120.57(2) process where no factual

3212dispute is identified.

32153 2 . Likewise , t he Legislature also clearly mandated how

3226formal hearings with disputed facts should be handled in section

3236310.151(4)(a) , which states in pertinent part :

3243that the committee intends to modify the

3250pilotage rates in t hat port and that the

3259applicant may . . . request a hearing

3267pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act

3273. . . any person whose substantial interests

3281will be affected by the intended committee

3288action may request a hearing pursuant to the

3296Administrative Procedure Act . I f the

3303committee concludes that the petitioner has

3309raised a disputed issue of material fact,

3316the c ommittee shall designate a hearing,

3323which shall be conducted by formal

3329proceeding before an administrative law

3334judge assigned by the Division of

3340Administrative Hearings pursuant to ss.

3345120.569 and 120.57(1) , unless waived by all

3352the parties.

33543 3 . In sectio n 310.151(4)(a), t he Legislature plainly

3365directed that the APA be followed by specifically citing the

3375Administrative Procedures Act twice and instructin g section s

3384120.569 and 120.57(1) be adhered to for formal proceedings at

3394DOAH . This is significant because while some agency heads have

3405the authority to conduct disputed fact - finding hearings pursuant

3415to section 120.57(1), collegial bodies under Department of

3423Business and Professional Regulation ( Ð DPBRÑ) and the Secretary

3433of DBPR do not. See § 120.80(4 )(b), Fla. Stat. Section

3444120.57(1)(k) sets forth the authority of an ALJ in an

3454administrative hearing when disputed issues of material fact

3462exist and requires the ALJ Ðshall complete and submit to the

3473agency and all parties a recommended order consisting of

3482findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommended

3490disposition or penalty, if applicable, and all other information

3499required by law to be contained in the final order.Ñ Section

3510120.57(1)(k) also provides that the hearing shall be Ðde novo.Ñ

35203 4 . Respondents rel y on South Florida Cargo Carriers

3531Association v. D epartment of Business and Prof essional

3540Reg ulation , 738 So. 2d 391 (Fla. 3 rd DCA 1999 ) . However, that

3555case was decided on an earlier version of section 120.52(8) and

3566is not found to be persuasive because case law prior to the APA

35791999 amendments adhere to a different standard with respect to

3589the discretion to be exercised by agencies for rulemaking , and

3599is not the current governing standard for valid exercise of

3609legislative authority. Additionally, Respondent s Ó case law

3617likening a courtÓs decision in a rate case to a n ALJÓs decision

3630is also distinguishable from the instant matter. DOAH is

3639neither a court nor judiciary but instead i s a Division pursuant

3651to section 120.52(5), which has authority under section

3659120. 57 (1)(k) to conduct a full de novo review of agency action

3672and issue a recommended disposition . Therefore, RespondentsÓ

3680position that a Legislative delegation to PRRC of quasi -

3690legislative authority prohibits DOAH from recommended rates is


36993 5 . A grant of rulemaking authority is the Ð statutory

3711language that explicitly authorizes or requires an agency to

3720adopt [a rule].Ñ § 120.52(17), Fla. Stat.

37273 6 . Hence, FCCAÓs position that sufficient authority

3736exists for the challenged rule when sections 310.151(4)(a) and

3745310.151 are read in para materia, is without merit and does not

3757lead to the outcome proposed by FCCA because there is still no

3769statutory authority to a dopt rules restricting ALJs Ó duties when

3780entering a recommended order according to section 120.57(1)(k).

37883 7 . Here, the enabling legislation (specific authority

3797section 310.151(1)(d)) does not explicitly authorize the Board

3805or PRRC to adopt a rule limiting the role of ALJs in full de

3819novo administrative proceedings that consider intended agency

3826action governed by sections 120.569 and 120.57 (1) . Hence, the

3837statute cited as rulemaking authority for the challenged rule

3846fails to contai n the necessary Ðspecific grant of legislative

3856authority . Ñ

38593 8 . Furthermore, the Legislature created exceptions to APA

3869proceeding s in section s 120.80 and 120.81 . However, the

3880Legislat ure did not provide the PRRC an exception that allows

3891proceedings conducted according to section 120.57(1) to vary

3899even though the Legislature outlines exceptions for DBPR , the

3908agency that houses PRRC, in section 120.80(4). Moreover, o nly

3918the Legislature can determine procedures for chapter 120 because

3927neither the Board nor Committee have substantive jurisdiction

3935over chapter 120. Here, t he lack of explicit legislative

3945authorization is fatal to the challenged ruleÓs validity.

3953Accordingly, the undersigned concludes the challenged rule is

3961invalid under section 120.52(8)(b) because the PRRC Ðexceed[s]

3969its grant of rulemaking authorityÑ by impeding the ability of

3979DOAH to conduct a full de novo review of agency action without

3991the PR RC being authorized to restrict DOAHÓs statutory

4000authority .

4002Whether the Rule Enlarges, Modifies, or Contravenes

40093 9 . Petitioners also assert that rule 61G14 - 22.012 is an

4022in valid exercise of legislatively - delegated authority because it

4032enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the specific provision of law

4041implemented, in violation of sections 310.151 and 120.57.

404940 . The word ÐcontraveneÑ means to contradict or conflict .

4060Because no specific statute authorizes PRRC or POPC to limit the

4071authority of an ALJ in an administrative proceeding governed by

4081sections 120.569 and 120. 5 7 (1) , the challenged rule c ontradicts

4093the plain language of section 310.151(4)(a ) , which requires an

4103administrative hearing abide by section 120.57(1). Furthermore,

4110t he challenged rule also conflicts with section 310.151(d),

4119which requires the PRRC to promulgate only rules that are

4129Ð consistent with the law. Ñ Under such circumstances, the

4139challenged rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

4148authority under section 120.52(8)(c ).

4153W hether the Rule is Arbitrary and Capricious

41614 1 . Petitioners also correctly maintain that the

4170challenged rule is arbitrary and capricious.

41764 2 . In the administrative context, the words "arbitrary"

4186and "capricious" have been interpreted as follows: "[a]n

4194arbitrary decision is one not supported by facts or logic, or

4205despotic" and that "[a] capricious action is one which is taken

4216without thought or reason or irrationally." Agrico Chem. Co. v.

4226Dep't of Envtl. Prot. , 365 So. 2d 759 , 763 (Fla. 1st DCA 1 979).

42404 3 . Being that the challenged rule exceeds PRRC Ó s

4252rulemaking authority, it is not rational . Moreover, b y

4262contravening both provisions of the law rule 61G14 - 22.012

4272purports to implement, the challenged rule also fails to

4281logically be related to its stated purpose. As such, the

4291challenged rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

4300authority because it is arbitrary and capricious under section


4310Whether the Rule Violates the Flush Left Provision

43184 4 . Petitioner s also met their burden and demonstrated

4329that the challenged rule violates the Ðflush leftÑ language of

4339section 120.52(8) because when hearings are held at DOAH , all

4349the procedures of section 120 .57(1) should apply, including the

4359requirement that ALJ s conduct full de novo proceedings of

4369intended agency action to resolve the disputed facts and make a

4380recommend ation based on the findings of fact.

43884 5 . A s interpreted in Save the Manatee , t he challenged

4401rul e fails to implement or interpret any specific po wers or

4413duties granted by the Legislature. Instead, the rule limits the

4423designated duties of ALJs, which is contrary to section

4432310.151(1)(d), the enabling statute. Accordingly, since PRRC

4439has not adopted a rule that implements or interprets the

4449specific powers and duties granted by the enabling statute , the

4459rule is invalid under the flush left provision .

4468Uniform Rules of Procedure Exception

44734 6 . Petitioners also contend that rule 61G - 22.012 is an

4486illegal procedural r ule in violation of section 120.54(5)(a)1 .

4496based on the BOPC and PRRC fail ing to seek an exc eption from the

4511Administration C ommission to the statutory requirement that all

4520agencies follow the Uniform Rules of Procedure by July 1, 1 998.

4532The undersigned need not reach a conclusion on the issue since

4543the rule has been found to be invalid based on sections

4554120.52(8)(b), (c), (e), and the flush left provision.


4563Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

4572of Law, it is ORDERED that Florida Administrative Code R ule

458361G14 - 22.012 constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated

4592legislative authority in violation of se ctions 120.52 (8)(b) ,

4601(c), (e), and the flush left provision.

4608DONE AND ORDERED this 20th day of March, 2015 , in

4618Tallahassee, Leon Coun ty, Florida.



4627Administrative Law Judge

4630Division of Administrative Hearings

4634The DeSoto Building

46371230 Apalachee Parkway

4640Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4645(850) 488 - 9675

4649Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4656Filed with the Clerk of the

4662Division of Administrative Hearings

4666this 20th day of March, 2015 .


4676Donna Elizabeth Blanton, Esquire

4680Radey Law Firm, P.A.

4684301 South Bronough Street , Suite 200

4690Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4694Warren H. Husband, Esquire

4698Metz, Husband and Daughton, P.A.

4703215 South Monroe Street , Suite 505

4709Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4713George N. Meros, Jr., Esquire

4718GrayRobinson, P.A.

4720301 South Bronough Street, Suite 600

4726Post Office Box 11189

4730Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 3189


4736Robert Peltz, Esquire

4739The Peltz Law Firm

474310220 Southwest 141st Street

4747Miami, Florida 33176


4751William N. Spicola , General Counsel

4756Department of Business

4759and Professional Regulation

4762Northwood Centre

4764194 0 North Monroe Street

4769Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0792


4775Marlene K. Stern, Esquire

4779Clark R. Jennings, Esquire

4783Michael Flury, Esquire

4786Florida Department of Legal Affairs

4791The Capitol, Plaza Level 01

4796Tallahassee, Florida 32399


4800Thomas Fran cis Panza, Esquire

4805Panza, Maurer and Maynard, P.A.

48103600 North Federal Highway , 3rd Floor

4816Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308


4821Ernest Reddick, Chief

4824Alexandra Nam

4826Department of State

4829R. A. Gray Building

4833500 South Bronough Street

4837Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250


4843Ken Plante, Coordinator

4846Joint Admin istrative Proced ures Committee

4852Room 680, Pepper Building

4856111 West Madison Street

4860Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1400


4866John MacIver, Executive Director

4870Board of Pilot Commissioners

4874Department of Business

4877and Professional Regulation

4880Northwood Centre

48821740 North Monroe Street

4886Tallahassee, Florida 32399


4890Robyn Barineau, Executive Director

4894Pilotage Rate Review Board

4898Department of Business

4901and Professional Regulation

4904Nort hwood Centre

49071740 North Monroe Street

4911Tallahassee, Florida 32399



4921A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

4932entitled to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida

4941Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

4950of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

4958filing one copy of a Notice of Appeal with the agency clerk of

4971the Division of Administrative Hearings and a second copy,

4980accompanied by filing fees pr escribed by law, with the District

4991Court of Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of

5002Appeal in the appellate district where the party resides. The

5012Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of

5024the order to be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/27/2015
Proceedings: Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 05/27/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction to Respondent with Right to Reopen Case filed.
Date: 05/21/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 05/07/2015
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for June 11, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL; amended as to date of hearing).
Date: 04/15/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 27, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/06/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Order to Re-opening File filed.
Date: 03/30/2015
Proceedings: Order Re-opening File. CASE REOPENED.
Date: 03/27/2015
Proceedings: Petition to Reopen Case for Purpose of Awarding Attorneys' Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 03/20/2015
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/20/2015
Proceedings: Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Proposed Final Order of Petitioners Biscayne Bay Pilots, Inc., Port Everglades Pilots, Inc., and The Florida State Pilots' Association filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Pilotage Rate Review Committee's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association'ss Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 02/03/2015
Proceedings: Stipulated Preliminary Statement and Facts filed.
Date: 02/02/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Petition to Intervene.
Date: 01/30/2015
Proceedings: Florida Caribbean Cruise Association's Third Renewed Motion for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 01/26/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Remove Case from Abeyance.
Date: 01/23/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioners') Status Report and Unopposed Request that Case be Removed from Abeyance filed.
Date: 01/06/2015
Proceedings: Order Denying Request that Case be Removed from Abeyance.
Date: 12/24/2014
Proceedings: Florida Caribbean Cruise Association's Second Renewed Motion for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 12/22/2014
Proceedings: Response to Request to Remove Case from Abeyance filed.
Date: 12/18/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Status Report and Request that Case be Removed from Abeyance filed.
Date: 11/18/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioners` Motion to Remove Case from Abeyance.
Date: 11/14/2014
Proceedings: Florida Caribbean Cruise Association's Renewed Motion for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 11/13/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioners') Status Report and Request that Case be Removed from Abeyance and that Final Hearing be Rescheduled filed.
Date: 11/05/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to FCAA's Motion for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 11/05/2014
Proceedings: Order Canceling Hearing and Placing Case in Abeyance (parties to advise status by January 5, 2015).
Date: 11/03/2014
Proceedings: Florida Caribbean Cruise Association's Motion for Leave to Intervene.
Date: 10/31/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioners') Unopposed Motion to Cancel Hearing and Place Case in Abeyance filed.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 18, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Clark Jennings) filed.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Marlene Stern) filed.
Date: 10/27/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Flury) filed.
Date: 10/24/2014
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 10/24/2014
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Liz Cloud from Claudia Llado copying Ken Plante and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 10/23/2014
Proceedings: Petition to Determine the Invalidity of Existing Rule 61G14-22.012 filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Department of Business and Professional Regulation


Related Florida Statute(s) (12):