Patricia M. Fox vs.
Orange County School Board
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, April 8, 2015.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Wednesday, April 8, 2015.
15PATRICI A M . FOX , EEO C Cas e No . 15D20140042 3
28Petitioner , FCH R Cas e No . 2014-0053 4
37v . DOAHCaseNo . 14-535 1
43ORANG E COUNT Y SCHOO L BOARD , FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 4
58Respondent .
81Thi s g Closin r fo matte r i e befor s th e r n consideratio f o n th e Orde Commissio Fil e an d
109Relinquishin g Jurisdiction , date d Apri l 8 , , 2015 d above-style e b d i n issue matte th r y
130Administrativ e La w Judg e Linzi e F . Bogan .
142Preliminar y Matter s
146Judg e Bogan' s Orde r Closin g Fil e d an Relinquishin g Jurisdictio n states , "Thi s caus e i s
169befor e d Renewe s n Respondent' d undersigne e th o Motio n fo r Reconsideration/Rehearin g
187(Motion) . Responden t contend s tha t a disput e o f l materia fac t doe s no t exis t wit h t respec t o
216Petitioner' s allegation s an d request s tha t n jurisdictio b e relinquishe d t o th e Florid a Commissio n
240o n Huma n Relations . Petitione r di d no t fil e a e respons t o th e Motion . Th e undersigne d bein g
269full y , , is t i , therefore e th f o d premises advise ORDERE D : that 1 . Responden t (sic ) Motio n i s
296GRANTED... "
297Finding s o f Fac t an d Conclusion s o f La w
311Th e Orde r Closin g Fil e an d Relinquishin g n Jurisdictio e th o t s s r unclea reasonin i a g
337behin d th e grantin g o f Respondent' s . Motion Specifically , th i t i s unclea r whethe r e
360Administrativ e La w Judg e grante d th e Motio n e becaus Petitione r di d no t file a respons e th t o e
388Motio n o r becaus e th e Administrativ e La w e Judg d i n containe s argument accepte th d th e e
414Motion .
416Wit h regar d t o Petitioner' s failur e t o file a e respons e th t o Motion , w e not e tha t th e
445applicabl e rul e make s th e filing o f a respons e o a t motio n permissive , bu t no t obligatory , an d
472contain s n o statemen t o f an y e advers effec t g resultin fro m no t filing a respons e t o a motion . Se e
503Fla . Admin . Cod e R . 28-106.204(1 ) d an Florid a o/b/ Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s o
527Bahiwi h Watso n v . Viering , r Orde FCH R No . 10-07 0 (Septembe r 7 , 2010) .
547FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 4
555Pag e 2
558Wit h regar d t o Respondent' s o n t n contentio tha e issu o f materia l i t w exists tha e not , t fac e t
589i s appropriat e fo r th e Divisio n o f Administrativ e o t Hearing s relinquis h jurisdictio n o f a cas e o t a
619referrin g agenc y i f n o issu e o f l materia fac t exists . See , Sectio n 120.57(l)(i) , Florid a Statute s
645(2014) . However , i n discriminatio n case s s i t ha bee n questio th stated , "Th e ultimat e n o f e
671existenc e o f discriminatio n i s a questio n o f " fact. Florid a Departmen t o f Communit y Affair s v .
697Bryant . 58 6 So . 2 d 1205 , a t 120 9 . (Fla 1 s t DC A 1991) ; accord , Taylo r v . Universa l Studios ,
726FCH R Orde r No . 2014) , 26 , (Marc 7 14-00 h Eave s v . B IMT-L Centra l Florid a Portfolio . LLC .
752FCH R Orde r No . 11-02 9 (Marc h 17 , 2011) , d an Cole y v . Ba y Count y Boar d o f Count y
780Commissioners . FCH R Orde r No . y ver s i t i , Therefore , 2010) 17 h (Marc 7 10-02 . difficul t t o
806conclud e i n a cas e t instan e th h a suc s , case r prio t o hearing , tha t n o issu e o f materia l t exists fac .
841Readin g th e Petitio n fo r Relie f i n conjunctio n h wit th e Complaint , w e conclud e tha t a t th e
870ver y leas t s Petitioner' allegation n i s th t Complain e an r d Petitio 3 s unde an d 5 f o " th e "Question n
900fo r Relie f sugges t a n issu e f o materia l s t fac o a s whethe exist t f o t th e assignmen r s classe i n
934Augus t o f 201 3 t o amounte d unlawfu l t treatmen disparat e discriminatio n o n th e s basi o f
960Petitioner' s se x an d age , a s wel l n a existenc s a f o e e th issu e o f materia l o t s a whethe t fac r
995Petitione r wa s unlawfull y constructively discharged .
1004Whil e i t ma y b e argue d tha t a e chang n i jo b assignmen t i s no t a n advers e employmen t
1035action , o r matte a s i t no r o s i t i r whethe f t fac unde r th e circumstance s o f h eac cas e and , i n ou r
1072view , e n give e th d shoul r Petitione b opportunit y allegations t o prov e he r .
1093Fo r th e abov e reasons , includin g e th o t s uncertaint y e th a Administrativ e La w Judge' s
1118reaso n fo r grantin g Respondent' s , Motion o e matte e shoul d remande e th th d t b believ e w r e
1145Administrativ e La w Judg e fo r furthe r r fo n Petitio e proceeding n o s Relief th .
1167Exception s
1169Neithe r part y file d exception s t o th e e Administrativ La w Judge' s Orde r Closin g Fil e an d
1195Relinquishin g Jurisdiction .
1199Reman d
1201Th e Petitio n fo r Relie f f o t d an Complain Discriminatio n ar e REMANDE D th t o e
1225Administrativ e La w Judg e fo r furthe r r fo n Petitio e n o s proceeding th Relie f consisten t wit h thi s
1253Order .
1255DON E AN D ORDERE D thi s JV_ da y O V^ILUUJ , 2015 .
1282Commissione r Gilber t M . Singer , Pane l Chairperson ;
1292Commissione r Ton y Jenkins ; an d
1299Commissione r Rebecc a Steel e
1305FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 4
1313Pag e 3
1316File d thi s lO da y o f tuuO , 201 5
1328i n Tallahassee , Florida .
1333Cler k U
1336Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
1344407 5 Esplanad e Way , Roo m 11 0
1353Tallahassee , F L 3239 9
1358(850 ) 488-708 2
1362Copie s furnishe d to :
1368Patrici a M . Fo x
1374c/ o Michell e Stile , Esq .
1381Stil e La w Finn , PLL C
1388251 4 Eas t Jackso n Stree t
1396Orlando , F L 3280 3
1401Orang e Count y Schoo l Boar d
1409c/ o Joh n C . Palmerini , Esq .
1418Orang e Count y Publi c School s
142644 5 Wes t Ameli a Stree t
1434Orlando , F L 3280 1
1439Linzi e F . Bogan , Administrativ e La w Judge , DOA H
1451Jame s Mallue , Lega l Adviso r fo r Commissio n Pane l
1464I HEREB Y CERTIF Y tha t fcop y s ha foregoin g th f o e n bee maile d t o th e abov e liste d
1493Cler k o f th e Commissio n
1501Florid a Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 06/10/2015
- Proceedings: Order Remanding Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 15-3338 ESTABLISHED)
- PDF:
- Date: 04/15/2015
- Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding Respondent's Proposed Exhibits to Respondent.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/14/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum in Response to Petitioner's Response to Renewed Motion for Reconsideration/Rehearing filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/14/2015
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Renewed Motion for Reconsideration/Rehearing filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/13/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum in Opposition to Motion to Set Aside filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/06/2015
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Response to Interrogatories/Witness List filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/31/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Renewed Motion to Strike Petitioner's Witness List as Untimely filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/10/2015
- Proceedings: Order Denying Without Prejudice Respondent`s Motion to Compel Discovery Responses.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/10/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Request for Production filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 02/10/2015
- Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 14, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando, FL).
- PDF:
- Date: 02/03/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Strike Petitioner's Witness List and Exhibit List as Untimely filed.
- Date: 01/30/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
- PDF:
- Date: 01/29/2015
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by February 6, 2015).
- PDF:
- Date: 01/28/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Continuance filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/28/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Intent to Seek Attorney's Fees and Costs filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/26/2015
- Proceedings: Order on Respondent`s Motion to Dismiss, or in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Final Order.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/23/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Supplemental Authority in Support of it's Motion to Dismiss, or in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/21/2015
- Proceedings: Letter to Patricia Fox from John Palmerini regarding request for admissions, Defendant's first set of interrogatories, and request to produce filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 01/06/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Dismiss, or in the Alternative, Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/15/2014
- Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 12/10/2014
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 3, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Orlando Hearing Location).
- PDF:
- Date: 11/24/2014
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 3, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Orlando and Tallahassee, FL).
- Date: 11/14/2014
- Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 11/14/2014
- Date Assignment:
- 11/14/2014
- Last Docket Entry:
- 08/26/2015
- Location:
- Orlando, Florida
- District:
- Middle
- Agency:
- Remand
Tammy Scott Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record -
John C. Palmerini, Esquire
Address of Record -
Michelle Stile, Esquire
Address of Record -
Tammy S Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record