14-002705PL Pam Stewart, As Commissioner Of Education vs. Annette Jones Walker
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, February 6, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent aided students on the FCAT or that she intentionally provided false information on her application for renewal.






15vs. Case No . 14 - 2705PL





29On October 1 4 - 15, 2014, Administrative Law Judge Lisa

40Shearer Nelson conducted a duly - noticed hearing in this case in

52Greensboro, Florida.


55For Petitioner: J. David Holder, Esquire

61J. David Holder, P.A.

65387 Lakeside Drive

68Defuniak Springs, F lorida 32435

73For Respondent: Peter J. Caldwell, Esquire

79Florida Education Association

82213 South Adams Street

86Tallahassee, Florida 32301


94The first issue to be determined is whether Respondent,

103Annette Jones Walker , violated the provisions of section

1111012.795(1)(a), (d), (j), or (k), Florida Statutes (2010), and/or

120Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A - 10.081(3)(a), and (5)(a),

129(g), and (h). If any violations of these provisions are found,

140then it must be determined what penalty may be appropriate.


152On September 18, 2014, Pam Stewart , as Commissioner of

161Education (Petitioner or the Commissioner) , filed an

168Administrative Complaint against Respondent, Annette Jones

174Walker, asserting that she provide d inappropriate assistance to

183students as they took the 2011 Science Florida Comprehensive

192Assessment Test (FCAT) by pointing to incorrect answers or

201telling students to look again at certain answers, and that she

212was removed as a testing administrator fro m future testing

222environments. Based upon these allegations, the Administrative

229Complaint charged Respondent with violating section

2351012.795(1)(d) and (g). On October 3, 2014, through counsel,

244Respondent filed an Election of Rights form which disputed th e

255allegations in the Administrative Complaint and requested a

263hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The

271matter was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings

280on June 11, 2014, for the assignment of an administrative law

291judge. After input from the parties, a Notice of Hearing was

302issued on June 20, 2014, scheduling the case for August 28, 2014,

314in Quincy, Florida.

317Previously the Commissioner had referred Stewart v. Tunisia

325Hairston , DOAH Case No. 14 - 0 987, to the Division for hearing.

338The case was assigned to the undersigned, and scheduled for

348hearing on July 22, 2014. On June 30, 2014, counsel for both

360R espondents filed a Motion to Hold Proceedings in Abey ance or to

373Consolidate . The motion noted that the allegations against the

383Respondents were identical, involving the same FCAT test

391administration, and would involve the testimony of many common

400witnesses. Respondents requested that the cases either be heard

409together or that the Walker case be abated until a disposition

420was entered in the Hairston case. Petitioner objected to the

430motion, noting that while the allegations involved the same

439factual scenario, the alleged violations occurred in different

447classrooms and would involve the testimony of different students

456for each case. On July 2, 2014, the Motion to Hold Proceeding in

469Abeyance or to Consolidate was denied.

475Petitioner filed a Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative

484Complaint on July 7, 2014, which was granted by Order dated

495July 10, 2014. Respondent moved to stri ke legal conclusions from

506the Amended Administrative Complaint with respect to paragraphs

514five through ten, arguing that Petitioner impermissibly injected

522argument and legal conclusions into the factual allegations of

531the complaint. On July 22, 2014, an O rder was issued denying the

544motion, stating the paragraphs identified did not appear to be in

555violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.2015.

564However, the Order noted that the only provisions upon which any

575penalties would be imposed, should th e evidence support the

585allegations in the Amended Administrative Complaint, would be

593those listed in Counts 1 - 4. If Petitioner was seeking additional

605penalties based upon paragraphs 5 - 9 as separate violations,

615Petitioner would need to seek to further amen d the complaint.

626Petitioner then sought leave to further amend the Amended

635Administrative Complaint, both to address the issue discussed in

644the July 22 Order, but also to add charges based upon additional

656allegations related to Ms. WalkerÓs application for renewal of

665her teaching certificate. Respondent did not respond to the

674motion, and on August 18, 2014, the motion was granted.

684On August 19, 2014, the parties filed a Joint Motion for

695Continuance and Joinder. In the motion, the parties indicated

704that Respondent Walker needed more time to prepare for the

714additional allegations in the Second Amended Administrative

721Complaint, and that the parties had concluded that it would be

732more efficient to try both cases together. T he parties also

743asserted that the cases tried together would take two days to

754complete. In both cases, Motions for Change of Venue had been

765filed, requesting that the location of the hearing be changed to

776West Gadsden High School in Greensboro, Florida. As a result, on

787August 25, 2014, t he two cases were consolidated for the purpose

799of hearing, and rescheduled for October 14 - 15, 2014, at West

811Gadsden High School in Greensboro.

816The parties filed Amended Joint Pre - hearing Stipulations in

826each case which included stipulated facts for which no evidence

836at hearing was required. Those facts, where relevant, have been

846incorporated into the findings of fact below. The hearing

855commenced as scheduled and was completed on October 15, 2014. 1/

866At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of Dr. P ink

876Hightower, Veronica White, Victoria Ash, Bridget Royster, Anthony

884Jackson, S tudents S. B . , T . W ., D . M . , and L.T., 2 / Rosalyn Smith,

904Cedric Chandler, and Stephen Pitts. PetitionerÓs Exhibits 1 and

9132 were marked for identification but not offered into evid ence.

924PetitionerÓs Exhibits 3 - 15 were admitted. Respondent testified

933on her own behalf and presented the testimony of Valorie Sanders,

944Tamika Battles, Tracey Shelley, s tudents K . M . , A . F . , R . A ., M . C . ,

966D . Y . , A . C . , J . J . , A . M . , and E . S . , and Tunisia Hairston .

991RespondentsÓ Exhibits 1 - 4 were admitted into evidence.

1000Many of the people listed on both partiesÓ witness lists

1010were students, some of whom apparently no longer reside in

1020Gadsden County. Petitioner Ós counsel filed a return of non -

1031service with respect to K.B., and learned the morning of the

1042hearing that K.B. was now in Atlanta. Petitioner requested that

1052the record remain open for a period of 30 days in order to take

1066K.B.Ós deposition. The request was granted over objection, with

1075the provision that Re spondent could also depose identified

1084students listed in the prehearing stipulation as witnesses for

1093whom service could not be obtained. Although two students were

1103initially identified for Respondent, counsel indicated later in

1111the hearing that it appeare d no attempt at service had been made

1124for those students, and he could not demonstrate unavailability

1133for those students. On October 31, 2014, Petitioner filed a

1143Notice of Taking Deposition with respect to K.B., scheduling the

1153deposition for November 13, 2014. However, on November 14, 2014,

1163Petitioner filed a Sworn Motion for Admission of Witness

1172Statement of Student K.B. in Lieu o f Deposition testimony ,

1182asserting that K.B.Ós father refused to allow him to be deposed,

1193and seeking to admit his written stat ement in lieu of his written

1206testimony. The remedy for the failure to honor a subpoena is to

1218file a petition in circuit court. § 120. 569(2)(k)2., Fla. Stat.

1229(2014). Accordingly, the motion was denied by Order dated

1238November 25, 2014.

1241The transcript for the hearing was filed with the Division

1251on December 3, 2014. Corrections to several pages in the

1261transcript were filed on December 30, 2014. At RespondentÓs

1270request, the deadline for filing proposed recommended orders was

1279extended to January 9, 2015. B oth parties timely filed their

1290Proposed Recommended Orders which have been carefully considered

1298in the preparation of this Recommended Order. After submission

1307of the Proposed Recommended Orders, the cases were severed for

1317preparation of separate recommend ed orders.


1327Based upon the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses and

1337other evidence presented at hearing, and upon the entire record

1347of this proceeding, the following facts are found:

13551. Respondent holds Florida EducatorÓs Certificate number

1362948631 , covering the areas of elementary education and English

1371for speakers of other languages, which is valid through June 30,


13832. At all times pertinent to the allegations in the Second

1394Amended Administrative Complaint, Respondent was emplo yed as a

1403teacher at Greensboro Elementary School in the Gadsden County

1412School District (District).

14153. In April of 2011, Respondent was teaching fifth grade.

1425Her daughter, Tunisia Hairston, taught fifth grade in the

1434classroom adjacent to hers. Respondent worked as a substitute

1443teacher for approximately 14 years and as a full time teacher for

145510 years. She currently teaches second grade in the same school.

14664. The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is a

1475state - wide assessment administered pu rsuan t to section

14851008.22(3)(c) , Florida Statutes (2010). For the 2010 - 2011 school

1495year, the reading component was given to grades three through

1505ten; math was given to grades three through eight; science was

1516given to grades five and eight; and writing was give n to grades

1529four, eight, and ten. At issue in this case is the

1540administration of the science portion of the FCAT to fifth

1550graders in Ms. HairstonÓs and Ms. WalkerÓs classrooms at

1559Greensboro Elementary.

15615. Pearson, Inc., was the company with whom the Stat e of

1573Florida contracted to provide the 2011 FCAT. The evidence

1582presented indicates that Pearson provided the test booklets to

1591each county, which then distributed the test booklets to each

1601school. The schoolÓs test assessment coordinator would then

1609distri bute the tests to each teacher, matched with a list of the

1622students each teacher was supposed to test. After the tests were

1633completed, they were returned by the teacher to the assessment

1643coordinator, who in turn returned the test booklets to the

1653district. Pearson picked up each districtÓs test booklets and

1662transported them to either Austin, Texas , or Cedar Rapids, Iowa ,

1672for scoring.

16746. There is no allegation or evidence presented to indicate

1684that there was any irregularity with regard to the test booklet s

1696b e fore they arrived at Greensboro Elementary or after the test

1708was completed.

17107. Test booklets are Ðconsumable,Ñ meaning that there is no

1721separate answer sheet. Multiple - choice answers are recorded in

1731the test booklet itself. A subcontractor of Pearso nÓs, Caveon

1741Data Forensics (Caveon), ran an analysis on the erasure marks on

1752the answer portion of the test booklets for each grade, in order

1764to set baseline data for similarities of answers in a particular

1775test group code or school with respect to erasure s. Generally,

1786erasure analysis is performed to identify potential anomalies in

1795the testing and to identify potential questions for review in

1805terms of question validity. Standing alone, the erasure analysis

1814provides nothing useful. It must be viewed in c onjunction with

1825other information.

18278. The erasure analysis performed by Caveon identified 21

1836Florida schools with scores that were above the threshold set for

1847erasures. Gadsden County had three schools fitting within that

1856category: Stewart Street Elemen tary School for third - grade

1866reading, Greensboro Elementary School for fifth - grade science,

1875and West Gadsden High School for tenth - grade reading retake. The

1887science classes affected at Greensboro Elementary were those of

1896Ms. Hairston and Ms. Walker.

19019. Th e Superintendent for each district with a high erasure

1912index, including Superintendent Reginald James of Gadsden County,

1920was notified by letter dated June 9, 2011, of the testing groups

1932involved. Th e letter requested the Superintendent to conduct an

1942inter nal investigation to examine the administration of the

1951affected tests for any testing irregularities, including testing

1959conditions and test security protocols at the schools. The

1968Superintendent was notified that each school would initially

1976receive an ÐIÑ for its 2010 - 2011 accountability outcomes until

1987the erasure issue was resolved , or the Commissioner determined

1996that sufficient data was available to accurately assign the

2005schools a grade.

200810. Deputy Superintendent Rosalyn Smith conducted an

2015internal inv estigation for Gadsden County, with the assistance of

2025the DistrictÓs testing coordinator Shaia Beckwith - James.

2033According to Ms. Smith, the two of them collected documents and

2044submitted them to the Department of Education, with Ms. Beckwith -

2055James performin g a lot of ÐlegworkÑ on the investigation. 3/ Both

2067Ms. Hairston and Ms. Walker were interviewed and the interviews

2077recorded. Ms. Smith testified that she did not find that either

2088teacher had violated any testing protocols, but could not explain

2098the high e rasures. Both Ms. Walker and Ms. Hairston were removed

2110as administrators from future administrations of the FCAT, a move

2120that both teachers welcomed. No evidence was presented to

2129indicate that the District considered, or that either teacher was

2139notified that, removal as a test administrator was considered


214911. On June 16, 2011, Superintendent James forwarded to DOE

2159information collected as part of the DistrictÓs internal

2167investigation related to those schools with high erasure indexes.

2176Supe rintendent James asked that the Department exclude the scores

2186of any students with an erasure index of 1.3 or higher from the

2199schoolÓs letter grade calculatio n in order to assign the school s

2211a letter grade as opposed to an ÐIÑ rating.

222012. On June 29, 2011 , Deputy Commissioner Chris Ellington

2229wrote back to Superintendent James regarding the schools in his

2239district with high erasure indexes. With respect to Greensboro

2248Elementary, he stated,

2251While your investigation found no

2256improprieties for Grade 5 Scienc e at

2263Greensboro Elementary School, there is

2268sufficient statistical evidence that student

2273test results may have been advantaged in

2280some way. . . . Because this high percentage

2289of three or more net wrong - to - right erasures

2300is extremely unusual, the Department Ós

2306decision is to remove these test results

2313from the 2010 - 2011 accountability outcomes

2320for this school. Consequently, the ÐIÑ

2326designation will be removed and the

2332accountability outcomes will be calculated

2337without these student test results.

234213. Green sboro Elementary subsequently received an A grade

2351for the year.

235414. On March 6, 2012, then - Commissioner Gerard Robinson

2364notified Superintendent James that he was requesting the

2372DepartmentÓs Office of Inspector General to investigate whether

2380there was any fraud with respect to the administration of the

23912011 FCAT. The Inspector GeneralÓs Office then conducted an

2400administrative investigation of four schools: Chaffee Trail

2407Elementary; Charter School of Excellence; Greensboro Elementary;

2414and Jefferson County Elementary.

241815. The Inspector GeneralÓs investigation was conducted by

2426Bridget Royster and Anthony Jackson. They received the results

2435from the DistrictÓs investigation, and requested testing booklets

2443from the Division of Accountability and Research Man agement, who

2453had the studentsÓ test booklets for fifth - grade science shipped

2464from Texas. Ms. Royster counted the number of erasures on each

2475test booklet and created answer keys for each student. She also

2486developed questions to ask each student to determi ne if the

2497erasures were theirs. She and Mr. Jackson interviewed some, but

2507not all, of the students from the two c lasses based upon their

2520availability at the time , and interviewed Principal Stephen

2528Pitts; Cedric Chandler, the schoolÓs guidance counselor wh o

2537served as the testing coordinator; and Tamika Battles and Valorie

2547Sanders, who both served as proctors for the 2011 FCAT. They

2558attempted to interview Ms. Walker and Ms. Hairston, who both

2568declined to be interviewed, 4/ preferring instead to seek counsel.

257816. Ms. Royster and Mr. Jackson recorded answers from the

2588students on the questionnaire form they had developed. However,

2597a review of the handwriting on the forms submitted into evidence

2608reveals that they were filled out by Ms. Royster and Mr. Jackson,

2620as opposed to being filled out by the students themselves. The

2631statements made also refer to the students in the third person,

2642supporting the belief that these are statements as understood by

2652the investigators, as opposed to the actual statements of the

2662s tudents. Based on these interviews, the investigative report

2671prepared by Ms. Royster and Mr. Jackson states in part:

2681Ðalthough evidence does not support that fifth - grade teachers,

2691Annette Walker and Tunisia Hairston, altered student answer

2699tests, stateme nts taken during the investigation reveal that they

2709did coach or interfere with their studentsÓ responses during the

2719administration of the FCAT.Ñ Ms. Royster acknowledged that

2727erasures can be caused by students going over their answers a

2738second time; by c heating; by a studentÓs confusion; by a student

2750changing his or her mind about the answer; and by other

2761unspecified reasons. She also acknowledged that they did not ask

2771the students whether they cheated, as that was not the focus of

2783the investigation.

27851 7. Respondent adminis t e red the 2011 Science Comprehensive

2796Assessment Test (FCAT) for students in her classroom on April 19

2807and 20, 2011.

281018. The science portion of the FCAT was the last portion to

2822be administered. It consisted of two sessions on success ive

2832days, with 29 questions on one day and 31 questions on the other.

2845Both sessions were 55 minutes long. All 60 questions are in the

2857same booklet. There may be one or two questions per page,

2868depending on the question, so the test booklet is approximate ly

287950 - 60 pages long. There are different forms of the test, but the

2893core items are the same for each student.

290119. Teachers were trained regarding testing protocols and

2909security measures by Cedric Chandler, Greensboro ElementaryÓs

2916Guidance Counselor and A ssessment Coordinator. Each teacher

2924responsible for administering the FCAT was provided with a

2933testing administration manual, including a copy of Florida

2941Administrative Code Rule 6A - 10.042, which governs the

2950administration of the test. There is also a fo rm that is signed

2963by educators when they attend the training that indicates that

2973they understand and have read the rules. The FCAT/FCAT 2.

2983Administration and Security Agreement signed by Respondent states

2991in pertinent part:

2994Florida State Board of Educatio n Rule 6A -

300310.042, F.A.C., was developed to meet the

3010requirements of the Test Security Statutes,

3016s. 1008.24, F.S., and applies to anyone

3023involved in the administration of a

3029statewide assessment. The Rule prohibits

3034activities that may threaten the integrity

3040of the test. . . . Examples of prohibited

3049activities are listed below:

3053Ư Reading the passages or test items

3060Ư Revealing the passages or test items

3067Ư Copying the passages or test items

3074Ư Explaining or reading passages or test

3081items for students

3084Ư Changing or otherwise interfering with

3090student responses to test items

3095Ư Copying or reading student responses

3101Ư Causing achievement of schools to be

3108inaccurately measured or reported

3112* * *

3115All personnel are prohibited from examining

3121or copying the test items and /or the

3129contents of student test books and answer

3136documents. The security of all test

3142materials must be maintained before, during,

3148and after the test administration. Please

3154remember that after ANY test administration,

3160initial OR make - up, materials must b e

3169returned immediately to the school

3174assessment coordinator and placed in locked

3180storage. Secure materials should not remain

3186in classrooms or be taken out of the

3194building overnight.

3196The use of untrained test administrators

3202increases the risk of test inva lidation due

3210to test irregularities or breaches in test


3218I, (insert name) , have read the Florida Test

3226Security Statute and State Board of

3232Education Rule in Appendix B, and the

3239information and instructions provided in all

3245applicable sections of th e 2011 Reading,

3252Mathematics, and Science Test Administration

3257Manual. I agree to administer the Florida

3264Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT/FCAT

32682.0) according to these procedures.

3273Further, I will not reveal or disclose any

3281information about the test item s or engage

3289in any acts that would violate the security

3297of the FCAT/FCAT 2.0 and cause student

3304achievement to be inaccurately represented

3309or reported.

331120. Respondent signed the Security Agreement on April 7,


332121. Teachers are also given a specifi c script to read for

3333every grade and subject being tested. For the fifth - grade science

3345test, the script is approximately five pages long. Teachers are

3355instruct ed that they are to read the script and that their actions

3368should comport with the directions i n the script.

337722. Victoria Ash is the bureau chief for K - 12 assessment at

3390the Florida Department of Education. Her office is charged with

3400the development, administration, assessment, scoring, and

3406reporting of the FCAT. Ms. Ash indicated that there are n o stakes

3419attached to the science test at the state level. When asked about

3431protocols to follow in the administration of the FCAT, Ms. Ash

3442indicated that it is not permissible for teachers to assist

3452students, as teacher interference would cause results not to be an

3463accurate measure of the studentsÓ ability. It is not permissible

3473to walk up to a student, point to a question and answer and tell

3487the student to take another look at that question. Such behavior

3498is not permitted either verbally or by some other physical cue.

3509When a student calls a teacher over during the FCAT to ask a

3522question, the teacher is to avoid any specific response. However,

3532it is acceptable, according to Ms. Ash, for a teacher to say

3544things such as Ðjust keep working hard,Ñ Ðthink abo ut it more, you

3558will eventually get it,Ñ or Ðdo your best.Ñ To say something like

3571Ðjust remember the strategies we discussedÑ would be, in Ms. AshÓs

3582view, Ðgoing right up to the edgeÑ of permissible responses. As

3593long as the response is not to a specific question, a teacher

3605would not be violating the protocols to tell students to read over

3617their answers again, and to make sure the students answered every


362923. The Second Amended Administrative Complaint alleges that

3637Respondent provided inappropri ate assi stance to students in her

3647fifth - grade class as they took the 2011 Science FCAT by pointing

3660to incorrect test answers or telling students to look again at

3671certain answers.

367324. Five students from Ms. WalkerÓs class testified at

3682hearing with respect to the 2011 science FCAT examination. Of

3692those five, one studentÓs testimony could be construed as

3701supporting the allegations in the Administrative Complaint.

370825. D.M. testified that Ms. Walker just walked around the

3718classroom. She ÐwasnÓt giving nob ody answers. . . . She just tell

3731you that maybe you should redo that one.Ñ She testified that

3742Ms. Walker told her to ÐrelookÑ at a question, but also testified

3754that she did not think Ms. Walker actually said anything, but

3765rather pointed to the test bookle t. D.M. admitted that her memory

3777was not very clear, stating, Ðit was so long ago.Ñ

378726. Students S.B., J.J., A.M., and E.S. also testified.

3796S.B. said she Ðkind ofÑ remembered the test, but that nothing

3807about the test really stood out. She believed that in response to

3819a question she had about the test, Ms. Walker may have given a

3832general answer, such as, check over the page again. She did n ot

3845remember Ms. Walker giving any hints to the class. S.B.Ós

3855testimony is vague and general at best, and does not support a

3867finding of inappropriate assistance.

387127. J.J. testified that she was focused on the test, and was

3883not paying attention to what others were doing. She stated that

3894Ms. Walker did not go around the room giving hints to students

3906during the test, an d she did not recall Ms. Walker putting her

3919finger on anyoneÓs test in a Ðhinting manner.Ñ

392728. Similarly, A.M . testified that she did not remember

3937Ms. Walker going around giving hints about how students should

3947answer questions. Ms. Walker did not give any hints to A.M. and

3959A.M. did not hear Ms. Walker give any hints to anyone else. A.M.

3972stated that it was really quiet in the room, and while it is hard

3986to remember that far back, if a teacher was giving hints on the

3999FCAT, she would remember it.

400429. E.S. also testified that it was pretty quiet during the

4015FCAT. She was not paying attention, but did not think that

4026Ms. Walker went around the room giving hints about answers. She

4037admitted that she did not remember much about the test, and could

4049not separate out what happened in the science part of the test as

4062opposed to the rest of the FCAT, but thinks it would have stood

4075out if something inappropriate happened. She was focused on the

4085test but aware of what was going on in the classroom, and

4097Ms. Walker never pointed to anything on her test booklet, and

4108thinks she would have heard something if Ms. Walker said anything


412030. Valorie Sanders was the proctor assigned to Ms. WalkerÓs

4130class. 5/ She does not recall exactly what Ms. Walker said during

4142t he test, but believed it was for the students to focus. She did

4156not see Ms. Walker do anything that would violate testing

4166protocols, for which she had received training; did not recall

4176Ms. Walker giving hints to any students; did not recall any

4187instance w here Ms. Walker implied a student should change an

4198answer from wrong to right; and did not see Ms. Walker point to an

4212answer on a studentÓs test.

421731 . Finally, Ms. Walker denied that she gave any

4227inappropriate assistance to students during the test. She stated

4236that she made statements such as Ðpay attention,Ñ Ðfocus,Ñ Ð go

4249back over your tests if you finish early,Ñ and Ðmake sure you have

4263an answer for every question,Ñ but did not make any comments about

4276specific questions on the test. Ms. Walker testifi ed that she

4287remained seated during most of the testing because it is painful

4298for her to walk. She did walk around once when she saw

4310Mr. Chandler in Ms. HairstonÓs class next to hers, and if she saw

4323students staring off into space she would touch the stude ntÓs desk

4335to get them back on task, but did not point to specific questions.

4348Ms. Walker testified that she had been giving tests to students

4359for 20 years and had never been accused of any impropriety. She,

4371like her daughter, welcomed the decision not to proctor any more

4382FCA T test s .

438732. After careful review of the evidence presented, it is

4397found that Ms. Walker did not violate testing protocols by

4407providing assistance to students during the 2011 science FCAT.

4416She did not point to specific questions/ans wers or tell a student

4428(or indicate without talking) that the student should change the

4438answer to any particular question.

444333. The type of coaching alleged in the Second Amended

4453Administrative Complaint woul d be quite difficult to do, give n the

4465structure of the test and the testing environment. There is no

4476answer key to the test, and according to Ms. Ash, there are

4488different forms of the test. Some pages have one question while

4499others have two. Students are given a set amount of time to

4511complete the tes t, but work ed at different speeds. Many finished

4523early, while some may not have completed it. In order for

4534Ms. Walker to give the kind of assistance alleged, she would have

4546to stand by the testing student, read the question on the page,

4558see the answ er given, recognize it as wrong, and point out the

4571error to the student. Such a scenario is improbable at best,

4582given that the testimony is undisputed that Ms. Walker had a

4593difficult time walking 6/ and only walked around the one time she

4605saw Mr. Chandler. The explanation that she would point to the

4616desk in order to gain a childÓs attention and get them to focus is


463134. It is not clear from the record at hearing when the

4643Department of Education began or ended the investigation with

4652respect to RespondentÓs license. The Administrative Complaint was

4660signed by the Commissioner on September 18, 2013.

466835. Ms. Walker testified that she did not remember receiving

4678the Administrative Complaint, although she knew that there was an

4688Administrative Compla int regarding the FCAT. She received a lot

4698of paperwork during this time period, but did not read it all.

4710She hired Mr. Caldwell to represent her during the investigative


472136. On October 3, 2013, an Election of Rights form was filed

4733on Ms. WalkerÓ s behalf requesting time to negotiate a settlement

4744with the Office of Professional Practices, and if an agreement was

4755not reached during that time, electing a formal hearing. The

4765Election of Rights form is signed by counsel, and not by

4776Ms. Walker.

477837. On March 13, 2014, Ms. Walker completed an application

4788for renewal form for renewal of her educatorÓs certificate. The

4798form has a variety of questions, all of which Ms. Walker answered

4810Ðno.Ñ The questions listed included the following:

4817Have you ever been convicted of a criminal


4826Have you ever been found guilty of a criminal


4836* * *

4839Are there currently charges pending against you

4846for any criminal offense?

4850Have you ever had a professional license or

4858certificate sanctioned or disciplined in this

4864state or any other state?

4869* * *

4872Do you have any current disciplinary action

4879pending in this state or any other state against

4888a professional license or certificate or against

4895an application for a professional license or


490338. Following the questions was a box that stated the


4914Florida Law requires you to provide a YES or

4923NO answer to the questions within the Legal

4931Disclosure section of your application, even

4937if previously submitted. If you answered

4943YES to any question in the L egal Disclosure

4952section on the application form, you must

4959provide detailed complete information for

4964each affirmative response within the

4969corresponding section in this Legal

4974Disclosure Supplement.

4976* * *

4979Having a criminal history or administrative

4985sanction against a professional license does

4991not automatically disqualify a person from

4997receiving a Florida EducatorÓs Certificate,

5002but such incidents will prompt a review by

5010the Office of Professional Practices


501639. For the section labeled ÐProfessio nal License or

5025Certificate Sanction(s), Ñ the form required the applicant to

5034identify the state, year, and issuing agency, as well as the

5045license or certificate affected and the ÐSanction and Reason.Ñ

505440. Above the sign ature line, the form states: Ð I do hereby

5067affirm by my signature that all information provided in this

5077application is true, correct, and complete. Ñ

508441. At the time Ms. Walker filled out the application, no

5095discipline against her certificate had been imposed. There was,

5104however, a proceed ing in which Petitioner sought to impose

5114discipline against her certificate. However, at that time, there

5123would have been no year, sanction, or reason for her to list in

5136the disclosure supplement.

513942 . Applications for renewal are completed at the school

5149district and forwarded to the Department of Education for

5158processing. Ms. Walker testified that she went to the district

5168office at the end of the day and was in a hurry when she filled

5183out the application. At first she skipped the question about

5193Ðcurrent disciplinary action pendingÑ because she did not

5201understand the question. She bubbled it ÐnoÑ because she was in a


521443. Veronica White of the Department of Education Bureau of

5224Educator Certification explained the process for renewing

5231educator c ertificates. She has been employed by the bureau since

52421998. Ms. White was asked about the meaning of the term Ðpend ing

5255disciplinary action Ñ on the application form:

5262Q. Ms. White, you referred to a question,

5270referred to the application, the renew

5276applic ation of Ms. Walker. Let me ask you

5285about a question on that application. When

5292the Education Practices Commission, I will

5298call it EPC. When EPC has ordered

5305discipline, but it has not yet gone into

5313effect; is that pending discipline?

5318A. You are asking me questions that I canÓt

5327answer. I donÓt work in Professional

5333Practices Services.

5335Q. Okay.

5337A. I can only answer from the certification

5345side. I am sorry.

5349Q. Okay. Can I ask you about the meaning

5358of pending discipline on the application

5364form; is th at something you feel you have

5373expertise in, the meaning of pending


5380A. No.

5382Q. You canÓt? Okay. All right. So you do

5391not know the meaning of pending discipline

5398on that application form?

5402A. No, I really donÓt.

540744. At the time Ms. Walk er completed her renewal

5417application, there was no final order imposing discipline against

5426her license. There were disciplinary proceedings seeking to

5434impose discipline that had not yet been resolved. It was not

5445unreasonable, given the structure of the a pplication, for her to

5456answer ÐnoÑ to the question as phrased, especially in light of

5467the information sought in the legal disclosure supplement. She

5476did not seek to obtain the renewal of her teaching certificate by

5488fraudulent means.

549045 . Some of Ms. Walk erÓs evaluations were admitted into

5501evidence. A review of RespondentÓs Exhibit 3 reveals that there

5511are multiple copies of some of the evaluations, and the

5521evaluation for 2010 - 2011 lacks a signature page. With respect to

5533those evaluations that are comple te, Ms. Walker was rated

5543Ðoutstanding Ñ and Ðeffective.Ñ


555046 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

5558jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

5568action in accordance with sections 120.569 and 120.57(1).

557647 . This is a proceeding in which Petitioner seeks to

5587discipline Respondent's educator certification. Because

5592disciplinary proceedings are considered penal in nature,

5599Petitioner is re quired to prove the allegations in the Second

5610Amended Administrative Complaint by clear and convincing

5617evidence. Dep't of Banking & Fin. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670

5629So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292

5641(Fla. 1987).

564348 . Clear and convincing evidence Ðrequires more proof than

5653a Òpreponderance of the evidenceÓ b ut less than Òbeyond and to

5665the exclusion of a reasonable doubt.ÓÑ In re Graziano , 696 So.

56762d 744, 753 (Fla. 1997). As stated by the Florida Supreme Court:

5688Clear and convincing evidence requires that

5694the evidence must be found to be credible;

5702the facts to which the witnesses testify must

5710be distinctly remembered; the testimony must

5716be precise and lacking in confusion as to the

5725facts in issue. The evidence must be of such

5734a weight that it produces in the mind of the

5744trier of fact a firm belief or convict ion,

5753without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

5761allegations sought to be established.

5766In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005)(quoting Slomowitz v.

5778Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)). ÐAlthough this

5790standard of proof may be met where t he evidence is in conflict, it

5804seems to preclude evidence that is ambiguous.Ñ Westinghouse

5812Elect. Corp. v. Shuler Bros. , 590 So. 2d 986, 989 (Fla. 1991).

582449 . Section 1012.796 describes the disciplinary process for

5833educators, and provides in pertinent pa rt:

5840(6) Upon the finding of probable cause, the

5848commissioner shall file a formal complaint

5854and prosecute the complaint pursuant to the

5861provisions of chapter 120. An

5866administrative law judge shall be assigned

5872by the Division of Administrative Hearings

5878of the Department of Management Services to

5885hear the complaint if there are disputed

5892issues of material fact. The administrative

5898law judge shall make recommendations in

5904accordance with the provisions of subsection

5910(7) to the appropriate Education Practices

5916C ommission panel which shall conduct a

5923formal review of such recommendations and

5929other pertinent information and issue a

5935final order. The commission shall consult

5941with its legal counsel prior to issuance of

5949a final order.

5952(7) A panel of the commission shall enter a

5961final order either dismissing the complaint

5967or imposing one or more of the following


5976(a) Denial of an application for a teaching

5984certificate or for an administrative or

5990supervisory endorsement on a tea ching

5996certificate. The denial may provide that

6002the applicant may not reapply for

6008certification, and that the department may

6014refuse to consider that applicantÓs

6019application, for a specified period of time

6026or permanently.

6028(b) Revocation or suspension of a


6035(c) Imposition of an administrative fine

6041not to exceed $2,000 for each count or

6050separate offense.

6052(d) Placement of the teacher,

6057administrator, or supervisor on probation

6062for a period of time and subject to such

6071conditions as the commission m ay specify,

6078including requiring the certified teacher,

6083administrator, or supervisor to complete

6088additional appropriate college courses or

6093work with another certified educator, with

6099the administrative costs of monitoring the

6105probation assessed to the educat or placed on

6113probation. An educator who has been placed

6120on probation shall, at a minimum:

61261. Immediately notify the investigative

6131office in the Department of Education upon

6138employment or termination of employment in

6144the state in any public or private position

6152requiring a Florida educatorÓs certificate.

61572. Have his or her immediate supervisor

6164sub mit annual performance reports to the

6171investigative office in the Department of


61783. Pay to the commission within the first 6

6187months of each probation year the

6193administrative costs of monitoring probation

6198assessed to the educator.

62024. Violate no law and shall fully comply

6210with all district school board policies,

6216school rules, and State Board of Education


62245. Satisfactorily perform his or her

6230assigned duties in a competent, professional


62376. Bear all costs of complying with the

6245terms of a final order entered by the


6254(e) Restriction of the authorized scope of

6261practice of the teacher, administrator, or


6268(f) Reprimand of the teacher,

6273administrator, or supervisor in writing,

6278with a copy to be placed in the

6286certifica tion file of such person.

6292(g) Imposition of an administrative

6297sanction, upon a person whose teaching

6303certificate has expired, for an act or acts

6311committed while that person possessed a

6317teaching certificate or an expired

6322certificate subject to late renewal , which

6328sanction bars that person from applying for

6335a new certificate for a period of 10 years

6344or less, or permanently.

6348(h) Refer the teacher, administrator, or

6354supervisor to the recovery network program

6360provided in s. 1012.798 under such terms and

6368conditions as the commission may specify.

637450 . The Second Amended Administrative Complaint makes the

6383following factua l allegations against Respondent:

63893. On or about April 19 and 20, 2011, in

6399Gadsden County, Florida, Respondent provided

6404inappropriate assistance to fifth grade

6409students as they took the 2011 Science

6416Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)

6421by pointing to incorrect test answers or

6428telling students to look again at certain


64364. Respondent was removed as a test

6443administrator from future testing

6447environments. RespondentÓs studentsÓ FCAT

6451scores were recommended to be invalidated by

6458the district.

64605. The Respondent is in violation of Section

64681008.24(1), Florida Statutes, in that

6473Respondent knowingly and willfully violated

6478test security rules adopted by the State

6485Board of Education for mandatory tests

6491administered by or through the State Board of

6499Ed ucation or the Commissioner of Education to

6507students, educators, or applicants or

6512certification or administered by school

6517districts pursuant to s. 1008.22.

65226. The Respondent is in violation of Section

65301008.24(1)(c), Florida Statutes, in that

6535Respondent c oached examinees during testing

6541or altered or interfered with examineesÓ


65487. The Respondent is in violation of Section

65561008.24(1)(g), Florida Statutes, in that

6561Respondent participated in, directed, aided,

6566counseled, assisted in, or encouraged a ny of

6574the acts prohibited in this section.

65808. The allegations of misconduct set forth

6587herein are in violation of Rule 6A -

659510.042(1)(c), Florida Administrative Code, in

6600that Respondent assisted examinees in

6605answering questions.

66079. The allegations of misc onduct set forth

6615herein are in violation of Rule 6A -

662310.042(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code, in

6628that Respondent interfered with examinees

6633answers while administering test [sic].

663810. The allegations of misconduct set forth

6645herein are in violation of Rul e 6A -

665410.042(1)(f), Florida Administrative Code, in

6659that Respondent has participated in,

6664directed, aided, counsel, assisted in, or

6670encouraged an activity which could result in

6677the inaccurate measurement or reporting of

6683examineesÓ achievement.

668511. On or ab out January 19, 2013, Respondent

6694received a letter by certified mail from the

6702Office of Professional Practices Services

6707(PPS) in the Florida Department of Education,

6714informing Respondent that PPS Ðhas now

6720concluded its preliminary investigation and

6725is prep ared to provide [Respondent] an

6732opportunity to review the materials and

6738respond to the allegations.Ñ The letter

6744state d , in part, Ð. . . if founded these

6754allegations could result in sanctions against

6760your Florida EducatorÓs Certificate.Ñ On or

6766about Septe mber 18, 2013, the Commissioner of

6774Education found Probable Cause to justify

6780sanctions against RespondentÓs Florida

6784EducatorÓs Certificate.

678612. On or about March 13, 2014, Respondent

6794submitted an application to renew her Florida

6801Educator Certificate. Th e application, under

6807the ÐProfessional License or Certificate

6812Sanction(s)Ñ section, asked the following

6817question: ÐDo you have any current

6823disciplinary action pending in this state or

6830any other state against a professional

6836license or certificate or agains t an

6843application for a professional license or

6849certificate? Respondent falsely answered

6853Ðno,Ñ and swore that her application was

6861Ðtrue, accurate, and complete.Ñ

686551 . Based upon these factual allegations, Petitioner charged

6874Respondent with violating sect ion 1012.795(1)(a), (d) , (j), and

6883(k), and rule 6A - 10.081(3)(a), (5)(a), (g), and (h). Section

68941012.795(1) provides in pertinent part:

6899(1) The Education Practices Commission may

6905suspend the educator certificate of any

6911person as defined in s. 1012.01(2) o r (3)

6920for up to 5 years, thereby denying that

6928person the right to teach or otherwise be

6936employed by a district school board or

6943public school in any capacity requiring

6949direct contact with students for that period

6956of time, after which the holder may return

6964t o teaching as provided in subsection (4);

6972may revoke the educator certificate of any

6979person, thereby denying that person the

6985right to teach or otherwise be employed by a

6994district school board or public school in

7001any capacity requiring direct contact with

7007s tudents for up to 10 years, with

7015reinstatement subject to the provisions of

7021subsection (4); may revoke permanently the

7027educator certificate of any person thereby

7033denying that person the right to teach or

7041otherwise be employed by a district school

7048board or public school in any capacity

7055requiring direct contact with students; may

7061suspend the educator certificate , upon an

7067order of the court or notice by the

7075Department of Revenue relating to the

7081payment of child support; or may impose any

7089other penalty provided by law, if the


7097(a) Obtained or attempted to obtain an

7104educator certificate by fraudulent means.

7109* * *

7112(d) Has been guilty of gross immorality or

7120an act involving moral turpitude as defined

7127by rule of the State Board of Education.

7135* * *

7138(j ) Has violated the Principles of

7145Professional Conduct for the Education

7150Profession prescribed by the State Board of

7157Education rules.

7159(k) Has otherwise violated the provisions

7165of law, the penalty for which is the

7173revocation of the educator certificate.

717852 . Rule 6A - 10.081 was not in effect at the time of the

7193alleged conduct giving rise to the allegations against

7201Respondent. Childers v. Dep't of Envtl. Prot. , 696 So. 2d 962,

7212964 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997)(ÐThe version of a statute in effect at

7224the time grounds f or disciplinary action arise controls.Ñ).

7233However, its predecessor, rule 6 B - 1.006, contained the same

7244provisions with respect to the subsections charged. Pertinent

7252s ections in subsections (3) and (5) in both rules provide:

7263(3) Obligation to the student requires that

7270the individual:

7272(a) Shall make reasonable effort to protect

7279the student from conditions harmful to

7285learning and/or to the studentÓs mental and/

7292or physical health and/or safety.

7297* * *

7300(5) Obligation to the profession of

7306education require s that the individual:

7312(a) Shall maintain honesty in all

7318professional dealings.

7320* * *

7323(g) Shall not misrepresent oneÓs own

7329professional qualifications.

7331(h) Shall not submit fraudulent

7336information on any document in connection

7342with professional activit ies.

734653. Petitioner did not prove the allegations against

7354Respondent by clear and convincing evidence. The burden of proof

7364in this proceeding is a high burden for Petitioner to meet. After

7376careful review of the evidence presented, the evidence is

7385insufficient to demonstrate that Respondent provided inappropriate

7392assistance to students as alleged in the Second Amended

7401Administrative Complaint. Further, it appears that RespondentÓs

7408removal as a test administrator and invalidation of student test

7418sco res was undertaken, not as an indication that Respondent did

7429anything wrong, but as a measure to insure that Greensboro

7439Elementary School received a letter grade for accountability

7447purposes. The record presented at hearing demonstrated that

7455Respondent con tinues to be a valued member of the teaching staff

7467at Greensboro Elementary. Given the failure to prove that

7476Respondent gave inappropriate assistance to students during the

7484science FCAT administration, Petitioner has not established that

7492Respondent violat ed sections 1012.795(1)(d), (j), or (k), or

7501Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A - 10.081(3)(a) and (5)(a), as

7511alleged in Counts 2 - 6 of the Second Amended Administrative


752354. With respect to allegations that Respondent violated

7531section 1012.795(1) (a), and rule 6A - 10.081(5)(g) an d (h) (Counts

75431, 7, and 8) , the evidence must be examined in light of the

7556specific language of both the renewal application and the language

7566of the charged violation s . The question that Petitioner alleges

7577that Respondent an swered falsely, asks about Ðpending disciplinary

7586action.Ñ It does not, as the corresponding question regarding

7595criminal proceedings does, ask whether there are ÐchargesÑ

7603pending. More telling, the person who has processed these

7612applications for over fift een years could not explain what was

7623meant by the question, and the description contained in the form

7634for supplemental disclosure is open to the interpretation that

7643only information regarding discipline that has been decided in

7652some form, but may, for exam ple, be pending issuance of a final

7665order or pending the results of an appeal , is being sought . Under

7678these circumstances, it is understandable that Respondent was

7686confused about the question, and answered it ÐnoÑ because she knew

7697of no existing disciplin e at that time.

770555. Moreover, where a term is not defined in statute or

7716rule, its common ordinary meaning applies. Donato v. American

7725Tel. & Tel. Co. , 767 So. 2d 1146 (Fla. 2000); Cole Vision Corp. v.

7739DepÓt of Bus. & ProfÓl Reg. , 688 So. 2d 404, 410 (Fl a. 1st DCA

77541997). The plain and ordinary meaning of a word may be

7765ascertained by reference to a dictionary. Green v. State , 604 So.

77762d 471, 473 (Fla. 1992). BlackÓs Law Dictionary defines the term

7787ÐfraudÑ by saying:

7790Fraud consists of some deceitful prac tice or

7798willful device, resorted to within intent to

7805deprive another of his right, or in some

7813manner to do him an injury. As

7820distinguished from negligence, it is always

7826positive, intentional.

7828www.thelawdictionary.org/fraud . Under this definition, the

7834ev idence does not support a finding that Ms. Walker acted in an

7847intentional or willful manner with the intent to deceive anyone

7857with respect to her license , especially where, as here, the

7867action originated from DOE . Similarly, the term Ðfraud ulent

7877misrepres entationÑ means an Ðintentional disregard of false or

7886possibly false information.Ñ

7889www.thelawdictionary.org/fruadulent - misrepresentation . Given

7894these definitions, a violation of section 1012.795(1)(a) and rule

790310.081(5)(g) and (h) has not been demonstrat ed by clear and

7914convincing evidence.


7917Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7927Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission

7936enter a Final Order dismissing the Second Amended Administrative

7945Complaint in its entirety.

7949DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of February, 2015 , in

7959Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7967Administrative Law Judge

7970Division of Administrative Hearings

7974The DeSoto Building

79771230 Apalachee Parkwa y

7981Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7986(850) 488 - 9675

7990Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7997Filed with the Clerk of the

8003Division of Administrative Hearings

8007this 6th day of February , 2015 .


80161/ The undersigned notes that Pauline West, the p rincipal of West

8028Gadsden High School, and her assistant, Ms. Conyers, were more

8038than accommodating and went out of their way to make sure that

8050the participants in the hearing had everything they could need.

8060Without their hospitality, it would have been much more difficult

8070to obtain the presence of the many students who testified, and

8081their efforts to provide a hearing space is much appreciated.

80912 / All students testifying in this proceeding are identified by

8102their initials.

81043/ Ms. Beckwith - James did not testify.

81124/ Both women voiced a concern that Ms. Beckwith - James had been

8125involved in the di strict investigation. Not only was

8134Ms. Beckwith - James the District assessment coordinator, but she

8144was also a distant relative of theirs. According to the

8154Respondents, there had been a family dispute over the appropriate

8164disposition of some land , and Ms. Beckwith - JamesÓ allegiance on

8175the issue was not aligned with theirs. Her involvement gave them

8186little confidence in the investigative process. As Ms. Beckwith -

8196James did not testify, no findings are made with respect to her

8208motivations in this c ase.

82135/ P etitioner asserts that Ms. Sanders was not in the room for

8226both days of science testing, in large part because for one day,

8238she signed the security log ÐValorie SandersÑ and on the other

8249day, she signed the log ÐV. Sanders. Ñ Ms. Sanders could n ot

8262explain the difference. However, on the first log , Ms. Sanders

8272was not the first person to sign the log . The first person

8285signing in was Ms. Walker, who had used her first initial and

8297last name. Ms. Sanders simply followed suit. On the second

8307page, Ms. SandersÓ was the first signature, and she used both her

8319first and last name. The difference in form does not support an

8331inference that Ms. Sanders was not actually present.

83396/ Ms. Walker testified that she had trouble with her knees,

8350making it painf ul for her to walk. Mr. Chandler also testified

8362that he would go pick up Ms. WalkerÓs test booklets because of

8374her problems walking.


8379Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director

8384Education Practices Commission

8387Department of Education

8390Su ite 316

8393325 West Gaines Street

8397Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


8403Peter James Caldwell, Esquire

8407Florida Education Association

8410213 South Adams Street

8414Tallahassee, Florida 32301


8418David Holder, Esquire

8421J. David Holder P.A.

8425387 Lakeside Dr ive

8429Defuniak Springs, Florida 32435


8434Matthew Mears, General Counsel

8438Department of Education

8441Suite 1244

8443325 West Gaines Street

8447Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400


8453Marian Lambeth, Bureau Chief

8457Bureau of Professional Pract ices Services

8463Suite 224 - E

8467325 West Gaines Street

8471Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400



8483All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

849315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any excepti ons

8505to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8516will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/18/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/11/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/06/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/06/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held October 14 and 15, 2014). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/06/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/23/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Certificate of Oath Taken (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 01/23/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Certificate of Oath Taken filed.
Date: 01/14/2015
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Nelson from Peter Caldwell regarding a CD containing respondent's proposed recommended order filed.
Date: 01/14/2015
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Nelson from Peter Caldwell regarding a CD containing respondent's proposed recommended order filed.
Date: 01/09/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 01/09/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/09/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 01/09/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/30/2014
Proceedings: Corrected Transcript of Proceedings pages for Volume I (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/22/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Court Reporter requesting corrections to transcript of formal hearing (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 12/22/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Court Reporter requesting corrections to transcript of formal hearing filed.
Date: 12/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 12/10/2014
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 12/10/2014
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volume I-IV (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/03/2014
Proceedings: Order (Petitioner's motion for substitution of redacted copies is denied as moot).
Date: 12/02/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Substitution of Redacted Copies of Exhibits (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 12/02/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Substitution of Redacted Copies of Exhibits filed.
Date: 11/25/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner`s Sworn Motion for Admission of Witness Statement of Student K.B. in Lieu of Deposition Testimony.
Date: 11/14/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Sworn Motion for Admission of Witness Statement of Student K.B. in Lieu of Deposition Testimony filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 11/14/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice Concerning Post-Hearing Depositions filed.
Date: 11/14/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice Concerning Post-Hearing Depositions (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/31/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Notice of Taking Deposition (of K. B.) (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/14/2014
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/10/2014
Proceedings: Petitioners Notice of Availability of Electronic Copies of Test Booklets filed.
Date: 10/09/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion in Limine.
Date: 10/08/2014
Proceedings: Amended (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/08/2014
Proceedings: Amended (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/07/2014
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/07/2014
Proceedings: (Joint) Pre-hearing Stipulation (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/07/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response and Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion in Limine (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/07/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response and Motion to Strike Respondent's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 10/02/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine: Primary Evidence Destroyed by Petitioner's Agent: Unavailable for Respondents to Inspect or Defend Against (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 10/02/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine: Primary Evidence Destroyed by Petitioner's Agent: Unavailable for Respondents to Inspect or Defend Against filed.
Date: 09/23/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration.
Date: 08/25/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for October 14 and 15, 2014; 9:00 a.m.; Quincy, FL).
Date: 08/25/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's Supplemental Interrogatories filed.
Date: 08/25/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's Supplemental Interrogatories (filed in Case No. 14-002705PL).
Date: 08/25/2014
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation for Purpose of Hearing (DOAH Case Nos. 14-0987PL and 14-2705PL).
Date: 08/21/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Amended Motion for Change of Venue filed.
Date: 08/21/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motionfor Reconsideration of Order Granting Leave to File Second Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/20/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Second Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/19/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by August 26, 2014).
Date: 08/19/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Motion for Change of Venue filed.
Date: 08/19/2014
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Continuance and Joinder filed.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Reconsideration of Order Granting Petitioner's Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 08/18/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Petitioner`s Second Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint.
Date: 08/14/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Change of Venue filed.
Date: 08/05/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Second Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/29/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Filing Supplemental Interrogatory filed.
Date: 07/22/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Answer (to amended administrative complaint) filed.
Date: 07/22/2014
Proceedings: Order on Motion to Strike Legal Conclusions from Complaint.
Date: 07/21/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Reply to Petitioner's Respones to Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 07/21/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 07/16/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Strike Legal Conclusions from Complaint filed.
Date: 07/15/2014
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Amended Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/14/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/14/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/10/2014
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Respondent's Response to Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Service of Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 07/08/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/07/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Leave to Amend Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 07/03/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Respondent's Deposition filed.
Date: 07/02/2014
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Hold Proceeding in Abeyance or to Consolidate.
Date: 07/01/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondents Motion to Hold Proceeding in Abeyance or to Consolidate filed.
Date: 06/30/2014
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Notice of Service of Interrogatories and Request for Production filed.
Date: 06/30/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Hold Proceeding in Abeyance or to Consolidate filed.
Date: 06/20/2014
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/20/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 28, 2014; 9:30 a.m.; Quincy, FL).
Date: 06/20/2014
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/19/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/13/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 06/13/2014
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Interrogatories to Respondent filed.
Date: 06/13/2014
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Petitioner's First Interrogatories to the Respondent filed.
Date: 06/12/2014
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Election of Rights filed.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Letter to G. Brantley from Agency`s General Counsel requesting administrative hearing and notification of counsel of record.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint filed.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Letter to Annette Jones Walker from Gretchen Brantley regarding request for hearing filed.
Date: 06/11/2014
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Quincy, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):