15-000215 Choice Plus, Llc, On Behalf Of Bengt Roland Dahlqvist; Ann-Kristin Dahlqvist Berlin; Barbro Britt Marie Linden Barkman; Bert Erik Gore Linden; Carl Johan Tegge; Malin Caroline Charlotte Tegge; Lars Ragner Linden And Gunvor Maria Linden Wilhde Et Al vs. Department Of Financial Services, Bureau Of Unclaimed Property
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, March 30, 2015.

View Dockets  



8CHOICE PLUS, LLC, on behalf of:









51Petitioners, DOAH Case No. 15-0215

56DFS Case No. 145ll3-13-CI






72This cause is before me for consideration of an Order Granting Motion to Relinquish

86Jurisdiction and Closing File rendered by Administrative Law Judge Thomas Crapps of the

99Division of Administrative Hearings ("DOAH"). No exceptions to this order were filed.

113Choice Plus is a claimant's representative registered with the Department to submit

125unclaimed property claims for third parties. Choice Plus initiated and prosecuted all proceedings

138in connection with this matter on behalf of ten individuals, all of whom are residents of Sweden;

155the names of these persons are included in the caption of this case ("the Swedish claimants").

173Choice Plus asserts the Swedish claimants are the previously unlocated heirs of Florida decedent

187Inez Rigley who are entitled to the monies comprising the estate of the late Ms. Rigley in the

205custody of the Department as an unclaimed property account Cthe Rigley account"). In order to

221support this claim, in 2012, Choice Plus initiated ex parte Florida probate proceedings to have

236the Swedish claimants judicially determined to be heirs of the late Ms. Rigley. Thereafter,

250Choice Plus filed a claim for the Rigley account based solely on the ex parte Florida probate

267court order they obtained. The Department, in order to determine whether the Swedish claimants

281are indeed the appropriate heirs to Ms. Rigley's unclaimed property, requested that Choice Plus

295provide documentation to prove the familial connection. Choice Plus repeatedly refused the

307request, even going so far as to seek a protective order against the Department's efforts to depose

324the Swedish claimants in the DOAH proceeding. Choice Plus' adherence to its position

337ultimately led Judge Crapps to conclude the Department's intended denial of the pending claim

351hinges entirely on the Department's legal authority to require Choice Plus to supply the

365requested documents, rather than on whether the Swedish claimants are, in fact, Rigley's proper

379heirs. With no material facts in dispute, Judge Crapps relinquished jurisdiction over the

392proceeding, so the Department could address the legal issue in a tinal order.

405Judge Crapps' order, at pp. 2-3, concisely captures the parties' complete opposition

417concerning the Department's lawful authority and obligation to review and determine the validity

430of the claim for the Rigley account:

437The Department's argument here is that pursuant to Article IV,

447section 4(c), Florida Constitution, and chapter 717, Florida Statutes

456(2014), the Department has a duty to determine the claimants'

466entitlement to escheated funds that have been transferred to the

476Chief Financial Officer pursuant to section 732.107, Florida


485Choice Plus argues that nothing in section 717.124 provides the

495Department with the authority to determine entitlement to

503escheated funds .... In sum, Choice Plus's argument is that the

514Department's duty is a ministerial one requiring it to disburse

524the ftmds according to the probate court's order, rather than

534a duty to conduct an independent determination of the claimants'

544entitlement under chapter 717.

548Judge Crapps, in remanding the matter for final determination by the Department, explained:

561The resolution of this issue turns on a question of law rather than

574one of fact concerning the identity of the claimants. The relevant

585question of law concerns the Department's interpretation of its

594duties under chapter 717 in determining the claimants' entitlement

603to the escheated funds, in light of the probate court's order

614identifying the claimants and each claimants' respective share

622made pursuant to chapter 732. Because the instant case does not

633involve a question of material fact, it is appropriate to relinquish

644jurisdiction to the Department for entry of a final order.

654Undisputed Facts

656On January 23, 2014, the Department issued a Notice ofIntent to deny Choice Plus'

670claim. The Notice of Intent included the following proposed findings of fact which, with the

685single exception noted below, accurately delineate the material facts relevant to this order:

698I. The Department holds $98,185.79 in the State Treasury in unclaimed

710property account 103834975 (the "Funds"), reported by the Clerk of Court

722of Pinellas County, Florida, pursuant to section 732.107, Florida Statutes,

732in the name of "Inez Eleanor Rigley" with a date oflast contact of

745February 14,2006.

7482. On July 22, 2013, Choice Plus, LLC, a private investigative agency

760registered with the Department as a claimant's representative, filed claim

770number C5295692 for the Funds.

7753. Darrilyn Borba, Managing Member of Choice Plus, LLC, signed the claim

787under penalty ofperjury.

7904. The claim does not include the death certificate of Inez Eleanor Rigley' or

804the death certificates of any of the purported deceased heirs of Inez

816Eleanor Rigley.

8185. Submitted in support of the claim is a verified Petition to Determine

831Beneficiaries in the matter of the Estate ofInez Eleanor Rigley, Deceased.

8426. Darrilyn Borba, "as agent for all of the heirs of this estate" and Kelly

857Culbertson, Esquire, as attorney for Darrilyn Borba, signed the Petition to

868Determine Beneficiaries under penalty of perjury.

8741 Choice Plus provided a death certificate for Rigley in June 01'2014.

8867. The verified Petition to Determine Beneficiaries alleges that Thorwald

896Linden was Inez Eleanor Rigley's father; that Linnea Dahlgvist was Inez

907Eleanor Rigley's mother; and that the ten Claimants are the first cousins

919and first cousins once removed of Inez Eleanor Rigley.

9288. The claim does not include Inez Eleanor Rigley's birth certificate. The

940claim does not include the birth certificates of the ten Claimants.

9519. The verified Petition to Determine Beneficiaries alleges that the ten

962Claimants are the surviving heirs ofInez Eleanor Rigley.

97010. An anonymous diagram which purportedly shows the genealogical

979relationships of the maternal and paternal kindred of Inez Eleanor Rigley

990is attached as exhibit B of the verified Petition to Determine Beneficiaries.

100211. An anonymous summary of the purported relationships of the maternal

1013and paternal kindred ofInez Eleanor Rigley is attached as exhibit C of the

1026verified Petition to Determine Beneficiaries.

103112. The anonymous summary, described by [Choice Plus] as a "researcher's

1042report" lists 33 documents under the heading "endnotes." The listed

1052documents are not attached to the verified Petition to Determine


106313. The claim omits at least 32 of the 33 documents listed under the heading

"1078endnotes" on the last page of the anonymous summary. One of the

1090documents listed merely as "parish record" may be the purported adoption

1101record filed with the claim; however, due to the failure to include

1113authenticated copies of the 33 listed documents, or any verifiable

1123information as to the present location of the documents, this cannot be


113614. Submitted with the claim is an ex parte Order Determining Beneficiaries

1148which finds that the ten Claimants are the sole heirs of Inez Eleanor



1163After receiving the Notice ofintent, on February 14,2014, Choice Plus filed a "Petition

1177for Formal Administrative Proceedings and to Challenge Agency Action Based Upon Unadopted

1189Rules." In the petition, Choice Plus alleged its claim was complete when filed; that the NOI was

1206based on an unadopted rule; and that the Department issued the NOl for an improper purpose 2

1223The petition did not identify any disputed issues of material fact and did not dispute the findings

1240contained in the NOr. The Swedish claimants were not named as petitioning parties in the


1256On March 3, 2014, the Department issued an Order Dismissing Request for Hearing and

1270Granting an Additional 21 Days to Request a Hearing. Specifically, the dismissal order

1283concluded the petition did not state how Choice Plus, as sole petitioning party, had an

1298independent interest in Rigley's property that would be affected by the denial without prejudice

1312of an incomplete claim. The Department granted Choice Plus an additional 21 days to file an

1328amended petition. The Department served the order by certified mail on Choice Plus at its

1343Florida address of record and by registered mail on each of the claimants at his or her address of

1362record in Sweden.

1365On Mmch 24, 2014, Choice Plus, adding the Swedish claimants as petitioning pmties,

1378filed an "Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings and to Challenge Agency

1390Action Based Upon Unadopted Rules." The amended petition repeated the allegations of Choice

1403Plus' original petition: that its claim was complete; that the Department's intended action was

1417based on an unadapted rule; and that the Department issued the NOr for an improper purpose.

1433The amended petition also did not dispute the findings of the NOr and did not identify any other

1451disputed issue of material fact. The amended petition averred, in essence, that a connection

1465between the Swedish claimants and Ms. Rigley was conclusively established by the ex parte

1479probate order.

14812 The Department issued the NOr following an original proceeding in which Choice Plus sought

1496a Writ of Mandamus to compel the Department to issue the NOr. Choice Plus, LLe, v. Dep't. 0/

1514Financial Serves., Bureau a/Unclaimed Property, 135 So. 3d 1163 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2014).

1528On May 12, 2014, the Department denied a fonnal administrative hearing because there

1541was no dispute of material fact, and instead ordered an informal hearing pursuant to section

1556120.57(2), Florida Statutes. On September 24,2014, an informal hearing was held before

1569hearing officer Michael Davidson, who issued a Written Report and Recommendation on

1581October 24,2014. Mr. Davidson's recommendations, however, were not accepted. By order

1593dated January 12,2015, the Depmtment, in an abundance of caution, referred the matter to

1608DOAH in an attempt to resolve the issue of whether the Swedish claimants were Rigley's heirs.

1624After proceedings were commenced at DOAH, however, it becmne evident that Choice

1636Plus did not dispute the material facts outlined in the Notice ofIntent, but rather was seeking a

1653DOAH determination that the Department was obligated to approve its claim solely because the

1667probate court had issued an order finding the Swedish claimants to be the heirs of Ms. Rigley.

1684As noted above, Choice Plus went so far as to seek protective orders against Department efforts

1700to depose the Swedish claimants and the person responsible for the otherwise m10nymous

"1713researcher's report" on which the heirship assertions were founded. Choice Plus made clear it

1727would not produce these witnesses or the documents critical to establishing the claim.

1740Consequently, on March 2, 20]5, oral argument was held before Judge Crapps on the question of

1756whether any dispute of material fact between Choice Plus and the Depmtment warranted formal

1770fact finding under section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The outcome of the hearing was the

1784administrative law judge's order, reproduced in pertinent part above, relinquishing jurisdiction to

1796the Department for the entry of a final order on the issue of whether the Choice Plus claim

1814should be denied.

1817Throughout the progress of this matter, Choice Plus has insisted that disputed issues of

1831material fact required it to be given a formal evidentiary hearing at DOAH. When Choice Plus

1847was given the opportunity it demanded to prove its claim, it declined to do so, asserting only that

1865the Department was obligated to approve its claim based upon what Choice Plus had already

1880submitted. When pressed by the Department, Choice Plus was not able to persuade an

1894independent administrative law judge that any material factual dispute existed. In light of this,

1908the Department recedes from the position taken in its order of January 12,2015, that a dispute of

1926material fact might exist which would warrant proceeding before DOAH. Consequently, this

1938Final Order, limited by Choice Plus' refusal to supply documentation for its claim, addresses

1952only the two inextricably linked threshold legal questions: whether the Department has a

1965ministerial duty to approve the claim merely because a probate judge's order, rendered in an ex

1981parte proceeding brought by Choice Plus, identified Choice Plus' foreign clients as heirs of Inez

1996Rigley; and whether, in reliance on that order, Choice Plus may refuse to provide the

2011documentation supporting its claim for the Department's evaluation.

2019There is no dispute that Choice Plus failed to supply a variety of documentary

2033information required by statue and rule and duly requested by the Department for the purpose of

2049evaluating the claim. As stated in the Notice ofIntent and never controverted by Choice Plus,

2064Choice Plus initially declined to provide a death certificate for Ms. Rigley and never supplied

2079them for the alleged intermediate heirs of Rigley through whom Choice Plus' clients are

2093supposed to have inherited a portion of the Rigley estate. Nor did Choice Plus provide birth

2109certificates for Ms. Rigley or for any of the Swedish claimants. Even though its entire claim rests

2126on a single ex parte probate order, Choice Plus declined to provide to the Department all of the

2144supporting documentation it supplied to the probate court in order to secure that order. An

2159anonymous diagram which purported to show the genealogical relationships of the maternal and

2172paternal kindred of Ms. Rigley was furnished as an exhibit to the Choice Plus probate petition, as

2189was an anonymous summary of the purported relationships of the maternal and paternal kindred

2203of Ms. Rigley, called by Choice Plus a "researcher's report." 32 out of the 33 documents

2219identified as "endnotes" to the "researcher's report," however, were not supplied to the

2232Department, effectively preventing any independent analysis of the anonymous report.

2242The claimant for an unclaimed property account bears the burden to submit to the

2256Department a preponderance of evidence which establishes his or her entitlement. § 717.126(1),

2269Fla. Stat. (2014). If a claimant asserts entitlement to unclaimed funds by reason of a court

2285document, a certified copy of the document must be filed with the claim. § 717.1262, Fla. Stat.

2302(2014). Where, as here, the claimant asserts entitlement as a beneficiary or as an estate, the claim

2319must also include "appropriate documentation" which connects the claimant to the decedent. See

2332Fla. Admin. Code R. 69I-20.00S22(3)(b). In this context, probate records are - witl1limited

2345exceptions - public records available upon payment of the clerk's service charge. Consequently,

2358in order to negate the possibility of a fraudulent claim based solely on readily available court

2374records, "appropriate" documentation to support an estate claim should reasonably include

2385documents which are not available to the general public. See § 28.223, Fla. Stat. (2014).

2400The court documents tendered by Choice Plus, standing alone, do not conclusively

2412establish its claimants' connection to Rigley. Documents from ilie original 2006 probate ofthe

2425Rigley estate show that the probate court concluded Rigley died without being survived by any

2440heirs, and that the estate proceeds should be deemed escheated to the state. Documents from the

24562013 proceedings show that Choice Plus alleged its claimants were Rigley's sole heirs on the

2471basis of the anonymous diagram and "researcher's report." Although Choice Plus has asserted

2484that it demonstrated its claimants' entitlement to the Rigley account to the probate judge, it is

2500required to demonstrate that entitlement to the Department in order to receive a disbursement of

2515funds held in the State Treasury.

2521The Florida Legislature has vested in the Department sole jurisdiction to administer the

2534Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and to determine the merits of each claim for funds held

2550in the State Treasury. See §§ 717.124,717.1242(1),717.1244, 717.1301(1), 717.1341, 717.138,

2562Fla. Stat. (2014). Florida appellate courts have expressly recognized this authority. See Atwater

2575v. Citibank Fed. Savings Bank, 96 So. 3d 1000, 1001 (Fla. 3d DCA 2012) ("[t]he trial court is

2594without jurisdiction to compel the Department to disburse funds without the Department tirst

2607having determined the entitlement of the claimant to the funds" because "[t]he [Department] is

2621vested with the sole authority to make financial determinations as to unclaimed funds"). This

2636authority includes the power to determine claims for alleged probate assets. See § 717.1242(1),

2650Fla. Stat. (2014). In Atwater v. City a/Cape Coral, 120 So. 3d 595, 599 (Fla. 2d DCA 2013), the

2669court held that section 717.1242(1), Florida Statutes "expressly relates to probate proceedings."

2681The Department rejects Choice Plus' contention that it is w1der a ministerial duty to defer

2696to the probate court order in this proceeding. Although Choice Plus has labored to draw a

2712semantic distinction between "escheated" fW1ds and "unclaimed" funds in the possession of the

2725Department, it is a distinction without a difference in the context of this case. Section 717.124

2741(8), Florida Statutes, plainly states that the claims procedures applicable under chapter 717,

2754Florida Statutes, apply to all property so reported and remitted, including property remitted, as

2768were the Rigley estate proceeds, under section 732.107, Florida Statutes. The Department

2780operates W1der uniform procedures relating to claims for fW1ds deposited by the Department in

2794the State School Fund over which it has custodial authority, irrespective of whether, by operation

2809of law tunds now "unclaimed" may someday come to be permanently "escheated" to the State.

2824As stated in section 717.1242, Florida Statutes:

2831It is and has been the intent of the Legislature that, pursuant to

2844s. 717.l24,the department determines the merits of claims for

2854property paid or delivered to the department under this chapter.

2864Consistent with this legislative intent, any estate or beneficiary,

2873as defined in s. 731.201, of an estate seeking to obtain property

2885paid or delivered to the department under this chapter must file

2896a claim with the department as provided in s. 717.124.

2906The Department's authority in this regard is intended to effectuate, to the greatest extent

2920possible, the Legislature's purpose of protecting the interests of missing owners of property. See

2934§ 717.139, Fla. Stat. (2014). To achieve this purpose, the institutional role of the Department is

2950different than that of a probate judge, who is not expressly charged with the protection of

2966missing owners. In order to negate the likelihood that funds might be distributed to someone

2981who is not the sole missing owner---or indeed, who might not be a missing owner at all----the

2998Department must seek infonnation from the claimant or the claimant's representative that

3010illuminates the underpinnings of the claim under review, including the critical question of

3023whether there might be persons other than the claimant with a bona fide interest in the property

3040in question. Choice Plus declined to accommodate the Department in this respect at its own

3055peril, especially in the context of a claim made on behalf of foreign persons who have not been

3073shown to be lineal descendants of the decedent. That a probate judge, in an ex parte proceeding,

3090might be willing to accept anonymous documentation as conclusive does not relieve the

3103Department of its responsibility to ask questions that a busy probate judge in Pinellas County

3118might not feel obligated to ask. The First District Court of Appeal has upheld the denial of an

3136unclaimed property claim because the claiming locator "did not sufficiently provide information

3148necessary for DFS to process the claim." See National Equity Recovery Serv., Inc. v. Dep" of

3164Financial Serv., 127 So. 3d 1291 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2013). This is precisely why Choice Plus' claim

3182here must be denied.

3186In its "Motion for Reconsideration" dated April 7, 2015, Choice Plus, notwithstanding

3198Judge Crapps' remand of the matter to the Department, insists the Department should again send

3213the claim back to DOAH. Choice Plus ignores that the Department, not DOAH, is the forum for

3230the determination of unclaimed property claims. The Department has afforded Choice Plus

3242multiple opportunities to supply documentation the Department has determined necessary to

3253evaluate the current claim on the merits. Choice Plus repeatedly declined to supply that

3267documentation, and still has not donc so as of the date of this order. There remain no disputed

3285material facts for DOAH to resolve.

3291This denial of Choice Plus' claim on behalf of its Swedish clients does not forever

3306foreclose a future claim. The alleged heirs may, at any time, file a new claim accompanied by

3323such appropriate documentation as may be requested by the Department. Any person asserting

3336an interest in unclaimed property held in the State Treasury, Choice Plus bears the burden to

3352establish entitlement to the property by a preponderance of the evidence submitted. §§ 717.124,

3366717.126(1), Fla. Stat. (2013); Fla. Admin. Code R. 691-20.0022(1), 691-44.021(2)(a). Ifa

3377claimant asserts entitlement as a beneficiary or an estate, the claim must include appropriate

3391documentation which com1ects the claimant to the decedent. Fla. Admin. Code R. 691-

340420.00522(3)(b). If a claimant asserts entitlement by means of the death of any person, the claim

3420must include the death certificate of each decedent. § 717.1261, Fla. Stat. (2013). The

3434documentation filed with the pending claim does not establish claimants' entitlement to funds

3447that previously belonged to Ms. Rigley. Accordingly, Claim C5295692 is DENIED .

3459. !""\\""4..;!"yy""'L· and ORDERED this of June, 2015.


3472Robert C. Kneip

3475Chief of Staff


3483person adversely affected by this Order is entitled to seek review of this Order

3497pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, and Fla. R. App. P. 9.110. Review proceedings

3511must be instituted by filing a notice of appeal with Julie Jones, CP, FRP, DFS Agency Clerk,

3528Department of Financial Services, 612 Larson Building. 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee,

3540Florida 32399-0390, and a copy of the same accompanied by the required filing fee with the

3556appropriate District Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days of rendition of this Order.


3573Seann M. Frazier, Esq.

3577Lori L. Jobe, Esq.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/30/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/29/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 04/15/2015
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado returining Respondent's Table of Authorities to Respondent.
Date: 03/30/2015
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion for Attorney`s Fees and Costs.
Date: 03/30/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction and Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Choice Plus, LL's Response to Department of Financial Services' Notice of Supplemental Authority filed.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Department's Privilege Log filed.
Date: 03/17/2015
Proceedings: Department's Notice of Service of Answers to Petitioner's First Amended Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 03/17/2015
Proceedings: Department's Notice of Supplemental Authority in Support of Notice of Intent to Deny Claim without Prejudice filed.
Date: 03/06/2015
Proceedings: Joint Proposed Dates for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/02/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Oral Argument Held.
Date: 02/27/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Oral Argument.
Date: 02/27/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 02/26/2015
Proceedings: Department's Response to the Petitioners' Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 02/24/2015
Proceedings: Choice Plus, LLC's Response in Opposition to the Department's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/24/2015
Proceedings: Choice Plus, LLC's Motion to Compel Discovery from Department of Financial Services filed.
Date: 02/24/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for February 27, 2015; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 02/20/2015
Proceedings: Department's Response to Petitioner's Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed.
Date: 02/18/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Continuance, Request for Oral Argument on Pending Motions and Request for Scheduling Conference filed.
Date: 02/18/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Postponement of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 02/17/2015
Proceedings: Department's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Choice Plus Motion for Attorney Fees Against Department of Financial Services) filed.
Date: 02/12/2015
Proceedings: (Petitioner's) Motion for Protective Order and Request for Hearing filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of Randy Hotz) filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of Claimants) filed.
Date: 02/09/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Department of Financial Services' Representative filed.
Date: 01/21/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/21/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for March 2, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/20/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Request for Extension of Time to Respond to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/20/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Jesse Haskins) filed.
Date: 01/16/2015
Proceedings: Choice Plus, LLC's First Request for Production to Department of Financial Services filed.
Date: 01/16/2015
Proceedings: Choice Plus, LLC's, Notice of Serving First Interrogatories to Department of Financial Services filed.
Date: 01/16/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/14/2015
Proceedings: (Choice Plus, LLC's) Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Intent filed.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Written Report and Recommendation filed.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Order filed.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Proceedings and to Challenge Agency Action Based upon Unadopted Rules filed.
Date: 01/13/2015
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


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