Saul Levin vs.
200 Winston Towers Homeowners Assoc.
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
15SAU L LEVIN , EEO C Cas e No . 15D20140057 3
26Petitioner , FCH R Cas e No . 2014-0111 7
35v . DOA H Cas e No . 15-021 7
4520 0 WINSTO N TOWER S HOMEOWNER S FCH R Orde r No . 15-05 1
61ASSOC. ,
62Respondent .
86Thi s r r i e befor s th e Commissio matte r fo n f o n th e Recommende d Orde consideratio o f
112Dismissal , date d Jun e 18 , 2015 , i issue th e n d above-style d matte r b y Administrativ e La w Judg e
137Mar y L i Creasy .
143Finding s o f Fac t an d Conclusion s o f La w
157Judg e Creasy' s orde r reflect r s t Petitione tha faile d t o appea r th schedule a t e d
181administrativ e hearin g i n th e case . Further , e Judg s Creasy' orde r concludes , "Petitione r ha s th e
205burde n t o g o forward . n suppor t s f Petitioner' i o d e s wa evidenc o n s A presente petition ,
232Petitione r faile d e o mee t hi Commissio " burden. s th Consequently e orde r recommend s tha t th t , n
256issu e a fina l orde r dismissin g th e case .
269Commissio n panel s hav e conclude d t r a n whe Petitione tha fail s t o appea r th schedule a t e d
296administrativ e hearin g i n thei r , case the y fai l thei t t o mee f o n r burde proof , fo an d th e Petitio n r
328Relie f e.g. , See . , e b d shoul dismissed . v Wad e Distric t Schoo l Boar d o f Putna m County , FCH R
355Orde r No . 15-00 8 2015) , , y (Februar 12 , Grande d Emeral v s Demon . LLC , FCH R Orde r No . 14 -
38103 3 (Septembe r 10 , 2014) , d Bullar v . Lowr y t , Properties Grou , Inc. p e al , FCH R Orde r No . 13 -
40801 1 (Februar y 26 , 2013) , Corrections f o t Departmen . v g Goldenber , FCH R Orde r No . 12-05 1
431(Septembe r 17 , 2012) , f t Dotso . Departmen o v n Financia l Services , FCH R Orde r No . 11-03 4
454(Apri l 13 , 2011) , Patterso n v . Panam a y Cit Housin g Authority , FCH R Orde r No . 11-00 1 (Januar y
47913 , 2011) , Crum p v . Th e Majesti c t a Towe r Ba l Harbour , FCH R Orde r No . 10-07 2 (Septembe r
50621 , 2010) , Bermude z Housin y Count g Lak . v e Authority , r Orde FCH R No . 10-04 1 (Apri l 27 ,
5302010) , Cowde n v . Difiglio , e t al , Orde r FCH R No . 09-11 5 , 2009) , 14 (Decembe r Tw Scot t v . o
557Me n an d a Truck , r Orde R FCH No . , 2009) , 27 (Januar 9 09-00 y Enzo r v . Sandco , Inc. FCH . R
584Orde r No . , 2008) , 29 (Jul 8 08-04 y Poin Rodrigue . z Cente Rehab an d Healt h t v r Orde . FCH R r
612No . 08-00 1 (Januar y 14 , 2008) , Wes t v . r Semble Corporation , d/b/ a Ba y Walk . FCH R Orde r No .
639FCH R Orde r No . 15-05 1
647Pag e 2
65007-03 7 (Jun e 15 , 2007) , , Enterprises C KJ v z Martine . d/b/ a Plantatio n Islan d Resort , FCH R
672Orde r No . 07-02 8 (Apri l , 2007) , 20 , Chaney Associates & r Buckne t Rober t v . al e . Orde , FCH R r
699No . 06-09 2 (Novembe r 13 , 2006) , an d k . v Pre Workforc e Centra l Florida , FCH R Orde r No . 06 -
72607 9 (Septembe r 18 , 2006) .
733W e adop t th e Administrativ e La w Judge' s g findin e th o a s t nonappearanc e Petitione o f r
759an d conclud e tha t Petitione r ha s d faile t o carr y hi s burde n o f proof .
783Exception s
785Neithe r o f th e partie s filed e th o t s exception Administrativ e La w Judge' s Recommende d
808Orde r o f Dismissal .
814Dismissa l
816Th e Petitio n fo r Relie f an d f o t Complain Discriminatio n ar e DISMISSE D wit h prejudice .
840Th e partie s hav e th e right o t see k judicia l w revie o f thi s th Order . Th e Commissio n an d e
871appropriat e Distric t Cour t o f Appea l mus t receiv notic appea l f e o e withi n 3 0 s day o f th e dat e thi s
905Orde r i s filed wit h e th f o n . Commission Explanatio th f e o k Cler e th t righ i o f appea l i s foun d n
940Sectio n 120.68 , Florid a Statutes , f o s e an n i d a Florid Rule th Appellat e Procedur e 9.110 .
964DON E AN D ORDERE D thi s . eZ/ da y o f Jj /X<~h~zz 2015="">~h~zz>
994Commissione r Gilber t M . Singer , Pane l Chairperson ;
1004Commissione r Donn a Elam ; an d
1011Commissione r Ja y Pichar d
1017File d thi s da y o f Aut^t , 2015 ,
1027i n Tallahassee , Florid a V
1033Cler k f
1036Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
1044407 5 Esplanad e Way , Roo m 11 0
1053Tallahassee , F L 3239 9
1058(850 ) 488-708 2
1062FCH R Orde r No . 15-05 1
1070Pag e 3
1073Copie s furnishe d to :
1079Sau l Levi n
1083c/ o Moise s Kaba , III , Esq .
1091Kab a La w Group , P.L.L.C .
1098818 0 Northwes t 36 t h Street , Suit e 10 0 H
1111Doral , F L 3317 8
111620 0 Winsto n Tower s Homeowner s Assoc .
1126c/ o Charle s M . Eiss , Esq .
1135La w Office s o f Charle s Eiss , P.L .
1146821 1 Wes t Browar d Blvd. , Suit e 36 0
1157Plantation , F L 3332 4
1162Mar y L i Creasy , Administrativ e La w Judge , DOA H
1174Jame s Mallue , Lega l Adviso r fo r Commissio n Pane l
1187I HEREB Y CERTIF Y tha t a cop y o f th e g foregoin s ha bee n maile d t o th e abov e liste d
1217By : K^M ^nnt ^f LjWMrh^
1223Cler k o f th e Commissio n
1231Florid a Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 08/21/2015
- Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 06/23/2015
- Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado returning Respondent's Proposed Exhibits to Respondent.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/27/2015
- Proceedings: Petitiner's Motion for Rehearing or to Reopen Hearing to Take Additional Testimony and Evidence, or Alternatively, for Relief of Final Judgment, Decree, Order or Proceeding filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 05/15/2015
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Continuance of Final Hearing Scheduled for May 18, 2015 filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/16/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Re-notice of Taking Deposition (of Saul Levin) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/13/2015
- Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Request for Production filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/13/2015
- Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Answers to Respondent's Interrogatories filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 04/02/2015
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 18, 2015; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
- Date: 04/01/2015
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 03/16/2015
- Proceedings: Respondent's Re-notice of Taking Deposition (of Saul Levin) filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 02/18/2015
- Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for April 16, 2015; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
- Date: 02/18/2015
- Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
- PDF:
- Date: 02/06/2015
- Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 10, 2015; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
- Date: 01/13/2015
- Proceedings: Employment Complaint of Discrimination filed.
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 01/13/2015
- Date Assignment:
- 02/16/2015
- Last Docket Entry:
- 08/21/2015
- Location:
- Miami, Florida
- District:
- Southern
- Agency:
Tammy Scott Barton, Agency Clerk
Florida Commission on Human Relations
4075 Esplanade Way, Room 110
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 907-6808 -
Charles M. Eiss, Esquire
Law Offices of Charles Eiss, P.L.
Suite 360
8211 West Broward Boulevard
Plantation, FL 33324
(954) 990-6923 -
Leonard Greenberg
200 Winston Towers Homeowners Association
251 174th Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33160 -
Moises Kaba, III, Esquire
Kaba Law Group, P.L.L.C.
Suite 100 H
8180 Northwest 36th Street
Doral, FL 33178
(305) 245-9990 -
Saul D. Levin
Apartment 4407
17145 North Bay Road
North Miami Beach, FL 33160
(516) 406-5291 -
Lindsay Marie Massillon, Esquire
Law Offices of Charles Eiss
Suite 360
8211 West Broward Boulevard
Plantation, FL 33324
(954) 906-6923 -
Tammy Scott Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record -
Charles M. Eiss, Esquire
Address of Record -
Leonard Greenberg
Address of Record -
Moises Kaba, III, Esquire
Address of Record -
Lindsay Marie Massillon, Esquire
Address of Record -
Tammy S Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record