15-001292 Tilcia Morgan vs. Skin Cancer Associates
 Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Thursday, April 16, 2015.

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15TILCI A MORGAN , EEO C Cas e No . 15D20140067 9

26Petitioner , FCH R Cas e No . 2014-0106 9

35v . DOA H Cas e No . 15-129 2

45SKI N CANCE R ASSOCIATES , FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5

58Respondent .




83Thi s r r i e befor s th e Commissio matte r fo n f o n th e Recommende d Orde consideratio o f

109Dismissal , date d Apri l 16 , 2015 , e issue i d th matte above-style d y b r n Administrativ e La w Judg e

134Mar y L i Creasy .

140Finding s o f Fac t an d Conclusion s o f La w

154Judg e Creasy' s r t Petitione r reflect s orde tha d faile t o compl y wit h orde th a n r o f e

182Administrativ e La w Judge . Followin g Respondent' s filin g a o f motio n t o dismis s i n whic h

207Responden t argue d tha t th e Petitio n r fo Relie f containe d insufficien t information , Judg e Creasy ,

229o n Apri l w o 8 a 2015 , issue d , n Orde r t Sho Caus e y b , Petitioner directin g Apri l 2015 t 15 , , o

258provid e suc h informatio n complie d tha t wit h s n Petitio a f o content requirement th r fo s fo e th e r

287Relie f se t ou t i n . Fla Admin . Cod e R . n O . 28-106.201 Apri l n tha rathe r 2015 , 15 , respon d th t o e

321Orde r t o Sho w Cause , r Petitione file d a motio n n a extensio n r fo o f tim e t th t o respon d o e

353already-ruled-upo n s ha t tha t dismis o n d i d motio n resulte e Orde r t o Sho w th Cause . tha Give n t

383th e fina l , 4 y Ma fo t n i g th e hearin wa s r r se matte 2015 , e th Administrativ e La w Judg e foun d tha t

417Petitioner' s n d "resulte i ha n actio d unnecessar y n f o n preparatio i prejudic Responden o t e t it s

443defens e d warrant s th e entr f o y a n orde r recommendin g an dismissal. "

462W e not e that , generally , Commissio n panel s e hav conclude d tha t a Petitioner' s failur e t o

485respon d t o order s o f a n Administrativ e La w e Judg amount s t o a voluntar y dismissa l o f th e

514Petitio n fo r Relief . See , generally , . v Pierc e Brigh t Horizon s Children' s Centers , LLC , FCH R

536Orde r No . 14-01 0 (Marc h 26 , 2014) , Inc. , MasTec . v d Herar , FCH R Orde r No . 13-03 4 (Ma y 1 ,

5632013) , Cawle y v . Primros e Center , Inc. r Orde FCH , R No . 12-00 9 (Februar y 21 , 2012) ,

584Roundtree . e t al . v . Adveni r a t Stonelake , LLC , FCH R r Orde No . 11-06 9 (Augus t 30 , 2011) ,

610Bigger s v . Room s T o Go , FCH R Orde r . No , 09-04 5 (Ma y 12 , 2009) Shoo k v . e Nationa Riversid l

639Bank , FCH R Orde r No . 9 08-02 (Ma y 6 , 2008) , n Clifto v . Krys , e t al . FCH R Orde r No . 07-06 2

669(Novembe r 7 , 2007) , r Heathe e th t a n Gree e Th . v o Bordonar Condominiu m Association , Inc. ,

691FCH R Orde r No . 07-01 0 14 , 2007) , (Februar y r Butle v . Th e Peps i Bottlin g Group Orde . FCH R r

719FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5

727Pag e 2

730No . 06-10 7 (Decembe r 4 , 2006) , t Ne s Expres v s Castellano . Airline s Pilot s Association , FCH R

753Orde r No . 05-06 1 (Jun e 15 , 2005) , d Mayfiel v . Karl' s Haberdasher y o f Florida , Inc. FCH , R

777Orde r No . 04-02 0 (Marc h 10 , an d 2004) , Kenn y v . Florid a Departmen t o f Corrections . FCH R

803Orde r No . 02-02 0 (Jun e 3 , 2002) .

814W e furthe r not e tha thi e t s s bee n th ha e cas no t onl y i n ha situation s wher e a Petitione r s

847simpl y faile d t o respon d t orde o a th e o r f n Administrativ e n i o situation als t Judge , w La bu s

878wher e th e documen t file d n i Petitione r y b a e respons t e th o t e responsiv no t i r orde n a o s issue s

913raise d i n th e order . Se e e.g. , , Roundtree e t al. , e d th , supra an Recommende d r o f Orde Dismissa l

941entere d therei n i n DOA H Cas e No . 11-1087 , date Jun d e 22 , 2011 . e Se also , Trayle r v . Wal t

970Disne y Park s an d Resort s U.S. , Inc. , a a Florid Corporation , FCH R Orde r No . 14-00 3 (Februar y

99419 , 2014 ) an d al , e Potter Point e . v , t a Vist , II LTD . e t al r R Orde . FCH No . (Octobe 16 13-06 3 r ,

10272013) .

1029W e f o e not tha t e r Recommende d Orde th Dismissa l reference s Petitioner' s failur e t o

1053timel y respon d t o Respondent' s n motio e inferenc e negativ o n w . e W dismiss o t dra fro m thi s

1081sinc e e s make th applicabl e th e rul e filin g a o f respons e t o a motio n no permissive , bu t t

1110obligatory , an t o f statemen o y s contain d an n e advers effec t resultin g fro m no t filing a respons e t o

1139amotion . Se e Fla . Admin . Cod e R . d an 28-106.204(1 ) Florid a Relation Commissio n o n Huma n s

1165o/b/ o Bahiyyi h Watso n v . Viering , Orde r FCH R No . w 10-07 0 (Septembe r 7 , 2010) . However , e

1190conclud e s impac o n t o thi s tha ha outcom th f o e th e instan t n e t case , e give n th Administrativ e

1221La w Judge' s findings a s t o Petitioner' s lac k o f e respons w t Sho r Orde o th t o e Caus e d an finding s

1254a s t o th e resultan t "prejudice " t o th e Respondent .

1269Base d o n th e foregoing , n Petitio e th t e conclud e w tha fo r Relie f shoul d dismissed b e .

1296Exception s

1298Petitione r file d exception s t o th e e Administrativ La w Judge' s Recommende d Orde r o f

1320Dismissal , i n a documen t entitled , "Petitione r a Tilci Morgan' s Exception s t o th e Recommende d

1341Orde r Entere d b y ALJ, " , Commissio receive d th b y Ma n o 1 n y e 2015 .

1363O n Ma y 7 , 2015 , t Responden file d a respons e documen t o Petitioner' s exceptions , i n a t

1386entitled , "Respondent' s Respons e s Petitioner' o t Entere s Exception o Recommende e t d Orde r th d

1407b y th e ALJ. "

1412Petitioner' s exception s documen t contain s fou r numbere d exceptions .

1426Exceptio n No . 1 argue s e th n i s representation t apparen o th Recommende t y contrar , that e d

1450Orde r o f Dismissal , Petitioner' s failur e t o file a respons e t o Respondent' s motio n t o dismis s i s

1477procedurall y irrelevant .

1481T o n Exceptio i d containe s n e th t exten argument e th . No 1 ar e consisten t wit h ou r

1508discussio n o f thi s issu e s se a ou th e n i t t d f o s Conclusion an Finding Fac f o s t La w sectio n o f thi s

1546Order , above , Exceptio n No . 1 i s accepted .

1557Exceptio n No . 2 argue s Sho o t r w e th t tha Orde e Caus e th g decidin r orde t a no s i n motio n

1590t o f o r n dismiss , s a i d th Recommende d e Orde represente Dismissal , therefore that an d , ,

1612Petitioner' s Motio n fo r Extensio n o f Tim e t o e fil a respons e e th t o motio n t o dismiss , filed o n

1643FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5

1651Pag e 3

1654Apri l 15 , 2015 , o y n e th da whic h a respons e th s require d t o o r e t Sho w Orde wa Cause , wa s

1686timely .

1688Exceptio n No . 3 argue s n eve tha t i f i t t e th tha s determine i d Motio n fo r Extensio n o f Tim e

1721i s no t timely , dismissa l i s no t "mandatory. "

1733Exceptio n No . 4 argue s f o r d Orde e th t tha Recommende Dismissa l i s highl y prejudicia l t o

1760Petitione r an d seek s t o unjustl y penaliz e Petitioner .

1774W e . 4 d e somewha t sympatheti c t o ar Fo th argument s raise . Nos n Exceptio n i d 2 3 , an e r

1804example , i t woul d appea r o t give u that , s e n conten f o t th Respondent' s n motio t o th dismis s an d e

1836conten t w Sho t r o e th f o Orde Cause , n f o n extensio a s fo n motio Petitioner' r tim e t o file a

1867respons e t o th e motio n , dismiss t o whil e fac e s it n o untimel y filed, coul d b e viewe d a s a timely -

1900filed bu t mislabele d motio n f o n r fo extensio tim e Orde w Sho o t r e t o t d respon o th Cause .

1931Wit h regar d t o Commissio n revie w o f s response t w Sho o s Order o t Caus e an d subsequen t

1959order s issue d b y Administrativ e w La Judges , o t y authorit e th th ha n Commissio e correc s t

1984conclusion s o f la w containe d i n thos e order s f i s o f conclusion th e w la correcte d ar e withi n th e

2016substantiv e jurisdictio n n Sectio , . See e th f o Commission 120.57(f)(1) , Florid a Statute s (2014) ,

2035whic h states , "Th e agenc y i n it s final r y orde r t rejec o ma modif y o conclusion s f la w r ove whic h i t

2069ha s substantiv e jurisdiction. "

2074Fo r example , i n a cas e i n whic h n a Administrativ e La w Judg e conclude d tha t a Petitioner' s

2101respons e w Sho o r t n a o t Orde Caus e o a s e y wh th t cas e shoul dismisse o k lac r fo d t e b no d f

2139jurisdictio n n i e resid t no d di Petitione e r ) wa th inadequat e i s that ; (1 n Florida , Responden (2 ) th e t

2169wa s no t headquartere d i n , Florida f o d f an d (3 ) non e o th e action s complaine appeare d t o hav e

2200occurre d i n Florida , r fo r matte th e remande n Commissio e th d furthe r Petitio proceeding s o n th e n

2227fo r Relief . e criteri a Th e Commissio n note d tha non t th e dispositiv e th o f thre e e wer f o e e issu o f

2261jurisdictio n unde r th e Florid a Civi l f o t s Right Ac 199 2 - a determinatio n withi n "substantiv th e e

2289jurisdiction " o f th e Commission . d . Lockhee p Thar v Martin . FCH R Orde r No . 14-00 5 (Marc h

231426 , 2014) .

2317I t woul d see m t t u f tha o th e conclusion o s s w la t excepte d an 3 , 2 . 4 Nos Exceptio n i o d n ,

2352involv e e e th e f o n th operatio procedura l managemen f o th t e cas e b y th Administrativ e La w

2380Judge , an d ar e no t withi n th e substantiv e n jurisdictio o f th e Commission . I n addition , w e not e

2408th e specific , albei t excepted-to , finding th e o f Administrativ e La w Judg e action tha t Petitioner' s s

2431hav e resulte d i n "unnecessar y o t e prejudic n i t Responden f o n preparatio it s defens e warrant an d s

2459th e r f o y a n orde entr recommendin I " dismissal. g ou r n view , l lega o n s th n Commissio e ha basi s

2489fo r overturnin g thi s determinatio n b y th e e Administrativ La w Judg e o f prejudic e t o Respondent .

2515Exceptio n Nos . 2 , 3 an d 4 ar e rejected .

2528Reques t fo r Attorney' s Fee s an d Cost s

2540Respondent' s respons e t o Petitioner' s exception s s request tha t Responden t b e awarde d "it s

2562attorney's fee s an d costs. "

2568Give n n i , , exceptions s above f o n Petitioner' discussio r ou h whic w e sugges t th tha t e

2592Administrativ e La w Judg e coul d hav e s Petitioner' viewe d untimel y motio n o fo r a n extensio n f

2618FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5

2626Pag e 4

2629tim e t o fil e a e respons t o th e motio n s a a o dismis t s timely-file d bu t mislabele d motio n a fo r n

2663extensio n o f tim e w o t respon th t d Orde o t r e Sho o , Cause Respondent' s reques t attorney' fo r s

2692fee s an d cost s i s DENIED .

2702Dismissa l

2704Th e Petitio n fo r Relie f f o t d an Complain Discriminatio n ar e DISMISSE D wit h prejudice .

2728Th e partie s hav e th e righ t o t see k l judicia revie w o f thi s . Order Th e Commissio n an d th e

2760appropriat e Distric t Cour t o f Appea l l mus t notic f e o e appea receiv withi n 3 0 s day o f th e e dat thi s

2794Orde r i s filed wit h e f e o k Cler e th th th f o n . Commission Explanatio t righ s t o appea l i foun d i n

2829Sectio n 120.68 , Florid a Statutes , f o s e an n i d a Florid Rule th Appellat e Procedur e 9.110 .

2853DON E AN D ORDERE D thi s JO_ da y o f KAlM^ 2015 .


2883Commissione r Gilber t M . Singer , Pane l Chairperson ;

2893Commissione r Ton y Jenkins ; an d

2900Commissione r Rebecc a Steel e

2906File d thi s J_0&&y o f \\kujuu) 2015 ,

2915i n Tallahassee , Florida . ^

2921Cler k

2923Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s

2931407 5 Esplanad e Way , Roo m 11 0

2940Tallahassee , F L 3239 9

2945(850 ) 488-708 2

2949Copie s furnishe d to :

2955Tilci a Morga n

2959c/ o R . Marti n Saenz , Esq .

2968c/ o Fion a Anderson , Esq .

2975Saen z an d Anderson , PLL C

29822090 0 Northeas t 30 t h Ave. , Ste . 80 0

2994Aventura , F L 3318 0

2999FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5

3007Pag e 5

3010Tilci a Morga n

3014c/ o Juliss e Jimenez , Esq .

30212080 1 Biscayn e Blvd. , Ste . 40 3

3030Aventura,F L 3318 0

3035Ski n Cance r Associate s

3041c/ o Alejandr o F . Garcia , Esq .

3050Boyd , Richards , Parke r an d Colonnelli , P.L .

305910 0 Southeas t Secon d Street , Suit e 260 0

3070Miami , F L 3313 1

3075Mar y L i Creasy , Administrativ e La w Judge , DOA H

3087Jame s Mallue , Lega l Adviso r fo r Commissio n Pane l

3100I HEREB Y CERTIF Y thaLa-cop y s g foregoin ha th f o e bee n maile d t o th e abov e liste d

3127By : ( J §ls>-u >^y /\\<>

3134Cler k o f th e Co&ujnssio n

3142Florid a Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s

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Date: 06/10/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 06/10/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner Tilica Morgan's Exceptions to the Recommended Order Entered by ALJ filed.
Date: 06/10/2015
Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
Date: 04/16/2015
Proceedings: Order Closing File. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/16/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Julisse Jimenez) filed.
Date: 04/16/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Response in Opposition to Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time and Cross-motion for Entry of an Order Recommending Dismissal filed.
Date: 04/15/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Extension of Time to File Her Response to Skin Cancer Associates' Motion to Dismiss Petition filed.
Date: 04/14/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Request for Production to Respondent filed.
Date: 04/14/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Set of Interrogatories Propounded on Respondent Skin Cancer Associates filed.
Date: 04/08/2015
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 04/07/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Shorten Time to Respond to Discovery.
Date: 04/07/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Shorten Time to Respond to Discovery filed.
Date: 04/06/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/06/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Request for Production to the Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/01/2015
Proceedings: Court Reporter Requested filed.
Date: 03/31/2015
Proceedings: Skin Cancer Associates' Motion to Dismiss the Petition filed.
Date: 03/27/2015
Proceedings: Parties' Response to Initial Order Dated March 13, 2015 filed.
Date: 03/27/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Alejandro Garcia) filed.
Date: 03/27/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 03/27/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for May 4, 2015; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/24/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Ruben Saens) filed.
Date: 03/20/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Venue Selection filed.
Date: 03/20/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/20/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Ilona Anderson) filed.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Charge of Discrimination filed.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Determination: No Cause filed.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Petition for Relief filed.
Date: 03/13/2015
Proceedings: Transmittal of Petition filed by the Agency.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):