15-001528 Vivian Renaud vs. Department Of Management Services, Division Of State Group Insurance
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Wednesday, June 24, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not meet burden of proving entitlement to deceased husband's retirement benefits.





11vs. Case No. 1 5 - 1528







29Pursuant t o notice, a final hearing was conducted in this

40case on May 21, 2015 , in Tallahassee , Florida, before

49Administrative Law Judge R. Bruce McKibben of the Division of

59Administrative Hearings.


62For Petitioner: Vivian Renaud , pro se

682759 Sharpes Court

71Orange Park, F lorida 32065

76For Respondent: Joe Thompson , Esquire

81Assistant General Counsel

84Department of Management Services

884050 Esplande Way, Suite 160

93Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 095 0


103The issue in this case is whether PetitionerÓs husbandÓs

112selection of Option 1 for his pension plan benefits could be

123changed .


127By letter dated July 10, 2014 , Respondent , Department of

136Management Serv ices /Division of Retirement (the "Department") ,

145issued a letter to Petitione r, Vivian Renaud (ÐMrs. RenaudÑ),

155stating that her request to receive monthly benefits from the

165retirement account of her late husband, Edward W. Renaud, Jr.

175(ÐMr. RenaudÑ), was de nied. Mrs. Renaud requested an informal

185administrative hearing to contest the decision. Subsequently,

192the parties determined that there were disputed issues of

201material fact, and the case was referred to the Division of

212Administrative Hearings (DOAH) . P ursuant to notice, a final

222hearing was scheduled on the date and time set forth above.

233Mrs. Renaud was assisted at final hearing by her son, Ed Renaud .

246Mrs. Renaud is deaf, so a certified sign interpreter was

256provided fo r her at final hearing as well.

265At the final hearing, Mrs. Renaud appeared pro se, with

275assistance from her son . Each of them testified at the final

287hearing. Mrs. Renaud offered three exhibits into evidence, but

296they were rejected due to objections from the Department as to

307authenticity, relevance, and hearsay . Mrs. RenaudÓs exhibit

315entitled ÐGeneral Effective Communication Requirements Under

321Title II of the ADAÑ was not admitted; however, it was allowed

333as a demonstrative exhibit and leave was given to make legal

344arguments concerning th e content of the document as part of the

356proposed recommended order (PRO) .

361The Department called one witness, David H ei del, survivor

371benefits administrator for the Division of Retirement . The

380Department 's E xhib its 1, 5 - 7, 9 - 1 1, 13, and 15 were accepted

398in to evidence. The parties advised that a transcript of the

409final hearing would be ordered. By rule, parties are allowed 10

420days from the filing of the t ranscript at DOAH to file PROs.

433The Transcript was filed on June 5 , 2015. Each party timely

444submitted a PRO and each was duly considered in the prepara tion

456of this Recommended Order.


4631. Mrs. Renaud, who is deaf, was married to Mr. Renaud for

475approximately 40 years . Mr. Renaud was employed by the State of

487Florida as a correctional o fficer at all times relevant hereto.

498He entered the State retirement program (in the pension plan) in

509November 1994. Mr. Renaud was in the Ðspecial riskÑ category of

520retirement class based on his position as a correctional


5302. On October 24 , 2013, Mr. Renaud signed and submitted a

541Ð Florida Retirement System Pension Plan Application for Service

550Retirement Ñ form to the Department , indicating his intent to

560retire . The application was signed and notarized; it designated

570Mrs. Renaud as the sole beneficiary of his retirement benefits .

581On the same day, Mr. Renaud signed an ÐOption SelectionÑ form,

592wherein he designated which of four payment options he wanted to

603utilize for payment of his retirement income . He selected

613Option 1, which states:

617A mo nthly benefit payable for my lifetime.

625Upon my death the monthly benefit will stop

633and my beneficiary will receive only a

640refund of any contributions I have paid

647which are in excess of the amount I have

656received in benefits. This option does not

663provide a contin uing benefit to my


6713. The form also contains the following statement:

679ÐI understand that I must terminate all

686employment with FRS employers to receive a

693retirement benefit under Chapter 121,

698Florida Statutes. I also understand that I

705cannot add service, change options or change

712my type of retirement . . . once my

721retirement becomes final. My retirement

726becomes final when any benefit payment is

733cashed, deposited or when my Deferred

739Retirement Option Program (DROP)

743participation begins.Ñ

7454. The option selection form was signed by Mr. Renaud and

756notarized by a certified notary public . Inasmuch as Mr. Renaud

767selected Option 1, it was necessary that he and his designated

778beneficiary (Mrs. Renaud) also fill out form SA - 1, the ÐSpou sal

791AcknowledgementÑ form. On the acknowledgement form, Mr. Renaud

799indicated that he was married. Mrs. Renaud then signed the

809Ðspousal acknowledgementÑ portion of the form . The

817a cknowledgement statement included this statement: ÐI, Vivian

825Renaud, bein g the spouse of the above named member [Mr. Renaud],

837acknowledge that the member has selected either Option 1 or 2.Ñ

848Option 2 provides for continued benefits during the retiring

857personÓs lifetime. However, benefits to the personÓs spouse

865will continue fo r only a 10 - year period. If the retiring person

879dies within the first 10 years of retirement, the spouse would

890only receive benefits for the balance of the 10 - year period

902starting at the retirement date. The benefits under Option 2

912are, therefore, limite d in nature. The state retirement system

922requires a person selecting Option 1 or Option 2 to have their

934spouse acknowledge that selection choice because those benefits

942have finite ending dates, whereas retirement benefits under the

951other options continue as long as either the retiree or his/her

962beneficiary is living .

9665 . By letter dated October 30, 2013, the Department

976acknowledged receipt of Mr. RenaudÓs retirement application.

983The letter referenced the date the application was received

992(October 24 , 2013) and the option Mr. Renaud had selected

1002(Option 1). The letter was mailed to Mr. RenaudÓs address of

1013record , the same address he listed in his retirement

1022application . The letter was sent to Mr. Renaud some 30 days

1034before the first retirement benef it check was deposited in hi s

1046account . Mrs. Renaud does not remember seeing the letter, but

1057inasmuch as it was addressed to Mr. Renaud, her recollection of

1068its receipt is not relevant. After Mr. RenaudÓs death, his

1078family found numerous un - opened letters in his car; the

1089acknowledgement letter from the Department could well have been

1098in that group.

11016 . Mr. Renaud retired on November 1, 2013. His first

1112payment of retirement benefits was transferred to his bank by

1122way of electronic fund transfer, commo nly referred to as direct

1133deposit, on November 27, 2013. The gross amount of his monthly

1144retirement benefit was $1,987.85; the net amount was $1,937.75

1155after $30.09 had been deducted for taxes. At that time,

1165Mr. Renaud had not signed form W4P, the form which showed how

1177many dependents the retiree was claiming for tax purposes.

1186After later filling out th at form (in which he indicated he

1198would prefer to file as ÐsingleÑ for tax purposes), his monthly

1209net benefit was reduced to about $1,735. Mr. Renaud re ceived a

1222direct deposit of retirement benefits on December 31, 2013; on

1232January 31, 2014; and again on February 28, 2014.

12417 . Mr. Renaud passed away on March 26, 2014, only five

1253months after commencing his retirement . In accordance with the

1263provision s of Option 1, Mr. RenaudÓs retirement benefits ceased

1273at that time. His beneficiary was entitled to payment for the

1284entire month that he expired, but was not to be provided any

1296further retirement benefits. Thus , a final payment was

1304deposited in Mr. Rena udÓs account on March 31, 2014.

13148 . Mrs. Renaud was provided notice of the cessation of

1325retirement benefits due to Mr. RenaudÓs death. She timely filed

1335a protest, seeking to have the payment of benefits reinstated.

1345The Department denied her request, resulting in the instant


13559 . It is clear from the evidence tha t Mr. Renaud selected

1368Option 1 , Mrs. Renaud acknowledged that Mr. Renaud had selected

1378either Option 1 or Option 2, and that retirement benefits were

1389directly deposited to Mr. Renau dÓs bank account for several

1399months. Mr. and Mrs. RenaudÓs signatures were duly notarized

1408and have a presumption of legitimacy.

141410 . Mrs. Renaud disagrees as to whether Mr. RenaudÓs

1424selection of Option 1 was legitimate, legal, or proper under the

1435cir cumstances as she views them .

14421 1 . First, Mrs. Renaud contends that Mr. Renaud was not

1454mentally well at the time he signed the option selection form.

1465The basis for her contention is that Mr. Renaud had experienced

1476some seizure - related behavior during the year prior to signing

1487the form. He had driven his car north on US Highway 301 one day

1501in July 2012 , Ðheading to work,Ñ but ended up in Georgia without

1514remembering why or how he got there . He later apparently lost

1526his driverÓs license because of the seizures (although the

1535testimony on that issue was not clear). 1/ Mr. Renaud worked for

1547approximately 15 more months after his inexplicable drive to


15571 2 . Mrs. Renaud also argued that Mr. RenaudÓs signatures

1568on the three different forms he si gned on October 24, 2013, were

1581not similar to each other , indicating in her mind that he was

1593having some sort of medical or psychological difficulty at that

1603time . Inasmuch as there could have been any number of reasons

1615the signatures were different (wheth er he was in a hurry, what

1627base existed under the paperwork, etc.), there is insufficient

1636evidence to determine why the signatures did not match.

1645Mrs. RenaudÓs testimony regarding the signatures is not


16541 3 . Ed Renaud said Mr. Renaud had been forced to retire

1667due to his medical condition , i.e., that he had lost his

1678driverÓs license due to having seizures and the Department of

1688Corrections would not let him work if he could not drive .

1700However, Ed Renaud also said Mr. Renaud was able to continue

1711working even when he was ÐforcedÑ to retire . Again, the

1722testimony on these facts was not clear.

17291 4 . Mrs. Renaud said she should have been provided an

1741interpreter on the day she signed the acknowledgement form. She

1751did not state whether she requested an interpreter or whether

1761the agency employee who provided her the form was aware of her

1773disability. 2/ Again, no one from Mr. RenaudÓs employer, the

1783Department of Corrections, testified at final hearing as to what

1793happened on the day the forms were signed.

18011 5 . Mrs. Renaud stated that she could read and write

1813English, so she knew what she was signing. 3/ She did claim to be

1827confused as to whether her husband had selected Option 1 or

1838Option 2, but candidly admitted that Mr. Renaud never told her

1849one way or the other which option he had chosen . He only told

1863her that he would Ð continue to provide for her in the future. Ñ

1877She believed the amount which was to be deposited in their

1888account each month under Option 2 would be approximately $1 9 00.

1900The first check was in that approximate amount (due to the fact

1912that Mr. Renaud had not established the amount of taxes to be

1924deducted from his check at that time). The next five checks

1935were in a lesser amount, approximately $1700. There is no

1945evidence t hat Mrs. Renaud questioned the amount of the later

1956checks. However, once the first check had been deposited in

1966Mr. RenaudÓs bank account, he would not have been allowed to

1977change his option anyway.

19811 6 . Lastly, Mrs. Renaud said her husbandÓs medical and

1992mental condition was not conducive to making the option

2001selection in October 2013. However, there was no competent

2010evidence to support her claim. There was no direct testimony as

2021to Mr. RenaudÓs condition on the day he signed, nor as to

2033whether he w as or was not capable of understanding what he was

2046signing. The only statement about his condition that day was

2056that he wanted to park the car far enough away from the building

2069that his co - workers could not see that Mrs. Renaud had driven

2082the car. Ed Ren aud also pointed out the issue of Mr. RenaudÓs

2095three signatures that day looking different from each other , but

2105his lay opinion is not evidence upon which a finding of fact can

2118be made as t o Mr. RenaudÓs mental condition.

21271 7 . On October 24, 2013, Mr. Renaud had not been adjudged

2140mentally incapacitated and no guardian had been appointed. Ed

2149Renaud said that Mr. Renaud still believed he could perform his

2160work assignments at that time and did not want to retire. But,

2172other than his wife, no one provide d any evidence that

2183Mr. Renaud did not understand wh at he was signing. Mrs. Renaud,

2195however, could not say which option he had selected because he

2206never told her. Her subsequent presumption that Mr. Renaud did

2216not intend to choose Option 1 is not persua sive.

22261 8 . It should be noted that selection of Option 1 by

2239Mr. Renaud set his average pre - tax monthly benefit at around

2251$1,900.00; had he chosen Option 2, the benefit would have been

2263around $1,700. Thus, there was incentive to Ðroll the diceÑ and

2275s elect Option 1, hoping that he would survive long enough to

2287provide for his wife. In this case, sadly, that gamble did not

2299pay off.

23011 9 . The facts of this case are sad in that Mr. Renaud had

2316every intention of providing for his wife financially as l ong as

2328she lived. However, he either made a mistake when he selected

2339his payment option or he attempted to tempt fate and hope for

2351the best. In either case, once he made his selection and began

2363receiving benefits, the die was cast. B ased upon the facts as

2375presented, there is no basis for overturning the DepartmentÓs

2384denial of Mrs. RenaudÓs requested amendment of the payment



239720 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2405jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject ma tter of this

2417proceeding pursuant to s ections 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

2426Statutes (2014) . Unless specifically stated otherwise herein,

2434all references to Florida Statutes will be to the 2014 version.

24452 1 . Petitioner has the burden of proof in this matter as

2458she is asserting the affirmative of the issue. Balino v. Dep Ó t

2471of Health and Rehab . Servs . , 348 So. 2d 349 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

2486Nonetheless, at final hearing the Department was asked to

2495present its case in chief first. This change in order of proof

2507did not alter the burden of proof. The standard of proof is by

2520a preponderance, or greater weight, of the evidence.

2528See Osborne Stern & Co. v. DepÓt of Banking and Fin. , 670 So. 2d

2542932 (Fla. 1996).

25452 2 . In this case, Mrs. Renaud did no t meet her burden of

2560proof. There was no persuasive evidence that either Mr. Renaud

2570or Mrs. Renaud w as misinformed, given wrong information,

2579prevented from asking questions, or misled in any way on the day

2591they signed the relevant retirement forms.

25972 3 . Further, there is no legal basis for changing

2608Mr. RenaudÓs retirement option decision at this time.

2616The form he signed contains the following

2623language: Ð I understand that I must

2630terminate all employment with FRS employers

2636to receive a retirement bene fit under

2643Chapter 121, Florida Statutes. I also

2649understand that I cannot add service, change

2656options or change my type of retirement

2663. . . once my retirement becomes final. My

2672retirement becomes final when any benefit

2678payment is cashed, deposited or whe n my

2686Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)

2691participation begins. Ñ

2694Once Mr. Renaud received his first retirement benefit by way of

2705direct deposit, he was estopped from making any changes

2714concerning his option. See , § 1 2 1.091(6)(h), Fl a. Stat. As th e

2728beneficiary of Mr. RenaudÓs retirement benefits, Mrs. Renaud

2736would also have been unable to alter the option choice once

2747retirement benefits were received.

27512 4 . Even if Mr. RenaudÓs employer, the Department of

2762Corrections, had given him erroneous in formation (and there is

2772no evidence this occurred), the Department of Management

2780Services would not be responsible for that error.

2788See , § 12 1 .021(10), Fla. Stat. Any recourse for such an event

2801would be from the Department of Corrections.

28082 5 . There is no legal basis for changing Mr. RenaudÓs

2820retirement payment option retroactively to meet his survivorÓs

2828wishes . 4/


2832Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2842Law, it is

2845RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the D epartment

2856of Management Services denying Petitioner's request for

2863entitlement to her husbandÓs retirement benefit s following his

2872untimely death.

2874DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of June , 2015 , in

2884Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



2892Administrative Law Judge

2895Division of Administrative Hearings

2899The DeSoto Building

29021230 Apalachee Parkway

2905Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2910(850) 488 - 9675

2914Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


2921Filed with th e Clerk of the

2928Division of Administrative Hearings

2932this 2 4th day of June , 2015 .


29411/ For example, it is unclear how Mr. Renaud would have numerous

2953un - opened letters in his car that his family had not seen if he

2968was no longer driving.

29722/ At fin al hearing, Ed Renaud attempted to offer into evidence

2984an excerpt from an unidentified book or pamphlet concerning

2993effective communication requirements under Title II o f the

3002Americans with Disabilities Act. The excerpt, which Ed Renaud

3011cited as governing this matter, includes this statement

3019concerning assistance for persons with disabilities:

3025ÐGenerally, the requirement to provide an auxiliary aid or

3034service is triggered when a person with a disability requests

3044it.Ñ As far as can be determined from the r ecord in this case,

3058Mrs. Renaud never requested any assistance.

30643/ When asked if she could read and write at the time Mr. Renaud

3078signed his option selection form, Mrs. Renaud replied: ÐCan I

3088read, write Î the same thing? Yeah, I can read and write, bu t

3102sometimes certain words is confusing. If words Î I sometimes,

3112if I donÓt understand something, IÓll look it up in a

3123dictionary. But I had no dictionary to look up the way the

3135wordings were. I assumed it was a 2.Ñ

31434/ Neither the undersigned nor any o ther employee involved in

3154this decision takes any pleasure that Mrs. Renaud will be denied

3165any further benefits. However, the law in this matter must be

3176upheld in order to protect the integrity of the retirement



3190Joe Thompson, Esquire

3193Department of Management Services

31974050 Esplanade Way , Suite 160

3202Tallahassee, F lorida 32399 - 0950


3209Vivian Renaud

32112759 Sharpes Court

3214Orange Park, F lorida 32065

3219J. Andrew Atkinson, General Counsel

3224Office of the General Counsel

3229Department of Management Services

32334050 Esplan ade Way, Suite 160

3239Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


3245Dan Drake, Director

3248Division of Retirement

3251Department of Management Services

3255Post Office Box 900 0

3260Tallahassee, Florida 32315 - 9000



3272All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

328215 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3293to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3304will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 06/24/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 06/24/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held May 21, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 06/24/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 06/15/2015
Proceedings: Vivian Renaud's Proposed Recommended Order to Approve Vivian Renaud's Application to Change Retirement Form from Option 1 to Option 2 filed.
Date: 06/15/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/15/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Correction to Case Style.
Date: 06/11/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Unopposed Motion to Amend Case Caption filed.
Date: 06/05/2015
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 05/21/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 05/19/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Pre-hearing Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 05/18/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 05/13/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents and Other Things to Petitioner; Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 05/13/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing List of Witnesses filed.
Date: 05/13/2015
Proceedings: Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 05/12/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's First Interrogatories, First Requests for Production of Documents and Other Things, and Firsts Requests for Admissions to Petitioner; Medical Records filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 05/12/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing (Proposed) Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 05/05/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Official Recognition.
Date: 05/05/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Amended Notice of Filing First Interrogatories, First Request for Production, and First Requests for Admissions to Petitioner filed.
Date: 05/05/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Judicial Notice of Laws and Rules filed.
Date: 04/13/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing First Interrogatories, First Request for Production, and First Requests for Admission to Petitioner filed.
Date: 04/06/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/06/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 21, 2015; 10:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/24/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/19/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/19/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance of Counsel (Joe Thompson) filed.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Transfer Case to Division of Administrative Hearings filed.
Date: 03/18/2015
Proceedings: Order Transferring Matter to the Division of Administrative Hearings filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallevast, Florida
Department of Management Services


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):