15-004843MTR Jonathan Velez vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner established that ACHA is entitled to be reimbursed for its Medicaid lien in a lesser amount than that calculated pursuant to section 409.910(11)(f).





11vs. Case No. 15 - 4843MTR






26Administrat ive Law Judge June C . McKinney of the Division

37of Administrative Hearings ( " DOAH " ) heard this case by video

48teleconference at locations in Tallahassee and Lauderdale Lakes,

56Florida , on December 17, 2015.


62For Petitioner: Alejandro Larrazabal, Esquire

67Velasquez Dolan Arias, P.A.

71101 North Pin Island Road , Suite 201

78Plantation, F lorida 33324

82For Respondent: Alexander R. Boler, Esquire

882073 Summit Lake Drive , Suite 300

94Tallahassee, Florida 32317


101The issue is the amount paya ble to Respondent, Agency

111for Health Care Administration ( " Respondent " or " ACHA " ) , in

121satisfaction of Respondent ' s Medicaid lien from a settlement

131received by Petitioner, Jonathan Velez ("Petitioner" or

"139Velez") , from a third party, pursuant to section 409.910,

149Florida Statutes (2015).


154By letter , Petitioner was notified by Xerox Recovery

162Services, Respondent ' s collection ' s contr actor , that he owed

174$142, 855.89 to satisfy a Medicaid lien claim , fro m the medical

186benefits paid to him from the proceeds of a settlement he

197received as compensation for injuries he suffered as a result of

208a football injury. On August 31, 2015, Velez protested the

218claim and filed a Petition for Equitable Distribution to

227Determine Medicaid Lien Claim Reimbursement Amount with DOAH ,

235requesting a hearing. The Petition contend s that the portion

245of the settlement that represents medical expenses is less

254than the amount due under the statutory form u la in

265section 409.910(11)(f), and Respondent is entitled only to

273$12,900.00 (or 14 percent of the amount allocated to past

284medicals ) .

287On December 11, 2015, the parties filed a Joint Pre - hearing


300The hearing was set for December 17, 2015, and was held as

312scheduled. At hearing, Petitioner presented the testimony of

320Donna Waters - Romero, an attorney with Vernis & Bowling of

331Broward, P.A. , who was qualified without objection as an expert

341in valuation of damages. Petitioner ' s Exhibits 1 through 5

352were received into evidence. Respondent did not pres ent any

362witnesses or proffer an y exhibits for admission into evidence.

372The pa rties stipula ted to facts 1, 2 , and 4 through 8 from the

387Joint Pre - hearing Stipulation , and the relevant facts stipulated

397therein are accepted and made part of the Findings of Fact

408below .

410The pr oceedings of the hearing were recorded and

419transcribed. A one - volume Transcript of the hearing was filed

430at DOAH on January 20, 2016. Both parties filed timely p roposed

442f inal o rders that the undersigned has considered in the

453preparation of this Final Order.

458Unless otherwise noted, all statutory references are to the

467Florida Statutes (2015).


4731. On September 3, 2008, Velez , then a 14 - year - old

486adolescent child was injured while playing football in

494Clewiston, Florida.

4962. On the date of the accident, Petitioner had a helmet

507to helmet (face to face) collision with another football

516participant. The collision caused a hyper - extended injury and

526Velez immediately fell to the ground and los t consciousness.

5363. Velez suffered a C5 burst fracture, a spinal cord

546injury, anterior cord syndrome and subsequent injuries

553origin ating from this accident, initially rendering him


5624. As a result of the injuries, and s ubsequent

572ramifications from said injuries, V elez suffered extensive

580permanent injuries and required extensive medical treatment in

588Miami, Florida, from September 3, 2008, through October 28,


5985. Petitioner sued numerous defendants for his injuries ,

606but because of waiver and release forms signed by his guardian ,

617the parties settled the case to avoid the possibility of summary

628judgment against Petitioner.

6316. Petitioner recove re d $430,000.00 from a settlement

641against defendants. The settlement ' s allocation included :

650a ttorney ' s fees (40 per cent ) in the amount of $172,000.00; cost s

667in the amount of $4,789.72; past medicals in the amount of

679$60,000 .00 ; and future medicals in the amount of $20,000.00 . 1 /

6947. ACHA, through the Medicaid program, paid $142,855.89 on

704behalf of Petitioner for medical benefits related to the

713injuries sustained by Petitioner.

7178. Xerox Recovery Services , Respondent ' s collection ' s

727contractor, notified Petitioner that he owed $142,855.89 to

736satisfy a Medicaid lien claim from the medical benefits paid to

747him from the proceeds received from the third - party settlement .

759Petitioner contested the lien amount.

7649. At the final hearing, P etitioner presented , without

773objection, the expert valuation of damages testimony of Donna

782Waters - Romero ( " Waters - Romero " ) . Waters - Romero has 30 years '

798experience in both state and federal cour t s and has solely

810practice d in the area of personal injury defense , including

820cases with similar injuries specific to this type of case .

831Waters - Romero 's experience also encompasses evaluation of

840personal injury cases based on the review of medical records,

850case law , and injuries.

85410. In preparation for her testimony, Waters - Romero

863reviewed the pleadings, depositions , answers to interrogatories,

870evaluation s , medical records, and defendant ' s motion for summary

881judgment along with the attached documents. She also met with

891Petitioner ' s attorneys and reviewed the mediation summa ry,

901exhibits, case law on Medicaid liens , letter of discharge , and

911release and settlement agreement .

91611. Waters - Romero also specifically researched three

924circuit court orders that were entered regarding allocation

932regarding Medicaid liens. To determine how to value

940Petitioner ' s claim , Waters - Romero relied on W os v . E.M.A ., 133

956S. Ct. 1391(2013) , a United State s Supreme Court case, and on

968the circuit court cases as guidance . She determined that every

979category of the settlement should be reduced based on the

989ultimate settlement.

99112. During her evaluation, Waters - Romero also acknowledged

1000the litigation risk in Velez ' s case due to the issues with the

1014liability and the waiver and release.

102013. Based on her review, Waters - R omero opined that the

1032overall value of Petitioner ' s cla i m was valued conservatively at

1045$2,000,000 .00 , which was unrebutted . Waters - Romero ' s testimony

1059was credible, persuasive, and is accepted.

106514. The evidence was clear and convincing that the total

1075value of the damages related to Petitioner ' s injury was

1086$2,000,000.00 and that the settlement amount , $430,000 .00 was

109821.5 percent of the total value. The settlement does not fully

1109compensate Petitioner for the total value of his damages.

111815. ACHA ' s position is that it should be reimbursed for

1130its Medicaid expenditures pursuant to the statutory formula in

1139section 409.910(11)(f). Under the statutory fo rmula, the lien

1148amount is computed by d educting 25 percent attorney ' s fee of

1161$107,500.00 from the $430,000.00 recovery , which yields a sum of

1173$ 322,500 .00. In this matter, ACHA then deducted zero in taxable

1186costs, which left a sum of $322,500. 00, then divid ed that amount

1200by two, which yields $161,250.00. Under the statute, Respondent

1210is limited to recovery of the amount derived from the statutory

1221formula or the amount of its lien, whichever is less.

123116. Petitioner ' s position is that reimbursement fo r past

1242medical expenses should be limited to the same ratio as

1252Petitioner ' s recovery amount to the total value of damages.

1263Petitioner has established that t he settlement amount of

1272$4 30,000 .00 is 21.5 percent of the total value ($2,000,000 .00 )

1288of Petitioner ' s damages. Using the same calculation, Petitioner

1298advances that 21.5 percent of $60,000 .00 (Petitioner ' s amount

1310allocated in the settlement for past medical expenses) ,

1318$12,900 .00 , should be the portion of the Medicaid lien paid .

133117. Petitioner proved by clear and convincing evidence

1339that Respondent should be reimbursed for its Medicaid lien in a

1350lesser amount than the amount calculated by Respondent pursuant

1359to the formula set forth in section 409.910 (11)(f).


137118. DOAH has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the

1381parties in this case, and final order authority pursuant to

1391sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 409.910(17) , Florida Statutes .

139919. As a condition for receipt of federal Medicaid funds,

1409states are required to seek reimbursement for medical expenses

1418incurred on behalf of beneficiaries who later recover from a

1428third party. See Ark. Dep't of Health & Hum. Servs. v. Ahlborn ,

1440547 U.S. 268, 276 (2006). To secure reimbursement from liable

1450third parties, the state must require a Medicaid recipient to

1460assign to the state his right to recover medical expenses from

1471those third parties . In relevant part, 42 U.S.C. § 1396a(a)(25)


1483(H) t hat to the extent that payment has

1492been made under the State Plan for medical

1500assistance in any case where a third party

1508has a legal liability to make payment for

1516such assistance, the State has in effect

1523laws under which, to the extent that payment

1531has bee n made under the State Plan for

1540medical assistance for health care items or

1547services furnished to an individual, the

1553State is considered to have acquired the

1560rights of such individual to payment by any

1568other party for such health care items or


15772 0. To comply with this federal mandate, the Florida

1587Legislature enacted section 409.910, Florida's Medicaid

1593Third - Party Liability Act. This statute authorizes and requires

1603the State, through AHCA, to be reimbursed for Medicaid funds

1613paid for a recipient 's medical care when that recipient later

1624receives a personal injury judgment or settlement from a third

1634party. Smith v. Ag. for Health Care Admin. , 24 So. 3d 590 (Fla.

16475th DCA 2009). The statute creates an automatic lien on any

1658such judgment or settleme nt for the medical assistance provided

1668by Medicaid. § 409.910(6)( c), Fla. Stat.

167521. It was undisputed that Medicaid provided $ 142,855.89

1685in medical expenses for Petitioner or that AHCA asserted a

1695Medicaid l ien against Petitioner's settlement and the right to

1705seek reimbursement for its expenses. The mechanism by which

1714AHCA enforces its right is set forth in section 409.910 as


1726(11) The agency may, as a matter of right,

1735in order to enforce its rights under this

1743section, institute, intervene in , or join

1749any legal or administrative proceeding in

1755its own name in one or more of the following

1765capacities: individually, as subrogee of

1770the recipient, as assignee of the recipient,

1777or as lienholder of the collateral.

1783(a) If either the recipient, or hi s or her

1793legal representative, or the agency brings

1799an action against a third party, the

1806recipient, or the recipient's legal

1811representative, or the agency, or their

1817attorneys, shall, within 30 days after

1823filing the action, provide to the other

1830written noti ce, by personal delivery or

1837registered mail, of the action, the name of

1845the court in which the case is brought, the

1854case number of such action, and a copy of

1863the pleadings. If an action is brought by

1871either the agency, or the recipient or the

1879recipient's legal representative, the other

1884may, at any time before trial on the merits,

1893become a party to, or shall consolidate his

1901or her action with the other if brought

1909independently. Unless waived by the other,

1915the recipient, or his or her legal

1922representative, or the agency shall provide

1928notice to the other of the intent to dismiss

1937at least 21 days prior to voluntary

1944dismissal of an action against a third

1951party. Notice to the agency shall be sent

1959to an address set forth by rule. Notice to

1968the recipient or his or her legal

1975representative, if represented by an

1980attorney, shall be sent to the attorney,

1987and, if not represented, then to the last

1995known address of the recipient or his or her

2004legal representative.

2006(b) An action by the agency to recover

2014damages in tort under this subsection,

2020which action is derivative of the rights

2027of the recipient or his or her legal

2035representative, shall not constitute a

2040waiver of sovereign immunity pursuant to

2046s. 768.14.

2048(c) In the event of judgment, award, or

2056settlement in a claim or action against a

2064third party, the court shall order the

2071segregation of an amount sufficient to repay

2078the agency's expenditures for medical

2083assistance, plus any other amounts permitted

2089under this section, and shall order such

2096amounts paid directly to the agency.

2102(d) No judgment, award, or settlement in

2109any action by a recipient or his or her

2118legal representative to recover damages for

2124injuries or other third - party benefits, when

2132the agency has an interest, shall be

2139satisfied without first giving t he agency

2146notice and a reasonable opportunity to file

2153and satisfy its lien, and satisfy its

2160assignment and subrogation rights or proceed

2166with any action as permitted in this


2174(e) Except as otherwise provided in this

2181section, notwithstanding any o ther provision

2187of law, the entire amount of any settlement

2195of the recipient's action or claim involving

2202third - party benefits, with or without suit,

2210is subject to the agency's claims for

2217reimbursement of the amount of medical

2223assistance provided and any lie n pursuant


2231(f) Notwithstanding any provision in this

2237section to the contrary, in the event of an

2246action in tort against a third party in

2254which the recipient or his or her legal

2262representative is a party which results in a

2270judgment, award, or set tlement from a third

2278party, the amount recovered shall be

2284distributed as follows:

22871. After attorney's fees and taxable costs

2294as defined by the Florida Rules of Civil

2302Procedure, one - half of the remaining

2309recovery shall be paid to the agency up to

2318the tota l amount of medical assistance

2325provided by Medicaid.

23282. The remaining amount of the recovery

2335shall be paid to the recipient.

23413. For purposes of calculating the agency's

2348recovery of medical assistance benefits

2353paid, the fee for services of an attorney

2361retained by the recipient or his or her

2369legal representative shall be calculated at

237525 percent of the judgment, award, or


23834. Notwithstanding any provision of this

2389section to the contrary, the agency shall be

2397entitled to all medical coverage b enefits up

2405to the total amount of medical assistance

2412provided by Medicaid. For purposes of this

2419paragraph, "medical coverage" means any

2424benefits under health insurance, a health

2430maintenance organization, a preferred

2434provider arrangement, or a prepaid heal th

2441clinic, and the portion of benefits

2447designated for medical payments under

2452coverage for workers' compensation, personal

2457injury protection, and casualty.

246122. As discussed in Finding of Fact 15, supra , AHCA

2471calculated the l ien amount utilizing the statut ory formula in

2482paragraph (11)(f). One - half of the amount remaining, after

2492deduction of 25 percent attorneys' fees and costs, would be

2502$ 161.250.00 , which exceeds the actual amount expended by

2511Medicaid on Petitioner's medical care. Application of the

2519formu la would provide sufficient funds to satisfy the Medicaid

2529lien of $ 142,855.89 .

253523. Section 409.910(13) provides that AHCA is not

2543automatically bound by the allocation of damages set forth in

2553Petitioner's settlement agreement:

2556(13) No action of the recipi ent shall

2564prejudice the rights of the agency under

2571this section. No settlement, agreement,

2576consent decree, trust agreement, annuity

2581contract, pledge, security arrangement, or

2586any other device, hereafter collectively

2591referred to in this subsection as a

"2598se ttlement agreement," entered into or

2604consented to by the recipient or his or her

2613legal representative shall impair the

2618agency's rights. However, in a structured

2624settlement, no settlement agreement by the

2630parties shall be effective or binding

2636against the a gency for benefits accrued

2643without the express written consent of the

2650agency or an appropriate order of a court

2658having personal jurisdiction over the


266424. Section 409.910(17)(b) provides a mechanism whereby a

2672recipient may challenge AHCA's presump tively correct calculation

2680of medical expenses payable to the agency . The mechanism is a

2692means for determining whether a lesse r portion of total recovery

2703should be allocated as reimbursement for medical expenses in

2712lieu of the amount calculated by application of the formula in

2723section 409.910(11)(f). Section 409.910(17)(b) provides in

2729pertinent part that :

2733A recipient may contest the amount

2739designated as recovered medical expense

2744damages payable to the agency pursuant to

2751the formula specified in par agraph (11)(f)

2758by filing a petition under chapter 120

2765within 21 days after the date of payment of

2774funds to the agency or after the date of

2783placing the full amount of the third - party

2792benefits in the trust account for the

2799benefit of the agency pursuant to pa ragraph

2807(a). The petition shall be filed with the

2815Division of Administrative Hearings. For

2820purposes of chapter 120, the payment of

2827funds to the agency or the placement of the

2836full amount of the third - party benefits in

2845the trust account for the benefit of the

2853agency constitutes final agency action and

2859notice thereof. Final order authority for

2865the proceedings specified in this subsection

2871rests with the Division of Administrative

2877Hearings. This procedure is the exclusive

2883method for challenging the amount o f third -

2892party benefits payable to the agency. In

2899order to successfully challenge the amount

2905payable to the agency, the recipient must

2912prove, by clear and convincing evidence,

2918that a lesser portion of the total recovery

2926should be allocated as reimbursement for

2932past and future medical expenses than the

2939amount calculated by the agency pursuant to

2946the formula set forth in paragraph (11)(f)

2953or that Medicaid provided a lesser amount of

2961medical assistance than that asserted by the


296925. The clear and convincing standard of proof has been

2979described by the Florida Supreme Court, as follows:

2987Clear and convincing evidence requires that

2993evidence must be found to be credible; the

3001facts to which the witnesses testify must be

3009distinctly remember ed; the testimony must be

3016precise and explicit and the witnesses must

3023be lacking in confusion as to the facts in

3032issue. The evidence must be of such weight

3040that it produces in the mind of the trier of

3050fact a firm belief or conviction, without

3057hesitancy, a s to the truth of the

3065allegations sought to be established.

3070In re Davey , 645 So. 2d 398, 404 (Fla. 1994) (quoting Slomowitz

3082v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

309326. In this matter, Petitioner challenged AHCA ' s

3102calculation and demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence

3110that the settlement amount is 21.5 percent of the total value of

3122damages suffered by Velez. Petitioner ' s expert correctly

3131explained that lien recovery is based o n a reduction in every

3143category. However, the undersigned is not persuaded by

3151Petitioner ' s contention that $60,000 .00 ( the allocated amount of

3164the settlement for past medical expenses ) should be the amount

3175utilized when calculating the reduction in this case. Hence,

3184Petitioner ' s formula for calculating the Medicaid amount owed is

3195rejected . Instead of taking 21.5 percent of the allocated

3205medical expenses in the settlement amount of $60,000 .00 , the

321621.5 percent should be applied to the total Medicaid lien to

3227determine the amount owed. Accordingly, ACHA is entitled to

323621.5 percent of the total Medicaid lien of $ 142,855.89 , or


325027. In summary, the evidence in this case is clear and

3261convincing that $30,714.02 of the total third - party recovery

3272represents the share of the settlement proceeds fairly

3280attributable to the expenditures that were actually paid by

3289Respondent for Petitioner ' s medical expenses .


3298Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3308Law, it is hereby

3312ORDERED that:

3314The Agency for Health Ca re Administration is entitled to

3324$30,714.02 in satisfaction of its Medicaid lien.

3332DONE AND ORDERED this 1 2 th day of April , 2016, in

3344Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3352Administrative Law Judge

3355Division of Administrative Hearings

3359The DeSoto Building

33621230 Apalachee Parkway

3365Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3370(850) 488 - 9675

3374Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3381Filed with the Clerk of the

3387Division of Administrative Hearings

3391this 1 2 th day of April, 20 16 .


34021/ See Exhibit 4.


3408Alejandro Larrazabal, Esquire

3411Velasquez Dolan Arias, P.A.

3415101 North Pin Island Road , Suite 201

3422Plantation, Florida 33324


3426Alexander R. Boler, Esquire

34302073 Summit Lake Drive , Suite 300

3436Tallahassee, Florida 32317


3440Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

3445A gency for Health Care Administration

34512727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

3457Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3461Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

3464Agency for Health Care Administration

34692727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

3475Tallahassee, Florida 32308


3479Stuart Williams, General Co unsel

3484Agency for Health Care Administration

34892727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

3495Tallahassee, Florida 32308



3505A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

3516entitled to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida

3525Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

3534of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3542filing the o riginal notice of administrative appeal with the

3552agency clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings within

356130 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of

3575the notice, accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law,

3585with the clerk of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate

3597district where the agency maintains its headquarters or where a

3607party resides or as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 10/19/2016
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 10/17/2016
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 04/12/2016
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 04/12/2016
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held December 17, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/01/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 02/01/2016
Proceedings: (Proposed) Order on Jonathan Velez' Petition for Equitable Distribution to Determine Medicaid Lien Claim Reimbursement Amount filed.
Date: 02/01/2016
Proceedings: Letter to Judge enclosing proposed order filed.
Date: 01/20/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/18/2015
Proceedings: Letter to Judge McKinney from Alejandro Larrazabal enclosing Exhibits admitted during the 12/17/15 Final Hearing; also enclosed pertinent case law and circuit civil orders filed.
Date: 12/17/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 5 filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 4 filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(g) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(f) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(e) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(d) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(c) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibit 3(b) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Pre-hearing Exhibits 1, 2, and 3(a) filed.
Date: 12/16/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Pre-hearing Exhibits filed.
Date: 12/11/2015
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 10/27/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Witnesses Disclosure filed.
Date: 09/22/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/22/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for December 17, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/11/2015
Proceedings: (Respondent's) Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Letter to Stuart Williams from C. Llado (forwarding copy of petition).
Date: 08/31/2015
Proceedings: Jonathan Velez' Petition for Equitable Distribution to Determine Medicaid Lien Claim Reimbursement Amount filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lebanon Station, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):