15-004875EXE Lashae Thomas vs. Agency For Persons With Disabilities
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, December 7, 2015.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner failed to establish that agency abused its discretion in denying her request for an exemption.





11vs. Case No. 1 5 - 4875EXE






27This matter was heard before the Division of Administrative

36Hearings (DOAH) by its assigned Administrative Law Judge , D . R.

47Alexander, on November 19, 2 01 5 , at video teleconferencing sites

58in Lakeland a nd Tallahassee, Florida.


65For Petitioner : La S hae Thomas, pro s e

753217 Julia Court

78Lakeland, Florida 3 3810 - 5510

84For Respondent : Michael Sauve , Esquire

90Agency for Persons with Disabilities

95400 West Robinson Street , Suite 430

101Orlando, F lorida 32801 - 1764


112The issue s are whether Petitioner has shown, by clear and

123convincing evidence, that sh e is rehabilitated from h er

133disqualifying offense, and if so, whether Respondent's intended

141actio n to deny Petitioner's request for an exemption from

151disqualification from employment would constitute an abuse of



162By letter dated July 27, 2015 , the Agency for Persons with

173Disabilities (Agency) advised Petitioner that he r request for an

183exemption from disqualification from employment had been denied

191based on a background screening performed on January 15, 2015 .

202Petitioner timely requested a hearing to contest th e agency

212action, and the matter was referred to DOAH to cond uct a formal


226At the hearing, Petitioner testified on h er own behalf and

237presented three witnesses . The Agency presented the testimony

246of one witness. Respondent's Exhibits A th rough E were accepted

257in evidence.

259A transcript of the heari ng was not prepared. Proposed

269f indings of f act and c onclusions of l aw were filed by the

284Agency, and they have been considered in the preparation of this

295Recommended Order.


3001. The Agency is the state agency responsible for

309regulating the emplo yment of persons in positions of trust for

320which Petitioner seeks to qualify.

3252. Petitioner is a 3 8 - year - old fe male who seeks to qualify

341for employment in a position of special trust with Success for

352All of Florida, Inc., a service provider regulated by the

362Agency . Because she wishes to work as a direct service

373provider, Petitioner was required to undergo a background

381screening . The results of that screening identified a history

391of criminal offenses, including a d isqualifying offense in 2003 .

402Accordin gly, Petitioner filed a request for exemption from

411disqualification, which triggered th e instant proceeding .

4193 . In a letter dated July 27, 201 5 , the Agency's Director,

432Barbara Palmer, notified Petitioner that after reviewing all

440information that led to he r disqualification, her exemption

449request was denied. The letter advised Petitioner that th is

459decision was based upon Petitioner's failure to "submit clear

468and convincing evidence of [her] rehabilitation." Resp. Ex. C .

4784. Before Director Palmer made h er decision, Petitioner's

487request for an exemption was reviewed by a Department of

497Children and Families screener who compiled a 34 - page report

508entitled "Exemption Review" dated June 10 , 201 5 . See Resp .

520Ex . B. The packet of information contains Petitio nerÓs Request

531for Exemption, Exemption Questionnaire, various criminal

537records, and two character references. The Exemption Review did

546not make a recommendation one way or the other, but simply

557compiled all relevant information that would assist the Direc tor

567in making her decision. The report was first given to the

578Agency Regional Operations Manager in Orlando , who review ed it

588and then ma de a preliminary recommendation to the Director.

5985 . In 2003, Petitioner had a disqualifying offense , G rand

609T heft, a third - degree felony, which automatically disqualified

619her from employment in a position of special trust. A round the

631same time, she committed a second - degree misdemeanor,

640Trespassing in a Structure or Conveyance , a non - disqualifying

650offense . Both offen se s occurred at a JC Penn e y store in

665Lakeland. Petitioner pled guilty to both offenses and was

674adjudicated guilty. For the felony conviction, s he was placed

684on probation for 25 months, given credit for time served in

695jail, and ordered to pay various fine s and costs. Petitioner

706was then 26 years old.

7116. Petitioner's account of her disqualifying offense

718differs in several respects from the account memorialized in the

728Lakeland Police Department reports and is inconsistent with her

737plea of guilty. In her Exemption Questionnaire, she stated that

747the criminal offense was actually committed by her younger

756sister and not her. She wrote that "I didn't tell on my sister

769because she was only 16 at the time so I took the charge for

783her." Resp. Ex. A, p. 3. This version of events was never

795pr esented to the court. At hearing, she also stated that she

807pled no contest to the crime, but court records indicate she

818pled guilty.

8207 . In January 2004, w hile on probation for the Grand Theft

833charge, Petitioner violated her probation by committing a non -

843disqualifying offense and was sentenced to 60 days in jail.

8538 . In November 2005, Petitioner violated her probation a

863second time by testing positive for cocaine during a

872probationary drug screening. The record is unclear if

880Petitioner served any jail time for this violation.

8889 . In September 2012, or approximately three years ago,

898Petitioner committed the non - disqualifying offense of Use or

908Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, a first - degree misdemeanor.

917She pled nolo cont endere , was adjudicated guilty , placed on

927probation f or 12 months , and ordered to pay various fines and

939costs. At hear ing, Petitioner blamed her cousin for the arrest

950and stated that she was unaware her purse contained drug

960paraphernalia (a straw and coca ine residue) , as she had not used

972cocaine since 2005 . In any event, she stated that her drug of

985choice was previously ecstasy and not cocaine , and admitted that

995she had used that drug while working at Success for All in

1007Florida, Inc., from 2001 until arou nd 2005.

101510 . B etween 2006 and 2014, Petitioner was employed as a

1027warehouse worker by Publix . A long with five other workers, she

1039was terminated by Publix in 2014 for improperly accepting

1048damaged merchandise from a co - worker. There is no record of any

1061emp loyment since that time.

10661 1 . Petitioner blamed her criminal arrests on stress in

1077her life, mainly due to a lack of family support and raising two

1090children as a single parent, and being just "plain stupid" while

1101she was young. She expressed remorse for he r mistakes and now

1113wishes to help others as a direct service provider. Three

1123witnesses testified on Petitioner's behalf . They de scribed her

1133as being a good worker, a caring individual, dependable, and

1143very determined to improve her life.

11491 2 . The Agenc y's rationale for denying the application is

1161Petitioner's failure to take responsibility for her actions,

1169that is, blaming her arrests on other s , and a failure to provide

1182a truthful and full account of the circumstances surrounding her

1192disqualifying offens e . The Agency also expressed concerns over

1202Petitioner's lack of specificity regarding her criminal

1209background, and the short period of time (three years) since her

1220latest arrest, albeit for a non - disqualifying offense . Finally,

1231t he Agency noted that Peti tioner has never had counseling , she

1243lacks any specialized training , and there is no record of

1253employment since being terminated by Publix more than a year



12671 3 . Petitioner's application for an exemption from

1276disqualification is subj ect to the following standards in

1285section 435.07(3)(a), Florida Statutes (201 5 ) :

1293In order for the head of an agency to grant

1303an exemption to any employee, the employee

1310must demonstrate by clear and convincing

1316evidence that the employee should not be

1323disqua lified from employment. Employees

1328seeking an exemption have the burden of

1335setting forth clear and convincing evidence

1341of rehabilitation, including, but not

1346limited to, the circumstances surrounding

1351the criminal incident for which the

1357exemption is sought, the time period that

1364has elapsed since the incident, the nature

1371of the harm caused to the victim, and the

1380history of the employee since the incident,

1387or any other evidence or circumstances

1393indicating that the employee will not

1399present a danger if employmen t or continued

1407employment is allowed.

14101 4 . The Agency considered Petitioner's request for

1419exemption and issued a notice of intended denial, which is the

1430subject of Petitioner's request for an administrative hearing .

1439The standard of review in this proceed ing is specified in

1450section 435.07(3)(c) , which provides:

1454The decision of the head of an agency

1462regarding an exemption may be contested

1468through the hearing procedures set forth in

1475chapter 120. The standard of review by the

1483administrative law judge is whet her the

1490agency's intended action is an abuse of


14981 5 . Because Petitioner has one disqualifying offense , s he

1509is disqualified from serving in a position of special trust, as

1520defined in statutes, unless and until s he obtains an exemption

1531from disq ualification by meeting the above - quoted standards in

1542section 435.07.

15441 6 . Petitioner is to be commended for wanting to turn her

1557life around and help others as a direct service provider with

1568her former employer, Success for All of Florida, Inc. Even

1578assum ing , however, that Petitioner has demonstrated

1585rehabilitation and is eligible for an exemption, in considering

1594the Agency's action of denying h er exemption request, the

1604standard o f review is whether Director Palmer abused her

1614discretion when passing on Pet itioner's request. The "abuse of

1624discretion" is highly deferential. See, e.g. , E.R. Squibb &

1633Sons v. Farnes , 697 So. 2d 825, 826 (Fla. 1997). An agency head

1646abuses her discretion within the meaning of section 435.07 when

1656an intended action under review is "arbitrary, fanciful, or

1665unreasonable, w hich is another way of saying that discretion is

1676abused only where no reasonable [person] would take the view

1686adopted by the [a gency head ] . " Canakaris v. Canakaris ,

1697382 So. 2d 1197 , 1203 ( Fla. 19 80).

17061 7 . Given the serious nature of the disqualifying offense,

1717the conflicting information about th at arrest, a lack of

1727accountability, and no employment record since 2014, the

1735Director's determination denying Petitioner's request for an

1742exemption was not unreaso nable, and it is not a decision that no

1755reasonable person would adopt. Therefore, n o abuse of

1764discretion was shown. The undersigned notes, however, that

1772section 435.07 does not preclude Petitioner from filing another

1781request for exemption sometime in the future, which might

1790include additional evidence of rehabilitation not previously

1797considered by the Director.


1802Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

1812Law, it is

1815RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Persons with Disabilities

1823e n ter a final order denying Petitioner's application for an

1834exemption from disqualification.

1837DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of December , 201 5 , in

1848Talla hassee, Leon County, Florida.



1858Administrative Law Judge

1861Division of Administrative Hearing s

1866The DeSoto Building

18691230 Apalachee Parkway

1872Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

1877(850) 488 - 9675

1881Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


1888Filed with the Clerk of the

1894Division of Administrative Hearings

1898this 7th day of December , 2015.


1906David M. De La Paz, Agency Clerk

1913Agency for Persons with Disabilities

19184030 Esplanade Way , Suite 380

1923Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


1929LaShae Thomas

19313217 Julia Court

1934Lakeland , Florida 3 3810 - 5510

1940Michael Sauve , Esquire

1943Agency for Persons with D isabilities

1949400 West Robinson Street , Suite 430

1955Orlando, Florida 32801 - 1764


1961Richard Ditschler, General Counsel

1965Agency for Persons with Disabilities

19704030 Esplanade Way , Suite 380

1975Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


1981Barbara Palmer, Director

1984Agency for Persons with Disabilities

19894030 Esplanade Way , Suite 380

1994Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950



2006All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within 15

2017days of the date of this Recomm ended Order. Any exceptions to

2029this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that will

2040render a final order in this matter.

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Date: 01/06/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/06/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 12/07/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/07/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held November 19, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/07/2015
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/25/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/19/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 11/17/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Additional Respondent's (Proposed) Exhibit filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Alexander from Lashae Thomas enclosing names of potential witnesses filed.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibit List (exhibits not avialble for viewing) filed.
Date: 11/10/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibit List filed.
Date: 11/10/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 09/14/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 09/14/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 19, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Lakeland and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/08/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Denial of Exemption from Disqualification filed.
Date: 09/01/2015
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lakeland, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (1):