15-005995FEC Florida Elections Commission vs. Justice-2-Jesus
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent willfully failed on seven occasions between April 10, 2013, and January 12, 2015, to comply with the filing requirements found in section 106.07(7).





12vs. Case No. 15 - 5995FEC





28On September 15, 2015, an Ord er of Probable Cause was

39entered by Petitione r, Florida Elections Commission

46(Petitioner/Commission), charging Respondent, Justice - 2 - Jesus, a

55political committee (Respondent), with the following violations:

62Count 1

64On or about April 10, 2013, Respondent

71v iolated section 106.07(7), Florida

76Statutes, when Respondent failed to

81notify the Division of Elections in

87writing on or before April 10, 2013,

94that Respondent would not be filing his

1012013 Q1 Report on the prescribed due


109Count 2

111On or about Decembe r 10, 2013,

118Respondent violated Section 106.07(7),

122Florida Statutes, when Respondent failed

127to notify the Division of Elections in

134writing on or before December 10, 2013,

141that Respondent would not be filing his

1482013 M11 Report on the prescribed due


156C ount 3

159On or about August 8, 2014, Respondent

166violated Section 106.07(7), Florida

170Statutes, when Respondent failed to

175notify the Division of Elections in

181writing on or before August 8, 2014,

188that Respondent would not be filing his

1952014 P5 Report on the pr escribed due


204Count 4

206On or about August 15, 2014, Respondent

213violated Section 106.07(7), Florida

217Statutes, when Respondent failed to

222notify the Division of Elections in

228writing on or before August 15, 2014,

235that Respondent would not be filing his

2422 014 P6 Report on the prescribed due


251Count 5

253On or about October 26, 2014, Respondent

260violated Section 106.07(7), Florida

264Statutes, when Respondent failed to

269notify the Division of Elections in

275writing on or before October 26, 2014,

282that Respondent would not be filing his

2892014 D2 Report on the prescribed due


297Count 6

299On or about October 28, 2014, Respondent

306violated Section 106.07(7), Florida

310Statutes, when Respondent failed to

315notify the Division of Elections in

321writing on or before October 2 8, 2014,

329that Respondent would not be filing his

3362014 D4 Report on the prescribed due


344Count 7

346On or about January 12, 2015, Respondent

353violated Section 106.07(7), Florida

357Statutes, when Respondent failed to

362notify the Division of Elections in

368writi ng on or before January 12, 2015,

376that Respondent would not be filing his

3832014 M12 Report on the prescribed due


391Respondent was served with a copy of the Order of Probable Cause,

403and on or about October 14, 2015, Respondent requested a formal

414adminis trative hearing before an ALJ of the Division of

424Administrative Hearings (DOAH).

427This cause was set for final hearing on December 30, 2015.

438On December 14, 2015, Petitioner filed a Motion for Summary

448Final Order. The motion was served on Respondent via email and

459U.S. M ail. On December 17, 2015, Petitioner filed an Amended

470Motion for Summary Final Order, which was also served on

480Respondent via email and U.S. M ail. On December 28, 2015,

491Respondent filed Respondents [sic] Verified Opposition to

498Summary Fi nal Order. Given the proximity of the filing of the

510amended motion, and RespondentÓs response thereto, to the

518scheduled date for the final hearing, the undersigned elected to

528hear argument on PetitionerÓs motion at the final hearing. For

538the reasons set forth below, PetitionerÓs Amended Motion for

547Summary Final Order is GRANTED.


5551 . On November 3, 2015, Petitioner filed and served its

566First Request for Admissions upon Respondent by U.S. Mail and

576electronic mail. Florida Rule of Civil Pr ocedure 1.370(a), which

586is adopted in Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.206,


597Each matter of which an admission is

604requested shall be separately set forth.

610The matter is admitted unless the party

617to whom the request is directed serves

624upon the party requesting the admission

630a written answer or objection addressed

636to the matter within 30 days after

643service of the request . . . .

6512 . Additionally, r ule 1.370(b) provides that Ð[a]ny matter

661admitted under this rule is conclusively established u nless the

671court on motion permits withdrawal or amendment of the

680admission.Ñ Respondent neither responded to PetitionerÓs First

687Request for Admissions nor sought relief from the matters deemed

697admitted by operation of law.

7023 . RespondentÓs failure to prov ide a written answer or

713objection to the CommissionÓs request for admissions conclusively

721establishes the following facts:

725a. Justice - 2 - Jesus is a political

734committee registered with the Division

739of Elections;

741b. Brian Pitts is the chairman and

748treasure r of Justice - 2 - Jesus;

756c. By letter dated December 14, 2007,

763Kristi Reid Bronson, Chief, Bureau of

769Election Records of the Division sent

775Brian Pitts, as chairperson of Justice -

7822 - Jesus, an acknowledgement that the

789organization, Justice - 2 - Jesus, had been

797pl aced on PetitionerÓs list of active

804political committees that support


809d. Brian Pitts, as chairperson of

815Justice - 2 - Jesus, received Kristi Reid

823BronsonÓs December 14, 2007,

827acknowledgment letter;

829e. The 2013 Calendar of Reporting Dates

836was availa ble on - line to Brian Pitts, as

846chairman and treasurer of Justice - 2 -

854Jesus, on the Division of ElectionÓs


861f. The 2014 Calendar of Reporting dates

868for Political Committees/Independent

871Expenditures - Only Organizations that

876file with the Division of E lections was

884available on - line to Brian Pitts, as

892chairman and treasurer of Justice - 2 -

900Jesus, on the Division of ElectionÓs


907g. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2013 Q1 Report was

917due on April 10, 2013;

922h. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

928treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jes us failed to

938file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2013 Q1 Report on

948April 10, 2013;

951i. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

957treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

966notify the filing officer in writing on

973April 10, 2013, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

982would not be filing a report for the

9902013 Q1 reporting period;

994j. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2013 M11 Report was

1004due on December 10, 2013;

1009k. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1015treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1024file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2013 M11 Report on

1034December 10, 2013;

1037l . Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1044treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1053notify the filing officer in writing on

1060December 10, 2013, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

1069would not be filing a report for the

10772013 M11 reporting period;

1081m. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 P5 Report was

1091due on August 8, 2014;

1096n. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1102treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1111file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 P5 Report on

1121August 8, 2014;

1124o. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1130treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1139notify the filing officer in writing on

1146August 8, 2014, tha t Justice - 2 - Jesus

1156would not be filing a report for the

11642014 P5 reporting period;

1168p. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 P6 Report was

1178due on August 15, 2014;

1183q. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1189treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1198file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 P6 Report on

1208August 15, 2014;

1211r. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1217treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1226notify the filing officer in writing on

1233August 15, 2014, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

1242would not be filing a report for the

12502014 P6 reporting period;

1254s. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 D2 Report was

1264due on October 26, 2014;

1269t. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1275treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1284file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 D2 Report on

1294October 26, 2014;

1297u. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1303treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus s failed to

1313notify the filing officer in writing on

1320October 26, 2014, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

1329would not be filing a report for the

13372014 D2 reporting period;

1341v. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 D4 Report was

1351due on October 28, 2014;

1356w. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1362treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1371file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014, D4 Report on

1381October 28, 2014;

1384x. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1390treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1399notify the filing officer in writing on

1406October 28, 2014, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

1415would not be filing a repo rt for the

14242014 D4 reporting period;

1428y. Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 M12 Report was

1438due on January 12, 2015;

1443z. Brian Pitts, as chairman and

1449treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1458file Justice - 2 - JesusÓ 2014 M12 Report on

1468January 12, 2015; and

1472aa. Brian Pitt s, as chairman and

1479treasurer of Justice - 2 - Jesus failed to

1488notify the filing officer in writing on

1495January 12, 2015, that Justice - 2 - Jesus

1504would not be filing a report for the

15122014 M12 reporting period.

15164 . One of the purposes of the disclosure requirements that

1527Respondent failed to adhere to is to ensure that the public is

1539appropriately informed that Respondent had no reportable

1546contributions or expenditures during the 2013 Q1, 2013 M11,

15552014 P5, 2014 P6, 2014 D2, 2014 D4, and 2014 M12 reporting


15685 . RespondentÓs filing history with the Division of

1577Elections (Division) demonstrates that Respondent knows how to

1585use the DivisionÓs electronic filing system (EFS) , as it has

1595previously filed documents using the system. See , e.g. , Fl a .

1606Elec. Comm Ó n v. Br ian Pitts, Treasurer for Justice - 2 - Jesus ,

1621Case No. 09 - 2806 (Fla. DOAH Oct. 7, 2009)(ÐRespondent testified

1632that he has assisted several other persons in preparing and

1642filing their electronic reports to the Division.Ñ).

16496 . In Florida Elections Commission v . Brian Pitts,

1659Treasurer, Justice - 2 - Jesus , Case No. 10 - 9927 (Fla. DOAH Jan. 3,

16742011; Fla. Elec. CommÓn May 24, 2011) , the Commission entered a

1685Final Order Imposing Fine in the amount of $1,000 due to

1697RespondentÓs failure to file a quarterly report of all

1706c ontributions received. Through this case, Respondent was again

1715reminded of the DivisionÓ s filing requirements.

17227 . In both DOAH cases referenced above, the Commission

1732filed in the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit, in and

1744for Leon County Florid a, petitions to enforce the final o rders.

1756On January 13, 2011, and October 1, 2012, the Circuit Court

1767entered Final Judgment s in favor of the Commission and against

1778Brian Pitts, Justice - 2 - Jesus , for $2,362.50 and $2,426.30,

1791respectively. Respondent has failed to satisfy the final


18008 . Given RespondentÓs previous course of dealings with the

1810Division and the Commission, Respondent knew or should have known

1820that it was required to notify the filing officer in writing on

1832the prescribed due date tha t it would not be filing a report when

1846Respondent had no reportable transactions during the applicable

1854reporting periods. RespondentÓs actions in this case were


18639 . At the hearing on the Amended Motion for Summary Final

1875Order, Respondent asserted that Justice - 2 - Jesus is indigent, but

1887offered no financial data to support the assertion.


18981 0 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1907jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to sections 120.57(1) and

1916106.25(5), Florida Statutes (201 5), the latter of which states:

1926A person alleged by the Elections

1932Commission to have committed a violation

1938of this chapter or chapter 104 may

1945elect, as a matter of right, within 30

1953days after the date of the filing of the

1962commissionÓs allegations, to have a

1967formal administrative hearing conducted

1971by an administrative law judge in the

1978Division of Administrative Hearings.

1982The administrative law judge in such

1988proceedings shall enter a final order,

1994which may include the imposition of

2000civil penalties, subject t o appeal as

2007provided in s. 120.68. If the person

2014does not elect to have a hearing by an

2023administrative law judge and does not

2029elect to resolve the complaint by a

2036consent order, the person is entitled to

2043a formal or informal hearing conducted

2049before the co mmission.

20531 1 . The Commission has the burden to prove the violations

2065alleged in the Order of Probable Cause by clear and convincing

2076evidence. Diaz de la Portilla v. Fla. Elec. Comm'n , 857 So.

20872d 913, 917 (Fla. 3d DCA 2003).

20941 2 . In Evans Packing Co. v. D epartment of Agriculture and

2107Consumer Services , 550 So. 2d 112, 116 n. 5 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989),

2120the court defined clear and convincing evidence as follows:

2129[C]lear and convincing evidence requires

2134that the evidence must be found to be

2142credible; the facts to w hich the

2149witnesses testify must be distinctly

2154remembered; the evidence must be precise

2160and explicit and the witnesses must be

2167lacking in confusion as to the facts in

2175issue. The evidence must be of such

2182weight that it produces in the mind of

2190the trier of f act the firm belief of

2199conviction, without hesitancy, as to the

2205truth of the allegations sought to be

2212established. Slomowitz v. Walker , 429

2217So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

22251 3 . Section 106.07(7), Florida Statutes (2012), provides as

2235follows: 1/

2237Not withstanding any other provisions of

2243this chapter, in any reporting period

2249during which a candidate, political

2254committee, or committee of continuous

2259existence has not received funds, made

2265any contributions, or expended any

2270reportable funds, the filing of t he

2277required report for that period is

2283waived. However, the next report filed

2289must specify that the report covers the

2296entire period between the last submitted

2302report and the report being filed, and

2309any candidate, political committee, or

2314committee of contin uous existence not

2320reporting by virtue of this subsection

2326on dates prescribed elsewhere in this

2332chapter shall notify the filing officer

2338in writing on the prescribed reporting

2344date that no report is being filed on

2352that date.

23541 4 . Section 106.07(7), Florid a Statutes (2014), provides

2364as follows: 2/

2367Notwithstanding any other provisions of

2372this chapter, in any reporting period

2378during which a candidate or political

2384committee has not received funds, made

2390any contributions, or expended any

2395reportable funds, the fi ling of the

2402required report for that period is

2408waived. However, the next report filed

2414must specify that the report covers the

2421entire period between the last submitted

2427report and the report being filed, and

2434any candidate or political committee not

2440reportin g by virtue of this subsection

2447on dates prescribed elsewhere in this

2453chapter shall notify the filing officer

2459in writing on the prescribed reporting

2465date that no report is being filed on

2473that date.

24751 5 . The Commission must prove not only that Respondent

2486vi olated a provision of the campaign finance laws but that the

2498act or omission constituting the violation was "willful."

2506§ 106.25(3), Fla. Stat. (2015). Willfulness is a question of

2516fact. § 106.25(3), Fla. Stat. See Beardslee v. Fla. Elec.

2526Comm'n , 962 So . 2d 390, 393 (Fla. 5th DCA 2007); McGann v. Fla.

2540Elec. Comm'n , 803 So. 2d 763, 764 (Fla. 1st DCA 2001). The

2552matters deemed admitted by Respondent due to the failure to

2562respond to PetitionerÓs request for admissions, along with the

2571undisputed matters cont ained in PetitionerÓs Amended Motion for

2580Summary Final Order, establish that Respondent was well aware of

2590the requirements of section 106.07(7) and acted willfully when

2599violating the said requirements, as alleged in the Order of

2609Probable Cause.


26121 6 . Section 106.265, Florida Statutes (2015), provides in

2622part as follows:

2625(1) The commission or, in cases

2631referred to the Division of

2636Administrative Hearings pursuant to s.

2641106.25(5), the administrative law judge

2646is authorized upon the finding of a

2653viola tion of this chapter or chapter 104

2661to impose civil penalties in the form of

2669fines not to exceed $1,000 per count,

2677or, if applicable, to impose a civil

2684penalty as provided in s. 104.271 or s.


2693(2) In determining the amount of such

2700civil penalties, the commission or

2705administrative law judge shall consider,

2710among other mitigating and aggravating


2716(a) The gravity of the act or omission;

2724(b) Any previous history of similar

2730acts or omissions;

2733(c) The appropriateness of such penalty

2739t o the financial resources of the

2746person, political committee, affiliated

2750party committee, electioneering

2753communications organization, or

2756political party; and

2759(d) Whether the person, political

2764committee, affiliated party committee,

2768electioneering communic ations

2771organization, or political party has

2776shown good faith in attempting to comply

2783with the provisions of this chapter or

2790chapter 104.

27921 7 . In the Final Order in Florida Elections Commission v.

2804Brian Pitts, Treasurer for Justice - 2 - Jesus , Case No. 09 - 280 6,

2819ALJ Stevenson, in support of the imposition of a $1,000 fine,


2832Full disclosure to the public of "who

2839gave it, who got it" has long be en

2848understood as the spirit of c hapter

2855106, Florida Statutes. See, e.g. ,

2860Division of Elections Advisory Opinions

2865DE 89 - 02 (April 5, 1989) and DE 77 - 10

2877(March 22, 1977). Reporting campaign

2882contributions [and expenditures] is one

2887of the most basic requirements of the

2894election laws. Therefore, the knowing

2899and willful failure to file a required

2906campaign treasurer's re port constitutes

2911a serious violation.

29141 8 . Similar to cases in which entities fail to file a

2927campaign report required by section 106.07(1), RespondentÓs

2934failure in the instant case to provide written notice to its

2945filing officer on the prescribed due date s indicating it had no

2957reportable financial transactions during seven reporting periods

2964as required by section 106.07(7) also frustrates the intent of

2974Ðwho gave it, and who got itÑ in FloridaÓs elections.

298419 . In Florida Elections Commission v. Brian Pitts ,

2993Treasurer for Justice - 2 - Jesus , Case No. 09 - 2806, Respondent

3006willfully violated section 106.07(1) by failing to file a

3015campaign treasurerÓs report for the first quarter of 2008. In

3025Florida Elections Commission v. Brian Pitts, Treasurer, Justice -

30342 - Jesus , Case No. 10 - 9927, Respondent was found to have willfully

3048violated section 106.07(1) by failing to file, once again, a

3058quarterly campaign treasurerÓs report of all contributions

3065received. These cases are similar to the instant case in that

3076they also involv e instances where Respondent willfully failed to

3086adhere to the filing requirements found in chapter 106.

3095RespondentÓs repeated conduct of willful non - compliance

3103justifies, in the present case, the imposition of the maximum

3113fine allowed by statute.

31172 0 . In reviewing the record of the instant proceeding in

3129its entirety, including RespondentÓs Verified Opposition to

3136Summary Final Order and his arguments related thereto at the

3146hearing on PetitionerÓs Amended Motion for Summary Final Order,

3155it is determined tha t Respondent has not shown good faith in

3167attempting to comply with section 106.07(7). There are no

3176factors of record that mitigate in favor of a reduced fine.

31872 1 . Finally, as noted in the Findings of Fact, Respondent

3199claims that it is indigent, but offer ed no financial data to

3211support the assertion. At the hearing on the PetitionerÓs

3220Amended Motion for Summary Final Order, Respondent was given

3229multiple opportunities to present financial data supporting its

3237claim of indigence. RespondentÓs only response to the request

3246for supporting financial data, was to state that the information

3256Ðis available on the internet.Ñ If Respondent wishes its

3265financial situation to be taken into account in mitigation,

3274Respondent must produce evidence of its financial resource s.

3283Diaz de la Portilla , supra at 925 .


3292Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact,

3299Conclusions of Law, and the evidence of record, it is, therefore,

3310ORDERED that:

33121. Respondent is guilty of willfully violating s ection

3321106.07(7), Florida S tatutes, as alleged in the Order of Probable


33332. Respondent is assessed a fine of $1,000.00, for each of

3345the seven counts, for a total of $7,000.00, which must be paid to

3359the Florida Elections Commission within 30 days of the date of

3370this Summary Fi nal Order.

3375DONE AND ORDERED this 28th day of January , 2016 , in

3385Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3393Administrative Law Judge

3396Division of Administrative H earings

3401The DeSoto Building

34041230 Apalachee Parkway

3407Tallahassee , Florida 32399 - 3060

3412(850) 488 - 9675

3416Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3423Filed with the Clerk of the

3429Division of Administrative Hearings

3433this 28th day of January , 2016 .


34421/ RespondentÓs violations cover statutory years 2012, 2013, a nd

34522014. Accordingly, RespondentÓs violations are governed by the

3460version of section 106.07(7) in effect at the time of

3470RespondentÓs non - compliant conduct.

34752/ Section 106.07(7) was last amended on November 1, 2013, by

3486striking Ðor committee of continuo u s existenceÑ from the text.

3497The amendment does not impact the violations established herein.


3508Eric M. Lipman, General Counsel

3513Florida Elections Commission

3516The Collins Building, Suite 224

3521107 West Gaines Street

3525Tallahassee, Florida 3 2399 - 1050


3532Brian Pitts

3534Justice - 2 - Jesus

35391119 Newton Avenue South

3543St. Petersburg, Florida 33705


3548Amy McKeevers Toman, Executive Director

3553Florida Elections Commission

3556The Collins Building, Suite 224

3561107 West Gaines Street

3565Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050


3571Donna Malphurs, Agency Clerk

3575Florida Elections Commission

3578The Collins Building, Suite 224

3583107 West Gaines Street

3587Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1050



3599A party who is adversely affecte d by this Final Order is

3611entitled to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida

3620Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

3629of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

3637filing the original notice of administrative appeal with the

3646agency clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings within

365530 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of

3669the notice, accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law,

3679with the clerk of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate

3691district where the agency maintains its headquarters or where a

3701party resides or as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/12/2016
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding records to the agency.
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Summary Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/30/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/29/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Agency Record filed.
Date: 12/28/2015
Proceedings: Respondents Verified Opposition to Summary Final Order (with answer pleading) filed.
Date: 12/22/2015
Proceedings: Florida Election Commission's List of (Proposed) Exhibits for Final Hearing filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 12/22/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion Requesting the ALJ to Take Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 12/22/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's List of Witnesses and Documents for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 12/22/2015
Proceedings: Florida Elections Commission's Notice of Providing ALJ with Documents for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 12/17/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Amended Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/03/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's First Set of Admissions to Respondent filed.
Date: 10/27/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/27/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for December 30, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; St. Petersburg and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 10/26/2015
Proceedings: Agreed Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 10/22/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 10/21/2015
Proceedings: Order of Probable Cause filed.
Date: 10/21/2015
Proceedings: Respondent Justice-2-Jesus Request for Formal Hearing filed.
Date: 10/21/2015
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
St. Petersburg, Florida
Florida Elections Commission


Related Florida Statute(s) (7):