15-006333BID Emergency Communications Network, Llc vs. Division Of Emergency Management
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, January 28, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Contract award meets all requirements.






13vs. Case No. 15 - 6333BID









31On December 14 through 16, 2015, an administrative hearing

40in this case was conducted in Tallahassee, Florida, before

49William F. Quattlebaum, Administrative Law Judge, Division of

57Administrative Hearings.


60For Petitioner: Martha Harrell Chumbler, Esquire

66Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire

70Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

75Post Office Drawer 190

79Tallahassee, Florida 32302

82For Respondent: David Yon, Esquire

87Brittany Adams Long, Esquire

91Radey Law Firm, P.A.

95301 South Bronough Street , Suite 200

101Tallahassee, Florida 32301

104a nd

106Michael Terrence Kennett, Chief Legal Counsel

112Florida Division of Emergency Management

1172555 Shumard Oak Boulevard

121Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100

126For Intervenor: William Robert Vezina, Esquire

132Eduardo S. Lombard, Esquire

136Megan S. Reynolds, Esquire

140Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

145413 East Park Avenue

149Tallahassee, Florida 323 01


157The issue in this case is whether the proposed award by the

169Division of Emergency Management (DEM) of the contract

177referenced herein to Everbridge, Inc. (Everbridge) is contrary

185to DEMÓs governing statutes, rules or policies, or to the

195solicitation specifications.


199On September 1, 2015, DEM posted a Request for Proposals

209seeking to procure a statewide emergency notification and alert


219Proposals were received from five vendors including

226Emergency Com munications Network, LLC (ECN) and Everbridge.

234On October 19, 2015, DEM issued notice of its intent to

245award the contract to Everbridge. ECN filed a protest

254challenging the proposed award and requesting a hearing.

262On November 12, 2015, DEM forwarded t he challenge to the

273Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , which scheduled and

281conducted the proceeding.

284On November 13, 2015, a Notice of Intervention was filed by

295Everbridge, which was granted by Order dated November 16, 2015.

305On November 18, 20 15, ECN filed a Motion for Leave to Amend

318Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative

326Hearing that was granted without objection at the commencement

335of the hearing.

338On December 14, 2015, the parties filed a Joint Pre - hearing

350Stipulation that included a statement of admitted facts that

359have been adopted and incorporated herein as necessary.

367Also on December 14, 2015, Everbridge filed a Motion to

377Dismiss for Lack of Standing or , Alternatively, to Relinquish

386Jurisdiction (Motion to Dismis s) and two Motions in Limine. The

397Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) denied the Motions in Limine at

407the commencement of the hearing. The ALJ reserved ruling on the

418Motion to Dismiss and advised the parties to address the

428arguments raised therein in proposed recommended orders.

435At the hearing, Joint Exhibits 1 through 22 were admitted

445by stipulation of the parties. ECN presented the testimony of

455six witnesses and had Exhibits 8 through 11 admitted into

465evidence. DEM presented no witnesses and had Exhibit 1 admitted

475into evidence. Everbridge presented the testimony of one


484A Transcript of the hearing was filed on December 28, 2015.

495All parties filed proposed recommended orders that have been

504reviewed in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


5161. On September 1, 2015, DEM posted RFP - DEM - 15 - 16 - 037

532(RFP), titled ÑFlorida Statewide Emergency Alert and

539Notification System,Ñ on the stateÓs Vendor Bid System (ÐVBSÑ).

5492. The purpose of the RFP is to procure a statewide

560emergency alert and noti fication system as mandated by s ection

571252.35(2)(a)(6) Florida Statutes, which requires the DEM to

579Ð[e]stablish a system of communications and warning to ensure

588that the stateÓs population and emergency management agencies

596are warned of deve loping emergency situations and can

605communicate emergency response decisions.Ñ

6093. DEM is a separate budget entity established within the

619Executive Office of the Governor. Tara Walters, the purchasing

628manager for DEM, was responsible for the RFP and the procurement


6404. According to the RFP, the system is to be Ðvendor -

652hostedÑ and capable of proving Ðmass notificationÑ of Ðimminent

661or sudden hazardsÑ through voice telephone calls, text messages,

670emails, social media, and ÐTelecommunications Dev ice of the

679Deaf/TeleT Y pewriter (TDD/TTY)Ñ systems.

6845. ECN and Everbridge are vendors of mass notification


6946. Section 5 of the RFP provided, in relevant part, as



707a) Vendor . In order to qualify as a

716responsive vendo r as that term is

723defined by section 287.012(27), Florida

728Statutes, a Proposer must submit a

734proposal that conforms in all material

740respects to this solicitation.

744b) Proposal . In order to qualify as a

753responsive proposal as that term is

759defined by sec tion 287.012(26), Florida

765Statutes, a proposal must conform in

771all material respects to this


7771. The Division shall not consider any

784proposal that contains a material

789deviation from the terms of this

795solicitation. However, the Division

799re serves the right to consider a

806proposal that contains a minor

811deviation or irregularity so long as

817that minor deviation or irregularity

822does not provide a competitive

827advantage over the other proposers.

8322. The Division shall not permit a

839vendor to amen d a proposal after the

847due date for submissions Î even if to

855correct a deviation or irregularity.

860* * *

8635. A proposal may fail to qualify as

871responsive by reasons that include, but

877are not limited to:

881a. Failure to include a material form

888or addend um;

891b. Failure to include material


897c. Modification of the proposal


903d. Submission of conditional proposals

908or incomplete proposals; and,

912e. Submission of indefinite or

917ambiguous proposals.

9197. Section 28 of the RFP included specific proposal format

929instructions. Each proposal was to contain two parts : a

939ÐTechnical ProposalÑ (Part I) and a ÐPrice ProposalÑ (Part II).

949The RFP explicitly identified the contents to be set forth

959within each part.

9628. The Technic al Proposal was to include multiple

971sections , including a table of contents, an executive summary,

980and a ÐManagement Plan.Ñ

9849. According to the RFP, the Management Plan was required

994to include four elements: the vendorÓs relevant experience;

1002significan t examples of the vendorÓs other clients and pertinent

1012references; a project staffing plan; and a completed Ðdata

1021sheet,Ñ the form for which was included in the RFP.

103210. The RFP also required that the Technical Proposal

1041include a section identified as Ð Technical Plan/Minimum S ystem

1051R equirementsÑ related to the ÐScope of WorkÑ necessary to

1061implement the system. The referenced minimum requirements were

1069explicitly set forth at Exhibit ÐAÑ to the RFP.

107811. Finally, the RFP required that the Technical Prop osal

1088include the vendorÓs financial statements for the prior three

1097years as follows:

1100The Proposer shall provide information

1105regarding its financial status in order

1111to demonstrate that it is financially

1117stable and has the resources necessary

1123to perform th e services outlined in

1130this RFP on a statewide basis.

1136Proposers are to include financial

1141statements created in accordance with

1146Generally Accepted Accounting

1149Principles for the last three years.

1155(Financial documentation may be

1159combined into one file and a re not

1167included in the page count). The

1173Division reserves the right to evaluate

1179the financial status of any or all

1186Proposers before making an award


119212. The Price Proposal was to be submitted separately from

1202the Technical Proposal by using th e ÐPrice Proposal FormÑ

1212included in the RFP.

121613. According to the Schedule of Events set forth in the

1227RFP, proposals were due on September 30, 2015.

123514. DEM received five proposals in response to the RFP.

1245DEM determined that three of the proposals w ere not responsive,

1256and they received no further evaluation.

126215. The two proposals that advanced into the evaluation

1271process were those submitted by ECN and Everbridge.

127916. The RFP identified the process by which each proposal

1289would be evaluated , inc luding the formulas by which some scores

1300would be calculated.

130317. Technical Proposals and Price Proposals were

1310separately evaluated.

131218. The Technical Proposals were reviewed by a group of

1322six evaluators, several of whom had extensive experience in

1331e mergency management and notification systems.

133719. The evaluators subjectively scored the three

1344Management Plan elements pertaining to relative experience,

1351examples/references, and staffing plan. Based on the

1358evaluation, proposals could be awarded up to 30 points allocated

1368between the referenced elements. The scores assigned by the

1377evaluators to ECN and Everbridge for the three Management Plan

1387elements were as follows:

1391Evaluator ECN Everbridge

1394Danny Hinson 13 30

1398Scott Nel son 30 30

1403Brian Misner 24 29

1407Phil Royce 29 27

1411Kevin Smith 24 25

1415Scott Warner 20 26

141920. The fourth element of the Management Plan, the data

1429sheet, was worth up to 20 points, and was scored through a

1441formula included in the RFP. The data sheet required a vendor

1452to identify a Ðguaranteed minimum number of concurrent recipient

1461contactsÑ obtainable by various methods and timeframes.

146821. Using this formula, Everbridg e received a data sheet

1478score of 20 and ECN received a data sheet score of 3.99.

149022. An assertion by ECN that Everbridge cannot achieve the

1500guaranteed minimums set forth on its data sheet was unsupported

1510by evidence.

151223. The RFP specifically provided that the ÐTechnical

1520Plan/Minimum System RequirementsÑ section of the Technical

1527Proposal section would be evaluated on a pass/fail basis as


1538The minimum requirements of the system

1544are broken down in to five (5) sections

1552in the Exhibit ÐAÑ, Scope of Work, and

1560are as follows: Minimum System

1565Requirements, Minimum Geographical

1568Information System Requirements,

1571Minimum Notification Requirements,

1574Minimum Security Requirements, and

1578Minimum Support Requirements.

1581VendorÓs responses shall state each

1586requ irement and detail how the system

1593they are proposing meets or exceeds

1599that requirement. This portion of your

1605response is very important as proposed

1611systems that do not meet each of the

1619minimum requirements shall fail the

1624Responsibility Requirements of the RFP

1629and shall not be considered for

1635additional review or scoring.

163924. Three of the six evaluators determined that ECNÓs

1648proposal failed to comply with all of the minimum requirements

1658and accordingly failed to comply with the ÐResponsibility

1666Requiremen tsÑ of the RFP. Nonetheless, DEM completed the review

1676and scoring of the ECN proposal.

168225. Price Proposals were reviewed and scored by

1690Ms. Walters according to a formula specified in the RFP.

1700Pricing was worth up to 10 points. Everbridge received a price

1711score of 7 points. ECN received a price score of 10 points.

172326. There is no evidence that Ms. WalterÓs review of the

1734Price Proposals failed to comply with the ap plicable

1743requirements of the RFP .

174827. At the conclusion of the evaluation process,

1756EverbridgeÓs total score was 54.83 and ECNÓs total score was


176728. On October 19, 2015, DEM posted its Notice of Intent

1778to Award the contract under the RFP to Everbridge.

178729. ECN filed a Notice of Protest on October 20, 2015.

179830. ECN filed a Formal Written Protest on October 30,

18082015 .

181031. ECN asserts that at least some of the Management Plan

1821scoring deviated from the RFP and the instructions provided to

1831the evaluators. ECN specifically asserts that the evaluations

1839conducted by three of the e valuators included consideration of

1849information extrinsic to the RFP and the vendor proposals, that

1859the information was flawed, and that the scores awarded were

1869therefore inappropriate.

187132. The evidence fails to establish that the evaluation of

1881the Mana gement Plan materially failed to comply with procedures

1891or criteria set forth in the RFP.

189833. The evidence establishes that t he individuals selected

1907to evaluate the proposals understood the requirements of the

1916RFP , and that they conducted their evaluati ons according to

1926their understanding of the evaluation criteria at the time the

1936evaluations were performed.

193934. The evidence further fails to establish that any

1948alleged deficiencies in the evaluation process, even if

1956established, would have altered the total scores sufficiently to

1965change the intended award of the contract as set forth in the

1977DEM Notice of Intent .

198235. ECN asserts that the Question and Answer process

1991employed by DEM was irrational and materially impaired the

2000competitiveness of the procu rement process.

200636. Pursuant to the RFP, vendors were permitted to submit

2016questions to DEM. On September 21, 2015, DEM posted the

2026questions and the DEM responses, including this question

2034submitted by ECN:

2037If a prospective bidder utilizes third

2043parties for completing the RFP

2048requirements, shall the bidderÓs

2052service level agreements (SLAs) with

2057those third parties be submitted within

2063the proposal response?

206637. DEMÓ s posted response to the question was ÐYes.Ñ

207638. Everbridge did not include SLAs within its proposal.

2085ECN asserts that DEM should have rejected the Everbridge

2094proposal as nonresponsive because Everbridge failed to include

2102SLAs in its proposal.

210639. ECN submitted SLAs within its proposal, although the

2115SLAs submitted by ECN were unexecuted or incomplete.

212340. There is no requirement in the RFP that vendors submit

2134SLAs as part of a response to the RFP.

214341. Section 15 of the RFP (titled ÐOral

2151Instructions/Changes to the Request for Proposal (Addenda)Ñ)

2158provided in material part as follows:

2164No negotiations, decisions, or actions

2169will be initiated or executed by a

2176proposer as a result of any oral

2183discussions with a State employee.

2188Only those communications which are in

2194writing from the Division will be

2200considered as a duly authorized

2205expre ssion on behalf of the Division.

2212Notices of changes (addenda) will be

2218posted on the Florida Vendor Bid System



2227It is the responsibility of all potential

2234proposers to monitor this site for any

2241changing infor mation prior to submitting

2247your proposal. All addenda will be

2253acknowledged by signature and subsequent

2258submission of addenda with proposal when

2264so stated in the addenda.

226942. DEMÓs response to the question posed by ECN did not

2280amend the RFP. DEM did n ot issue any notice o f change or

2294addenda to the RFP that required a vendor to include SLAs within

2306a response to an RFP.

231143. ECN asserts that Everbridge is not a responsible

2320vendor because Everbridge failed to comp ly with Section 18 of

2331the RFP (titled ÐQ ualificationsÑ), which provided , in relevant ,

2340part as follows:

2343The Division will determine whether the

2349Proposer is qualified to perform the

2355services being contracted based upon

2360their proposal demonstrating

2363satisfactory experience and capability

2367in the wo rk area.

2372* * *

2375In accordance with sections 607.1501,

2380608.501, and 620.169, Florida Statutes,

2385foreign corporations, foreign limited

2389liability companies, and foreign

2393limited partnerships must be authorized

2398to do business in the State of Florida.

2406ÐForeign CorporationÑ means a

2410corporation for profit incorporated

2414under laws other than the laws of this

2422state. Such authorization should be

2427obtained by the proposal due date and

2434time, but in any case, must be obtained

2442prior to posting of the intended award

2449of the contract.

245244. ECN, a Delaware - incorporated limited liability

2460company, complied with the referenced requirement. Everbridge,

2467a Delaware - incorporated corporation, did not.

247445. Although Everbridge asserts that the statutes

2481referenced in the requireme nt did not require it to be

2492registered prior to the posting of the intended award, the issue

2503is not whether Everbridge complied with state law, but whether

2513Everbridge met the RFPÓs qualification requirements .

252046. The RFP specifically provided that in or der to qualify

2531as a responsive vendor Ðas that term is defined by section

2542287.012(27) Florida Statutes,Ñ proposals were required to

2550conform in all material respects to the solicitation. The RFP

2560provided as follows:

2563The Division shall not consider any

2569pro posal that contains a material

2575deviation from the terms of this

2581solicitation. However, the Division

2585reserves the right to consider a

2591proposal that contains a minor

2596deviation or irregularity so long as

2602that minor deviation or irregularity

2607does not provide a competitive

2612advantage over the other proposers.

261747. The issue is whether the registration requirement was

2626ÐmaterialÑ to the RFP. It was not. The foreign corporation

2636registration requirement was Ðboiler plateÑ language, apparently

2643include d by DEM in the RFP with little thought. Neither Ms.

2655Walters, no r any other DEM employee, made any effort to

2666determine whether the vendors that submitted proposals in

2674response to the RFP complied with the requirement.

268248. The evidence fails to establish that the failure to

2692comply with the registration requirement constituted a material

2700deviation from the terms of the RFP. Everbridge obtained no

2710competitive advantage over ECN or any other vendor th r ough

2721noncompliance with the registration requirement.

272649. ECN a sserts that the Everbridge p roposal was

2736nonresponsive to the RFP because the Everbridge proposal

2744included the following language:

2748Legal Disclosure

2750Everbridge's RFP response is provided

2755for informational purposes and is not

2761meant to form a binding contrac t for

2769the provision of our critical

2774communications suite. Upon request,

2778Everbridge will engage in contract

2783negotiations to execute a service

2788agreement tailored to appropriately

2792capture each party's applicable rights

2797and obligations.

279950. ECN asserts th at the cited language rendered the

2809Everbridge proposal as conditional. The RFP provided that

2817submission of a conditional proposal could result in a proposal

2827being deemed nonresponsive. The evidence fails to establish

2835that Everbridge submitted a condition al proposal in response to

2845the RFP.

284751. Section 20 of the RFP (titled ÐAgreement DocumentÑ)

2856provided as follows:

2859The DivisionÓs ÐContractÑ document is

2864attached hereto and made a part hereof.

2871The terms and conditions contained

2876therein will become an int egral part of

2884the contract resulting from this RFP.

2890In submitting a proposal, the proposer

2896agrees to be legally bound by these

2903terms and conditions.

290652. One of the three submitted proposals rejected by DEM

2916prior to evaluation was considered to be a co nditional proposal,

2927in part because the vendor struck through portions of the RFP in

2939its response. Unlike that vendor, Everbridge unequivocally

2946acknowledged, on page 127 of its response, the DEMÓs

2955Ðinstructions regarding the terms and conditions that will

2963ultimately form the service agreement between the state and its

2973selected vendor.Ñ

297553. Everbridge asserts t hat the ECN proposal failed to

2985comply with the requirement that the Technical Proposal include

2994Ðfinancial statements created in accordance with Ge nerally

3002Accepted Accounting Prin ciples for the last three years, Ñ and

3013that the failure renders the ECN proposal nonresponsive. The

3022evidence supports the assertion.

302654. The phrase ÐGenerally Accepted Accounting PrinciplesÑ

3033(GAAP) refers to a set of fina ncial reporting standards and

3044procedures adopted by the Financial Accounting Standards Board

3052(FASB), a private organization, and adopted throughout the

3060accounting profession.

306255. Financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP

3070include what are com monly identified as ÐnotesÑ that disclose

3080extensive and relevant information supporting the financial

3087analysis reported in the statements.

309256. The finan cial statements submitted by ECN did not meet

3103the requirements of the RFP. Although ECN asserted at the

3113hearing that the financial statements it submitted were prepared

3122in accordance with GAAP, the financial statements submitted by

3131ECN were incomplete because they failed to contain the requisite


314257. The RFP required that the financial informati on

3151provided by each vendor Ðdemonstrate that it is financially

3160stable and has the resources necessary to perform the services

3170outlined in this RFP on a statewide basis.Ñ

317858. The notes to ECNÓs financial statements should

3186properly have disclosed that the ECN statements contained

3194financial information related to ECN subsidiaries, in addition

3202to that of ECN. The absence of notes impeded determination of

3213the reporting entityÓs financial stability and resources.

322059. The Everbridge proposal fully complied with the

3228requirement to submit financial statements prepared in

3235accordance with GAAP and included the notes.

324260. ECNÓs failure to submit financial statements meeting

3250the RFP requirement is a material deviation from the terms of

3261the solicitation that may not be waived because it provided a

3272competitive advantage over other proposers who complied with the


328261. Everbridge also asserts that the ECN proposal is

3291nonresponsive because thre e of the six evaluators determined

3300that, for various reason s, ECNÓs technical plan failed to meet

3311the minimum requirements set forth in the Scope of Work.

332162. The RFP specifically provided that a failure to meet

3331each of the minimum requirements would result in a proposal not

3342being further reviewed or scored. N onetheless, the ECN proposal

3352was reviewed and scored.


335963. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

3366jurisdiction over the parties to and subject matter of this

3376proceeding. §§ 120.57(1) and 120.57(3), Fla. Stat. (2015). 1/

338564. Sec tion 120.57(3)(f) provides, in relevant part, as


3395In a protest to an invitation to bid or

3404request for proposals procurement, no

3409submissions made after the bid or

3415proposal opening which amend or

3420supplement the bid or proposal shall be

3427considered. I n a protest to an

3434invitation to negotiate procurement, no

3439submissions made after the agency

3444announces its intent to award a

3450contract, reject all replies, or

3455withdraw the solicitation which amend

3460or supplement the reply shall be

3466considered. Unless otherwis e provided

3471by statute, the burden of proof shall

3478rest with the party protesting the

3484proposed agency action. In a

3489competitive - procurement protest, other

3494than a rejection of all bids,

3500proposals, or replies, the

3504administrative law judge shall conduct

3509a de no vo proceeding to determine

3516whether the agencyÓs proposed action is

3522contrary to the agencyÓs governing

3527statutes, the agencyÓs rules or

3532policies, or the solicitation

3536specifications. The standard of proof

3541for such proceedings shall be whether

3547the proposed ag ency action was clearly

3554erroneous, contrary to competition,

3558arbitrary, or capricious. In any bid -

3565protest proceeding contesting an

3569intended agency action to reject all

3575bids, proposals, or replies, the

3580standard of review by an administrative

3586law judge shall be whether the agencyÓs

3593intended action is illegal, arbitrary,

3598dishonest, or fraudulent. (Emphasis


360365. The evidence fails to establish that the proposed

3612award of the contract to Everbridge is contrary to DEMÓs

3622governing statutes, rules or polic ies.

362866. As to whether the proposed award complies with the

3638specifications set forth in the solicitation, the proposal

3646submitted by Everbridge substantially complied with the

3653specifications of the RFP. EverbridgeÓs failure to comply with

3662the foreign co rporation registration requirement was not a

3671material deviation from the specifications.

367667. A deviation from the specifications is material, "if

3685it gives the bidder a substantial advantage over the other

3695bidders and thereby restricts or stifles competi tion."

3703Tropabest Foods, Inc. v. Dept. of Gen. Servs. , 493 So. 2d 50

3715(Fla. 1st DCA 1986); Robinson Elec. Co., Inc. v. Dade Cnty. , 417

3727So. 2d 1032 (Fla. 3d DCA 1982).

373468. At the hearing, DEM was unable to offer any rationale

3745for having even included the requirement in the RFP. DEM made

3756no effort to ascertain compliance with the requirement by any

3766vendor. Everbridge gained no competitive advantage over other

3774vendors by the deviation. It is not possible to conclude that a

3786deviation is material when DEM m ade no effort to determine

3797compliance by any vendor prior to posting the notice of intended


380969. On the other hand, ECNÓs failure to submit appropriate

3819financial statements gave ECN a substantial competitive

3826advantage over other vendors. The fail ure to provide the notes

3837that are routinely provided as part of financial statements

3846prepared in accordance with GAAP obstructed an accurate analysis

3855of ECNÓs financial stability and resources, and was a material

3865deviation from the requirements of the RFP sufficient to warrant

3875disqualification of the ECN proposal as nonresponsive.

388270. The evidence fails to establish that the proposed

3891award of the contract to Everbridge is clearly erroneous,

3900contrary to competition, arbitrary, or capricious.

390671. A deci sion is clearly erroneous when it is based on

3918substantial error in proceedings. An agency's decision or

3926intended decision will be found to be "clearly erroneous" if it

3937is without rational support and, consequently, the

3944Administrative Law Judge has a "defi nite and firm conviction

3954that a mistake has been committed." See U.S. v. U.S. Gypsum

3965Co. , 68 S. Ct. 525 (1948). The evidence fails to establish that

3977there has been an error in the proceedings or that the award of

3990the contract at issue in this case to Eve rbridge would be a


400472. As to whether the RFP process was "contrary to

4014competition," the phrase is best understood by its plain and

4024obvious meaning -- i.e., against or in opposition to competition.

4034The purpose of the competitive bidding process i s to secure fair

4046competition on equal terms to all bidders by affording an

4056opportunity f or an exact comparison of bids. See Harry Pepper

4067and Ass oc., Inc. v. City of Cape Coral, 352 So. 2d 1190 (Fla. 2d

4082DCA 1977). The evidence fails to establish that the RFP process

4093employed by DEM in this case was contrary to competition.

410373. The evidence further fails to establish that the

4112process was arbitrary or capricious. "A capricious action is

4121one which is taken without thought or reason or irrationally.

4131An ar bitrary decision is one not supported by facts or logic, or

4144despotic." Agrico Chemical Co. vs. St ate Dep Ó t of Env tl . Reg . ,

4160365 So. 2d 759, 763 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978), cert. den ied , 376 So.

41742d 74 (Fla. 1979).


4179Based on the foregoing Findings o f Fact and Conclusions of

4190Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Emergency

4199Management enter a final order dismissing the First Amended

4208Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative

4216Hearing filed by Emerge ncy Communications Network, L LC, and

4226awarding the contract to Everbridge, Inc.

4232DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of January , 2016 , in

4242Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4250Administrative Law Judge

4253Division of Administrative Hear ings

4258The DeSoto Building

42611230 Apalachee Parkway

4264Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4269(850) 488 - 9675

4273Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4280Filed with the Clerk of the

4286Division of Administrative Hearings

4290this 28th day of January , 2016 .


42981/ All statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2015),

4307unless otherwise indicated.


4312Martha Harrell Chumbler, Esquire

4316Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire

4320Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

4325Post Office Drawer 190

4329Tallahassee, Florida 32302

4332(eS erved)

4334Brittany Adams Long, Esquire

4338David Yon, Esquire

4341Radey Law Firm, P.A.

4345301 South Bronough Street , Suite 200

4351Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4355Megan S. Reynolds, Esquire

4359Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

4364413 East Park Avenue

4368Tallahassee, Flor ida 32301


4373Eduardo S. Lombard, Esquire

4377Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

4382413 East Park Avenue

4386Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4390William Robert Vezina, Esquire

4394Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

4399413 East Park Avenue

4403Tallahassee, Flori da 32301


4408Mindy Dowling, Agency Clerk

4412Florida Division of Emergency Management

441725 5 5 Shumard Oak Boulevard

4423Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100


4429Michael Terrence Kennett, Chief Legal Counsel

4435Florida Division of Emergency Management

444025 5 5 S humard Oak Boulevard

4447Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 2100


4453Timothy Cerio, General Counsel

4457Office of the Governor

4461The Capitol, Suite 209

4465Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1001



4477All parties have the right to su bmit written exceptions within

44881 0 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4500to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4511will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held December 14-16, 2015). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/07/2016
Proceedings: Everbridge's Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/2016
Proceedings: Respondent Division of Emergency Management's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/07/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Petitioner's Proposed Recommended ORderr filed.
Date: 12/28/2015
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Motion in Limine Regarding Proposal Scoring and Alleged Scoring Errors or Bias filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Motion in Limine Regarding Minimum Guaranteed Rates of Processing filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Standing or, Alternatively, to Relinquish Jurisdiction and Supporting Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Joint Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 12/14/2015
Proceedings: Amended Subpoena Ad Testificandum (to Scott Warner) filed.
Date: 12/11/2015
Proceedings: Motion for Official Recognition filed.
Date: 12/11/2015
Proceedings: Respondent Division of Emergency Management's Notice of Service of Verified Responses to Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/11/2015
Proceedings: Subpoena Ad Testificandum (to Scott Warner) filed.
Date: 12/10/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Jeff Barbacci) filed.
Date: 12/09/2015
Proceedings: Division of Emergency Management's Notice of Compliance filed.
Date: 12/08/2015
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 12/08/2015
Proceedings: Motion for Telephonic Conference filed.
Date: 12/08/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of Shannon Castellani) filed.
Date: 12/07/2015
Proceedings: Respondent Division of Emergency Management's Cross-notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 12/07/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of Imad Mouline) filed.
Date: 12/04/2015
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Notice of Taking Deposition (ECNs Corporate Representative) filed.
Date: 12/04/2015
Proceedings: (Intervenor) Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 11/25/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 11/25/2015
Proceedings: Motion for Entry of Stipulated Protective Order filed.
Date: 11/25/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Notice of Serving Verified, Amended Responses to ECN's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's Notice of Serving Responses to Everbridge's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Everbridge's First Request for Production to ECN filed.
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Cancellation of Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Motion for Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's Response to Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's Notice of Serving Responses to Respondent's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Respondent Division of Emergency Management's Notice of Service of Unsworn Responses to Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Unverified Responses to ECN's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Responses to ECN's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Division of Emergency Management's Responses to Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Division of Emergency Management's Responses to Petitioner Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 11/20/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's First Request for Production to ECN filed.
Date: 11/20/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Notice of Serving First Set of Interrogatories to ECN filed.
Date: 11/19/2015
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 14 through 16, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Notice of Hearing).
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLCs Notice of Serving First Interrogatories to Everbridge, Inc filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Request for Admissions to the Florida Division of Emergency Management filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Request for Admissions to Everbridge, Inc., filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's First Request for Production to the Florida Division of Emergency Management filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's Notice of Serving First Interrogatories to the Everbridge, Inc. filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLC's Notice of Serving First Interrogatories to the Florida Division of Emergency Managment filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Joint Motion to Extend Hearing Dates filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Respondent Division of Emergency Managements Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Petitioner Emergency Communications Network, LLC filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production to Petitioner filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Everbridge's Objections to ECN's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 11/17/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Megan Reynolds) filed.
Date: 11/16/2015
Proceedings: Emergency Communications Network, LLCs First Request for Production of Everbridge, Inc filed.
Date: 11/16/2015
Proceedings: Amended Order Establishing Pre-hearing Procedures.
Date: 11/16/2015
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Intervene.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (William Vezina) filed.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Intervention filed.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Eduardo Lombard) filed.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (W. Vezina) filed.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Order Establishing Pre-hearing Procedure.
Date: 11/13/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 14, 2015; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL). Mailed to Vezina and Lombard.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Protest filed.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Tabulation Sheet filed.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Award filed.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Formal Written Protest and Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/12/2015
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lakeland, Florida
Division of Emergency Management


Related Florida Statute(s) (4):