15-006474 Children&Apos;S Academy Preschool Inc., D/B/A Children&Apos;S Academy Preschool I vs. Department Of Children And Families
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, March 8, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: For the first Class I health and safety violation and other violations, the Department was obligated under Rule 65C-22 to renew the Petitioner's day care license, but convert it to probationary status and impose monetary fines and other sanctions.







22vs. Case No. 15 - 6474






37A hearing was conducted in this case on February 9, 2016 , by

49video teleconference, with sites in Tallahassee and Miami ,

57Florida , before Robert L. Kilbride, an Administrative Law Judge

66( " ALJ " ) of the Division of Administrative Hearings ( " DOAH " ) . The

80hearing was held pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) ,

89Florida Statutes (2015) . 1/


95For Petitioner: Tanishia Findlay Stokes, Esquire

101Law Office of T. Findlay Stokes, P.A.

1088362 Pines Boulevard, Suite 270

113Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024

117Sadiki Mosi Alexander, Esquire

121Findlay Stokes, Lynch & Brown, PLLC

1278362 Pines Boulevard, Suite 254

132Pembroke Pines, Florida 33023

136For Respondent: Karen Milia Annunziato, Esquire

142Department of Children and Families

147401 Northwest 2nd Avenue, Suite N - 1014

155Miami, Florida 33128


162Whether sufficient grounds exist to justify denial of

170Petitioner ' s license renewal application to operate a child care



184On October 2, 2015 , Respondent, Department of Children and

193Families ( " Depa rtment " or " DCF " ) , issued a Denial of Application

205for a Child Care Facility License ("Denial of Application ") t o

218Petitioner , Children ' s Academy Preschool Inc. , d/b/a Children ' s

229Academy Preschool I, denying Petitioner ' s renewal license

238application for alleg ed violations of Florida Administrative Code

247Rule 65C - 22.00 2 ( 1 ) (a) and ( b ) .

261The Denial of Application outlined multiple health ,

268sanitation , and safety hazards specifically related to the

276physical aspects of the facility , including holes in the ceiling

286a nd walls, water damage , and active vermin infestation.

295Petitioner disputed the allegations of the Denial of

303Application and requested an administrative hearing.

309The Department forwarded the request for a hearing to DOAH

319on November 17, 2015 . The final hear ing was hel d as scheduled on

334February 9, 2016 , by video teleconference .

341At hearing, the Department presented the testimony of two

350witness es , Ian Fleary and Manuel Falla . The Department ' s

362E xhibits numbered 1 through 5 were admitted into evidence.

372Petit i on er presented the testimony of Pat rick Adeleke and Daniel

385Samaria . Petit i oner ' s Exhibits C1 through C 10 and D1 through D 3

402were admitted into evidence .

407A t ranscript of the hearing was not ordered. Petitioner and

418the Department timely submitted p roposed r ec ommended o rder s ,

430which were reviewed and considered in the preparation of this

440Recommended Order.


446The undersigned makes the following findings of material ,

454relevant , and probative facts:

4581. The Department is the state agency charged with

467regulating, licensing , and overseeing the operation of child care

476facilities , applying provisions of c h a pter 402 , Florida Statutes,

487and chapter 65C - 22 .

4932. Petitioner is a child care facility in Miami , Florida ,

503regulated and licensed by the Department . It is located at

51413801 Memorial Highway , Miami , Florida , 33161. 2/

521Stipulated Facts

5233 . The Department issued Petitioner child care l icense

533number C11MD0670 for the period of October 3, 2014 , through

543October 2, 2015 .

5474. On August 20, 2015, the Department rec eived a r enewal

559application from Petitioner for a c hild c are f acility l icense .

5735 . On September 25, 2015, the Department conducted a

583renewal inspection of Petitioner ' s child care facility.

592September 25, 2015 , R enewal I nspection

5996. Th e r enewal inspection o n September 25, 2015 , was

611conducted by Gabriele Derice , BA, MSW , a counselor with the

621Department . The purpose of the inspection was to check the

632physical facility, compliance with recordkeeping requirements and

639training . The goal was to e nsure that the h ealth and safety of

654the children at the facility w as protected . 3/

6647. The owner of the facility, Patrick Ad e leke, was not

676present during the inspection on September 25, 2015.

6848. After inspecting the entire facility , Derice issue d

693a report called an Inspec tion C hecklist ( " Checklist " ) on

705September 25, 2015. Dep ' t ' s Ex . 3 . Julianne Politesse, a staff

721member of P etitioner, signed the Checklist acknowledging its

730receipt on September 25, 2015.

7359. The Checklist include d multiple violations which were

744discovere d by Derice . The violations were described in the

755report , which speaks for itself. However, there were four

764significant a reas of noncompliance found at section 14 in the

775Checklist specifically related to t he " Facility E nvironment . "

78510. Three of the viol ations at section 14 of the Checklist

797were C lass III - Technical Support violations , and one violation

808was a C lass I. 4/

81411. Other areas of noncompliance listed in the Checklist

823included a combination of Class II and Class III violations .

834The y included outd oor play area, toilets and sink, fire drills

846an d emergency preparedness, food preparation area , outdoor

854equipment, meals and snacks, cater e d food and food provided by

866parents, personnel records , and background screening documents.

87312. Of particular note, all classes of violations in the

883Checklist , including section 14, were not ated with " D ue D ate

89510/09/2015 . "

89713. The Department ' s licensing supervisor , Ian Fleary,

906testified that the inclusion of a " Due D ate " is in keeping with

919standard DCF procedure and gi ve s the license holder " ample time

931to comply . " Fu rther, the time provided allows the license holder

943time " to make necessary repairs. "

94814. There is no dispute that October 9, 2015 , w as to be the

962date that the Department ' s inspectors would return to determ ine

974if noncompliant items had been corrected.

98015. P etitioner was not informed that the Department ' s

991inspectors would return before October 9, 2015 , or that another

1001visit by the Department would occur on October 1, 2015.

101116. P etitioner testified that he r elied on the Checklist as

1023giving him until October 9, 2015 , to make necessary repairs and

1034bring the facility into compliance .

1040October 1, 2015 , R eturn and R e - inspection

105017. On October 1, 2015 , Fleary made a visit to the facility

1062with Derice and other state representatives. This visit was

1071unannounced , and P etitioner was not aware that the Department and

1082staff w ere returning that day .

108918. Fleary decided to make the visit with Derice due to the

1101serious concerns she reported to him from her first inspection o n

1113September 25, 2015 .

111719. The collecti on of photographs included in the

1126Department ' s Exhibit 2 and the videotape footage contained in the

1138Department ' s Exhibit 5 speak for themselves. 5/ The undersigned

1149finds that the photographs and videotape footage , Res pondent ' s

1160Exhibits 2 and 5 , respectively , accurately depict the conditions

1169found by the inspection team on October 1, 2015.

117820. Suffice it to say that the inspectors found , and the

1189undersigned finds, that conditions in the noted areas which

1198existed on Oct ober 1, 2015 , particularly the kitchen and

1208bathrooms, were deplorable and shock ing . The conditions of the

1219noted areas were foul , unsanitary , and expose d the children to

1230health and safety hazards.

123421. Notably, an area identified as the kitchen had

1243particu lar ly unsanitary conditions. The undersigned finds that

1252the following general conditions were depicted in the pictures

1261and videotape from the kitchen area :

1268a. Live roaches an d active infestation by roaches and other


1280b. Roach droppings (feces) on c ounter tops, storage areas,

1290cabinets , and floor areas .

1295c. Extensive w ater damage to the ceiling area and kitchen

1306cabinets .

1308d. Food stored in the kitchen area in an unsanitary and

1319unhealthy manner.

1321e. Filthy and grimy counters, floors , and cabinets.

1329Many of the same unsanitary conditions outlined in a. through e.

1340above existed in bathrooms and storage areas being used by staff

1351or children .

135422. During this visit, Fleary met with Ad e leke, the owner.

1366Fleary told him that the kitchen area required an " immedi ate "

1377response and that no food should be prepared, nor should the

1388kitchen be used in any manner. He also discussed his general

1399findings and concerns with the owner.

140523. Flear y concluded , and the undersigned finds , that the

1415conditions found in the kitchen area , bathrooms , and storage

1424depicted in the Department ' s Exhibits 2 and 5 jeopardized the

1436health and safety of the children and staff , and ex posed the

1448children and staff to safety and health risks .

145724. Testimony from F leary revealed that there had been

1467previous investigations at the child care facility by the Miami -

1478Dade County B uilding Department and that citations ( unspecified )

1489had been issued. Based on his review of other documents, h e

1501concluded and testified that Miami - Dade County had many of the

1513sam e interior structural and safety concerns as he and Derice

1524had .

152625. The more persuasive testimony , credited by the

1534undersigned , indicated that food which was found in the kitchen

1544area by the inspectors on October 1, 2015, w as stored or kept

1557there in antic ipation of being served to the pre - school children.

157026. The more persuasive testimony, credited by the

1578undersigned , also indicated that the kitchen identified in the

1587photographs was in limited u se but that catered food was being

1599kept, stored , or distribut ed f ro m there. 6/

160927 . T he food discovered in the kitchen on October 1, 2015 ,

1622was brought in by a caterer and was not cooked by P etitioner ' s

1637staff in the kitchen.

164128 . To that same point, the inspectors did not find that

1653a ny stoves in the kitchen had been r ecently used to cook, n or

1668were any pots or utensils in use on the stove.

167829. Fleary conceded that while he was there , he did not

1689observe any staff using the kitchen or the kitchen utensils , or

1700distributing any of the catered food seen in the kitchen.

1710Lik ewise, he admitted that one toilet in a classroom did not

1722appear to be in use and was being used for storage.

173330. Fleary acknowledged that neither he nor anybody else

1742from DCF returned after October 1, 2015 , to determine if

1752compliance had been achieved.

17563 1. On redirect, Fleary was ask e d to explain why a " Due

1770D ate " was included on the Checklist dated September 2 5, 2015.

1782Despite the fact that all violations in section 1 4 Î 04 of the

1796Checklist noted a " Due D ate " of October 9 , 2015, he testified

1808that f or a C la ss I violation , an immediate response is required.

1822There was no explanation or evidence regarding what " immediate "

1831meant , or whether or when an immediate response would constitute


184232. When asked directly why there was no follow - up

1853inspection after October 1 , 2015 , he indicated that this was due

1864to the severity of the case an d the internal workload of the

1877Department . He also testified that there was no follow - up , in

1890part, because DCF obtained an E mergency Suspension O rder which,

1901essentially, o bviated the need to re - inspect after October 1 ,

19132015. 7/

191533. In addition to the Department ' s representatives , a

1925program specialist with the Florida Department of H ealth , Manuel

1935Falla , accompanied the DCF staff on October 1, 2015 , for the

1946inspection visit.

194834. Falla testified that the purpose of his participation

1957was to ensure that a child care food program , administered and

1968monitored by the Florida Department of Health , was running


197835. He testified that he observed many of the same

1988unsanita ry conditions reported by the DCF staff in the Checklist .

2000However, h is observations and reporting focused on compliance

2009with the Florida Department of Health child care food program .

2020His findings were documented in the Department ' s Exhibit 4 ,

2031entitled " S ite Review F orm . "

203836. Falla described c onditions in the child care kitchen as

" 2049very poor . " He claimed that he " had never seen anything like

2061this before . " There were active and live in sects crawling about ,

2073rusty items, holes in the ceiling , and extensive water damage.

2083The kitchen counter had roach droppings , and there were boxes of

2094utensils with roach droppings inside.

209937. He commented that the condition s in the kitchen were

" 2110very hazardous, and children could get sick . "

211838. On cross - examination , he co nceded that he did not

2130observe any staf f serving food from the kitchen, nor were any

2142children present in the kitchen . He also said that the stove did

2155not appear to be in use , but that the refrigerator was in use.

2168There were food containers inside the kit chen that were being


218039. Notably , Falla testified that he was confident that

2189food /drink items found on October 1, 2015 , in the kitchen

2200refrig erator were being used because P etitioner had submitted

2210certain recent reimbursement receipts to his agency for similar

2219food items. These items included waffles, milk , and juice found

2229in the kitchen or in the refrigerator on October 1, 2015.

224040. He also observed that several catered food items

2249prepared for service to the children were located in the kitchen

2260on movable carts .

226441. Falla overheard Fleary tell Adeleke during the visit

2273that the kitchen had to be shut down until it was repaired .

2286Based on his observations that day , particularly the kitchen ,

2295Falla testified that " health and safety concerns for the

2304ch ildren " existed .

230842. The review summary contained in Falla ' s Site Review

2319F orm , the Department ' s Exhibit 4 , was read into evidence and

2332stated as follows:

2335A rrived with PS L Romeo to complete complaint

2344investigation and CCF P review. Review was

2351completed alo ngside DCF specialists

2356Ms. Derice & regional DCF supervisor

2362Mr. Flea ry .

2366Due to poor conditions of the kitchen and

2374facility DCF has shut down centers kitchen

2381until further notice. As per DCF meals

2388cannot be served on site. As far a s CCF P

2399meals go cannot serve/claim meals until DCF

2406completes follow - up process and DCF allows

2414food operation service.

2417Sponsor has been placed on ADR for all

24257 sites. As per owner Mr. Patrick [ sic ] all

2436sites self - prepare breakfast and snack.

2443However, Mips [ sic ] list centers as approved

2452to be catered for breakfast, lunch & snack.

246043. In his r e port, under Physical E nvironment \\ Food and

2473N utrition , he reported ( by way of his " No " or negative responses )

2487that :

248922. Cleaning supplies are not stored

2495separately from food.

249823. There w as evidence of rodent or insect

2507infestation .

250924. There were potentially hazardous foods

2515maintained and (if catered), delivered at

2521im proper temperatures.

252425. Prepared food was not stored in clean,

2532covered containers that are clearly labeled

2538and mark ed w ith date of preparation.

254626. Proper procedures were not being

2552followed for washing, rinsing, sanitizing

2557utensils, food preparation equipment, and

2562food contact surfaces.

2565Adeleke signed Falla ' s Site Review Form as a representative of

2577P etitioner on October 1, 2015.

258344. Daniel Samaria testified that o n October 3, 2015 , his

2594licensed pest control c o mpany , Creepy Critters , inspected

2603Petitioner ' s facility and provided pest control services. This

2613involved a two - step process. The first visit on October 3

2625involv ed spraying all areas to " flush out " the insects and

2636roaches. The company came back approximately a week later and

2646provided another pest control treatment involving a bait

2654treatment. 8/

265645. Samaria testified that since the inspections in

2664September and Oct ober 2015 , he has been providing ongoing and

2675monthly pest control treatment s and plan ned to provide another

2686treatment in February 2016.

269046. He found roach droppings , and some roaches were dead.

2700He acknowledged that as a result of his inspection and treat ment ,

2712P etitioner ' s " bug problem " has not been eliminated , but it is

" 2725under control for now . "

273047. On cross - examination, he ident ified the roach problem

2741as involving German roaches , whose presence is generally due to

" 2751food, uncleanliness or boxes . " In part icular, he testified that

2762German roaches thrive in environments where kitchen grease is not

2772cleaned up properly or the area is not degreased properly. The

2783German roaches collect around and feed off the grease.

2792Testimony of Patrick Adeleke

279648. The owner o f Petitioner , Adeleke, testified that he had

2807previously used another pest control company wh ich provided

2816services on weekends , but they were terminated after the

2825October 1 , 2015 , inspection by the Department . 9/

283449. Adeleke had operated the day care facili ty for

284423 years. He testified that he had a bachelor ' s degree from

2857Northeastern University , and an MBA in public administration. He

2866also testified that he worked for HRS (economic division) for

2876several years.

287850. He testified that renovations were start ed just before

2888the inspec tion on September 25, 2015. F urther, that the areas

2900under renovation (unspecified by him) and two classrooms were

2909closed off and used for storage only. 10/

291751. P etitioner had a catering contract with G reater of

2928Miami (sp?) . That organization delivered hot meals in Styrofoam

2939boxes each day together with plates, utensils , and cups. They

2949were all disposable items. 11/

295452. Adeleke was not present when the inspection occurred on

2964September 25, 2015. However, he reviewed the Checklist and

2973testified that he relied on the October 9, 2015 , due date to make

2986repairs. He felt that the two weeks would give him adequate time

2998to bring all areas of noncompliance into compliance, including

3007the kitchen.

300953. Adeleke was present during the October 1, 2015 ,

3018inspection . H e escorted the DCF staff around. On October 1 ,

30302015 , he told Fleary that the " only area left to be done " was the

3044kitchen. 12/

304654. Adeleke testified that the areas depicted in the video

3056( Department ' s Exhibit 5) were areas of the faci lity that were

3070either not in use, being renovated , or used for storage. He

3081further claimed that the refrigerator in the video was not being

3092used. 13/

309455. P etitioner ' s defense relied, in part, on a collection

3106of pictures that Adeleke testified he took on O ctober 3, 2015

3118( see P etitioner ' s E xhibit C 1 through C 10) . From what can be

3136observed in th ese photos, i tems depicted in Petitioner ' s

3148E xhibit s C5, C6 , and C8 show a kitchen area that appears to be

3163relatively clean and sanitary.

316756. The owner testified that Petitioner ' s E xhibit C5

3178depicted the kitchen in question and that when the picture was

3189taken , new cabinets had been installed, the kitchen had been

3199painted , and new ceiling tiles were installed.

320657. The owne r testified that Petitioner ' s E xhibit C6

3218depict ed a food warmer in the kitchen in question.

322858. Finally, the owner testified that Petitioner ' s

3237E xhibit C8 showed a new kitchen counter surface that was

3248replaced. Petitioner ' s Exhibit C8 also shows a refrigerator

3258which had been defrosted, cleaned out , an d old food items

3269discarded. 14/

327159 . F rom what can be seen , t he undersigned finds that the

3285areas of the facility depicted in Petitioner ' s E xhibits C1

3297through C10 appear to be clean . 15/

330560. O ther than the owner ' s testimony that these pictures

3317were taken on October 3, 2015 , there were no witnesses or staff

3329members called to verify or support his testimony concerning th e

3340date the pictures were taken . The pictures themselves contain no

3351calendar date or time printed on them. A s a result, the

3363undersigned consid ers these pictures unpersuasive insofar as the

3372October 3, 2015 , date is concerned. 16/

337961. The owner testified that during the October 1, 2015 ,

3389inspection visit , he told Fleary that the only item which

3399remained to be repaired or cl eaned was the kitchen. 17/

341062. It was undisputed, and the owner testified, that DCF

3420never returned after October 1, 2015 , to re - inspect. Adeleke

3431testified that in his experience , DCF typ ically gives facilities

3441repair deadlines to bring violations in to compliance. Further,

3450he rel ied on the October 9 , 2015 , deadline to complete the repair

3463work .

346563. On cross - examination , the owner testified that he is

3476familiar with the rules and regulations governing child care

3485facilities. He testified that he never saw any roaches prior to

3496Octobe r 1, 2015. 18/


350464. DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and subject

3513matter of this proceeding pursuant to sections 120.569 and


352365. The laws, standards , and r ules regulating child care

3533facilities can generally be found in c hapter 402 and chapter 65C -


3547Applicable Case Law

355066 . This case began when the Department issued a letter

3561informing Petitioner that it s license to operate a child care

3572facility would not be renewed , as the consequence for several

3582violations found during the renewal inspection. This constituted

3590d isciplinary or penal action against Petitioner ' s child care

3601facility license, pursuant to c hapter 402 . As such, the

3612Department bears the burden, by clear and convincing evidence, to

3622establish the grounds for disc ipline and penal sanctions against

3632Petitioner ' s license. Coke v. Dep ' t of Child. & Fam. Servs. , 704

3647So. 2d 726 (Fla. 5th DCA 1998). See also Dep ' t of Banking & Fin.

3663v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932 (Fla. 1996); Ferris v.

3676Turlington , 510 So. 2d 292 (Fla. 1987 ) .

368567. In Evans Packing Co. v. Department of Agriculture and

3695Consumer Services , 550 So. 2d 112 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989), the Court

3707defined clear and convincing evidence as follows:

3714Clear and convincing evidence requires that

3720the evidence must be foun d to be credible;

3729the facts to which the witnesses testify must

3737be distinctly remembered; the evidence must

3743be precise and explicit and the witnesses

3750must be lacking in confusion as to the facts

3759in issue. The evidence must be of such

3767weight that it produc es in the mind of the

3777trier of fact the firm belief of conviction,

3785without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

3793allegations sought to be established. Id. at

3800116 n.5, citing Slomowitz v. Walker , 429 So.

38082d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983).

381568 . Whether Petit i one r committed the charged violations is

3827a q uestion of ultimate fact to be determined by the trier of fact

3841in the context of each alleged violation. See Mc Kinney v.

3852Castor , 667 So. 2d 387, 3 89 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Goin v . Comm ' n

3869on Ethics , 658 So. 2d 1131, 1 138 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995) ; Langston v.

3883Jamerson , 653 So. 2d 489, 491 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995).

389369. A new evidentiary record, based upon the historical and

3903objective facts, is developed during a de novo hearing conducted

3913under section 120.57(1) and is intended to formulate final agency

3923action . Haines v. Dep't of Child. & Fams. , 983 So. 2d 602 (Fla.

39375th DCA 2008) . If the purpose of a chapter 120 administrative

3949hearing is to ferret out all the relevant facts and allow the

"3961affected parties an opportunity to change the agency's mind,"

3970then, logically, it must be the facts and observations adduced at

3981the final hearing that carry the day, and upon which any final

3993action by the agency is measured. See generally J.D. v. Fla.

4004Dep't of Child. & Fams. , 114 So. 3d 1127 (Fl a. 1st DCA 2013),

4018citing with approval Couch Const. Co. v. Dep't of Transp. , 361

4029So. 2d 172 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978). See also Caber Systems, Inc. v.

4042Dep't of Gen. Servs. , 530 So. 2d 325, 334 n.5 (Fla. 1st DCA

40551988) .

405770. The factual findings made herein were developed

4065appl ying the standards and discretion afforded to independent

4074hearing officers in chapter 120 proceeding s . Goin v. Comm ' n on

4088Ethics , supra ( " Florida ' s Administrative Procedures Act relies

4098upon a hearing officer to consider all the evidence prese nted,

4109resolve conflicts, judge credibility of witnesses, draw

4116permissible inferences from the evidence, and reach ultimate

4124findings of fact based on competent, substantial evidence. " ).

413371. Petitioner has asserted, in part , that the Department

4142is estopped to find violations because Petitioner had until

4151October 9, 2015 , to comply and correct the violations . Aside

4162from the fact that the undersigned finds that it was not shown

4174that the conditions were improved in a timely manner, this

4184argument is still unavai ling because the evidence does not

4194support several elements necessary to successfully utilize the

4202doctrine of equitable estoppel against a governmental agency.

4210Council Bros. v. City of Tallahassee , 634 So. 2d 265 (Fla. 1st

4222DCA 1994) .

422572. For instance, it has not been demonstrated that the

4235affirmative action of the Department listing a due date of

4245October 9, 2015, went beyond mere negligence. Nor has it been

4256shown that failing to apply the doctrine will cause a serious

4267injustice to Petitioner. In fact, j ust the opposite might occur

4278if the doctrine were applied resulting in extended exposure of

4288children and staff to unsanitary conditi ons . Council Bros. ,

4298supra .

430073. Finally, the undersigned concludes that applying the

4308doctrine in this situation would undul y harm the public by

4319allowing a publicly un health y and unsanitary condition to

4329continue to exist . See also Assoc iated Indus. Inc. Co. v. D ep ' t

4345of Labor & Em p. Sec. , 923 So. 2d 1252 (Fla. 1 st DCA

43592006) ( " Equitable estoppel will apply against a governmental

4368entity only in rare instances and under exceptional

4376circumstances. " ) . Those rare instances or exceptional

4384circumstances do not exist in this case.

4391Applicable Statutes

439374. Several statutes and rules are implicated by the facts

4403of this case and must be con sidered . The applicable statutes ,

4415followed by the rules , are outlined below.

4422Legislative Intent

442475. In this case, and under the circumstances presented

4433herein, it useful to briefly survey limited excerpts of the

4443Legislative Intent, outlined in section 40 2.26. These

4451legislative goals will assist the parties, and the undersigned,

4460in arriving at the correct recommendation to address the

4469violations discovered at Petitioner ' s facility .

447776. A good starting point is to determine what underlying

4487goals the Legis lature has sought to achieve in Florida ' s child

4500care industry and how enforcement mechanisms available to the

4509Department should be utilized to further those goals.

451777. Section 402.26 , entitled " Child care; legislative

4524intent ," provides , in condensed form , as follows :

4532(1) The Legislature recognizes the critical

4538importance to the citizens of the state of

4546both sa fety and quality in child care. . . .

4557For many families, child care is an

4564indispensable part of the effort to meet

4571basic economic obligations or to make

4577economic gains. . . . In addition, the

4585Legislature recognizes the abilities of

4590public and private employers to assist the

4597family ' s efforts to balance family care needs

4606with employment opportunities.

4609(2) The Legislature also recognizes the

4615effects of both safety and quality in child

4623care in reducing the need for special

4630education, public assistance, and dependency

4635programs and in reducing the incidence of

4642delin quency and educational failure. . . .

4650(3) To protect the health and welfare of

4658children, it is the intent of the Legislature

4666to develop a regulatory framework that

4672promotes the growth and stability of the

4679child care industry and facilitates the safe

4686physical, intellectual, motor, and social

4691development of the child.

4695(4) It is also the inten t of the Legislature

4705to promote the development of child care

4712options in the private sector and disseminate

4719information that will assist the public in

4726determining appropriate child care options.

4731(5) It is the further intent of the

4739Legislature to provide and make accessible

4745child care opportunities for children at

4751risk, economically disadvantaged children,

4755and other children traditionally

4759disenfranchised from society.

476278 . Section 402.305 , entitled " Licensing standards; child

4770care facilities , " provides , i n relevant part:

4777(1) LICENSING STANDARDS. -- The department

4783shall establish licensing standards that each

4789licensed child care facility must meet

4795regardless of the origin or source of the

4803fees used to operate the facility or the type

4812of children served by th e facility.

4819(a) The standards shall be designed to

4826address the following areas:

48301. The health, sanitation, safety, and

4836adequate physical surroundings for all

4841children in child care.

4845* * *

4848(5) PHYSICAL FACILITIES. -- Minimum standards

4854shall inc lude requirements for building

4860conditions, indoor play space, outdoor play

4866space, napping space, bathroom facilities,

4871food preparation facilities, outdoor

4875equipment, and indoor equipment.

487979. Pertinent provis i ons of section 402.308, entitled

" 4888Issuance of L icense , " provide as foll ows :

4897(1) ANNUAL LICENSING. -- Every child care

4904facility in the state shall have a license

4912which shall be renewed annually .

4918* * *


4928any county in which the department has the

4936autho rity to issue licenses, the following

4943procedures shall be applied:

4947* * *

4950(b) Prior to the renewal of a license, the

4959department shall reexamine the child care

4965facility, including in that process the

4971examination of the premises and those records

4978o f the facility as required under s. 402.305,

4987to determine that minimum standards for

4993licensing continue to be met.

4998* * *

5001(d) The department shall issue or renew a

5009license upon receipt of the license fee and

5017upon being satisfied that all standard s

5024required by ss. 402.301 - 402.319 have been


503380. Section 402.310 authorizes the Department to take

5041disciplinary action and impose other penalties against child care

5050facility licenses for violation of applicable statutes and rules.

5059The statute states in pertinent part:

5065(1)(a) The department or local licensing

5071agency may administer any of the following

5078disciplinary sanctions for a violation of any

5085provision of ss. 402.301 - 402.319, or the

5093rules adopted thereunder:

50961. Impose an administrative fine not to

5103exceed $100 per violation, per day. However,

5110if the violation could or does cause death or

5119serious harm, the department or local

5125licensing agency may impose an administrative

5131fine, not to exceed $500 per violation per

5139day in addition to or in lieu of any other

5149disciplinary action imposed under this


51552. Convert a license or registration to

5162probation status and require the licensee or

5169registrant to comply with the terms of

5176probation. A probation - status license or

5183registration may not be issued for a period

5191that exceeds 6 months and the probation

5198status license or registration may not be

5205renewed. . . .

52093. Deny, suspend, or revoke a license or


5218(b) In determining the appropriate

5223disciplinary action to be taken for a

5230violation as provided in paragraph (a), the

5237following factors shall be considered:

52421. The severity of the violation, including

5249the probability that death or serious harm to

5257the health or safety of any person will

5265result or has resulted, the severity of the

5273actual or potential harm, and the extent to

5281which the provisions of ss. 402.301 - 402.319

5289have been violated.

52922. Actions taken by the licensee or

5299registrant to correct the violation or to

5306remedy complaints.

53083. Any previous violations of the licensee

5315or registrant.

5317(c) The department shall adopt rules to:

53241. Establish the grounds under which the

5331department may deny, suspend, or revoke a

5338license or registration or place a licensee

5345or registrant on probation status for

5351violations of ss. 402.301 - 402.319.

53572. Estab lish a uniform system of procedures

5365to impose disciplinary sanctions for

5370violations of ss. 402.301 - 402.319. The

5377uniform system of procedures must provide for

5384the consistent application of disciplinary

5389actions across districts and a progressively

5395increasin g level of penalties from pre -

5403disciplinary actions, such as efforts to

5409assist licensees or registrants to correct

5415the statutory or regulatory violations, and

5421to severe disciplinary sanctions for actions

5427that jeopardize the health and safety of

5434children, su ch as for the deliberate misuse

5442of medications. . . .

5447(d) The disciplinary sanctions set forth in

5454this section apply to licensed child care

5461facilities, licensed large family child care

5467homes, and licensed or registered family day

5474care homes.

5476(2) When t he department has reasonable cause

5484to believe that grounds exist for the denial,

5492suspension, or revocation of a license or

5499registration; the conversion of a license or

5506registration to probation status; or the

5512imposition of an administrative fine, it

5518shall determine the matter in accordance with

5525procedures prescribed in chapter 120 .

5531Applicable Rules

553381. S everal provisions of the F lorida Administrative Code

5543are also applicable, particularly when enforcement of the child

5552care licensing laws is implicated . I n particular, r ule 65C -

556522.002 , entitled " Physical Environment , " state s , in relevant

5573part :

557565C - 22.002 Physical Environment.

5580(1) General Requirements.

5583(a) All child care facilities must be clean,

5591in good repair, free from health and safety

5599hazar ds and f rom vermin infestation.

560682. Likewise , other e nforcement rules exist. In

5614particular, r ul e 65C - 22.010 , entitled " Enforcement , " provides , in

5625applicable part :

562865C - 22.010 Enforcement.

5632(1) Definitions.

5634* * *

5637(b) " Probation " is a licensing status

5643indicating the license is in jeopardy of

5650being revoked or not renewed due to

5657violations of licensing standards. Probation

5662may require the licensee to comply with

5669specific conditions intended to ensure that

5675the licensee comes into and maintains

5681compliance with licensing standards.

5685Examples of such conditions are: a deadline

5692to remedy an existing violation, a specified

5699period during which compliance with licensing

5705standards must be strictly maintained; and

5711specified conditions under which the facility

5717mus t operate during the probationary period.

5724(c) " Standards " are requirements for the

5730operation of a licensed facility provided in

5737statute or in rule.

5741(d) " Violation " means a finding of

5747noncompliance by the department or local

5753licensing authority of a lic ensing standard.

57601. Class I violations are the most serious

5768in nature, pose an imminent threat to a child

5777including abuse or neglect and which could or

5785does result in death or serious harm to the

5794health, safety or well - being of a child.

5803* * *

5806( 2) Disciplinary Sanctions.

5810(a) Enforcement of disciplinary sanctions

5815shall be applied progressively for each

5821standard violation. In addition, providers

5826will be offered technical assistance in

5832conjunction with any disciplinary sanction.

5837The department shall take into consideration

5843the actions taken by the facility to correct

5851the violation when determining the

5856appropriate disciplinary sanction.

5859* * *

5862(e) Disciplinary sanctions for licensing

5867violations that occur within a two year

5874period shall be pro gressively enforced as


58821. Class I Violations.

5886a. For the first and second violation of a

5895Class I standard, the department shall , upon

5902applying the factors in Section 402.310(1),

5908F.S., issue an administrative complaint

5913imposing a fine not less than $100 nor more

5922than $500 per day for each violation, and may

5931impose other disciplinary sanctions in

5936addition to the fine. ( E mphasis added).

5944b. For the third and subsequent violation of

5952a Class I standard, the department shall

5959issue an administ rative complaint to suspend,

5966deny or revoke the license . The department,

5974upon applying the factors in Section

5980402.310(1), F.S., may also levy a fine not

5988less than $100 nor more than $500 per day for

5998each violation in addition to any other

6005disciplinary san ction.


601683. Based on the persuasive and credible evidence

6024presented, the undersigned concludes that :

603084. T he Department proved that the violations outlined in

6040the Septem ber 25, 2015 , " Checklist " ( Department ' s Exh ibit 3)

6053existed on September 25, 2015.

605885. Further, that on October 1, 2015 , it was clear under

6069section 402.308 that all standards required by sections 402.301

6078through 402.319 and chapter 65C - 22 ha d not been met.

609086. Petitioner had not correct ed any of t he Checklist

6101violations as of October 1, 2015 , and several material

6110violations, which justify disciplinary action , existed and were

6118still not corre cted by October 9, 2015 .

612787. Based on the credible and persuasive evidence, the

6136undersigned finds that the C lass I violation under section 14 - 04

6149of the " Checklist " was not brought into compliance by October 9,


616188. Nonetheless , t he undersigned is constrained by the

6170explicit and clear provisions of r ule 65C - 22 .010 , which set s

6184for th a mandatory progressive d isciplinary scheme that the

6194Department was obligated to follow .

620089. This r ule was created by and must be r ead in pari

6214materia with the enabling statute , section 402.310(1)(c) , which

6222provides :

6224The department shall adopt rules to :

62311. Establish the grounds under which the

6238department may deny , suspend, or revoke a

6245license or registration or place a licensee

6252or registrant on probation status for

6258violations of ss. 402.301 - 402.319. ( E mphasis

6267added ) .

627090. The r ule adopted to implement this provision , 65C - 22 ,

6282e xpressly provides that a license may only be revoked or denied

6294for a Class I violation for the third or fourth violation in a

6307two - year period. 19/

631291. Since t his was the first Class I violation for

6323Petitioner in a two - year period , the mandatory progressive

6333d isciplin ary s anctions of r ule 65C - 22.010 (2) (e)1 . a. appl ied and

6351had to be followed . T he Department was entitled to impose a fine

6365of not less than $100 , nor more than $500 per day , for each

6378violation and had the discretion to i mpose other disciplinary

6388san ctions in addition to the fine.


6396Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6406Law, the undersigned is constrained by the progressive

6414disciplinary standards mandated by rule 65C - 22.010(2)(e)1 . a . to

6426recommend the following:

64291. Ch ildren ' s A cademy Preschool I nc ., d/b/a C hildren ' s

6445A cademy P reschool I , be issued its renewal license converted to

6457probation status as permitted by section 402.310(1)(a)2. See

6465Dep't of Child. & Fams. v . Davis Fam. Day Care , Case No. 11 - 0916

6481(Fla. DOAH Oct. 25, 2011; Fla. DCF Feb. 8, 2012). As condition s

6494of the probation status , unannounced periodic inspections by the

6503Department should be made , requiring strict compliance with

6511licensing standards . Furthermore, as a condition of probation ,

6520a dequate monthly pest control and cleaning services must be

6530provided to the extent reasonably necessary to control the

6539problem and eliminate the exposure of children and staff to

6549health or safety concerns .

65542. Conversion to p robation status should be imposed for a

6565minimum of six (6) months f rom the date of the Department ' s f inal

6581o rder.

65833. Children ' s Academy Preschool I nc ., d/b/a Children ' s

6596Academy Preschool I, should be assessed a daily administrative

6605fine of $10 0 f or the period from September 25 through October 9,

66192015 , f or a total amount of $1,400, to be paid as a condition of

6635probation with in 60 days.

6640In closing, t his recommendation comports with the

6648progressive discipline required by r ule 65C - 22 .010 . It also

6661strikes the best balance of respecting the legislative intent to

6671provide child care services to the economically disadvantaged ,

6679while at the same time protecting the safety and welfare of the

6691children using a child care facility which had been used by the

6703local community for over 15 years .

6710DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of March , 2016 , in

6720Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6728Administrative Law Judge

6731Division of Administrative Hearings

6735The DeSoto Building

67381230 Apalachee Parkway

6741Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6746(850 ) 488 - 9675

6751Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6758Filed with the Clerk of the

6764Division of Administrative Hearings

6768this 8th day of March , 2016 .


67771/ References to Florida Statutes are to the 2015 version, unless

6788otherwise indicated.

67902/ From the collection of photos reviewed by the undersigned and

6801other evidence presented, it was evident that this facility

6810serves a large population of "children at risk, economically

6819disadvantaged children, and other children traditionally

6825disenfranchised from society." See § 402.26, Fla . Stat .

68353/ T here was no evidence to show or suggest that this renewal

6848inspection was "unannounced."

68514/ It is the Class I violation that forms the crux of the

6864enforcement action and dispute in this case.

68715/ There is n o compelling need to describe in this Recommended

6883Order the details of the pictures and videotape clips, since the

6894conditions at the facility are well documented and portrayed.

69036/ In fact, during Fleary ' s interview of Adeleke on October 1,

69162015, Adeleke informed Fleary that the food kept or stored in the

6928kitchen was served, or wo uld be served, to the children.

69397/ The Department did not offer this order into evidence, and

6950scant details were provided . However, the issuance of this order

6961was not disputed.

69648/ The service on October 3, 2015, cost $30.00. The extent

6975and usefulness of pest control services, at that price, is

6985questionable for a facility as large and overrun by pests, as it

6997was. The undersigned also notes that there was no evidence

7007solicited from Samaria, as an independent witness, to support or

7017help explain the pictures offered into evidence by Petitioner

7026regarding the renovations which purportedly were finished and

7034existed on October 3, 2015 ( t he same day Samaria was present) .

7048See Pet ' r ' s Exs. C1 - C10.

70589/ Based on the photographs and videotape taken on October 1,

70692015, which were carefully reviewed by the undersigned, Adeleke ' s

7080testimony regarding these pest control services, or at least, any

7090consistent or adequate pest control services pr ior to October 1,

71012015, is rejected as not being credible. This finding is

7111reached, in part, in light of the widespread and active vermin

7122infestation and deplorable bug condition that existed on

7130October 1, 2015. Notably, there were no other witnesses, st aff

7141members, or business records offered to confirm any prior pest

7151control service or cleaning service. The appalling condition of

7160the facility belied any claim that regular or adequate pest

7170control or cleaning services had previously been provided.

717810/ Conspicuously, and again, there were no witnesses, staff

7187members, or documents offered to confirm any (1) prior or ongoing

7198renovation work, (2) cost of materials, or (3) other evidence to

7209support his testimony. As a result, the undersigned does not

7219credi t his testimony on this subject.

722611/ The undersigned concludes that all food used or consumed on

7237the premises was catered in, and the kitchen was not being used

7249for cooking. Nonetheless, the undersigned finds that the kitchen

7258was used for food storage a nd that the refrigerator in one of the

7272classrooms was actively in use. (For instance, the videotape of

7282that classroom showed several dead roaches in the bottom of the

7293refrigerator where juices, cups, and bottles were stored.)

730112/ To the extent this clai m suggests that other photographed

7312areas, besides the kitchen, were clean and sanitary on October 1,

73232015, it is rejected as specious and contrary to other credible

7334evidence. For instance, his testimony is seriously undermined by

7343the pictures and video ta pes themselves which show that many

7354other areas of the facility, besides the kitchen, were still

7364filthy and unsanitary on October 1, 2015. This included several

7374bathrooms, classrooms , and storage areas.

737913/ These claims are contradicted, in part, by the video clip of

7391the refrigerator which was in a room where children were located

7402and had several drink items inside and dead roaches in the


741414/ Again, significantly, no other witnesses, staff members,

7422receipts, or business records were offered to verify or support

7432any of the activity date(s) or renovation work in the kitchen,

7443making the date(s) of completion uncertain and unclear to the


74541 5 / But the undersigned hastens to note that these pictures do

7467not cover all of the suspect areas and pictures offered into

7478evidence by the Department. Further, they do not prove

7487compliance with all the violations noted in the September 25,

74972015, Checklist ( Department ' s Exhibit 3 ) . Also, the date they

7511were actually taken is a matter of serious debate .

752116/ An additional concern is that Petitioner ' s Ex hibits C1

7533through C10 were not provided to the Department ' s counsel in a

7546timely fashion , violating the undersigned ' s Order of Pre - h earing

7559Instructions dated December 3, 2015. These pictures only

7567surface d, apparently, shortly before the hearing on February 9,

75772016. Further, the undersigned notes that "Petitioner ' s Exhibit

7587List , " on page 3 o f the Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation , dated

7601February 1, 2016 , inexplicably does not include Petitioner ' s

7611Exhibit C as being an exhibit that existed on the date the

7623s tipulation was filed. Finally, conspicuously absent in both the

7633Joint Pre - h earing Stipulation and Petitioner ' s Petition in

7645Opposition to the Denial of Application for Child Care License

7655and Request for Forma l Administrative Hearing , dated November 6,

76652015, is any reference, assertion , or mention of Petitioner ' s

7676alleged compliance and renovations being completed on October 3,

76852015 (as allegedly depicted in Petitioner ' s Exhibit C1 through

7696C10). All of this lea ds the undersigned to the conclusion that

7708little weight should be given to Petitioner ' s photographs ,

7718Exhibits C1 through C10 , concerning the date they were allegedly

7728taken. ( See generally Fla. R. Civ . P. 1.380(b)(2) and the

7740Author ' s Comments and cases con struing subdivision (b)(2) of the

7752r ule). Furthermore, as previously noted, there were filthy and

7762bug - infested areas of the facility other than the areas shown in

7775E xhibits C1 through C10. The undersigned concludes that even if

7786the date of Petitioner ' s pic tures is credited, which it is not,

7800other unhealthy or unsafe areas of the facility were not cleaned

7811or repaired before the due date October 9, 2015.

782017/ Again, the undersigned finds this statement to be

7829unpersuasive and contrary to what the videos and p ictures showed.

7840The video and pictures showed other areas, besides the kitchen,

7850that were still filthy and unsanitary on October 1, 2015. He

7861promised Fleary that they would not use or allow cooking in the

7873kitchen. He testified that Fleary would not list en to him.

788418/ The undersigned rejects this testimony as incredible,

7892particularly in light of the pictures and videos taken on

7902October 1, 2015. The bug infestation problem was widespread,

7911open, and obvious.

791419/ In the absence of any specific law or ru le to the contrary,

7928this conclusion is not changed merely because Petitioner was up

7938for renewal of its license. The undersigned has not been

7948provided any statute or rule from the parties suggesting that a

7959renewal applicant is held to a different standard than an active

7970licens ee. If this case had been presented a s a violation

7982reported by the public with disciplinary enforcement imposed , the

7991path and options would have been even more clear. Regardless,

8001a renewal scenario does not dictate a different outcom e. For

8012renewal of a license, the condition of the premises is still

8023judged against the same standards as it would be had a violation

8035been anonymously reported or discovered. ( See generally

8043§ 402.308(3)(b) and (d), Fla. Stat.). The parties have not cite d

8055any statute or rule to the contrary.


8064Paul Sexton, Agency Clerk

8068Department of Children and Families

8073Building 2, Room 204

80771317 Winewood Boulevard

8080Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700


8086Tanishia Findlay Stokes, Esquire

8090Law Office o f T. Findlay Stokes, P.A.

80988362 Pines Boulevard, Suite 270

8103Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024


8108Karen Milia Annunziato, Esquire

8112Department of Children and Families

8117401 Northwest 2nd Avenue, Suite N - 1014

8125Miami, Florida 33128


8129Sadiki Mosi Ale xander, Esquire

8134Findlay Stokes, Lynch & Brown, PLLC

81408362 Pines Boulevard, Suite 254

8145Pembroke Pines, Florida 33023


8150Rebecca Kapusta, General Counsel

8154Department of Children and Families

8159Building 2, Room 204

81631317 Winewood Boulevard

8166Tallahassee, Fl orida 32399 - 0700


8173Mike Carroll, Secretary

8176Department of Children and Families

8181Building 1, Room 202

81851317 Winewood Boulevard

8188Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0700



8200All parties have the right to submit wr itten exceptions within

821115 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

8222to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8233will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/29/2016
Proceedings: Transmittal letter from Claudia Llado forwarding the one-volume Transcript to the agency.
Date: 03/29/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/08/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 03/08/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 9, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/08/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/19/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/19/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/09/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/08/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's (Proposed) Exhibit List filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/05/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/03/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/02/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Exhibit List filed.
Date: 02/02/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 02/01/2016
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 01/21/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's First Request for Production of Documents to Petitioner filed.
Date: 01/21/2016
Proceedings: Department's Notice of Serving its First Set of Interrogatories to Children's Academy Preschool Inc., d/b/a Children's Academy Preschool I filed.
Date: 12/03/2015
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 12/03/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 9, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/18/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/17/2015
Proceedings: Petition in Opposition to the Denial of Application for Child Care License and Request for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/17/2015
Proceedings: Denial of Application for a Child Care Facility License filed.
Date: 11/17/2015
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Miami, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):