15-006624 Rjr Charitable Holdings, Llc vs. Department Of Business And Professional Regulation, Division Of Alcoholic Beverages And Tobacco
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Purchaser of alcoholic beverage license at sheriff's sale not entitled to statutory transfer because sheriff's levy was on obsolete certificate.





13vs. Case No. 15 - 6624











40On February 19, 2016, Robert E. Meale, Administrative Law

49Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH),

57conducted the final hearing by videoconference in Tallahassee and

66Miami, Florida.


69For Petitioner: Samuel A. Rubert, Esqui re

76Loren Newman, Esquire

79Samuel A. Rubert, P.A.

833225 Franklin Avenue, Suite C - 101

90Coconut Grove, Florida 33133

94For Respondent: Magdalena Ozarowski, Esqu ire

100Jason Douglas Borntreger, Esquire

104Department of Business and

108Professional Regulation

110Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco

1161940 North Monroe Street, Suite 40

122Tallahassee, Florida 32399

125For Intervenor: Louis J. Terminello, Esquire

131Joshua J. Remedios, Esquire

135Greenspoon Marder, P.A.

138600 Brickell Avenue, 36 th Floor

144Miami, Florida 33131


151The issue is wh ether, pursuant to section 561.32(1)(a)

160and (b) , Florida Statutes, Respondent is required to approve the

170transfer of alcoholic beverage license to Petitioner after it s

180purported purchase of the license at a sheriff's sale.


191By application filed on June 6, 2014, Petitioner requested

200Responden t's approval of a transfer of a qu ota alcoholic beverage

212license number BEV23 - 25971 4COP (License) from L'Boulevard Café

222Sup p er Club to Petitioner.

228By N otice of Intent to Deny License issued on July 9, 2014,

241Respondent denied Petitioner's transfer application because

247Respondent was unable to determine whether Petitioner possessed

255sufficient title to the License following Respondent's receipt of

264Intervenor's transfer a pplication on February 20, 2014 .

273Petitioner timely requested a formal hearing. On January 8,

2822 016, Intervenor filed a motion to intervene, which the

292Administrative Law Judge granted by order entered on January 15,


303On February 11, 2016, the Administrative Law Judge entered

312an Order Denying Intervenor's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction

320and Req uiring Respondent to Supplement Notice of Intent to Deny.

331On February 15, 2016, Respondent filed a pleading stating that

341Petitioner's request for a transfer of the License relies on a

352sheriff's levy upon the License on March 8, 2014, and

362Respondent's purc hase of the seized License at a sheriff's sale

373on April 30, 2014. Respondent added that Intervenor had filed an

384application for transfer of the License on February 20, 2014 -- one

396month prior to the sheriff's levy. Respondent stated that,

405pursuant to secti on 561.181(1)(a), Florida Statutes, it had

414issued Intervenor a temporary license, and , " on May 21, 2014,

424[Intervenor's] application was deemed approved per

430sect ion 120.60(1), Florida Statutes .

436At the hearing, Respondent called the lone witness in the

446case and offered into evidence 13 e xhibits: Respondent Exhibits

456A through M . Petitioner offered into evidence five exhibits:

466Petitioner Exhibits A through E . Intervenor offered into

475e vidence seven exhibits : In tervenor Exhibits 1 through 7. All

487exhibits were admitted. 1

491The court reporter filed the transcript on April 6, 2016.

501The parties filed proposed recommended orders by April 19, 2016.


5141. Prior to the events set forth below, La Cidr a

525Corporation (La Cidra) owned the License. As issued by

534Respondent, the License authorized La Cidra to sell alcoholic

543beverages at a bar known as L'Boulevard Café Supper Club , 2 which

555was located in leased premises at 3632 - 34 Northwest 25th Avenue

567in Miam i (Premises).

5712. On October 28, 2013, Steven Beltre (Beltre) obtained a

581final judgment in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in the

591amount of about $3.4 million against La Cidra, doing business as

602L'Boulevar d Cafe Supperclub. Respondent has adopted a form, DBPR

612ABT - 6022, for persons to record liens against alcoholic beverage

623licenses . However , at no material time did anyone record with

634Respondent a lien a gainst the License in connection with the

645Beltre judgment .

6483. The record does not disclose when La Cidra ceased

658operating the bar. However, o n January 21, 2014, Intervenor

668registered "L'Boulevard Café Sup perclub" as a fictitious name ,

677and Intervenor and La Cidra signed an "Application for Transfer

687of Ownership of an Alcoholic Beverage License" concerning the

696License .

6984 . O n February 13, 2014, Intervenor purchased from La Cidra

710all of it s assets, including the License . At closing, La Cidra

723assigned the Premises lease by an assignment that was signed by

734La Cidra, Intervenor, and the lessor. The assignment

742acknowledges that Intervenor has paid the lessor a security

751deposit of $10,000. A closing statement reflects a purchase

761price of $100,000, which is represented by a $15,000 deposit and

774$85,000 promisso ry note. On Fe bruary 20, Intervenor filed with

786Respondent the application described in the preceding paragraph,

794and Respondent , on the same date, issued to Intervenor a

804temporary license based on the License.

8105 . Five days after the closing described in t he preceding

822paragraph , o n February 18, 2014, the Clerk of the Eleven th

834Judicial Circuit Court issue d a Writ of Execution directing all

845sheriffs in the state of Florida "to levy upon property subject

856to execution of . . . La Cidra . . . to satisfy the sum of

872[approximately $3.4 million]." T he Miami - Dade County Sheriff 's

883O ffice levied upon property on March 8, 2014 -- 23 days after the

897closing of the conveyance of the License from La Cidra to

908Intervenor . The seized property included alcoholic beverages,

916bar equipment, computers, televisions, phones, stage lights,

923radios, smoke machines, and shop equipment , as well as the

933following intangible personal property: a certificate evidencing

940La Cidra as the licensee under the License, an $85,000 "secured"

952promissor y note that is not further identified , and currency

962totaling $17,206 in denominations as large as $100 bills .

9736 . After the seizure, the s heriff advertised the sale of

985the property by auction on April 30. The list of property to be

998sold included the License , but not the promissory note or cash,

1009whose disposition is undisclosed in the record. On April 30,

10192014 -- over two months after the La Cidra/ Intervenor

1029conveyance -- the s heriff executed a Sheriff's Bill of Sale

1040transferring all "right, title and int erest" of La Cidra to all

1052of the advertised property to Respondent for the sum of $2000

1063plus $140 sales tax, which represented the highest bid at the

1074s heriff's sale.

10777. Immediately after the sheriff's levy, in March ,

1085Respondent was contacted by various parties, including the

1093sheriff's office, which provided Respondent with a copy of the

1103writ of execution and list of seized property . 3 On April 7, 2014,

1117Respondent received a letter from Daniel W. Courtney, an attorney

1127w hose cover letter states that he represents Intervenor. The

1137letter recites that Respondent properly had issued a temporar y

1147license to Intervenor, but later had withheld the issuance of the

1158permanent License to Intervenor due to its r eceipt of information

1169from the s heriff concerning the purported seizure of the License.

1180The letter asserts that this was an improper seizure because the

1191License was not the property of La Cidra at the time of the

1204seizure and request s that Respondent issue the permanent License

1214to Intervenor without delay.

12188 . Unmoved by Mr. Courtney's letter, o n June 4, 2014,

1230Respondent issued a Notice of Intent to Deny License to

1240Intervenor. The notice cites the writ of execution issued on

1250February 18 and reasons that "neither the put ative tr ansferor nor

1262putative transferee possess [es] title for the transfer of the

1272[License]." This reasoning does not account for the simple

1281chronology of events in which the La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance

1290preceded the sheriff's levy and sale.

12969 . On June 14, 2014, Intervenor requested a n administrative

1307hearing on the proposed denial. By Order of Dismissal entered

1317April 30, 2015, Respondent acknowledged that its failure for more

1327than 90 days to issue a decision on Intervenor's transfer

1337application for a perman ent License required Respondent to deem

1347that the application had been approved, pursuant to section

1356120.60(1). 4 The Order of Dismissal rescinds, without prejudice,

1365the Notice of Intent to Deny License issued on June 4, 2014 , and

1378notes that Respondent appr oved the transfer of the permanent

1388License to Intervenor on January 30, 2015 . 5

139710 . At about the time that it requested an administrative

1408hearing on Respondent's earlier denial of its transfer

1416application for a permanent License , Intervenor commenced

1423jud icial proceedings to obtain relief from Petitioner's claims

1432arising out of the s heriff's s ale. Intervenor sought to

1443intervene in supplemental proceedings pertaining to the

1450underlying tort action between Beltre and La Cidra. Intervenor

1459also commenced a le gal action against Beltre. The trial court

1470denied the motion to intervene without prejudice, pending

1478resolution of the separate action against Beltre. Intervenor

1486appealed this order, but the appellate court affirmed the trial

1496court on June 3, 2015. On O ctober 6, 2015, the trial court

1509dismissed Intervenor's action against Beltre for lack of


151811 . At the same time that Intervenor was pursuing judicial

1529and administrative relief, o n June 6, 2014, Petitioner filed a

1540transfer application for Respondent's approval of the transfer of

1549the License to Petitioner. The page for the signature of the

1560transferor is blank, but Petitioner attached to the application a

1570copy of the above - described Sheriff's Bill of Sale.

158012 . On July 9, 2014, Respondent is sued the above - described

1593Notice of Intent to Deny License to Petitioner that cites

1603Intervenor's documentation of the La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance

1610as the ground for the denial.

161613 . The evidentiary record omits any evidence of the fair

1627market value of th e License and, more importantly, as noted by

1639Respondent in its proposed recommended order, the fact that, on

1649November 13, 2013, Beltre filed with the Department of State a

1660judgment lien certificate.


166614 . DOAH has jurisdiction over th e subject matter.

1676§§ 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. Sections 561.15, 561.17,

1685561.27, and 561.29 vest in Respondent specific authority to

1694issue, renew, suspend, revoke, and otherwise regula te alcoholic

1703beverage licenses in accordance with the provisions of law

1712governing such licenses. DOAH's jurisdiction is derived from

1720Respondent's determination of Petitioner's substantial interests

1726when Respondent proposed to deny Petitioner's request for

1734approval of the transfer of the License to Petiti oner.

174415 . The same analysis of substantial interests drives the

1754determination of whether Intervenor has standing. As noted

1762above, Respondent was required to issue the License to Intervenor

1772under the default provisi ons of section 120.60, but even this

" 1783permanent" License is for a term. For standing purposes, even a

1794theoretical prospect of nonrenewal of Intervenor's License

1801suffices to confer standing upon Intervenor to participate in a

1811case in which Petitioner attempts to secure for itself the

1821issuance of the same License.

18261 6 . As the applicant, Petitioner bears the burden of proving

1838by a preponderance of the evidence the material facts entitling

1848it to relief. Dep ' t of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778

1863(Fla. 1st DCA 1981); § 120.57(1)(j).

186917 . An alcoholic beverage license is nontransferable except

1878under two conditions: a) "[ w ] hen a licensee makes a bona fide

1892sale of the [ licensed ] business " to a purchaser that meets all

1905applicable licensing requirements and b) "[a] person holding a

1914lien against a license may have his or her rights enforced in a

1927judicial proceeding . " 6 § 561.32(1)(a) and (b).

193518 . The conveyance from La Cidra to Intervenor reveals two

1946unusual features of section 561.32(1)(a). First, section

1953561.32(1)( a) authorizes a transfer of an alcoholic beverage

1962license by a bona fide sale, not a bona fide purchase. A seller

1975sells, and a purchaser purchases, so this statutory condition for

1985transferability requires a determination of the good faith of the

1995seller. Respondent misses this point -- or, less likely, the

2005meaning of "bona fide" -- when it states in paragraph 28 of its

2018proposed recommended order: "Petitioner has failed to introduce

2026any evidence that the sale of the [License] from La Cidra

2037Corporation to Inter venor was anything other than a bona fide

2048sale. "

204919 . From La Cidra's perspective, the sale of the License to

2061Intervenor was not a bona fide sale. A bona fide purchase 7 is for

2075value and without notice of competing claims. See , e.g. ,

2084Rabinowitz v. Keefer , 132 So. 297 (Fla. 1931). Applying t he same

2096requirements to a sale, the knowledge of the seller is at issue.

2108La Cidra knew of the Beltre judgment by operation of Florida law

2120governing the service of a summons on a defendant. Ch. 48, Fla.

2132Stat . 8 A good faith seller does not sell all of its assets

2146without accounting for a substantial judgment that was recently

2155entered against it.

215820 . The La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance reveals another

2166unusual fe ature of section 561.32(1)(a). Respondent 's

2174determi nation that a party is entitled to hold and use an

2186alcoholic beverage license is not a determination that a party

2196owns the license, nor does Respondent's determination of who

2205holds and may use a license necessarily track who owns the

2216license. Respondent's transfer of an alcoholic beverage license

"2224neither transfers property rights nor vests title in the

2233purchaser of the license," but "serves only to maintain record

2243continuity in the ownership and management of a liquor business

2253in order that it may be regulated pursuant to Chapter 561."

2264Howard v. Metcalf , 487 So. 2d 43, 45 (Fla. 2d DCA 1986)

2276(citations omitted). Courts have long held that a statutory

2285transfer of a license in connection with a lease does not

2296constitute a change in ownership, or property - rights transfer, so

2307a statutory transfer cannot defeat the rights of the owner of the

2319license . See House v. Cotton , 52 So. 2d 340 (Fla. 1952) (per

2332curiam); Rosamond v. Mann , 80 So. 2d 317 (Fla. 1955); Wright v.

2344Cade , 349 So. 2d 833 (Fla. 1st DC A 1977).

235421 . The above - cited cases involve bar leases featuring in

2366statutory transfers of licenses, but not property - rights

2375transfers, in accordance with the parties' consensual

2382transaction . In Coney v. First State Bank , 405 So. 2d 257 (Fla.

23953d DCA 1981), a statutory transfer took place, without a

2405property - rights transfer , following a nonconsensual transaction :

2414a sheriff's levy and sale. In Coney , the owners of an alcoholic

2426beverage license leased a bar and the ir alcoh olic beverage

2437license to a party , against whom a judgment was entered on an

2449unrelated matter . The sheriff levied upon the license.

2458Following the sheriff's sale, Respondent advised the

2465owners/ lessors that the purchaser could freely transfer the

2474license, e ven though, under the lease, the license reverted to

2485the owner s/lessors on termination of the lease. The

2494owners/ lessors moved to set aside the sheriff's sale, as did the

2506purchaser on discovering that the license was not freely

2515transferable. The court hel d that an alcoholic beverage licens e

2526is subject to levy and sale ; rejected the purchaser's claim

2536because he could have discovered this restriction in the lease,

2546which was a matter of public record ; and dismissed the

2556owners/ lessors' claim because the purcha ser could acquire nothing

2566more than the judgment d ebtor's interest in the license . The

2578court reasoned that, i f Respondent disregarded the lessor's

2587reversionary interest, the time for adjudicating competing

2594ownership claims would be after the lease terminated.

260222 . Respondent should have denied timely the

2610La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance because it was not a good faith

2620sale, as explained above. As discussed in more detail below, the

2631validity of the property - rights tra nsfer in the

2641La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance, although not free from doubt, is

2650a matter outside of administrative jurisdiction. The proper

2658result would have been that Intervenor owned the License, but

2668could not obtain a statutory transfer so as to be able to use the

2682License -- a difficult result, but one necessitated by La Cidra's

2693sale of the License without accounting for the Beltre judgment.

270323 . Turning to Petitioner's transaction, Petitioner claims

2711that Respondent must approve its application for the tr ansfer of

2722the License because Petitioner purchas ed the License at the

2732sheriff's sale. The parties have not disputed that a sheriff's

2742sale may constitute a bona fide sale by a licensee, so as to fall

2756within section 561.32(1)(a). Clearly, a sheriff's sale of an

2765alcoholic beverage license may qualify as a sale of the licensed

2776business. Less clear is whether a sheriff's sale may qualify as

2787a sale by the licensee. 9 But, in a case raising a number of

2801difficult legal issues, the Administrative Law Judge will f ollow

2811th e lead of the parties and treat the sheriff as the licensee

2824within the meaning of section 561.32(1)(a). 1 0

283224 . A s held in Coney , a sheriff can levy upon and sell only

2847the interest of the judgment debtor in property. Accord , Holland

2857v. State , 15 Fla. 455, 519 (1876) ; Accent Realty of Jacksonville,

2868Inc. v. Crudele , 496 So. 2d 158, 161 (Fla. 3d DCA 1986) (judgment

2881lien attaches only to property for which judgment debtor holds

2891legal title) . For this reason, the Sheriff's Bill of S ale warns

2904that the only interest transferred is the interest of La Cidra.

2915Based on the chronology of transactions , Petitioner could not

2924purchase at the sheriff's sale the License of La Cidra because La

2936Cidra had sold the License to Intervenor , and Respondent had

2946canceled the License of La Cidra when Intervenor issued the

2956temporary License to Intervenor : these transactions address,

2964respectively, the property - rights transfer and the statutory

2973transfer .

297525 . Petitioner counters that Intervenor has tried and failed

2985to obtain judicial relief to set aside the levy and sale and

2997argues that the Administrative Law Judge and Respondent must thus

3007disregard the La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance . This argument is

3016unpersuasive . First, it addresses only the property - rights

3026transfer, not the statutory transfer. The seized certificate

3034became obsolete at the moment that Respondent issued a temporary

3044certificate on the same License to Intervenor. At that moment,

3054the certificate signified nothing and its seizure was

3062meaningless, regardless of who owned it.

306826 . Second, Petitioner's argument does not justify ignoring

3077the plain chronology of transactions . Prior to the seizure, a

3088purchase and sale of the License had already taken place, so that

3100no property rights continued t o attach to a certificate of

3111La Cidra's License. It is far from clear that Intervenor is

3122required to take any action to set aside the sheriff's sale to

3134Petitioner ; it is at least as likely that Petitioner is required

3145to take action to invalida te as a fraudulent transfer the

3156conveyance from La Cidra to Intervenor . 1 1 Even if Intervenor were

3169required to take action , Intervenor may not have exhausted its

3179judicial remedies . For these reasons , the Administrative Law

3188Judge declines to treat Intervenor's failure to obtain judicial

3197relief se tting aside the sheriff's sale a s a judicial

3208invalidation of the La Cidra conveyance to Intervenor.

321627 . Citing Intervenor's failure to obtain judicial relief,

3225Petitioner also argues that the Administrative Law Judge and

3234Respondent may not provide such judicial relief to Intervenor by

3244determining that it possesses legal title to the License. This

3254argument represents an extension of the principle that the

3263Administrative Law Judge and Respondent lack the auth ority to

3273deter mine legal title to the License.

328028 . Petitioner fails to acknowledge, though , that lawful

3289agency action may require that an agency make subordinate factual

3299determinations of matters whose legal determinations are reserved

3307to circuit court. See , e.g. , Fla. Admin. Code R. 18 - 21.004(3)(a)

3319and (b) (in exercising its lawful jurisdiction of whether to

3329issue a dock permit, agency makes factual determinations of

3338riparian lines and o wnership of adjacent upland). I n the cited

3350rule, the agency's factual determinations of riparian lines and

3359ownership of adjacent uplands do not legally settle these

3368matters , but drive the agency's ultimate determination of whether

3377to issue a dock permit. In the present case, Respondent 's

3388factual determ ination of whether the sheriff levied up on and sold

3400La Cidra's License does not settle the property rights to the

3411License, but drives Respondent's ultimate determination of

3418whether to approve an application for a statutory transfer of the


343029 . Another distinction between the judicial and agency

3439determinations of the s ame issue is the level of analy tical

3451complexity in each exercise. As compared to t he circuit court's

3462legal determination of these property - rights issues between two

3472nonagency parti es with competing ownership claims , the agency's

3481factual determination of these issues may be more generalized or

3491approximate because the real - world determination of this matter

3501is reserved to circuit court and the agency's factual

3510determina tion of this ma tter is subordinate to the ultimate issue

3522in the administrative proceeding.

352630 . Thus, in making factual determinations in the present

3536case, the Administrative Law Judge and Respondent give effect to

3546t he plain chronology of transactions , but not to the p rospect of

3559a judicial invalidation of Intervenor's ownership claim . The

3568result is that Respondent must deny Petitioner's claim for a

3578statutory transfer under section 561.32(1)(a).

358331 . The question remains of whether Petitioner's claim for a

3594statutory t ransfer qualifies under section 561.32(1)(b), which

3602applies to a transfer resulting from the enforcement of a lien

3613against an alcoholic beverage license. This statutory subsection

3621authorizes a statutory transfer due to the enforcement of a lien

3632against a license.

363532 . The first question is whether a lien ever attached to

3647the License. A judgment is not a lien. Even the recording of an

3660original judgment fails to establish a lien against the real

3670property of the county in whose re cords the judgment is r ecorded:

3683as required by statute, only a certified copy of the judgment

3694establishes a judgment lien. § 55.10(1); Smith v. Venus

3703Condominium Ass'n, Inc. , 352 So. 2d 1169 (Fla. 1977; Steinbrecher

3713v. Cannon , 501 So. 2d 659 (Fla. 1st DCA 1987).

372333 . Histori cally, a judgment became a lien against nonexempt

3734personal property located in the county within the jurisdiction

3743of the sheriff when he or she received the writ of execution. 1 2

3757Steinbrecher , supra ; Accent Realty , supra ; Smith v. Purdy ,

3765272 So. 2d 545 (Fla. 3d DCA 1973). The priority of the lien was

3779based on when the writ of execution was delivered to the sheriff.

3791Flagship State Bank v. Carantzas , 352 So. 2d 1259, 1262 (Fla. 1st

3803DCA 1977). An execution lien attached to all of the debtor's

3814nonexemp t property and meant that a sale of nonexempt property

3825after the delivery of a writ of execution to the sheriff did not

3838destroy the execution lien against property within the sheriff's

3847jurisdiction not yet levied upon. Accent Realty , supra at 161;

3857Carantz as , supra at 1261.

386234 . Since 2001, a judgment becomes a lien against nonexempt

3873personal property in Florida, other than "fixtures, money,

3881negotiable instruments, and mortgages," when the judgment

3888creditor files a judgment lien certificate with the Department of

3898State. § 55.202(2)(a) , Fla. Stat. ; § 55.203; In re Stembridge ,

39082007 Bankr. LEXIS 4672 (S.D. Fla. 2007). A judgment creditor not

3919obtaining a lien through sections 55.202 and 55.203 or whose lien

3930has expired may proceed against a judgment deb tor's property by

3941any available judicial process; if the creditor proceeds by writ

3951of execution, the lien attaches at the time of levy and only upon

3964the property levied upon. § 55.205(1).

397035 . On the present record, no lien attached to the License.

3982Bel tre never filed a judgment lien certificate wit h the

3993Department of State , and t he lien under section 55.205(1) could

4004not attach to the License because the sheriff's seizure of an

40151 8

4017obsolete certificate was meaningless. For these reasons ,

4024Respondent could no t approve a statutory transfer to Petitioner

4034under section 561.32(1)(b).

403736 . Consideration of Beltre 's filing of a judgment lien

4048certificate on November 13, 2013 , explains the timing of the La

4059Cidra/Intervenor conveyance on February 13, 2014 -- 93 days after

4069the filing of the judgment lien certificate , but does not compel

4080a different result . Section 561.65(4) provides:

4087In order to perfect a lien or security

4095interest in a spirituous alcoholic beverage

4101license which may be enforceable against the

4108license, the party which holds the lien or

4116security interest, within 90 days of the

4123date of creation of the lien or security

4131int erest, shall record the same with the

4139division on or with forms authorized by the

4147division . . ..

415137 . The statutory directive of how to "perfect" a lien that

4163is "enforceable against the license" raise s a problem in

4173interpretation due to the difference be tween the attaching and

4183perfecting of a lien . Compare chapter 679, part II, Florida

4194Statutes (attachment) , with chapter 679, part III, Florida

4202Statutes (perfection). Typically, 1 3 a lien attach es to or is

4214created against specifi c property "when it becomes enforceable

4223against the debtor with respect to the collateral . "

4232§ 679.2031 (1) . Without perfecting the lien, pursuant to the

4243provisions of the security agreement and note, a lienholder may

4253enforce its lien against the collateral as long as the debtor

4264con tinues to own the property and without regard to any liens not

4277in existence when the lienholder's lien attached, unless other

4286liens have been perfected in the meantime . However, t he

4297lienholder must perfect its lien for the lien to remain

4307enforceable against the property after the owner conveys the

4316property or after subsequent liens -- consensual or

4324nonconsensual -- attach to and are perfected against the property .

4335§ 679.3171. See generally Commer. Credit Counseling Servs. v.

4344W . W. Grainger, Inc. , 840 N.E. 2d 843, 848 (Ind. App. 2006) ("The

4359term 'attachment' encompasses creation of a security interest by

4368execution of a security agreement between the parties, while

4377'perfection' is an additional step that makes the security

4386intere st effective against third parties.") (cited with approval

4396in HSBC Bank USA, NA v. Perez , 165 So. 3d 696, 700 (Fla. 4th DCA

44112015) (perfection is important because it "determin[es] matters

4419of priority" and "provide[s] third parties with notice of the

4429transa ction") .

443338 . Section 561.65(4) in no way addresses the attachment

4443or creation of liens in alcoholic beverage licenses. S ection

4453561.65(4) does not govern the term and conditions of the

4463attachment of such liens against licenses or the enforceability

4472of such liens when the only parties involved are the debtor and

4484the lienholder. Simply put, section 561.65(4) does not disturb

4493the contractual undertakings of t he debtor and creditor in the

4504absence of third parties becoming involved with the collateral.

451339 . Section 561.65(4) is a notice statute for third parties

4524subsequently doing business with the debtor and taking actions

4533with respect to the collateral. Obv iously, the debtor and

4543original lienholder do not r equire recordings under section

4552561.65(4) for notice of their original transaction. As a notice

4562statute, s ection 561.65(4) provide s the exclusive means for a

4573lienholder to enforce its lien against an alco holic beverage

4583license, if the debtor conveys the license or to the extent that

4595subsequent liens have been perfected against the license.

460340 . A careless reading of section 561.65(4) gives precedence

4613to the enforceability language over the reference to perfecting a

4623lien . The effect of such a reading is needlessly to release an

4636alcoholic beverage license from a security agreement, even in the

4646absence of third parties subsequently having taken any action

4655regarding the collateral. T hree opinions supporting th is

4664misinterpretation of section 561.65(4) to varying degrees would

4672confer windfalls upon debtors at the expense of creditors -- an

4683unlikely legislative intent .

468741 . The earliest source of confusion on this point is dictum

4699In re S e ville Entertainment Complex, Inc. , 79 B.R. 491 (Bankr.

4711N.D. Fla. 1987) :

4715This statute is clear and unambiguous. In

4722order to perfect a lien in a liquor license

4731which is enforceable against the license, a

4738lienholder must file the appropriate forms

4744with the Division of Alcoholic Beverages.

4750The penalty for the failure to do so is that

4760the lien is unenforceable against the


47677 9 B.R. at 492. 1 4

477442 . The next of these three cases involves implied dictum.

4785In Splash Entertainment, Inc. v. Sons of Ireland, Inc. , 867 So.

47962d 423 (Fla. 3d DCA 2004) , a license owner purchased a bar and

4809secured the purchase - money loan with its alcoholic beverage

4819license . The purchase - money note went into default , and the

4831lienholder commenced a legal action to foreclose its lien against

4841the license. There were no subsequent conveyances by the license

4851owner or additional liens attaching to or perfected in the

4861license . The absence of third parties meant that the court

4872should have allowed the lienholder to enforce its rights agains t

4883the purchase - money debtor without regard to section 561.65(4) or

4894the perfection of the lien. Instead, c iting the broad language

4905of Seville , above, the Splash court subscribed to the

4914debtor - windfall construction of section 561.65(4) , believing that

4923the l ienholder's failure timely to record its lien with

4933Respondent would liberate the license from the security agreement

4942between the parties. Fortunately, this part of the opinion was

4952dictum because the court held that the lienholder had complied

4962timely with section 561.65(4).

49664 3 . But two cases of dictum bego t a holding in VMI

4980Entertainment , LLC v. Westwood Plaza, LLC , 152 So. 3d 617 (Fla.

49911st DCA 2014) , where the court failed to distinguish between the

5002attachment and perfection of a lien . A lessor leased a bar to a

5016lessee that owne d an alcoholic beverage license, but no security

5027agreement covered the license. The lessee defaulted , and the

5036lessor obtained an ex - parte, prejudgment writ of attachment

5046against the license. As noted by the court , by law, an

5057attachment creates a lien in any property that may be subject to

5069postjudgment execution. Reading broadly the "enforceability"

5075clause of section 561.65(4), the court reversed the trial court's

5085order denying a motion to dissolve the attachment writ agains t

5096the license. Even in the absence of third parties, the VMI court

5108held that the attachment lien had never been perfected under

5118section 561.65(4) , so the lien could not be enforced against the

5129license . 1 5

513344 . E ven if the Beltre judgment lien attached to the

5145License , t he present case should not be susceptible to the

5156debtor - windfall misreading of section 561.65(4) . Intervenor is a

5167third party for which the notice statute is designed, so the

5178Beltre judgment is not enforceable, under section 561. 32(1)(b),

5187against the License as owned by Intervenor, as at least one of

5199the parties correctly calculated when La Cidra conveyed the

5208License to Intervenor three days after the closing of Beltre's

521890 - day window for recording his judgment lien . 1 6 For the purpose

5233of determining whether Respondent should approve a statutory

5241transfer under section 561.32(1)(b) , the La Cidra/Intervenor

5248conveyance effective ly precludes such approval.


5255It is

5257RECOMMENDED that Respondent deny the application of

5264Petitioner for a statutory transfer of the License.

5272DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of May , 2016 , in Tallahassee,

5283Leon County, Florida.



5290Administrative Law Judge

5293Division of Administrative Hearings

5297The DeSoto Building

53001230 Apalachee Parkway

5303Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5308(850) 488 - 9675

5312Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


5319Filed with the Clerk of the

5325Division of Administrative Hearings

5329this 31st day of May , 2016 .


53371/ On March 3, 2016, with the leave of the Administrative Law

5349Judge, Petitioner filed an affidavit to rebut testimony of

5358Respondent's witness contending that Respondent's policy

5364prohibits the issuance of certain alcoholic beverage licenses to

5373purchasers at sheriffs' sales. Four days later, the affidavit,

5382which claimed to identify several such approvals, spawned a

5391motion to strike from Intervenor, which contended that the cited

5401approvals were factually distinguishable. Three days later,

5408Petitioner responded to Intervenor's motion to strike. Four days

5417later, Intervenor filed a reply to the response. The

5426Administrative Law Judge strikes the affidavit and ensuing

5434filings on the ground of relevance.

54402/ The different spellings of "Supper Club" are inconsequ ential.

54503/ March 10, 2014, was a particularly busy day for the License

5462file in Respondent's Miami office. In addition to the fax from

5473the sheriff's office described in the accompanying text,

5481Tanya Garcia Vega, an attorney who did not disclose her client ,

5492requesting a lien search on the License, which she identified as

5503in the name of La Cidra Corporation, pending transfer by a

5514temporary certificate to Intervenor, and Stuart R. Kalb, an

5523attorney who also did not disclose a client, providing Respondent

5533with copies of the above - described Beltre judgment; instructions

5543for levy, which identify the License; and License information

5552showing the holder as La Cidra Corporation, but a current

5562transfer pending.

5564One week later, on March 17, 2014, Respondent accura tely

5574advised Ms. Vega that its records did not indicate the presence

5585of any liens against the License. Two weeks later, on March 31,

55972014, Respondent's Miami office received a second request for a

5607lien search on the License from Mark Johnson, whose intere st in

5619the License is undisclosed. On April 8, 2014, Respondent

5628accurately advised Mr. Johnson that its records did not indicate

5638the presence of any liens against the License.

56464/ The deadline was not monitored when Respondent transferred

5655Intervenor's fil e from its licensing department to its legal


56665/ The rescission may be without prejudice pending the prospect

5676of judicial resolution of the ownership claims in the License of

5687Intervenor and Petitioner.

56906/ The sole issue in this case is whether Petitioner is entitled

5702to a transfer of the License under the above - cited language of

5715section 561.32(1)(a) or (b). The parties have not addressed

5724other statutory requirements, such as those specifying the

5732fitness of a proposed licensee and requ iring the payment of

5743license - transfer fees, so this recommended order does not address

5754these issues.

57567/ The requirement of a bona fide purchaser or purchase, rather

5767than a bona fide seller or sale, is much more common in the law.

5781See , e.g. , § 695.01 (un recorded conveyance or mortgage is

5791ineffective against creditor or subsequent purchaser for a

5799valuable consideration and without notice); § 679.3171 ("licensee

5808of a general intangible or a buyer, other than a secured party,

5820of collateral other than tangibl e chattel paper, tangible

5829documents, goods, instruments, or a certificated security takes

5837free of a security interest if the licensee or buyer gives value

5849without knowledge of the security interest and before it is

5859perfected"); § 379.321(1) ("a person who becomes a licensee of a

5872general intangible in good faith, without knowledge that the

5881license violates the rights of another person in the general

5891intangible, and in the ordinary course from a person in the

5902business of licensing general intangibles of that kind" takes

5911free of even a perfected security interest); § 726.109 ("transfer

5922is not voidable under s. 726.105(1)(a) against a person who took

5933in good faith and for a reasonably equivalent value").

5943The law governing notice recognizes constructive noti ce, as of

5953recorded documents, and actual notice. See , e.g. , Hagan v. Sabal

5963Palms, Inc. , 186 So. 2d 302 (Fla. 2d DCA 1966). Typically, given

5975their greater familiarity with the subject of the purchase and

5985sale, especially as to the property's potential vulnerability to

5994liens due to the liabilities of the owner, ignorant sellers, who

6005are the focus of section 561.32(1)(a), would seem much rarer than

6016ignorant purchasers. But it is always a perilous task to

6026delineate the boundaries of parties' ignorance, especially when

6034such claims are self - serving.

60408/ The omission from the record of the fair market value of the

6053License at the t ime of the La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance is

6064material because courts may consider the adequacy of the

6073consideration, not for determining whether a purchase is for

6082value, but for determining whether the purchaser bought the

6091property in good faith, see, e.g. , Byrom v. Gallagher , 609 So. 2d

610324 (Fla. 1992), and whether a conveyance was a fraudulent

6113transfer to defeat a creditor. § 726.105(1)(a).

6120I n reality, as discussed below, La Cidra, as well as

6131Intervenor, also had constructive notice of the Beltre judgment

6140lien that had attached when a judgment lien certificate was filed

6151with the Department of State. Even though the lien was not

6162timely perfected, so as to be effective against Intervenor, its

6172creation Ï and the constructive notice of the attached lien impu ted

6184to La Cidra and Intervenor -- deprived the La Cidra/Intervenor

6194conveyance of its good faith, regardless from which partyÓs

6203perspective it is examined.

62079/ Admittedly, the statutory prohibition against transferring

6214alcoholic beverage licenses is sub ject to a wide range of

6225exceptions by operation of section 561.32(1)(a) and (b).

6233Section 561.32(5) implies as much by relieving the parties of

6243certain fees when a license transfer "occurs by operation of law

6254because of a death, judicial proceedings, court appointment of a

6264fiduciary, foreclosure or forced judicial sale, bankruptcy

6271proceedings, or seizure of a license by a government agency." An

6282unanswered question is whether such transfers by operation of law

6292may occur under section 561.32(1) (a) or must oc cur under

6303section 561.32(1)(b).

630510/ As discussed in more detail below, the better practice for

6316judgment lienholders is to file a judgment lien certificate with

6326the Department of State to create a lien, as provided by

6337sections 55.202(2)(a) and 55.203; to record the lien with

6346Respondent to perfect the lien, as provided by section 561.65(4);

6356and then to foreclose the lien through judicial process, within

6366the meaning of section 561.32(1)(b).

637111/ See sections 726.105, 726.106, 726.108, and 726.110.

637912/ Th is is the law to which, during the hearing, the

6391Administrative Law Judge mistakenl y referred as current law.

6400The Administrative Law Judge regrets the inconvenience.

640713/ Some liens are perfected when they attach to property. See,

6418e.g. , § 679.3091.

642114/ The court's holding is that a creditor's filing of a security

6433interest in an alcoholic beverage license with the Secretary of

6443State, but not Respondent, failed to perfect a lien in the

6454license. The opinion notes that the lienholder had filed with

6464the Sec retary promissory notes, security agreements, and

6472mortgages, suggesting that the lienholder had lent money to the

6482license owner and taken the license as collateral. However, the

6492license owner was in bankruptcy, and the trustee in bankruptcy

6502had objected t o the lienholder's claim, so the dispute likely

6513involved the claims of competing lienholders and was not limited

6523to a claim by the purchase - money lienholder against the debtor

6535without third parties. Accord Dery v. Occhiuzzo & Occhiuzzo

6544Enters., Inc. , 771 So. 2d 1276 (Fla. 4th DCA 2000) (lienholder

6555that failed timely to record lien against license with Respondent

6565subordinated to lienholder that timely filed subsequent lien with


6575See also U.S. v. McGurn , 596 So. 2d 1038 (Fla. 1992), which

6587po sed the opposite filing or recording situation of that in

6598Seville . In McGurn , lessors of real property used as a bar

6610obtained a security interest in an alcoholic beverage license

6619owned by the lessees. The lessors recorded the lien with

6629Respondent within 90 days of the execution of the security

6639agreement, but not with the Secretary of State. The bar failed,

6650and the lessors brought an action in circuit court to foreclose

6661their lien in the license. The United States filed notices of

6672liens for unpaid taxes and contended that the lessors had not

6683perfected their lien in the license. The court held that the

6694sole filing necessary to perfect a lien in an alcoholic beverage

6705license is set forth in section 561.65(4).

671215/ The question of whether a lien must be pe rfected implicitly

6724recognizes at least the distinction between the attachment and

6733perfection of a lien. In another case involving a third party,

6744Mathias v. Walling Enters. , 609 So. 2d 1323 (Fla. 5th DCA 1992),

6756the trial court determined that an unperfecte d landlord's lien in

6767an alcoholic beverage license had priority over a lien in the

6778same license that had been perfected pursuant to section

6787561.65(4). The appellate court noted that the Uniform Commercial

6796Code, as enacted in Florida, recognized the priori ty of certain

6807unrecorded possessory liens over recorded security interests, but

6815noted that the security interest had been perfected before the

6825landlord's lien had arisen. The court concluded that the

6834landlord's lien attached to the license and the lessor did not

6845have to perfect its lien under section 561.65(4) or any other

6856statute, but the perfected security interest was superior to the

6866landlord's lien. The court certified two questions to the

6875supreme court.

6877In Walling Enters. V. Mathias , 636 So. 2d 12 94 (Fla. 1994), the

6890supreme court declined to answer the certified question of

6899whether a landlord's lien had to be perfected under section

6909561.65(4), but answered in the negative the question of whether a

6920landlord's lien may attach to an alcoholic beverage license,

6929reasoning that a license, as a general intangible, did not

6939constitute the kind of property to which a landlord's lien may


695116/ Based on the principles of administrative law discussed

6960above, the Administrative Law Judge and Respondent may not

6969determine the validity of the La Cidra/Intervenor conveyance

6977under the fraudulent - transfer statutes, §§ 726.105, 726.106 and

6987726.109, essentially undertaking the task of forecasting the

6995outcome of complicated judicial labors were Petitioner timely to

7004commence a legal action to invalidate the La Cidra/Intervenor



7016Samuel A. Rubert, Esquire

7020Loren Newman, Esquire

7023Samuel A. Rubert, P.A.

70273225 Franklin Avenue , Suite C - 101

7034Coconut Grove, Florida 33133


7039Magdalena Ozarowski, Esquire

7042Jason Douglas Borntreger, Esquire

7046Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco

7052Department of Business and

7056Professional Regulation

70581940 North Monroe Street , Suite 40

7064Tallahassee, Florida 32399


7068Louis J. Terminello, Esquire

7072Jos hua J. Remedios, Esquire

7077Greenspoon Marder, P.A.

7080600 Brickell Avenue, 36th Floor

7085Miami, Florida 33131


7089Thomas Philpot, Director

7092Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco

7098Department of Business and

7102Professional Regulation

71041940 North Monroe Street

7108Tallahassee, Florida 32399


7112Jason Maine, General Counsel

7116Department of Business and

7120Professional Regulation

7122Capital Commerce Center

71252601 Blair Stone Road

7129Tallahassee, Florida 32309



7139All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

714915 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

7160to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

7171will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/30/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 08/29/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Response to Petitioner's Exceptions to the Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/15/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/15/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 05/31/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 05/31/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 05/31/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 19, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/19/2016
Proceedings: (Intervenor's) Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/18/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/06/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 03/14/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 03/14/2016
Proceedings: Reply in Support of Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 03/10/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Intervenor's Motion to Strike Affidavit of Samuel A. Rubert filed.
Date: 03/07/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Strike Affidavit of Samuel A. Rubert and Attached Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/03/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Affidavit (of Samuel A. Rubert) filed.
Date: 02/19/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/17/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Intervenor`s Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 02/16/2016
Proceedings: Renewed Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Supplemental Authority in Support of its Notice of Intent to Deny License to Petitioner filed.
Date: 02/12/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 02/12/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibits filed.
Date: 02/11/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Intervenor`s Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction and Requiring Respondent to Supplement Notice of Intent to Deny.
Date: 02/11/2016
Proceedings: Request for Admissions to Respondent filed.
Date: 02/11/2016
Proceedings: Reply to Petitioner's Response to Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/11/2016
Proceedings: Supplement to Intervenor's Motion for Compulsory Judicial Notice and Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 02/10/2016
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner's Objection to Intervenors Motion for Compulsory Juicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/08/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Intervenor's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/03/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Objection to Intervenor's Motion for Compulsory Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 02/02/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 02/02/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor's Notice of Filing (Proposed) Exhibits filed (not available for viewing).
Date: 01/29/2016
Proceedings: Part 2 of 2: Motion for Compulsory Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 01/29/2016
Proceedings: Part 1 of 2: Motion for Compulsory Judicial Notice filed.
Date: 01/29/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor's Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/15/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor's Response to Petitioner's Motion for Administrative Law Judge to Take Official Recognititon of Non-hearsay Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/15/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Magadlena Ozarowski) filed.
Date: 01/15/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Intervene, Continuing the Final Hearing, and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for February 19, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Miami, FL).
Date: 01/14/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Administrative Law Judge to Take Official Recognition on Self-authenticating, Non-hearsay Exhibits Pursuant to Rule 28-10.213(6), F.A.C. filed.
Date: 01/14/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Party Latino Corp.'s Motion to Intervene and to Reset Hearing Date filed.
Date: 01/14/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing (Proposed) Exhibits (exhibits not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 01/13/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 01/11/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/08/2016
Proceedings: Motion of Party Latino Corp to Intervene and Motion to Reset Hearing Date filed.
Date: 01/05/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 01/05/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Impleader.
Date: 01/04/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Implead Party Latino Corp. and to Reset Hearing and Hearing Date filed.
Date: 01/04/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Implead Party Latino Corp and Motion to Reset Hearing and Hearing Date filed.
Date: 12/21/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel (Jason Borntreger) filed.
Date: 12/02/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 21, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Miami and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/30/2015
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Deny License filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Micco, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (22):