15-006699 In Re: Petition To Amend The Boundary Of The Tampa Palms Open Space And Transportation Community Development District vs. *
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, February 25, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Report to the FLAWAC that the Petition to contract the boundary of the community development district satisfies the statutory requirements in sections 190.005 and 190.046.










49On January 22, 2016 , a local public hearing was conducted

59before E. Gary Early , an Administrative Law Judge of the

69Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), at the West Meadow

78Community Ce nter Conference Room, 8401 New Tampa Boulevard,

87Tampa, Florida .


91For Petitioner Tampa Palms Open Space and Transportation

99Community Development District :

103Lindsay Whelan , Esquire

106Michael Eckert , Esquire

109Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

1141 19 South Monroe Street, Suite 300

121Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591


130The issue before the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

139Commission (Commission) in this proceeding is whether to grant

148the Petition of the Tampa Palms Open S pace and Transportation

159Community Development District (Petition), to contract the

166boundary of the Tampa Palms Open Space and Transportation

175Community Development District (District) by removing 21.59

182acres from the 3,151.7 acres of land that comprise the current

194area encompassed by the District.

199The local public hearing was conducted pursuant to sections

208190.046(1)(f) and 190.005(1)(d), Florida Statutes, for the

215purpose of taking testimony and public comment and receiving

224exhibits on the Petition.

228Thi s report is prepared and submitted to the Florida Land

239and Water Adjudicatory Commission ( Commission ) pursuant to

248s ections 190.046 and 190.005 for consideration in its

257determination whether to adopt a rule amending the boundary of

267the District as requested by the District .


277On October 28, 2015, the District filed the Petition with

287the Commission. T he District previously provided the Petition

296and its e xhibits, along with the requisite filing fee, to the

308City of Tampa ( City ).

314The Petit ion seeks to contract the boundary of the District

325by removing 21.59 4 acres , more or less (the contraction parcel) ,

336from the 3,151.7 acres, more or less, that comprise the existing

348District , which will result in a District boundary encompassing

3573,130.11 ac res , more or less (the Amended District) .

368On November 23, 2015, the Commission certified that the

377Petition contained all required elements and referred the

385P etition to DOAH for the purpose of conducting the local public

397hearing required by s ection 190.0 05(1)(d). The Commission a lso

408provided a copy of the Petition to the Florida Department of

419Economic Opportunity ( DEO ) for its review of compliance with its

431various programs and responsibilities.

435The District is located entirely within the incorporated

443l imits of the City. Section 190.005(1)(c) provides that a

453municipality containing all or a portion of the lands within the

464proposed amended District has the option to hold a public

474hearing within 45 days of the filing of a petition. The City

486elected not t o hold an optional public hearing relative to the

498proposed boundary amendment .

502References to statutes are to Florida Statutes (2015),

510unless otherwise noted.


517A. Petition Contents and Related Matters

5231. The Petition was submitted to the Commission on

532October 28, 2015. A copy of the Petition, a long with a check in

546the amount of $ 15,000.00, was submitted to the City under cover

559dated October 27, 2015 .

5642. Petition Exhibit 1 is a depiction of the general

574location of the existing Dis trict boundary.

5813. Petition Exhibit 2 is the metes and bounds description

591of the existing District boundary as adopted in Florida

600Administrative Code Rule 42J - 1.002.

6064. Petition Exhibit 3 is the metes and bounds description

616of the contraction parcel.

6205. Petition Exhibit 4 is the metes and bounds description

630of the Amended District after removal of the contraction parcel.

6406. Petition Exhibit 5 is the written consent by which the

651owner (at the time) of 100 percent of the lands within the

663contraction parcel, Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc., expressed

671its consent to the amend ment of the boundary of the Dist r ict by

686removal of the contraction parcel.

6917. Petition Exhibit 6 is confirmation that the District

700has approved the amendment of the boundary of t he District by

712removal of the contraction parcel.

7178. Petition Exhibit 7 designates the future general

725distribution, location , and extent of public and private land

734uses for the contraction parcel by the future land use element

745of the City of Tampa Compr ehensive Plan .

7549 . Petition Exhibit 8 is a map of the current major trunk

767water mains, sewer interceptors , and outfalls within the current

776District boundary.

77810. Petition Exhibit 9 is the Statement of Estimated

787Regulatory Costs (SERC) prepared in accord ance with the

796requirements of s ection 120.541, Florida Statutes.

80311 . The Petition described the services and facilities

812currently provided by the D istrict to the area being removed .

824According to the Petition, th e District is not currently

834providing any facilities or services to the contraction parcel,

843and the contraction parcel is not subject to any District

853assessments. The District does not intend to construct or

862provide infrastructure improvements within the contraction

868parcel in the future. There w ill be no changes in the

880facilities proposed to be provided by the District as a result

891of the removal of the contraction parcel.

89812 . The Petition designated the future general

906distribution, location, and extent of public and private uses of

916land propo sed for the area being removed. The Petition provided

927a map of future land uses. The Petition also provided that u pon

940the removal of the contraction parcel from the District, there

950will be no remaining developable acreage within the District's

959boundar y; accordingly, the District has no present intent to

969construct and/or acquire additional infrastructure or facilities

976within its contracted boundary, except with respect to the

985maintenance of its existing infrastructure and facilities.

99213 . Th e Petition all eges that the removal of the

1004contraction parcel from the District boundary should be granted

1013for the following reasons:

1017a. Amendment of the District and all land uses and

1027services planned within the District, as contracted, are not

1036inconsistent with app licable elements or portions of the adopted

1046State Comprehensive Plan or the City of Tampa Comprehensive


1056b. The area of land within the District, as

1065contracted, is part of a planned community. The District, as

1075contracted, will continue to be of su fficient size and

1085sufficiently compact and contiguous to be developed as one

1094functional and interrelated community.

1098c. The District, as contracted, continues to be the

1107best alternative for delivering community development services

1114and facilities without imposing an additional burden on the

1123general population of the local general - purpose government.

1132d. The community development services and facilities

1139of the District, as contracted, will not be incompatible with

1149the capacity and use of existing local a nd regional community

1160development services and facilities.

1164e. The area to be served by the District, as

1174contracted, continues to be amenable to separate special -

1183district government.

118514 . The Commission certified that the Petition contained

1194the required elements of a petition to amend the District

1204boundary, though that certification made no representation of

1212the accuracy of the documents.

1217B. Summary of the Local Public Hearing

122415 . Notice of the public hearing was advertised on

1234December 23, 2015; Dec ember 30, 2015; J anuary 6, 2016; and

1246January 13, 2016, in t he Tampa Bay Times, a newspaper of general

1259paid circulation in Hillsborough County, which newspaper

1266complies with the requirements for publication of legal and

1275official advertisements , pursuant to c hapter 50, Florida

1283Statutes. The published notice gave the time and place for the

1294hearings, a description of the area to be removed from the

1305District boundary , including a map showing the contraction

1313parcel, and other relevant information.

131816 . The loc al public hearing on the Petition was held as

1331noticed on January 22, 2016, at the West Meadow Community Center

1342Conference Room, 8401 New Tampa Boulevard, Tampa, Florida.

135017 . The District presented the following witnesses at the

1360hearing: Gary Lee Moyer, President of Moyer Management Group,

1369who was qualified and accepted as an expert in special district

1380consulting, financial analysis, and management; Tonya Lee

1387Stewart, senior project manager with Stantec Consulting, Inc.,

1395who was qualified and accepted as an expert in land development

1406projects and community development district construction and

1413engineering; and Craig Daniel Hotop, land development manager

1421for Taylor Morrison Homes, Inc.

142618 . The Pre - Filed Written Testimony of Mr. Moyer,

1437Ms. Stewart, and Mr. Hotop w ere received as Hearing Exhibits L ,

1449M , and N, respectively .

145419 . The District offered the following additional

1462exhibits, all of which were received into evidence at the


1473a . Hearing Exhibit A, consisting of the Petition to

1483Amend the Boundary of the Tampa Palms Open Space and

1493Transportation Community Development District, including

1498Exhibits 1 through 9 thereto.

1503b . Hearing Exhibit B , consisting of c orrespondence

1512dated October 27, 2015 , transmitting a copy of the Petition to

1523the Cit y, along with a check in the amount of $15,000.00 .

1537c . Hearing Exhibit C , consisting of c orrespondence

1546dated December 1, 2015, by which the City confirmed its intent

1557to not hold a separate public hearing.

1564d . Hearing Exhibit D , consisting of c orrespo ndence

1574dated November 23, 2015, by which the Commission referred the

1584Petition to DOAH to conduct a local public hearing.

1593e . Hearing Exhibit E , consisting of t he Notice of

1604Receipt of Petition published in the Florida Administrative

1612Register on January 6 , 2016.

1617f . Hearing Exhibit F , consisting of t he Notice of

1628Hearing entered by the undersigned.

1633g . Hearing Exhibit G , consisting of c orrespondence

1642dated November 23, 2015, by which the Commission provided a copy

1653of the Petition to the DEO .

1660h . Heari ng Exhibit H , consisting of t he affidavit of

1672publication of the Notice of Local Public Hearing in the Tampa

1683Bay Times.

1685i . Hearing Exhibit I , consisting of t he State

1695Comprehensive Plan, c hapter 187, Florida Statutes.

1702j . Hearing Exhibit J , consisting o f t he City of Tampa

1715Comprehensive Plan, including c hapters 1 through 10 thereto.

1724k . Hearing Exhibit K , consisting of a s ubsequent

1734Consent to the Amendment of the Boundaries of the Tampa Palms

1745Open Space and Transportation Community Development District.

175220 . No members of the public provided comment at the

1763hearing. No public comment was filed after the local public


177421 . The T ranscript of the local public hearing, with

1785exhibits, was filed with DOAH on February 15, 2016. The

1795District also fil ed a Proposed Report of Findings and

1805Conclusions on February 15, 2016, which has been considered in

1815the preparation of this Report.


182622 . The standards applicable to a determination of whether

1836to grant or deny the Dist rictÓs Petition are those in section


1849Section 190.005(1)(e)1. - Whether all statements contained

1856within the Petition have been found to be true and correct.

186723 . M r. Moyer testified as to the accuracy of the

1879information contained in the Pet ition. He also prepared, or had

1890others prepare under his supervision, Petition Exhibit 9, the

1899SERC . Mr. MoyerÓs testimony constitutes competent, substantial

1907evidence of the accuracy of the statements in the Petition and

1918the exhibits attached thereto.

19222 4 . Ms. Stewart testified that she prepared, or had others

1934prepare under her supervision, Petition Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 ,

1945and 8 . Ms. Stewart testified that these exhibits accurately

1955depict and describe the boundaries of the parcels of property at

1966issue, the CityÓs future land uses for the parcels of property

1977at issue , and the location and description of the existing major

1988water and sewer trunk lines associated with the parcels of

1998property at issue. M s. Stewart Ós testimony constitutes

2007competent, substanti al evidence of the accuracy of Petition

2016Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 , and 8.

202425 . Mr. Hotop testified that he is familiar with the

2035Petition , and that he coordinated the execution of Petition

2044Exhibit 5, the Consent to the Amendment of the Boundaries of the

2056Tampa Palms Open Space and Transportation Community Development

2064District by which Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc., as owner of

2075100 percent of the contraction parcel, consented to the deletion

2085of the contraction parcel from the District . Subsequent to the

2096fili ng of the Petition, Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc. sold

2107approximately 0.15 acres within the contraction parcel to a

2116third party. Consent of the purchaser to the deletion of the

2127contraction parcel from the District was provided as Hearing

2136Exhibit K. Mr. Hot o p Ós testimony constitutes competent,

2146substantial evidence of the accuracy of the statements in the

2156Petition , and of the consent of the landowners in the

2166contraction parcel to the proposed District boundary amendment.

217426 . Based on the testimony and evidence of record, and in

2186the absence of evidence to the contrary, the statements

2195contained in the Petition and the exhibits thereto are true and


2207Section 190.005(1)(e) 2 . - Whether the amendment of the District

2218boundary is inconsistent wi th any applicable element or portion

2228of the State Comprehensive Plan or of the effective local

2238government comprehensive plan.

224127 . Ms. Stewart reviewed the proposed District boundary

2250amendment for consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan,

2258c hapter 18 7, Florida Statutes .

226528 . The State Comprehensive Plan Ðprovides long - range

2275policy guidance for the orderly social, economic and physical

2284growth of the State . Ñ Of the subjects, goals, and policies in

2297the State Comprehensive Plan, Ms. Stewart identified Subject

2305No. 15 - Land Use, Subject No. 17 - Public Facilities , and

2317Subject No. 25 - Plan Implementation, as relevant from a

2327planning and engineering perspective to the proposed amendment .

233629 . Subject No. 15 recognizes the importance of locating

2346developme nt in areas that have the resources, fiscal abilities ,

2356and service capacity to accommodate growth. Ms. Stewart

2364testified that the Amended District will continue to have the

2374fiscal capability to provide a wide range of services and

2384facilities to a populati on in a designated growth area.

2394Ms. StewartÓs testimony constitutes competent, substantial

2400evidence that the proposed boundary amendment is not

2408inconsistent with th e land use goal of the State Comprehensive

2419Plan. There was no evidence to the contrary.

24273 0 . Subject No. 17 calls for the protection of existing

2439public facilities and the timely, orderly , and efficient

2447planning and financing of new facilities. Ms. Stewart testified

2456that the removal of the c ontraction p arcel from the boundary of

2469the District w ill not have an impact on the DistrictÓs existing

2481public facilities and services, and that no new facilities or

2491services are planned to be constructed, acquired , or otherwise

2500provided by the Amended District . Ms. StewartÓs testimony

2509constitutes competent, substantial evidence that the proposed

2516boundary amendment is not inconsistent with the public

2524facilities goal of the State Comprehensive Plan. There was no

2534evidence to the contrary.

253831 . Subject No. 25 calls for systematic planning

2547capabilities to be in tegrated into all levels of government

2557throughout the State, with particular emphasis on improving

2565intergovernmental coordination and maximizing citizen

2570involvement. Ms. Stewart testified that the District is fully

2579developed so no additional community pla nning or development

2588activities will occur with respect to the lands within the

2598boundary of the Amended District . Ms. StewartÓs testimony

2607constitutes competent, substantial evidence that the proposed

2614boundary amendment is not inconsistent with the plan

2622im plementation goal of the State Comprehensive Plan. There was

2632no evidence to the contrary.

263732 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the

2648Amended District will not be inconsistent with any applicable

2657provision of the State Comprehensive Plan.

26633 3 . Ms. Stewart also reviewed the proposed District

2673boundary amendment for consistency with the City of Tampa

2682Comprehensive Plan.

268434 . Chapter 190 prohibits a community development district

2693from acting in any manner inconsistent with the local

2702government Ós comprehensive plan. When initially established in

27101990, and thereafter in the 1997 boundary contraction

2718proceeding, the District demonstrate d that the development of

2727the lands within its boundary was consistent with the City of

2738Tampa Comprehensive Plan . The District is fully developed,

2747therefore no additional community planning or development

2754activities will occur with respect to the lands within the

2764boundary of the Amended District .

277035 . Ms. StewartÓs testimony constitutes competent,

2777substantial evi dence that the proposed boundary amendment w ill

2787not be inconsistent with any applicable element of the City of

2798Tampa Comprehensive Plan. There was no evidence to the


280836 . Based on the evidence adduced at the hearing, the

2819Amended District will not be inconsistent with any applicable

2828provisions of the City of Tampa Comprehensive Plan.

2836Section 190.005(1)(e)3. - Whether the area of land within the

2846Amended District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact,

2855and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one

2864functional interrelated community.

286737 . The Amended District will include approximately

28753,130.11 acres, located entirely within the incorporated limits

2884of the City of Tampa.

288938 . Mr. Moyer testified that the Amended District has

2899suffi cient land area, and is sufficiently compact and contiguous

2909to be developed, and has in fact been developed, as one

2920functional, interrelated community, and that the boundary

2927amendment will have no impact on that functionality.

293539 . Ms. Stewart testified that the area of land within the

2947District was originally developed as a planned community, was

2956previously determined to be of sufficient size, compactness , and

2965contiguity to be developed with facilities and services as one

2975functionally - interrelated commun ity , and that no additional

2984facilities, services , or other development are planned for the

2993lands within the Amended District . No development of facilities

3003or services was originally planned for the c ontraction p arcel .

3015T he Amended District was operating a s a funct ionally -

3027interrelated community, even prior to the proposed elimination

3035of the c ontraction p arcel from the DistrictÓs boundary. The

3046removal of the contraction parcel from the District boundary

3055will result in no duplication or overlap of facilities or

3065services. As a result, the Amended District remains of

3074sufficient size, compactness , and contiguity to function as one

3083interrelated community.

308540 . The testimony of Mr. Moyer and Ms. Stewart constitute s

3097competent, substantial evidence that the Amende d District will

3106be of sufficient size, sufficiently compact, and sufficiently

3114contiguous to be developed as a single functionally - interrelated

3124community. There was no evidence to the contrary.

3132Section 190.005(1)(e)4. - Whether the Amended District remai ns

3141the best alternative available for delivering community

3148development services and facilities to the area that will be

3158served by the Amended District.

316341 . The District is presently providing infrastructure

3171improvements to the lands within its boundar y , with the

3181exception of the c ontraction p arcel . The District does not

3193intend to construct or provide infrastructure improvements

3200within the c ontraction p arcel in the future.

320942 . Mr. Moyer testified that to date, the District has

3220been the mechanism used t o plan, finance, construct, operate ,

3230and maintain the public facilities and services within the

3239existing District . T he District has already constructed the

3249entirety of the facilities and services needed to serve the

3259Amended District, and is providing the associated maintenance

3267and operations . The proposed amendment will allow for the

3277continued operation of the facilities and services to the lands

3287within the Amended DistrictÓs boundar y . Accordingly, the

3296Amended District is the best alternative to provide such

3305facilities and services to the area to be served.

331443 . Ms. Stewart testified that the existing District has

3324provided community development facilities and services

3330effectively and efficiently to the areas served from the date

3340the District was establis hed, and is expected to remain the best

3352alternative available for delivering community development

3358services and facilities . Even after removal of the c ontraction

3369p arcel, the Amended District will be capable of continuing to

3380efficiently finance and oversee the operation and maintenance of

3389necessary capital improvements within the community.

339544 . Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc., as the developer of

3406the c ontraction p arcel, will fund the infrastructure,

3415facilities , and services need ed to accommodate develop ment

3424within the c ontraction p arcel. After construction, the

3433infrastructure and facilities within the c ontraction p arcel will

3443be conveyed to the City of Tampa, to Hillsborough County, or to

3455an applicable homeownersÓ association for ownership and

3462maintenanc e, depending on the type of infrastructure or

3471facilities constructed.

347345 . The testimony of Mr. Moyer , Ms. Stewart , and Mr. Hotop

3485constitute s competent, substantial evidence that the Amended

3493District remains the best alternative available for delivering

3501c ommunity development services and facilities to the area that

3511will be served by the Amended District. There was no evidence

3522to the contrary.

3525Section 190.005(1)(e)5. - Whether the community development

3532services and facilities of the Amended District will be

3541incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and

3551regional community development services and facilities.

355746 . Mr. Moyer testified that the services and facilities

3567of the Amended District are those provided by the existing

3577District, and th us are not incompatible with the capacity and

3588use of existing local or regional community development services

3597and facilities.

359947 . Ms. Stewart testified that the services and facilities

3609to be provided by the Amended District are not incompatible, and

3620in fact remain fully compatible, with the capacities and uses of

3631the existing local or regional community development facilities,

3639and with those provided by the existing District.

364748 . The testimony of Mr. Moyer and Ms. Stewart constitutes

3658competent, substan tial evidence that the community development

3666services and facilities of the Amended District will not be

3676incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and

3686regional community development services and f acilities. There

3694was no evidence to the con trary.

3701Section 190.005(1)(e)6. - Whether the area that will be served

3711by the Amended District is amenable to separate special - district


372349 . Mr. Moyer testified that the removal of the

3733c ontraction p arcel will not affect the ability of the A mended

3746District to operate as a separate special district government,

3755and that contracting the boundar y of the existing District will

3766limit the area to be served by the government already in place,

3778but will not change the way the unit of government is oper ating

3791either now or into the future.

379750 . Ms. Stewart testified that t he area within the Amended

3809District remains large enough to comprise its own community with

3819individual facility and service needs , and will continue to

3828constitute an efficient mechanis m for providing the necessary

3837capital infrastructure improvements, and ongoing operation and

3844maintenance thereof, to directly serve the development within

3852its boundary. S pecial district governance is appropriate for

3861the Amended District because it provide s a mechanism whereby

3871long - term maintenance obligations can be satisfied by the

3881persons using the facilities and services.

388751 . The testimony of Mr. Moyer and Ms. Stewart constitutes

3898competent, substantial evidence that the area that will be

3907served by th e Amended District is amenable to separate special -

3919district government. There was no evidence to the contrary.

3928Section 190.005(1)(a)8. - Statement of Estimated Regulatory

3935Costs .

393752 . In addition to the elements in section 109.005(1)(e),

3947s ection 190.005( 1)(a)(8), requires the preparation and

3955submission of a S ERC w hich meets the requirements of s ection

3968120.541 . The Petition includes a S ERC .

397753 . Mr. Moyer explained the purpose of the SERC , the

3988economic analysis presented therein, and the data and

3996methodo logy used in preparing the S ERC . Without recitation, his

4008testimony is accepted.

401154 . The SERC contains an estimate of the costs and

4022benefits to all persons directly affected by the proposed rule

4032to amend the boundar y of the District , including the Stat e of

4045Florida and its citizens, the City of Tampa and its citizens,

4056and the property owners within the existing District and the

4066c ontraction p arcel.

407055 . Aside from nominal costs related to the amendment of

4081rule 42J - 1.002 , the s tate and its citizens will only incur

4094modest costs from contracting the DistrictÓs boundary as

4102proposed. Specifically, s tate employees will process, analyze,

4110and conduct any pu blic hearing s on the Petition to amend the

4123boundary of the District. However, th ose costs are likely to b e

4136minimal because review of the Petition does not include analysis

4146of the development to be served by the District , the Petition

4157itself provides most of the information needed for state review ,

4167the s tate currently employs the staff needed to conduct the

4178re view of the Petition , and no capital expenditure is required

4189to review the Petition.

419356 . As is the case with the existing District, ongoing

4204state costs related to the Amended District are limited to the

4215receipt and processing of reports that are required to be file d

4227with the s tate. C osts to the s tate agencies that will receive

4241and process the Amended DistrictÓs reports are expected to be

4251minimal. The Amended District is one of many governmental

4260subdivisions required to submit reports to the s tate. P urs uant

4272to s ection 189.018 , the Amended District will pay an annual fee

4284to the DEO to offset such costs.

429157 . It is not anticipated that the City will incur costs

4303in reviewing the Petition to amend the boundary of the District,

4314as the District remitted a $15 ,000 filing fee to the City to

4327offset any such costs. T he City declined to hold a public

4339hearing on the matter , thus avoiding costs related thereto . As

4350is the case with the existing District, annual costs to the City

4362related to the Amended District are e xpected to be minimal.

4373Since t he Amended District is an independent unit of local

4384government , t he only annual costs incurred by the City will be

4396the minimal costs of receiving and r eviewing reports that are

4407required to be provide d to the City.

441558 . The costs of petitioning for the boundary amendment

4425are being paid entirely by the majority owner of the c ontraction

4437p arcel, Taylor Morrison of Florida, Inc., pursuant to a funding

4448agreement with the District. The District will continue to

4457incur costs for ope ration and maintenance of its facilities and

4468for its administration. Th o se costs are paid from annual

4479assessments against properties within the District benefiting

4486from its facilities and its services. Since the c ontraction

4496p arcel has not been assessed a nd does not benefit from existing

4509District facilities or services, the boundary amendment will not

4518affect the revenues or expenses of the Amended District.

452759 . The evidence in this case establishes that the S ERC

4539meets all requirements of s ection 120.541 .


454960 . This proceeding is governed by sections 190.005 and

4559190.046 and rule chapter 42 - 1.

456661 . The District was established by the adoption of

4576c hapter 42J - 1 on January 31, 1990, which followed the issuance

4589of a DOAH Recommended Order and Re port to the Commission . See

4602In Re: Tampa Palms Open Space and Transportation Community

4611Development District , Petition for a Rule Under Chapter 190,

4620Florida Statutes , DOAH Case No. 89 - 3654 (DOAH Recommended Order

4631and Report Oct. 18, 1989 ; Chapter 42J - 1 ado ption J an. 31, 1990 ).

464762 . In 1997, the original District area of approximately

46575,509 acres was contracted by the removal of approximately 2,357

4669acres . See In Re: Petition to Contract the Tampa Palms Open

4681Space and Transportation Community Development Di strict , DOAH

4689Case No. 96 - 4213 (DOAH Report and Conclusions Jan. 31, 1997;

4701Rule 42J - 1.002 amendment July 31, 1997).

470963 . Section 190.046 (1) (e)1. provides that:

4717During the existence of a district initially

4724established by administrative rule, the

4729process to amend the boundaries of the

4736district pursuant to paragraphs (a) - (d)

4743shall not permit a cumulative net total

4750greater than 10 percent of the land in the

4759initial district, and in no event greater

4766than 250 acres on a cumulative net basis.

477464 . Section 190.04 6 (1) (f) provides, in pertinent part,


4786Petitions to amend the boundaries of the

4793district that exceed the amount of land

4800specified in paragraph (e) shall be

4806processed in accordance with s. 190.005, and

4813the petition shall include only the elements

4820set fo rth in s. 190.005(1)(a)1. and 5. - 8.

4830and the consent required by paragraph (g).

483765 . The District having been initially established by rule

484742J - 1.001, and having been previously amended by greater than

4858the threshold a creage , this proceeding is governed b y the

4869standards in section 190.046 (1) (f).

487566 . Section 109.046 (1) (g) provides that:

4883In all cases of a petition to amend the

4892boundaries of a district, the filing of the

4900petition by the district board of

4906supervisors constitutes consent of the

4911landowners w ithin the district. In all

4918cases, written consent of those landowners

4924whose land is to be added to or deleted from

4934the district as provided in s.

4940190.005(1)(a)2. is required.

494367 . The District obtained consent to the boundary

4952amendment from the property owners within the current District

4961boundar y . T he filing of the P etition by the D istrict

4975constitutes consent of the landowners within the D istrict .

4985§ 190.046(1)(g). The Consent and Joinder of Landowner included

4994as Exhibit 5 of the Petition, and the subs equent Consent and

5006Joinder of Landowner introduced as Exhibit K in this proceeding

5016establish that the District provided the requisite consent of

5025the landowners whose land is to be deleted from the D istrict ,

5037thus meeting the landowner consent requirements o f section

5046190.046(1)(g) .

504868 . The District satisfied the statutory notice

5056requirements by providing the City with a copy of the Petition,

5067and paying the required filing fee to the City as required by

5079section 190.005(1)(b) . The District also published n otice of

5089the local public hearing in the manner required by section

5099190.005(1)( d ).

510269 . Section 190.005(1) provides, in pertinent part, that:

5111(1) The exclusive and uniform method for the

5119establishment of a community development

5124district with a size of 1,000 acres or more

5134shall be pursuant to a rule, adopted under

5142chapter 120 by the Florida Land and Water

5150Adjudicatory Commission, granting a petitio n

5156for the establishment of a community

5162development district.

5164(a) A petition for the establishment of a

5172community development district shall be filed

5178by the petitioner with the Florida Land and

5186Water Adjudicatory Commission . The petition

5192shall contain:

51941. A metes and bounds description of the

5202external boundaries of the district . Any

5209real property within the external boundaries

5215of the district which is to be excluded from

5224the district shall be specifically described,

5230and the last known address of all ow ners of

5240such real property shall be listed . The

5248petition shall also address the impact of the

5256proposed district on any real property within

5263the external boundaries of the district which

5270is to be excluded from the district.

5277* * *

52805. A map of the propose d district showing

5289current major trunk water mains and sewer

5296interceptors and outfalls if in existence.

53026. Based upon available data, the proposed

5309timetable for construction of the district

5315services and the estimated cost of

5321constructing the proposed ser vices . These

5328estimates shall be submitted in good faith

5335but are not binding and may be subject to


53457. A designation of the future general

5352distribution, location, and extent of public

5358and private uses of land proposed for the

5366area within the distr ict by the future land

5375use plan element of the effective local

5382government comprehensive plan of which all

5388mandatory elements have been adopted by the

5395applicable general - purpose local government

5401in compliance with the Community Planning


54088. A stateme nt of estimated regulatory costs

5416in accordance with the requirements of s.


542470 . The Petition includes the elements required by section

5434190.005(1)(a) 1. and 5. - 8.

544071 . Section 190.046(1)(a) provides that :

5447If the petitioner seeks to contract the

5454district, the petition shall describe what

5460services and facilities are currently

5465provided by the district to the area being

5473removed, and the designation of the future

5480general distribution, location, and extent

5485of public and private uses of land proposed

5493fo r the area by the future land element of

5503the adopted local government comprehensive


550972 . As established herein, the Petition included the

5518description of services and facilities, and the designation of

5527future public and private land uses as required .

553673 . As established in s ection 190.046 (1) ( f ) , the Petition

5550is to be processed by application of the standards in section

5561190.005 .

556374 . Section 190.005(d) provides, in pertinent part, that:

5572A local public hearing on the petition shall

5580be conducted by a hearing officer in

5587conformance with the applicable requirements

5592and procedures of the Administrative

5597Procedure Act . The hearing shall include

5604oral and written comments on the petition

5611pertinent to the factors specified in

5617paragraph [190.005(1) (e) ] .

562275 . Section 190.005(1) (e) provides that:

5629The Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory

5635Commission shall consider the entire record

5641of the local hearing, the transcript of the

5649hearing, resolutions adopted by local

5654general - purpose governments as provided in

5661paragrap h (c), and the following factors and

5669make a determination to grant or deny a

5677petition for the establishment of a

5683community development district:

56861. Whether all statements contained within

5692the petition have been found to be true and


57022. Whether the establishment of the

5708district is inconsistent with any applicable

5714element or portion of the state

5720comprehensive plan or of the effective local

5727government comprehensive plan.

57303. Whether the area of land within the

5738proposed district is of sufficient si ze, is

5746sufficiently compact, and is sufficiently

5751contiguous to be developable as one

5757functional interrelated community.

57604. Whether the district is the best

5767alternative available for delivering

5771community development services and

5775facilities to the area tha t will be served

5784by the district.

57875. Whether the community development

5792services and facilities of the district will

5799be incompatible with the capacity and uses

5806of existing local and regional community

5812development services and facilities.

58166. Whether the area that will be served by

5825the district is amenable to separate

5831special - district government.

583576 . E ach of the statutory criteria in section

5845190.005(1)(e) has been satisfied.

584977 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the

5859statements containe d in the Petition are true and correct.

5869§ 190.005(1)(e)1., Fla. Stat.

587378 . The evidence in t his proceeding establishes that the

5884amendment of the District's boundar y will not be inconsistent

5894with either the applicable local comprehensive plans or the

5903st ate comprehensive plan. § 190.005(1)(e)2., Fla. Stat.

591179 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that ,

5920after the removal of the contraction parcel, the District will

5930continue to be of sufficient size, sufficiently compact, and

5939sufficiently contigu ous to be developable as one functional

5948interrelated community. § 190.005(1)(e)3., Fla. Stat.

595480 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that ,

5963after the removal of the contraction parcel, the District will

5973continue to be the best alternative available for delivering

5982community development services and facilities to the remaining

5990a reas. § 190.005(1)(e)4., Fla. Stat.

599681 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that the

6006services and facilities that will be provided by the District to

6017the expansion areas are not incompatible with the capacity or

6027uses of any local or regional community development services and

6037facilities . See § 190.005(1)(e)5., Fla. Stat.

604482 . The evidence in this proceeding establishes that,

6053after th e removal of the contraction parcel, the District is

6064amenable to separate special - district government.

6071§ 190.005(1)(e)6., Fla. Stat.


6076Section 190.005(1)(e) , as applicable to a petition to amend

6085the boundar y of a community development district pursuant to

6095section 190.046(1)(f), provides that the Commission Ð shall

6103consider the entire re cord of the local hearing, the T ranscript

6115of the hearing, resolutions adopted by local general - purpose

6125governments, Ñ and the factors set forth in section

6134190.005(1 )(e)1. through 6. in determining whether to grant or

6144deny a petition to amend the boundary of a community development

6155district . Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and

6165conclusions of law, the undersigned concludes that the proposed

6174boundary amendmen t satisfies the statutory requirements, and

6182that there is no reason not to grant the Dist r ictÓs request to

6196amend its boundary by removal of the 21.594 acre, more or less,

6208contraction parcel.

6210D ONE AND ORD ERED this 25 th day of February , 201 6 , in

6224Tallah assee, Leon County, Florida.



6233Administrative Law Judge

6236Division of Administrative Hearings

6240The DeSoto Building

62431230 Apalachee Parkway

6246Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6251(850) 488 - 9675

6255Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6262Filed with the Clerk of the

6268Division of Administrative Hearings

6272this 25 th day of February , 201 6 .


6284Cynthia Kelly, Secretary

6287Florida Land and Water

6291Adjudicatory Commission

6293Room 1801, The Capitol

6297Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001

6302John P. Hee kin , Esquire

6307Office of the General Counsel

6312Office of the Governor

6316Room 209, The Capitol

6320Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0001


6326Barbara Leighty, Clerk

6329Transportation and Economic

6332Development Policy Unit

6335Room 1801, The Capitol

6339Tallahassee, Florida 3 2399 - 0001


6346Peter Penrod, Esquire

6349Agency for Workforce Innovation

6353The Caldwell Building, Mail Stop 110

6359107 East Madison Street

6363Tallahassee, Florida 32399


6367Johnathan Johnson, Esquire

6370Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

6375119 South Monroe Street , Suite 300

6381Post Office Box 6526

6385Tallahassee, Florida 3 2314 - 6526


6392Lindsay Whelan, Esquire

6395Michael Eckert, Esquire

6398Hopping Green & Sams, P.A.

6403119 South Monroe Street, Suite 300

6409Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591

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Date: 02/25/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/25/2016
Proceedings: Report cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/25/2016
Proceedings: Administrative Law Judge's Report to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (hearing held January 22, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Early from Amy Hembree enclosing copy of Petitioner's Proposed Report of Findings and Conclusions filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Proposed Report of Findings and Conculsions filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript (Part III of III) filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript (Part II of III) filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Hearing Transcript (Part I of III) filed.
Date: 01/22/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/14/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Prefiled Written Testimony filed.
Date: 01/12/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Eckert and Lindsay Whelan) filed.
Date: 11/30/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for January 22, 2016; 11:00 a.m.; Tampa, FL).
Date: 11/30/2015
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to the Initial Order and Designation of Additional Counsel filed.
Date: 11/24/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.
Date: 11/23/2015
Proceedings: Petition to Amend the Boundary of the Tampa Palms Open Space and Transportation Community Development District filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tampa, Florida
Office of the Governor


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):