15-007274 Loop&Apos;S Nursery And Greenhouses, Inc. vs. Department Of Health, Office Of Compassionate Use
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, October 7, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that its application to be a dispensing organization should have been approved.




12INC. ,

13Petitioner ,

14Case No. 15 - 72 74




29Respondent .


34Pursuant to notice to all parties, a final hearing was

44conducted in this case on July 6 through 8, 11 , and

5513 through 15 , 2016 , in Tallahassee , Florida, before

63Administrative Law Judge (ÐALJÑ) R. Bruce McKibben of the

72Division of Administrat ive Hearin gs (ÐDOAHÑ) . The parties were

83represented as set forth below.


89For Petitioner: Jon C. Moyle, Esquire

95Karen Ann Putnal, Esquire

99Robert A. Weiss, Esquire

103Moyle Law Firm , P.A.

107118 North Gadsden Street

111Tallahassee , Florida 32301

114For Respondent: W illiam Robert Vezina, III, Esquire

122Eduardo S. Lombard, Esquire

126Vezina, Lawrence & Piscitelli, P.A.

131413 East Park Avenue

135Tallahassee, Florida 32301


142The issue in this case is whether Petitioner, LoopÓs

151Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc. (ÐLoopÓs Ñ ), was entitled to be a

163dispensing organization under section 381.986, Florida Statutes,

170and applicable rules when its application was reviewed by

179Respondent, Department of Health, Office o f Compassionate Use

188(the ÐDepartmentÑ or ÐOCUÑ), in July through November 2015.

197Unless specifically stated otherwise herein, all

203references to Florida Statutes shall be to the 201 5 version ,

214as this case involves a backwards - looking, retrospective

223assessmen t of the LoopÓs application .


232LoopÓs and other applicants seeking to become a dispensing

241organization (ÐDOÑ) filed appli cations with OCU in July 2015.

251LoopÓs was notified by letter dated November 23, 2015, that it

262was not the highest scored applicant in the Northeast Region , as

273defined in 381.986(5)(b), Florida Statutes. LoopÓs timely filed

281a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing to contest the

290denial of its application and the approval of a competing

300application. Subsequently, the Florida Legislature passed

306amendments to section 381.986 which will be discussed more fully

316below. Ultimately, the petition filed by LoopÓs resulted in the

326hearing described above for the purpose of determining whether

335the LoopÓs application should ha ve been approved by the

345Department .

347At the final hearing, LoopÓs called the following

35511 witnesses: David Loop, accepted as an expert in

364horticulture ; Dr. James Lieberman, accepted as an expert in

373cannabis processing, extraction, laboratory design, and

379operation commissioning and process optimization ; Richard

385Rampell, CPA, accepted as an expert in accounting, financial

394analysis, and valuation; Mark Hand, CPA , accepted as an expert

404in accounting ; Gregg Connor , accepted as an expert in

413transportation, dist ribution, dispensing, and security ;

419Dr. Terril Nell , accepted as an expert in horticulture ; Holl e y

431Mos e ley; Joel Stanley, CEO of CW Botanicals, accepted as an

443expert in cannabis breeding, cultivation, processing,

449extraction, and dispensing; Carla Ard, acce pted as an expert in

460sales and marketing; Henry Stephen Jones, accepted as an expert

470in facilities and premises security, technological security, and

478data systems security; and Christian Bax, director of OCU .

488LoopÓs E xhibits 1a , 1b, 1 c, 2, 7 through 9, 17 , 19, 21,

50230 through 34, 36 through 38, 40, 41, 49, 58 through 64, and

51566 were admitted into evidence.

520OCU called the following witness: Daniel Hevia, CPA,

528accepted as an expert in accounting, auditing, financial

536forensics, peer review, generally accepted accounting standards

543(GAAS), and auditing standards. OCUÓs E xhibit s 13 through 21,

55464 through 69, 71, 72, and 75 through 77 were admitted into


567A Transcript of the final hearing was ordered; it was filed

578at DOAH on August 3 , 2016 . By rule, pa rties a re allowed 10 days

594after filing of the transcript at DOAH to submit proposed

604recommended orders (PROs) . LoopÓ s requested additional time

613(75 days) to prepare its PRO; the Department objected . The ALJ

625allowed 30 days from the date of filing to subm it PROs and

638extended the page limit to 45 pages. Just prior to the date the

651PROs were due (which would have been Septem ber 2), the

662Department filed a M otion seeking clarification of the due date.

673Apparently, LoopÓs had contacted the Department and expres sed

682its understanding that the PROs were due 45 days after the

693transcript was filed at DOAH (despite the instructions given by

703the ALJ at final hearing and set forth in writing in the

715transcript). An Order of Clarification was entered, reiterating

723the due date , September 2 , 2016 . LoopÓs then file d a request

736for extension of time until September 12 , 2016 to file the PROs;

748the request was granted. Each party timely submitted a PRO , and

759each was duly considered in the preparation of this Recommended



7731 . In 2014, the Florida Legislature enacted the

782Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act, chapter 2014 - 157, Laws of

792Florida , codified in part at section 381.986, Florida Statutes

801(2014) . The Department was directed by the new law to author ize

814the establishment of one DO in each of five enumerated regions

825within the State .

8292 . The Department promulgated an application form,

837incorporated by reference in Florida Administrative Code Rule

84564 - 4.002, to be used by applicants seeking approval as a

857dispensing organization. In July 2015 , LoopÓs filed an

865application to become the DO in the Northeast Region , consisting

875of 18 primarily rural counties . The LoopÓs application was

885comparatively reviewed with several other applications.

8913 . In November 2 015, the Department notified LoopÓs that

902its application had received the third - highest score during the

913comparative review. San Felasco Nurseri es, Inc. (ÐSan

921FelascoÑ) , received the highest score; Chestnut Hill Tree Farm,

930LLC (ÐChestnut HillÑ) , received the second highest score.

938However, the Department notified San Felasco that its

946application was being denied on the basis of an alleged

956deficiency, leaving Chestnut Hill as the approved DO in the

966Northeast Region. LoopÓs and San Felasco each timely filed a

976petition for formal administrative hearing to challenge their

984denials. Chestnut Hill filed an Ðapproved applicantÑ petition

992in support of the DepartmentÓs decision. The three petitions

1001were consolidated into a single case at DOAH.

10094 . The Florida Legi slature, in the 2016 legislative

1019session , passed House Bill 307 (CS for CS/CS/HB 307) and House

1030Bill 1313, which were signed into law on March 25, 2016, as

1042chap ter 2016 - 123, Laws of Florida (referred to herein as the

1055Ð2016 LawÑ). The 2016 Law says, in per tinent part:

1065Section 3. (1 ) Notwithstanding

1070s. 381.986(5)(b), Florida Statutes, a

1075dispensing organization that receives notice

1080from the Department of Health that it is

1088approved as a regionÓs dispensing

1093organization, post s a $5 million performance

1100bond in compliance with rule 64 - 4.002(5)(e),

1108Florida Administrative Code, and expends at

1114least $100,000 to fulfill its legal

1121obligations as a dispensing organization; or

1127any applicant that received the highest

1133aggregate score through the departmentÓs

1138evaluation p rocess, notwithstanding any

1143prior determination by the department that

1149the applicant failed to meet the

1155requirements of s. 381.986, Florida

1160Statutes, must be granted cultivation

1165authorization by the department and is

1171approved to operat e as a dispensing

1178org anization for the full term of its

1186original approval and all subsequent

1191renewals pursuant to s. 381.986, Florida

1197Statutes. Any applicant that qualifies

1202under this subsection which has not

1208previously been approved as a dispensing

1214organization by the depart ment must be given

1222approval as a dispensing organization by the

1229department within 10 days after the

1235effective date of this act, and within

124210 days after receiving such approval must

1249comply with the bond requirement in rule

125664 - 4.002(5)(e), Florida Administ rative Code,

1263and must comply with all other applicable

1270requirements of chapter 64 - 4, Florida

1277Administrative Code.

1279(2) If an organization that does not meet

1287the criteria of subsection (1) receives a

1294final determination from the Division of

1300Administrative Hearings, the Department of

1305Health, or a court of competent jurisdiction

1312that it was entitled to be a dispensing

1320organization under s. 381.986, Florida

1325Statutes, and applicable rules, such

1330organization and an organization that meets

1336the criteria of section (1) shall both be

1344dispensing organizations in the same region.

1350During the operations of any dispensing

1356organization that meets the criteria in this

1363section the Department of Health may enforce

1370rule 64 - 4.005, Florida Administrative Code,

1377as filed on June 17, 2015.

13835 . The 2016 Law thus effectively approved the applications

1393of Chestnut Hill and San Felasco by legislative fiat , declar ing

1404the DepartmentÓs preliminary agency action to be final . Those

1414two entities withdrew their petitions for formal adminis trative

1423hearing and, upon accomplishing certain preliminary

1429requirements, were to be granted licenses as DOs in the

1439Northeast Region .

14426 . The petition filed by LoopÓs remained as the only

1453challenge to the DepartmentÓs decision vis - à - vis the Northeast

1465Regi on DO applications, resulting in the hearing at issue in

1476this Recommended Order. (Both San Felasco and Chestnut Hill

1485attempted to intervene in this action, but because the result in

1496this case would have absolutely no bearing on the status of

1507their DO lice nses, their petitions to intervene were denied for

1518lack of standing .) LoopÓs was left to prove that its

1529application should have been approved instead of one or both of

1540the now - approved applicants.

15457 . It is unclear why the Department takes such an

1556aggress ive adversarial stance against LoopÓs in this proceeding.

1565Should LoopÓs prove that its application should have been

1574approved rather than one of the other applicants, OCU would

1584issue a DO license to LoopÓs. If LoopÓs fails to meet its

1596burden of proof, OCU would not issue a license. That is the

1608extent of OCUÓs status in this matter. Notwithstanding, OCU

1617fervently opposes approval of LoopÓs as a DO in the Northeast


1629The Applicant

16318 . LoopÓs was founded in 1949 as a greenhouse and was

1643organized as a corporation under the laws of Florida in 1970.

1654It has operated a certified nursery for well over 30 years and

1666has done so pursuant to a valid Certificate of Registration

1676issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer

1685Services ( Ð DAC S Ñ ) pursua nt to section 581.131, Florida Statutes.

16999 . LoopÓs is a Florida greenhouse pioneer, having led the

1710industry in advanced cultivation practices, such as drip

1718irrigation and the use of blackout shade cloths to maximize

1728yield. Today, LoopÓs specializes in g reenhouse - grown flowering

1738potted plants. It has cultivated more than 400,000 plants

1748annually since the early 1980s.

175310 . LoopÓs is operated by a qualified nurseryman , David

1763Loop . LoopÓs currently has 650,000 square feet of state - of - the -

1779art greenhouses. The greenhouses are fully automated, with

1787features including automatic temperature and humidity control s .

1796The primary LoopÓs nursery is operated in a 150,000 square foot

1808greenhouse located in Jacksonville, Florida, and there is

1816another 500,000 square fe et of specialized greenhouses located

1826in St. Johns County, Florida. LoopÓs has plenty of space

1836available in which to cultivate medical marijuana, pending

1844development and approval of a security system for the nursery.

185411 . LoopÓs expressed its intention to use a subsidiary

1864corporation or division (LoopÓs Dispensaries , LLC ) to operate

1873the dispensing functions of its proposed project, if approved.

1882This plan was in deference to the federal governmentÓs refusal

1892to recognize the legitimacy of medical marijuan a and t o keep the

1905marijuana cultivation separate and apart from the other LoopÓs

1914cultivation processes. OCUÓs contention that use of the LLC

1923constitutes a Ðmaterial misrepresentationÑ in the application is

1931unfounded. LoopÓs was overt and transparent conc erning this

1940contingency. Further, no mention was made of this perceived

1949misrepresentation in OCUÓs denial letter following review of the

1958LoopÓs application.

1960The Application Form

196312 . The application form for applying to be a DO

1974identifies a number of st atutory and rule requirements which

1984must be met , including three basic criteria: a) Possess a valid

1995certificate of registration issued by DACS ; b) Show that the

2005nursery is operated by a Florida nurseryman as described in

2015section 581.011; and c) Prove cont inuous operation as a nursery

2026for at least 30 continuous years. LoopÓs generally satisfies

2035each of those criteri a .

204113 . The application form is divided into four parts:

2051Part I requires the applicant to provide basic information about

2061itself . Part II re quires the a pplicant to document its

2073compliance with requirements which are mandated by statute.

2081Part III requires the a pplicant to provide OCU with information

2092addressing all items listed in r ule 64 - 4.002. There are five

2105substantive subparts in the appl ication: Cultivation

2112(constituting 30 percent of the weighted score), Processing (30

2121percent ), Dispen sing (15 percent), Medical Director (5 percent ),

2132and Financials (20 percent ). These subparts a re further broken

2143down int o sub - subparts, and weights or pe rcentages a re assigned

2157to each of those. Part IV of the application addresses the

2168application submission process , including payment of the

2175application fee.

217714 . It is clear LoopÓs at least minimally meets the

2188requirements set forth in the statute and rule and identifi ed

2199within the application. It has the ability to cultivate,

2208process and dispense medical marijuana (or has set forth a

2218reasonable proposal for doing so in its application). It has a

2229qualified medical director. There is, as set forth below, some

2239concern about the LoopÓs financial s tatements , but LoopÓs is

2249generally stable and meet s minimal financial requirements.

225715 . However, LoopÓs has the burden in the present case to

2269show that it satisfied the requirements to such an extent that

2280it, rat her than Chestnut Hill or San Felasco, should have

2291received the highest point total upon comparative review. 1/

230016 . Looking at Part I of the application , LoopÓs provided

2311the requisite information dictated by the application form, as

2320did -- presumably - Î the ot her applicants. There appears to be no

2334dispute that all three applicants sufficiently satisfied Part I.

234317 . As to P art II, LoopÓs provided its DACS certification

2355and submitted successful l evel 2 background screens for all of

2366its own ers and managers. OC U suggested that some individuals

2377who may be involved with the LoopÓ s operation , if a pproved,

2389should have undergone l evel 2 background screening. There is no

2400persuasive evidence, however, that such persons were Ðowners or

2409managersÑ as contemplated by stat ute and rule so as to be

2421subject to the background screening .

242718 . LoopÓs raised a legitimate question as to whether

2437competing applicant Chestnut Hill satisfied the requirement to

2445have Ðoperated for 30 continuou s years as a registered nursery, Ñ

2457as requi red by section 381.986(5)(b)1 . Chestnut Hill was formed

2468as a limited liability company in Florida on August 29, 2005.

2479By law, Chestnut Hill became a corporate ÐpersonÑ at that time.

2490See § 607.01401(19), Fla. Stat. Thus, argues LoopÓs, Chestnut

2499Hill cou ld not have operated a registered nursery for 30 years

2511because it has not been in existence for 30 years.

252119 . The Department takes the position that a ÐnurseryÑ may

2532be certified by DACS and , even if the nursery owner ship chang es

2545its name or corporate str ucture, the ÐnurseryÑ will continue to

2556be certified. ÐNurseryÑ is defined in section 581.011(20) as

2565Ðany grounds or premises Ñ used for growing nursery stock.

257520 . A DACS letter dated August 4, 2015, addressed to

2586LoopÓs states: ÐAccording to the Departmen tÓs records, your

2595nursery has operated as a regis tered nursery since May 1,

26061963 and has a current inventory of 951,781 plants.Ñ A DACS

2618letter to San Felasco dated July 6, 2015 , states: ÐAccording to

2629the DepartmentÓs records, your nursery has operated as a

2638registered nursery since October 23, 1973 and has a current

2648inventory of 561,200 plants.Ñ DACS issued a letter dated

2658August 3, 2015, to Chestnut Hill which states: ÐAccording to

2668the DepartmentÓs records, your nursery has operated as a

2677registered nurse ry since November 23, 1981 and has a current

2688inventory of 406,337 plants . Ñ

269521 . OCU interpreted the statutory requirement in section

2704381.986 (5)(b)1 . to mean that if the applicant operated a

2715registered nursery (rather than itself being a registered

2723nurser y), that would s atisfy the requirement . OCU reputedly

2734relied upon the DAC S certification of the nursery premises to

2745deem Ches tnut Hill compliant with the 30 year requirement .

2756Again, no one from Chestnut Hill was called as a witness to

2768explain this conund rum.

2772Comparative Review

277422 . The five subparts in Part II of the application

2785addressing the statutory criteria were carefully considered by

2793OCU in its comparative review of the applicants. OCUÓs process

2803for reviewing the applications is set forth below.

28112 3 . Applicants were to submit their applications and a

2822$60,000 filing fee to OCU no later than July 8, 2015. At that

2836point the applications were initially reviewed for completeness

2844by OCU Director Bax. If any items or responses were missing

2855from an appli cation, Bax would send the applicant an omissions

2866letter, giving the applicant an opportunity to supplement its

2875application. In the case of LoopÓs, Bax noted that LoopÓs had

2886not provided proof of operat ing a registered nursery for

289630 continuous years and the financial statements provided in the

2906application had not been audited. LoopÓs timely provided the

2915missing items requested by the Department.

292124 . Once the applications were deemed complete, three

2930individuals evaluated and scored the applications com paratively.

2938The scorers were: Christian Bax; Patricia Nelson, a member of

2948the Statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council; and Ellyn Hutson, a

2958certified public accountant. Nelson and Hutson were appointed

2966by the State Surgeon General.

297125 . Instructions for scoring the applications were

2979provided by the DepartmentÓs general counsel, Nicole Geary.

2987Pursuant to those instructions, the scorers performed their

2995comparative evaluations independently, not communicating with

3001one another during the review process. Th ey were, however,

3011allowed to make inquiries t o certain experts in various areas

3022within the applications outside the scorerÓs knowledge or


303126 . The scorers each assigned scores on the various

3041sections of the application and compiled the scores in a

3051spreadsheet. The three spreadsheets were then consolidated into

3059a single spreadsheet and the scores were totaled. San Felasco

3069receive d the highest aggregate score Î - 3.9750; Chestnut Hill

3080re ceived the second highest score - Î 3.7917; and LoopÓs received

3092th e third highest score - Î 3.5708. Each applicantÓs score was an

3105aggregate score totaling all sections of the application.

3113Scoring higher in one section ( e.g., cultivation) would not

3123necessarily mean the applicant had the highest aggregate score.

3132The applic ation as a whole had to be scored higher than the

3145others in order to be approved. ( See , however, ALJ Van

3156LaninghamÓs September 8, 2016 ÐInformational Order on the Multi -

3166Criteria Evaluation, etc.,Ñ entered in Plants of Ruskin, Inc. v.

3177DepÓt. of Health , DOA H Case No. 15 - 7270, wherein he calls into

3191question the entire process by which OCU ÐscoredÑ the competing

3201applications , deeming the so - called scores to actually be

3211rankings and thus inconsistent with the statutory mandate .)

322027 . At final hearing, LoopÓs called one of the scorers,

3231Bax, to discuss his evaluation and review of the applications,

3241but did not call the other two scorers. The findings and

3252conclusions reached by the other two scorers were not addressed.

3262Nor were principals from the competing app licants called in

3272order to compare or discuss their applications. Thus, LoopÓs

3281attempted to prove that its application was superior by

3290affirming the appropriateness of its own application ,

3297superficially presenting portions of the competing applications ,

3304a nd showing that only one of three scorers deemed its

3315application superior . That is not a legitimate or appropriate


332628 . As to the technical and technological ability to

3336cultivate, LoopÓs provided ample proof that it has that ability .

3347LoopÓs w ill rely in part on assistance from CW Botanicals (i.e.,

3359the Stanley brothers), and will utilize some of that entityÓs

3369policies and procedures. 2 / Although it has no experience

3379cultivating cannabis, LoopÓs is very skilled in cultivating

3387other flowe ring pla nts. With the help of CW Botanicals, LoopÓs

3399undoubtedly w ould be able to successfully cultivate cannabis.

340829 . It is the intention of LoopÓs to cultivate the

3419specific strain of medical cannabis known as ÐCharlotteÓs Web.Ñ

3428That strain was developed by the Stanley brothers and has proven

3439effective in treating many conditions, especially severe,

3446intractable epilepsy. There are many strains of medical

3454marijuana, however, as evidenced by the fact that the Stanley

3464brothers themselv es grow hundreds of different strains . San

3474Felasco proposes to cultivate a strain known as Anovia Medical;

3484Chestnut Hill plans to grow one known as Green Solution s. Other

3496than its notoriety, there was no competent evidence that

3505CharlotteÓs Web is superior to any other strain.

351330 . T he LoopÓs proposal to cultivate CharlotteÓs Web is

3524based entirely on an oral agreement with Ray of Hope, an entity

3536which holds the rights to CharlotteÓs Web in Florida. There is

3547no binding written agreement between LoopÓs and Ray of Hope.

3557N othing prohibi t s Ray of Hope from granting other Florida

3569growers the right to use that strain as well.

357831 . T he suggestion that LoopÓs could comply with th e

3590cultivation requirement better than the other two applicants i s

3600purely speculative. LoopÓs pointed out that Ch estnut Hill was a

3611tree farm and that San Felasco dealt with outdoor plants. Both

3622are operating registered nurseries within the State, even if

3631they are not currently growing marijuana. However, each of

3640those applicants presumably submitted plans for culti vating

3648medical marijuana in some fashion. No competent evidence was

3657presented to infer that the proposals of Chestnut Hill and/or

3667San Felasco were inferior to LoopÓ s , or, conversely, that the

3678LoopÓs proposal was superior to those application s .

368732 . LoopÓ s provided an expert to explain the nature of the

3700LoopÓs plan for securing its operations and personnel. The plan

3710was well - developed and seemed to address all of the issues

3722LoopÓs would face once it began cultivation. There were,

3731however, some glitches p ointed out in the LoopÓs plan, e.g., its

374324 - hour on - site security was to be provided by a single

3757individual who, presumably, would need to sleep sometimes. But

3766again, there is no evidence that the security plans proposed by

3777the other two applicants are in any way inferior.

378633 . The same is true of the three applicantsÓ ability to

3798maintain accountability of their raw materials and finished

3806products. LoopÓs had a good plan for doing so, but did not

3818specifically demonstrate how its plan was superior to the


382834 . As for a reasonably located infrastructure to dispense

3838the product, LoopÓs reasonably showed that it had a broader

3848(geographic) distribution plan tha n its competitors. However,

3856there is no requirement that a DO dispense its product

3866statewid e, only that each DO must cover its designated region,

3877in this case the Northeast Region . Thus, the fact that the

3889other applicants did not propose as wide a distribution of its

3900product as LoopÓs is not consequential. In the LoopÓs

3909application, 12 distinc t dispensing sites are proposed. Eight

3918of those s ites have been clearly identified, but zoning and

3929other approvals have not yet been obtained. San Felasco

3938proposes six sites for dispensaries ; Chestnut Hill proposes only

3947one, with an option for one more. It is clear LoopÓs intends to

3960distribute its product on a wider scale than San Felasco or

3971Chestnut Hill, but there is no requirement for doing so. (The

3982application form does include references to such things as being

3992centrally located to several populate d areas and proximity to

4002patient populations, but those are examples of what an applicant

4012might want to show OCU. There is no statutory mandate for those

4024items ) . The statutory and rule provisions relating to

4034dispensing of the cannabis product does not sa y that ability to

4046distribute more product is necessarily better. Further, LoopÓs

4054did not explain how its product would successfully compete with

4064the DOs approved in the other regions around the State. So, in

4076total, LoopÓs did not prove that its distribut ion plan was

4087superior to the other applicantsÓ plans.

409335 . As for transportation of the product to its

4103dispensaries and users, LoopÓs plans to use a high - roofed van

4115with a refrigerated cargo space and a lockbox or safe. The van

4127appears to be a very compe tent means of transporting the

4138product. San Felasco proposes the use of one armored van and

4149several small Prius - model automobiles. Chestnut Hill plans to

4159use two Prius automobiles to transport its product. Each

4168applicantÓs proposal seems adequate for th eir projected

4176distribution of medical marijuana.

418036 . In the area of financial ability to maintain

4190operations for two years, LoopÓs cast some reasonable doubt as

4200to the showing Chestnut Hill made to satisfy this requirement.

4210There was no similar failing noted for San Felasco. LoopÓs own

4221financial ability to operate is somewhat suspect due to the

4231conditional nature of its audited financial statements .

423937 . LoopÓs initially submitted a ÐreviewedÑ financial

4247statement with its application. A reviewed state ment is one

4257prepared internally and then reviewed by a certified public

4266accountant for general correctness. OCU asked LoopÓs to submit

4275an audited financial statement instead, and LoopÓs complied with

4284that request.

428638 . The audited financial statement wa s prepared by Steven

4297Hand, a self - employed CPA whose major business was doing

4308business evaluations. The LoopÓs audit was the only one he had

4319prepared since 1998. Mr. Hand was familiar with LoopÓs and had

4330some history with the company. He was asked, on e xtremely short

4342notice, to prepare an audited financial statement for LoopÓs .

4352The amount of time he had to prepare the statement was probably

4364insufficient, but he did the best he could in that time.

437539 . Mr. Hand did not do a written audit plan before

4387co mmencing the audit although that is a requirement for a bona

4399fide audit. Mr. Hand said that he had a ÐplanÑ of sorts based

4412on his conversation s with Mr. Loop , but such oral discussions

4423are not sufficient under GAAS to constitute a plan . The audited

4435finan cial statement he issued did not have the requisite

4445headings required by GAAS , but the financial statement was

4454generally acceptable as to content. Again, failure to include

4463the headings is a violation of GAAS, but the violation seems

4474minimal in this conte xt.

447940 . Mr. Hand could not issue an unqualified (a/k/a

4489unmodified or clean) opinion regarding the LoopÓs financial

4497situation. That is because he was unable to verify the

4507inventory due to his having been engaged to do the work more

4519than a year after the a udit period. T he verification of

4531accounts receivables was done by LoopÓs, not by the CPA , another

4542violation of auditing guidelines . Thus, Mr. Hand issued a

4552ÐqualifiedÑ opinion, i.e., a much weaker opinion that those

4561submitted by the competing applicants.

456641 . There is no evidence of record as to the validity or

4579appropriateness of the audited financial statement submitted by

4587San Felasco in its application . Thus, no comparison of

4597information contained therein can be made.

460342 . Some concerns were raised by LoopÓs about Chestnut

4613Hill Ós finances related to the way that entity valuated its

4624inventory. Further, only the balance sheet on Chestnut HillÓs

4633financials was audited ; the auditor issued a disclaimer as to

4643the income statement portion of the financial report. But,

4652ultimately, the auditors were able to issue a valid audited

4662financial statement for the entity.

466743 . San Felasco was alleged to have a suspect financial

4678ratio which could have an effect on its ability to continue

4689operations for two years, as required by statute. But no

4699di screet comparison between the LoopÓs financials and those of

4709the competing applicants was presented at final hearing.

471744 . LoopÓs has retained a qualified physician to act as

4728its medical director and to supervise the DOÓs activities.

4737There is no evidence the physician is better than the medical

4748directors proposed by the ot her parties.

475545 . The evidence at final hearing was abundantly clear

4765that low THC, high CDB marijuana can have enormously successful

4775results in children with significant medical conditions. The

4783stories of how this drug has helped children overcome

4792debilitating seizure activity were miraculous in nature. It is

4801difficult to conceive how such a beneficial medication could be

4811objected to by some uninformed p ersons or groups.


482346 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

4831jurisdiction over the parties to and the subject matter of this

4842proceeding pursuant to s ection s 120.569 and 120.57(1), Florida

4852Statutes (2016) .

485547 . Section 120 . 57(1)(k) states: ÐAll proceedings

4864conducted under this subsection shall be de novo.Ñ The de novo

4875standard has not been altered by section 381.986 , or any other

4886statute relating to the subject matter in this case. Thus,

4896under section 120.57(1), the final hearing at DOAH was conducted

4906Ðto formulate final agency action, not to review action taken

4916earlier and preliminarily.Ñ J.D. v. Fla. DepÓt of Child . &

4927Fams . , 114 So. 2d 1127, 1132 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013), (quoting

4939McDonald v. DepÓt of Banking & Fin. , 346 So. 2d 569, 584 (Fla.

49521st DCA 1977)). 3 /

495748 . The general rule is that the party asserting the

4968affirmative of an issue has the burden of presenting evidence as

4979to that issue. DepÓt of Banking & Fin., Div. of Sec. & Investor

4992Prot. v. Osborne Stern & Co. , 670 So. 2d 932, 933 (Fla. 1996),

5005citing Fla. DepÓt of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778 (Fla.

50181st DCA 1981) . In this case, LoopÓs has the burden.

502949 . According to section 120.57(1)(k), ÐFindings of fact

5038shall be based upon a preponderance of the evidence . . .

5050except as otherwise provided by statute, and shall be based

5060exclusively on the evidence of record and on matters

5069officially recognized.Ñ

507150 . In the instant matter, LoopÓs was required to prove ,

5082by a preponderance of evidence, that the Department shoul d have

5093approved its application to become a DO in the Northeast Region

5104instead of approving San Felasco and/or Chestnut Hill. The

51132016 Law specifically says that the applicant must show that Ðit

5124was entitled to be a dispensing organization.Ñ That is, tha t

5135the application as submitted to OCU was superior to all

5145competing applications in the same region. This proceeding,

5153therefore, is a b ackward - looking, retrospective assessment of

5163the applica tion s at the time they were filed and reviewed by

5176OCU. (See Jud ge McArthurÓs excellent description of this

5185process in her May 13, 2016 , Order Regarding Impact of [the

51962016 Law], entered in McCroryÓs Sunny Hill Nursery v. DepÓt. o f

5208Health , DOAH Case No. 15 - 7275 . )

521751 . I n this case, it must first be determined whethe r

5230Chestnut Hill should have been comparatively reviewed with the

5239other applicants due to the 30 continuous years of operation

5249issue. Although an agencyÓs interpretation of its own statutes

5258is given deference ( S ee Humana, Inc. v. DepÓt of Health & Rehab.

5272S ervs. , 492 So. 2d 388 (Fla. 4th DCA 1986) ), that interpretation

5285cannot be contrary to the plain language of the statute. In the

5297present case, the statute at issue dictates that Ðthe applicant

5307must . . . have been operated as a registered nursery in the

5320st ate for at least 30 continuous years.Ñ § 381.986(5)(b)1, Fla.

5331Stat. ÐNurseryÑ is defined as Ðany grounds or premises on which

5342nursery stock is grown .Ñ § 581.011(20), Fla. Stat. A nursery

5353is not a person, corporate or otherwise; it is grounds or

5364premise s. Thus, none of the corporate applicants to be a DO in

5377Florida could have literally satisfied the requirement to have

5386been operated as a Ðnursery.Ñ DACS also issues certificates of

5396registration to stock dealers, agents, or plant brokers, each of

5406which i s defined as a ÐpersonÑ in section 581.131 . But receipt

5419of a certificate of registration by a stock dealer, agent, or

5430plant broker does not make that person a Ðnursery.Ñ

543952 . Inasmuch as no applicant could have literally

5448complied with the requirement to be a registered nursery, the

5458DepartmentÓs interpretation of the statute to allow applicants

5466who operate -- rather than operate as -- a registered nursery for

547830 continuous years to be deemed compliant with the statutory

5488requirement is accepted. ( S ee Chiles v. DepÓt of State, Div.

5500of Elect . , 711 So. 2d 151 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998 . ) If Chestnut

5515Hill had a letter from DACS that it had operated a nursery for

552830 continuous years, then its application should have been

5537comparatively reviewed with the other applicants . 4 /

554653 . This is the first proceeding under the 2016 Law, which

5558generally establishes the parameters for an applicant such as

5567LoopÓs to obtain approval of its initially denied application.

5576Chapter 381, Florida Statutes , wherein portions of the 2016 Law

5586are c odified, sets forth the criteria each applicant must

5596satisfy . Those criteria , paraphrased, are:

5602a) Technic al and technological ability to

5609c ultivate and produce low - THC cannabis;

5617b) Ability to secure the premises,

5623resources, and personnel necessary to

5628operate a s a DO;

5633c) Ability to maintain accountability of all

5640raw materials, finished products, and any

5646byproducts to prevent diversion or

5651unlawful access to or possession of these


5659d) An infrastructure reasonably located to

5665dispense low - THC cannabis to regi stered

5673patients statewide or regionally as

5678determined by the Department;

5682e) Financial ability to maintain operations

5688for th e duration of the 2 - year approval


5699f) Fingerprinting and l evel 2 background

5706screening for all owners and managers;


5713g) Employment o f a medical director who is a

5723physi cian licensed under chapter 458 or

5730chapter 459, Florida Statutes, to

5735supervise the DOÓs activities.

573954 . Those criteria a re incorporated into the application

5749form. Under the present stature of this case, LoopÓs is then

5760required to prove, by a preponderance of evidence, that its

5770application met or exceeded those criteria in ways that were,

5780in the aggregate, superior to the competing applicants.

578855 . As set forth in the Findings of Fact above , LoopÓs did

5801not provide comp arative proof that its application satisfied

5810those criteria better than Chestnut Hill or San Felasco such

5820that its application should have been approved. While LoopÓs

5829did prove definitively that it was approvable and had a very

5840good proposal, that fact al one did not establish that it was

5852better than the other two applicants at issue. LoopÓs stated

5862correctly in its Proposed Recommended Order that, Ð o ther than

5873uncorroborated hearsay, there is no evidence in the record that

5883either San Felasco or Chestnut Hil l [satisfied the various

5893criteria for approval].Ñ By the same token, there was no

5903competent evidence to prove that those two applicants did not

5913satisfy the criteria, or that their proposals were qualitatively

5922inferior to the LoopÓs application. It was Lo opÓs duty to show

5934how its application was superior to the other applicants. It

5944was LoopÓs duty to present whatever evidence about San Felasco

5954and Chestnut Hill was necessary to make that comparison. LoopÓs

5964failed to do so.

596856 . The 2016 Law refers to a Ðfinal determination from the

5980Division of Administrative Hearings , the Department of Health,

5988or a court of competent jurisdiction .Ñ Inasmuch as DOAH does

5999not have final order authority in this matter, the

6008recommendation below is not dispositive of the Loo pÓs

6017application until a final o rder is entered by the Department.


6029Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions

6038of Law, it is

6042RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Respondent,

6051Department of Health, Office of Compassiona te Use, finding that

6061Petitioner, LoopÓs Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc., failed to prove

6070by a preponderance of evidence that its application to become a

6081distributing organization in the Northeast Region should have

6089been approved , and therefore, denying LoopÓs application to

6097become a dispensing organization in the Northeast Region .

6106DONE AND ENTE RED this 7 th day of October , 2016 in

6118Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



6126Administrative Law Judge

6129Division of Adm inistrative Hearings

6134The DeSoto Building

61371230 Apalachee Parkway

6140Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6145(850) 488 - 9675

6149Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6156Filed with the Clerk of the

6162Division of Administrative Hearings

6166this 7 th day of October , 2016 .


61761/ This matter is unique in its stature at DOAH. LoopÓs is

6188charged with proving, by comparative revi ew, that its

6197application was Î - at the time OCU made its decision Î - superior to

6212the applications of Chestnut Hill and San Felasco. This case is

6223a kin to the comparative review done by an ALJ in certificate of

6236need cases, but the facts here are limited to those existing at

6248the time the applications were reviewed by OCU. However,

6257neither of the competing applicants was involved in the final

6267hearing ( after being denied intervenor status) and all evidence

6277concerning their applications was essentially uncorroborated

6283hearsay. This fact significantly impair ed LoopÓs ability to

6292meet its burden of proof. LoopÓs m ight have remedied this

6303problem by calling w itnesses from the competing applicants, but

6313that will never be known.

63182/ The Stanley brothers developed the low THC, high CDB strain

6329of medical marijuana known as ÐCharlotteÓs Web.Ñ They have

6338gained notoriety in the industry as pioneers and recognized

6347experts in the cultivation of medical marijuana strains.

63553/ Note, however, Judge Van LandinghamÓs well - reasoned

6364conclusion to the contrary in Plants of Ruskin, Inc. v. DepÓt .

6376of Health , DOAH Case No. 15 - 7270, Order Granting RuskinÓs Motion

6388in Limine, Sep tember 12, 2016. Judge Van Lan ingham concludes

6399that an applicant that has no t been in existence for over

641130 years cannot satisfy the requirement, regardless of whether

6420it holds a certificate from DACS .

64274/ The Department continues to suggest that an Ðab use of

6438discretionÑ standard should be applied to the instant case.

6447That argument is again rejected. Besides, no evidence was

6456presented at final hearing directed to whether OCU abused its

6466discretion; the evidence addressed whether the LoopÓs

6473application w as superior to the competing applicants.


6483William Robert Vezina, Esquire

6487Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

6492413 East Park Avenue

6496Tallahassee, Florida 32301


6500Megan S. Reynolds, Esquire

6504Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

6509413 East Park Avenue

6513Tallahassee, Florida 32301


6517Eduardo S. Lombard, Esquire

6521Vezina, Lawrence and Piscitelli, P.A.

6526413 East Park Avenue

6530Tallahassee, Florida 32301


6534Jon C. Moyle, Esquire

6538Moyle Law Firm , P.A.

6542118 North Gadsden Street

6546Ta llahassee, Florida 32301


6551Karen Ann Putnal, Esquire

6555Moyle Law Firm, P.A.

6559118 North Gadsden Street

6563Tallahassee, Florida 32301


6567Robert A. Weiss, Esquire

6571Moyle Law Firm, P.A.

6575118 North Gadsden Street

6579Tallahassee, Florida 32301

6582(eServe d)

6584Shannon Revels, Agency Clerk

6588Department of Health

65914052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6597Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1703


6603Nichole C. Geary, General Counsel

6608Department of Health

66114052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02

6617Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701

6622(eServe d)

6624Celeste Philip, M.D., M.P.H.

6628Interim State Surgeon General

6632Department of Health

66354052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00

6641Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1701



6653All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

666315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

6674to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

6685will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 08/10/2017
Proceedings: Settlement Agreement filed.
Date: 08/10/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 08/09/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/05/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 01/05/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held July 6-8, 11, and 13-15, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 09/20/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Notice of Supplemental Authority filed.
Date: 09/12/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/12/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/12/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/01/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 09/01/2016
Proceedings: Unopposed Request for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 08/30/2016
Proceedings: Order of Clarification.
Date: 08/30/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Clarification of Deadline to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/03/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/03/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Notice of Restricted Information filed.
Date: 07/11/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Ray of Hope 4 Florida, LLC's Annual Reports filed with Florida Department of State filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Amended Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Amended Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Filings with Florida Department of State filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Ray of Hope 4 Florida, LLC's Filings with Florida Department of State filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Filing Certificates of Non-Appearance filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Memorandum Opposing Loop's Motion to Preclude Addition of Witnesses Not Previously Disclosed filed.
Date: 07/01/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/01/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 07/01/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Loop's Dispensaries, LLC's Filings with Florida Department of State filed.
Date: 07/01/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Legislative Sessions Where Chapter 2016-123, Laws of Florida, was Discussed filed.
Date: 06/30/2016
Proceedings: Third Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (Joel Stanley) filed.
Date: 06/30/2016
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (David Loop) filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Motion to Preclude Addition of Witnesses Not Previously Disclosed in Final Witness Lists, Absent Agreement of Parties or Leave of the Administrative Law Judge filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Amended Motion in Limine Regarding Information Not Submitted to the Department Before November 23, 2015 filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion in Limine Regarding Chestnut's and San Felasco's Current Dispensing Organization Operations filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Official Recognition of Final Orders filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: The Departments Motion in Limine Regarding Information Not Submitted to the Department Before November 23, 2015 filed.
Date: 06/29/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Taking Deposition (of Greg Connor) filed.
Date: 06/28/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Exclude Witnesses.
Date: 06/28/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/28/2016
Proceedings: Second Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (of Joel Stanley) filed.
Date: 06/28/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Response in Opposition to the Department of Health's Motion to Exclude filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for June 28, 2016; 10:00 a.m.).
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Extension of Time for Filing Prehearing Stipulation.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion to Exclude Testimony or, Alternatively, to Compel the Immediate Depositions of Certain Expert and Lay Witnesses and the Department's Request for Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Objection to Department of Health's Motion for Extension of Time to File Prehearing Stipulations filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (of David Loop) filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (of Holly Mosely) filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitions to Intervene.
Date: 06/24/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Motion for Extension of Time to File Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition (of Joel Stanley) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Carla Ard) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Terril Nell) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of James Lieberman) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Gregg Connor) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Joel Stanley) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Holley Mosely) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of Richard Rampell) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of Matt Jones and John Olivari) filed.
Date: 06/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of Chuck Patten and Craig Gundry) filed.
Date: 06/22/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/21/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of David Loop) filed.
Date: 06/16/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (of S. Mark Hand & Associates, P.A.) filed.
Date: 06/15/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for June 22, 2016; 2:00 p.m.).
Date: 06/15/2016
Proceedings: Protective Order.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Motion for Entry of Agreed Protective Order.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Response in Opposition to Chestnut Hill's Motion to Intervene and Request for Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Response in Opposition to San Felasco's Petition to Intervene and Request for Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 06/10/2016
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Entry of Agreed Protective Order filed.
Date: 06/09/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Chestnut Hill's Motion to Intervene.
Date: 06/09/2016
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Chestnut Hills Motion to Intervene filed.
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco Nurseries, Inc.'s Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: Affidavit of Service (Custodian of Documents for San Felasco Nursery, Inc.) filed.
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Objections to Loop's Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Christian Bax filed.
Date: 06/03/2016
Proceedings: Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Petition to Intervene filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Subpoena Duces Tecum (to Custodian of Documents for Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Non-party San Felasco Nursery, Inc.'s Custodian of Documents filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Non-party Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Custodian of Documents filed.
Date: 05/31/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Response to Loop's Motions to Compel and the Department's Request for Telephonic Hearing filed.
Date: 05/27/2016
Proceedings: Return of Service of Subpoena Duces Tecum (Alan C. Shapiro) filed.
Date: 05/27/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery and Greenhouses, Inc.'s Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Alan C. Shapiro filed.
Date: 05/26/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Amended Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Christian Bax filed.
Date: 05/25/2016
Proceedings: Order of Clarification.
Date: 05/25/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time.
Date: 05/24/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Petitioner's Motions to Compel filed.
Date: 05/24/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Response to Loop's Motion and Supplemental Motion for Entry of Order Clarifying Ultimate Issue for Determination filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Intent to File Response to Motion to Compel Responses to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Supplemental Motion for Entry od Order Clarifying Ultimate Issue for Determination of Following Amendment of Section 381.986, Florida Stateus filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Motion to Compel Department of Health to Respond to Loop's First Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Intent to File Response to Motion to Compel Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Motion to Compel Department of Health's Production of Documents filed.
Date: 05/18/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for Entry of Order Clarifying Ultimate Issue for Determination Following Amendment of Section 381.986, Florida Statues and Request for Expedited Ruling filed.
Date: 05/16/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Amended Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Christian Bax filed.
Date: 05/11/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 6 through 8 and 11 through 15, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL; amended as to Dates).
Date: 05/10/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 05/10/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Responses to Loop's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 05/10/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Serving Unverified Responses to Loop's First Set of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 05/06/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for May 10, 2016; 10:00 a.m.).
Date: 05/05/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Notice of Deposition Duces Tecum of Christian Bax filed.
Date: 05/05/2016
Proceedings: Second Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/05/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Amended Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/02/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Dismissal of Parties and Amendment of Remaining Petition Order. Case Nos. 15-7276 and 15-7268 are closed.
Date: 04/29/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Responses and Objections to San Felasco Nurseries, Inc.'s First Set of Interrogatories and First Request to Produce filed.
Date: 04/28/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting the Department's Motion for Extension of Time to File Response.
Date: 04/27/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Response to Chestnut Hill's Motion for Protective Order and to Stay Discovery filed.
Date: 04/27/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Chestnut Hill's Motion to Dismiss and/or Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/27/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Response and Objections to Chestnut Hill Motion for Protective Order and Motion to Stay Discovery filed.
Date: 04/25/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to Reply to Motion to Dismiss.
Date: 04/22/2016
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion for One Week Enlargement of Time to Respond to Chestnut Hill's Motion for Summary Recommended Order and/or to Dismiss filed.
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Motion to Dismiss and/or Motion for Summary Recommended Order filed.
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco Nurseries, Inc.'s Notice of Joinder in Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Motion for Protective Order and Motion to Stay Discovery (filed in Case No. 15-007274).
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Motion for Protective Order and Motion to Stay Discovery filed.
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco Nurseries, Inc.'s Objections to First Request for Production of Documents from Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc (filed in Case No. 15-007274).
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco Nurseries, Inc.'s Notice of Service of Objections to First Set of Interrogatories from Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc (filed in Case No. 15-007274).
Date: 04/08/2016
Date: 03/23/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Loop's Nursery and Greenhouses, Inc filed.
Date: 03/23/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's First Set of Production Requests to Loop's Nursery and Greenhouses, Inc filed.
Date: 03/16/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouse, Inc.'s Notice of Service of First Interrogatories and First Request to Produce to San Felasco Nurseries, Inc. filed.
Date: 03/16/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouse, Inc.'s Notice of Service of First Interrogatories and First Request to Produce to Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC filed.
Date: 03/11/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Responses to San Felasco's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 03/04/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Bifurcate Proceeding.
Date: 03/04/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Memorandum Opposing Motion to Bifurcate filed.
Date: 03/01/2016
Proceedings: Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Response in Opposition to Motion to Bifurcate Proceeding to Determine Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Ineligibility to Seek Approval as a Dispensing Organization for Failure to Satisfy Dispositive Threshold Statutory Eligibility Criterion filed.
Date: 03/01/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 03/01/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Loop's Motion to Bifurcate filed.
Date: 02/23/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Bifurcate Proceeding to Determine Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC's Ineligibility to Seek Approval as a Dispensing Organization for Failure to Satisfy Dispositive Threshold Statutory Eligibility Criterion filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kelly Johnson) filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Amy Schrader) filed.
Date: 02/12/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's First Set of Production Requests to Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC filed.
Date: 02/12/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's Notice of Service of First Set of Interrogatories to Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, LLC filed.
Date: 02/10/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's First Set of Production Requests to Respondent, Department of Health, Office of Compassionate Use filed.
Date: 01/27/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/27/2016
Proceedings: Order of Clarificaton Concerning Standard of Review.
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: San Felasco's Response to Motion for Clarification filed.
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc.'s Response to Chestnut Hill Tree Farm, Inc.'s Motion for Clarification Concerning Standard of Review filed.
Date: 01/22/2016
Proceedings: The Department's Notice of Joinder in Chestnut Hill's Motion for Clarification Concerning Standard of Review and Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 01/21/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Enlargement of Time.
Date: 01/20/2016
Proceedings: Loop's Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc. Unopposed Motion for Enlargement of Time to File and Serve Response to Motion for Clarification Concerning Standard of Review filed.
Date: 01/15/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Clarification Concerning Standard of Review and Memorandum of Law filed.
Date: 01/13/2016
Proceedings: Notice to the Division's Clerk and All Counsel of Record filed.
Date: 01/06/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for July 5 through 8, 11 through 15, 18 through 22 and 25 through 29, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/05/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 01/05/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for January 5, 2016; 9:00 a.m.).
Date: 01/04/2016
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 15-7268, 15-7274, and 15-7276).
Date: 12/30/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 12/29/2015
Proceedings: Response to Initial Order and Request for Case Management Conference filed.
Date: 12/23/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Megan Reynolds) filed.
Date: 12/22/2015
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 12/18/2015
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 12/18/2015
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 12/18/2015
Proceedings: Amended Notice (of Agency referral) filed.
Date: 12/18/2015
Proceedings: Notice of Denial of Application filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):

Related Florida Rule(s) (3):