16-000418BID Douglas Gardens V, Ltd. vs. Florida Housing Finance Corporation
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, February 29, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Under the specific facts of the case, Intervenor's inclusion of a 2014 Surveyor Certification form instead of the required 2015 form constituted a minor irregularity.





14vs. Case No. 1 6 - 041 8 BID



27Respondent ,



33Intervenor .



38Pursuant to notice , a final hearing was held in this case

49on February 9, 2016 , before Lawrence P. Stevenson, a duly -

60designated Administrative Law Judge, sitting as an informal

68hearing officer pursuant to sections 120.57(2) & ( 3), Florida

78Statutes, in Tallahassee , Florida .


84For Petitioner: Donna E lizabeth Blanton , Esquire

91Radey Law Firm , P.A.

95Suite 200

97301 South Bronough Street

101Tallahassee, Florida 323 01

105For Respondent: Eric Sonderling, Assistant General Counsel

112Florida Housing Finance Corporation

116Suite 5000

118227 North Bronough Street

122Tallahassee , Florida 3 2 301

127For Intervenor: Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire

133Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

138Post Office Drawer 190

142215 South Monroe Street, Suite 500

148Tallahassee, Florida 3230 2


156At issue in this proceeding is whether the decision of the

167Florida Housing Finance Corporation (ÐFlorida HousingÑ) to award

175State Apartment Incentive Loan (ÐSAILÑ) funding to Intervenor ,

183La Joya Estates, L td. (ÐLa JoyaÑ) , pursua nt to Request for

195Appli cations 2015 - 112 (the ÐRFAÑ) was contrary to the agencyÓs

207governing statutes, rules, policies, or the RFA specifications .


218On October 29, 2015, Florida Housing issued the RFA,

227requesting applications for awards of SAIL financing of

235ÐAf fordable Multifamily Housing Developments to be Used in

244Conjunction with Tax - Exempt Bond Financing and Non - Competitive

255Housing Credits.Ñ On December 11, 2015, Florida HousingÓs Board

264of Directors (the ÐBoardÑ) met to consider th e recommendations

274of the st aff review c ommittee regarding the RFA, and posted its

287Notice of Intended Decision. The Notice set forth the scoring

297and ranking of the applications, in which both La Joya and

308Petitioner , Douglas Gardens V, L td . (ÐDouglas GardensÑ) , were

318found eligible fo r funding. La Joya was selected to receive

329funding due to the RFA preference for a housing development to

340b e located in Miami - Dade County.

348Douglas Gardens timely filed with Florida Housing its

356notice of protest, followed by a Formal Written Protest and

366Pe tition for Administrative Hearing (ÐPetitionÑ), pursuant to

374section 120.57(3) and Florida Administrative Code R ules 67 -

38460.009 and 28 - 110.004.

389On January 22, 2016, La Joya filed with Florida Housing a

400Notice of Appearance/Motion to Intervene, pursuant to Fl orida

409Administrative Code Rule 28 - 106.205 . Without objection, the

419Motion to Intervene was granted at the outset of the final


431All parties agreed that the issues raised in the Petition

441were matters of law and that there were no disputed issues of

453m aterial fact requiring resolution at the hearing.

461Consequently, Florida Housing contracted with the Division of

469Administrative Hearings to provide an Administrative Law Judge

477(ÐALJÑ) to act as the informal hearing officer in this matter,

488pursuant to secti ons 120.57(2) & (3). The parties submitted a

499Prehearing Stipulation setting forth the agreed facts as to the

509RFA process and the scoring issue raised in this proceeding.

519The informal hearing was held on February 9, 2016. At the

530hearing, Joint Exhibits 1 through 10 were admitted into

539evidence. Douglas GardensÓ Exhibits 1 through 4 were admitted

548into evidence. Florida Housing p resented brief testimony by

557Ken Reecy, its Director of Multifamily Programs. No other party

567called witnesses. All three partie s presented oral argument .

577The one - volume Transcript of the final hearing was filed at

589DOAH on February 18, 2016 . All three parties timely submitted

600Proposed Recommended Orders on February 15, 2016, as agreed at

610the conclusion of the final hearing. The P roposed Recommended

620Orders have been given due consideration in the preparation of

630this Recommended Order.

633Unless otherwise stated, all stat utory references are to

642the 2015 edition of the Florida Statutes.


652Based on the oral and documentar y evidence adduced at the

663final hearing, and the entire record in this proceeding, the

673following F indings of F act are made:

6811. Douglas Gardens is a Florida limited partnership based

690in Coconut Grove, Florida, that is in the business of providing

701affordabl e housing.

7042. Florida Housing is a public corporation organized

712pursuant to c hapter 420, Part V, Florida Statutes. For the

723purposes of this proceeding, Florida Housing is an agency of the

734State of Florida. Florida Housing has the responsibility and

743auth ority to establish procedures for allocating and

751distributing various types of funding for affordable housing.

759One of the programs administered by Florida Housing is the SAIL

770program, created in section 420.5087, Florida Statutes.

7773. Florida Housing has adopted Chapter 67 - 60, Florida

787Administrative Code , which governs the competitive solicitation

794process for several programs, including the SAIL program. Other

803administrative rule chapters relevant to the selection process

811are chapter 67 - 48, F.A.C., which governs competitive affordable

821multifamily rental housing programs; chapter 67 - 21, Florida

830Administrative Code, which governs multifamily mortgage revenue

837bonds ("MMRB") and non - competitive housing credits; and chapter

84967 - 53, Florida Administrative Code , governing compliance

857procedures. Applicants for funding , pursuant to the RFA , are

866required to comply with provisions of the RFA and the applicable

877rule chapters.

8794 . La Joya is a Florida limited partnership based in

890Miami, Florida, and is also in the busi ness of providing

901affordable housing.

9035 . On October 9, 2015, Florida Housing issued the RFA,

914seeking applications from developers proposing to construct

921multifamily housing for families and for the elderly. The RFA

931outlined a process for the selection of developments to share

941the estimated $49 million in funding for eligible applicants.

9506. Among the stated goals of the RFA is to fund one new

963construction development serving the elderly in a large county ,

972with priority given to the highest ranked eligible new

981construction application for the elderly that is located in

990Miami - Dade County. The RFA provides that if there are no

1002eligible Miami - Dade County applications that qualify, then the

1012highest ranking eligible new construction development serving

1019the elde rly in Broward County will be selected.

10287. A total of 23 applications were filed in response to

1039the RFA. On November 9, 2015, Douglas Gardens timely submitted

1049its Application, numbered 2016 - 177BS, seeking $5,781,900 in SAIL

1061funding to assist in the devel opment of a proposed new

1072construction development for the elderly in Broward County.

1080Douglas GardensÓ was the only Ðnew constructionÑ application

1088submitted for Broward County. Also on November 9, 2015, La Joya

1099timely filed its Application, numbered 2016 - 178S, seeking

1108$5,778,100 in SAIL funding to assist in the development of a

1121proposed new construction development for the elderly in Miami -

1131Dade County. La JoyaÓs was the only application submitted for

1141Miami - Dade County in any development category .

11508. The executive director of Florida Housing selected a

1159r eview committee to review and score the applications. The

1169review committee issued a recommendation of preliminary rankings

1177and allocations. Florida HousingÓs Board of Directors approved

1185these recommendati ons on December 11, 2015. The Board of

1195Directors found both La Joya and Douglas Gardens eligible for

1205funding, but awarded funding to La Joya on the basis that it was

1218the highest ranked, eligible, elderly, new construction

1225application located in Miami - Dade County.

12329. On December 16, 2015, Douglas Gardens timely filed a

1242notice of intent to protest. On December 28, 2015, Douglas

1252Gardens timely submitted a Formal Written Protest and Petition

1261for Administrative Hearing.

126410. The RFA awarded up to 18 Ðproximit y pointsÑ to an

1276applic ant based on its project Ó s location in relation to transit

1289and community services such as grocery stores, medical

1297facilities, and pharmacies. The RFA required each applicant to

1306submit a ÐSurveyor CertificationÑ form , which included l ongitude

1315and latitude coordinates corresponding to the location of the

1324p roposed development site and the s iteÓs proximity to listed

1335services that would presumably serve the proposed development.

134311. Each applicant was required to retain a Florida

1352licensed surveyor to prepare and submit the Surveyor

1360Certification form and to sign the form attesting, under penalty

1370of perjury, that the information on the form is true and

1381correct. In the bottom left hand corner of each page of the

1393form is a blank line on wh ic h the applicant or surveyor was to

1408indicate the RFA number for which the form was being submitted.

1419Beneath the blank line is a parenthetical indicating the

1428identification number of the form, e.g., (Form Rev. 07 - 15).

143912 . Section Four A.6.a.(1) of the RFA provided the

1449following regarding the Surveyor Certification form:

1455In order to meet the Mandatory requirement

1462and be eligible for proximity points, all

1469Applicants must provide an acceptable

1474Surveyor Certification form, (Form Rev. 07 -

148115), as Attachment 14 to Exhibit A,

1488reflecting the information outlined below.

1493The Surveyor Certification form (Form Rev.

149907 - 15) is provided in Exhibit B of this RFA

1510and on the CorporationÓs website .... Note:

1517The Applicant may include the Florida

1523Housing Surveyor Certification form that was

1529included in a previous RFA submission for

1536the same proposed Development, provided (i)

1542the form used for this RFA is labeled Form

1551Rev. 07 - 15, (ii) other than the RFA

1560reference number on the form, none of the

1568information entered on the form and

1574certified to by the signatory has changed in

1582any way, and (iii) the requirements outlined

1589in this RFA are met. The previous RFA

1597number should be crossed through and RFA

16042015 - 112 inserted. If the Applicant

1611provides any prior version of the Surveyor

1618Certi fication form, the form will not be

1626considered . (Emphasis added).

16301 3 . Section Three C.1. of the RFA provided that Florida

1642Housing reserved the right to waive ÐMinor IrregularitiesÑ in

1651the applications.

165314. Florida Administrative Code Rule 67 - 002(6) de fines

1663ÐMinor IrregularityÑ as

1666[A] variation in a term or condition of an

1675Application pursuant to this rule chapter

1681that does not provide a competitive

1687advantage or benefit not enjoyed by other

1694Applicants, and does not adversely impact

1700the interests of the Corporation or the


170815. Florida Administrative Code Rule 67 - 60.008 titled

1717ÐRight to Waive Minor Irregularities,Ñ provides as follows:

1726The Corporation may waive Minor

1731Irregularities in an otherwise valid

1736Application. Mistakes clearly evident to

1741th e Corporation on the face of the

1749Application, such as computation and

1754typographical errors, may be corrected by

1760the Corporation; however, the Corporation

1765shall have no duty or obligation to correct

1773any such mistake.

177616. La Joya submitted a Surveyor Certi fication form as

1786Attachment 14 of its Application. The identification number in

1795the parenthetical in the bottom left hand corner was Ð(Form Rev.

180610 - 14)Ñ rather than the specified Ð(Form Rev. 07 - 15).Ñ Form

1819Rev. 10 - 14 was the Surveyor Certification form us ed for 2014

1832applications. The only difference between Form Rev. 10 - 14 and

1843Form Rev. 07 - 15 is that the latter contains a revised list of

1857location coordinate s for several Sun Rail stations in the

1867Orlando area. This difference was of no matter to the RFA un der

1880discussion. For the substantive purposes of this RFA, the forms

1890were identical.

189217 . If La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form had not been

1903considered and not scored, La Joya would have been ineligible

1913for funding and Douglas Gardens would have been se lected as the

1925applica n t meeting Florida HousingÓs goal of funding one new

1936construction development for elderly residents in a large


194518 . Heather Boyd, multifamily loan manager for Florida

1954Housing, sat on the review committee and was assigned to sco re

1966the proximity portion of the applications. Based on the

1975distances provided in the Surveyor Certification form, Ms. Boyd

1984awarded La Joya a total of 11.5 proximity points as follows:

19955.5 points for proximity for Public School Bus Rapid Transit

2005Stop, 3 p oints for proximity to a Grocery Store , and 3 points

2018for proximity to a Medical Facility. ( La Joya also included

2029coordinates for a Public School, but the propo sed elderly

2039development was not eligible for Public School proximity

2047points. ) To be considered eligible for funding, an applicant

2057needed to receive at least 10.25 proximity points , including at

2067a minimum 2 points for Transit Services.

207419 . No issue was raised as to the accuracy of the

2086information submitted by La Joya or of Ms. BoydÓs calculation.

2096If it was permissible to consider La JoyaÓs Surveyor

2105Certification form, then La Joya satisfied the proximity

2113requirements in the RFA and was properly awarded funding . If

2124La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form had been rejected , La Joya

2134would not have bee n awarded funding and Douglas Gardens would

2145have been awarded funding. Florida HousingÓs decision to award

2154funding to La Joya was based in part on Ms. BoydÓs scoring of

2167the Surveyor Certification form and reflected the agencyÓs

2175support of Ms. BoydÓs actio n.

218120 . However, during the pendency of Douglas GardensÓ

2190protest, Florida Housing changed its position and determined

2198that La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form should not have been

2208considered, based on the mandatory language of section Four

2217A.6.a.(1) of t he RFA.

222221 . Ms. Boyd testified that she did not notice that

2233La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form was a prior version and

2243that she scored it as if it were the current version. She

2255testified that she should not have scored the form Ð[b]ecause it

2266specifica lly says in the RFA, if they do not have the correct

2279form, they will not be considered.Ñ

228522 . Jean Salmonsen, housing devel opment manager, acted as

2295a backup to Ms. Boyd in reviewing the Surveyor Identification

2305forms and verifying the award of proximity points .

2314Ms. Salmonsen testified that she, too, missed the fa ct that

2325La Joya had filed the wrong version of the form and that she

2338would have rejected the form had she correctly recognized it.

2348Evidence presented at the hearing indicat ed that in

2357January 201 6 , Ms. Salmonsen had in fact disqualified an

2367application in a different RFA for submitting the 2014 version

2377of the Surveyor Identification form.

238223 . Several valid policy reasons were cited for the RFA Ós

2394requirement that applicants use only the current ver sion of the

2405Surveyor Identification form. Ken Reecy, Florida HousingÓs

2412Director of Multifamily Programs, testified that it is important

2421to apply the rules and RFA criteria in a consistent manner

2432because of the tremendous volume of applications the agency

2441receives . Mr. Reecy stated, ÐFor like criteria, yes,

2450consistency. We live and die by consistency, frankly.Ñ

245824 . As to the Surveyor Certification form specifically,

2467Mr. Reecy explained that over the years Florida Housing had used

2478a number of different fo rms with different contents. Allowing

2488applicants to submit different forms would add to the difficulty

2498of scoring the hundreds of applications received from around the

2508state. Uniformity and consistency as to applicant submissions

2516allow Florida Housing to process all of these applications in a

2527cost efficient manner.

253025 . Though he expressed his concern with consistency of

2540review and ensuring that all applicants provide the same

2549information as reasons for rejecting La JoyaÓs submission of the

25592014 Surveyor Certification form, Mr. Reecy conceded that one of

2569the reasons Florida Housing moved away from the previous rigid

2579Universal Application Cycle allocation process was to allow for

2588flexibility in determining that insignificant scoring errors

2595need not be the b asis for disqualifying an otherwise acceptable

2606application. Florida HousingÓs recent adoption in 2013 of the

2615ÐMinor IrregularityÑ rule is further indication of its intent to

2625employ more flexible evaluation criteria than it has in the

2635past. See Finding s of Fact 14 and 15, supra .

264626 . Mr. Reecy acknowledged that in the instant case, the

2657substance of the 2014 and 2015 Surveyor Certification forms was

2667identical, and th at the information provided by La Joya using

2678the 2014 form was the same i nformation requ ired by the

26902015 form.


26952 7 . Florida Housing has jurisdiction over this matter,

2705pursuant to sections 120.569 and 120.57(2)&(3), Florida Statutes.

2713Florida Housing has contracted with DOAH to provide an

2722Administrative Law Judge to conduct the informal hearing in this


273328 . All parties have standing to participate in this

2743proceeding. §§ 120.52(13) & 120.569(1), Fla. Stat. The

2751Ðsubstantial interestsÑ of La Joya, as the proposed recipient of

2761funding pursuant to the RFA, are affected be cause

2770Douglas Gardens has alleged that Florida Housing made a mistake

2780in considering La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form. The

2788substantial interests of Douglas Gardens are affected because it

2797is next in line for a funding award under the RFAÓs criteria,

2809and Douglas Gardens would be the proposed recipient of funding

2819if La Joya is deemed ineligible. See , e.g. , Preston Carroll Co.

2830v. Fla. Keys Aqueduct Auth. , 400 So. 2d 524 (Fla. 3d DCA

28421981) (second lowest bid establishes substantial interest in bid

2851protest ) .

285429 . This is a competitive procurement protest proceeding

2863and as such is governed by section 120.57(3)(f), which provides

2873as follows in pertinent part:

2878. . . Unless otherwise provided by statute,

2886the burden of proof shall rest with the

2894party protesting the proposed agency action.

2900In a competitive - procurement protest, other

2907than a rejection of all bids, proposals, or

2915replies, the administrative law judge shall

2921conduct a de novo proceeding to determine

2928whether the agencyÓ s proposed action is

2935contrary to th e agencyÓs governing statutes,

2942the agencyÓs rules or policies, or the

2949solicitation specifications. The standard

2953of proof for such proceedings shall be

2960whether the proposed agency action was

2966clearly erroneous, contrary to competition,

2971arbitrary, or caprici ous. . . .

297830 . Pursuant to section 120.57(3)(f), the burden of proof

2988rests with Douglas Gardens as the party opposing the proposed

2998agency action to prove "a ground for invalidating the award."

3008See State Contracting and Eng Ó g Corp. v. Dep Ó t of Transp . ,

30237 09 So. 2d 607, 609 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998). Douglas Gardens must

3036prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Florida HousingÓs

3046proposed award of SAIL funding to La Joya is arbitrary,

3056capricious, or beyond the scope of Florida HousingÓs discretion

3065as a state agency. 1/ Dep Ó t of Transp . v. Groves - Watkins

3080Constructors , 530 So. 2d 912, 913 - 914 (Fla. 1988); Dep Ó t of

3094Transp . v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 787 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981).

3108See also § 120.57(1)(j), Fla. Stat.

311431 . The First District Court of Appeal has inte rpreted the

3126process set forth in section 120.57(3)(f) as follows:

3134A bid protest before a state agency is

3142governed by the Administrative Procedure

3147Act. Section 120.57(3), Florida Statutes

3152(Supp. 1996) 2/ provides that if a bid protest

3161involves a disputed is sue of material fact,

3169the agency shall refer the matter to the

3177Division of Administrative Hearings. The

3182administrative law judge must then conduct a

3189de novo hearing on the protest. See

3196§ 120.57(3)(f), Fla. Stat. (Supp. 1996). In

3203this context, the phrase " de novo hearing"

3210is used to describe a form of intra - agency

3220review. The judge may receive evidence,

3226as with a ny formal hearing under

3233section 120.57(1), but the object of the

3240proceeding is to evaluate the action taken

3247by the agency. See Intercontinenta l

3253Properties, Inc. v. Department of Health and

3260Rehabilitative Services , 606 So. 2d 380

3266(Fla. 3d DCA 1992) (interpreting the phrase

" 3273de novo hearing" as it was used in bid

3282protest proceedings before the 1996 revision

3288of the Administrative Procedure Act).

3293S tate Contracting and Eng Ó g Corp. , 709 So. 2d at 609.

330632 . T he ultimate issue in this proceeding is "whether the

3318agency's proposed action is contrary to the agency's governing

3327statutes, the agency's rules or policies, or the bid or proposal

3338specifications." In addition to proving that Florida Housing

3346breached this statutory standard of conduct, Douglas Gardens

3354also must establish that the Department's violation was either

3363clearly erroneous, contrary to competition, arbitrary, or

3370capricious. § 120.57(3)(f ), Fla. Stat.

33763 3 . The First District Court of Appeal has described the

"3388clearly erroneous" standard as meaning that an agency's

3396interpretation of law will be upheld "if the agency's

3405construction falls within the permissible range of

3412interpretations. If, however, the agency's interpretation

3418conflicts with the plain and ordinary intent of the law,

3428judicial deference need not be given to it." Colbert v. Dep Ó t

3441of Health , 890 So. 2d 1165, 1166 (Fla. 1st DCA 2004)( c itations

3454omitted). See also Anderson v. Bess emer City , 470 U.S. 564,

3465573 - 74; 105 S.Ct. 1504, 1511; 84 L.Ed.2d 518, 528 (1985)( ÐWhere

3478there are two permissible views of the evidence, the

3487factfinderÓs choice between them cannot be clearly erroneous.Ñ)

34953 4 . An agency decision is "contrary to competitio n" when

3507it unreasonably interferes with the objectives of competitive

3515bidding. Those objectives have been stated to be:

3523[T]o protect the public against collusive

3529contracts; to secure fair competition upon

3535equal terms to all bidders; to remove not

3543only col lusion but temptation for collusion

3550and opportunity for gain at public expense;

3557to close all avenues to favoritism and fraud

3565in various forms; to secure the best values

3573for the [public] at the lowest possible

3580expense; and to afford an equal advantage to

3588al l desiring to do business with the

3596[government], by affording an opportunity

3601for an exact comparison of bids.

3607Harry Pepper & Assoc . , Inc. v. City of Cape Coral , 352 So. 2d

36211190, 1192 (Fla. 2d DCA 1977) ( quoting Wester v. Belote , 138 So.

3634721, 723 - 724 (Fla. 1931) ) .

36423 5 . An agency action is capricious if the agency takes the

3655action without thought or reason or irrationally. An agency

3664action is arbitrary if it is not supported by facts or logic.

3676See Agrico Chem . Co. v. Dep Ót of Env tl. Reg . , 365 So. 2d 759,

369376 3 (Fla. 1st DCA 1978).

369936 . To determine whether an agency acted in an arbitrary

3710or capricious manner, it must be determined "whether the agency:

3720(1) has considered all relevant factors; (2) has given actual,

3730good faith consideration to those factors; and (3) has used

3740reason rather than whim to progress from consideration of these

3750factors to its final decision." Adam Smith Enterprises v. Dep Ó t

3762of Envtl . Reg . , 553 So. 2d 1260, 1273 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989).

377637 . However, if a decision is justifiable under any

3786an alysis that a reasonable person would use to reach a decision

3798of similar importance, the decision is neither arbitrary nor

3807capricious. Dravco Basic Materials Co. v. Dep Ó t of Transp . , 602

3820So. 2d 632, n.3 (Fla. 2d DCA 1992).

382838 . In the instant case, Dougla s Gardens contends that the

3840plain language of Section Four A.6.a.(1) of the RFA mandates

3850that La JoyaÓs Surveyor Certification form be rejected. The

3859cited provision expressly states: Ð If the Applicant provides

3868any prior version of the Surveyor Certificat ion form, the form

3879will not be considered.Ñ La Joya concedes that its submission

3889did not comply with the literal terms of the RFA, but argues

3901that its deviation was no more than a Ðminor irregularityÑ which

3912Florida Housing retained the authority to waive.

391939. In Lockheed Martin Information Systems v. Dep artmen t

3929of Child ren & Fam ily Serv ice s. , Case No. 98 - 2570BID (DOAH

3944Dec . 21, 1998), ALJ Ella Jane P. Davis wrote the following

3956language that provides guidance as to the instant proceeding:

396576. This case hangs on what the words

"3973shall, will, and must" mean in this

3980particular RFP, what constitutes a material

3986deviation from the specifications of the

3992RFP, and how waiver of such terms affect

4000cost and competitive bidding.

400477. Courts favor an interpretation o f bid

4012contract provisions using the plain meaning

4018of the words. Quesada v. Director, Federal

4025Emergency Management Agency , 577 F.Supp. 695

4031(S.D. Fla. 1983), and Tropabest Foods, Inc.

4038v. State, Department of General Services ,

4044493 So. 2d 50 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986 ). Common

4054sense suggests that a straight - forward

4061analysis of bid language is always best, but

4069not every failure of a proposer to adhere to

"4078shall, will, and must" language is a fatal

4086deviation. . . .

409078. A variance is material only when it

4098gives the bi dder a substantial advantage

4105over other bidders and restricts or stifles

4112competition. See Tropabest Foods, Inc. v.

4118State of Florida, Department of General

4124Services , supra . A bid containing a

4131material variance is unacceptable. The

4136courts have applied two criteria to

4142determine whether a variance is substantial

4148and hence cannot be waived.

4153[F]irst, whether the affect [sic]

4158of a waiver would be to deprive

4165the municipality of its assurance

4170that the contract would be entered

4176into, performed and guaranteed

4180acc ording to its specified

4185requirements, and second, whether

4189it is of such a nature that its

4197waiver would adversely affect

4201competitive bidding by placing a

4206bidder in a position of advantage

4212over other bidders or by otherwise

4218undermining the necessary common

4222s tandard of competition.

4226See Robinson Electrical Company, Inc. v.

4232Dade County , 417 So. 2d 1032, 1034 (Fla. 3d

4241DCA 1982) and Harry Pepper and Associates,

4248Inc. v. City of Cape Coral , [352 So. 2d 1190


425940. La Joya deviated from a manda tory provision of the

4270RFA. However, under all the facts of the case, that deviation

4281cannot be considered as anything but a minor irregularity.

4290La Joya achieved no competitive advantage over the other

4299applicants by virtue of its submission of a 2014 Surve yor

4310Certification form that was in all relevant particulars

4318identic al to the mandated 2015 form. The information submitted

4328by La Joya on the 2014 form was the same as that required by the

43432015 form. The deviation was so slight that two experienced

4353Florid a Housing reviewers did not notice it until Douglas

4363Gardens pointed it out in its Petition.

437041. None of the policy considerations cited by Mr. R eecy

4381would be transgressed by an award of funding to La Joya under

4393the specific circumstances of this case. La JoyaÓs application

4402was in all relevant respects consistent with the other RFA

4412applications. While the Surveyor Certification form submitted

4419by La Joya was not the one specified in the RFA, its contents

4432were the same for purposes of scoring this RFA. Wai ving the

4444minor irregularity in this case would not be inconsistent with

4454Florida HousingÓs overall concern with maintaining consistency

4461and predictability in the competitive procurement process.

446842. There is in this case no element of collusion ,

4478favoriti sm, fraud, or unfair competition. Florida Housing was

4487able to make an exact comparison of the applications. An award

4498of funding to La Joya in this case is a reasonable exercise of

4511the agencyÓs authority to waive minor irregularities and is

4520neither arbitr ary nor capricious.

452543. I t is concluded that Douglas Gardens has failed to

4536carry its burden of proving that Florida HousingÓs decision to

4546award funding to La JoyaÓs application was clearly erroneous ,

4555arbitrary , or capricious, contrary to the governing sta tutes,

4564rules, or RFA specifications, or was contrary to competition.


4574Based on the foregoing, it is

4580RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida

4590Housing Finance Corporation dismissing the Formal Written

4597Protest and Peti tion for Administrative Hearing filed by

4606Douglas Gardens V , Ltd. , and finding that La Joya, Ltd. is

4617eligible for funding under Request for Applications 2015 - 112 .

4628DONE AND ENTERED this 29 th day of February, 2016 , in

4639Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



4647Administrative Law Judge

4650Division of Administrative Hearings

4654The DeSoto Building

46571230 Apalachee Parkway

4660Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4665(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4673Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

4679www.doa h.state.fl.us

4681Filed with the Clerk of the

4687Division of Administrative Hearings

4691this 29 th day of February, 2016 .


47001/ Despite Florida HousingÓs reversal of position at the time of

4711the hearing, the decision under review in this proceeding

4720remains the initial award of funding to La Joya. The burden

4731remains with Douglas Gardens.

47352/ The meaning of the operative language has remained the same

4746since its adoption in 1996:

4751In a competitive - procurement protest, no

4758submissions made after the bid or prop osal

4766opening amending or supplementing the bid or

4773proposal shall be considered. Unless

4778otherwise provided by statute, the burden of

4785proof shall rest with the party protesting

4792the proposed agency action. In a

4798competitive - procurement protest, other than

4804a rejection of all bids, the administrative

4811law judge shall conduct a de novo proceeding

4819to determine whether the agency's proposed

4825action is contrary to the agency's governing

4832statutes, the agency's rules or policies, or

4839the bid or proposal specifications. The

4845standard of proof for such proceedings shall

4852be whether the proposed agency action was

4859clearly erroneous, contrary to competition,

4864arbitrary, or capricious. . . .

4870§ 120.57(3)(f), Fla. Stat. (1997).


4878Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire

4882C arlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

4888Post Office Drawer 190

4892215 South Monroe Street, Suite 500

4898Tallahassee, Florida 32302


4902Donna Elizabeth Blanton, Esquire

4906Radey Law Firm, P.A.

4910Suite 200

4912301 South Bronough Street

4916Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4920Hugh R. Brown, General Counsel

4925Florida Housing Finance Corporation

4929Suite 5000

4931227 North Bronough Street

4935Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4939Eric Sonderling, Assistant General Counsel

4944Florida Housing Finance Corporation

4948227 North Bronough Street , Sui te 5000

4955Tallahassee, Florida 32301


4959Kate Flemming, Corporation Clerk

4963Florida Housing Finance Corporation

4967Suite 500 0

4970227 North Bronough Street

4974Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1329



4986All parties have th e right to submit written exceptions within

49971 0 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5009to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5020will issue the final order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 06/07/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's and Respondent's Joint Objection/Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/07/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor's Response to Joint Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 06/07/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/03/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/29/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/29/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held February 9, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 02/29/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/18/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: (Proposed) Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner Douglas Gardens V, Ltd.'s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 02/09/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 02/08/2016
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 02/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (of Healther Boyd and Jean Salmonsen) filed.
Date: 01/29/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for February 9, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 01/28/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Eric Sonderling) filed.
Date: 01/26/2016
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance/Motion to Intervene (Michael P. Donaldson on behalf of La Joya Estates Ltd).
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: Notice to All Bidders on RFA 2015-112 filed.
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: Formal Written Protest and Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/25/2016
Proceedings: Agency referral letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida

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