16-001696CON Pruitthealth-Alachua County, Llc And Alachua County Hrc, Llc vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, September 16, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: On balance, Alachua HRC, LLC, best met the statutory review criteria, and its application for a certificate of need should be approved.




12LLC ,

13Petitioner ,

14vs. Case No. 16 - 1696CON



25Respondent ,



31Intervenor .



36Pursuant to notice to both parties, a final hearing in this

47matter was held in Tallahassee, Florida , on June 8 through 10

58and 13 through 15, 2016, before the Honorable R. Bruce McKibben,

69Administrative Law Judge with the Division of Administrative

77Hearings (ÐDOAHÑ) .


81For Petitioner , PruittHealth - Alachua County, LLC :

89Jay Adams, Esquire

92Broad and Cassel

95Post Office Box 11300

99Tallahassee, Florida 32302

102For Respondent , Agency f or Health Care Administration :

111Kevin Michael Marker, Esquire

115Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

119Agency for Health Care Administration

124Mail Stop 3

1272727 Mahan Drive

130Tallahassee, Florida 32308

133For Intervenor , Alachua County HRC, LLC :

140Seann M. Frazier, Esquire

144Parker, Hudson, Rainer and Dobbs, LLP

150Suite 750

152215 South Monroe Street

156Tallahassee, Florida 32301

159Jonathan L. Rue, Esquire

163Parker, Hudson, Rainer and Dobbs, LLP

169Suite 3600

171303 P eachtree Street Northeast

176Atlanta, Georgia 30308


183This proceeding involves Certificate of Need (ÐCONÑ)

190Application No. 10400 filed by Petitioner, PruittHealth - Alachua

199County, LLC (Ð PruittHealth Ñ) , and C ON Application No.

20910397 filed by A lachua County HRC, LLC ( ÐAlachua HRC Ñ). The

222applica nt s each seek to establish a new community nursing home

234in District 3/ s ubdistrict 3 - 2, Alachua County, Florida.

245PruittHealth is seeking a 94 - bed nursing home, consistent with

256the projected bed need for that subdistrict; Alachua HRC see ks

267to ag gregate nine additional beds from s ubdistrict 3 - 3 for a

281total of 103 beds. The nature of the controversy is whether, on

293balance, PruittHealth Ós or Alachua HRC Ós application best

302satisfies the applicable cr iteria for approval.


311On October 2, 2015, Respondent, Agency for Health Care

320Administration (the ÐAgencyÑ or ÐAHCAÑ), published a need

328for 94 community nursing home beds in subdistrict 3 - 2 and a need

342for nine community nursing home bed s in subdistrict 3 - 3.

354PruittHealth and Alachua HRC filed their CON applications, which

363were co - batched for review by the Agency. On February 22, 2016,

376the Agency announced its preliminary approval of Alachua HRC Ós

386application and the denial of PruittHeal th Ós application.

395PruittHealth timely filed a Petition for Formal Administrative

403Hearing to challenge the AgencyÓs decision. Alachua HRC timely

412filed a c ross - p etition in support of the AgencyÓs decision. The

426p etitions we re consolidated into the instant proceeding.

435The final hearing in this matter was held on the dates set

447forth above. Each party was represented by counsel as noted.

457At the final hearing, PruittHealth called eight witnesses:

465Patti Greenber g , accepted as an expert in health care research

476and resources, health planning, and health care finance ; Aneel

485Gill, director of health and financial planning, accepted as an

495expert in health planning; Jodi Barrows Felix, community

503relations and market survey distribution; Dr. Dan Wyman, chief

512medical officer, accepted as an expert in medicine and quality

522of care; Steven Ward, director of external reporting, accepted

531as an expert in health care finance and financial reporting; Ali

542Momin, director of acquisition analytics, accepted as an expert

551in health care finance and pro forma and operating financials;

561Steven Jones, chief executive officer, accepted as an expert in

571nursing home operations and administration; and Tracy Adams,

579vice president of therapy services, accepted as an expert in

589geriatric specia l and rehabilitative therapy services in skilled

598nursing facilities. PruittHealth Ós E xhibits 1 , 2, 4 through 12,

60914 through 19, 22 through 26, 28, 32 through 35, 37 through 41,

62245 , 46, 48, 54 through 56, 58 , and Rebuttal Exhibit 1 were

634admitted into evide nce. The Agency called one witness, Maricel

644Fitch, accepted as an expert in certificate of need and health

655care planning. Alachua HRC called eleven witnesses: Mark

663Richardson, accepted as an expert in health p lanning; William

673Tsukalas, senior vice presi dent of regional corporate banking

682for BB&T, accepted as an expert in banking; Jeff Cleveland,

692president of Clear Choice Health Care, LLC (ÐClear ChoiceÑ) ;

701Jason Canlas, regional vice president, accepted as an expert in

711nursing home administration; Dr. Jo se Medina - Sanchez, accepted

721as an expert in psychiatry ; Debbie Kennedy, executive vice

730president and co - owner of Clear Choice, accepted as an expert in

743health administration with emphasis in risk management, project

751development, and finance; Orrin Whitten, accepted as an expert

760in physical therapy; Taylor Huston, regional rehabilitation

767director, accepted as an expert in rehabilitation management,

775speech and language pathology, and audiolo g y; Dennis Robinson,

785executive vice president of the Douglas Company, accepted as an

795expert in construction management; Geoff Fraser, senior vice

803president and co - owner of Clear Choice, accepted as an expert in

816nursing home administration; and Thomas Davidson, president of

824Davidson Consulting Company, accepted as an expert in health

833care finance. Alachua HRC Ós exhibits 1 through 17, 20 through

84424, 28 through 35, 45, 48, 49, and 55 through 62 were admitted

857into evidence.

859By rule, the parties are given 10 days from the date the

871final hearing transcript is filed at DOAH to su bmit proposed

882recommended orders (PROs). However, the parties requested and

890were granted 20 days from the transcript filing to submit their

901PROs. The T ranscript was filed on July 25, 2016 ; each party

913tim ely submitted a PRO and each were considered in the

924preparation of this Recommended Order. Just prior to filing

933their PROs, the parties jointly requested that the page limit be

944extended from 40 pages to 50 pages. Although the undersigned

954was not able to rule on the motion prior to the PRO filing date,

968th e request was granted after the fact. The partiesÓ PROs were

980accepted as filed.


986(Facts 1 through 6 are as stipulated by the parties .)

9971 . O n October 2, 201 5 , the Agency published a need for

101194 additional community nursing home beds in N ursing Home

1021Subdistrict 3 - 2, which consists of Alachua County. In that same

1033publication, the Agency published a need for nine additional

1042community nursing home beds in s ubdistrict 3 - 3, which consists

1054of Putnam County. See Florida Administrative Register , Vol. 41,

1063No. 192 (Oct. 2, 2015); Fla. Admin. Code R . 59C - 2.200(3)( f)5.

1077Putnam County is adjacent to Alachua County.

10842 . In response to the October 2, 2015 , fixed need pool

1096announcement, Alachua HRC filed CON Application N o . 10397 and

1107PruittHealth filed C ON Application No. 10400.

11143 . Alachua HRC Ós and PruittHealth Ós applications were co -

1126batched and comparatively reviewed.

11304 . On February 19, 2016, the Agency preliminarily approved

1140Alachua HRC Ós CON Application No. 10397 and preliminarily denied

1150PruittHea lth Ós CON Application No. 10400. The Agency published

1160official notice of its decision on February 22, 2016, in the

1171Florida Administrative Register , Vol. 42, No. 35.

11785 . On March 7, 2016, PruittHealth timely filed a petition

1189for formal administrative heari ng to contest the AgencyÓs

1198preliminary approval of Alachua HRC Ós CON a pplication.

12076 . On March 18, 2016, Alachua HRC timely filed a cross -

1220petition supporting the AgencyÓs preliminary decision to approve

1228its CON a pplication and to preliminarily deny PruittH ealth Ós CON

1240a pplication.

1242(The following findings of fact are based o n the

1252evidence presented at final hearing , both oral

1259testimony and documentary in nature.)

1264The Parties

1266Alachua County HRC, LLC

12707 . Alachua HRC was established to apply for a CON in

1282Ala chua County . Alachua HRC will be supported by its management

1294company and operator, Clear Choice . Alachua HRC was formed by

1305experienced nursing home administrators and health planning

1312professionals with significant experience in the establishment,

1319constru ction, and operation of nursing homes .

13278 . Alachua HRC is primarily owned by Samuel B. Kellett, an

1339owner of several nursing homes in Florida which contract with

1349Clear Choice for management. Through his companies, including

1357SBK Capital, Mr. Kellett has a long track record of successful

1368nursing home ownership and operation. Mr. Kellett, through

1376predecessor and subsidiary companies, originally obtained

1382certificates of need for most of the nursing homes now operated

1393by Clear Choice, primarily in c entral Fl orida. Mr. Kellet t has

1406never failed to build and operate a nursing home after receiving

1417a CON.

14199 . Mr. Kellett has continuously invested in renovations

1428and maintenance of his nursing homes. Since 2013, Mr. Kellett

1438has invested millions of dollars in ren ovations and expansion

1448construction at his Florida nursing homes. Several more

1456facilities are planned for similar renovations in the near


146610 . The expansions typically include the addition of

1475upscale amenity space, an increase in the number of pr ivate

1486rooms, outdoor living spaces, and significantly enhanced gym and

1495rehabilitation areas. These renovations have attracted higher

1502numbers of short - term rehabilitation patients, while continuing

1511to allow Clear Choice to offer long - term care, primarily t o

1524Medicaid nursing home residents , in Mr. Kellett's facilities.

1532PruittHealth - Alachua County, LLC

153711. PruittHealth is likewise a single purpose entity

1545formed for the purpose of pursuing a CON to operate a skilled

1557community nursing facility in Alachua Count y. PruittHealth is

1566affiliated with PruittHealth , Inc . That company was founded in

15761969 as t he Toccoa Nursing Center in Toc coa, Georgia.

1587PruittHealth , Inc. provides administrative related services to

1594all of its affiliated healthcare providers in Florida, Georgia,

1603North Carolina, and South Carolina. PruittHealth (the

1610applicant) would benefit from those same services. The parent

1619company of PruittHealth , Inc. is United Health Services, Inc.,

1628which includes in its structure 94 skilled nursing and

1637rehabilita tion centers, four assisted living facilities, one

1645independent living facility, 29 hospice agencies, 19 home health

1654agencies, one adult day care center, six pharmacies, and several

1664other health care related businesses.

166912 . PruittHealth , Inc. is a family - owned health care

1680provider. It is the 11 th largest provider of skilled nursing

1691services in the United States. It car es for about

170124,000 nursing home residents and has about 16,000 employees,

1712referred to as Ðpartners . Ñ Because PruittHealth , Inc. is

1722fami ly - owned, it does not have the pressures (or, conversely,

1734the oversight) associated with reporting to shareholders or

1742meeting outside expectations. Among the skilled nursing

1749facilities operated by PruittHealth , Inc. are five facilities

1757dedicated to caring for war veterans, a facility dedicated to

1767caring for the medically underserved, and a facility that serves

1777the developmentally - disabled ch ildren population.

178413 . PruittHealth , Inc. 's corporate philosophy centers

1792around its continuum of care by which one provider that i s

1804really good at providing services across a multitude of service

1814lines can do a better job than a lot of different providers that

1827have to transition the same pati ent across the service line(s).

1838PruittHealth , Inc. currently owns and operate s one nursing home

1848in Florida, PruittHealth Î Santa Rosa , and has received

1857certificates of need to construct three more.

1864Agency for Health Care Administration

186914. AHCA is the state agency responsible for, inter alia,

1879regulating the CON program and monit oring CON approvals. As

1889recognized by AHCA, both the applicants are more than able to

1900successfully and appropriately operate their project if


1908The Proposals

1910Alachua HRC / Clear Choice

191515 . Alachua HRC proposes to build a 103 - bed nursing

1927facility to be located in Alachua County on the eastern side of

1939Gainesville. The facility would meet the need of subdistrict

19483 - 2 (94 beds in Alachua county) and the need of subdistrict

19613 - 3 (9 beds in Putnam county). Subdistricts 3 - 2 and 3 - 3 are

1978contiguous, and Alachua HRC proposes to build the proje ct in

1989s ubdistrict 3 - 2 , as close to subdistrict 3 - 3 as practicable .

200416 . Alachua HRC's proposed site is reasonably located to

2014provide services to both Alachua County and Putnam County. The

2024proposed site is on Highway 20, which is the main road between

2036Gainesville and Palatka , the major city in eastern Putnam

2045County. The site was chosen to promote ease of access to both

2057Alachua County and Putnam County residents by auto and via bus


206917 . In Alachua and Putnam c ounties , existing nursing homes

2080are clustered in w estern Alachua County around Gainesville, and

2090in e astern Putnam County around Palatka, a significant distance

2100apart . There are currently no nursing homes located between

2110downtown Gainesville and Palatka.

211418 . A lachua HRC's skilled nursing facility will be located

2125in this geographic gap and will meet the needs of nearby

2136populations. A large over - age - sixty - five population resides on

2149the western side of Putnam County adjacent to Alachua County.

2159Some therapy patients from Putnam County are already receiving

2168care at hospitals in Gainesville. Alachua HRC's facility will

2177provide care to patients in Alachua County , as well as patients

2188on the western side of Putnam County.

219519 . R egardless of the ease of access to the proposed site,

2208Alachua HRC proposes to provide transportation for residents and

2217families who are not able to reach the facili ty on their own.

223020 . Alachua HRC is proposing to construct a facility

2240consisting of 75,641 square feet of new construction with a

2251construction cost of $12,586,662 and a total project cost of

2263$19,675,000. The proposal envisions over 55 percent of the

2274patient days being provided to Medicare residents and 41 percent

2284of the patient days being provided to Medicaid residents.

2293Seve nty - four percent of the beds (i.e., 77) will be private,

2306i.e., single - bed rooms. Alachua HRC proposes to condition its

2317CON on having a left ventricular assist device program;

2326providing the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Loud and Big

2335programs; having two hy drotherapy pools; providing infusion

2343therapy services; having an anti - gravity treadmill; obtaining

2352HUR therapy equipment; having a wellness check program;

2360performing home assessments, medication reconciliations, and

2366rehabilitation team assessments, as nece ssary; and

2373transportation as needed from home to therapy treatment.

238121 . Alachua HRC's architectural design focuses on

2389providing a variety of destinations under one roof so that

2399patients are encouraged to get out and about, rather than

2409spending time solely in their rooms. Destinations include a

2418se cond - floor gym, a number of bistro optio ns, a theater, a

2432chapel , and attractive outdoor living spaces. Though most of

2441the rooms are private rooms, even the semi - private rooms have

2453walls separating the beds. Alac hua HRC also designed its

2463facility to be a more appropriate setting for hospice care.


247422 . PruittHealth applied for a CON to construct a 94 - bed

2487nursing home in Alachua County, Florida. The facility would

2496involve 66,077 square feet at a const ruction cost of

2507$9,449,739 and a tota l project cost of $15,873,409. Sixty - two

2523percent of its beds (58 beds) would be in private, single - bed

2536rooms. PruittHealth proposes to provide 66 percent of its

2545patient days to Medicaid patients. The proposed Medicai d

2554projection is slightly above the current Alachua County average.

2563Twenty - nine percent of its patient days would be for Medicare


257623 . PruittHealth proposes to condition its CON on seeking

2586Joint Commission accreditation of its facility; implemen ting a

2595program to reduce hospital readmissions; having a minimum of

260462 percent of its beds located in private rooms; participation

2614in a corporate - wide quality assurance and performance

2623improvement initiative; implementing a medical records system

2630with poin t right technology and clinical kiosks throughout the

2640facility; installation of resident safety features such as

2648Wanderguard and Call Guard; and implementation of the top five

2658special amenities and the top five clinical initiatives

2666identified as needed in the Alachua County market.

2674Statutory and Rule Review Criteria

2679Section 408.035(1)(a): The need for the

2685health care facilities and health services

2691being proposed.

2693Rule 59C - 1.030(2)(a) : The need that the

2702population to be served . . . a nd the extent

2713to whi ch all residents of the district, and

2722in particular . . . the elderly, are likely

2731to have access to those services.

273724 . There is no argument that the fixed need pool

2748established a need for additiona l nursing home beds in

2758District 3, subdistricts 3 - 2 and 3 - 3. PruittHealth seeks to

2771satisfy the need in subdistrict 3 - 2, i.e., 94 beds; Alachua HRC

2784seeks to address the need in both subdistricts (103 beds).

279425 . Alachua HRC relied on its management companyÓs

2803experience and on letters from the proposed locality to identify

2813specific needs in the area.

281826 . Alachua HRC's application suggests the existence of a

2828gap in the availability of high intensity rehabilitative

2836services and equipment in Alachua County. Because hospitals are

2845now ince ntivized to discharge patie nts Ðquicker and sicker,Ñ a

2857majority of nursing home patients discharged from hospitals are

2866patients that require robust rehabilitative care. As a result,

2875nursing homes are now required to provide a stronger and broader

2886portfolio of services to maximize t heir patients' potential.

289527 . PruittHealth conducted a survey and met with local

2905citizens to identify what it considered the most needed design

2915features, special operational initiatives, clinical services ,

2921and special amenities that formed the basis of w hat would be

2933offered at its proposed Alachua County nursing home. The top

2943bed and program mix factors it identified were offering a high

2954percentage of private room s, providing Medicare and short - term

2965rehab ilitation services, and providing Medicaid service s. The

2974top five special operational initiatives that were identified

2982were offering a h igh percentage of private rooms; implementing

2992programs to reduce hospital readmissions; provi ding electronic

3000medical records; possessi ng resident safety technologies; an d

3009maintaining a high ratio of total nursing hours per patient day.

3020The top clinical programs identified as needed were providing

3029me ntal health/behavioral services; diabetes care ; medication

3036management; hospice care; and HIV/AIDs care . Finally, the top

3046sp ecial amenities that were identified as needed were providing

3056specialized car e staff; possessing state - of - the - art

3068rehab ilitation suites and a therapy pool ; and offering custom

3078meal planning and multip le dining options. The survey also had

3089a specific quest ion in regard to access issues by pay o r source ;

3103it was observed that that 60 percent of the R espondent s believed

3116that s ubdistrict 3 Î 2 residents currently have access issues for

3128Medicaid services. No other competent or persuasive evidence

3136was presented to substantiate that survey finding.

314328 . Neither of the methods utilized by the parties w as

3155particularly helpful in determining whether there was a specific

3164need for one proposal over the other. Alachua HRC supplied

3174support letters from past users or perso ns knowledgeable about

3184its provision of services. Not surprisingly, the letters

3192included glowing reports about Clear Choice. PruittHealth , on

3200the other hand, did some informal surveys of the public in

3211general, including some persons generally associated with the

3219provision of health care services. It also conducted a Ðmeet

3229and greetÑ session where informal conversations about long - term

3239care in general were conducted. Again, it is not surprising

3249that the people who attended the free food and drink session s

3261were supportive of PruittHealth . Neither of the Ðneed

3270determinationsÑ had a high degree of sophistication or

3278statistical validity. Nonetheless, the findings by both parties

3286were considered in the decision rendered herein.

329329 . The conclusion that can b e drawn from the information

3305provided by the parties is that there is a desire for certain

3317services or amenities in the service area, including: 1) A high

3328percentage of private rooms withi n the facility; 2) Short - term,

3340robust rehabilitative services; 3) A high ratio of nurse hours

3350per patient day; 4) State of the art rehabilitation suites,

3360including therapy pools; and 5) Provision of service to persons

3370whose care is paid by Medicaid.

337630 . Each of the applicants, to some extent, proposed to

3387meet those desir es expressed within the community. Both propose

3397a high percentage of private rooms, although Alachua HRC has

3407more private rooms than PruittHealth (77 to 62, respectively) .

3417Both project t he provision of intensive short - term

3427rehabilitation care. Again, Al achua HRC has a larger focus in

3438this area than does PruittHealth . Each of the applicants

3448proposes a ratio of nurse hours per patient day that is

3459admirable. Both applicants include rehabilitation suites,

3465though the equipment proposed by Alachua HRC seems more state of

3476the art than does PruittHealth Ós equipment. And while both

3486propose therapy pools, Alachua HRC will have two pools (in

3496recognition of the fact that pools can often be soiled by human

3508accident or be out of service due to maintenance. Having t wo

3520pools provides assurance that there will not be a loss of that

3532service when something such as that occurs ) .

354131 . Both applicants propose to serve Medicaid res idents.

3551PruittHealth projects that 66 percent of its patients will be

3561Medicaid eligible, clos e ly matching the existing Medicaid

3570percentage in the service area (64 percent ). Alachua HRC

3580proposes to serve a lower percentage of Medicaid residents du e

3591to its primary focus on short - term rehabilitative care, i.e.,

3602those with a payor source of Medicare. The Agency no longer

3613accepts C onditions in a CON application relating to Medicaid, so

3624the proposals are not as strictly monitored as they once were.

3635Section 408.035(1)(b): The availability,

3639quality of care, accessibility, and extent

3645of utilization of exi sting health care

3652facilities and health services in the

3658service district of the applicant.

3663Rule 59C - 1.030(2)(d): When determining

3669accessibility, consideration of service to

3674the medically underserved, Medicare,

3678Medicaid and the indigent, and Ð the extent

3686t o which the applicant offers a range of

3695means by which a patient will have access to

3704its services Ñ .

370832 . There is no real dispute that either of the applicants

3720can provide exception al care in the facilities they propose.

3730Though they each raised questions of whose facilities had the

3740most awards or recognitions, which had experienced bad surveys,

3749and that kind of thing, the difference s were insignificant.

3759Both can provide a high quality of care to residents.

376933 . The range of services proposed by each appl icant is

3781similar, as they are in most skilled nursing facilities. Some

3791facilities concentrate more on one area, some on another, but

3801all the services generally exist. The applicants here are no


381234 . Other providers in the area will compete for residents

3823in all payor classes and all levels of care. Each of the

3835applicants will likely realize its projected payor mix as it

3845directs its marketing efforts accordingly.

3850Section 408.035(1)(c): The ability of the

3856applicant to provide quality of care and the

3864applicant's record of providing quality of


38713 5 . As noted in the previous section, both applicants are

3883capable of and expected to provide quality care to their

3893residents. Some of the support for this was set forth in the

3905CON applications and vi a testimony at final hearing. Some

3915examples follow.

391736 . One measure of the ability to provide quality of care

3929is the staffing being proposed. It is generally recognized that

3939the more nursing hours of care that are provided per patient

3950day, the better th e care is likely to be. PruittHealth proposes

3962to provide 1.72 hours of nursing care and Alachua HRC is

3973proposing 1.70 hours per patient , so the difference is

3982negligible . The fact that Alachua HRC proposes a higher level

3993of services and should be expected to have higher levels of

4004nursing care gives PruittHealth the advantage in this one area.

4014There are some differences in other areas of staffing as well :

4026Alachua HRC has considerably more therapy staff, 30.5 to

40359.3 full - time equivalent employees ( Ð FTEs Ñ ) , which is to be

4050expected based on the applicantsÓ different payor mix

4058projections. Alachua HRC also ha s more administrative staff,

406719 to 6.4, but some of that may be attributable to the fact that

4081some of the FTEs in PruittHealthÓs nursing staff could also be

4092deemed administrative. The total nursing staff, including RNs,

4100LPNs, and aides, i s 82.5 for Alachua HRC and 72.2 for

4112PruittHealth. The total FTEs for the applicants is 165 for

4122Alachua HRC and 113 for PruittHealth.

41283 7 . PruittHealth , Inc. 's lone Flo rida facility,

4138PruittHealth - Santa Rosa, is rated 5 stars by both the Center

4150for Medicaid and Medicare Services (Ð CMS Ñ) and AHCA. It has

4162been recommended for the Gold Seal award by AHCA. It has been

4174awarded the Silver Star by the American Health Care As sociation.

4185PruittHealth - Santa Rosa's most recent survey, and three of its

4196past five surv eys, have been deficiency free. Its administrator

4206was named Administrator of the Year for Florida in 2013. Its

4217hospital readmission rate is consistently lower that the state

4226and national average. Finally, it wa s recently named as one of

4238the Ð Best Nursing Homes in the U.S. Ñ by U.S. News & World

4252Report. This facility will be the template for the PruittHealth

4262project in Alachua County.

42663 8 . The PruittHealth , Inc. co nsolidated group of companies

4277have a well - developed corporate headquarter s infrastructure that

4287provides regional oversight and consulting and management

4294systems to monitor, correct and improve quality of care

4303throughout the chain. The company has been gro wing steadily

4313over the years and has developed effective programs and human

4323resourc es to ensure quality of care.

43303 9 . PruittHealth , Inc. 's efforts in other facilities have

4341resulted in it delivering a high quality of care. This is

4352demonstrated by PruittH ealth , Inc. 's pursuit and receipt of

4362industry - quality awards, its licensure record , and its survey

4372history .

437440 . As part of its management practices for facilities,

4384PruittHealth , Inc. has several well - defined and effective

4393programs to promote quality; sign ificant evidence and te stimony

4403was provided as to its Ð Go for the Gold ,Ñ ÐCommitted to Caring

4417Campaign , Ñ and ÐQuality First PledgeÑ initiatives and company -

4427wide goals.

442941 . The PruittHealth , Inc. chain does regularly pursue

4438quality designatio ns through r ecognized industry q uality a ward

4449programs or designations , such as :

4455(1) The American Health Care Association's n ational

4463q uality award program is one such program to which PruittHealth ,

4474Inc. has made a firm com mitment. PruittHealth , Inc. has been

4485able t o achieve the Silver Award for its facility in Santa Rosa

4498County, Florida. For its other facilities, it has obtained nine

4508silver awards and 65 bronze awards.

4514(2) The PruittHealth , Inc. companies have ach ieved

4522Joint Commission a ccreditat ion at 12 of thei r facilities.

4533PruittHealth has offered as a C ondition on its CON a requirement

4545that the proposed facility shall achieve such designation.

4553(3) Lastly, the PruittHealth , Inc. facilities have

4560obtained the distinction by the U.S. News & World Report by

4571hav ing 2 2 of its facilities designated ÐBest Nursing Homes in

4583the U.S.Ñ

458542 . PruittHealth , Inc. has an excellent regulatory survey

4594history. It has a significant number of its facilities which

4604have been deficiency free in the last four years. While

4614PruittH ealth , Inc. has had some facilities in the p ast which

4626have received I and J - tags , i.e., those which indicate immediate

4638jeopardy, it was demonstrated that (1) for several of the

4648facilities, those tags were incurred before PruittHealth , Inc.

4656owned the facili ties, and (2) in all instances, it responded

4667promptly and corrected the matters or events which generated

4676such tags.

46784 3 . Clear Choice operates three facilities that have

4688received the Governor's Gold Seal designation. Only five

4696percent of all nursing hom es obtain a Gold Seal designation.

4707A fourth Clear Choice facility was eligible for Gold Seal status

4718and was making its application complete at the time of final


473044 . Clear Choice pro vides higher quality care than

4740PruittHealth , Inc. according to CMS's star rating system,

4748especially in the area of staffing. On a scale of 1 to 5, Clear

4762Choice offers better ratings than PruittHealth , Inc. for health

4771inspection rating (3.2 to 3.1), staffing rating (4.4 to 2.6) and

4782RN staffing rating (4.3 to 2.9). O n average Clear Choice rates

4794at 3.8 stars and PruittHealth , Inc. at 3.4. Clear Choice has a

4806higher percentage of five - star facilities than PruittHealth ,

4815Inc. Conversely, PruittHealth , Inc. has a higher percentage of

4824one - star and two - star facilities than Clear Choice .

48364 5 . Clear Choice has a track record of providing state - of -

4851the - art rehabilitation equipment, gyms , and pools that are not

4862provided by other nursing homes. As noted above, the

4871application contains strong documentation of the rehabilitative

4878s ervices and equipm ent Alachua HRC will provide.

48874 6 . Specifically, Alachua HRC conditioned its application

4896on the provision of an array of rehabil itative services and

4907equipment. It also conditioned its application on provision of

4916clinical staff to support such services and on providing at

4926least $150 ,000 of charity care annually , as in common in its

4938facilities .

494047 . Clear Choice offers therapy programs in pulmonary

4949rehabilitation, physical therapy and respiratory therapy. It

4956offers a stroke program with ni ne certified specialists and

4966pla ns to certify more specialists. Clear Choice offers LVAD for

4977cardiac care; mist therapy for wound care ; Lee Silverman Voice

4987treatment focused on the Parkinson's population ; a program with

4996certified specialists in lymphedema treatment ; VitalStim to

5003st rengthen muscles for swallowing; aquatic therapy; and FEES

5012therapy to assess swallowing capability. Clear Choice expends

5020substantial funds providing continuing education and training to

5028its therapy staff and certified specialist s for facilities it

5038manages . That will include the project at issue here for

5049Alachua HRC .

505248 . Alachua HRC proposes an array of state - of - the - art

5067rehabilitati on equipment such as wheelchair - accessible HUR

5076equipment for building s trength; two therapy pool s by Hydroworx;

5087an AlterG Anti - Gravity Treadmill which allows patients to

5097exercise while only bearing a portion of their body weight

5107in stead of their full body weight; a portab le BioSway for

5119balance training; a wheelchair accessible Kin esis pulley system

5128f or exercise; NuStep and SCIFIT systems and an Omnicycle for

5139cardiac rehabilitation; and E - Stim and VitalStim for swallowing


515049 . Alachua HRC plans to offer all of its therapy services

5162and its equipm ent to both long - term and short - t erm patients.

517750 . Because it offers several options and a fresh Bistro -

5189style dining approach, Clear Choice facilities spend more per

5198patient on food than the average nu rsing home.

520751 . Clear Choice facilities implement robust quality

5215assurance programs such as welcome meetings to go o ver

5225medications and therapies, Care P lan meetings, AdvaCast program,

5234Team TSI , and medication reconciliation. During Care Plan

5242meetings, specialist physicians, such as Dr. Medina - Sanchez,

5251collaborate with facility staff regarding the resul ts of their

5261patient visits. They also discuss outcomes, prognoses, goals ,

5269and other medical issues, to assure that patients, families and

5279physicians all understand the same expectations after discharge.

5287These Care Plan meetings occur for both short - term and long - term

5301care patients.

530352 . Clear Choice has also been selected as a nursing home

5315partner to hospitals paid under a bundled system. Clear Choice

5325was selected for the bundled programs based on its quality

5335measures and readm ission rates.

53405 3 . During quality surveys, PruittHealth , Inc. has

5349received 50 J and K - tags and 36 G - tags across 19 facilities,

5364or roughly 20 percent of PruittHealth , Inc. facilities. O f

537420 PruittHealth , Inc. facilities , 17 have received I - tags and

5385J - tags under PruittHealth , Inc. ' s watch.

53945 4 . Since its inception nine years ago, only one Clear

5406Choice facility has ever received an immediate jeopardy tag, and

5416it was from a single incident and survey.

54245 5 . There was considerable testimony at final hearing

5434concerning readmission rates, i.e., the external benchmark

5441utilized by CMS to measure the number of hospital - discharged

5452patients admi tted to a skilled nursing facility who return to a

5464hospital within 30 days. CMS has developed sophisticated

5472statistical techniques to adjust raw data ( observed rates) for

5482the acuity of the patients seen at different facilities and

5492management styles (adjusted rates). Unfortunately, CMS has not

5500disclosed exactly how it makes the adjustments, so it is

5510virtually impossible to make comparisons between differ ent


55195 6 . In the present case, PruittHealth provided credible

5529evidence that its readmission rates are measurably better than

5538Clear ChoiceÓs re admission rates for existing facilities . This

5548could be, in part, due to Clear ChoiceÓs patient mix wh ich

5560i ncludes considerably more short - term intensive rehabilitation


55705 7 . Clear Choice conducts a number of activities to avoid

5582readmissions. Clear Choice's interdisciplinary team reviews all

5589admissions and discharges within the 30 - day readmiss ion time

5600slot. Clear Choice partners with the Medicare - contracted group

5610advising on readmissions, Health Service Advisory Group , and the

5619Nursing Home Collaborative to track data used to track


562958 . Clear Choice has achieved relatively low rea dmission

5639rates for the medically complex patients it serves. Clear

5648Choice has concerns about PruittHealthÓs policies on

5655readmissions to the extent they appear to incentivize holding

5664patients longer in skilled nursing facilities rather than

5672releasing them to a hospital for care. Specifically, the

5681statement by PruittHealthÓs medical expert that Ðp art of our

5691bonus structure . . . is based on readmission rates,Ñ could lead

5704to conclusions that patientsÓ needs are being manipulated.

57125 9 . However, in general, b oth applicants had reasonable

5723and seemingly effective plans for keeping their admission rates

5732at or near the S tate average.

5739Section 408.035(1)(d); The availability of

5744resources, including health personnel,

5748management personnel, and funds for capital

5754and op erating expenditures, for project

5760accomplishment and operation.

576360 . AHCA determined that both applicants fulfilled this

5772criterion equally. However, PruittHealth points out that it

5780provided the audited financial statements of its parent company

5789even thou gh it was not required. PruittHealth questioned the

5799commitment of Mr. Kellett to the Alachua HRC project because his

5810personal or business financial statements were not included with

5819the application. The totality of the evidence and testimony by

5829Ms. Kenne dy proves otherwise.

5834Section 408.035(1)(e): The extent to

5839which the proposed services will

5844enhance access to health care for

5850residents of the service district.

585561 . Both applicants will provide services to persons

5864within the service area who require sk illed nursing care,

5874whether it is traditional long - term care, subacute care and

5885rehabilitation, or other kinds of care.

58916 2 . Alachua HRC Ós proposed location, east of the existing

5903cluster of nursing homes in Alachua County, will be in closer

5914proximity to residents of Putnam County.

5920Section 408.035(1)(f): The immediate

5924and long - term financial feasibility of

5931the proposal.

59336 3 . Both of the applicants (through parent companies or

5944affiliates) are experienced in the business of owning and

5953operating skilled nu rsing facilities. While the single purpose

5962entities which filed the CON applications have not independently

5971financed construction of a facility, they are each related to

5981companies with vast experience and financial wherewithal.

5988Notwithstanding, each appl icant raised concerns about the other,

5997some of which will be discussed herein.

60046 4 . PruittHealth , on the Source of Funds form in

6015Schedule 3 of the CON application, chose section 2 Î Operating

6026Cash Flows, and Section 4 Î Non Related Party Financing , as its

6038source of funding for the project . As documentation in support

6049of its source of funds, PruittHealth provided : (1) a letter

6060from an institutional lender, Synovus Bank indicating an

6068interest in financing the project ; (2) a letter from

6077PruittHealth , Inc. Ós senior v ice p resident of Treasury

6087Management and Treasurer addressing a $36 m illion working

6096capital line of credit which, as of the date of the CON

6108application , had an unused balance of $26,100,000 and had

6119$19.8 m illion at the time of the hearing ; and (3) a nother letter

6133of its s enior vice p resident formally committing the funds of

6145PruittHealth under the c apital line of credit to finance the

6156equity portion (25 percent ) of the Synovus Bank financing, and

6167also the internal cash flow and cash on hand of PruittH ealth ,

6179Inc. as shown on its audited financial statement.

618765 . There is some evidence that PruittHealth Ós estimated

6197land costs and construction costs, and therefore its

6205amortization and depreciation expenses, are understated.

6211Further, PruittHealth is in t he midst of a large nursing home

6223bed expansion, includ ing three CONs approved in the S tate of

6235Florida : a 77 - bed facility in Bay County; a 97 - bed CON in Clay

6252County ; and an 86 - bed facility in Leon County. The Bay and Clay

6266County projects have a commence - c onstruction deadline of

6276September 2016, but neither project is currently financed. The

6285Leon County project is scheduled to commence construction within

6294nine months , but financing, land purchase, permitting , and such

6303have not yet been accomplished.

63086 6 . Th e three facilities wi ll require a total of about

6322$33 million, with two thirds of that required almost

6331immediately. Obtaining those loans may be impaired by

6339PruittHealth Ós need to refinance approximately $150 million in

6348debt during the next three years. F urther, its debt ratios seem

6360to exceed the benchmarks set forth in the Dodd - Frank Act,

6372creating a potential impediment to acquiring additional loans.

63806 7 . Although the size and strength of PruittHealth, Inc.

6391seem sufficient to handle the financial concerns set forth

6400above, the existence of three pending CONs in Florida create s

6411some doubt. That those projects are on such short timelines for

6422construction also indicate s a need for PruittHealth , Inc. to

6432focus on them without incurring additional obligations.

6439Long Term Financial Feasibility

64436 8. Both applicants, with support from their respective

6452mentor organizations, will likely realize long - term financial

6461feasibility in their proposed projects. However, neither of the

6470applicant sÓ proposals w as without fault.

64776 9 . PruittHealth used reasonable methodologies and

6485assumptions for its project cost, utilization and fill - up rates,

6496staffing , and pro forma financial statements, i.e. , Schedules 1,

65054, 5, 6, 7 , and 8 of the application. Using its actual

6517operating results at other related facilities is reasonable and

6526demonstrates a legitimate basis for legitimacy of the


653570 . However, many of the financial projections relied upon

6545by PruittHealth were derived from unverified information. While

6553the projections a ppear reasonable from an overview perspective,

6562there were many items that appeared to be gue s stimates or

6574plucked from other, perhaps dissimilar types of projects. There

6583appears to be insufficient nursing staff to cover both the

6593skilled and long - term patie nts , but the numbers could be

6605increased as needed (but would require additional cost s). And,

6615because the salaries for nurses were pulled from a public

6625website, they may be suspect.

663071 . Alachua HRC 's financial schedules were based on Clear

6641Choice's actual experience at another Clear Choice facility, Sun

6650Terrace, which is very similar to the Alachua HRC proposal. The

6661pro forma presumably captured every expense Alachua HRC is

6670expected to incur and appears reasonable. On the revenue side,

6680the pro forma is a lso based on actual experience of Clear Choice


669472 . A projection of 97 - percent occupancy is unusual. But,

6706d ue to Alachua HRC's high percentage of private rooms, the

6717projected occupancy of 97 - percent is reasonable and achievable.

6727Two Clear Ch oice facilities, Melbourne Terrace and Spring Lake,

6737currently e xperience over 97 - percent occupancy. Both facilities

6747recently underwent renovations to add the private rooms and

6756large gyms like the ones planned for the Alachua project.

6766Additionally, severa l othe r Clear Choice facilities achieved

6775greater than 95 - percent occupancy, even in faci l ities that do

6788not yet boast a compliment of private rooms. Clear Choice's

6798projected occupancy rate is only three percent higher than

6807PruittHealth 's and is reasonable.

68127 3 . Clear Choice projects a total of 165 FTEs to staff the

6826Alachua HRC project versus only 113.1 FTEs that PruittHealth

6835projects for its project. Clear Choice Ós staffing projection is

6845also based on the Sun Terrace facility, which is similar to the

6857Alac hua HRC proposal. The projected staffing is based on actual

6868Florida experience and is reasonable.

68737 4 . There is little difference between the applicants for

6884the per diem projection s for the larger pay o r g roups of Medicare

6899and Medicaid. T he difference in the overall revenue between the

6910two applicants is primarily a function of Clear Choice 's higher

6921proportio n of Medicare patients. Its higher expenses than

6930PruittHealth are due to the higher level of care being offered

6941to the Medicare/short - term rehabilita tion patients.

69497 5 . However, on aggregate, both of the applicants would

6960like ly achieve positive long - term financial results.

6969Section 408.035(1)(g): The extent to which

6975the proposal will foster competition that

6981promotes quality and cost - effectiveness.

69877 6 . Neither applicant currently has a nursing home in

6998Alachua County. Therefore the approval of either applicant

7006will, to some extent, increase competition. Both applicants

7014propose high - quality nursing home programs at competitive costs.

7024Section 408.035(1 )(i): The applicant's past

7030and proposed provision of health care

7036services to Medicaid patients and the

7042medically indigent.

7044Rule 59C - 1.030(2)(a) . . . The need that

7054the population to be served . . . a nd the

7065extent to which all residents of the

7072district, and i n particular low income

7079persons . . . a nd the elderly, are likely to

7090have access to those services.

70957 7 . This criterion no longer holds the weight it once held

7108in nursing home CON cases. The advent of Medicaid managed care

7119for nursing home residents changed the dynamic of traditional

7128Medicaid care, and AHCA no longer views this criterion as vastly


71407 8 . Clearly, PruittHealth proposes a higher Medicaid

7149census (64 percent ) that does Alachua HRC ( 41 percent ) .

7162However, when including dual eli gible residents (i.e., those

7171patients who are admitted into the facility as Medicare patients

7181but would qualify for Medicaid at the end of their qualifying

7192stay), Alachua HRC Ós percentage of Medicaid residents increases

7201to about 58 percent . Presumably, em ploying the same stratagem

7212for PruittHealth would increase its Medicaid census as well.

72217 9 . AHCA no longer accepts c onditions on the CON for

7234provision of a specified percentage of Medicaid care . Unlike

7244days of yore, applicants are not granted any speci al

7254consideration on the basis of their Medicaid projections.

726280 . PruittHealth points out that it is attempting to be

7273consistent with the percentage of Medicaid care currently extant

7282in the service area. It did not provide persuasive evidence

7292that meeting that percentage was especially significant.


730281 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

7310jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to sections 120.569,

7318120.57, and 408.039(5), Florida Statutes (2016) .

73258 2 . Each of the applicants has standing to participate in

7337the proceeding. § 408.039(5)(c) , Fla. Stat.

73438 3 . The petitions in this case commenced a de novo

7355proceeding intended to formulate final agency action.

7362Fla. Dep't of Transp. v. J.W.C. Co. , 396 So. 2d 778, 786 -

737587 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981); § 120.57(1), Fla. Stat. Each applicant

7386for a CON has the burden of demonstrating that its application

7397should be approved. Bo ca Raton Artificial Kidney Ctr. v. Dep't

7408of HRS , 475 So. 2d 250 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985).

74188 4 . The award of a CON must be based on a balanced

7432consideration of all applicable statutory and rule criteria.

7440Dep't of HRS v. Johnson and Johnson Home Healthcare, Inc. ,

7450447 So. 2d 361 (Fla. 1st DCA 1984); Balsam v. Dep't of HRS ,

7463486 So. 2d 1341 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). The appropriate weight to

7475be given to each criterion is not fixed, but varies upon the

7487facts of each case. Collier Med. Ctr., Inc. v. Dep't of HRS ,

7499462 So. 2d 83, 83 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985).

75088 5 . Where, as here, mutually exclusive applications seek a

7519limited number of beds, the app lications are reviewed on a

7530comparative and competitive basis to determine which application

7538is superior to the other(s) based on a balanced consideration of

7549applicable statutory and rule criteria . Humana, Inc., d/b/a

7558Cypress C m t y . Hosp . v. Dep Ó t of HRS , et al. , 492 So. 2d

7577388 (Fla. 4th DCA 1986).

75828 6 . Both applicants filed applications that met all of the

7594criteria for issuance of a CON. Both are good providers that

7605would be able to develop and operate a high quality nursing home

7617in Alachua County. Any d eficiency in either application is not

7628cause to dismiss that application. See 408.039(5)(d), Fla .

7637Sta t . However, this is a case of comparative review.

76488 7 . Considering all the evidence, and upon consideration

7658of the AgencyÓs review and findings concernin g the applicants

7668(which have no presumptions of correctness but are based on

7678considerable knowledge of the subject matter), it is clear that

7688the application of Alachua HRC best complies with the statutory

7698and rule requirements.

77018 8 . Neither applicantsÓ abi lity to provide quality care is

7713in question, and neither has negative survey findings which

7722raise significant concerns about their operations.

772889 . Alachua HRC proposes a facility that is more attuned

7739to the changing world of skilled nursing facilities.

7747PruittHealthÓs proposal is more of a traditional long - term care

7758facility, focused on the current level of payor mix in the area.

777090 . As for funding required for the projects, either

7780applicant could likely obtain the funds needed for their

7789project, but Pru ittHealth, Inc. is stretched a bit thin with its

7801three pending and rapidly approaching projects. And, there is

7810some legitimate concern that PruittHealth, Inc.Ós current

7817financial ratios may impede further loans.

782391 . On balance, the application of Alachua HRC should be



7836Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

7846Law, it is

7849RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by Respondent ,

7858Agency for Health Care Administration, approving CON Application

7866No. 10397 filed by Alach ua County HRC, LLC, for a 103 - bed

7880skilled nursing facility in Alachua County, AHCA District 3,

7889s ubdistrict 3 - 2.

7894D ONE AND ENT ERED this 16 th day of September , 2016, in

7907Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



7915Administrative Law Judge

7918Division of Administrative Hearings

7922The DeSoto Building

79251230 Apalachee Parkway

7928Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

7933(850) 488 - 9675

7937Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


7944Filed with the Clerk of the

7950Division of Administrative H earings

7955this 16th day of September , 20 16 .


7965Jay Adams, Esquire

7968Broad and Cassel

7971Post Office Box 11300

7975Tallahassee, Florida 32302


7979Seann M. Frazier, Esquire

7983Parker, Hudson, Rainer and Dobbs, LLP

7989Suite 750

7991215 South Monroe Street

7995Tallahassee, Florida 32301


7999Jonathan L. Rue, Esquire

8003Parker, Hudson, Rainer and Dobbs, LLP

8009Suite 3600

8011303 Peachtree Street Northeast

8015Atlanta, Georgia 30308


8019Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

8023Agency for Health Care Administration

8028M ail Stop 3

80322727 Mahan Drive

8035Tallahassee, Florida 32303


8039Kevin Michael Marker, Esquire

8043Agency for Health Care Administration

8048Mail Stop 3

80512727 Mahan Drive

8054Tallahassee, Florida 32308


8058Frank P. Rainer, Esquire

8062Broad and Cassel

8065Suite 400

80672 15 South Monroe Street

8072Tallahassee, Florida 32301


8076Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

8081Agency for Health Care Administration

80862727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

8092Tallahassee, Florida 32308


8096Stuart Williams, Gen eral Co unsel

8102Agency for Health C are Administration

81082727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

8114Tallahassee, Florida 32308


8118Elizabeth Dudek, Secretary

8121Agency for Health Care Administration

81262727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 1

8132Tallahassee, Florida 32308



8143All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

815315 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

8164to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

8175will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/02/2016
Proceedings: Agencys Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/02/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 10/26/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: Response to AHCA's Exceptions and Motion to Remand filed.
Date: 09/16/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 09/16/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 09/16/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held June 8-10 and 13-15, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 08/18/2016
Proceedings: Pruitthealth - Alachua County's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2016
Proceedings: Alachua County HRC, LLC's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2016
Proceedings: Joint Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 08/18/2016
Proceedings: Joint Motion for Leave to File Proposed Recommended Orders of Up to Fifty Pages filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 08/11/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth- Alachua County, LLC's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 07/25/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes 1-10 (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 06/08/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 06/07/2016
Proceedings: Prehearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: Amended PruittHealth-Alachua County, LLCs Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: Amended Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 8 through 10 and 13 through 15, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/06/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth-Alachua County, LLC's Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (of Geoff Fraser) filed.
Date: 06/03/2016
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 8 through 10 and 13 through 15, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/02/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Rebuttal Deposition Duces Tecum (of Tracy Adams) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Rebuttal Deposition Duces Tecum (of Dan Wyman) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Rebuttal Deposition Duces Tecum (of Aneel Gill) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Rebuttal Deposition Duces Tecum (of Patti Greenberg) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Telephonic Rebuttal Deposition Duces Tecum (of Steve Ward) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Kevin Bessolo) filed.
Date: 06/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for June 1, 2016; 11:00 a.m.).
Date: 05/31/2016
Proceedings: Alachua HRC, LLC's Response to PruittHealth-Alachua County, LLC's First Request for Production filed.
Date: 05/24/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Kevin Bessolo) filed.
Date: 05/24/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Marisol Fitch) filed.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Tracy Adams) filed.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth-Alachua County, LLC's Master Notice of Taking Depositions and Notice of Corporate Representative Deposition filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Alachua County HRC, LLC's Amended Final Witness List filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth-Alachua County, LLC's Final Witness List filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Frank Rainer) filed.
Date: 05/19/2016
Proceedings: Alachua County HRC, LLC's Final Witness List filed.
Date: 05/18/2016
Proceedings: The Agency for Health Care Administration's Preliminary and Final Witness List filed.
Date: 05/17/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Service filed.
Date: 05/17/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Amended Order of Prehearing Instructions) filed.
Date: 05/16/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Steven Jones, Dr. Dan Wyman, and Tracy Adams) filed.
Date: 05/16/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Steve Ward and Jodi Felix) filed.
Date: 05/16/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum (of Patty Greenberg, Aneel Gill, and Ali Momin) filed.
Date: 05/03/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kevin Marker) filed.
Date: 05/03/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing (hearing set for June 6 through 10, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 04/29/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth's First Request for Production of Documents to Alachua County HRC filed.
Date: 04/29/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 04/29/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Pre-hearing Conference (set for April 29, 2016; 10:00 a.m.).
Date: 04/28/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Response to Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 04/28/2016
Proceedings: Alachua County HRC, LLC's Response to Request to Reschedule Hearing and Motion for Scheduling Conference filed.
Date: 04/28/2016
Proceedings: PruittHealth's Motion to Reschedule Final Hearing filed.
Date: 04/26/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Responses to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: Order Requesting Proposed Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 04/20/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for May 23 through 27, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 03/29/2016
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 03/25/2016
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 03/24/2016
Proceedings: Alachua County HRC, LLC's Cross-Petition Challenging Co-batched Applicant filed.
Date: 03/24/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 03/24/2016
Proceedings: Decisions on Batched Applications filed.
Date: 03/24/2016
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):

Related Florida Rule(s) (1):