16-002796 Qiu-Xing Jiang vs. Department Of Management Services, Division Of Retirement
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, December 6, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner did not prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he is entitled to enroll in the State University System Optional Retirement Program.





13vs. Case No. 16 - 2796







30Pursua nt to notice, a final hearing was held in this case

42on September 1 and October 18, 2016, via video teleconference in

53Tallahassee and Gainesville, Florida, before Suzanne Van Wyk,

61Administrative Law Judge of the Division of Administrative

69Hearings (Division ).


73For Petitioner: Q i u - Xing Jiang, pro se

83Apartment 156

855333 Southwest 75th Street

89Gainesville, Florida 32608

92For Respondent: Larry D. Scott, Esquire

98Department of Management Services

102Suite 160

1044050 Esplanade Way

107Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


116Whether Petitioner is entitled to membership in the State

125University System Optional Retirement Program (SUSORP), rather

132than the Florida Retirement System (FRS).


140Pet itioner was notified by letter dated March 25, 2016 ,

150that his request to be enrolled in the SUSORP was denied.

161Petitioner timely requested an administrative hearing to contest

169the decision, which is taken as the Petition for Administrative

179Hearing (Petiti on) in this case.

185Respondent forwarded the Petition to the Division on

193May 20, 2016. The matter was originally scheduled for hearing

203on July 18 , 2016, but was continued twice due to conflicts with

215PetitionerÓs schedule, and finally rescheduled for Septemb er 1,


225The final hearing commenced as rescheduled, but due to

234Hurricane Hermine, the hearing was not completed on that date.

244The final hearing was continued to, and concluded on,

253October 18, 2016.

256At the final hearing, Petitioner testified on his own

265behalf and offered no exhibits in evidence.

272Respondent presented the testimony of Stephen Bardin,

279RespondentÓs Benefits Administrator; Lisa Hodges, Assistant

285Director of Benefits for University of Florida Human Resources

294(UF HR); and Kathy Higgs, Employee Relations Specialist for

303University of FloridaÓs Institute of Food and Agricultural

311Sciences Human Resources (IFAS HR). RespondentÓs Exhibits 1

319through 12 were admitted in evidence.

325The proceedings were recorded. At the time the hearing

334concluded, Petit ioner was unsure whethe r he would order a

345transcript. None was ultimately filed. Respondent filed a

353Proposed Recommended Order on October 28, 2016. Petitioner

361filed a Summary of Hearing on November 28, 2016, to which

372Respondent did not object, and which is taken as PetitionerÓs

382proposed recommended order. Both partiesÓ post - hearing filings

391have been considered in preparation of this Recommended Order.

400All references herein to the Florida Statutes are to the

4102015 version.


4161. Petitioner, Q i u - Xing Ji a ng , is a faculty member in the

432Department of Microbiology and Cell Science at the University of

442Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science (UF IFAS).

4512 Respondent, Department of Management Services, Division

458of Retirement, is the stat e agency with the responsibility to

469administer the FRS and the SUSORP.

4753. Petitioner was a professor at the University of Texas

485Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, when he received a

495written offer letter from UF IFAS for his current faculty

505posi tion on August 14, 2015.

5114. The offer letter was delivered to Petitioner via his

521personal e - mail address, which is a Yahoo account.

5315. The offer letter is five pages long, including an

541addendum containing conditions of employment.

5466. The two - page adden dum includes the following

556information regarding retirement options:

560You are required to participate in at least

568one of the retirement programs offered by

575the State of Florida, unless you have

582received a pension or distribution of

588employer contributions, i ncluding a

593rollover, from a retirement program

598administered by the State of Florida. If

605you have received a distribution as

611described, you are not eligible to

617participate or renew membership in a State

624of Florida retirement plan. Otherwise, an

630employee c ontribution of 3% is mandatory and

638you may select the retirement program you

645wish to enroll. For more information,

651please attend new employee orientation or

657visit the UF Retirement website at

663http://hr.ufl.edu/benefits/retirement .

665Should you have any que stions regarding

672benefits or retirement, please contact

677University B enefits and Retirement at

683(352) 392 - 2477.

6877. Petitioner electronically signed and accepted the offer

695of employment, and initialed t he two - page addendum, on

706August 14, 2015.

7098. The websi te to which the offer letter to Petitioner

720referred contained all the information regarding the SUSORP,

728including eligibility, enrollment, contribution rates, forms,

734publications, and other resources. With respect to enrollment,

742the website informed new h ires of the two steps for enrollment:

754Open an acco unt with an investment provider .

763Fax completed Optional Retirement Program

768Enrollment Form

770( https://www.rol.frs.state.fl.us/forms/orp -

773enr oll.pdf ) to UF Benefits at (352) 392 - 5166

784within 90 calendar days from hire.

7909. Prior to receiving the written offer letter, Petitioner

799travelled to Gainesville to enroll his children in school and

809complete other tasks to settle his family in a new loca tion.

821PetitionerÓs children began school on August 15, 2015.

82910. PetitionerÓs hire date was September 1, 2015.

83711. UF has adopted an online hiring process, known as

847ÐGatorStart,Ñ to expedite payroll enrollment of new hires. To

857reduce the paperwork requ ired, the system requires new hires to

868create an e - signature and review and initial all the necessary

880forms online.

88212. The GatorStart system shows that Petitioner accessed

890the system on August 31, 2015, and acknowledged receipt by

900initialing several form s, including the W - 4, Direct Deposit, the

912FRS Certification, and the Benefits and Retirement Information.

92013. The Benefits and Retirement Information form includes

928the following pertinent information:

932Welcome to the University of Florida! The

939university offers a comprehensive array of

945benefits to employees. This provides a

951brief introduction to those benefits.

956Specifically, please take note of the

962enrollment deadlines associated with

966insurance and retirement benefits. In

971addition to our website, you ma y refer to

980the New Employee Orientation Guide at

986http://hr.ufl.edu/working - at - uf/new -

992employees/employee - handbook/ . Throughout

997your employment, you can always contact us

1004by em ail as well.

1009Benefits: benefits@ufl.edu

1011Retirement: retirement@ufl.edu

1013* * *


1017Enrollment in a retirement plan is

1023mandatory. You have 90 days from your date

1031of hire to enroll in the SUSORP. To select

1040the FRS Investment Plan, you must enroll by

1048the end of the 5th month after your month of

1058hire. If you do not actively enroll in a

1067plan, you will default into the FRS Pension

1075Plan. Health Science Center faculty ar e

1082mandatory SUSORP participants. For more

1087information, visit

1089https://www.hr.ufl.edu/retirement .

1091The form then lists the three plan choices (SUSORP, FRS

1101Investment, and FRS Pension), as well as the volunta ry plans

1112(403(b) and 457).

111514. At hearing, Petitioner denied that he accessed and

1124acknowledged receipt of the online hiring forms on August 31,

11342015. Instead Petitioner maintained that someone in his

1142department must have done that on his behalf.

115015. How ever, Petitioner admitted that he accessed the

1159online retirement tutorial at some point prior to September 1,

11692015 , 1/ but was unable to enroll because he was not yet Ðin the

1183University system.Ñ

118516. On or about September 17, 2015, Petitioner met with

1195Kathy Higgs. Ms. Higgs has been employed with IFAS HR for 10

1207years and assists new employees with benefits enrollment. Her

1216primary duties are with respect to enrollment in medical and

1226supplemental insurance plans. Ms. Higgs has no expertise in

1235state retireme nt options. With respect to retirement options,

1244it is her practice to inform new employees of the enrollment

1255deadlines and direct them to the website which lists investment

1265providers and their local representatives. Ms. Higgs has

1273prepared a summary chart of the three retirement options,

1282including eligibility, vesting time, and enrollment window,

1289which she generally provides to new employees.

129617. New employees enroll in medical and supplemental

1304insurance plans through the People First portal. Every emplo yee

1314has a unique password to access the portal.

132218. Petitioner faults Ms. Higgs for misleading him into

1331waiting to enroll in a retirement plan until after he received

1342his People First password.

134619. Ms. Higgs denied having instructed, or otherwise

1354advised , Petitioner to wait until he received his People First

1364password to enroll in a retirement plan. Based on the evidence,

1375Petitioner misunderstood certain communications from Ms. Higgs.

138220. PetitionerÓs employment at UF is a blend of two

1392different position s: 0.8 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) for IFAS

1403and 0.2 FTE for Sponsored Research.

140921. On September 21, 2015, Ms. Higgs e - mail ed Lisa Hodges,

1422UF HR Assistant Director of Benefits, to determine whether

1431Petitioner needed to enroll for benefits separately in ea ch

1441position. On September 22, 2015, Ms. Hodges replied via e - mail

1453that, for the state plans, Petitioner should enroll as usual in

1464People First and that the two FTEs would be combined, but for

1476UFSelect plans, Petitioner should enroll under the 0.8 FTE.

1485Ms . Hodges added, ÐThe only enrollment that he would need to

1497enter on both is LTD since it has to factor in the salary on the

1512.80 and .20 FTE job.Ñ

151722. On September 22, 2015, Ms. Higgs forwarded Ms. HodgesÓ

1527e - mail explanation of benefits enrollment to Petit ioner at his

1539UF e - mail address. She included the following message by way of

1552introduction: ÐGood morning, Dr. Jiang, Please read below email

1561from University Benefits to make sure your enrollments are

1570processed successfully.Ñ On that same date, Petitione r

1578responded, ÐThanks for your help. I will wait for the

1588ID/ passwd. What is LTD? Best, Qiu - Xing . Ñ

159923. Ms. Hodges was copied on that e - mail exchange between

1611Petitioner and Ms. Higgs, and rep lied to Petitioner on

1621September 30, 2015, that LTD means ÐLong - T erm DisabilityÑ and

1633referred Petitioner to the UF website containing a tutorial on

1643both the state and UFSelect benefits plans.

165024. The e - mail exchanges were clearly limited to benefits

1661enrollment , not retirement.

166425. Also on September 22, 2015, UF HR , th rough its

1675Benefits office, sent Petitioner an e - mail regarding all three

1686retirement options and instructions on how to enroll. The e -

1697mail was sent to PetitionerÓs e - mail address at Southwestern

1708Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. Petitioner did not receive the

1718e - mail .

172226. Petitioner faults UF HR for failing to send the e - mail

1735to the correct address.

173927. Ms. Hodges characterized the e - mail as a ÐcourtesyÑ

1750that is sent to all new employees as a reminder of the

1762retirement options. Respondent provided no sati sfactory

1769explanation for why the courtesy e - mail reminder was sent to

1781PetitionerÓs former university e - mail address.

178828. On October 7, 2015, Petitioner sent Ms. Higgs an e -

1800mail in regard to hiring a scientist for his lab. Petitioner

1811only had an O ther Per sonal S ervice (OPS) position available, but

1824the scientist was a current UF employee enrolled in the F RS.

1836Petitioner inquired of Ms. Higgs if he could hire the scientist

1847in the OPS position but Ðpay extra money to continue his FRS

1859pension program he is cur rently in as he will continue to work

1872for UF.Ñ

187429. On October 9, 2015, Ms. Higgs sent Petitioner an e -

1886mail wherein she included the link to the SUSORP page of the

1898retirement benefits website. This e - mail was sent to Petitioner

190939 days after his hire dat e.

191630. Petitioner did not make a retirement election within

192590 days of his hire date and, thus, defaulted to membership in

1937the FRS.

193931. Respondent notified Pet itioner by letter dated

1947January 11, 2016, that because he had not selected a SUSORP

1958provider co mpany within 90 days of his hire date, Respondent

1969transferred his retirement contributions to the FRS Trust Fund.

197832. On or about February 19, 2016, Petitioner contacted

1987Ms. Hodges to determine why he was not enrolled in SUSORP.

1998Ms. Hodges explained that since Petitioner Ðdid not make an

2008active retirement plan election within 90 days from hire, [he

2018was] defaulted into the Pension Plan. Ms. Hodges also forwarded

2028PetitionerÓs request to Eric Kegley, a UF HR Retirement

2037Specialist, for review.

204033. Mr. Kegle y subsequently investigated PetitionerÓs

2047allegations that he had been misled by Ms. Higgs into waiting

2058for his People First password in order to enroll in retirement,

2069faulting IFAS HR for failing to provide him with advice from

2080someone who was knowledgeabl e in retirement benefits, and

2089faulting UF HR for sending the courtesy reminder to an invalid


210134. On February 22, 2016, Petitioner completed a SUSORP

2110enrollment form, which UF submitted on his behalf to Respondent.

2120However, following UF HRÓs inve stigation, UF determined that its

2130staff were not to blame for PetitionerÓs failure to make an

2141active retirement election within 90 days of his hire date.

2151Thus, UF did not support PetitionerÓs instant request to

2160transfer from the FRS to the SUSORP plan.


217235. The Division of Administrative Hearings has

2179jurisdiction over the subject matter of, and the parties to,

2189this proceeding. See § § 120.569 and 120.57(1), Fla. Stat .

220036. Respondent administers the FRS under chapter 121,

2208Florida Statute s.

221137. The SUSORP is authorized by section 121.35, Florida

2220Statutes. The plan is an optional retirement plan in which

2230Ðeligible employeesÑ can elec t to participate in lieu of

2240the FRS.

224238. Section 121.35 provides, in pertinent part, as



2256ESTABLISHED. Ï The Department of Management

2262Services shall establish an optional

2267retirement program under which contracts

2272providing retirement and death benefits may

2278be purchased for eligible members of the

2285State University System who elect to

2291participate in the program. The benefits to

2298be provided for or on behalf of participants

2306in such optional retirement program shall be

2313provided through individual contracts or

2318individual certificates issued for group

2323annuity or other contracts, w hich may be

2331fixed, variable, or a combination thereof,

2337in accordance with s. 403(b) of the Internal

2345Revenue Code.

2347* * *



2358(a) Participation in the optional

2363retirement program provided by this secti on

2370shall be limited to persons who are

2377otherwise eligible for membership or renewed

2383membership in the Florida Retirement System

2389and who are employed in one of the following

2398State University System positions:

24021. Positions classified as instructional

2407and r esearch faculty which are exempt from

2415the career service under the provisions of

2422s. 110.205(2)(d).

2424* * *


2433* * *

2436(c)3. Notwithstanding the provisions of

2441this paragraph, effective July 1, 1997, any

2448employee who is eligi ble to participate in

2456the Optional Retirement Program and who

2462fails to execute a contract with one of the

2471approved companies and to notify the

2477department in writing as provided in

2483subsection (4) within 90 days after the date

2491of eligibility shall be deemed to have

2498elected membership in the Florida Retirement

2504System, except as provided in

2509s. 121.051 (1)(a).

251239. The g overning statute is clear that an eligible

2522employee who fails to enroll in the SUSORP within 90 days after

2534the date of eligibility is automatically enrolled in the FRS.

254440. Petitioner was directed, via his offer letter on

2553August 14, 2015, to the UF Benefi ts website, and again by

2565Ms. Higgs via e - mail on October 9, 2015. The website to which

2579Petitioner was directed clearly stated the two - step process for

2590enrolling in the SUSORP, explicitly recited the 90 - day deadline,

2601and contained links to the enrollment f orm, as well as numerous

2613other resources related to the SUSORP. Further, Petitioner

2621admitted that he accessed the GatorStart online tutorial, which

2630included information on retirement enrollment.

263541. The undersigned is sympathetic to the overwhelming

2643natu re of PetitionerÓs job transition -- relocating his family

2653from out of state, finding housing, choosing and enrolli ng his

2664children in a new school , setting up a new laboratory and

2675identifying and recruiting other scientists, as well as

2683digesting and making d ecision s regarding employee benefits.

2692However, Petitioner was responsible to make his retirement

2700election within 90 days of his date of hire and failed to do so.

2714PetitionerÓs arguments that he was either misinformed of the

2723steps to be taken, or misled in to deferring his election beyond

2735the 90 days, are unpersuasive.

274042. Petitioner did not prove by a preponderance of the

2750evidence that he is entitled to membership in the SUSORP rather

2761than the FRS.


2765Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

2775Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management

2784Services, Division of Retirement, enter a final order denying

2793PetitionerÓs request to enroll in the SUSORP.

2800DONE AND ENTERED this 6 th day of December , 2016 , in

2811Tallahassee, Leon Count y, Florida.



2820Administrative Law Judge

2823Division of Administrative Hearings

2827The DeSoto Building

28301230 Apalachee Parkway

2833Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

2838(850) 488 - 9675

2842Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

2848www.doah.stat e.fl.us

2850Filed with the Clerk of the

2856Division of Administrative Hearings

2860this 6 th day of December , 2016 .


28691/ Although PetitionerÓs recollection was unclear of the exact

2878date, Petitioner most likely accessed the system on August 15,

28882016, the da te that his children began school in Gainesville .


2902Qiu - Xing Jiang

2906University of Florida

2909Room 1003

29111355 Museum Drive

2914Gainesville, Florida 32611 - 0700


2920Qiu - Xing Jiang, Ph.D.

2925Apartment 156

29275333 Southwest 75th Street

2931Gainesville, Florida 32608

2934Larry D. Scott, Esquire

2938Department of Management Services

2942Suite 160

29444050 Esplanade Way

2947Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


2953Elizabeth Stevens, Director

2956Division of Retirement

2959Department of Management Services

2963Post Office Box 9000

2967Ta llahassee, Florida 32315 - 9000


2974J. Andrew Atkinson, General Counsel

2979Office of the General Counsel

2984Department of Management Services

29884050 Esplanade Way, Suite 160

2993Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950



3006All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

301615 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3027to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3038will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/27/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 03/09/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held September 1 and October 18, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/28/2016
Proceedings: Summary of Hearing filed.
Date: 10/28/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/18/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 10/04/2016
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for October 18, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/01/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to date not certain.
Date: 08/23/2016
Proceedings: Order on Respondent's Motion for Official Recognition.
Date: 08/19/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Witness List and Exhibits filed.
Date: 08/19/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Official Recogition filed.
Date: 07/28/2016
Proceedings: Order Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for September 1, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 07/11/2016
Proceedings: Letter from Qiu-Xing Jiang regarding conflict to the secheduled hearing on August 25, 2016, filed.
Date: 06/14/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for August 25, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville, FL).
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Continuance filed.
Date: 06/03/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/03/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for July 18, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Gainesville and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 05/25/2016
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 05/20/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Election to Request Assignment of Administrative Law Judge filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Gainesville, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (5):