16-003242 Department Of Financial Services vs. Michelango Mortellaro, Gina Sinadinos And Mortellaro And Sinadinos, Pllc
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Monday, November 21, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: The Dept. proved Respondents received unclaimed property to which they were not entitled. The Dept. did not prove violation was willfully with reckless disregard, or deliberate ignorance of the truth and therefore a one-month suspension is appropriate.






13vs. Case No. 16 - 3242







32Pursuant to notice, a final hearing in this cause was held

43in Tallahassee, Florida, on August 30, 2016 , before

51Linzie F. Bogan, Administrative Law Judge of the Division of

61Administrative Hearings.


64For Petitioner : Josephine A. Schultz, Esquire

71Department of Financial Services

75Office of the General Counsel

80200 E ast Gaines Street, R oo m 645E - 5

91Tallahassee, Florida 32399

94For Res pondent: Jenay E. Iurato, Esquire

101Iurato Law Firm, PL

105Suite 203

10710012 North Dale Mabry Highway

112Tampa, Florida 33618


120Whether Respondents assi sted their client in receiving

128unclaimed property to which the client was not entitled, and , if

139so, what discipline should be imposed against RespondentsÓ

147locator registration with the Florida Department of Financial


156Whether Respondents receive d and refused to return unclaimed

165property to which they were not entitled, and , if so, what

176discipline should be imposed against RespondentsÓ locator

183registration with the Florida Department of Financial Services .


194On May 4, 2016, t he State of Florida, Department of

205Financial Services (Department), issued against Michelangelo

211Montellaro, Esquire; Gina M. Sinadinos , Esquire; a nd Mortellaro &

221Sinadinos, PLLC ( collectively referred to as Respondents ) , an

231Administrative Complaint to Revoke Registration and Notice of

239Rights (Administrative Complaint) . In response to the

247Administrative Complaint, Respondents t imely filed a Petition for

256Formal Administrative Hearing. By correspondence dated

262June 13, 2016, the matter was forwarded to the Div ision of

274Administrative Hearings (DOAH) for a disputed - fact hearing.

283Petitioner offered the testimony of Ms. Tawana McClellan, a

292f inancial a dministrator with the DepartmentÓs D ivision of

302Unclaimed Property. Ms. Sinadinos testified on behalf of

310Respondents , and Respondents called no other witnesses. Joint

318Exhibits 1 and 2 were admitted into evidence. PetitionerÓs

327E xhibits 2, 5, and 7 through 14 were admitted into evidence.

339Respondents Ó E xhibits 16 - A, 16 - C, 30, 38, 50 (Bates 00084

354t hrough 00086 and Bates 000150 t hrough 000152 ) , 69 (Bates 00069

367found at Exhibit 50) , 71, 78, 95 through 97 and 100 were also

380admitted into evidence.

383A Transcript of the disputed - fact hearing was filed with

394DOAH on September 20, 2016. The parties timely filed proposed

404recommende d orders, which have been considered by the undersigned

414in the preparation of this Recommended Order.


425On November 26, 2014, United States Magistrate Judge

433Thomas B. McCoun, III, Middle District of Florida, in response to

444a Motion to Stay filed in a related case by Mortellaro &

456Sinadinos, PLLC, entered an Order denying the motion. Magistrate

465McCounÓs Order provides an excellent overview of the facts

474underlying the instant dispute. The Ðba ckground factsÑ set forth

484below are, in part, taken from Magistrate McCounÓs Order.

493A. Background F acts

4971. During all times relevant hereto, t he Department was

507responsible for examining and approving all claims for unclaimed

516property under chapter 717, Florida Laws (2013). Section

524717.1400, Florida Stat utes, provides that State of Florida

533licensed private investigators, certified pu blic accountants, and

541attorneys must register with the Department if they desire to

551file claims on behalf of claimants seeking unclaimed property

560from the Department. Upon su ccessfully completing the

568registration process, a claimantÓs representative is assigned a

576locator identification number.

5792. During times relevant hereto, Michelangelo Mortellaro

586and Gina M. Sinadinos were members in good standing of The

597Florida Bar. Mr. Mortellaro and Ms. Sinadinos are shareholders

606in the law firm of Mortellaro & Sinadinos, PLLC .

6163. Attorneys Mortellaro and Sinadinos registered with the

624Department as representatives authorized to assist claimants and

632were jointly issued locator identif ication number 103423042. In

641the instant dispute, Respondents were retained by the Estate of

651Darlene Swaim to file with the Department a claim for unclaimed


6634. Diann Capwell and Darlene Swaim had a joint checking

673account at Wachovia Bank, N.A . (Wachovia). Ms. Capwell, who

683received social security benefits, passed away on April 23, 1989.

693From April 1989 through March 2010, the Social Security

702Administration (SSA) deposited approximately $247,619.00 in

709benefits for Ms. Capwell into the joint c hecking account that she

721held with Ms. Swaim. On March 17, 2004, Ms. Swaim passed away.

7335. According to the Department, on April 30, 2010, Wachovia

743reported to the Department that it held $182,248.61 in unclaimed

754property in the account titled in the na mes of Ms. Capwell and

767Ms. Swaim. Wachovia remitted the funds to the Department, which ,

777in turn , held the $182,248.61 in an unclaimed property account.

7886. On November 2, 2012, a Petition for Administration of

798the Estate of Ms. Swaim was filed in the pro bate division of the

812Circuit Court for Broward County, Florida. Mack A. Swaim served

822as the personal representative of the estate.

8297. On February 14, 2013, A ttorneys Mortellaro and

838Sinadinos, pursuant to their registered locator status, filed a

847claim w ith the Department on behalf of the Estate of Darlene

859Swaim for the $182,284.61 (Swaim claim) . Upon approval of the

871claim, A ttorneys Mortellaro and Sinadinos would receive 50

880percent of the funds as its locator fee.

8888. On July 24, 2013, the Department a pproved the Swaim

899claim and issued a paper warrant payable to the Estate of Darlene

911Swaim, c/o Mack A. Swaim, in the amount of $91,142.31 (purported

923estate funds). The paper warrant for the purported estate funds

933was delivered to the Mortellaro & Sinadino s law firm .

9449. On July 26, 2013, the Department disbursed, via

953electronic funds transfer, the remaining $91,142.30 to the

962Mortellaro & Sinadinos law firm as payment of its locator fee.

973B. The Social Security Administration

97810. On August 1, 2013, SS A notified the Department that the

990purported estate funds should not have been deposited into the

1000Wachovia joint checking account following Ms. CapwellÓs death.

1008SSA did not file a formal claim with the Department until

1019August 14, 2013.

1022C. The Purported E state F unds

102911. On August 2, 2013, the following email exchange

1038occurred between the Department and Respondents.

1044From the Department (8/2/13 at

10492:26 p.m.):

1051I received notification from the Soc. Sec.

1058Admin. that there was a $200,000 overpayment

1066into the account that was reported to this

1074office. As such, the Soc. Sec. Admin. is

1082entitled to these funds, not the estate or

1090your office. I am currently in the process

1098of cancelling the warrant that was issued to

1106the PR and I advise you to return your fee t o

1118this office within 15 days.

1123From Respondent (8/2/13 at 3:20 p.m.):

1129Please be advised that the checks, including

1136the estate check, have been negotiated. With

1143that said, we have not disbursed any of the

1152funds; nor will we, until this matter is

1160resolved. Please be further advised that

1166since the estate is still open, the probate

1174court has exclusive jurisdiction over the

1180estate assets. This position is clearly in

1187line with the unclaimed property statute

1193717.1242, F.S., - Restatement of jurisdiction

1199of the circuit court sitting in probate and

1207the department. Since this law firm has a

1215fiduciary responsibility to the Personal

1220Representative and the beneficiaries of the

1226estate, it will not release estate funds

1233without the probate court entering an order

1240direc ting same.

124312. On or about August 2, 2013, the paper treasury warrant

1254representing payment to the estate was initially deposited into a

1264checking account opened for the Estat e of Darlene Swaim at

1275SunTrust B ank. SunTrust is the same bank where Respondent s

1286maintain multiple accounts, including the firmÓs IOTA trust

1294account. At the time of presentation of the paper warrant to the

1306bank, SunTrust provisionally made the funds available to the

1315estate for withdrawal. Respondents, after being contacted by the

1324D epartment on August 2, 2013, regarding SSAÓs claim, immediately

1334transferred the estate funds into the firmsÓ IOTA trust account

1344for safekeeping.

134613. The Department, after receiving RespondentsÓ email

1353reply of August 2, 2013, immediately contacted SunTrus t and

1363informed the bank that the paper warrant presented to the bank

1374for payment to the Estate of Darlene Swaim was void. SunTrust

1385reversed the provisional credit to the estate checking account

1394which resulted in the estate account being overdrawn by

1403appro ximately $91,000. Because SunTrust had only issued a

1413provisional credit for the deposit of the estate funds, this

1423meant that SunTrust needed to reconcile the estate checking

1432account. Accordingly, SunTrust, soon after Respondents

1438transferred the estate fu nds into their trust account, debited

1448RespondentsÓ trust account in the amount of $91,142.31.

145714. The evidence shows that the estate funds were

1466provisionally made available to both the Estate of Darlene Swaim

1476and Respondents. The evidence also conclusiv ely establishes that

1485monies from the State treasury were never released by the

1495Department to SunTrust, the Estate of Darlene Swaim, or


150515. On or about August 27, 2013, Respondents filed with the

1516probate division of the Circuit Court for Bro ward County,

1526Florida, an Emergency Motion to Return Estate Funds.

1534RespondentsÓ emergency motion argued, in part, that the

1542Department lost jurisdiction of the monies at issue once it

1552approved the estateÓs claim, and that the circuit court, sitting

1562in proba te, possessed exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any

1571dispute regarding the estate funds.

157616. On September 6, 2013, the circuit court held a hearing

1587on RespondentsÓ emergency motion. The Department did not attend

1596the hearing, and claims that it never rece ived notice of the

1608same. Respondents assert that the Department received proper

1616notice of the hearing on the emergency motion but, for whatever

1627reason, elected not to attend. Nevertheless, the circuit court,

1636after hearing argument from Respondents on the emergency motion,

1645verbally granted the motion and directed Respondents to provide

1654the court with a written order outlining the courtÓs ruling.

166417. By correspondence dated September 9, 2013, the

1672Department advised Respondents that they should Ðimmediately

1679return the $91,142.31 (locator fee) to which the firm is not

1691entitled [and] [i]f [they] fail to return these funds within ten

1702days, the Bureau will pursue appropriate remedies for conversion

1711of the funds.Ñ 1/ The letter makes no mention of the emergency

1723m otion that was then pending before the circuit court.

1733Furthermore, the September 9, 2013, letter to Respondents does

1742not contain a Notice of Rights statement or any other language

1753which provided Respondents with a clear point of entry to

1763challenge the Dep artmentÓs contention that Respondents possessed

1771funds (i.e. , the locator fee) to which they were not entitled.

178218. On September 23, 2013, the Department responded in

1791writing to the emergency motion and argued to the circuit court

1802that the Department has exclusive jurisdiction to determine the

1811merits of claims for unclaimed property held in the State

1821treasury. The circuit court was not persuaded by the

1830DepartmentÓs assertions, and on October 30, 2013, entered a

1839written Order granting RespondentsÓ motion a nd directed therein

1848that the Department return the $91,142.31 to the Estate of

1859Darlene Swaim on or before November 19, 2013.

186719. The Department neither appealed nor complied with the

1876Order of the circuit court, but instead, on November 15, 2013,

1887issued a Notice of Intent to Approve Claim (Notice of Intent) in

1899favor of the SSA in the amount of $182,284.61. A Notice of

1912Rights statement, for the first time, was included with the

1922Notice of Intent. Despite the fact that Respondents were now

1932provided with a p oint of entry to challenge the DepartmentÓs

1943actions, they elected not to challenge the intended action, in

1953part, because they had an Order from the circuit court directing

1964the Department to return the purported estate funds.

197220. On January 9, 2014, the D epartment entered a Final

1983Order Approving Claim (Final Order) in favor of the SSA in the

1995amount of $182,284.61. In addition to the Final Order, the

2006Department also issued a separate Notice of Intent to Offset and

2017Notice of Rights , wherein the Department a dvised that it was

2028seeking to collect the $91,142.30 locator fee that Respondents

2038still possessed with respect to the Estate of Darlene Swaim from

2049other claims where Res pondents were owed locator fees.

205821. On February 7, 2014, Respondents appealed the Final

2067Order approving SSAÓs claim to the First District Court of

2077Appeal, State of Florida (DCA). Among other things, Respondents

2086requested the DCA Ðto reverse the final order, and order the

2097Depar tment to return the funds it ha [ d ] taken from the estate in

2113accordance with its July 24, 201[3], approval of the estateÓs

2123claim as well as the probate courtÓs order directing the return

2134of the [estate] funds.Ñ On March 14, 2014, while RespondentsÓ

2144appeal to the DCA was pending, the Federal Bureau of

2154Investigation (FBI) seized the $91,142.30 locator fee from

2163RespondentsÓ bank account.

216622. On August 19, 2014, Respondents filed a Verified Claim

2176with the United States District Court seeking return of the

2186seized locator fee. The Department was not a party to the

2197seiz ure action, and the Estate of Darlene Swaim elected not to

2209participate in the same. After some additional legal wrangling,

2218and recognizing that recovery of its locator fee was contingent

2228upon a successful recovery of the unclaimed monies by the estate

2239(wi th the claim of the estate having been abandoned by

2250Mr. Swaim), Respondents, on January 20, 2015, withdrew their

2259Verified Claim with respect to the seized locator funds.

2268D. Respondents Ð R eceivedÑ the L ocator F ee

227823. As noted above, Respondents, in the ir August 2, 2013,

2289email to the Department, advised that Ðwe have not disbursed any

2300of the funds; nor will we, until this matter is resolved.Ñ

2311RespondentsÓ representation to the Department that none of the

2320funds would be disbursed reasonably implies that all funds,

2329including the locator fee, would be deposited in RespondentsÓ

2338trust account.

234024. Rule 5 - 1.1(f), of The Florida Bar Rules Regulating

2351Trust Accounts, provides as follows:

2356Disputed Ownership of Trust Funds. When in

2363the course of representation a lawyer is in

2371possession of property in which 2 or more

2379persons (1 of whom may be the lawyer) claim

2388interests, the property shall be treated by

2395the lawyer as trust property, but the portion

2403belonging to the lawyer or law firm shall be

2412withdrawn within a r easonable time after it

2420becomes due unless the right of the lawyer or

2429law firm to receive it is disputed, in which

2438event the portion in dispute shall be kept

2446separate by the lawyer until the dispute is

2454resolved. The lawyer shall promptly

2459distribute all po rtions of the property as to

2468which the interests are not in dispute.

2475Rule 5 - 1.1(f) makes clear that when a lawyer is in possession of

2489disputed property and the lawyer claims an interest in the same,

2500the property sha ll be treated as trust property and , the refore ,

2512kept separate until such time as the dispute is resolved. If

2523Respondents had maintained the locator fee in the firmsÓ trust

2533account during the pendency of the dispute, Respondents would be

2543in a better position to assert that the firm never actuall y

2555received the locator fee because of the special character of

2565property held in trust.

256925. In her Verified C laim filed with respect to the seized

2581locator fee, Respondent Sinadinos attests to the following:

2589On July 26, 2014, the Department issued a

2597warran t in favor of [Respondents] in the

2605amount of $91,142.30, effectuated by

2611electronic funds transfer, to a bank account

2618of Claimant at SunTrust Bank.

2623Shortly thereafter, [Respondents] transferred

2627the $91,142.31 into [RespondentsÓ] savings

2633account at SunTrust Bank.

2637Subsequently, for accounting purposes,

2641[Respondents] opened a money market account

2647at SunTrust Bank, account number xxx0890,

2653wherein it deposited the $91,142.31 warrant

2660in favor of [Respondents] issued by the

2667Department in connection with claim

2672no. C5047499.

2674The $91,142.30 was seized pursuant to a

2682seizure warrant . . . from SunTrust account

2690number xxx0890 .

2693While the Verified Claim references two different amounts, it is

2703clear that the locator fees are the same monies that were seized

2715by the FBI fr om RespondentsÓ money market account.


272726 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction

2736over the parties and subject matter of this proceeding.

2745§§ 120.569 and 120.57(1) , Fla. Stat. (2016) . 2/

275427. The Department, pursuant to section s 717.1322 and

2763717.1341, Florida Statutes , seeks to revoke locator license

2771number 103423042 issued by the Department to A ttorneys Mortellaro

2781and Sinadinos. Accordingly, the Department has the burden of

2790establishing by clear and convincing evidence the facts necessary

2799to support revocation. See , e.g. , Ferris v. Turlington , 510 So.

28092d 292, 294 (Fla. 1987). Clear and convincing evidence has been

2820described by the courts as follows:

2826[C]lear and convincing evidence requires that

2832the evidence must be fo und to be credible;

2841the facts to which the witnesses testify must

2849be distinctly remembered; the testimony must

2855be precise and explicit and the witnesses

2862must be lacking in confusion as to the facts

2871in issue. The evidence must be of such

2879weight that it pro duces in the mind of the

2889trier of fact the firm belief or conviction,

2897without hesitancy, as to the truth of the

2905allegations sought to be established.

2910In re Henson , 913 So. 2d 579, 590 (Fla. 2005) (citing Slomowitz

2922v. Walker , 429 So. 2d 797, 800 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983)).

293328. Section 717.1341(1)(a) provides in part as follows:

2941No person shall receive unclaimed property

2947that the person is not entitled to receive.

2955Any person who receives, or assists another

2962person to receive, unclaimed property that

2968the person is not entitled to receive is

2976strictly, jointly, personally, and severally

2981liable for the unclaimed property and shall

2988immediately return the property.

299229. Neither chapter 717 nor the DepartmentÓs rules

3000pertaining to the same, define what it means to Ðr eceiveÑ

3011property within the meaning of the statute. According to BlackÓs

3021Law Dictionary , ÐreceiveÑ means Ðto take into possession and

3030control.Ñ BlackÓs Law Dictionary 1140 (5th ed. 1979).

303830. The evidence shows that the Estate of Darlene Swaim

3048never took possession and control of the purported estate funds

3058because these funds were never disbursed from the State treasury.

3068Accordingly, the Estate of Darlene Swaim did not ÐreceiveÑ

3077unclaimed property from the Department. Therefore, the

3084Department has f ailed to prove that Respondents assisted the

3094estate in receiving unclaimed property that the estate was not

3104entitled to receive.

310731. As for the locator fee, Respondents clearly had

3116possession of the fee as evidenced by the fact that the

3127Department, by way of electronic transfer, deposited the monies

3136into one of the firmÓs accounts at SunTrust Bank. The evidence

3147also clearly establishes that Respondents had control of the

3156locator fee as evidenced by the fact that Respondents moved the

3167monies between sev eral of the firmÓs bank accounts. Simply

3177stated, Respondents, by placing the locator fee in multiple

3186business accounts, none of which were the firmÓs trust account,

3196exercised both possession and control over these funds for the

3206period July 26, 2013, throu gh March 14, 2014. The locator fee

3218was ÐreceivedÑ property within the meaning of section 717.1341.

322732. For there to be liability under section 717.1341(1)(a),

3236the evidence, in addition to showing that Respondents received

3245unclaimed property, must also c learly and convincingly establish

3254that Respondents were not entitled to the unclaimed property.

3263The evidence establishes that on July 26, 2013, Respondents were

3273entitled to the locator fee because the Department had, at that

3284time, approved the estateÓs cl aim for the unclaimed property at


329633. The Department argues that Respondents ceased being

3304entitled to the locator fee commencing August 2, 2013, when the

3315Department notified Respondents via email that the purported

3323estate funds belonged to the SSA . Contrary to the DepartmentÓs

3334assertion, the August 2, 2013, email amounted to nothing more

3344than a Ðheads - up,Ñ and consequently of little , if any , legal

3357significance, because the facts underlying the email (i.e. the

3366claim of SSA) had not yet been establi shed as a matter of final

3380agency action. 3/ Similarly, the DepartmentÓs letter of

3388September 9, 2013, to Respondents was also of no legal

3398significance as to RespondentsÓ entitlement to the locator fee

3407because the letter suffered from the same shortcomings as the

3417email of August 2, 2013.

342234. The circuit courtÓs Order Granting Emergency Motion to

3431Return Estate Funds had the practical effect of bolstering

3440RespondentsÓ claim to the locator fee because as of th e date of

3453the Order (October 30, 2013) , there was now a judicial

3463determination indicating that the E state of Darlene Swaim was

3473entitled to the funds being held by the Department. The

3483DepartmentÓs July 26, 2013, approval of the estate Ós claim

3493co upled with the circuit courtÓs O rder of October 30, 2013,

3505est ablishes that Respondents had a t least a colorable claim of

3517entitlement to the locator fee. Alternatively stated, the

3525evidence does not clearly and convincingly establish that

3533Respondents were not entitled to the locator fee during this

3543period of time.

354635 . Section 717.1241(3), provides that Ð[a] claim is

3555complete when entitlement to the unclaimed property has been

3564established.Ñ Consistent with this section, SSAÓs claim to the

3573monies at issue was not complete until January 9, 2014, when the

3585Department iss ued its Final Order Approving Claim filed on behalf

3596of SSA. On January 9, 2014, Respondents were postured such that

3607on the one hand , there was an un - appealed Order from the circuit

3621court saying that the estate was entitled to the purported estate

3632funds, w hich meant that Respondents w ere entitled to the locator

3644fee; and on the other hand , there was a Final Order from the

3657Department saying that the estate was not entitled to the funds

3668because all of the money, including RespondentsÓ locator fee,

3677belonged to SSA. 4/

368136. The Department relies heavily on Atwater v. City of

3691Cape Coral , 120 So. 3d 595 (Fla. 2 d DCA 2013), in support of its

3706contention that the circuit courtÓs Order in the instant case was

3717wrong and therefore offers Respondents no safe haven in the

3727instant revocation action. In Atwater , the claimant attempted to

3736bypass the DepartmentÓs process for claiming unclaimed property

3744by going directly to circuit court. In ruling for the

3754Department, the appellate court noted that ÐArticle 4,

3762section 4(c) of the Florida Constitution vests the CFO with

3772exclusive authority to examine and approve all claims for

3781unclaimed funds under chapter 717 . . . [and that] [once]

3792entitlement to the surplus funds as unclaimed property has been

3802determined, the funds are then payable to the beneficiary by

3812state warrant drawn by the CFO.Ñ Id . at 599.

382237. The instant case is distinguishable from Atwater

3830because Respondents filed their claim directly with the

3838Department and ultimately received approval of the claim from the

3848D epartment. The Department does not cite, nor has the

3858undersigned found, any case where a court has squarely addressed

3868the issue of whether the Department retains jurisdiction once it

3878has approved a claim for unclaimed property.

388538. It is certainly reaso nable for the Department to opine

3896that section 717.1341(1)(a), to the extent that it directs a

3906person to immediately return property to which the person is not

3917entitled, contemplates the Department retaining jurisdiction to

3924address erroneously approved cla ims once the property has been

3934released by the Department, but this is a position that was

3945rejected by the circuit court when it granted RespondentsÓ

3954Emergency Motion to Return Estate Property. Similarly, it was

3963also reasonable for Respondents to challeng e the Department Ó s

3974actions given the unique circumstances present in the instant


398439. As previously noted, the federal government, on

3992March 14, 2014, seized the locator fee from RespondentsÓ money

4002market account. As part of the process associated with seizing

4012the locator fee, notice of the property seizure, and the right to

4024challenge the same, was provided to the Estate of Darlene Swaim.

4035The Estate of Darlene Swaim did not file a claim regarding the

4047seized fee and on February 5, 2015, the United S tate District

4059Court entered an Order directing that a clerkÓs default be

4069entered against the estate with respect to the locator fee.

407940. RespondentsÓ locator fee was contingent upon the estate

4088prevailing in its claim for the unclaimed property, and onc e the

4100estate, with the advice of other counsel, elected not to

4110challenge the seizure action , it became evident at this precise

4120moment that Respondents were not entitled to the locator fee.

4130Accordingly, the Department has met its burden of clearly and

4140conv incingly establishing that Respondents, between August 3,

41482013, and March 14, 2014, possessed, in violation of section

4158717.1341(1)(a), unclaimed property that they were not entitled to


416841. Section 717.1322(1)(a) is a catch - all provision which

4178st ates that a violation of any provision of chapter 717 shall

4190constitute grounds for an administrative enforcement action by

4198the Department. Because Respondents violated section

4204717.1341(1)(a), Respondents have also violated section

4210717.1322(1)(a). Florida Administra tive Code Rule 69G -

421820.075(1)(a) provides, in part, that if it is found that a

4229registrant has violated section 717.1322(1)(a) , then the

4236registrant shall face Ðsuspension of 6 months to revocation if

4246the act is willful or with reckless disregard o r deliberate

4257ignorance of the truth, [or] 1 to 2 months if the act is not

4271willful or with reckless disregard or deliberate ignorance of the


428242. Chapter 717 does not offer definitions for the terms

4292Ðwillful,Ñ Ðreckless disregard,Ñ and Ðdeliberate i gnorance.Ñ

4301Because Respondents are lawyers, and were acting as such during

4311the pendency of this dispute, the framework for determining

4320whether Respondents acted with willful, reckless disregard, or

4328deliberate ignorance of the truth, lies in rule 4 - 3.1 of The

4341Florida Bar Rules of Professional Conduct.

434743. Rule 4 - 3.1 provides , in part , that Ð[a] lawyer shall

4359not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an

4370issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing

4383so that is not frivolou s, which includes a good faith argument

4395for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.Ñ

4404The Comment for rule 4 - 3.1 notes that Ð[t]he law, both procedural

4417and substantive, establishes the limits within which an advocate

4426may proceed. However, the law is not always clear and never is

4438static. Accordingly, in determining the proper scope of

4446advocacy, account must be taken of the lawÓs ambiguities and

4456potential for change.Ñ The Comment for rule 4 - 3.1 also provides

4468that an Ðaction is frivolous . . . if the lawyer is unable either

4482to make a good faith argument on the merits of the action taken

4495or to support the action taken by a good faith argument for an

4508extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.Ñ

451544. The Department takes an expansive view of chapter 717

4525and believes that it has exclusive jurisdiction as to all issues

4536related to unclaimed property. In support of its position , the

4546Department cites Atwater , which was decided on July 10, 2013,

4556just 14 days prior to the DepartmentÓs appro val of the estateÓs

4568claim in the instant dispute. The Department relies on Atwater

4578for the proposition that chapter 717 vests the Department with

4588sole authority to make the final determination as to the

4598disposition of unclaimed property, including exclusi ve authority

4606to correct determinations that were made in error.

461445. Respondents view the Department Ó s autho rity as being

4625not as broad, and as noted in its email to the Department on

4638August 2, 2013, believe that once the Department approves a claim

4649and d isburses funds, either correctly or incorrectly, the

4658Department, as it relates to open estates subject to the

4668jurisdiction of a circuit court sitting in probate, loses

4677jurisdiction to correct mistakes made during the claim approval


468746. In the co ntext of the instant proceeding, it is not

4699necessary to evaluate the merits of either position because the

4709circuit court, on October 30, 2013, agreed with Respondents and

4719directed the Department to return the funds to the estate. The

4730circuit courtÓs Order made it at least plausible that there was a

4742basis in law and fact for the legal position advanced by

4753Respondents with respect to the estate funds. Because it was at

4764least plausible that there was a basis in law and fact for the

4777a rgu ments advanced by Resp ondents, the Department has failed to

4789prove that Respondents acted with willful, reckless disregard, or

4798deliberate ignorance of the truth with respect to actions taken

4808regarding either the purported estate funds or the locator fee.

481847. As previously note d, rule 69G - 20.075(1)(a) directs that

4829Respondents shall be suspended between Ð1 to 2 months if the act

4841is not willful or with reckless disregard or deliberate ignorance

4851of the truth.Ñ Further, the rule provides that Ð[t]he penalty

4861imposed within the range of penalties should be based upon the

4872severity of the violation.Ñ

487648. There is no evidence that Respondents, in any way,

4886misle d or otherwise contributed to the DepartmentÓs erroneous

4895approval of the claim filed by the Estate of Darlene Swaim.

4906There is no evidence that Respondents assisted the Estate of

4916Darlene Swaim in receiving unclaimed property that the estate was

4926not entitled to receive. Once the Department stopped payment on

4936the Treasury warrant issued to the estate, Respondents,

4944consistent with t heir professional obligations as attorneys, took

4953the objectively reasonable and appropriate step of challenging

4961the DepartmentÓs actions by seeking an emergency Order from the

4971circuit court. Furthermore, once it became clear that the Estate

4981of Darlene Swa im had abandoned all claims related to the

4992unclaimed property, Respondents, within a reasonable time

4999thereafter, withdrew their claim to the locator fees. In the

5009opinion of the undersigned, these factors weigh strongly in favor

5019of the minimum suspension; which is for a period of one month. 5/


5033Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

5043Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services

5053enter a final o rder finding that Michelangelo Mortellaro and

5063Gina M. Sinadinos violated section s 717.1322(1)(a) and

5071717.1341(1)(a), Florida Statutes. It is further recommended that

5079the Department suspend locator license number 103423042 for a

5088period of one month. 6/

5093DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of November , 2016 , in

5103Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



5111Administrative Law Judge

5114Division of Administrative Hearings

5118The DeSoto Building

51211230 Apalachee Parkway

5124Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

5129(850) 488 - 9675

5133Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

5139www .doah.state.fl.us

5141Filed with the Clerk of the

5147Division of Administrative Hearings

5151this 21st day of November , 2016 .


51601/ The amount claimed should be $91,142.30.

51682/ All statutory references are to 2016 Florida Statutes, unless

5178otherwise indica ted.

51813/ As previously noted, the SSA did not file its claim until

5193August 14, 2013. Furthermore, section 717.124(1)(c), Florida

5200Statutes, states , in part, that Ð[w]ithin 90 days after receipt

5210of the claim . . . the department shall determine each claim [ and

5224such] [d]etermination shall contain a notice of rights provided

5233by ss. 120.569 and 120.57.Ñ It is undisputed that the

5243DepartmentÓs correspondence of August 2, 2013, did not comply

5252with any of the requirements of chapter 717.

52604/ RespondentsÓ right to the locator fee is contingent upon the

5271firm recovering unclaimed property on behalf of the Estate of

5281Darlene Swaim.

52835/ Section 717.1400(3), requires, in part, that in order to file

5294claims as a claimantÓs representative, Ðan attorney licensed to

5303practice in this state . . . must provide [t]he [attorneyÓs]

5314Florida Bar number . . . [and] [s]ufficient information to enable

5325the department to disburse funds by electronic funds.Ñ The clear

5335import of section 717.1400(3) is that it is the attorney who is

5347registe ring with the Department as a claimantÓs representative.

5356The other requirements of the statute, such as requiring

5365electronic funds account information and the business name and

5374address of the attorneyÓs employer, are items ancillary to the

5384attorneyÓs regi stration with the De partment. Accordingly, the

5393one - month suspension applies to Mr. Mortellaro and Ms. Sinadinos

5404individually and not to the firm of Mortellaro & Sinadinos, PLLC.

54156/ Respondents Ó Motion to Dismiss and their Motion for Summary

5426Judgment are , for the reasons set forth above, DENIED.


5437Jenay E. Iurato, Esquire

5441Iurato Law Firm, PL

5445Suite 203

544710012 North Dale Mabry Highway

5452Tampa, Florida 33618


5456Josephine A. Schultz, Esquire

5460Department of Financial Services

5464Office of the General Counsel

5469200 East Gaines Street, R oom 645E - 5

5478Tallahassee, Florida 32399


5482Gina Marie Sinadinos, Esquire

5486Mortellaro & Sinadinos, PLLC

5490Suite 200

54928401 J.R. Manor Drive

5496Tampa, Florida 33634


5500Julie Jones, CP, FRP, Agency Clerk

5506D ivision of Legal Services

5511Department of Financial Services

5515200 East Gaines Street

5519Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0390



5531All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

554115 days from the date of th is Recommended Order. Any exceptions

5553to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

5564will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 02/27/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 02/24/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 12/19/2016
Proceedings: Respondents' Response to Petitioner's Exceptions to Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 30, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Amended Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/24/2016
Proceedings: State of Florida Department of Financial Services Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/10/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time for Respondents' to File Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/07/2016
Proceedings: State of Florida Department of Financial Services' Objection to Two Week Extension of Time to file Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 09/20/2016
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 08/31/2016
Proceedings: Respondents Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 08/30/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/29/2016
Proceedings: State of Florida Department of Financial Services Response to Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment filed.
Date: 08/26/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion for Summary Judgment filed.
Date: 08/25/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 08/25/2016
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services Amended Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 08/25/2016
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Notice of Filing Amended Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 08/24/2016
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services Response to Defendants Motion for Reconsideration filed.
Date: 08/23/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Use Charts and/or Summaries filed.
Date: 08/22/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 08/22/2016
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services Prehearing Statement filed.
Date: 08/22/2016
Proceedings: Respondents' Motion for Reconsideration and Motion for Oral Argument filed.
Date: 08/19/2016
Proceedings: Respondents' Motion for Leave to File a Reply to Petitioner's Response to Respondents' Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 08/19/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss.
Date: 08/17/2016
Proceedings: Department of Financial Services' Response to Respondents' Motion to Dismiss for Mootness and/or Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 08/17/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing filed.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner's Motion for Expedited Discovery.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Respondents' Motion to Strike and/or Opposition to Petitioner's Motion for Exepedited Discovery filed.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss for Mootness and/or, in the Altnernative, Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 08/01/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Case Management Conference (case management conference set for August 15, 2016; 2:00 p.m.).
Date: 07/28/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Expedited Discovery filed.
Date: 07/28/2016
Proceedings: (Respondent) Notice of Withdrawal filed.
Date: 07/27/2016
Proceedings: First Set of Interrogatories to the Petitioner, Department of Financial Services filed.
Date: 07/27/2016
Proceedings: First Request for Production of Documents to Department of Financial Services filed.
Date: 06/21/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 06/21/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 30, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/20/2016
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 06/14/2016
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Administrative Complaint to Revoke Registration and Notice of Rights filed.
Date: 06/13/2016
Proceedings: Agency referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (9):