16-003613 Darryll K. Jones vs. Florida A &Amp; M University Board Of Trustees
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Thursday, November 3, 2016.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner's base salary was correctly adjusted after he was converted from a 12-month teaching contract to a nine-month teaching contract.





12vs. Case No. 1 6 - 3613






31D. R. Alexander, Admi nistrative Law Judge of the Division

41of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , conducted a hearing in this

50case in Tallahassee, Florida , on August 1 8 , 2016 .


61For Petitioner : Darryll K. Jones, pro se

6910609 Arbor View Boulevard

73Orlando, Florida 328 25 - 4479

79For Respondent : Olorunfunmi O. Ojetay o, Esquire

87Ana M. Gargollo - McDonald, Esquire

93Florida A&M Univers ity

97FHAC, Suite 304

1001700 Lee Hall Drive

104Tallahassee, Florida 32307 - 3100


113The issue is whether Petitioner is entitled to the relief

123requested in his Step Three salary grievance with Florida A&M

133University (FAMU).


137In this salary dispute, Petitioner, a P rofessor at FAMU

147College of Law ( College of Law), contests a reduction in his

159base salary after being reassigned from his position as Interim

169Dean to Professor in early 2016 . After Petitioner filed a

180grieva nce under FAMU Regulation 10.206 to contest the adjusted

190salary , b y memorandum dated May 13, 2016, FAMU informed

200Petitioner that his Step Two grievance had been denied.

209Petitioner timely filed a Step Three grievance in which he

219requested a formal hearing to adjudicate the dispute. Pursuant

228to a contract, the matter was referred by FAMU to DOAH to

240conduct a formal hearing.

244At the hearing, Petitioner testified on h is own behalf and

255presented two witness es , on e by telephone . Petitioner's

265Exhibits 1 through 5 were accepted into evidence. FAMU

274presented the testimony of one witness. Respondent's Exhibits 1

283th rough 6 and 12 through 14 were accepted in evidence. Finally,

295Joint Exhibits 1 through 10 were accepted in evidence.

304A one - volume T ranscript of the hea ri ng was prepared.

317Proposed f indings of f act and c onclusions of l aw were filed by

332the parties , and they have been considered in the preparation of

343this Recommended Order.


3491. In school year 2008 - 2009 , Petitioner was a tenured

360professo r at Stetson University College of Law (Stetson ) in

371St. Petersburg . The FAMU College of Law , located in Orlando ,

382was recruiting new faculty to improve its stature and academic

392standing . Besides Petitioner's academic stature as a tax and

402business law pr ofessor , the College of Law was then only

413provisionally accredited by the American Bar Association, and it

422sought an individual , such as Petitioner, who could help the

432College of Law achiev e and retain full accreditation.

4412. Like other state universities , College of Law faculty

450members are either on a nine - month (academic calendar), ten -

462month, or 12 - month (annual calendar) contract. A 12 - month

474contract is justified when a faculty member has regular year -

485round teach ing , research, and/or administrative dut ies.

4933 . In late 2008, P etitioner was first contacted by the

505Dean of the College of Law, LeRoy Pernell, regarding a teaching

516position for the upcoming school year 2009 - 2010 . By letter

528dated February 26, 2009, Dean Pernell informed Petitioner that

537he would recommend his appointment as a tenured, full professor

547under a nine - month contract at a salary of $177,000.00 . See

561Pet'r Ex. 1.

5644 . Had he returned to Stetson f or the 2009 - 2010 academic

578year, Petitioner's base salary would have been $154,230.00, plus

"588be nefit costs , " including a summer teaching supplement and a

598tuition - matching program for his family , which totaled more than

609Dean Pernell's initial offer. See Pet'r Ex. 3. Accordingly,

618Petitioner rejected the offer and asked for a compensation

627package of around $200,000.00.

6325 . Although Dean Pernell had no authority to establish a

643salary level, he agreed to recommend that Petitioner receive a

653salary of $18 0 ,000.00 for a nine - month faculty contract , rather

666than $177,000.00, and t o "commit to providing a f unded summer

679research grant to equal no less than $15,000 for summer s 2010 -

6932012, assuming continuing availability of funding ." See P et'r

703Ex. 2. These proposed changes were handwritten on the initial

713offer letter previously tende re d by Dean Pernell.

7226 . D ean Pernell's offer letter required that Petitioner

732work 12 months -- nine months as a professor and three months in

745a research role. Th e new offer was memorialized by the Dean in

758a third version of the initial offer letter dated February 26,

7692009 . As th e testimony at hearing confirmed , the final version

781of the letter simply incorporated Dean Pernell's hand written

790changes found on the second version and read s in pertinent part

802as follows:

804This is to advise you that by a vote of the

815faculty and my full sup port, I am

823recommending that you be appointed to the

830faculty of the Florida A&M University

836College of Law as a professor. The formal

844letter of offer from the Senior Vice

851President and Provost of Florida A&M

857University is forthcoming. This

861recommendation is as a tenured Professor

867[of] Law. The recommendation is that this

874appointment be effective commencing with the

8802009 - 2010 academic year and commencing with

888a salary of $180,000.00 for a 9 month

897contract. In addition, I will recommend

903that the College of Law commit to providing

911you a funded summer research grant equal to

919no less than $15,000.00 for the summers

9272010 - 201 2 , assuming continued availability

934of fund s .

938See also Jt. Ex. 9, p. 3.

9457 . The authority to make formal employment and salary

955offers to fa culty members lies with the Provost and Vice

966President for Academic Affairs , who at that time was Dr. Cynthia

977Hughes - Harris . See FAMU Reg. 1.021 ; Jt. Ex. 2 . She was not

992required to accept the recommendation of Dean Pernell and could

1002make an offer that fi t within FAMU's administrative and budget

1013considerations. Dean Pernell made this clear during his

1021negotiations with Petitioner.

10248 . On April 20 , 2009, Provost Hughes - Harris informed

1035Petitioner by letter that FAMU was offering him a full - time

1047position wit h the College of Law. The letter stated in part as


1061I am pleased to offer you a 12 month, full -

1072time position as a full Professor and also,

1080Associate Dean for Research & Faculty

1086Development in the College of Law. Your

1093position as professor is with tenure,

1099subject to the approval of the Board of

1107Trustees. The Board of Trustees will

1113meet regarding this matter no later than

1120June 2009. The annual salary of $180,000

1128with a $20,000 stipend for administrative

1135responsibilities will be paid on a bi - we ekly

1145rate of $7,662.83. The appointment period

1152is for the fiscal year , which will begin on

1161July 1, 2009 and end on June 30, 2010.

1170Jt. Ex. 1.

11739 . While Provost Hughes - Harris' offer essentially matched

1183the compensation recommended by Dean Pernell, the terms of the

1193offer deviated in two material respects. First, rather than a

1203nine - month faculty contract, Petitioner was offered a 12 - month

1215faculty contract. Second, rather than a "summer research grant"

1224to supplement his salary, he was offered a 12 - month position as

1237Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development , which

1245required that he perform administrative duties on a year - round

1256basis . B ecause of administrative duties, his teaching

1265responsibilities were limited to a " maximum of two courses per

1275academ ic year while Associate Dean. " Id. The bottom line here

1286is that Petitioner was offered the same compensation recommended

1295by Dean Pernell, but he now had year - round administrative


130710 . Petitioner voluntarily accepted the offer on April 28,

13172009. See Jt. Ex. 1 , p. 2.

13241 1 . At hearing, Provost Hughes - Harris denied ever

1335receiving a copy of any offer letter by Dean Pernell , except the

1347initial offer letter of $177,000.00. However, Provost Hughes -

1357Harris did not make employment and salary offers without

1366conferring with the recommending dean, and she acknowledged that

1375there "was certainly conversation" with Dean Pernell before the

1384offer letter was tendered. While she could not recall any

1394details regarding that conversation, she recalled that her offer

1403let ter was for a 12 - month faculty contract, and there was no way

1418to "blend" a nine - month teaching contract with a 12 - month

1431administrat or contract . This is because a nine - month position

1443and a 12 - month position require separate contracts and cannot be

1455combined .

14571 2 . Each employment contract signed by Petitioner included

1467the following conditions:

1470This Employment Contract between Florida A&M

1476University Board of Trustees (FAMU) and the

1483Employee is subject to the Constitution and

1490laws of the State of Florida as

1497con stitutionally permissible, and the

1502regulations, policies and procedures of

1507[the] U.S. and the Florida Board of

1514Governors and FAMU as now existing or

1521hereafter promulgated.

1523* * *

1526This Employment Contract supersedes any and

1532all prior agreements, co ntracts,

1537understandings, and communications between

1541the Employee and FAMU, whether written or

1548oral, expressed or implied, relating to the

1555subject matter of this Employment Contract

1561and is intended as a complete and final

1569expression of the terms of the Empl oyment

1577Contract between FAMU and the Employee and

1584shall not be changed or subject to change


1593Jt. Ex. 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

16011 3 . Petitioner commenced employment with the College of

1611Law in July 2009 and continued working as Associate Dean and a

1623full Pro fessor until the summer of 2015. During that period of

1635time, he taught at least one class in the fall and spring

1647semesters and performed administrative duties as Associate Dean

1655on a year - round basis. By th en , regular pay adjustments had

1668increased h is bas e salary for fiscal year July 1, 2015, through

1681June 30, 2016, to $1 8 9,304.30 , plus a supplement of $20,000.00

1695as Associate Dean . See Jt. Ex. 6.

17031 4 . When Dean Pernell stepped down as Dean in the summer

1716of 2015, by letter dated June 15, 201 5 , the new Pro vost and Vice

1731President for Academic Affairs, Marcella David, appointed

1738Petitioner Interim Dean while a search for a new Dean was

1749undertaken. Besides the base salary and supplement he already

1758received as Associate Dean , Petitioner was given an additional

1767supplement of $10,000.00 for serving as Interim Dean , for a

1778total supplement of $ 30,000.00. See Jt. Ex. 8.

17881 5 . On June 26, 2015, Petitioner voluntarily signed the

1799offer letter confirming his acceptance. Id.

18051 6 . Provost David's letter informed Petit ioner that "upon

1816cessation of [his] appointment as Interim Dean of the College of

1827Law and return to the position of Associate Dean," his salary

1838would "be adjusted consistent with applicable FAMU Board of

1847Trustee Regulations and Policies ." Id. This obviou sly meant

1857that once a new Dean was hired, and he reassumed the position of

1870Associate Dean , he would no longer receive the extra $10,000.00


18821 7 . For the first time, the letter specifically advised

1893Petitioner to be aware of Regulation 10.102 an d Policy 2005 - 15 .

1907Id. Prior to that time, no reference to specific regulations or

1918policies was made . However, each employment contract placed him

1928on notice t hat all FAMU policies and regulations appl ied to

1940employment contracts . 1/

19441 8 . Regulation 10.10 2 and Policy 2005 - 15 govern pay

1957actions when faculty members serving in an administrative

1965position return to a faculty only position. This meant that if

1976Petitioner resumed full - time teaching with no administrative

1985duties, he would be subject to the terms of those provisions.

19961 9 . B efore signing the June 15, 2015 , offer letter,

2008Petitioner did not ask how the Regulation and Policy would

2018affect his base salary if he returned to a full - time faculty

2031position since more than likely he assumed he would again se rve

2043as Associate Dean and a tenured p rofessor.

205120 . Subsection s (11) and (12) of Regulation 10.102 read as


2064(11) When the assignment of Faculty serving

2071in an administrative position such as Vice

2078President, Dean, Director, or Department

2083Chair is ch anged, the pay and appointment

2091period shall be adjusted to reflect the new

2099responsibilities. Pay adjustments shall be

2104completed in accordance with the Board of

2111Trustees Policy 2005 - 15 (Separation and

2118Return of Senior Administrative and Academic

2124Officers t o Faculty), as now or hereafter


2133(12) An employee's base salary shall be

2140adjusted 81.8 percent when changing from a

2147twelve - month appointment to a nine - month

2156appointment. An employee's base salary

2161shall be adjusted by 122.2 percent when

2168changing from a nine - month appointment to a

2177twelve - month appointment.

2181Jt. Ex. 10, p. 2.

21862 1 . Section IV . , Policy 2005 - 15, "Salary upon Change in

2200Assignment to a Faculty Position , " describes three ways in which

2210to calculate an employee's salary after being reassign ed from an

2221administrative to faculty position. It reads as follows:

2229A. New Hire as Administrator

2234If the employee was hired upon initial

2241appointment as an administrator, his or her

2248new salary will be the median salary of the

2257employees within the same pro fessorial rank

2264and discipline.

2266B. Tenured Faculty Prior to Becoming an


2274If the employee was previously a tenured

2281faculty member prior to becoming an

2287administrator, his or her new salary will be

2295the salary held by the employee immediately

2302prior to the time of the administrative

2309appointment and any increases received by

2315the faculty during the time of service as an

2324administrator. These separate compensations

2328will be noted in the appointment letter.

2335C. Other Consideration

2338Notwithstanding the provisions of IV.A. and

2344IV.B., any agreed upon salary arrangement

2350negotiated by the President or President's

2356designee upon appointment as an

2361administrator shall also be considered.

2366Jt. Ex. 3, p. 2.

23712 2 . On January 4, 2016, A. Felecia Epps was select ed

2384as the new D ean of the College of Law, with a start date of

2399January 4, 2016. After assuming the position, Dean Epps

2408restructured the College of Law leadership and its personnel .

2418A determination was made that Petitioner would not continue in

2428his r ole as Associate Dean and he would return to a full - time

2443position as instructional faculty .

24482 3 . B ecause Petitioner no longer had the position and

2460responsibilities as Associate Dean, and would work only nine

2469months each year as a p rofess or , he was tender ed a new contract

2484on March 3, 2016, which adjusted his base salary downward from

2495$ 18 9 ,3 04.00 to $148,306.00. See Jt. Ex. 5. This calculation

2509was consistent with Regulation 10.102(12). The term of

2517employment was from August 1, 2016, through May 5, 2017, with no

2529special supplements or conditions. The new salary represented

2537compensation based on a nine - month contract as a professor

2548rather than a 12 - month contract with dual duties .

25592 4 . According to P rovost David, who tendered the offer,

2571this salary adjus tment was in accord with s ection IV. A . , Policy

25852005 - 15 , which governs salary changes for employees who are

2596reassigned from an administrative position to a faculty position

2605and were hired upon initial appointment as an administrator.

2614She explained that Pet itioner was initially hired by the College

2625of Law as Associate Dean , and upon cessation of that

2635appointment, s ection IV.A. provides that the employee's new

2644salary "be the median salary of the employees within the same

2655professorial rank and discipline." Sh e further explained that

2664t he provision assumes the person being appointed as a new

2675administrator is a faculty member , as it would not otherwise

2685refer to the employee as having a professorial rank. This

2695interpretation of the Policy is a re a sonable one and not clearly


27092 5 . On March 7, 2016, Petitioner filed a grievance arguing

2721that he was entitled to the same compensation ($18 0,000 .00)

2733agreed upon when he was initially hired as a professor in 2009,

2745plus annual accruals . On March 18, 2016, P etitio ner signed the

2758contract under protest and subject to his grievance . See

2768Jt. Ex. 5.

27712 6 . The current median salary of faculty members in the

2783College of L aw is $148,306.00 , which is the same as the adjusted

2797salary first offered Petitioner in March 201 6 . Petitioner

2807points out, however, that a t least three current College of Law

2819faculty members of similar experience and expertise, hired just

2828before or after he was hired in 2009 , were given nine - month

2841employment contracts with a base salary of around $18 0,000.00 .

28532 7 . Ten days before the final hearing, Provost David

2864tendered Petitioner another employment contract that increased

2871his annual base salary from $148,306.00 to $154,850.92. See

2882Jt. Ex. 4. Th e rationale for th is increase was first outlined

2895in Provost David 's memorandum dated May 13, 2016, which denied

2906Petitioner's Step Two grievance. See Jt. Ex. 9 , p. 6 . A s

2919further explained by Provost David at hearing, by "generously"

2928interpret ing section IV. C . , Petitioner's appointment as Interim

2938Dean coul d be treated " as a new appointment as an administrator

2950with a base salary identified there on a 12 - month basis of

2963$189,000 and change, which allowed me to add approximately

2973$6,000 to the median salary that was calculated under

2983Paragraph A."

29852 8 . Facult y members with a 12 - month contract accrue both

2999vacation and sick leave. A nine - month faculty member does not.

3011Petitioner is aware of this distinction. After this dispute

3020arose, Petitioner requested a pay - out of his unused accrued

3031vacation leave and was given $31,912.32.


30412 9 . This matter was heard pursuant to a contract between

3053FAMU and DOAH. See FAMU Reg. 10 - 206(9).

306230 . The burden of proof is on Petitioner to establish by a

3075preponderance of the evidence that he is entitled to t he

3086requested relief. See FAMU Reg. 10.206(3) ; § 120.57(1)( j), Fla.

3096Stat .

309831 . Section 1012.80(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2016),

3105provides in part :

3109(b) Any person who accepts the privilege

3116extended by the laws of this state of

3124employment at any state univ ersity shall, by

3132working at such institution, be deemed to

3139have given his or her consent to the

3147policies of that institution, the policies

3153of the Board of Governors, and the laws of

3162this state . . . .

316832. Section IV . , Policy 2005 - 15 , governs the process for

3180determining the salary of an employee upon change in assignment

3190from an administrative position to a faculty position. The

3199evidence clearly shows that Petitioner was initially hired under

3208a 12 - month contract with dual administrative and teaching

3218resp onsibilities . After being reassigned to a teaching position

3228only, his employment contract was converted from a 12 - month

3239appointment with year - round duties to a nine - month faculty

3251appointment . Thus , he is subject to th e policy. By

3262interpreting th e policy in a manner that is most favorable to

3274Petitioner , he is entitled to a base salary of $154, 850.92 under

3286a nine - month contract .

329233. Petitioner argues the 2009 contract is ambiguous and

3301extrinsic evidence should be considered to determine the

3309parties' int ent when he signed the contract . Barnett v. Destiny

3321Owners Ass'n , Inc. , 856 So. 2d 1090, 1092 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003).

3333Because of this ambiguity, he contends one must look at the

3344negotiations between h im and Dean Pernell in order to determine

3355what the partie s intended. Petitioner asserts that the offer

3365letter from Dean Pernell shows that the parties clearly intended

3375that he be hired under a nine - month teaching contract.

338634. There is no ambiguity in the contracts. The Provost's

3396initial offer letter, the 20 09 contract, and all subsequent

3406contracts explicitly spell out that Petitioner was offered a

"341512 month, full - time position as a full Professor" with

3426additional year - round administrative duties. At hearing,

3434Petitioner acknowledged that he knew the differe nce between a

3444nine - month and 12 - month contract, and he agreed the 2009

3457contract stated it was for a term of 12 months. Moreover, each

3469contract includes language that the contract supersede s any and

3479all prior agreements, understandings, and communications between

3486the employee and FAMU.

349035 . Petitioner also contends there is no evidence that

3500Provost Hughes - Harris rejected Dean Pernell's offer. The

3509accepted evidence belies this assertion. Petitioner further

3516argues that Policy 2005 - 15 was never mentioned in the first

3528offer letter or contract . However, the first paragraph in each

3539contract Petitioner signed provides that the employee is subject

3548to the regulations, policies, and procedures of FAMU.

355636. All other arguments have been considered and rejected.

35653 7 . Because the new base salary complies with the Policy

3577and Regulation of FAMU , the grievance should be denied .


3588Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3598Law, it is

3601RECOMMENDED that Florida A &M University enter a final ord er

3612denying Petitioner's Step Three grievance.

3617DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of November, 201 6 , in

3628Talla hassee, Leon County, Florida.



3638Administrative Law Judge

3641Division of Administrative Hearings

3645The DeSoto Building

36481230 Apalachee Parkway

3651Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3656(850) 488 - 9675

3660Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3667Filed with the Clerk of the

3673Division of Administrative Hearings

3677this 3rd day of November , 201 6 .


36861/ Petitioner was well aware of the ramifications of the Policy

3697and Regulation before that time, as another College of Law

3707faculty member, Markita Cooper, filed a grievance over the same

3717salary issue w hen she stepped down as Associate Dean for Academic

3729Affairs and returned to a full - time teaching position i n school

3742year 2012 - 2013 . See Resp. Ex. 6.


3753Shira R. T homas, Acting General Counsel

3760Florida A&M University

3763FHAC, Suite 304

37661700 Lee Hall Drive

3770Tallahassee, Florida 32307 - 3100


3776Darryll K. Jones

377910609 Arbor View Boulevard

3783Orlan do, Florida 32825 - 4479


3790Olorunfunmi O. Ojetayo, Esquire

3794Florida A&M University

3797FHAC , Suite 304

38001700 Lee Hall Drive

3804Tallahassee, Florida 32307 - 3100



3816All parties have the right to submit written ex ceptions within

3827ten days of the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3838to this Recommended Order should be filed with the University.

3848FAMU Reg. 10.206(9)(c).

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: (Exhibit "A") Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/17/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 11/17/2016
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 11/14/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Ana Gargollo McDonald) filed.
Date: 11/03/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 11/03/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 11/03/2016
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held August 18, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 10/27/2016
Proceedings: Respondent`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 10/26/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 09/27/2016
Proceedings: Transcript (not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 09/06/2016
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 09/06/2016
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 08/18/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion in Limine filed.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to take Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Exhibits (1&2) filed.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing of Proposed Exhibits for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/15/2016
Proceedings: (Joint) Motion to Take Testimony via Phone or Videoconference filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Amended Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion in Limine to Exclude Parol Evidence filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Joint Exhibits 1-9 and Respondent's Exhibits 1-2 filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Notice of Filing Proposed Exhibits for Final Hearing filed.
Date: 08/12/2016
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 07/07/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 07/07/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for August 18, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 07/06/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Olorunfunmi Ojetayo) filed.
Date: 06/28/2016
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Request for Step 3 Review filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Denial of Step Two Process filed.
Date: 06/27/2016
Proceedings: Agency Referral filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (2):