Judah Williams vs.
Eastern Shipyard
Status: Closed
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, October 3, 2016.
Settled and/or Dismissed prior to entry of RO/FO on Monday, October 3, 2016.
15JUDA H WILLIAMS , EEO C Cas e No . 15D20150055 8
26Petitioner , FCH R Cas e No . 2015-0091 6
35v . DOA H Cas e No . 16-428 8
45EASTER N SHIPYARD , FCH R Orde r No . 16-06 2
56Respondent .
81Thi s g Closin r Orde e th f o n consideratio r n Commissio e th e befor s i r matte fo File , date d
108Octobe r 3 , 2016 , y b r matte above-style d th n i d issue e Administrativ e La w Judg e Bruc R . e
134McKibben .
136Finding s o f Fac t an d Conclusion s o f La w
150Judg e McKibben' s orde r reflect s tha t Petitione r d faile t o compl y wit h th a n orde r o f e
178Administrativ e La w Judge . Specifically , , 23 r n o Septembe 2016 , Judg e McKibbe n a issue d n
199Orde r Compellin g Response s o t s partie e th g requirin e Grantin g d an y Discover o t Continuanc fil e
225a cas e statu s r Septembe n tha r o 30 n t repor late , . 2016 A s o f th e dat e befor y currentl r o e th f orde e
261th e t d ha no Petitione , Commission r filed a respons e directed a s .
278W e not e that , generally , Commissio n panel s e hav conclude d tha t a Petitioner' s failur e t o
301respon d t o order s o f a n Administrativ e La w e Judg amount s t o a voluntar y dismissa l o f th e
330Petitio n fo r Relief . See , generally , , Apartments l Marshal . v a Varon LLC , FCH R Orde r No . 15 -
35406 2 (Octobe r 14 , 2015) , Noe l Inc. . Services e Wholesal d an C . v S . FCH R Orde r No . 15-04 4
382(Jul y 31 , 2015) , Morga n v . Ski n r Associates Cance . FCH R Orde r No . 15-03 5 (Jun e 10 , 2015) ,
408Herar d v . MasTec . Inc. . FCH R Orde r No . 4 13-03 (Ma y 1 , 2013) , Cawle v v . Primros e Center ,
435Inc. , FCH R Orde r No . 12-00 9 (Februar y 21 , , 2012) Roundtree . e t al . v . Adveni r a t Stonelake .
462LLC , FCH R Orde r No . 11-06 9 (Augus t 30 , , 2011) o Bigger s v . Room s T Go r Orde No FCH , R .
49009-04 5 (Ma y 12 , 2009) , Bank l Nationa e Riversid . v k Shoo . FCH R Orde r No . 08-02 9
514(Ma y 6 , 2008) , Clifto n v . Krvs . e t al. . FCH R Orde r No . 07-06 2 (Novembe r 7 , 2007) , Bordonar o
542v . Inc. , Association Condominiu r Heathe e m t a n Gree e Th th . No r FCH R , Orde 07-01 0 (Februar y
56814 , 2007) , Butle r v . Th e Peps i Bottlin g Group , FCH R Orde r No . 06-10 7 (Decembe r 4 , 2006) ,
593Castellano s v . Expres s Ne t Airline s Pilot s Association . No r . R FCH Orde 05-06 1 (Jun e 15 , 2005) ,
619Mavfiel d f y Haberdasher o Karl' . v s Florida . Inc. 04-02 h (Marc 0 . . r Orde R FCH No 10 , 2004) ,
645an d Corrections f o t a Departmen . v y Kenn Florid . 0 02-02 No . Orde R FCH r (Jun e 2002) 3 , .
672Base d o n th e foregoing , r fo n Petitio e th t tha e conclud e w Relie f shoul d b e dismissed .
699FCH R Orde r No . 16-06 2
707Pag e 2
710Exception s
712Neithe r o f th e partie s filed exception s w La e Administrativ o th t e Judge' s Closin Orde r g
737File .
739Dismissa l
741Th e f o Complain d an t Relie r fo n Petitio f Discriminatio n ar e DISMISSE D wit h prejudice .
765Th e partie s hav e th e righ t t o see k l judicia th d an n Commissio e Th . s thi f o w revie Order e
797appropriat e f e notic e receiv t mus o Appea f o t Cour t l Distric appea l n withi 3 0 day s o f th e dat e thi s
831Orde r i s filed wit h o t t righ e th f o n Explanatio e Commission e th f o k Cler . th appea l d foun i i s n
866Sectio n 120.68 , Florid a Statutes , a Florid e th i d an n Rule s o f Appellat e Procedur e 9.110 .
890DON E AN D ORDERE D thi s 3 _ da y of /^£d&^C^~_, 2016 .
920Commissione r Rebecc a Steele , Pane l Chairperson ;
928Commissione r Deric k Daniel ; an d
935Commissione r Gilber t M . Singe r
943File d thi s da y o f 2016 ,
952i n Tallahassee , Florida .
957Cler k
959Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
967407 5 Esplanad e Way , Roo m 11 0
976Tallahassee , F L 3239 9
981(850 ) 488-708 2
985Copie s furnishe d to :
991Juda h William s
995c/ o Rober t L . Thirston , II , Esq .
1005Thirsto n La w Offic e
1011Pos t Offic e Bo x 1961 7
1019Panam a Cit y Beach , F L 3241 7
1028FCH R Orde r No . 16-06 2
1036Pag e 3
1039Easter n Shipyar d
1043c/ o Adrienn e L . Conrad , Esq .
1052c/ o Jennife r Shoa f Richardson , Esq .
1061Jackso n Lewis , LL P
106650 1 Riversid e Ave. , Ste . 90 2
1075Jacksonville , F L 3220 2
1080R . Bruc e McKibben , Administrativ e La w Judge , DOA H
1092Jame s Mallue , Lega l Adviso r fo r Commissio n Pane l
1105I s ha foregoin e th f o g t tha Y CERTIF Y HEREB fycopy bee n e th o maile d t abov e liste d
1133Florid a Commissio n o n Huma n Relation s
- Date
- Proceedings
- PDF:
- Date: 12/08/2016
- Proceedings: Agency Final Order Dismissing Petition for Relief from an Unlawful Employment Practice filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 09/23/2016
- Proceedings: Order Compelling Responses to Discovery and Granting Continuance (parties to advise status by September 30, 2016).
- PDF:
- Date: 09/07/2016
- Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Compel Discovery Responses and Continue Administrative Hearing filed.
- PDF:
- Date: 08/08/2016
- Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing (hearing set for October 5 and 6, 2016; 9:00 a.m., Central Time; Panama City, FL; amended as to Time Only).
Case Information
- Judge:
- Date Filed:
- 07/27/2016
- Date Assignment:
- 07/28/2016
- Last Docket Entry:
- 12/08/2016
- Location:
- Panama City, Florida
- District:
- Northern
- Agency:
Tammy S Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record -
Adrienne L. Conrad, Esquire
Address of Record -
Jennifer Shoaf Richardson, Associate
Address of Record -
Robert L. Thirston, Esquire
Address of Record -
Jennifer Shoaf Richardson, Esquire
Address of Record -
Tammy S. Barton, Agency Clerk
Address of Record