16-006127RU Stephen J. Williams, As A Trustee For The Sparkhill Trust vs. Florida Department Of Highway Safety And Motor Vehicles
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Friday, March 3, 2017.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner proved, by a preponderance of the evidence, that two agency statements were unadopted rules that violate section 120.54(1)(a).






19vs. Case No. 16 - 6127RU






37A final hearing in this case was conducted on December 12,

482016, pursuant to sections 120.56(4), 120.569, and 1 20.57(1),

57Florida Statutes. 1/ Administrative Law Judge ("ALJ") Cathy M.

68Sellers convened the hearing at the Divi sion of Administrative

78Hearings ("DOAH") in Tallahassee, Florida. Respondent, Florida

87Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, appeared at

96DOAH. Petitioner, Stephen J. Williams, as Trustee for the

105Sparkhill Trust, appeared by telephone. 2/


113For Petitioner: Stephen J. Williams

1181019 Southeast 4th Place

122Cape Coral, Florida 33990 - 1521

128For Respondent: Yale H. Olenick, Esquire

134Department of Highway Safety

138and Motor Veh icles

1422900 Apalachee Parkway, Room A - 432

149Tallahassee, Florida 32399


156Whether two policy statements issued by Respondent, TL - 10

166and RS/TL 14 - 18, are unadopted rules, as defined in section

178120.52(20), Florida Statutes, that violate section 120.54(1)(a) ,

185Florida Statutes . 3/


191On October 17, 2016, Petitioner filed a Petition for Hearing

201challenging a portion of the Florida Department of Highway Safety

211and Motor Vehicles' Procedure Manu al TL - 10, dated April 30, 2014

224("TL - 10") , 4/ and Technical Advisory RS/TL 14 - 18 ("RS/TL 14 - 18") ,

243dated October 20, 2014, as unadopted and invalid rules. 5/ On

254October 27, 2016, the undersigned issued an Order Memorializing

263Agreed Schedule for Filing Motions and Responses, which, among

272other things, limited the issue in this proceeding to whether the

283Challenged Statements were unadopted rules. On November 18,

2912016, Petitioner filed an amended Petition for Hearing ("Amended

301Petition"), which was accepted as t he operative rule challenge

312petition in this proceeding.

316The final hearing initially was scheduled for November 14,

3252016, but was rescheduled to December 12, 2016. During the

335pendency of the proceeding, Petitioner filed multiple requests

343for summary fina l order and moved for a default judgment; all

355were denied. 6/ Respondent filed multiple requests to dismiss the

365proceeding; all were denied.

369The final hearing was held on December 12, 2016. Petitioner

379testified on his own behalf. Petitioner's Exhibits 1 through 3,

3895 through 11, and 14 through 18 were admitted into evidence

400without objection, and Petitioner's Exhibits 4, 12, and 13 were

410admitted into evidence over objection. Respondent did not

418present any witnesses or offer any exhibits for admission int o


430The one - volume Transcript was filed on December 27, 2016.

441The deadline for filing proposed final orders was extended to

451January 13, 2017. On January 13, 2017, Respondent timely filed

461its Proposed Final Order, which was duly considered in pr eparing

472this Final Order. Petitioner did not file a p roposed f inal

484o rder. 7/


491I. The Parties

4941. Petitioner is a co - trustee of the Sparkhill Trust (the

"506Trust"), which was created in July 2009.

5142. Opinicus Sentinel, LLC ("Opinicus Sentin el") currently

524is a co - trustee of the Trust, and has been a trustee of the Trust

540since its creation. Barbara Williams is the manager of Opinicus

550Sentinel, and has served in that capacity since its creation. 8/

5613. Petitioner was appointed a s a trustee of t he Trust on

574October 11, 2016. 9/

5784. The Trust owns a 2001 Porsche 996/911 Turbo motor

588vehicle (here in after, "Vehicle"). Solely for purposes of this

599proceeding, 10/ the Vehicle Identification Number ("VIN") of the

610Vehicle is WP0ZZZ99Z1S682830, as alleged in the Amended Petition.

619As of the final hearing, the Vehicle was located in Germany.

630During all times relevant to this proceeding, the Vehicle was

640located in a foreign country.

6455 . Respondent is the state agency responsible for, among

655other things, i mplementing and administering chapter 319, Florida

664Statutes, governing the issuance of certificates of title for

673motor vehicles. See § 319.17, Fla. Stat.

680II. Background and Events Giving Rise to This Proceeding

6896 . On or about September 30, 2014, Opinic us Sentinel ÏÏ at

702that time, the sole trustee of the Trust ÏÏ submitted an

713application consisting of completed Form 82040 11/ and supporting

722documentation to the Lee County Tax Collector ("Tax Collector") 12/

734on behalf of the Trust, requesting issuance of a cert ificate of

746title for the Vehicle in the name of the Trust. The application

758included a letter from a motor vehicle dealer in London, Ontario,

769Canada, stating that the dealer had inspected the Vehicle and

779that the Vehicle's VIN is WP0ZZZ99Z1S682830.

7857 . On or about October 22, 2014, the Tax Collector sent a

798letter to Ms. Williams, as manager of Opinicus Sentinel, stating

808that the application for certificate of title could not be

818processed "because all used vehicles coming into Florida from a

828foreign country must have the Vehicle Identification Number

836verified by a Division of Motorist Services Compliance Examiner."

8458 . When asked for further explanation, the Tax Collector

855responded by electronic mail ("email"):

862The Lee County Tax Collector is a

869Constituti onal Office that provides the

875services of the Department of Highway Safety

882and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). As such, we are

890bound by both statutory and department

896procedural guidance. Procedures often are

901entitled Technical Advisories. The technical

906advisory relied upon by this office indicates

913that all used vehicles coming into Florida

920from a foreign country must have the VIN

928verified by a Division of Motorist Services

935Compliance Examiner as referenced in TL - 10 in

944effect on the date the correspondence was

951dr afted.

953Email from Tax Collector to Barbara Williams , dated October 27,

9632014 (emphasis added).

966This email directed Ms. Williams to contact Respondent if the

976trustee wished to challenge the denial of the application for

986certificate of title for the Vehi cle.

9939. On November 3, 2014, Ms. Williams contacted Respondent,

1002asserting that the Tax Collector's denial of the application for a

1013certificate of title violated section 319.23(3)(a)2, Florida


102110 . Also on that date, Ms. Williams filed a P etitio n for

1035A dministrative H earing with Respondent on behalf of Opinicus

1045Sentinel, challenging TL - 10 as an invalid and unadopted rule

1056pursuant to section 120.56(4). 13/

106111. On November 24, 2014, Respondent sent a letter to

1071Ms. Williams, refusing to issue the requested certificate of

1080title. The letter stated:

1084A fter researching the issue identified in your

1092letter, the Department stands by the decision

1099made by . . . [the Lee County Tax Collector] .

1110Section 319.23(a)(2), Florida Statutes, states

1115that, '[a]n ap propriate departmental form

1121evidencing that a physical examination has

1127been made of the motor vehicle by the owner

1136and by a duly constituted law enforcement

1143officer in any state, a licensed motor vehicle

1151dealer, a license inspector as provided by

1158s. 320.5 8, or a notary public commissioned by

1167this state and that the vehicle identification

1174number shown on such form is identical to the

1183vehicle identification number shown on the

1189motor vehicle.

1191Letter from Respondent to Barbara Williams , dated November 24,

1200201 4 (emphasis added).

120412. The letter further stated:

1209However, section 319.23(11), Florida Statutes,

1214states that, '[t]he Department shall use

1220security procedures, processes, and materials

1225in the preparation and issuance of each

1232certificate of title to pro hibit to the extent

1241possible a person's ability to alter,

1247counterfeit, duplicate, or modify the

1252certificate of title.'

1255In the case at bar, the Department is choosing

1264to implement the language found in 319.23(11)

1271to ensure that the certificate of title is

1279issued correctly. The Department has the

1285authority to require VIN verifications on

1291vehicles entering the state of Florida from a

1299foreign country before a title can be issued.

130713. In subsequent correspondence to Ms. Williams, dated

1315December 18, 2014, Re spondent stated:

1321I can only again point you to s. 319.23(11).

1330Since April of 2000 the Department's policy is

1338to require all used vehicles coming into

1345Florida from a foreign country to have the VIN

1354verified by a Motor Vehicle Field Office

1361Compliance Exam iner prior to being titled.

1368* * *

1371I have included a copy of the Department's

1379Technical Advisory, TL 14 - 18, which explains

1387the Department's policy in depth. [ 14/ ]

139514. On December 18, 2014, Respondent referred Opinicus

1403Sentinel's P etition for A dministrative H earing to DOAH. The case

1415was assigned DOAH Case No. 14 - 6005. On March 3, 2015, Opinicus

1428Sentinel withdrew the petition , and the DOAH case file for Case

1439No. 14 - 6005 was closed .

144615. Notwithstanding that Case No. 14 - 6005 was pending at

1457DOAH, on February 25, 2015 , Respondent sent Ms. Williams a letter

1468dismissing the previously - filed petition for administrative

1476hearing with leave to file an amended petition. The letter also

1487asserted an additional basis 15/ for Respondent's denial of the

1497certifi cate of title for the Vehicle, specifically:

1505Because the vehicle to be titled is not

1513currently in Florida, clearly the vehicle will

1520not be operated on the roads of Florida.

1528Accordingly, the vehicle cannot be registered

1534in Florida and the titling provisio ns of

1542Chapter 319, Fla. Stat., do not apply.

1549Therefore, the application for title you

1555submitted to the Lee County Tax Collector

1562pursuant to section 319.23, Fla. Stat. will

1569not be approved.

157216. While DOAH Case No. 14 - 6005 was pending, Stephen J.

1584William s, as beneficiary of the Trust, filed a Petition for

1595Administrative Hearing challenging both TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as

1608unadopted and invalid rules pursuant to section 120.56(4). That

1617case was assigned DOAH Case No. 15 - 0484 a nd ultimately was

1630dismissed by F in al O rder dated March 25, 2015. 16/

164217. As previously noted, on October 11, 2016, Petitioner was

1652appointed a s a co - trustee of the Trust.

166218. On October 17, 2016, Petitioner, as a trustee of the

1673Trust, initiated this proceeding by filing a Petition fo r

1683Administrative Hearing, again challenging both TL - 10 and

1692RS/TL 14 - 18 as unadopted and invalid rules. As noted above, the

1705scope of this proceeding subsequently was narrowed to eliminate

1714the challenge to the substantive invalidity of TL - 10 and

1725RS/TL 14 - 18, so that the sole issue in this proceeding is whether

1739TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are unadopted rules that violate

1752section 120.54(1) (a) .

1756The Challenged Statements: TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18

176719. TL - 10, identified by the Tax Collector as the original

1779basis for denial of issuance of the certification of title for the

1791Vehicle, went into effect on April 30, 2014. The portion of TL - 10

1805pertinent to this proceeding states:


1813* * *

1816B. Vehicle identification number (VIN)

1821verifi cations are to be completed by the


1830* * *

18332. VIN verification may be done by one of the


1844* * *

1847c. Florida Division of Motorist Services

1853(DMS) Compliance Examiner, DMS or tax

1859collector employees.

1861* * *

1864NOTE: All USED vehicles coming into Florida

1871from a foreign country, including dealer

1877transactions, MUST have the VIN verified by a

1885DMS Compliance Examiner.

188820. Technical Advisory RS/TL 14 - 18 is titled

"1897Motor Vehicles Coming Into Florida from a Fore ign

1906Country." It states in pertinent part:

1912All used vehicles coming into Florida from a

1920foreign country (including dealer

1924transactions) must have the vehicle

1929identification number verified by a Motor

1935Vehicle Field Office Compliance Examiner prior

1941to being titled.

1944* * *

1947The Regional Motor Vehicle Field Office staff

1954will perform an inspection of the vehicle that

1962includes verification of the public VIN,

1968confidential VIN or secondary VIN,

1973manufacturerÓs label or letterhead letter that

1979states complia nce with US vehicle standards,

1986computer checks of NMVTIS/NICB data - bases, and

1994a review of documentation showing vehicle

2000clearance through US Customs (if applicable).

2006Copies of these documents, including a copy of

2014the completed form HSMV 84044, will be

2021mai ntained in the regional office.

2027The VIN verification will be completed by the

2035compliance examiner on a form HSMV 84044, in

2043lieu of a form HSMV 82040 or HSMV 82042.

2052The compliance examiner will give the customer

2059the original required documentation (in cluding

2065the original complete form HSMV 84044). The

2072customer must submit all documentation to a

2079tax collectorÓs office or license plate agency

2086in order for him/her to apply for a Florida

2095Certificate of Title.

209821. The undisputed evidence establishes tha t neither TL - 10

2109nor RS/TL 14 - 18 have been adopted as rules pursuant to the

2122procedures prescribed in section 120.54.

212722. Respondent did not present any evidence showing that

2136rulemaking was not practicable or feasible.

2142Respondent's Position

214423. Respond ent admitted, in its Amended Responses to

2153Requests to Admissions served on Petitioner on November 21, 2016,

2163that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are intended to be, and are, of general

2180application; that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 implement, interpret, or

2193prescribe law or policy and/or describe the procedure or practice

2203requirements of Respondent; and that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 have

2217not been, and are not published in the Florida Administrative

22271 0

2229Code. Additionally, Respondent acknowledges that neither TL - 10

2238nor RS/TL 14 - 18 have been adopted as rules.

224824. Respondent takes the position that Petitioner lacks

2256standing to challenge TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as unadopted rules.

227025. Specifically, Respondent asserts that Petitioner has not

2278suffered a "real or immediate injury in f act" for purposes of

2290having standing because although the Tax Collector and Respondent

2299referred the Trust to TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as grounds for denial

2315of the certificate of title , they were not the " ultimate grounds "

2326on which the Trust was denied a certi ficate of title. On this

2339basis, Respondent asserts that it did not apply TL - 10 or

2351RS/TL 14 - 18 to Petitioner, so Petitioner did not suffer injury as

2364a result of application of these statements.

237126. Respondent further asserts that because Petitioner

2378cann ot meet the requirements in section 319.23 to be entitled to

2390issuance of a certificate of title for the Vehicle, Petitioner's

2400claimed injury in this proceeding is speculative and hypothetical.

240927. To this point, Respondent argues that Petitioner's

2417allege d injury in this proceeding is speculative because the Trust

2428has not satisfied the requirements of section 319.23 for purposes

2438of being entitled to issuance of a certificate of title.

2448Specifically, Respondent argues that because the Vehicle is not

2457physica lly present in the state of Florida, it is not being

2469operated on the roads of Florida, and because it is not being

2481operated on the roads of Florida, it is not required to be

2493registered or to obtain a certificate of title ÏÏ and, indeed,

2504cannot be registered and a certificate of title issued until it is

2516p hysically present in Florida. Accordingly, Respondent reasons,

2524until the Vehicle is physically present in Florida and thus

2534subject to registration and licensure requirements, TL - 10 and

2544RS/TL 14 - 18 were not, a nd cannot be, applied to determine whether

2558the certificate of title for the Vehicle should be issued.

256828. Also on this point, Respondent argues that Petitioner's

2577alleged injury is speculative because Petitioner did not meet the

2587requirement in section 31 9.23 that a physical examination of the

2598Vehicle be made by the owner and a motor vehicle dealer licensed

2610in the state of Florida.

261529. Respondent further asserts that Petitioner's a lleged

2623interest does not fall within the zone of interest of this

2634proceed ing. Specifically, Respondent argues that because the

2642Vehicle is located in a foreign country, Petitioner is unable to

2653establish that the Vehicle must be registered and a certificate of

2664title issued in Florida. Respondent concludes:

2670Because Petitioner cannot meet the burden of

2677establishing that the motor vehicle in

2683question is required to be licensed and

2690registered in Florida, and because he failed

2697to satisfy the application requirements of

2703section 319.23(3)(a)(2), he cannot meet the

2709burden of establish ing that any interest in

2717obtaining a certificate of title for the

2724vehicle in question is within the 'zone of

2732interests' to be protected and regulated.


27413 0. Subject to a determination that Petitioner has

2750standing, discussed below, DOAH h as jurisdiction over this

2759proceeding pursuant to sections 120.56(4), 120.569, and


276731. Section 120.56(4)(a) provides in pertinent part:

2774(a) Any person substantially affected by an

2781agency statement may seek an administrative

2787determination that t he statement violates

2793s. 120.54(1)(a). The petition shall include

2799the text of the statement or a description of

2808the statement and shall state with

2814particularity facts sufficient to show that

2820the statement constitutes an unadopted rule.

2826* * *

2829( d) The administrative law judge may

2836determine whether all or part of a statement

2844violates s. 120.54(1)(a). The decision of the

2851administrative law judge shall constitute a

2857final order.

2859(e) If an administrative law judge enters a

2867final order that all or part of an unadopted

2876rule violates s. 120.54(1)(a), the agency must

2883immediately discontinue all reliance upon the

2889statement or any substantially similar

2894statement as a basis for agency action.

290132. Petitioner bears the burden in this proceeding to prove ,

2911by a preponderance of the evidence, that the challenged statements

2921are unadopted rules that violate section 120.54(1)(a). See S.W.

2930Fla. Water Mg m t. Dist. v. Charlotte Cnty. , 774 So. 2d 903, 908

2944(Fla. 2d DCA 2001); see also Ag. for Pers. with Disab. v. C .B. ,

2958130 So. 3d 713, 717 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013).

2967TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 Are Unadopted Rules

297833. The term "rule" is defined in section 120.52(16) 17/ as:

"2989Rule" means each agency statement of general

2996applicability that implements, interprets, or

3001prescribes la w or policy or describes the

3009procedure or practice requirements of any

3015agency and includes any form which imposes any

3023requirement or solicits any information not

3029specifically required by statute or an

3035existing rule. The term also includes

3041amendment or rep eal of a rule.

304834. A statement of general applicability is a statement that

3058purports to affect not just a single person or singular

3068situations, but to a category or class of similarly - situated

3079persons or activities. See McCarthy v. Dep't of Ins. , 479 So. 2d

3091135 (Fla. 2d DCA 1985). Thus, the statement need not apply

3102universally to every person or activity within the agency's

3111jurisdiction; rather, it is sufficient that the statement apply

3120uniformly to a class of persons or activities over which an agen cy

3133exercises authority. See Dep't of High. Saf. & Motor Veh. v.

3144Schluter , 705 So. 2d 81, 83 (Fla. 1st DCA 1997).

315435 . Florida case law has expanded on the definition of rule

3166to include "those statements which are intended by their effect to

3177create right s, or to require compliance, or otherwise have the

3188direct and consistent effect of law. " State Dep't of Admin. v.

3199Harvey , 356 So. 2d 323, 325 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). See also Jenkins

3212v. State , 855 So.2d 1219 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003); Amos v. Dep't of

3225HRS , 444 So . 2d 43, 46 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983).

323636. Thus, if the agency statement treats all those with like

3247cases equally or requires affected persons to conform their

3256behavior to a common standard, and creates or extinguishes rights,

3266privileges, or entitlements, then the statement is a rule. See

3276Fla . Quarter Horse Racing Ass'n v. Dep't of Bus. and Prof 'l Reg. ,

3290Case No. 11 - 5796 RU ( Fla. DOAH Final Order May 6, 2013), aff'd sub

3306nom. Fla . Quarter Horse Track Ass'n v. State , 133 So. 3d 1118

3319(Fla. 1st DCA 2014).

332337. As t he Court of Appeal, First District, has explained:

3334[T] he breadth of the definition in

3341s ection 120.52(1[6]) indicates that the

3347legislature intended the term to cover a great

3355variety of agency statements regardless of how

3362the agency designates them. Any a gency

3369statement is a rule if it "purports in and of

3379itself to create certain rights and adversely

3386affect others," [ State, Dep't of Admin. v.]

3394Stevens , 344 So. 2d [290,] 296 [(Fla. 1st DCA

3404create rights, or to requi re compliance, or

3412otherwise to have the direct and consistent

3419effect of law."

3422McDonald v. Dep't of Banking & Fin. ,

3429346 So. 2d 569, 581 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977).

3438Harvey , 356 So. 2d at 325.

344438. Applying these statutory and case law standards to this

3454proc eeding, there is no question that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are

3470rules. 18/

347239. TL - 10 expressly applies to " [a] ll USED vehicles coming

3484into Florida from a foreign country, including dealer

3492transactions," and imposes the mandatory requirement that in order

3501to o btain an original certificate of title, the vehicle "MUST have

3513the VIN verified by a DMS Compliance Examiner."

352140. RS/TL 14 - 18 expressly applies to " all used vehicles

3532coming into Florida from a foreign country" and requires that the

3543VIN be verified by an examiner with Respondent's Motor Vehicle

3553Field Office Compliance as a condition precedent to applying for

3563and obtaining a certificate of title for the vehicle.

357241. Thus, by their plain terms, TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 apply

3587uniformly to a class of perso ns or activities over which

3598Respondent exercises authority ÏÏ here, all used motor vehicles

3607coming into Florida from a foreign country for which certificates

3617of title are sought. Further, both of these challenged statements

3627impose the requirement ÏÏ to which all persons seeking to obtain a

3639certificate of title for a used vehicle being brought from a

3650foreign country into the state of Florida must conform ÏÏ that the

3662VIN on the vehicle be verified by an examiner with Respondent's

3673Motor Vehicle Field Office. Thus, both TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18

3687treat all those with like cases equally and require the affected

3698persons or activities to conform to a common standard.

370742. It is also noted that nowhere in chapter 319 , or in any

3720other statute , are the specific terms, provi sions , and

3729requirements of either TL - 10 or RS/TL 14 - 18 expressly codified.

3742Thus, TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 impose requirements that are not

3756expressly contained in the statutes' plain language or readily

3765apparent from the statutes' literal reading. As such, t hese

3775agency statements interpret those statutes. See State Bd. of

3784Admin. v. Huberty , 46 So. 3d 1144, 1147 (Fla. 1st DCA 2010);

3796Beverly Enterprises - Fla ., Inc. v. Dep't of HRS , 573 So. 2d 19, 22

3811(Fla. 1st DCA 1990); St. Francis Hosp., Inc. v. Dep't of HRS , 553

3824So. 2d 1351, 1354 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989). See also Fla . Quarter

3837Horse Racing Ass'n .

384143. On these bases, it is determined that both TL - 10 and

3854RS/TL 14 - 18 are agency statements of general applicability that

3865implement, interpret, and prescribe law or pol icy, and that they

3876impose conditions, require compliance, and have the effect of law.

3886Accordingly, it is concluded that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are rules,

3901as that term is defined in section 120.52(16). 19/

391044. Section 120.54(1)(a) declares that "[r]ulemaki ng is not

3919a matter of agency discretion" and directs that "[e]ach agency

3929statement defined as a rule by s. 120.52 shall be adopted by the

3942rulemaking procedure provided by this section as soon as feasible

3952and practicable." As noted above, there is no dispu te that

3963Respondent has not adopted either TL - 10 or RS/TL 14 - 18 as rules

3978pursuant to section 120.54. Also as noted above, Respondent did

3988not present any evidence to show that it was not practicable or

4000feasible to adopt the challenged statements as rules. 20 /

401045. On these bases, it is concluded that TL - 10 and

4022RS/TL 14 - 18 are unadopted rules that violate the mandate in

4034section 120.54(1)(a) that each agency statement defined as a rule

4044be adopted by the rulemaking procedure set forth in section 120.54

4055as soo n as practicable and feasible.

4062Petitioner's Standing

406446. As noted above, in administrative proceedings, standing

4072is a matter of subject matter jurisdiction. Abbott Labs , 15 So.

40833d at 657 n.2.

408747. To have standing to challenge an agency statement

4096de fined as a rule in a proceeding before an administrative law

4108judge, the challenger must be "substantially affected" by the

4117statement in question. § 120.56(4)(a), Fla. Stat. ("Any person

4127substantially affected by an agency statement may seek an

4136administrat ive determination that the statement violates

4143s. 120.54(1)(a)."). Jacoby v. Fla. Bd. of Med. , 917 So. 2d 358

4156(Fla. 1st DCA 2005).

416048. To satisfy the "substantially affected" standard in the

4169unadopted rule context, a petitioner 21/ must show that he or s he

4182will suffer an immediate "injury in fact" within the "zone of

4193interest" protected by the statute, or related statutes, that the

4203unadopted rule implements. See Fla. Med . Ass'n, Inc. v. Dep't of

4215Prof'l Reg. , 426 So. 2d 1112, 1114 (Fla. 1st DCA 1983).

42264 9. It is well - established in Florida law that a person is

"4240substantially affected" for purposes of having standing to

4248challenge a rule ÏÏ whether adopted or unadopted ÏÏ if the rule is or

4262will be applied to that person as a basis for agency action.

4274Jacoby , 9 17 So. 2d at 360 ; Coalition of Mental Health Prof essions ,

4287546 So. 2d 27 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989); Prof'l Firefighters of Fla.,

4299Inc. v. Dep't of HRS , 396 So. 2d 1194 (Fla. 2d DCA 1981); State v.

4314Harvey , 356 So. 2d 323 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). See Abbott Labs , 15

4327So . 3d at 651 n.2. See also Televisual Comm 'n v. Dep't of Labor

4342and Emp 't Sec. , 667 So. 2d 372 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995)(health care

4355prov iders had standing to challenge proposed rule that purported

4365to regulate the industry that provided the medium for the

4375educati on of those providers); Ward v. Bd. of Tr s. , 651 So. 2d

43891236 (Fla. 4th DCA 1995)(professional engineer would be subject to

4399regulation by proposed rules impos ing new dock construction

4408standards, that, if complied with, would subject him to

4417professional lice nsure discipline). 22/

442250. In Jacoby , the Board of Medicine denied a physician's

4432application for a temporary medical practice certificate on the

4441basis of existing rules and "non - rule" policies that had not been

4454formally adopted as rules, 23/ and the physic ian challenged the

4465rules and policies in a proceeding brought under section 120.56.

4475In his F inal O rder, the ALJ found that Jacoby did not demonstrate

4489facts sufficient to show that, as a result of denial of his

4501license, he had standing to challenge the rul es and policies. In

4513reversing the final order and determining that Jacoby had standing

4523to challenge the rules and policies, the court rejected the

4533agency's argument that Jacoby's injury alleged was speculative and

4542conjectural. The court stated: "[h]ere, Appellant has been

4550adversely affected by the rule, as his license was denied. . . .

4563Thus, Appellant is subject to the licensing rules and policies

4573. . . and he has already suffered an immediate impact because of

4586those rules and policies." Id. at 360 (em phasis added).

459651. In Professional Firefighters , an older case addressing

4604rule challenge standing, a professional association 24/ and licensed

4613members challenged proposed rules that, when applied, effectively

4621would impose new exam requirements on the memb ers . In rejecting

4633the agency's argument that the injury to the licensed members was

4644hypothetical and speculative, the court held that where a person

4654is subject to regulation under rules, he or she suffers an injury

4666in fact of sufficient immediacy for purp oses of having standing to

4678challenge those rules. Id. at 1196.

468452. Similarly, in Coalition of Mental Health Professions ,

4692the court again affirmed that being subject to ÏÏ i.e., regulated

4703by ÏÏ a rule is sufficient to establish an immediate injury in f act

4717for purposes of having standing to challenge the rule. In that

4728case, a professional association challenged proposed rules that

4736would regulate the professional licensed practice of members of

4745the association. In reversing the final order dismissing th e rule

4756challenge for lack of standing, the court stated: "[t]he fact

4766that appellant's members will be regulated by the proposed rules

4776is alone sufficient to establish that their substantial interests

4785will be affected and there is no need for further factu al

4797elaboration of how each member will be personally affected."

4806Id. at 28 (emphasis added).

481153. Here, Respondent asserts that Petitioner has not shown

4820that it has suffered an injury in fact of sufficient immediacy to

4832have standing in this proceeding be cause TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18

4847have not been applied to deny the certificate of title for the

4859Vehicle. As support for this position, Respondent argues that

4868TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 were not the "ultimate grounds" for its

4883decision to deny the certificate of tit le for the Vehicle, so

4895Respondent did not apply TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 to deny the

4910application for the certificate of title for the Vehicle.

491954. This argument is rejected. The evidence clearly

4927establishes that Respondent did, in fact, apply TL - 10 and

4938RS/TL 14 - 18 to deny the application for certificate of title.

4950The undisputed evidence establishes that the Tax Collector,

4958acting as Respondent's statutorily - designated agent for purposes

4967of issuing or denying certificate of title applications, cited

4976TL - 10 as the basis for its refusal to issue the requested

4989certificate of title. Furthermore, in the November 24, 2014,

4998correspondence from Respondent to the trustee, Respondent

5005specifically stated that it " stands by the decision made by

5015. . . [the Lee Coun ty Tax Collector]." This statement evidences

5027that Respondent effectively adopted the Tax Collector's rational e

5036applying TL - 10 as a basis for denying the certificate.

50475 5 . As an additional basis for the denial of the certificate

5060of title, the letter also cited section 319.23(11) as authoriz ing

5071Respondent to use security procedures, processes, and materials in

5080the preparation and issuance of each certificate of title to

5090prohibit to the extent possible a person's ability to alter,

5100counterfeit, duplicate, or modify the certificate of title . Thus,

5110per the letter, Respondent was "implementing" section 319.23(11)

5118by requiring that the Vehicle's VIN be verified as previously

5128specified ( i.e., by a Motor Vehicle Field Office Compliance

5138Examiner) before the certific ate of title could be issued. In

5149subsequent correspondence , Respondent further explained its

5155reliance on section 319.23(11), stating that since April 2000, its

"5165policy" was to "require all used vehicles coming into Florida

5175from a foreign country to have t he VIN verified by a Motor Vehicle

5189Field Office Compliance Examiner prior to being titled." The

5198correspondence specifically referred to ÏÏ and even included a copy

5208of ÏÏ RS/TL 14 - 18, which explained Respondent's policy. Clearly,

5219then, Respondent did , in fact , apply both TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 to

5235deny the application for the certificate of title for the Vehicle.

52465 6 . Respondent's attempt to rely on the separate ground in

5258its February 25, 2015, letter as a basis for asserting that

5269TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 were not the "ultimate grounds" for denial

5284of the certificate of title also is misplaced. As previously

5294explained, 25/ jurisdiction over the proceeding was vested in DOAH

5304when Respondent sent the letter on February 25, 2015 . Thus,

5315Respondent lacked jurisdictio n to take agency action to assert yet

5326another basis for denying the certificate of title. Further more ,

5336under any circumstances, Respondent did not ever inform Respondent

5345that it was ceasing to rely on TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as a basis

5363for denying the certi ficate of title. Instead, with each piece of

5375additional correspondence, Respondent set forth yet another ground

5383for its decision to deny the certificate of title. As discussed

5394above, t o have standing to challenge a rule, it is sufficient for

5407the challeng er to show that the rule was a basis for agency

5420action ÏÏ not that it was sole basis for that action. See Coalition

5433of Mental Health Prof essions , 546 So. 2d at 28; Prof'l

5444Firefighters , 396 So. 2d at 1196.

54505 7 . Respondent's position, couched in various argu ments

5460(discussed in detail above) that Petitioner lacks standing because

5469Petitioner did not, and cannot, meet the requirements for issuance

5479of the certificate of title for the Vehicle , also is rejected.

5490Standing to challenge a rule is not predicated on sh owing that the

5503challenger would prevail on the merits of a proceeding brought

5513under sections 120.569 and 120.57(1) to challenge the denial of a

5524license on the basis of that rule. See Harvey , 356 So. 2d at 325

5538( challenger not required to pursue and prevail in all potential

5549avenues of relief to demonstrate he or she is substantially

5559affected by rule). As extensively discussed above, in rule

5568challenge proceedings brought under section 120.56, it is

5576sufficient, for standing purposes, to show that the challeng er was

5587subjected to the rule as a basis for the agency's action.

55985 8 . Based on the foregoing , it is concluded that Petitioner

5610has demonstrated an injury in fact of sufficient immediacy to meet

5621the first requirement of the "substantially affected" standin g

5630standard applicable to this proceeding.

563559 . Respondent also asserts that Petitioner has not shown

5645that his interest falls within the "zone of interests" protected

5655by this proceeding, which challenges TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as

5669unadopted rules. Responde nt argues that the zone of interest in

5680this proceeding is limited exclusively to motor vehicles required

5689to be registered and licensed in Florida, and since the Vehicle is

5701not currently physically present in Florida, it is not required to

5712be registered and licensed in Florida, so that Petitioner's

5721interest in challenging the agency statements is not protected

5730under this proceeding.

573360 . This argument also is rejected. Petitioner, as trustee

5743of the Trust that owns the Vehicle, clearly has an interest in

5755ob taining a certificate of title , which is an interest under

5766chapter 319 that clearly is protected in this proceeding. Here,

5776the effect of TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 is to impose additional

5791obstacles to obtaining a certificate of title for the Vehicle

5801beyond the requirements set forth in chapter 319, governing motor

5811vehicle titling in Florida. Th erefore , Petitioner is asserting an

5821injury ÏÏ i.e., that the certificate of title for the Vehicle has

5833been denied ÏÏ that is specifically protected by chapter 319. 26/

58446 1 . The circumstances in this case are analogous to those

5856in NAACP v. Board of Regents , 822 So. 2d 1 (Fla. 2003), which

5869involved a challenge to proposed rules that effectively imposed

5878more stringent state university admission requirements on minority

5886studen ts than those to which they previously were subject. In

5897reversing the lower court's holding that the challengers lacked

5906standing, the Florida Supreme Court concluded that the rules had

5916the effect of imposing additional obstacles to the students'

5925interest in being admitted to a state university, and that that

5936interest clearly was protected under the statutes establishing

5944requirements and standards for admission to a state university.

59536 2 . Based on the foregoing , it is determined that

5964Petitioner's interes t in obtaining a certificate of title for the

5975V ehicle falls within the zone of interest protected under this



59886 3 . For the reasons set forth herein, it is concluded that

6001Petitioner, as a trustee of the Trust that owns the Vehicle, i s

6014substantially affected by TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18, and, thus, has

6028standing to challenge these agency statements as unadopted rules

6037in this proceeding brought under section 120.56(4).

60446 4 . For the reasons set forth herein, it is concluded that

6057TL - 10 and R S/TL 14 - 18 are unadopted rules that violate

6071section 120.54(1)(a).


6074Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6084Law, it is ORDERED that the portion of the Florida Department of

6096Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles' Procedure Manual TL - 10, dated

6107April 30, 2014, specifically addressed herein, and Technical

6115Advisory RS/TL 14 - 18, dated October 20, 2014, are unadopted rules

6127that violate section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes. 27/

6134Jurisdiction is retained to conduct further proceedings as

6142necessa ry to award attorney's fees and costs, as applicable,

6152pursuant to section 120.595(4), Florida Statutes. Therefore, it

6160is further ORDERED that Petitioner shall have 30 days from the

6171date of this Final Order within which to file a motion for

6183attorney's fees and costs, to which motion (if filed) Petitioner

6193shall attach appropriate affidavits (for example, attesting to

6201the reasonableness of any fees and costs) and other documentation

6211(such as time sheets, receipts, bills, and the notice addressed

6221in section 12 0.56(4)(b) as a condition precedent to the award of

6233attorney's fees and costs) essential to support a claim (if any)

6244for attorney's fees and costs pursuant to section 120.595(4) .

6254DONE AND ORDERED this 3rd day of March , 2017 , in

6264Tallahassee, Leon County, Fl orida.



6273Administrative Law Judge

6276Division of Administrative Hearings

6280The DeSoto Building

62831230 Apalachee Parkway

6286Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6291(850) 488 - 9675

6295Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

6301www.doah.state.fl .us

6303Filed with the Clerk of the

6309Division of Administrative Hearings

6313this 3rd day of March , 2017 .


63221/ All references are to the 2016 version of Florida Statutes

6333unless otherwise stated.

63362/ As required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 28 -

634610 6.213(5)(b), a notary public was physically present with

6355Petitioner, administered the oath, and filed written

6362certification in this proceeding, confirming Petitioner's

6368identity and that he took the oath or affirmation.

63773/ As addressed in greater detail below, Respondent disputes

6386Petitioner's standing to challenge Respondent's agency statements

6393as unadopted rules. For DOAH to have jurisdiction to conduct

6403this proceeding and issue a final order determining whether

6412Respondent's agency statements are unadop ted rules, Petitioner

6420must have standing. Abbott Labs. v. Mylan Pharms., Inc. , 15 So.

64313d 642, 657 n.2 (Fla. 1st DCA 2009)("standing in the

6442administrative context is a matter of subject matter


64524/ Here, Petitioner challenges only a porti on of TL - 10 ÏÏ

6465specifically, section IV., item B., the Note on page TL - 10 - 12,

6479which states: "NOTE: All USED vehicles coming into Florida from

6489a foreign country, including dealer transactions, MUST have the

6498VIN verified by a DMS Compliance Examiner." For s horthand

6508purposes, this Final Order refers to "TL - 10" as the challenged

6520statement , but this proceeding does not challenge TL - 10 in its

6532entirety, only the provision specifically identified in this

6540endnote .

65425/ Petitioner also challenged TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as invalid

6556exercises of delegated legislative authority. Because these

6563statements were neither proposed nor adopted as rules, their

6572substantive validity could not be challenged in a proceeding

6581brought under section 120.56(4). Accordingly, by O rder is sued on

6592October 27, 2016, the undersigned limited the scope of this

6602proceeding to determining whether the challenged statements were

6610unadopted rules that violated the rulemaking mandate in section


66206/ The motions for summary final order we re denied on the basis

6633of the existence of disputed issues of material fact that

6643required demonstration through evidence tendered and admitted in

6651an evidentiary hearing. The motion for default judgment was

6660denied on the basis that such relief is not avail able under

6672chapter 120.

66747/ On January 17, 2017, Petitioner filed a document titled "Re:

6685Proposed Final Order," explaining why he did not file a p roposed

6697f inal o rder and offering to do so if the tribunal thought it

6711would be helpful for him to submit one. The undersigned did not

6723respond or accept Petitioner's offer because the deadline for

6732filing proposed final orders had passed.

67388/ At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Ms. Williams acted

6749in her capacity as the manager of Opinicus Sentinel, trustee of

6760the Trust.

67629/ To establish that he is a co - trustee of the Trust and that the

6778Trust owns the Vehicle, Petitioner testified to that effect at

6788the final hearing and provided a Certification of Trust pursuant

6798to section 736.1017, Florida Statutes, whic h was admitted into

6808evidence. Pursuant to section 736.1017, the provision of a

6817certification of trust that contains all the information required

6826under that statute obviates the need to furnish a copy of the

6838trust instrument itself to anyone other than a b eneficiary.

6848Pursuant to this statute, the Certification of Trust is accepted,

6858along with Petitioner's credible testimony, as adequate to

6866establish that Petitioner is a co - trustee of the Trust.

687710/ Without belaboring the parties' underlying substantive

6884dispute as to whether Respondent correctly denied the application

6893for certificate of title for the Vehicle (which is not at issue

6905in this proceeding) the evidence indicates that Respondent has

6914not accepted the sufficiency of the proof that Petitioner

6923prov ided in an effort to establish the VIN of the 2001 Porsche

6936996/911 Turbo vehicle owned by the Trust for purposes of issuance

6947of a certificate of title pursuant to section 319.23, Florida

6957Statutes. Although the Vehicle's VIN number remains a point of

6967conte ntion that may be addressed in an adjudicatory hearing under

6978sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), the VIN alleged in the Amended

6988Petition is accepted in this proceeding solely for the purpose of

6999identifying the specific vehicle at issue.

700511/ This form has b een adopted by reference in Florida

7016Administrative Code Rule 15C - 21.001.

702212/ Pursuant to section 320.03(1), Florida Statutes, the Lee

7031County Tax Collector serves as an agent for Respondent in the

7042processing of motor vehicle title transactions and associ ated


705213/ Although styled a s a "Petition for Administrative Hearing,"

7062the pleading did not request a hearing under sections 120.569 and

7073120.57(1) to address the correctness of the agency's as - applied

7084action under the applicable statutes go verning issuance or denial

7094of the certificate of title, but instead challenged TL - 10 and

7106RS/TL 14 - 18 under section 120.56(4) on the basis that these

7118statements were substantively invalid and had not been adopted

7127pursuant to the rulemaking process in sectio n 120.54.

713614/ RS/TL 14 - 18, issued on October 20, 2014, replaced

7147Respondent's Advisory Number T00 - 004, dated April 10, 2000.

715715/ As noted above, although Opinicus Sentinel styled its

7166pleading a s a "Petition for Hearing," it did not constitute a

7178reques t for an as - applied adjudicatory proceeding under

7188sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), but instead was an unadopted

7197rule challenge brought under section 120.56(4). Respondent

7204incorrectly treated th at unadopted rule challenge as a request

7214for an administrativ e hearing under section s 120.569 and

7224120.57(1) instead of immediately referring it to DOAH, which is

7234vested with exclusive jurisdiction over rule challenges.

7241Alternatively, Respondent could have dismissed the challenge with

7249the explanation that the rule c hallenge needed to be filed with

7261DOA H rather than with Respondent. E ven assuming arguendo that

7272the challenge filed by Opinicus Sentinel was properly treated as

7282a proceeding under sections 120.569 and 120.57(1), section

7290120.569(2)(a) provides that once a m atter has been referred to

7301DOAH, the referring agency is not to take any further action with

7313respect to the matter except as a party litigant. In any event,

7325because jurisdiction over the proceeding was vested in DOAH on

7335February 25, 2015 , Respondent was n ot authorized to grant leave

7346to amend the petition for hearing or to otherwise take any

7357further agency action asserting an additional basis for denial of

7367the certificate of title for the Vehicle. To this last point, it

7379is further noted that even if the Fe bruary 25, 2015 , letter were

7392intended to constitute separate agency action, it did not so

7402inform Opinicus Sentinel by providing a clear point of entry , as

7413required by section 120.569 (1), notifying Opinicus Sentinel of

7422its right to request a hearing under s ections 120.569 and

7433120.57(1) to challenge that agency action.

743916/ Case No. 15 - 0484 was dismissed on the basis that Stephen J.

7453Williams, as the beneficiary of the Trust, was not a real party

7465in interest for purposes of having standing as a substantiall y

7476affected person in the proceeding.

748117/ The definition of "rule" in section 120.52(16) expressly


7491(a) Internal management memoranda which do

7497not affect either the private interests of

7504any person or any plan or procedure important

7512to the publ ic and which have no application

7521outside the agency issuing the memorandum.

7527(b) Legal memoranda or opinions issued to an

7535agency by the Attorney General or agency

7542legal opinions prior to their use in

7549connection with an agency action.

7554(c) The preparation or modification of:

75601. Agency budgets.

75632. Statements, memoranda, or instructions to

7569state agencies issued by the Chief Financial

7576Officer or Comptroller as chief fiscal

7582officer of the state and relating or

7589pertaining to claims for payment submitted by

7596s tate agencies to the Chief Financial Officer

7604or Comptroller.

76063. Contractual provisions reached as a

7612result of collective bargaining.

76164. Memoranda issued by the Executive Office

7623of the Governor relating to information

7629resources management.

763118/ Respond ent did not argue, or present any evidence to show,

7643that TL - 10 or RS/TL 14 - 18 fell within any of the exclusions from

7659the definition of "rule" in section 120.52(16)(a) through (c). A

7669review of these exclusions confirms they are not applicable to

7679this case.

768119/ Although Respondent effectively admitted, in its Amended

7689Responses to Requests for Admissions, Responses to Request

7697Nos. 4, 5, and 6, that TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are rules, that

7714admission is not legally sufficient, in and of itself, to render

7725the c hallenged statements rules. As discussed herein, the

7734competent substantial evidence in the record establishes that

7742TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 are rules.

775220/ Section 120.54(1)(a)1. provides that rulemaking is presumed

7760feasible unless the agency proves that it has not had sufficient

7771time to acquire the knowledge and experience reasonably necessary

7780to address a statement by rulemaking; or related matters are not

7791sufficiently resolved to enable the agency to address a statement

7801by rulemaking. Section 120.54(1 )(a)2. provides that rulemaking

7809shall be presumed practicable to the extent necessary to provide

7819fair notice to affected persons of relevant agency procedures and

7829applicable principles, criteria, or standards for agency

7836decisions unless the agency proves t hat detail or precision in

7847the establishment of principles, criteria, or standards for

7855agency decisions is not reasonable under the circumstances, or

7864the particular questions addressed are of such a narrow scope

7874that resolution of the matter is impracticab le outside of an

7885adjudication to determine the substantial interests of a party

7894based on individual circumstances.

789821/ Here, Petitioner is a trustee of the Trust that owns the

7910Vehicle. Petitioner is authorized to act on behalf of the Trust

7921in this proce eding. See §§ 736.0816, 736.0801, and 736.0809,

7931Fla . Stat.

793422/ In Ward and Televisual Communications , the injuries found

7943sufficient to satisfy the "injury in fact of sufficient

7952immediacy" requirement were less direct and immediate than the

7961injury Petiti oner has suffered in this proceeding. In those

7971cases, the rules being challenged did not directly regulate the

7981challengers, but had the collateral effect of regulating their

7990conduct. By contrast, here, the unadopted rules have been

7999directly applied to de ny the certificate of title for the Vehicle

8011owned by the Trust for which Petitioner is a trustee. Ward and

8023Televisual Communications stand as examples in which courts have

8032found "injury in fact" sufficient to establish rule challenge

8041where the impacts of t he rules on the challengers were attenuated

8053and were less direct than the impacts on Petitioner in this case.

806523/ The court in Jacoby referred to these policies as "non - rule"

8078policy. "Non - rule policy" is a moniker ÏÏ confusing and now

8090outdated ÏÏ used to d escribe policies that constitute "rules" as

8101defined in section 120.52(16) but that have not been adopted

8111pursuant to the rulemaking procedures in section 120.54. More

8120recently, the Legislature enacted the term "unadopted rule,"

8128codified at section 120.52( 20), to describe agency statements

8137that fall within the definition of "rule" but that have not been

8149adopted pursuant to the rulemaking procedures in section 120.54.

815824/ Although both Professional Firefighters and Coalition of

8166Mental Health Professions w ere professional associations

8173challenging rules of behalf of their members, that fact does not

8184affect the applicability of those holdings to this case. For an

8195association to have standing to challenge rules on behalf of its

8206members, the association is req uired to allege and prove that,

8217among other things, a substantial number of its members are

"8227substantially affected" by the rule. Fla . Home Builders Ass'n

8237v. Dep't of Labor and Emp 't Sec. , 412 So. 2d 351 (Fla. 1982).

8251Both Professional Firefighters and Co alition of Mental Health

8260Professions address this "prong" of the Florida Home Builders

8269standing test, and both hold that being subject to regulation by

8280a rule is sufficient to establish injury in fact for purposes of

8292being "substantially affected" by the r ule.

829925 / See note 15 , supra .

830626 / Again, it is important to note the scope of this proceeding.

8319This proceeding solely addresses whether the challenged

8326statements are unadopted rules that violate section 120.54(1).

8334If Petitioner is successful in this p roceeding, the result is

8345that Respondent no longer can apply TL - 10 and RS/TL 14 - 18 as a

8361basis for denying a certificate of title for a motor vehicle. Of

8373course, this does not mean that Respondent could not deny a

8384certificate of title on other pertinent gr ounds. As previously

8394noted, whether Petitioner is entitled to issuance of the

8403certificate of title for the Vehicle under chapter 319 is not at

8415issue in this proceeding. Thus, if Respondent were to deny a

8426certificate of title on grounds other than the cha llenged

8436statements ÏÏ such on the basis of statutes or adopted rules ÏÏ and

8449Petitioner disputed the substantive (as opposed to procedural)

8457correctness of that decision, a petitioner could challenge that

8466decision in a proceeding brought under sections 120.569 a nd


847727 / Section 120.56(4)(e) states: "[i]f an administrative law

8486judge enters a final order that all or part of an unadopted rule

8499violates section 120.54(1)(a), the agency must immediately

8506discontinue all reliance upon the unadopted rule or any

8515substantially similar statement as a basis for agency action."


8526Nicholas Adam Merlin, Esquire

8530Department of Highway Safety

8534and Motor Vehicles

85372900 Apalachee Parkway , Room A - 432

8544Tallahassee, Florida 32399


8548Yale H. Olenic k, Esquire

8553Department of Highway Safety

8557and Motor Vehicles

85602900 Apalachee Parkway , Room A - 432

8567Tallahassee, Florida 32399


8571Stephen Williams

85731019 Southeast 4th Place

8577Cape Coral, Florida 33990


8582Terry L. Rhodes, Executive Director

8587Depar tment of Highway Safety

8592and Motor Vehicles

8595Neil Kirkman Building, Room B - 443

86022900 Apalachee Parkway

8605Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0500


8611Christie S. Utt, General Counsel

8616Department of Highway Safety

8620and Motor Vehicles

8623Neil Kirkman Building, Room A - 432

86302900 Apalachee Parkway

8633Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0500


8639Ernest Reddick, Chief

8642Alexandra Nam

8644Department of State

8647R. A. Gray Building

8651500 South Bronough Street

8655Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250


8661Ken Plante, Coordinator

8664Joint Admin istrative Proce d ures Committee

8671Room 680, Pepper Building

8675111 West Madison Street

8679Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1400



8691A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

8703to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

8712Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

8722Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing the original

8731notice of administrative appeal with the agency clerk of the

8741Division of Administrativ e Hearings within 30 days of rendition

8751of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the notice,

8763accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk

8774of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where

8785the agency maintains its headquar ters or where a party resides or

8797as otherwise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/01/2017
Proceedings: Response to Petitioner's Motion for Attorney's Fees filed.
Date: 04/06/2017
Proceedings: Motion for Attorney's Fees and Costs filed. (DOAH CASE NO. 17-2090F ESTABLISHED)
Date: 04/03/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 04/03/2017
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 03/09/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Clerical or Technical Error filed.
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: Amended DOAH FO
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: Amended Final Order (hearing held December 12, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held December 12, 2016). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/17/2017
Proceedings: Re: Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/29/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Transcript.
Date: 12/12/2016
Proceedings: (Petitioner) Certification of Notarial Act filed.
Date: 12/09/2016
Proceedings: Joint Pre-hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 12/09/2016
Proceedings: Order Allowing Testimony by Telephone.
Date: 12/08/2016
Proceedings: Verification of Documents filed.
Date: 12/08/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Intent to Participate by Telephone filed.
Date: 12/08/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Articulation filed.
Date: 12/08/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Second Motion for Summary Final Order.
Date: 12/07/2016
Proceedings: Response to Second Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Emergency Motion to Seal.
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Filing (Respondent's Response to Request for Production #4 upon the Petitioner) filed.
Date: 12/06/2016
Proceedings: Emergency Motion to Seal filed.
Date: 12/05/2016
Proceedings: Certificate of Service of Responses to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 12/02/2016
Proceedings: Order Denying Renewed Motion to Dismiss.
Date: 12/01/2016
Proceedings: Opposition to Respondent's Renewed Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 12/01/2016
Proceedings: Order on Second Motion to Determine Sufficiency of Answers, to Compel Discovery, and for Sanctions.
Date: 11/30/2016
Proceedings: Second Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/30/2016
Proceedings: Order on Specified Pending Discovery Motions.
Date: 11/30/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Leave to Amend Petition for Hearing.
Date: 11/28/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/28/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time (corrected) filed.
Date: 11/23/2016
Proceedings: Opposition to Respondent's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 11/23/2016
Proceedings: Second Motion to Determine the Sufficiency of the Answers, to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions filed.
Date: 11/23/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 11/22/2016
Proceedings: Renewed Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Compel Discovery filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Amended Responses to Requests for Admissions filed.
Date: 11/18/2016
Proceedings: (Amended) Petition for Administrative Hearing (corrected appendix) filed.
Date: 11/18/2016
Proceedings: (Amended) Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/18/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Amend Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/15/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Reconsider filed.
Date: 11/14/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Re-scheduling Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for December 12, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Fort Myers and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to ).
Date: 11/10/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 11/10/2016
Proceedings: Amended Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for November 14, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Fort Myers and Tallahassee, FL; amended as to hearing locations).
Date: 11/10/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for November 10, 2016; 3:00 p.m.).
Date: 11/08/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Determine the Sufficiency of the Answers, to Compel Discovery and for Sanctions filed.
Date: 11/08/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for November 10, 2016; 1:00 p.m.).
Date: 11/08/2016
Proceedings: Reply to Petitioner's Motion for Default Judgement filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Service of Interrogatories to Petitioner filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Supplement to Petitioner's Motion for Default Judgment filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Default Judgment filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Supplemental Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/04/2016
Proceedings: Response to Request for Admissions filed.
Date: 11/04/2016
Proceedings: Answers to Interrogatories filed.
Date: 11/04/2016
Proceedings: Response to Request for Production filed.
Date: 11/04/2016
Proceedings: Reply to Respondent's Response to Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 11/02/2016
Proceedings: Response to Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/31/2016
Proceedings: Amended Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 10/31/2016
Proceedings: Opposition to Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 10/31/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Brief Extension to Serve Discovery Responses.
Date: 10/31/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Extension of Time filed.
Date: 10/27/2016
Proceedings: Certificate of Service of Interrogatories filed.
Date: 10/27/2016
Proceedings: Order Memorializing Agreed Schedule for Filing Motions and Responses.
Date: 10/27/2016
Proceedings: Withdrawal of Petitioner's Motion to Strike Respondent's Motions to Deny and Dismiss Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/26/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Status Conference Held.
Date: 10/26/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Telephonic Status Conference (status conference set for October 26, 2016; 1:30 p.m.).
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Strike Respondent's Motions to Deny and Dismiss Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Yale Olenick) filed.
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Amended Motion to Deny and Dismiss Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/25/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Deny and Dismisss Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/24/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Nicholas Merlin) filed.
Date: 10/24/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 10/24/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for November 14, 2016; 9:30 a.m.; Fort Myers, FL).
Date: 10/20/2016
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 10/19/2016
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Ernest Reddick from Claudia Llado copying Ken Plante and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 10/17/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Summary Final Order filed.
Date: 10/17/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Hearing filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles


Related Florida Statute(s) (14):