16-006521EXE Dominic Chambers vs. Agency For Persons With Disabilities
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Friday, February 10, 2017.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioner is rehabilitated in fact and hence is eligible for an exemption from disqualification from employment as a direct service provider to developmentally disabled clients.





11vs. Case No. 16 - 6521EXE






26This case came before Administrative Law Judge John G.

35Van Laningham for final hearing by video teleconference on

44January 11 , 201 7 , at sites in Tallahassee and Lauderdale Lakes ,



57For Petitioner: Dominic Chambers , pro se

63Apartme nt 2

662867 Forest Hills Boulevard

70Coral Springs , Florida 33 065

75For Respondent: Jeannette L. Estes , Esquire

81Agency for Persons with Disabilities

86Office of the General Counsel

91200 North Kentucky Avenue , Suite 422

97Lakeland , Florida 33 8 01


106The issue in this case is whether Petitioner should be

116granted an exemption from disqualification from employment as a

125direct service provider having face - to - face contact with

136developmentally disabled clients receiving adult day training .


146By a letter dated October 13, 2016 , the Executive Director

156of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities , Barbara Palmer,

165notified Petitioner Dominic Chambers that his request for an

174exemption fro m disqualification from employment as a provider of

184services to developmentally disabled persons would be denied.

192In a Request for Administrative Hearing, which he signed on

202October 23 , 201 6 , Mr. Chambers exercised his right to be heard

214in a formal admin istrative proceeding. On November 7 , 201 6 , the

226agency referred the matter to the Division of Administrative

235Hearings, where the case was assigned to an Administrative Law


246The final hearing took place as scheduled on

254January 11 , 201 7 , with both parties present. Petition er

264testified on his own behalf; presented as his witnesses Donna

274Shula, Sharron Roberson, and Christa Chambers; and offered no

283exhibits. Respondent called one additional witness, Rita

290Castor , and elicited further testimony from M r. Chambers .

300Addit ionally, Respondent's Exhibits A, B, C, and D were received

311in evidence.

313The final hearing was recorded but not transcribed. Each

322party timely submitted a Proposed Recommended Order on or before

332the established deadline, which was Ja nuary 24 , 201 7 .

343Unless otherwise indicated, citations to the official

350statute law of the S tate of Florida refer to Florida Statutes

3622016, except that all references to statutes or rules defining

372offenses or prescribing penalties for committing such offens es

381are to the versions that were in effect at the time of the

394alleged wrongful acts.


4001. At some time rele vant to this case, Petitioner Dominic

411Chambers ("Chambers") sought employment with, or to perform

421volunteer services for, The Schott Communities, a private,

429nonprofit corporation that provides services to adults with

437disabilities under the regulatory jurisdiction of Respondent

444Agency for Persons with Disabilities ("APD") . Chambers was

455required to undergo a background investigati on as a condition

465precedent to taking a position as a personal provider of

475services to clients of The Schott Communities .

4832 . Consequen t ly , a criminal records search was conducted,

494and the results were forwarded to the Department of Children and

505Famili es ("DCF") , which administers the background screening

515process for APD. By letter dated June 7, 2016, DCF notified

526Chambers that it had discovered the following two criminal

535convictions in his past:

539• Grand theft of the third degree - - December 3,


551• Violation of probation - Î January 21, 2009

560DCF alleged that each of the foregoing crimes is a

"570disqualifying offense" under the applicable screening

576standards, which rendered Chambers ineligible to work for The

585Schott Communities without an exemption from s uch


5943. DCF was partially mistaken, as a matter of fact and

605law, for "violation of probation" is not a crime and thus cannot

617lead to a criminal conviction , nor is it listed among the

628statutorily designated disqualifying offenses . As wi ll be shown

638below, however, grand theft is a disqualifying offense, and ,

647therefore , DCF correctly advised Chambers that he would need to

657apply for and obtain an exemption if he wanted a job as a direct

671service provider .

6744. Chambers timely sought an exemption from

681disqualification from employment , submitting his Request for

688Exemption to APD in July 2016. By letter dated

697October 13, 2016, APD informed Chambers that i t intended to deny

709his request based solely on t he ground that Chambers had "not

721subm itted clear and convincing evidence of [his]

729rehabilitation." In other words, APD determined as a matter of

739ultimate fact that Chambers was not rehabilitated, which meant

748(as a matter of law) that the head of the agency had no

761discretion to grant an exemp tion. 1 / APD did not, as an

774alternative basis for its proposed agency action, articulate any

783rationale for denying the exemption notwithstanding a showing of

792rehabilitation, assuming arguendo that such had been made.

8005. Chambers initiated the instant proceeding, hoping to

808prove his rehabilitation. The undersigned has considered the

816evidence as it relates to the statutory criteria for assessing

826rehabilitation, and makes the following findings of fact as a

836predicate for the ultimate determinatio n.

842The Circumstances Surrounding the Criminal Incident.

8486. On or about May 31, 2007, Chambers stole a cell phone

860valued at approximately $350.00 from a package in the possession

870of his employer, United Parcel Service (" UPS ") . At hearing,

882Chambers testi fied that he committed this crime at the instance

893of a fellow employee, whom he knew from high school. He and his

906accomplice were arrested in June 2007 and charged with grand

916theft of the third degree, a felony offense as defined in

927section 812.014, Flori da Statutes. T he other man was not

938prosecuted , however, apparently for want of evidence.

9457. At th e time of the offense, Chambers, then 18 years

957old, was taking classes at the local community college, in

967addition to working at UPS . Obviously, he lost hi s job with UPS

981due to the theft. On December 3, 2007, appearing before the

992Circuit Court in and for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of

1002Florida, Chambers entered a plea of nolo contendere to the

1012criminal charge, was convicted by plea (adjudication withheld) ,

1020and was sentenced to 18 months' probation with orders to make

1031restitution and complete anti - theft and counseling courses.

10408. Chambers completed the term of probation in 2009 and

1050complied with all of the other conditions imposed by the court.

10619. APD contends that Chambers's account of the criminal

1070incident (on which the findings above are based) differs in some

1081respects from the police reports prepared at the time of his

1092arrest, which Chambers provided APD in connection with his

1101exemption requ est. The police reports, however, which are

1110themselves hearsay if offered for the truth of the matters

1120asserted therein, contain multiple layers of embedded hearsay,

1128making them relatively useless as substantive evidence. More

1136important, APD is quibbling about details , none of which make

1146Chambers's crime "worse," even if believed, or impugn Chambers's

1155fundamental credibility as a witness.

1160The Time Period That Has Elapsed Since the Incident.

116910. The disqualifying offense was committed about ten

1177years ago, when Chambers was a young adult. He thus has had

1189ample time to restore his reputation and usefulness to society

1199as a law abiding citizen following his conviction , and to mature

1210into an older, more responsible adult .

1217The Nature of the Harm Caused to the Victim.

122611. Chambers did not cause personal injury to any person

1236in the commission of his crime. The stolen property (a $350.00

1247cell phone) was returned to UPS. In addition, Chambers was

1257ordered to make restitution, and did, although the details of

1267this transaction are not available in the record. Therefore,

1276the economic harm caused by Chambers's theft appears to have

1286been m inim al . ( Just to be clear, the undersigned is not

1300implying that the crime was minor; he is merely finding, as the

1312statute req uires, that as crimes go, this one fortunately caused

1323little harm, if any. Further, to be even clearer, the

1333undersigned recognizes that Chambers's criminal activity might

1340have caused much greater harm had he not been caught so

1351quickly. )

1353The History of the Applicant Since the Incident.

136112. Since his conviction, Chambers has continued taking

1369college level courses, at Florida International University and

1377Broward College, where he hope s to earn an Associate of Arts

1389d egree in the area of beh avioral analysis. In 2011, he

1401completed a program of training to become a nursing assistant,

1411although he has not applied for licensure as a certified nursing

1422assistant. In 2016, Chambers obtained a certification in

1430Professional Crisis Management, after s uccessfully completing a

1438course in reactive strategies for controlling the behavior of

1447persons with developmental disabilities.

145113. Chambers has been working with special needs children

1460for a number of years. For the eight years before, and through ,

1472t he instant proceeding, Chambers served as a patient care

1482assistant to the adult son of Donna Shula , 2 / whose name is T.C.

1496T.C. is currently 26 ye ars old, over six feet tall, and can be

1510difficult to handle due to his disabilities. Chambers assists

1519directly in the care of T.C., primarily in the home, both on a

1532volunteer and privately paid basis.

153714. Chambers also worked for several years as a behavioral

1547tech at Broward Academy, a private school for children with

1557disabilities. In this capacity, h e worked in a classroom

1567setting, teaching life skills, social skills, and academics.

157515. APD argues that Chambers has failed to "take

1584responsibility" for his criminal behavior and "appeared to show

1593a lack of remorse." These arguments are not well foun ded in

1605fact. While it is true that Chambers believes, mistakenly, that

1615the theft of property worth $350.00 would have been classified

1625as a misdemeanor offense until the statute was , he claims,

1635amended shortly before he stole the cell phone (it was not ) ,

1647t his does not impress the undersigned as a sufficient basis for

1659finding that Chambers considers his conviction insignificant or

1667illegitimate. Indeed, that Chambers wants others to think of

1676his crime as less serious (based on his misunderstanding of the

1687law ) implies a sense of shame that might be consistent with

1699remorse. In any event, Chambers has owned up to his wrongdoing

1710and accepted his punishment. As for remorse, this can be

1720difficult both to discern in another person, and to

1729differentiate from other emotions; it would be challenging

1737indeed for that person to prove he is experiencing remors e. The

1749undersigned cannot find, based on the evidence of record, that

1759Chambers is constantly wracked with guilt , but he seemed

1768sincerely sorry for what he had done and credibly disclaimed the

1779capacity to repeat the mistake.

178416. APD severely faults Chambers for so - called omissions

1794from his responses on the exemption questionnaire, which is part

1804of the exemption re quest form. The form asks the applicant to

"1816write your DETAILED version of the events and be specific" with

1827respect to " EACH criminal offense appearing on your record."

1836APD argues that Chambers failed to provide detailed information

1845about the circumstanc es surrounding his "non - disqualifying

1854offense" of violation of probation (the fact of which he did

1865disclose), and that he failed to disclose an "arrest" by U.S

1876Customs and Border Patrol. There is nothing to these arguments.

188617. First, violation of pro bation ("VOP") is not a

1898disqualifying offense , as APD acknowledges. Moreover, VOP is

1906not itself an independent criminal offense for which a

1915probationer may be punished. 3 / If the state proves by the

1927greater weight of the evidence that the probationer comm itted a

1938willful and substantial violation of the conditions of his

1947probation , 4 / then the court may, among other things, revoke

1958probation and resentence the probationer o n the original

1967charge . 5 / Because VOP is not a criminal offense, APD's exemption

1980questionnaire does not unambiguously require an applicant to

1988provide deta ils concerning a VOP incident. Chambers cannot

1997fairly be criticized for not volunteering information in

2005addition to that which APD specifically sought.

201218. At hearing, Chambers testified about the VOP charge

2021against him. He was arrested in December 2008 for shoplifting

2031at a Walmart. Chambers claims that he "forgot to pay" for a

2043jacket that h e had put on in the store. The undersigned

2055considers this explanation to be m inimally plausible but not

2065particularly credible. Whether Chambers actually committed a

2072crime is irrelevant, however, because he was not prosecuted and

2082convicted of theft. Instead, Chambers was arrested for VOP,

2091and , in January 2009 , the court modified h is probation by adding

2103two months to the term.

210819. The upshot of the VOP incident is that it shows

2119Chambers was not rehabilitated as of December 2008, about one

2129year after the commission of his disqualifying offense. The

2138question at issue, however, is whether he is rehabilitated now .

2149The VOP is only marginally relevant, if at all, to that


216120. The incident involving Customs is murkier as the

2170record contains no useful documentation of it. Based on

2179Chamber s 's testimony, a brief summary of the situation can be

2191given. Chambers is a legal permanent resident of the United

2201States ÏÏ not a citizen. In November 2011, while attempting to

2212leave the country on a cruise, Chambers was detained by Customs

2223officials and war ned that , due to his felony conviction for

2234grand theft, he might be deemed an "inadmissible alien" upon his

2245return, which could preclude him from reentering the United

2254States. See 8 U.S.C. § 1182. Chambers's attorney "straightened

2263things out," and he was released.

226921. APD asserts that Chambers was "arrested" by Customs,

2278which might be literally true in that he was, it seems, detained

2290and held involuntarily in the custody of federal officials for a

2301period of time. There is , however, no evidence of any kind that

2313Chambers was arrested for, charged with, or convicted of any

2323crime in connection with this matter. Indeed, there is no basis

2334in the record for finding that simply being an inadmissible

2344alien is even a criminal offense. To top it off, it appears

2356highly unlikely th at Chambers, a lawful permanent resident,

2365would have been regarded as seeking "admission" (and thus

2374subject to the grounds of inadmissibility) after merely taking a

2384brief, innocent, casual cruise outside of the U .S. See 8 U.S.C.

2396§ 1101(a)(13)(C).

239822. The bottom line is that the Customs incident did not

2409involve a criminal offense or conviction. Chambers's testimony

2417that he did not believe the matter needed to be reported to APD

2430is highly credible; his belief was , in fact, both reasonable and

2441correct. Chambers was under no duty to disclose this matter on

2452the exemption questionnaire because APD's form does not

2460unambiguously request such information .

246523. APD makes much of the fact that, since his

2475disqualifyi ng offense, Chambers has been given roughly a dozen

2485tickets for noncriminal traffic infractions such as speeding.

2493The undersigned views these as of little significance. T o

2503begin, it is a matter of common knowledge that many law abiding

2515folks receive similar tickets without ever, as a result, being

2525regarded by others as threats to society. What should not be

2536lost sight of , here, is that the issue at hand is whether

2548Chambers is a good person , not whether he is a good driver. The

2561undersigned finds not hing in the fact of the tickets, which he

2573has considered, that sheds persuasive light on the question of

2583whether Chambers is a reformed criminal.

2589Circumstances Showing Applicant Poses No Danger.

259524. Chambers presented three character witnesses at

2602hearing, each of whom gave compelling testimony about Chambers's

2611rehabilitation. Sharron Roberson, who had supervised Chambers

2618at Broward Academy, was able to watch Chambers closely while he

2629work ed with special needs children , and she testified credibly

2639a bout her perception of his rehabilitation. Chambers's sister,

2648Christa, testified believably in support of her brother's good

2657moral character, although, to be sure, her rel ationship to

2667Chambers reduces the value of her opinion, which cannot be

2677considered i mpartial.

268025. The strongest character evidence was the testimony of

2689Ms. Shula, who as mentioned above is the mother of a special

2701needs adult for whom Chambers has provided in - home care and

2713services. Her testimony that she totally trusts Chambers ÏÏ who

2723sh e believes has a "heart of gold" ÏÏ and considers him to be a

2738part of her family is given great weight because she has no

2750apparent reason to fudge the truth on these issues. Further,

2760Ms. Shula walks the walk , which is most impressive . It is

2772highly unlikely, if not inconceivable, th e undersi gned finds,

2782that Ms. Shula would allow Chambers into her home if she felt he

2795posed even the slightest danger to her family, her son, or

2806herself. The fact that she does allow Chambers to work in her

2818house, and has done so for more than eight years, is compelling

2830proof of her confidence in him.

283626. T he undersigned find s without hesitation that Chambers

2846would likely not present a danger in the future if an exemption

2858from disqualification were granted.

2862Ultima te Factual Determination

286627 . The undersigned has determined, based on clear and

2876convincing evidence, including sufficient persuasive ev idence of

2884rehabilitation, that Chambers should not be disqualified from

2892employment because he is, in fact, rehabilitate d.


290328 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has personal

2912and subject matter jurisdiction in this proceedi ng pursuant to

2922sections 120.569, 120.57(1), and 435.07(3)(c), Florida Statutes .

293029 . Chambers seeks to volunteer for, or be a n employee of ,

2943a facility that serves persons with disabilities. Thus, the

2952position that Chambers seeks to hold falls under the

2961classification of " direct service provider." See § 393.063 ( 1 3),

2972Fla. Stat. (defining " direct s ervice provider " to include

2981pers ons having " face - to - face contact with a client while

2994providing services to the client. ").

300030 . Section 39 3.0655 (1), Florida Statutes, provides that

3010APD " shall require level 2 employment screening pursuant to

3019chapter 435 for direct service providers who are unrelated to

3029their clients, including support coordinators, and managers and

3037supervisors of residential facilities or comprehensive

3043transitional educati on programs licensed under this chapter and

3052any other person, including volunteers, who provide care or

3061services, who have access to a client's living areas, or who

3072have access to a client's funds or personal property ."

308231 . The level 2 screening standards to which section

3092393.0655(1) refers are set forth in s ection 435.04, in pertinent

3103part, as follows:

3106(2) The security background investigations

3111under this section must ensure that no

3118persons subject to the provisions of this

3125section have been arrested for and are

3132awaiting final disposition of, have been

3138found guilty of, regardless of adjudication,

3144or entered a plea of nolo contendere or

3152guilty to, or have been adjudicated

3158delinquent and the record has not been

3165sealed or expunged for, any offense

3171prohibited under any of the following

3177provisions of state law or similar law of

3185another jurisdiction:

3187* * *

3190(cc) Chapter 812, relating to theft,

3196robbery, and related crimes, if the offense

3203is a felony.

320632 . Having been found guilty of grand theft of the third

3218degree , Chambers is disqualified from employment as a direct

3227service provider unless he "is granted an exemption from

3236disqualification pursuant to s. 435.07." See § 435.06(2), Fla.


324633 . Section 39 3.0655(2) provides that APD " may grant

3256exempt ions from disqualification from working with children or

3265adults with developmental disabilities only as provided in

3273s. 435.07. "

327534 . Under section 435.07, the head of APD is granted

3286authority to exempt some employees from disqualification.

3293Employees whom the agency head may exempt (as opposed to

3303employees he or she may not exempt) include, as relevant, those

3314whose disqualifying convictions were for:

33191. Felonies for which at least 3 years have

3328elapsed since the applicant for the

3334exemption has completed or been lawfully

3340released from confinement, supervision, or

3345nonmonetary condition imposed by the court

3351for the disqualifying felony.

3355§ 435.07(1) (a) , Fla. Stat.

336035 . The agency head is prohibited, however, from granting

3370exemptions to all employees who are "exemptible" under section

3379435.07(1). Section 435.07(3)(a) provides:

3383In order for the head of an agency to grant

3393an exemption to any employee, the employee

3400must demonstrate by clear and convincing

3406evidence that the employee should not be

3413disqualified fro m employment. Employees

3418seeking an exemption have the burden of

3425setting forth clear and convincing evidence

3431of rehabilitation , including, but not

3436limited to, the circumstances surrounding

3441the criminal incident for which an exemption

3448is sought, the time pe riod that has elapsed

3457since the incident, the nature of the harm

3465caused to the victim, and the history of the

3474employee since the incident, or any other

3481evidence or circumstances indicating that

3486the employee will not present a danger if

3494employment or contin ued employment is

3500allowed .

3502(Emphasis added). Further, the " agency may consider as part of

3512its deliberations of the employee's rehabilitation the fact that

3521the employee has, subsequent to the conviction for the

3530disqualifying offense for which the exemptio n is being sought,

3540been arrested for or convicted of another crime, even if that

3551crime is not a disqualifying offense ." § 435.07(3)(b) , Fla.


356236 . Thus, to fall within the agency's power to award an

3574exemption from disqualification, an employee must be not only

"3583exemptible" under section 435.07(1), but also able to prove

3592successfully, by clear and convincing evidence, that he or she

3602has been rehabi litated, according to the standards prescribed in

3612section 435.07(3)(a).

361437 . A clearly rehabilitated, "exemptible" employee is not

3623entitled to an exemption, but is merely eligible to be granted

3634one at the agency's broad discretion. See Heburn v. Dep't of

3645Child. & Fams. , 772 So. 2d 561 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000), rev. denied ,

3658790 So. 2d 1104 (Fla. 2001); Phillips v. Dep't of Juv. Just. ,

3670736 So. 2d 118 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999). "However, an agency's

3681discretion is not unbridled; discretionary agency action is

3689subject to a review for reasonableness." K.J.S. v. Dep't of

3699Child. & Fam. Servs. , 974 So. 2d 1106, 1109 (Fla. 1st DCA 2007).

3712Further, whether the employee has been rehabilitated is a

3721question of fact; the agency may not reject or modify a finding

3733on this issue unless it first determines, based on a review of

3745the entire record, that the finding is not supported by

3755competent substantial evidence. Id. ; see § 120.57(1)( l ), Fla.

3765Stat.; accord , B.J. v. Dep't of Child. & Fam. Servs. , 983 So. 2d

377811, 13 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008)(agency improperly reweighed ALJ's

3787factual findings regarding employee's rehabilitation), reh.

3793denied , 983 So. 2d 11, 16 (agency may not reject ALJ's findings

3805of fact regarding credibility, which are within the discretion

3814of the ALJ and may not be reweighed).

382238 . In this case, as found above, Chambers carr ied his

3834burden of establishing rehabilitation clearly and convincingly.

3841Therefore, Chambers is eligible , in fact, for an exemption . See

3852J.D. v. Dep't of Child. & Fams. , 114 So. 3d 11 27, 1131 (Fla. 1st

3867DCA 2013)("The ultimate issue of fact to be determined in a

3879proceeding under section 435.07 is whether the applicant has

3888demonstrated rehabilitation by clear and convincing evidence.").

389639. Had APD's intended action on Chambers's exem ption

3905request involved the exercise of discretion, then the

3913undersigned would have been required to "reach the legal

3922conclusion as to whether the proposed decision was an abuse of

3933discretion." Id. at 1133; see also § 435.07(3)(c), Fla. Stat.

3943APD found, ho wever, that Chambers was not, as a matter of fact,

3956eligible for an exemption, and thus, having so found, deprived

3966itself of any discretion over the proposed decision . This is

3977because the decision to deny the exemption reques t of an

3988ineligible applicant is not a matter of discretion but a clear

3999legal duty.

400140. There is, accordingly, n o discretionary decision for

4010the undersigned to review.

401441. The undersigned's opinion as to whether or not

4023Chambers should be granted an exemption is practically worthless

4032since the agency retains the discretion to do what it wants ,

4043regardless, within the confines of section 120.57(1)( l ) . See,

4054e.g. , J.D. , 114 So. 3d at 1133. As the courts in Heburn and

4067Phillips made clear, moreover, the denial of an exemption to an

4078eligible employee will not generally be considered an abuse of

4088discretion. 6 / The undersigned will , therefore, refrain from

4097making what would be, in effect, a futile recommendation.


4107Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

4117Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Persons with

4127Disabilities enter a final order, consistent herewith, either

4135granting or denying Dominic Chambers the exemption from

4143disqualification for which he is , in fact, eligible.

4151DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of February , 20 1 7 , in

4163Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.




4173Administrative Law Judge

4176Division of Administrative Hearings

4180The DeSoto Building

41831230 Apalachee Parkway

4186Tallahassee, Florida 3239 9 - 3060

4192(850) 488 - 9675 SUNCOM 278 - 9675

4200Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


4207Filed with the Clerk of the

4213Division of Administrative Hearings

4217this 10th day of February , 20 1 7 .


42281 / The question of whether to grant an exemption is committed to

4241the agency head's discretion if and only if the employee has

4252proved his rehabilitation by clear and convincing evidence. See

4261§ 435.07(3)(a), Fla. Stat. If the employee is not

4270rehabilitated, then the agency head has no choice but to deny

4281the exemption ÏÏ there is no discretion to be exercised in that

4293event. Id.

42952 / Yes, she is the daughter of the legendary coach.

43063 / See, e.g. , Lee v. State , 54 So. 3d 573, 573 - 74 (Fla. 1st DCA


43244 / Melton v . State , 65 So. 3d 96, 97 (Fla. 1st DCA 2011).

43395 / See § 948.06, Fla. Stat.

43466 / In Heburn , 772 So. 2d at 563, the court wrote that the

4360agency's "exercise of discretion [in granting or denying an

4369exemption to an eligible employee] is circumscribed by the

4378standards set forth in section 435.07(3)." These standards

4386specifically bear on the issue of rehabilitation, a fact which

4396an "exemptible" applicant must establish, by clear and

4404convincing evidence, in order simply to be eligible for an

4414exemption. Since t he agency has no discretion to exempt

4424ineligible applicants but instead may grant exemptions only to

4433those who are eligible and hence who, by definition, have

4443adequately demonstrated rehabilitation pursuant to the section

4450435.07(3) standards, it is not ent irely clear how those same

4461standards are to be applied in distinguishing between eligible

4470applicants who, in the exercise of sound discretion, reasonably

4479should be exempted from disqualification and those who

4487reasonably should not be. In any event, when d enying an

4498exemption to an eligible applicant such as Chambers, the agency

4508ideally should articulate the facts and circumstances upon which

4517its discretionary decision has been based, so that the outcome

4527will not appear to be arbitrary or capricious, and als o to

4539enable a reviewing court to determine whether or not the

4549agency's discretion was abused, if the disappointed applicant



4561Dominic Chambers

4563Apartment 2

45652867 Forest Hills Boulevard

4569Coral Springs, Florida 33065

4573Jeannette L. Estes, Esquire

4577Agency for Persons with Disabilities

4582Office of the General Counsel

4587200 North Kentucky Avenue, Suite 422

4593Lakeland, Florida 33801

4596(eSer v ed )

4600Michele Lucas , Agency Clerk

4604Agency for Persons with Disabilities

46094030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

4614Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


4620Barbara Palmer, Executive Director

4624Agency for Persons with Disabilities

46294030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

4634Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950


4640Richard Ditschler, General Counsel

4644Agency for Persons with Disa bilities

46504030 Esplanade Way, Suite 380

4655Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0950



4667All parties have the right to submit written exceptions within

467715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

4688to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

4699will issue the Final Order in this case.

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Date: 05/10/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 05/03/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 02/10/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 02/10/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 02/10/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held January 11, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 01/24/2017
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/24/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner`s Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 01/11/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 01/10/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Witness List filed.
Date: 01/09/2017
Proceedings: (Amended) Notice of Filing Respondent's Amended Witness List (Amended as to Certificate of Service Only) filed.
Date: 01/09/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Amended Witness List filed.
Date: 01/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Confidential and/or Sensitive Information within Court Filing filed.
Date: 01/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Proposed Exhibit List filed.
Date: 01/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Respondent's Witness List filed.
Date: 12/19/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Substitution of Counsel filed.
Date: 11/17/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/17/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for January 11, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Lauderdale Lakes and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/08/2016
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Denial of Exemption from Disqualification filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 11/07/2016
Proceedings: Notice (of Agency referral) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Lauderdale Lakes, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (8):