16-006611RU Jonathan L. Wolf, Berkshire Square, Ltd; Hawthorne Park, Ltd; And Southwick Commons, Ltd vs. Florida Housing Finance Corporation
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Wednesday, January 18, 2017.

View Dockets  
Summary: Petitioners did not prove that two existing rules were invalid or that various statements were unadopted rules.









32Petitioner s,

34vs. Case Nos. 16 - 6610RU

4016 - 661 1 RU



49Respondent ,




59Intervenor s .



65This matter came before D. R. Alexander, Administrative Law

74Judge of the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) , after

83the parties waived a final hearing and submitted a stipulated

93record . The parties are represented as follows .


103For Petitioner s : Craig D. Varn, Esquire

111Manson Bolves Donaldson Varn, P.A.

116Suite 201

118204 South Monroe Street

122Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591

127For Respondent : Christopher Dale McGuire, Esquire

134Florida Housing Finance Corporation

138227 North Bronough Street , Suite 5000

144Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 13 29

150For Intervenor: Michael P. Donaldson, Esquire

156(Heritage Park) Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

163Post Office Box 190

167Tallahassee , Florida 32 3 02 - 0190

174For Intervenor: Maureen McCarthy Daugh ton, Esquire

181(HTG) Maureen McCarthy Daughton, LLC

186Suite 3 04

1891725 Capital Circle Northeast

193Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 0595


203The issue s are (1) wheth e r Florida Administrative Code

214Rules 67 - 48.002(95) and 67 - 60.010 (3) are invalid exercise s of

228delegated legislative authority ; and (2) whether certain

235statements in Request for Application 2016 - 113 (RFA - 113) issued

247by Respondent, Florida Housing Finance Corp oration ( Florida

256Housing or agency), are unlawful unadopted rules in violation of

266section 120.54(1)(a) , Florida Statutes (2016) .


274After Florida Housing published its notice soliciting

281applications pursuant to RFA - 113, o n November 14, 201 6 ,

293Petitioners American Residential Development, LLC (ARD) , Madison

300Highlands, LLC (Madison) , and Patrick Law (Law) filed with DOAH

310a Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of

318Rules 67 - 48.002(95) and 67 - 60. 010, Florida Administrative Co de,

331and Non - Rule Policy , which was assigned Case No. 16 - 6610RU. On

345the same date, Jonathan L. Wolf (Wolf) , Berkshire Square, Ltd

355(Berkshire) , Hawthorne Park, Ltd (Hawthorne) , and Southwick

362Commons, Ltd (Southwick) , filed with DOAH a second Petition,

371which was assigned Case No. 16 - 6611RU. The two cases were

383assigned to Administrative Law Judge Green , consolidated , and

391then transferred to Administrative Law Judge Peterson . On

400November 15, 2016, the same Petitioners filed with Florida

409Housing two Petitions for Administrative Determination of

416Invalidity of RFA 2016 - 113 , which protested certain

425specifications in RFA - 113 . After Florida Housing referred the

436two files to DOAH , they were assigned Case Nos. 16 - 6698 and

44916 - 6699 , initially given a n RU suffix, and consolidated with

461Case Nos. 16 - 6610RU and 16 - 6611RU. The undersigned then granted

474the parties ' request to consolidate the four cases with Case

485No. 16 - 6168RX , which challenged certain statements in RFA - 110

497and the same two agency rules. The day a fter con solidation,

509Petitioners filed a voluntary dismissal in Case No. 16 - 6168RX.

520Intervenors Heritage Oaks, LLLP ( H eritage) , and HTG Anderson

530Terrace, LLC (HTG) , who intend to file applications in response

540to the RFA - 113 solicitation, were authorized to inter ve ne in

553support of Florida Housing.

557Because Case Nos. 16 - 6698 and 16 - 6699 challenge

568specifications in RFA - 113, the RU suffix has been changed to a

581BID suffix, and a separate recommended order is being entered in

592those cases. See § 120.57(1)(e) , Fla. Stat. , which now

601authorizes a person challenging agency action to file a

610collateral rule challenge under section 120.56 regarding the

618agency's use of an invalid or unadopted rule in a section 120.57


631All parties agreed to waive a final hearing and su bmit a

643stipulated record. The record consists of J oint E xhibits 1

654through 3 : RFA - 113, as modified ; 26 U.S.C. S . § 42 of the

670Internal Revenue Code (IRC); and Florida Housing ' s 2016

680Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) . Also, Florida Housing offered

689Exhibit 1, which is the deposition of former Executive Director

699Steve Auger . Although Petitioners do not stipulate to any parts

710of the deposition , a ll exhibits are accepted in evidence .

721Finally, t he parties submitted a Joint S tipulation of certain

732facts .

734P roposed f inal orders (PFOs) were filed by Petitioners and

745Florida Housing , and they have been consid ered in the

755preparation of this Final Order. Intervenors have joined in the

765Florida Housing 's PFO . To the extent Petitioners' PFO , with an

777attached exhibit, expand s the issues raised in the Petitions,

787those issues have been disregarded.


796A. The Parties

7991. Florida Housing is a public corporation created

807pursuant to section 420.504. One of its responsibilities is to

817award low - income housing tax credits, which developers use to

828finance the construction of affordable housing. Tax credits are

837made available to states annually by the United States Treasury

847Department and are then awarded pursuant to a competitive cycle

857that starts with Florida Housi ng's issuance of a n RFA. This

869proceeding concerns RFA - 113.

8742. Petitioner s ARD and Madison are developer s of

884affordable housing units and submit applications for tax

892credits. Law and Wolf are principal s of a developer of

903affordable housing units. Berk shire , Hawthorne , and Southwick

911are limited partnerships that have submitt ed applications for

920tax credits . All Petitioners intend to submit application s in

931response to RFA - 113 and will be subject to rule chapters 67 - 48

946and 67 - 60 .

9513. Intervenors Heritage and HTG are developers of

959affordable housing who intend to file applications pursuant to

968RFA - 113.

971B. Background

9734. On October 28, 2016, Florida Housing published on its

983website proposed solicitation RFA - 113 , a 121 - page document

994inviting a pplic ations for the award of up to $14,669,052.00 in

1008housing tax credits for the development of affordable ,

1016multifamily housing located in Broward, Duval, Hillsborough,

1023Orange, Palm Beach, and Pinellas Counties . After Petitioners

1032gave notice of their intent to challenge RFA - 113 , Florida

1043Housing attempted to resolve the dispute by modifying the

1052solicitation on November 13, 2016 . The modification did not

1062resolve the dispute.

10655 . On November 14, 2016, Petitioners timely filed with

1075DOAH two Petitions, each challenging rules 67 - 48.002(95) and

108567 - 60.010 (3) and various statements in RFA - 113. On the same

1099date, they filed with Florida Housing two petitions challenging

1108certain specifications in the solicitation. Although the

1115Petitions include allegations that two existing rules are

1123invalid, Petitioners' main concern appears to be directed at

1132various provisions in RFA - 113 that they assert limit their

1143ability to be awarded tax credits. The se contentions are

1153addressed separately below.

1156C. Rule 67 - 48.002(95)

11616 . The federal Low - In come Housing Credit Program is

1173governed by 26 U.S.C.S. § 42 (section 42) . The program

1184allocates annually federal income tax credits to states on a per

1195capita basis to help facilitate private development of

1203affordable low - income housing.

12087 . As the housi ng credit agency for the State of Florida ,

1221Florida Housing has the authority to administer various federal

1230and state affordable housing programs, including the Low - Income

1240H ousing C redit P rogram. See § 420.5099(1), Fla. Stat.

12518 . Section 42(m)(l)(A)(i) r equires e ach state that

1261administers low - income housing credits to adopt a QAP , which

1272identifies the selection criteria used for distributing the

1280housing credit s.

12839 . To comply with this requirement, r ule 67 - 48.002(95)

1295a dopts and incorporates by referenc e the 2016 QAP. The rule

1307reads as follows:

1310(95) "QAP" or "Qualified Allocation Plan"

1316means, with respect to the HC [Housing

1323Credit] program, the 2016 Qualified

1328Allocation Plan which is adopted and

1334incorporated herein by reference, effective

1339upon the appr oval by the Governor of the

1348State of Florida, pursuant to Section

135442(m)(1)(B) of the IRC and sets forth the

1362selection criteria and the preferences of

1368the Corporation for Developments which will

1374receive Housing Credits. The QAP is

1380available on the Corporat ion's Website under

1387the Multifamily Programs link or by

1393contacting the Housing Credit Program at

1399227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000,

1405Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1329, or from


1414Ref - 07355.

14171 0 . The 2016 QAP is a five - page document that replaces the

1432201 5 QAP and generally describes the process for allocati ng

14432017 housing credits . In sum mary , i t identifies Florida Housing

1455a s the housing credit agency for the State, lists the federally -

1468mandated p references and se lection criteria to be used when

1479allocating housing credits , describes in brief terms the

1487competitive solicitation process, describes the process for

1494awarding competitive and noncompetitive housing credits, and

1501describes the procedures for monitoring and r eporting a

1510project's noncompliance with IRC requirements.

15151 1 . Section 42(m)(1)(C) lists ten selection criteria that

1525must be incorporated into the QAP. To comply with this

1535requirement, s ection I.B. of the 2016 QAP provides that the

1546following selection cri teria will be considered when determining

1555the allocation of h ousing c redits:

1562a. project location;

1565b. housing needs characteristics;

1569c . project characteristics including

1574housing as part of a community

1580revitalization plan;

1582d. sponsor characteristics ;

1585e. tenant populations with special housing


1592f. public housing waiting lists;

1597g. tenant populations of individuals with


1604h. projects intended for eventual tenant


1611i. energy efficiency of the projects; and

1618j. historic natur e of project.

16241 2 . These criteria are identical to those listed in

1635section 42(m)(1)(C) and are intended to provide general guidance

1644for the entire housing credit program , and not just RFA - 113 .

16571 3 . Other than the ten criteria, t he IRC requires no

1670fur ther detail regarding the selection criteria. However, more

1679specific guidance is found in the individual RFAs, tailored to

1689each type of solicitation . Since late 2013, when the RFA

1700solicitation process began , around 15 to 20 RFAs have been

1710issued annually . Petitioners assert the QAP violate s the IRC by

1722not listing the RFA criteria . However , neither the Department

1732of Housing and Urban Development nor the Internal Revenue

1741Service has ever told Florida Housing that the QAP does not

1752comply with the IRC or ot her applicable federal regulations .

17631 4 . The rule cites s ection 420.507 as Florida Housing's

1775rulemaking authority. That statute has 49 subsections that

1783identif y the various powers necessary for Florida Housing to

1793carry out and effectuate the p rovisions of the law. Pertinent

1804to this dispute is subsection (12) , a general grant of authority

1815for Florida Housing "[ t ] o make rules necessary to carry out the

1829purposes of [ part V, chapter 420 ] , " which governs the various

1841low - income housing programs administered b y the agency . The

1853rule cites s ection 420.5099(1) as the law being implemented .

1864That provision designates Florida Housing as the housing credit

1873agency for the state , along with its "responsibility and

1882authority to establish procedures necessary for proper

1889allocation and distribution of low - income housing tax credits

1899and [to] exercise all powers necessary to administer the

1908allocation of such credits." While consistency with section 42

1917is required in order to satisfy federal requirements, t he IRC is

1929not the law being implemented.

19341 5 . Petitioners alleg e the rule exceeds the agency's grant

1946of rulemaking authority and enlarges, modifies, or contravenes

1954the specific provisions of law implemented . See § 120.52(8)(b)

1964and (c), Fla. Stat. In s hort , t hey contend t h at other than the

1980generic selection criteria required by section 42 (m)(1)(C) , the

1989QAP fails to include the other selection criteria in RFA - 113

2001that are used during the competitive process .

2009D. Rule 67 - 60.010(3)

20141 6 . Petitioners also challenge r ule 67 - 60.0 10 (3) . The

2029entire rule , entitled "Funding Preferences," reads as follows:

2037(1) In connection with any competitive

2043solicitation, where all other competitive

2048elements are equal, the Corporation may

2054establish a preference for developers and

2060general contracto rs who demonstrate the

2066highest rate of Florida job creation in the

2074development and construction of affordable


2080(2) In any competitive solicitation, the

2086Corporation may prescribe a priority to fund

2093affordable housing projects in the Florida

2099Keys A rea of Critical State Concern and the

2108City of Key West Area of Critical State

2116Concern where, due to challenging

2121environmental, land use, transportation,

2125workforce, and economic factors, it is

2131extremely difficult to successfully finance,

2136develop, and constr uct affordable housing.

2142(3) The Corporation may establish other

2148funding priorities as deemed appropriate for

2154a competitive program or solicitation.

21591 7 . The rule cites s ection 420.507(12) a s the source of

2173rulemaking authority. That statute is a general grant of

2182authority allowing Florida Housing to adopt rules necessary to

2191carry out the purposes of part V, chapter 420 , which includes

2202the issuance of tax credits under the Low - I ncome Housing Credit

2215Program .

22171 8 . The rule cites sections 420.507 (47), (48) , and (49) ,

2229420.5087 , 420.5089(2) , and 420.5099 as the law s being

2238implemented . In their totality, t hose provisions authorize

2247Florida Housing to adopt rules and procedures for allocating

2256housing credits and loans for programs that it administers

2265pursuant t o chapter 420 . One authorized procedure is the

2276authority to use RFAs when awarding low - income housing tax

2287credits . See § 420.507(48), Fla. Stat.

22941 9 . On the faulty premise that RFA - 113 derives its

2307authority from subsection (3) of the rule , rather than st atutory

2318law, Petitioners argue that Florida Housing is allocat ing l ow -

2330i ncome h ousing t ax c redits in a manner that violates s ection 42

2346and chapter 420 . They contend authority is delegated by the RFA

2358to local governments to choose which developer will recei ve

2368local funding, thus giving that developer more preferential

2376treatment in the selection process . By doing so , Petitioners

2386assert subsection (3) violates section 120.52(8)(d) by failing

2394to establish adequate standards for agency decisions and vest ing

2404unb ridled discretion in the agency.

241020 . As the record shows, t he authority to allocate tax

2422credits is not derived from a rule . The source of authority is

2435a statute. Subsection (3) simply informs readers that , besides

2444th e statutorily - mandated procedures s pelled out in subsections

2455(1) and (2), other types of funding priorities or preferences

2465m ay be enacted at some future time by the legislature . As these

2479changes occur, the reader is told that specific rules will be

2490adopted to implement those changes.

2495E. Agency Statements

24982 1 . The allegations c oncerning unadopted rules , all in the

2510RFA, are somewhat confusing. In their PFO, Petitioners request

2519that a final order be entered determining "the policies that

2529make up virtually all of RFA 2016 - 113 are invalid non - rule

2543policies." Pet'r PFO, p. 23. In paragraph 38 of the PFO , t hey

2556make reference to RFA pages 2, 13, 20, 22, 40 - 45, 53 - 54, 62 - 63,

257467 - 68, 72, and 110 , but elsewhere provide the actual text of

2587only six statements and a brief description of a few others . In

2600the parties' Joint Stipulation, Petitioners assert only that

"2608RFA 2016 - 113 contains numerous provisions that are invalid

2618exercises of non - rule policy and are without a basis in or are

2632contrary to the law implemented." Jt. Stip., p. 2, § B.1. No

2644state ments are identified or des cribed . As detailed in

2655endnote 1, however, their initial Petitions identify the text of

2665some statements and provide a brief description of others , along

2675with the page number on which they are found . 1/ Only these

2688statements wi ll be addressed. Petitioners contend that Florida

2697Housing must immediately discontinue all reliance upon them,

2705stop the solicitation process, and issue a new RFA. It is

2716unnecessary to recite each statement in full in order to resolve

2727this dispute.

27292 2 . A n RFA is issued for each solicitation involving low -

2743income housing credits. Before posting an RFA, Florida Housing

2752typically conducts workshops and posts on - line information to

2762inform prospective applicants of all requirements and any new

2771provisions. By reading the RFA, each prospective applicant is

2780placed on equal footing with the others. RFA - 113 consists of

2792six sections : Introduction; Definitions; Procedures and

2799Provisions; Information to be Provided in Application;

2806Evaluation Process; and Award Proce ss. The definitions and

2815funding selection criteria being challenged are found in

2823s ection s Two and Four , respectively. A lengthy Exhibit A is

2835attached to RFA - 113, which includes various f orms , instructions,

2846and the like.

28492 3 . The evidence shows that RFA s in the low - income rental

2864housing program are not always the same, a s they vary depending

2876on such things as the type of project, size of the county,

2888applicable selection criteria, proximity of other developments,

2895program being implemented, demographics be ing served, and

2903economic conditions in the area. Also, changes in the

2912substantive law or f ederal re gulations re quire a modification of

2924an RFA 's terms and conditions from time to time. For example,

2936RFA - 113 contains new criteria used by Florida Housing for the

2948very first time. In s hort , RFA - 113 is tailored to a very narrow

2963class of persons in the six - county area who seek tax credits to

2977build affordable low - income rental property in th at area.

29882 4 . The s election criteria in RFA - 113 are not cast in

3003stone an d some are subject to discretionary application. And

3013applicants can achieve points in different ways. During the

3022review process, evaluators have the discretion to either waive

3031or enforce irregularities , depending on how they characterize

3039the irregularity . It is fair to assume from the record that

3051different members of the evaluation committee might assign a

3060different score to the same section of an application.

3069F. Is Rulemaking Imp racticable ?

30742 5 . Petitioners contend that Florida Housing must adopt by

3085r ule the detailed selection criteria, preferences, and

3093definitions contained in every RFA . These terms and conditions

3103change from cycle to cycle and would require Florida Housing to

3114engage in repetitive rulemaking each year, which more than

3123likely would un duly delay the solicitation process . Assuming

3133arguendo the statements are a rule, which they are not, under

3144the circumstances presented here, it is not reasonable to adopt

3154by rule precise or detailed principles, criteria, or standards

3163for every solicitati on . See § 120.54(1)(a)2. a., Fla. Stat.

3174G. Attorney's Fees and Costs

31792 6 . As a condition precedent to seeking an award of

3191attorney's fees and costs against an agency for having an

3201illegal unadopted rule, the person bringing the challenge must

3210give the a gency 30 days' notice before filing a petition under

3222section 120.56(4) , which notice must inform the agency that the

3232disputed statement might constitute an unadopted rule. See

3240§ 120.595(4)(b), Fla. Stat. The parties have stipulated that

3249Petitioners failed to provide this notice.


32582 7 . Petitioners are substantially affected by the

3267challenged rules and statements and have standing to bring this

3277action. Intervenors also have standing to participate.

3284Existing Rules

32862 8 . Petitioners hav e the burden of proving by a

3298preponderance of the evidence that rules 67 - 48.002(95) and

330867 - 60.010(3) are invalid exercise s of delegated legislative

3318authority as to the objections raised . § 120.56(3)(a), Fla.


332929 . Section 120.52(8) defines "invali d exercise of

3338delegated legislative authority" in relevant part to mean:

3346[ A ]ction that goes beyond the powers,

3354functions, and duties delegated by the

3360Legislature. A proposed or existing rule is

3367an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

3373authority if an y one of the following


3382* * *

3385(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

3393rulemaking authority, citation to which is

3399required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1; [or]

3404(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

3410contravenes the specific provisions of law

3416implemented, citation to which is required

3422by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.

3425(d) The rule is vague, fails to establish

3433adequate standards for agency decisions , or

3439vests unbridled discretion in the agency;

3445* * *

3448A grant of rulemaking authorit y is necessary

3456but not sufficient to allow an agency to

3464adopt a rule; a specific law to be

3472implemented is also required. An agency may

3479adopt only rules that implement or interpret

3486the specific powers and duties granted by

3493the enabling statute. No agency shall have

3500authority to adopt a rule only because it is

3509reasonably related to the purpose of the

3516enabling legislation and is not arbitrary

3522and capricious or is within the agency's

3529class of powers and duties, nor shall an

3537agency have the authority to implem ent

3544statutory provisions setting forth general

3549legislative intent or policy. Statutory

3554language granting rulemaking authority or

3559generally describing the powers and

3564functions of an agency shall be construed to

3572extend no further than implementing or

3578interp reting the specific powers and duties

3585conferred by the enabling statute.

3590Petition er s contend rule 67 - 48.002(95) exceeds its grant o f

3603rulemaking authority and enlarges, modifies , or contravenes the

3611specific provisions of law implemented , and rule 67 - 60.010 (3)

3622fails to establish adequate standards for agency decisions and

3631vests unbridled discretion in the agency .

36383 0 . An agency may adopt rules "only where the Legislature

3650has enacted a specific statute, and authorized the agency to

3660implement it, and then on ly if the rule implements or interprets

3672specific powers or duties." State, Bd. of Trustees of the Int.

3683Impust Fund v. Day Cruise Ass'n , 794 So. 2d 696, 700 (Fla.

36951st DCA 2001). In considering an agency's statutory authority

3704to adopt a rule, "[t]he qu estion is whether the statute contains

3716a specific grant of legislative authority for the rule, not

3726whether the grant of authority is specific enough." SW Fla.

3736Water Mgmt. Dist. v. Save the Manatee Club, Inc. , 773 So. 2d

3748594, 599 (Fla. 1st DCA 2000).

37543 1 . Rule 67 - 48.002(95) cites section 420.507 as the source

3767of its rulemaking authority. Subsection (12) authorizes Florida

3775Housing " [t] o make rules necessary to carry out the purposes of

3787this part [part V, chapter 420] and to exercise any power

3798granted in thi s part pursuant to the provisions of chapter 120."

3810This statute provides a general grant of rulemaking authority.

3819However, as the flush - left paragraph in section 120.52(8) makes

3830clear, these general grants of rulemaking authority are, alone,

3839insufficient to authorize the adoption of the rule. Thus, the

3849next inquiry required by the flush - left paragraph is whether the

3861challenged rule provisions "implement or interpret the specific

3869powers and duties granted by the enabling statute."

38773 2 . Section 420.5099(1 ), the law being implemented, gives

3888Florida Housing the authority "to establish procedures necessary

3896for proper allocation and distribution of low - income housing tax

3907credits." In order to properly allocate and distribute tax

3916credits, Florida Housing must adopt a QAP. Rule 67 - 48.002(95)

3927does exactly this. The rule does not exceed the grant of

3938rulemaking authority .

39413 3 . Petitioners also contend the same rule contravenes the

3952specific provisions of the law being implemented by failing to

3962include in the QAP the RFA - 113 selection criteria . There is,

3975h owever, no specific requirement that the QAP adopt all of the

3987specifications in the solicitation. Petitioners also argue that

3995the QAP violates section 42, but the IRC is not the law being

4008implemented. The rule does not contravene section 420.5099(1).

40163 4 . Petitioners contend r ule 67 - 60.010(3) fails to

4028establish adequate standards for agency decisions and vests

4036unbridled discretion in the agency. This argument is based on

4046the incorrect assumption that rule 67 - 60.010(3) is the authority

4057for Florida Housing to allocate tax credits through an RFA. The

4068record shows otherwise, as subsection (3) does not serve as the

4079RFA's source of authority. Rather, section 420.507(48)

4086authorizes Florida Housing to award low - inco me housing tax

4097credits by competitive solicitation. The rule merely informs

4105the reader that Florida Housing "may establish other funding

4114priorities" when authorized by the legislature. The rule does

4123not violate section 120.52(8) (d) .

4129Unadopted Rules

41313 5 . Section 120.56(4)(a) authorizes any person who is

4141substantially affected by an agency statement to seek an

4150administrative determination that the statement is actually a

4158rule whose existence violates section 120.54(1)(a) because the

4166agency has not formall y adopted the statement.

41743 6 . Petitioners have the burden of establishing by a

4185preponderance of the evidence that the challenged agency

4193statements constitute unpromulgated rules.

419737 . No explanation is given as to why the text of all

4210challenged stateme nts is not recited in the Petitions , as the

4221text should be readily accessible in the RFA. This would avoid

4232confusion or doubt as to which statements are being challenged.

4242In any event, Petitioners are bound by the allegations in their

4253Petitions, as furth er limited by the Prehearing Stipulation.

4262Heartland Envtl. Council, Inc. v. Dep't of C mty. Aff . , Case No.

427594 - 2095GM (Fla. DOAH Oct. 15, 1996; Fla. DCA Nov. 25, 1996).

4288Therefore, only those allegations in the Petitions are relevant

4297to this controversy.

430038. Section 120.56(4)(a) provides that the "petition shall

4308include the text of the statement or a description of the

4319statement" being challenged. A vague reference to "policies , " a

4328very brief description, or a page number in the RFA , and nothing

4340more, whe n the text of the RFA is readily available, does not

4353comply with the statute. See Aloha Utils., Inc. v. PSC , 723 So.

43652d 919, 921 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999)(a challenge to the PSC's "audit

4377procedures," without describing or reciting the text of any of

4387the indi vidual statements being challenged, fails to comply with

4397the statute). Therefore, allegations in the Petitions of this

4406nature have not been considered.

44113 9 . Section 120.52(20) defines an unadopted rule as "an

4422agency statement that meets the definition of the term 'rule,'

4433but that has not been adopted pursuant to the requirements of

4444s. 120.54."

444640 . Section 120.52(16) defines the term "rule" to mean

4456each agency statement of general

4461applicability that implements, interprets,

4465or prescribes law or policy or describes the

4473procedure or practice requirements of an

4479agency and includes any form which imposes

4486any requirement or solicits any information

4492not specifically required by statute or by

4499an existing rule. The term also includes

4506the amendment or repeal of a rule.

45134 1 . To be a rule, the statement s must have general

4526applicability , and not apply just to a singular factual

4535situation . A g . for Health Care Admin. v. Custom Mobility, Inc. ,

4548995 So. 2d 984 , 986 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008). If a statement is

4561limited to a sing ular factual situation, or the class of persons

4573or activities is too narrow, it is not considered an agency

4584statement of general applicability.

45884 2 . The chal lenged statements are not statements of

4599general applicability. They are specific to the solicita tion

4608process for affordable rental housing tax credits in a small

4618geographic area. They have no applicability other than to the

4628specific persons who submit an application in response to

4637R FA - 113. The record also shows that in applying and evaluating

4650va rious provisions within the RFA, the evaluation committee may

4660exercise discretion. State, Dep't of Admin. v. Stevens , 344 So.

46702d 290, 296 (Fla. 1st DCA 1977). Given these circumstances, t he

4682statements are not rules.

46864 3 . Finally, assuming arguendo the statements fall within

4696the definition of a rule, for the reason stated in Finding of

4708Fact 2 5 , adoption of the statements as a rule is not

4720p racticable. See § 120.54(1)(a)2.a., Fla. Stat.


4728Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions o f

4739Law, it is

4742ORDERED that rules 67 - 48.002(95) and 67 - 60.010(3) are not

4754an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority ; the

4762challenged statements are not unlawful unadopted rules ; and the

4771Petitions are denied .

4775DONE AND ORDERED this 18th day of Janua ry, 2017, in

4786T alla hassee, Leon County, Florida.



4797Administrative Law Judge

4800Division of Administrative Hearings

4804The DeSoto Building

48071230 Apalachee Parkway

4810Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

4815(850) 488 - 9675

4819Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847

4825www.doah.st ate.fl.us

4827Filed with the Clerk of the

4833Division of Administrative Hearings

4837this 18th day of January, 2017.


48441/ In the first section of the Petitions labeled "The 2016 QAP

4856and the 'Plan , '" the text or a brief description with the page

4869number of t he following challenged statements are made: the

4879definition of "Local Government Areas of Opportunity" on page 2;

4889section 4.A.6.a . (2), page 20, relating to local government

4899funding; and section 4.A.10.b., page 37, relating to local

4908government support. Se e Petitions, pp. 12 - 13, ¶¶ 39, 41, and 42;

4922pp. 12 - 13, ¶¶ 40, 42, and 43.

4931In the second section labeled "Exclusion of Eligible Developments

4940from Funding," Petitioners provide a brief description of two

4949statements found on pages 2 and 13 of the RFA. The first

4961statement is the definition of a RECAP area. The second

4971described statement, section 4.A.5.c.(1), provides that with one

4979exception, certain proposed developments located within a RECAP

4987area are not eligible to receive funding. See Petitions,

4996pp. 14 - 15, ¶¶ 46 - 47; pp. 13 - 14, ¶¶ 47 - 48.

5012In the third section labeled "Illegal Delegation of Legislative

5021Authority to Local Governments," Petitioners provide the text of

5030five statements found on pages 2 (Section Two, Definitions),

503913 - 14 (§ 4.A.5.c.(1) ), 20 (§ 4.A.6.a.(2)), and 40 - 41 (two parts

5054of § 4.A.10.b.) of the RFA. These statements relate generally to

5065provisions that award extra points to developers who receive cash

5075or grants from a local government or whose projects will be in a

5088specified area within the local government. See Petitions,

5096pp. 16 - 19, ¶¶ 60, 61, 64, 66, and 69; pp. 16 - 18, ¶¶ 60, 61, 64,

511566, and 69.

5118No other portions of the 121 - page RFA are challenged in the

5131initial Petitions.


5135Michael P. Donaldson, Esqui re

5140Carlton Fields Jorden Burt, P.A.

5145Post Office Box 190

5149Tallahassee, Florida 32302 - 0190


5155Chistopher Dale M cGuire, Esquire

5160Florida Housing Finance Corporation

5164227 North Bronough Street , Suite 5000

5170Tallahassee, Florida 323 01 - 13 29


5178Craig D. Var n, Esquire

5183Manson Bolves Donaldson Varn, P.A.

5188204 South Monroe Street , Suite 20 1

5195Tallahassee, Florida 32301 - 1591


5201Douglas P. M anson, Esquire

5206Manson Bolves Donaldson Varn, P.A.

52111101 Swann Avenue

5214Tampa, Florida 33606 - 2637


5220Mau reen M. Daughton, Esquire

5225Maureen McCarthy Daughton, LLC

52291725 Capital Circle Northeast, Suite 304

5235Tallahassee, Florida 32308 - 0595


5241Hugh R. Brown, General Counsel

5246Florida Housing Finance Corporation

5250227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000

5256Tallahass ee, Florida 32301 - 13 29


5264Ken Plante, Coordinator

5267Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

5271Room 680, Pepper Building

5275111 West Madison Street

5279Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1400


5285Ernest Reddick, Chief

5288Alexandra Nam

5290Department of State

5293R.A. Gray Building

5296500 South Bronough Street

5300Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250



5312A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled

5324to judicial review pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statutes.

5333Rev iew proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate

5344Procedure. Such proc eedings are commenced by filing the original

5354notice of administrative appeal with the agency clerk of the

5364Division of Administrative Hearings within 30 days of rendition

5373of the order to be reviewed, and a copy of the notice,

5385accompanied by any filing fees prescribed by law, with the clerk

5396of the District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where

5407the agency maintains its headquarters or where a party resides or

5418as other wise provided by law.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/15/2017
Proceedings: Mandate
Date: 05/15/2017
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 05/15/2017
Proceedings: Mandate filed.
Date: 04/21/2017
Proceedings: Petitioners'/Appellants' Notice of Voluntary Dismissal filed.
Date: 03/08/2017
Proceedings: Order Decling Referral to Mediation filed.
Date: 03/08/2017
Proceedings: Invoice for the record on appeal mailed.
Date: 03/08/2017
Proceedings: Index (of the Record) sent to the parties of record.
Date: 02/27/2017
Proceedings: Amended Acknowledgment of New Case, Fifth DCA Case No. 5D17-491 filed.
Date: 02/21/2017
Proceedings: Filing Fee Receipt filed.
Date: 02/16/2017
Proceedings: Notice of New Case Under Consideration for Mediation filed.
Date: 02/16/2017
Proceedings: Acknowledgment of New Case, Fifth DCA Case No. 5D17-491 filed.
Date: 02/16/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appeal filed and Certified copy sent to the District Court of Appeal this date.
Date: 01/18/2017
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 01/18/2017
Proceedings: Final Order. CASE CLOSED.
Date: 12/27/2016
Proceedings: Petitioners' Response to Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 12/20/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Motion to Strike filed.
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Petitioners' Proposed Final Order (filed in Case No. 16-006699BID).
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Petitioners' Proposed Recommended Order (filed in Case No. 16-006699BID).
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Heritage Oaks, LLLP's Notice of Joinder in the Proposed Recommended Order and Final Order of Florida Housing filed.
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Intervenor, HTG Anderson Terrace, LLC's Notice of Joinder in Respondent's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 12/16/2016
Proceedings: Joint Stipulation (filed in Case No. 16-006699BID).
Date: 11/30/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition of Corporate Represenative of Florida Housing Finance Corporation filed.
Date: 11/23/2016
Proceedings: Order Closing File. (Closing DOAH Case No. 16-6168RX.)
Date: 11/22/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of Consolidated Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of RFA 2016-110 and Rules 67-48.002(95) and 67-60.010, Florida Administrative Code filed.
Date: 11/22/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion for Leave to Intervene.
Date: 11/22/2016
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Pre-Hearing Conference Held.
Date: 11/22/2016
Proceedings: Motion for Leave to Intervene filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Intervene.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance/Motion to Intervene (Michael Donaldson/Heritage Oaks, LLLP) filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Michael Donalson) filed.
Date: 11/21/2016
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Consolidate (DOAH Case Nos. 16-6168RX, 16-6610RU, 16-6611RU, 16-6698RU, and 16-6699RU). Hearing will start at 9:30.
Date: 11/17/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Transfer.
Date: 11/16/2016
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 11/16/2016
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing (hearing set for December 14, 2016; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 11/16/2016
Proceedings: Motion to Consolidate filed.
Date: 11/16/2016
Proceedings: Order of Consolidation (DOAH Case Nos. 16-6610RU, 16-6611RU).
Date: 11/15/2016
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Ernest Reddick from Claudia Llado copying Ken Plante and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 11/15/2016
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 11/15/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of RFA 2016-113 filed.
Date: 11/15/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of RFA 2016-113 filed.
Date: 11/14/2016
Proceedings: Petition for Administrative Determination of Invalidity of Rules 67-48.002(95) and 67-60.010, Florida Administrative Code, and Non-rule Policy filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Florida Housing Finance Corporation


Related Florida Statute(s) (10):