17-000244TTS St. Lucie County School Board vs. Dan A. Hussan
 Status: Closed
Recommended Order on Tuesday, April 25, 2017.

View Dockets  
Summary: Respondent was convicted of 16 felony counts of lewd and lascivious conduct, and is ineligible for employment as a teacher. Just cause for termination demonstrated.





14vs. Case No. 17 - 0244TTS





27On March 8, 2017, Administrativ e Law Judge Lisa Shearer

37Nelson conducted an administrative hearing pursuant to section

45120.57(1), Florida Statutes (2016), by video teleconferen ce with

54sites in Tallahassee and Port St. Lucie, Florida.


63For Petitioner: Barbara Lee Sadaka, Esqu ire

70St. Lucie County School Board

754204 Okeechobee Road

78Fort Pierce, Florida 34947

82For Respondent: No appearance


91The issues to be determined are whether Respondent violated

100section 1012.315, Florida Statutes ; Florida Administrative Code

107Rules 6A - 5.056 and 6A - 10.081 (1) through (5); and School Board

121Polic ies 6.30(2) , (3)(b) , and 6.301(2), as alleged in the

131Statement of Charges and Petition for Termination (Petition) ;

139and , if so, what penalty sho uld be imposed for these violations.


153On January 13, 2017, Petitioner, the St. Lucie County School

163Board ( the School Board), filed a Petition against Respondent,

173Dan A. Hussan (Respondent or Mr. Hussan). That same day, the

184Board forwa rded the Petition , along with RespondentÓs request for

194hearing, to the Division of Administrative Hearings (Division)

202for the assignment of an administrative law judge. Also filed

212with the Petition was a Motion for DOAH to R elinquish

223J u risdiction Back to School Board for Ent ry of Final Order

236Terminating Employment of Respondent (Motion to Relinquish

243Jurisdiction) .

245On January 24, 2017, an Order to Show Cause was issued,

256directing Respondent to respond to the M otion to R elinquish

267J urisdiction. Counsel for R espondent responded to the motion and

278also filed an amended motion to withdraw .

286On February 2, 2017, PetitionerÓs Motion to Relinquish

294Jurisdiction was denied, and the case was scheduled for hearing

304on March 8, 2017. Because Respondent is incarcerated,

312arrangements were made for him to participate by telephone.

321RespondentÓs amended m otion to w ithdraw was granted by Order

332dated February 2 1, 2017, with directions that counsel provide to

343Respondent a copy of the Notice of Hearing for this case, which

355he di d.

358On March 1, 2017, Respondent wrote a letter requesting that

368no hearing be conducted until the Fourth District Court of Appeal

379resolved his appeal related to the underlying criminal charges.

388No copy of the letter was provided to counsel for Petitioner , and

400a Notice of Ex Parte Communication was issued. On March 3, 2017,

412an Order Denying Continuance was entered, in which it was

422explained that this hearing was not an opportunity to relitigate

432the basis for the underlying criminal action, but instead was

442focused on the allegations in the State ment of Charges: i.e.,

453was Respondent arrested and subsequently convicted of 16 counts

462of lewd and lascivious conduct toward children under 18 , and had

473Petitioner established a basis for terminating his employment.

481On March 8, 2017, the hearing was scheduled to commence.

491Before beginning the hearing, a phone call was placed to the Gulf

503Correctional Institution in order to allow Respondent to

511participate in the hearing. Once Respondent was placed on the

521line , on spe aker phone, and the purpose of the call was

533identified, Respondent stated that he did not understand the

542purpose for the hearing and that he was not guilty of the

554charges; that he had been advised not to speak while his appeal

566of the underlying charges was pending; and that he was

576terminating the call. At that point he did, in fact, end the

588telephone call.

590The hearing then began , with the administrative law judge

599reciting the contents of the telephone call, which counsel for

609Petitioner confirmed was an acc urate rendition of what she had

620heard . Petitioner presented the testimony of Aaron Clements, and

630PetitionerÓs Exhibits numbered 1 through 28 were admitted into

639evidence. PetitionerÓs Motion for Official Recognition,

645previously filed, was granted.

649The Tra nscript of the proceedings was filed with the

659Division on March 28, 2017 . Once the Transcript was filed,

670copies of the Transcript, exhibits, and the pleadings on the

680docket were forwarded to Respondent.

685At PetitionerÓs request, the date for submission o f proposed

695recommended orders was established as 20 days following the

704filing of the Transcript. PetitionerÓs Proposed Recommended

711Order was timely filed on April 17, 2017 , and has been considered

723in the preparation of this Recommended Order. All referen ces to

734Florida Statutes are to the 2013 codification , unless otherwise



7481. Petitioner, the School Board, is the constitutional

756entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the

764St. Luc ie County School System. The author ity to supervise the

776school system includes the hiring, discipline, and termination of

785employees within the school district.

7902. Respondent was employed by the School Board as a teacher

801at F ort Pierce Westwood High School. He worked for the School

813Board s ince at least September 2007, albeit originally at a

824different school.

8263. Respondent signed a professional services contract with

834the School Board on or about February 12, 2010. He is covered by

847the collective bargaining agreement between the School Bo ard and

857the St. Lucie County Classroom TeachersÓ Association (CBA) , as

866stated in Article I, section A of the CBA.

8754. On October 28, 2011, Respondent was advised of a meeting

886to take place on November 1, 2011, regarding a Schoo l Board

898investigation into a lleged inappropriate contact with students.

906There is no indication in the record whether Respondent attended

916the meeting or gave any information. There is also no indication

927whether the investigation referenced in the October 28, 2011,

936letter is the same investigation giving rise to these


9465. On March 3 , 2014, Maurice Bonner, the Director of

956Personnel for the School Board, provided to Respondent a Notice

966of Investigation and Temporary Duty Assignment (Notice). The

974Notice advised that Respond ent was being investigated regarding

983allegations of inappropriate contact with students, and that he

992was being placed on temporary duty assignment as assigned by the

1003Personnel Office. Respondent signed the letter acknowledging its

1011receipt on March 1 4, 201 4.

10186 . On April 1, 2014 , Genelle Zoratti Yost, Superintendent

1028of the School Board, wrote to Respondent with a reference line

1039entitled Notice of Intent to Terminate Employment. The letter

1048states , in pertinent part:

1052On March 21, 2014 you were arrested for

1060v iolating Section 800.04(6)(a)(b), Florida

1065Statutes, ÐLewd or lascivious offenses

1070committed upon or in the presence of persons

1078less than 16 years of age.Ñ [1/] Pursuant to

1087the Arrest Warrant issued on March 21, 2014

1095you are not to be within 100 feet of Fort

1105Pierce Westwood High School or Harbor Branch.

1112As a result, you are unavailable to work on

1121campus so your temporary duty assignment

1127outlined in the notice of Temporary Duty

1134Assignment provided to you on March 3, 2014

1142shall remain in full force and effect until

1150further notice. Furthermore, you have not

1156reported your arrest to the Superintendent

1162within 48 hours as required. . . .

1170Based on the information available to the

1177School District there is sufficient

1182information to charge you with violating the

1189foll owing [ list of State Board of Education

1198rule violations and School Board Policy

1204violations ] . . . .

12107 . The April 1, 2014, letter notified Respondent that the

1221superintendent would be recommending to the School Board that it

1231terminate his employment, and pr ovided him with notice of how he

1243could request a hearing on the proposed termination. The letter

1253also advised that, should he seek a hearing, the superintendent

1263would recommend that he be suspended without pay pending the

1273outcome of the hearing. Responde nt signed the letter

1282acknowledging receipt of it on April 3, 2014.

12908 . Respondent request ed a hearing with respect to his

1301termination and was notified by letter dated April 23, 2014 , that

1312he was suspended without pay.

13179 . RespondentÓs request for hearing was forwarded to the

1327Division , and the case was docketed as Case N o. 14 - 1978. B ecause

1342of the pendency of the criminal proceedings against Respondent,

1351at the request of the parties, on September 30, 2014,

1361Administrative Law Judge Darren Schwartz entered a n Order Closing

1371File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction, which closed the fi le with

1381leave to re - open.

138610 . On a date that is not substantiated in this record, 2 /

1400Respondent was tried by jury and convicted of seven counts of

1411lewd or lascivious conduct in violati on of section 800.04(6 )(a)

1422and (b) and nine counts of lewd and lascivious molestation in

1433violation of section 800.04(5)(c)2. All 16 counts were second -

1443degree felonies.

144511. On July 29, 2016, counsel for the School Board wrote to

1457then - counsel for Responden t, advising him that in light of the

1470jury verdict, notice was being given that on August 9, 2016, the

1482superintendent would be recommending RespondentÓs termination

1488from employment. The letter also provided Respondent notice of

1497his rights to a hearing in a ccordance with section 1012.33(6)(a).

1508Counsel for Respondent notified the superintendent that

1515Respondent continued to request a hearing in accordance with the


152612. On October 31, 2016, a Judgment and Sentence was

1536entered in the case of State of Flori da v. Dan Allen Hussan , Case

1550No. 562014CF 000857A (19th Jud icial Cir cuit in and for St. Lucie

1563County ), adjudicating Respo ndent guilty of all 16 counts.

1573Respondent was sentenced to 15 concurrent sentences of life in

1583prison, with credit for 103 days served p rior to sentencing.

1594With respect to Count XVI , Respondent wa s sentenced to 15 years

1606of sexual offender probation , consecutive to the sentence set

1615forth in Count I.

161913. On November 7, 2016, Judge James McCann entered , nunc

1629pro tunc to October 31, 2016, an Order of Sex Offender Probation

1641with respect to Count XVI . The Order of Sex Offender Probation

1653adjudicated Respondent guilty and set the terms for sexual

1662offender probation following the life sentence.

166814. Respondent remains incarcerated. He also mai ntains

1676that he is not guilty of the underlying charges.

168515. Petitioner contends that Respondent did not self - report

1695his arrest as required by School Board policy. However, no

1705competent, substantial evidence was presented to demonstrate

1712RespondentÓs fai lure to report. While a notice provided to him

1723regarding th is allegation was admitted into evidence, the

1732accusation, standing alone, does not amount to evidence that the

1742accusation is true.


17481 6 . The Division of Administrative Hearings has

1757jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this

1767proceeding. §§ 120.569, 120.57(1), and 1012.33(6)(a)2., Fla.


177517. The School Board is the duly - constituted governing body

1786of the School District of St. Lucie County pursuant to

1796Article IX, section 4 of the Florida Constitution, and sections

18061001. 30 and 1001.33, Florida Statutes. The School Board has the

1817authority to adopt rules governing personnel matters pursuant to

1826sections 1001.42(5) and (28) , 1012.22 (1) , and 1012.23 .

183518. District superintendents are authorized to make

1842recommendations for dismissal of school board employees, and

1850school boards may dismiss school board instructional staff for

1859Ðjust cause.Ñ §§ 1001.42(5), 1012. 22 (1)(f), and 1012.33(6)(a),

1868Fla. Stat.

187019. Petitioner is seeking to terminate RespondentÓ s

1878employment for just cause . Therefore, Petitioner bears the

1887burden to establish the charges against Respondent by a

1896preponderance of the evidence . Dileo v. Sch. Bd. o f Dade Cnty. ,

1909569 So. 2d 883 (Fla. 3d DCA 1990); § 120 .57(1)(l), Fla. Stat.

192220. The preponderance of the evidence standard requires

1930that the proof against Respondent be by the greater weight of the

1942evidence, or evidence that Ðmore likely than notÑ tends to prove

1953the allegations. Gross v. Lyons , 763 So. 2d 2 76, 280 n.1 (Fla.


196721 . Section 1012.33(6)(a) provides that any member of

1976instructional staff may be suspended or dismissed during the term

1986of his or her contract for just cause as defined in section

19981012.33 (1)(a) . Section 1012.33 (1)(a) provides t hat:

2007Just cause includes, but is not limited to,

2015the following instances, as defined by rule

2022of the State Board of Education: immorality,

2029misconduct in office, incompetency, two

2034consecutive annual performance evaluation

2038ratings of unsatisfactory under s. 1012.34 ,

2044two annual performance evaluation ratings of

2050unsatisfactory within a 3 - year period under

2058s. 1012.34 , three consecutive annual

2063performance evaluation ratings of needs

2068improvement or a combination of needs

2074improvement a nd unsatisfactory under

2079s. 1012.34 , gross insubordination, willful

2084neglect of duty, or being convicted or found

2092g uilty of, or entering a plea of guilty to,

2102regardless of adjudication of guilt, any

2108crime involving moral turpitude.

211222 . By virtue of the convictions for 16 counts of lewd and

2125lascivious conduct, Petitioner has established just cause for


213423. In the Petition , Petitioner alleges that Respondent is

2143also disqualified from employment pursuant to section 1012.315,

2151by virtue of his criminal convictions.

21572 4 . Section 1012.315 provides that an individual is

2167ineligible for educator certification, and instructional

2173personnel are ineligible for employment in any position that

2182requires direct contact with students , if the person has been

2192convicted of certain enumerated offenses. Among those offenses

2200are offenses under chapter 800 , related to lewdness and indecent

2210exposure. § 1012. 315( 1 )(u), Fla. Stat.

22182 5 . In light of RespondentÓs conviction of 16 felonies

2229pursuant to chapter 800, Petitioner has established that

2237Respondent is disqualified from employment in an instructional


22462 6 . In his request for a delay in the hearing, Respondent

2259contended that this matter should not be decided while his case

2270is on appeal. However, as stated in the Order Denying Motion for

2282Continuance, the School Board clearly has authority to take

2291action with respect to his employment while the appeal in his

2302criminal proceeding is pending. Kale v. DepÓt of Health , 175 So.

23133d 815, 820 (Fla. 1 st DCA 2015).

23212 7 . At p aragraph 21 of the Petition, Respondent is charged

2334with violating School Board Policy 6.30(2) for failing to rep ort

2345his arrest to the s uperintendent within 48 hours.

23542 8 . By its terms, School Board Policy 6.30(2) requires

2365employees to report both arrests and convictions. However, the

2374only evidence submitted in this case regarding a failure to

2384report is PetitionerÓs Exhibit 28, which is a memorandum sent to

2395Mr. Hussan advising him that he should have reported his arrest

2406within 24 hours and that he must r eport the outcome of his case.

2420This memorandum certainly makes the accusation that Respondent

2428did not report his a rrest, but it does not establish the truth of

2442the accusat ion. No testimony was presented concerning the

2451process for reporting, or that Respondent did not report to the

2462s uperintendent as required by School Board Policy 6.30(2) , or

2472that there w as no record for the School Board consistent with

2484Respondent reporting his arrest. Absent some type of testimony,

2493PetitionerÓs Exhibit 28 is simply hearsay upon which no finding

2503of fact can be made. Therefore, the School Board did not meet

2515its burden of proof with re spect to this charge.

25252 9 . The Petition charges Respondent at paragraph 23 with

2536violating School Board Policy 6.301(3)(b), which provides in


2545(b) The following list is not intended to be

2554all inclusive, but is typical of infractions

2561that warrant disci plinary action:

2566* * *

2569(vi) C onviction of a criminal act that

2577constitutes a felony

2580* * *

2583(xix) V iolation of any rule, policy,

2590regulation, or established procedure

2594* * *

2597(xxix) Any violation of the Principles of

2604Professional Conduct for the Education

2609Profession, the Standards of Competent and

2615Professional Performance, or the Code of

2621Ethics for Public Officers and Employees.

262730 . By virtue of his criminal convictions, Respondent has

2637violated School Board Policy 6.301(3) (b) (vi).

26443 1 . Peti tioner listed a variety of other grounds in its

2657Petition, such as immoral or indecent conduct, sexual harassment,

2666off - duty conduct that does not promote the goodwill and favorable

2678attitude of the public toward the School District, inappropriate

2687relationshi p with a student, etc. All of these charges would

2698require that the School Board present evidence related to

2707PetitionerÓs conduct, as opposed to simply proving that he was

2717convicted of a felony. Evidence of a conviction is not evidence

2728of the underlying c onduct. Williams v. Castor , 613 So. 2d 97, 99

2741(Fla. 1st DCA 1993) .

27463 2 . At paragraph 25 of the Petition, the School Board

2758charges Respondent with violating r ule 6A - 5.056 . The rule

2770states , in pertinent part:

2774Ð Just causeÑ means cause that is legally

2782suffic ient. Each of the charges upon which

2790just cause for a dismissal action against

2797specified school personnel may be pursued are

2804set forth in Sections 1012.33 and 1012.335,

2811F.S. In fulfillment of these laws, the basis

2819for each such charge is hereby defined:

2826(1) ÐImmoralityÑ means conduct that is

2832inconsistent with the standards of public

2838conscience and good morals. It is conduct

2845that brings the individual concerned or the

2852education profession into public disgrace or

2858disrespect and impairs the individualÓs

2863se rvice in the community.

2868(2) ÐMisconduct in OfficeÑ means one or more

2876of the following:

2879(a) A violation of the Code of Ethics of the

2889Education Profession in Florida as adopted in

2896Rule 6A - 10.080, F.A.C.;

2901(b) A violation of the Principles of

2908Professional C onduct for the Education

2914Profession in Florida as adopted in

2920Rule 6A - 10.081, F.A.C.;

2925(c) A violation of the adopted school board


2934(d) Behavior that disrupts the studentÓs

2940learning environment; or

2943(e) Behavior that reduces the teacherÓs

2949ability or his or her colleaguesÓ ability to

2957effectively perform duties.

2960* * *

2963(8) ÑCrimes involving moral turpitudeÑ means

2969offenses listed in Section 1012.315, F.S.

29753 3 . As stated above, Petitioner did not present any

2986competent, substantial evidence to prov e RespondentÓs conduct,

2994other than the existence of the convictions for lewd and

3004lascivious conduct. To the extent that Respondent has committed

3013a crime involving moral turpitude, as defined in

3021rule 6A - 5.056(8), Petitioner has demonstrated just cause for

3031RespondentÓs termination. The other alleged violations that

3038would demonstrate just cause have not been demonstrated.

30463 4 . The same can be said for alleged violations of

3058rule 6A - 10.081, the Code of Ethics for the Education Profession

3070in Florida, which wo uld have required Petitioner to present

3080evidence of the underlying conduct giving rise to the


30903 5 . While Petitioner has proven only that Respondent was

3101convicted and found guilty of the 16 counts of lewd and

3112lascivious conduct, those convictio ns alone are more than enough

3122to demonstrate just cause for RespondentÓs termination. Not only

3131does just cause for termination exist, but section 1012.315

3140requires it.

31423 6 . Petitioner has asked for sanctions pursuant to

3152section 57.105 , Florida Statutes, because Respondent requested a

3160hearing in this case. While the convictions are clearly without

3170dispute, the Petition alleged violations that would require

3178evidence of the underlying conduct, which Petitioner did not

3187present. Moreover, as noted in the Or der Denying PetitionerÓs

3197Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction, section 1012.33 does not

3205condition RespondentÓs right to a hearing on a dispute of

3215material fact. To terminate RespondentÓs employment without at

3223least giving him the opportunity for a hearing is not

3233contemplated by the statute, and Respondent consistently

3240maintained that he was not guilty. Respondent is entitled to

3250require the School Board to prove its reasons for terminating

3260him, and by virtue of the convictions, it has done so. However,

3272the u ndersigned does not believe that fees pursuant to section

328357.105 are warranted, and PetitionerÓs request is denied.


3292Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

3302Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Lucie County School Board

3313ente r a f inal o rder terminating RespondentÓs employment based on

3325a finding of just cause.

3330DONE AND ENTERED this 2 5 th day of April , 2017 , in

3342Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida.



3350Administrative Law Judge

3353Div ision of Administrative Hearings

3358The DeSoto Building

33611230 Apalachee Parkway

3364Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

3369(850) 488 - 9675

3373Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


3380Filed with the Clerk of the

3386Division of Administrative Hearings

3390this 2 5 th day of Apr il , 2017 .


34021/ No arrest warrants or indictments are included in the exhibits

3413provided for hearing, and the only reference listed to support of

3424the proposed fact reciting the arrests is a citation to the

3435School BoardÓs pre - hearing st atement . Th e pre - hearing statement

3449is also listed as a basis in support of other proposed facts.

3461However, t here is no indication that Mr. Hussan agreed to the

3473facts listed as requiring no evidence at hearing in the pre -

3485hearing stipulation, which was filed as a unila teral document ,

3495and the pre - hearing statement is not evidence that can be

3507considered in this proceeding . Given the lack of evidence

3517regarding the arrests, no express finding of fact can be made

3528regarding the arrests. Given the evidence in the record that

3538Respondent was convicted and sentenced for 16 counts of lewd and

3549lascivious conduct, it can be inferred that at some point, he was

3561arrested for these crimes.

35652/ The jury verdict is also not included in the record, although

3577the Judgment and Sentence, a s well as the Order of Sex Offender

3590Probation are. While the Judgment indicates on its face that

3600Respondent was tr i ed and found guilty of the listed crimes, it

3613does not indicate when the jury trial took place.


3624Barbara Lee Sadaka, Esqu ire

3629St. Lucie County School Board

36344204 Okeechobee Road

3637Fort Pierce, Florida 34947


3642Dan Hussan DC# K90974

3646Gulf Correctional Institution

3649500 Ike Steele Road

3653Wewahitchka, Florida 32465 - 0010

3658Dan A. Hussan

36615380 Third Manor

3664Vero Beach, Florida 3296 8

3669Wayne Gent, Superintendent

3672St. Lucie County School Board

36774204 Okeechobee Road

3680Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 - 5414

3686Matthew Mears, General Counsel

3690Department of Education

3693Turlington Building, Suite 1244

3697325 West Gaines Street

3701Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 040 0


3708Pam Stewart, Commissioner of Education

3713Department of Education

3716Turlington Building, Suite 1514

3720325 West Gaines Street

3724Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0400



3736All parties have the right to submit writ ten exceptions within

374715 days from the date of this Recommended Order. Any exceptions

3758to this Recommended Order should be filed with the agency that

3769will issue the Final Order in this case.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 01/05/2018
Proceedings: Agency Final Order filed.
Date: 06/13/2017
Proceedings: Agency Final Order
Date: 05/01/2017
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 04/25/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order
Date: 04/25/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order cover letter identifying the hearing record referred to the Agency.
Date: 04/25/2017
Proceedings: Recommended Order (hearing held March 8, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 04/17/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 03/28/2017
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings filed (not available for viewing).  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 03/28/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Transcript of Final Hearing filed.
Date: 03/10/2017
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Nelson from Dan A. Hussan filed.
Date: 03/08/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 03/08/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Supplemental Exhibits filed.
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Rule 28-106.214 - Recordation filed.
Date: 03/03/2017
Proceedings: Order Denying Continuance of Final Hearing.
Date: 03/02/2017
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/02/2017
Proceedings: Undeliverable envelope returned from the Post Office.
Date: 03/02/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Ex-parte Communication.
Date: 03/01/2017
Proceedings: Letter to Judge Nelson from Dan A. Hussan Requesting an Extension of Time filed.
Date: 02/28/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Pre-trial Statment filed.
Date: 02/28/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 02/22/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Compliance with Court's Order Granting Motion to Withdraw filed.
Date: 02/21/2017
Proceedings: Amended Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/21/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Withdraw.
Date: 02/17/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion For Official Recognition/Judicial Notice filed. (not available for viewing)  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 02/10/2017
Proceedings: Order Regarding Respondent's Participation at Hearing.
Date: 02/02/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Hearing by Video Teleconference (hearing set for March 8, 2017; 9:30 a.m.; Port St. Lucie and Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 02/02/2017
Proceedings: Order of Pre-hearing Instructions.
Date: 02/02/2017
Proceedings: Order Denying Petitioner's Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction.
Date: 01/31/2017
Proceedings: Corrected Motion to Withdraw as Cousel for Respondent (Corrects Case No.) filed.
Date: 01/31/2017
Proceedings: Response to Motion to Relinquish Jurisdiction filed.
Date: 01/24/2017
Proceedings: Order to Show Cause.
Date: 01/23/2017
Proceedings: Joint Response to Initial Order filed.
Date: 01/17/2017
Proceedings: Initial Order.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Petitioner's Motion for DOAH to relinquish Jurisdiction Back to School Board for Entry of Final Order Terminating Employment of Respondent filed.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Statement of Charges and Petition for Termination filed. (not available for viewing)  Confidential document; not available for viewing.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Request for Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Agency action letter filed.
Date: 01/13/2017
Proceedings: Referral Letter filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Port St. Lucie, Florida


Related Florida Statute(s) (12):