17-003108RX Venice Hma Hospital, Llc, D/B/A Venice Regional Bayfront Health vs. Agency For Health Care Administration
 Status: Closed
DOAH Final Order on Tuesday, May 8, 2018.

View Dockets  
Summary: Rule 59C-1.008(4)(c) is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.






18vs. Case No. 17 - 3108RX











44Pursuant to notice, the Division of Administrative

51Hearings, by its designated Administrative Law Judge, W. David

60Watkins, held a formal hearing in the above - styled case on

72September 19 and 22 , 2017, in Tallahassee, Florida.


81For Venice HMA Hospital, LLC d/b/a Venice Regional Bayfront


91Geoffrey D. Smith, Esquire

95Susan C. Smith, Esquire

99Smith & Associates

1023301 Thomasville Road, Suite 201

107Tallahassee, Florida 32308

110For the Agency for Health Care Administration:

117Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

121Kevin M ichael Marker, Esquire

126Lindsey L. Miller - Hailey, Esquire

132Agency for Health Care Administration

137Fort Knox Building III, Mail Stop 7

14427 27 Mahan Drive

148Tallahassee, Florida 32308

151For Sarasota County Public Hospital District , d/b/a

158Sarasota Memorial Hospital:

161D. Ty Jackson, Esquire

165Allison G. Mawhinney, Esquire

169J. Michael Huey, Esquire

173GrayRobinson, P.A.

175301 South Br onough Street, Suite 600

182Tallahassee, Florida 32301


189Whether Florida Administrative Co de Rule 59C - 1.008(4)

198(Rule) constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative

206authority because it enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the

214specif ic provisions of law implemented.


222This Rule challenge proceeding was initiated on May 25,

2312017, when Venice HMA Hospital, LLC , d/b/a Venice Regional

240Bayfront Health (VRBH ) , filed a pleading captioned ÐPetition to

250Determine the Invali dity of Rule 59C - 1.008(4)Ñ ( Petition)

261against the Agency for Health Care Administration ( AHCA ) at the

273Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH).

278The Petition challenges the Rule as an invalid exercise of

288delegated legislative authority in that it enlarges , modifies,

296or contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented .

305According to VRBH, it does so by requiring applicants for a

316general hospital certificate of need ( CON ) to provide

326information that VRBH contends the statutes clearly do not

335require, to wit , audited financial statements for the applicant

344or the applicantÓs parent.


349Sarasota County Public Hospital District , d/b/a Sarasota

356Memorial Hospital (SMH) , and VRBH both filed CON applications

365for general hospitals in AHCA Subdistrict 8 - 6 , Sarasota County ,

376in the second batching cycle of 2016. Following AHCA Ós

386preliminary approval of both CON applications, petitions were

394filed by sev eral parties challenging those approvals .

403Ultimately, the petitions were referred to DOAH as Case N os. 17 -

4160510CON, 17 - 0551CON, 17 - 0553CON, 17 - 0556CON, and 17 - 0557CON

430(referred to collectively as the ÐCON casesÑ) and were


440Prior to the final hearing in the CON cases, VRBH filed a

452m ot ion in l imine to exclude testimony as to the inadequacy of

466its CON application with respect to its audited financial

475statements. VRBH argued the applicable statutes, specifically

482sections 408.035 and 408.037, Florida Statutes, 1/ did not require

492general hospital applicants to submit audited financial

499statements with their CON applications.

504Th e filing of the Rule challenge Petition was precipitated

514by the undersignedÓs ruling on the motion in limine in the CON

526cases , which included the statement that Ð[b]y its express

535terms, the requirements of [the Rule] are applicable to [VRBHÓs]

545application, and the extent to which [VRBHÓs] application

553complied with the ruleÓs application content requirements is a

562relevant inquiry in this proceeding.Ñ Order Denying Motion in

571Limine, Sarasota Mem Ó l Hosp . v. Venice Reg Ó l Bayf ront Health ,

586Case No. 17 - 0556CON (Fla. DOAH May 22, 2017).

596After VRBH received this adverse ruling in the CON cases,

606the instant Rule challenge was filed on May 25, 2017.

616VRBH challenges r ule 59C - 1.008(4) as an invalid exercise of

628delegated legislative a uthority on the grounds that the Rule

638enlarges, modifies, or contravenes the specific provisions of

646law implemented in violation of section 120.52(8)(c), Florida

654Statutes. No other grounds for the alleged invalidity were


664On May 26, 2017, VRBH moved to consolidate the Rule

674challenge with the CON cases. On May 31, 2017, SMH moved to

686intervene , which motion was subsequently granted .

693On June 1, 2017, AHCA moved to dismiss the Rule c hallenge .

706AHCA argued that VRBH was not sub stantially affected and lacked

717standing because AHCA interprets the Rule as not requiring VRBH

727to submit an audited financial statement. VRBH and SMH

736responded to AHCAÓs Motion to Dismiss on June 7, 2017, and

747June 8, 2017 , respectively.

751On June 21, 2017, the undersigned denied AHCAÓs Motion to

761Dismiss, consolidated the Rule challenge with the CON cases for

771purposes of hearing only , and ordered that the final hearing for

782the Rule challenge be held concurrently with the CON cases.

792The fina l hearing on the consolidated cases was held on

803August 7 through 11, August 14 through 18, August 21 through 25,

815and September 19 and 22, 2017. The portion of the final hearing

827specifically addressing the R ule challenge oc curred primarily on

837September 19 and 22 , 2017.

842At the final hearing portion dedicated to the Rule

851challenge , VRBH presented the testimony of Patricia Greenberg

859and AHCA presented the testimony of Marisol Fitch. The final

869hearing transcript pages dedicated to the Rule challenge are

878pages 4457 - 4497, 4678 - 4686, 4718 - 4725, and 4825 - 4863. V RBH

894offered its exhibits 196 - 200, which were received into evidence.

905Two a dditional VR BH exhibits that are related to the Rule

917challenge received into evidence during the CON portion of the

927final hearing are VRBH Ós Exhibits 135 and 136. AHCA offered its

939exhibit 2, which was received into evidence.

946The official T ranscript of the final hearing was filed at

957DOAH on October 23, 2017 . O n November 29, 2017, AHCA, VRBH , and

971SMH timely filed Proposed Final Orders , each of which has been

982carefully considered in the preparation of this Final Order.


994The Parties

9961. VRBH is an existing hospital in Sarasota County. In

1006the second batching cycle of 2016, VRBH applied to AHCA for a

1018CON to establish a Class I Acute Care Replacement Hospital of up

1030to 312 beds in AHCA District VIII, Subdistrict 8 - 6, Sarasota

1042County. The CON application was preliminarily approved by AHCA

1051on December 2, 2016.

10552 . SMH is a public hospital system serving Sarasota

1065County. In the second batching cycle of 2016, SMH applied for a

1077CON to establish a new acute care hospital with 90 beds in AHCA

1090District 8, Acute Care Subdistrict 8 - 6, Sarasota County. As

1101with the VRBH applicati on, t he SMH application also received

1112preliminar y approv al from AHCA on December 2, 2016.

11223 . AHCA is designated as the single state agency

1132responsible for administering the CON program under the Health

1141Facility and Services Development Act, sections 408.031

1148through 408.045, Florida Statutes.

1152The Challenged Rule

11554 . In part, Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C - 1.008(4)

1166requires that CON applications contain the audited financi al

1175statements of the applicant, or the applicantÓs parent

1183corporation. The Rule states as follows:

1189(4) Certificate of Need Application

1194Contents. An application for a Certificate

1200of Need shall contain the following items:

1207(a) All requirements set forth in Sections

1214408.037(1), (2) and (3), F.S.

1219(b) The correct application fee.

1224(c) An audited financial statement of the

1231applicant or the applicantÓs parent

1236corporation if the applicantÓs audited

1241financial statements do not exis t. The

1248following provisions apply:

12511. The audited financial statement of the

1258applicant, or the applicantÓs parent

1263corporation, must be for the most current

1270fiscal year. If the most recent fiscal year

1278ended within 120 days prior to the

1285application filin g deadline and the audited

1292financial statements are not yet available,

1298then the prior fiscal year will be

1305considered the most recent.

13092. Existing health care facilities must

1315provide audited financial statements for the

1321two most recent consecutive fiscal years in

1328accordance with subparagraph 1. above.

13333. Only audited financial statements of the

1340applicant, or the applicantÓs parent

1345corporation, will be accepted. Audited

1350financial statements of any part of the

1357applicant or the applicantÓs parent

1362corporati on, including but not limited to

1369subsidiaries, divisions, specific facilities

1373or cost centers, will not qualify as an

1381audit of the applicant or the applicantÓs

1388parent corporation.

1390(d) To comply with Section 408.037(1)(b)1.,

1396F.S., which requires a listing of all

1403capital projects, the applicant shall

1408provide the total approximate amount of

1414anticipated expenditures for capital

1418projects which meet the definition in

1424subsection 59C - 1.002(7), F.A.C., at the time

1432of initial application submission, or state

1438that t here are none. An itemized list or

1447grouping of capital projects is not

1453required, although an applicant may choose

1459to itemize or group its capital projects.

1466The applicant shall also indicate the actual

1473or proposed financial commitment to those

1479projects, a nd include an assessment of the

1487impact of those projects on the applicantÓs

1494ability to provide the proposed project;


1501(e) Responses to applicable questions

1506contained in the application forms.

1511The 2008 CON Legislative Changes

15165. In 2008, the Florida Legislature made numerous changes

1525to streamline the CON application process for general hospitals.

1534It is these changes that VRBH asserts removed the requirement

1544for general hospitals to submit audited financial statements

1552with CON applications. Section 408.035 was amended to provide

1561as follows:

1563408.035 Review criteria. Ï

1567(1) The agency shall determine the

1573reviewability of applications and shall

1578review applications for certificate - of - need

1586determinations for health care facilities

1591and health services in c ontext with the

1599following criteria, except for general

1604hospitals as defined in s. 395.002 :

1611(a) The need for the health care facilities

1619and health services being proposed.

1624(b) The availability, quality of care,

1630accessibility, and extent of utilization of

1636existing health care facilities and health

1642services in the service district of the


1650(c) The ability of the applicant to provide

1658quality of care and the applicantÓs record

1665of providing quality of care.

1670(d) The availability of resources,

1675inclu ding health personnel, management

1680personnel, and funds for capital and

1686operating expenditures, for project

1690accomplishment and operation.

1693(e) The extent to which the proposed

1700services will enhance access to health care

1707for residents of the service distric t.

1714(f) The immediate and long - term financial

1722feasibility of the proposal.

1726(g) The extent to which the proposal will

1734foster competition that promotes quality and

1740cost - effectiveness.

1743(h) The costs and methods of the proposed

1751construction, including the costs and

1756methods of energy provision and the

1762availability of alternative, less costly, or

1768more effective methods of construction.

1773(i) The applicantÓs past and proposed

1779provision of health care services to

1785Medicaid patients and the medically


1791(j) The applicantÓs designation as a Gold

1798Seal Program nursing facility pursuant to

1804s. 400.235, when the applicant is requesting

1811additional nursing home beds at that


1818(2) For a general hospital, the agency

1825shall consider only the criteria specified

1831in paragraph (1)(a), paragraph (1)(b),

1836except for quality of care in paragraph

1843(1)(b), and paragraphs (1)(e), (g), and (i).

1850(Emphasis added) .

18536. Section 408.035 has not been revised since 2008.

18627. Additionally, section 408.037 was amended to read as


1872408.037 Application content. Ï

1876(1) Except as provided in subsection (2)

1883for a general hospital , an application for a

1891certificate of need must contain:

1896(a) A detailed description of the proposed

1903project and statement of its purpose and

1910need in relation to the district health


1918(b) A statement of the financial resources

1925needed by and available to the applicant to

1933accomplish the proposed project. This

1938statement must include:

19411. A complete listing of all capital

1948projects, including new health facility

1953development projects and health facility

1958acquisitions applied for, pending, approved,

1963or underway in any state at the time of

1972application, regardless of whether or not

1978that state has a certificate - of - need program

1988or a capital expenditure review program

1994pursuant to s. 1122 of the Social Security

2002Act. The agency may, by rule, require less -

2011detailed information from major health care

2017providers. This listing must include the

2023applican tÓs actual or proposed financial

2029commitment to those projects and an

2035assessment of their impact on the

2041applicantÓs ability to provide the proposed


20482. A detailed listing of the needed capital

2056expenditures, including sources of funds.

20613. A detailed financial projection,

2066including a statement of the projected

2072revenue and expenses for the first 2 years

2080of operation after completion of the

2086proposed project. This statement must

2091include a detailed evaluation of the impact

2098of the proposed p roject on the cost of other

2108services provided by the applicant.

2113(c) An audited financial statement of the

2120applicant or the applicantÓs parent

2125corporation if audited financial statements

2130of the applicant do not exist . In an

2139application submitted by an ex isting health

2146care facility, health maintenance

2150organization, or hospice, financial

2154condition documentation must include, but

2159need not be limited to, a balance sheet and

2168a profit - and - loss statement of the

21772 previous fiscal yearsÓ operation.

2182(2) An applic ation for a certificate of

2190need for a general hospital must contain a

2198detailed description of the proposed general

2204hospital project and a statement of its

2211purpose and the needs it will meet. The

2219proposed projectÓs location, as well as its

2226primary and seco ndary service areas, must be

2234identified by zip code. Primary service

2240area is defined as the zip codes from which

2249the applicant projects that it will draw 75

2257percent of its discharges. Secondary

2262service area is defined as the zip codes

2270from which the appl icant projects that it

2278will draw its remaining discharges. If,

2284subsequent to issuance of a final order

2291approving the certificate of need, the

2297proposed location of the general hospital

2303changes or the primary service area

2309materially changes, the agency shal l revoke

2316the certificate of need. However, if the

2323agency determines that such changes are

2329deemed to enhance access to hospital

2335services in the service district, the agency

2342may permit such changes to occur. A party

2350participating in the administrative hear ing

2356regarding the issuance of the certificate of

2363need for a general hospital has standing to

2371participate in any subsequent proceeding

2376regarding the revocation of the certificate

2382of need for a hospital for which the

2390location has changed or for which the

2397pri mary service area has materially changed.

2404In addition, the application for the

2410certificate of need for a general hospital

2417must include a statement of intent that, if

2425approved by final order of the agency, the

2433applicant shall within 120 days after

2439issuance of the final order or, if there is

2448an appeal of the final order, within 120

2456days after the issuance of the courtÓs

2463mandate on appeal, furnish satisfactory

2468proof of the applicantÓs financial ability

2474to operate . The agency shall establish

2481documentation req uirements, to be completed

2487by each applicant, which show anticipated

2493provider revenues and expenditures, the

2498basis for financing the anticipated cash -

2505flow requirements of the provider, and an

2512applicantÓs access to contingency financing.

2517A party participat ing in the administrative

2524hearing regarding the issuance of the

2530certificate of need for a general hospital

2537may provide written comments concerning the

2543adequacy of the financial information

2548provided, but such party does not have

2555standing to participate in a n administrative

2562proceeding regarding proof of the

2567applicantÓs financial ability to operate .

2573The agency may require a licensee to provide

2581proof of financial ability to operate at any

2589time if there is evidence of financial

2596instability, including, but not l imited to,

2603unpaid expenses necessary for the basic

2609operations of the provider.

2613(3) The applicant must certify that it will

2621license and operate the health care

2627facility. For an existing health care

2633facility, the applicant must be the

2639licenseholder of the facility.

2643(Emphasis added) .

26468 . Section 408.037 has only been amended once since 2008.

2657The revisions are not relevant to the issue presented in this

2668Rule challenge. 2 /

2672The PartiesÓ Positions

26759 . In support of its argument that the Rule contravenes

2686the statutes, VRBH asserts that the Rule is an invalid exercise

2697of delegated legislative authority because it enlarges,

2704modifies, or contravenes the laws implemented. Simply put, VRBH

2713contend s that the Rule is contrary to sections 408.035 and

2724408.037 . VRBH advance s three reasons for its position that the

2736Rule modifies the laws implemented; all three center on the

2746assertion that in 2008 , the Legislature removed the requirement

2755for the submission of audited financial statements with general

2764hospital CON applica tions :

2769(1) Requiring a general hospital to comply

2776with the requirements of section 408.037(1),

2782Florida Statutes, by submitting an audited

2788financial statement with its CON application

2794violates the express provision of the

2800statute which specifically excludes general

2805hospitals from the requirements of

2810subsection (1);

2812(2) Requiring a general hospital to submit

2819an audited financial statement with the CON

2826application directly contradicts the

2830submis sion requirements set forth in section

2837408.037(2), Florida Statutes, which only

2842requires a general hospital to provide a

2849statement of intent that it will Ðfurnish

2856satisfactory proof of the applicantÓs

2861financial ability to operateÑ if the CON

2868application is approved by final order of

2875the agency.

2877(3) Requiring a general hospital to submit

2884an audited financial statement with the CON

2891application contradicts the 2008 legislative

2896changes to section 408.035, Florida

2901Statutes, which streamlined the application

2906process for general hospitals by removing

2912the short and long term financial

2918feasibility of the project as a review

2925criteria .

2927(VRBH Petition, ¶¶ 15 - 17) .

293410 . AHCA Ós ultimate position is that the Rule should be

2946interpreted as not requiring audited financial statements for

2954g eneral hospital CON applicants . To reach this conclusion, AHCA

2965relies on 59C - 1.008(4)(a) , which provides that a CON application

2976must contain Ðall requirements set forth in Sections 408.037(1),

2985(2), and (3), Florida Statutes.Ñ

299011 . AHCA interprets the introductory phrase contained in

2999section 408.037(1) -- Ðexcept as provided in subsection (2) for a

3010general hospital, an application for a certificate of need must

3020containÑ -- to mean that only subsection (2) of section 408.037

3031applies to an application for general hospitals. Because

3039section 408.037(2) does not mention audited financial

3046statements, AHCA reasons that they are not required.

305412 . Therefore, despite the plain language of the Rule,

3064AHCA contends that the Rule does not require the submission of

3075audited financial statements because : the Rule references

3083sections 408.037(1), (2), and (3) ; AHCA interprets only section

3092408.037(2) as applying to general hospitals ; and section

3100408.037(2) does not mention audited financial statements.

310713 . SMH contends that the Rule does not enlarge, modify,

3118or contravene the laws implemented and , therefore , is a valid

3128e xercise of delegated legislative authority. Specifically, SMH

3136contends that section 408.037 itself requires general hospital

3144applicants to submit audited financial statements because

3151subsection (2) does not wholesale replace subsection (1) for

3160general hospitals. Subsection (1) applies to general hospitals ,

3168unless there is an exception to those requirements listed in

3178subsection (2). Subsection (1) requires the submission of

3186audited financial statements for all CON applicants; nothing in

3195subsection (2) creates an exception to that requirement.

320314 . SMH also argues that audited financial statements are

3213reliable documents that AHCA can quickly access for relevant

3222information, including an applicantÓs provision of health care

3230services to Medicaid patients and the medically indigent, both

3239of which are prominent considerations during the review of a

3249general hospitalÓs CON application. See § 408.035(1)(i), (2),

3257Fla. Stat .

3260Post 2008 Rule

326315 . Challenged Rule 59C - 1.008(4) does not expressly

3273exclude or differentiate between general hospital CON

3280applications and other CON applications. Instead the Rule

3288cross - references to the statutory requirement. AHCA asserts

3297that by doing so, the R ule incorpo rates the statutory scheme by

3310reference and does not require a CON application for a general

3321hospital to include audited financial statements.

332716 . The above - cited statutory provisions clear ly state

3338that a general hospital CON application need not include an

3348audited financial statement and that financial condition is not

3357relevant to the CON application review process.

336417 . Any rule that requires a general hospital CON

3374applicant to provide an audited financial statement with the

3383application would be c ontrary to the requirements of section

3393408.037. It follows, t herefore, that a rule contrary to the

3404requirements of a statute would be invalid as it would exceed

3415AHCAÓs delegated l egislative authority.

342018 . Requiring a general hospital applicant to c omply with

3431th e requirements of section 408.037(1) would violate the

3440provision of the statute, which expressly excludes general

3448hospitals from the requirements of subsection (1).

345519 . F urther, requiring a general hospital applicant to

3465submit an audited financial statement with its CON application

3474directly contradicts the submission requirements set forth in

3482section 408.037(2).

348420 . AHCAÓs interpretation of r ule 59C - 1.008 is that it

3497must be read in conjunction with section 408.037,

3505subs ections (1), (2), and (3), and accordingly, AHCA do es not

3517require that a general hospital applicant submit an audited

3526financial statement as part of its application .

353421 . AHCAÓs interpretation is consistent with the

3542differences in the content of the CON ap plication forms

3552published by AHCA for general hospital applications when

3560compared to non - general hospital applications, for instance,

3569those seeking other beds and services such as comprehensive

3578medical rehabilitation, psychiatric, hospice, and other CON -

3586regulated beds in a hospital. The requirements of each

3595application type correspond to the statutory requirements for

3603each application type.

360622 . Application forms for projects Ðexcept for general

3615hospitalsÑ correspond to the CON application content

3622re quirements of section 408.037(1) , which require s a statement

3632of financial resources that must include capital projects

3640(Schedule 2 of the CON application); capital expenditures and

3649source of funds (Schedules 1 and 3 of the CON application); and

3661a detailed financial projection, including revenues and expenses

3669for the first two years (Schedules 5 through 8 of the CON

3681application). The general hospital CON application does not

3689have these requirements.

369223 . General hospitals are not required to submit proof o f

3704financial ability to operate at the time of the submission of

3715the CON application. In accordance with r ule 59C - 1.010(2)(d),

3726general hospitals are required to comply with the re quirements

3736of sections 408.035(2) and 408.037(2) . Neither of th ose

3746statutes requires that a general hospital applicant submit proof

3755of financial ability to operate until 120 days after the

3765issuance of the final CON to the applicant.

377324 . AHCAÓs representative, Marisol Fitch, testified that

3781AHCA does not require applicants for gene ral hospitals to submit

3792audited financial statements in the CON application, and that

3801proof of financial ability to operate is required within

3810120 days after the final approval of the CON application,

3820consistent with the statutory provisions. She testifie d that

3829the Rule being challenged , when read in conjunction with the

3839AHCA CON application form (incorporated by reference into the

3848Rule) and other AHCA ru les, including 59C - 1.010 and 59C - 1.030,

3862is consistent with the statute, and that no audited financial

3872s tatements are required.

387625 . SMH asserts that an audited financial statement for

3886hospitals might contain useful information, such as information

3894on a hospitalÓs current payor mix. However, the unrefuted

3903testimony is that audited financial statements are n ot required

3913to include payor mix information, and normally do not since they

3924are typically used to look at an applicantÓs financial

3933feasibility to operate. Further, regardless of whether such

3941information might be Ðuseful ,Ñ the specific requirement of

3950s ection 408.037(2) expressly ÐexceptsÑ general hospitals from

3958the requirement to include such statements in the CON


396826 . Pursuan t to r ule 59C - 1.010(2)(d) , Ð an application for

3982a general hospital must meet the requirements of Sections

3991408.035(2) and 408.037(2), F.S. , Ñ neither of which require that

4001a general hospital CON applicant provide audited financials or

4010financial feasibility data with the CON application.

401727 . However, the challenged langu age in r ule 59C - 1.008(4)

4030does not contain the Ðexce ptionÑ for general hospital

4039applications. Rule 59C - 1.008(4) provides, without

4046qualification, that a CON application must conta in audited

4055financial statements. T herefore , r ules 59C - 1.008(4) and

406559C - 1.010(2)(d) are contradictory .

407128 . The primary purpose of an audited financial statement

4081in a CON application is to review the short - term and long - term

4096financial feasibility of the proposal. Requiring this financial

4104information is contrary to the clear language of the 2008

4114changes to section 408.035, which removed the short - term and

4125long - term financial feasibility of the project as review

4135criteria in order to streamline the general hospital CON

4144application process.

414629 . AHCA has state d that their interpretation of r ule

415859C - 1.008(4) is that it must be read in pari materia with r ule

417359C - 1.010(2)(d) and sections 408.037 and 408.035, therefore ,

4182general hospital CON applicants are not required to submit

4191audited financials with the CON application. Accor ding to

4200AHCAÓs interpr etation, r ule 59C - 1.008(4) does not require a

4212general hospital CON applicant to submit an audited financial

4221statement with the CON application. However, regardless of

4229AHCAÓs interpretation, r ule 59C - 1.008(4) expressly states that a

4240CON application must co ntain audited financial statements , in

4249contravention of sections 408.035 and 408.037 .


425930 . DOAH has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject

4270matter of this proceeding. § 120.56(1) and (3), Fla. Stat. Any

4281person who is substantially affected by a rule or proposed rule

4292can petition DOAH for a f inal o rder that the rule or proposed

4306rule is an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority.

4315§ 120.56(1)(a), Fla. Stat.

431931 . As the party challenging t he validity of r ule 59C -

43331.008(4) , VRBH has the burden of proving by a preponderance of

4344the evidence that the Rule is an invalid exercise of delegated

4355legislative authority as to the objections raised.

4362§ 1 20.56(3)(a) , Fla. Stat . Unlike a challenge to a proposed

4374rule, the burden of proof never shifts to AHCA . § 120.56(2)

4386& (3), Fla. Stat.; see Bd. o f Clinical Lab. Personnel v. Fla.

4399AssÓn of Blood Banks , 721 So. 2d 317 (Fla. 1st DCA 1998). ÐAn

4412existing r ule challenge pursuant to section 120. 56 is directed

4423to the facial validity of the challenged rule, and not to its

4435validity as interpreted or applied in specific factual

4443scenarios.Ñ Hospice of the Fla. Suncoast, Inc. v.

4451Ag . for Health C are Admin. , Case No. 15 - 3656RX, at FO at 54

4467(Fla. DOAH S ept . 28, 2016), affÓd 203 So. 3d 159 (Oct. 21,


448232 . AHCA argues that the interpretation and application of

4492the R ule is moot because both Petitioner and AHCA agree that the

4505R ule does not require general hospitals to submit audited

4515financial statements .

451833 . A Rule challenge is rendered moot when evidence shows

4529the rule no longer applies to the party initiating the Rule

4540challenge . See Montgomery v. DepÓt of HRS , 468 So. 2d 1014,

45521016 - 17 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). There is no evidence that the Rule

4566no longer applies to VRBH . To the contrary, a ruling in the CON

4580cases held that the Rule applied to general hospital applicants,

4590like VRBH .

459334 . Moreover, AHCAÓs assertion that it and VRBH are in

4604agreement is not borne out by the pleadings. Petition er

4614contends that the Rule is not valid because it does not

4625differentiate between general hospitals and other CON

4632applicants. Petition at ¶ 14.

463735 . Finally, not all parties agree that the Rule does not

4649apply to general hospitals; at the very least, Interv enor SMH

4660touts the validity of the Rule and its applicability to general

4671h ospital applicants , particularly VRBH .


467836 . Standing in r ule challenge proceedings is governed by

4689section 120.56(1), which provides that "[a]ny person

4696substantially affected by a rule or a proposed rule may seek an

4708administrative determination of the invalidity of the rule on

4717the ground that the rule is an invalid exercise of delegated

4728legislati ve authority." In order to establish standing under

4737the Ðsubstantially affectedÑ test in a r ule challenge

4746proceeding, the petitioner must show: (1) that the rule or

4756policy will result in a real or immediate injury in fact; and

4768(2) that the alleged interest is within the zone of interest to

4780be protected or regulated. Of f. of Ins. Reg. v. Secure

4791Enterprises, LLC , 124 So. 3d 332, 336 (Fla. 1st DCA 2013),

4802(citing Jacoby v. Fla. Bd. of Med. , 917 So. 2d 358, 360 (Fla.

48151st DCA 2005)). To satisfy the sufficiently real and immediate

4825injury in fact element, an injury must not be based on pure

4837speculation or conjecture. Id. (citing Lanoue v . Fla. DepÓt of

4848Law Enf. , 751 So. 2d 94, 97 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999)).

485937 . V RBH filed this Rule challenge to defend its general

4871hospital CON application from attack by SMH , based upon an

4881invalid rule that exceeds AHCAÓs delegated l egislative

4889authority. As such, VR BH Ós substantial interests are affected.

489938 . Furthermore, VR BH has demonstrated that it is within

4910the zone of interest being protected or regulated, for the

4920purpo se of esta blishing standing to challenge r ule 59C - 1.008

4933r elating to CON regulation. The challenged Rule potentially

4942affects V RBH Ós ability to obtain approval of its CON


495439 . Finally, VR BH has demonstrated that the potential

4964injury to VR BH ( i.e. , denial of its CON application) is real,

4977and not based on pure speculation or conjecture.

498540 . VR BH has demonstrated that it has standing to

4996challenge the validity of r ule 59C - 1.008.

500541 . Additionally, in the context of th is consolidated CON

5016applicati on and Rule challenge proceeding, the undersigned

5024previously addressed the issue of VRBHÓs standing and the

5033mootness argument raised by AHCA :


5040Substantially Affected

5042It is sufficient u nder case law that a

5051petitioner Ðcould be substantially affected

5056or could reasonably be substantially

5061affected by a[n] [adopted] rule.Ñ

5066Interblock v. DBPR , Case No. 11 - 1075RX (Fla.

5075DOAH Apr. 7, 2011). Venice Regional

5081satisfies this requirement because Venice

5086Regional could be substantially affected by

5092rule 59 C - 1.008(4)(c) to the extent that the

5102Rule is interpreted and relied upon by the

5110undersigned to require a general hospital

5116CON application to include an audited

5122financial statement.

5124Case law further provides that in order for

5132a petitioner to show that it is

5139Ðsubstantially affectedÑ by a rule, Ðthe

5145petitioner must [also] establish:

5149(1) a real and sufficiently immediate

5155injury in fact; and

5159(2) Òthat the alleged interest is arguably

5166within the zone of interest to be protected

5174or regulated.ÓÑ

5176Lanoue v. Fla. DepÓt of Law Enf. , 751 So. 2d

518694, 96 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999) (referring to

5194Ward v. Bd. of Trs. of the Int. Impust

5203Fund , 651 So. 2d 1236, 1237 (Fla. 4th DCA

52121995), which is quoting All Risk Corp. of

5220Fla. v. State, Dep't of Labor & Emp. Sec. ,

5229413 So . 2d 1200, 1202 (Fla. 1st DCA 1982));

5239see Cole Vision Corp. v. DepÓt of Bus. &

5248ProfÓl Reg. , 688 So. 2d 404, 407 (Fla. 1st

5257DCA 1997).


5260A real and sufficiently immediate injury in

5267fact requires that the Ðthe person

5273challenging the validity of an adopted rule

5280must show a direct injury in fact of

5288Òsufficient immediacy and realityÓÑ to the

5294petitioner; the injury may not be Ðpurely

5301speculative and conjectural.Ñ Fla. Bd. of

5307Optometry v. Fla. Soc. of Ophthalmology ,

5313538 So. 2d 878, 881 (Fla. 1st DCA 1988)

5322(referring to Fla. DepÓt of Offender Rehab.

5329v. Jerry , 353 So. 2d 1230 (Fla. 1st DCA

53381978)). However, ÐinjuryÑ Ðdoes not require

5344that a challen ger to a rule wait until the

5354injury occurs to institute a rule -

5361challenge.Ñ Juan Cuellar v. DepÓt of Bus. &

5369ProfÓl Reg. , Case No. 07 - 5767RX (Fla. DOAH

5378Feb. 26, 2008). Instead, potential injury

5384is sufficient. Id.

5387Here, it is reasonable to conclude that

5394V enice Regional faces a sufficient potential

5401injury since there are multiple challenges

5407filed to the preliminary approval of Venice

5414RegionalÓs application, and the

5418determination of the filing requirements for

5424a CON, and the outcomes of these petitions

5432may n egatively affect Venice Regional in

5439curr ent and future CON proceedings. Stated

5446succinctly, if the undersigned concludes

5451that the RuleÓs application content

5456requirements for a general hospital include

5462Ðan audited financial statement of the

5468applicant or the applicantÓs parent

5473corporation if the applicantÓs audited

5478financial statements do not exist,Ñ it may

5486well be established at hearing that VeniceÓs

5493application fails to satisfy that

5498requirement, potentially resulting in denial

5503of the application. Such an o utcome would

5511clearly affect VeniceÓs substantial


5516* * *


5520The interpretation of the challenged Rule

5526urged by both the Agency and Venice Regional

5534is contradictory to the above - referenced

5541Order denying Venice RegionalÓs motion in

5547limine, where the undersigned found that by

5554the express terms, the requirements of rule

556159C - 1.008(4)(c) are applicable to Venice

5568RegionalÓs general hospital CON application,

5573and, that the extent to which Venice

5580RegionalÓs application complied with the

5585requirements is a relevant inquiry in Case

5592No. 17 - 0556CON. However, an interpretation

5599of the Rule has not been adjudicated by the

5608undersigned in the instant Rule challenge

5614proceeding; and, since there remains varying

5620interpretations of the Rule in this

5626proceeding, th e matter is not moot.


5634Venice Regional filed the petition for the

5641instant Rule challenge proceeding, whi ch is

5648guided by section 120.56. Venice Regional

5654complied with the requirements of this

5660statute by stating facts sufficient to show

5667that it is substantially affected by the

5674AgencyÓs adopted Rule, rule 59C - 1.008(4)(c).

5681Thus, Venice Regional has standing in this

5688proceeding. The question brought by Venice

5694RegionalÓs petition, which pertains to the

5700correct interpretation of the challenged

5705Rule, is not moot because the interpretation

5712of this Rule has not been formally

5719adjudicated by the undersigned in this


5726(Order Denying Motion to Dismiss, Granting Motion to

5734Consolidate, and Granting Motion to Amend Answer , June 21,

57432017) .

5745Invalidity of Rule 59C - 1.008(4)

575142 . Section 120.52 defines an Ðinvalid exercise of

5760delegated legislative authority Ñ as:

5765(8) Ð Invalid exercise of delegated

5771legislative authorityÑ means action that

5776goes beyond the powers, functions, and

5782duties delegated by the Legisl ature. A

5789proposed or existing rule is an invalid

5796exercise of delegated legislative authority

5801if any one of the following applies:

5808(a) The agency has materially failed to

5815follow the applicable rulemaking procedures

5820or requirements set forth in this chapter;

5827(b) The agency has exceeded its grant of

5835rulemaking authority, citation to which is

5841required by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

5845(c) The rule enlarges, modifies, or

5851contravenes the specific provisions of law

5857implemented, citation to which is required

5863by s. 120.54(3)(a)1.;

5866(d) The rule is vague, fails to establish

5874adequate standards for agency decisions, or

5880vests unbridled discretion in the agency;

5886(e) The rule is arbitrary or capricious. A

5894rule is arbitrary if it is not supported by

5903logic or the necessa ry facts; a rule is

5912capricious if it is adopted without thought

5919or reason or is irrational; or

5925(f) The rule imposes regulatory costs on

5932the regulated person, county, or city which

5939could be reduced by the adoption of less

5947costly alternatives that substant ially

5952accomplish the statutory objectives.

595643 . As noted above, the challenged language of r ule 59C -

59691.008(4) is directly contrary to s ection 408.037(2), which

5978clearly and unequivocally Ðexcepts Ñ general hospital CON

5986applications from the audited financial statement requirement.

5993However, if the challenged Rule language is stricken,

6001specifically section 1.008(4)(c), it does no harm to AHCAÓs

6010interpretation, established practice, and application o f the

6018requirement that CON applications for projects Ðexcept for a

6027general hospitalÑ must include an audited financial statement.

6035The Rule without the challenged provision would simply state

6044that the statutory content requirements must be followed. The

6053c hallenged language set forth at section 1.008(4)(c) is ,

6062therefore , stricken as an invalid exercise of delegated

6070l egislative authority.

607344 . Section 120.52(8) also contains what is referred to as

6084a "flush - left" provision that restricts the scope of agency

6095r ulemaking authority. This flush - left paragraph states:

6104A grant of rulemaking authority is necessary

6111but not sufficient to allow an agency to

6119adopt a rule; a specific law to be

6127implemented is also required. An agency may

6134adopt only rules that implement or interpret

6141the specific powers and duties granted by

6148the enabling statute. No agency shall have

6155authority to adopt a rule only because it is

6164reasonably related to the purpose of the

6171enabling legislation and is not arbitrary

6177and capricious or is within the agencyÓs

6184class of powers and duties, nor shall an

6192agency have the authority to implement

6198statutory provisions setting forth general

6203legislative intent or policy. Statutory

6208language granting rulemaking authority or

6213generally describing the powers and

6218func tions of an agency shall be construed to

6227extend no further than implementing or

6233interpreting the specific powers and duties

6239conferred by the enabling statute.

624445 . I n Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust

6256Fund v. Day Cruise Association, Inc. , 794 So. 2d 696, 700 (Fla.

62681st DCA 2001) , the Court observed :

6275[A]gencies have rulemaking authority only

6280where the Legislature has enacted a specific

6287statute, and authorized the agency to

6293implement it, and then only if the . . .

6303rule implements or interprets specific

6308powers and duties, as opposed to improvising

6315in an area that can be said to fall only

6325generally within some class of powers or

6332duties the Legislature has conferred on the


634046 . Each rule must include a citation "to the grant of

6352rulemaking authority pursuant to which the rule is adopted , " as

6362well as a citation "to the section or subsection of the Florida

6374Statutes or the Laws of Florida being implemented or

6383interpreted." §§ 120.54(3)(a)1. and 120.52(8)(b), (8)(c), Fla.

6390Stat. ÐAf ter adoption of a rule, the [agency] may not rely on

6403statutory provisions not cited in the proposed rule as statutory

6413authority.Ñ DepÓt of Child. & Fam. Serv s . v. I.B . , 891 So. 2d

64281168, 1172 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005) (quoting Fla. League of Cities v.

6440Dep't of Ins. , 540 So. 2d 850, 865 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989)).

645247 . In this cas e, r ule 59C - 1.008(4) is outside the

6466rulemaking authority granted to AHCA by the Legislature.

6474Although section 408.034(8) states that AHCA may "adopt rules

6483necessary to implement" the CON law, this general grant of

6493rulemaking authority "is not sufficient to allow [AHCA] to

6502adopt" r ule 59C - 1.008(4) as fully applicable to all CON

6514applications rather than differentiating between the sections

6521that are applicable to general hospital CON applicat ions and

6531other non - general hospital CON applications, as set forth in

6542both section 408.035(2) and section 408.037(2).

654848 . The flush - left paragraph in section 120.52(8)

6558requires, Ða close examination of the statutes cited by the

6568agency as authority for th e rule at issue to determine whether

6580those statutes explicitly grant the agency authority to adopt

6589the rule.Ñ United Faculty of Fla. v. Fl a . State Bd. of Educ. ,

6603157 So. 3d 514, 517 (Fla. 1st DCA 2015). Therefore, to be

6615valid, rule 59C - 1.008(4) must "implement or interpret the

6625specific powers and duties granted by the enabling statute."

6634Id. ; see § 120.52(9), Fla. Stat.

664049 . The "law implemented" section at the end of rule 59C -

66531.008 identifies multiple statutes as the "law implemented" by

6662that r ule, including sections 408.033, 408.034, 308.036,

6670408.037, 408.039 and 408.042. See § 120.52(9) (defining the

"6679law implemented" as "the language of the enabling statute being

6689carried out or interpreted by an agency through rulemaking").

669950 . However, a review of the implemented statutes,

6708specifically section 408.037, confirms that none of the specific

6717powers and duties conveyed to AHCA by this statute are

6727implemented by rule 59C - 1.008(4)(c) that, as written , require

6737general hospital CON applic ants to provide audited financial

6746statements .

674851 . Section 408.037 does not give AHCA an express power or

6760duty to require general hospital applicants to provide audited

6769financial statements in the CON application.

677552 . Rule 59C - 1.008(4) (c) violates the re quireme nts of

6788section 120.52(8) (c) , as it clearly Ðenlarges, modifies, or

6797contravenes the specific provisions of law implemented.Ñ As

6805su ch, r ule 59C - 1.008(4) (c) is an invalid exercise of AHCAÓs

6819delegated l egislative authority.


6824Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of

6834Law, it is

6837ORDERED that Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C -

68451.008(4) (c) is invalid.

6849DONE AND ORDERED this 8th day of May , 2018 , in Tallahassee,

6860Leon County, Florida.



6867Administrative Law Judge

6870Division of Administrative Hearings

6874The DeSoto Building

68771230 Apalachee Parkway

6880Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 3060

6885(850) 488 - 9675

6889Fax Filing (850) 921 - 6847


6896Filed with the Clerk of the

6902Division of Administrative Hearings

6906this 8th day of May , 2018 .


69141/ Statutory references herein are to the 2017 version of the

6925Florida Statutes.

69272/ In 2012, the Legislature revised it to allow the submission

6938of an audited financial statement of the applicantÓs parent

6947corporation if audited financial statements of the applicant do

6956not exist. Ch. 2012 - 160, § 42 , Laws of Fla.


6970Geoffrey D. Smith, Esquire

6974Susan C. Smith, Esquire

6978Smith & Associates

69813301 Thomasville Road , Suite 201

6986Tallahassee, Florida 32308


6990D. Ty Jackson, Esquire

6994Allison G. Mawhinney, Esquire

6998J. Michael Huey, Esquire

7002GrayRobinson, P.A.

7004301 South Bronough Street, Suite 600

7010Tallahassee, Florida 32301


7014Richard Joseph Saliba, Esquire

7018Kevin Michael Marker, Esquire

7022Lindsey L. Miller - Hailey, Esquire

7028Agency for Health Care Administration

7033Fort Knox Building III, Mail Stop 7

70402727 Mahan Drive

7043Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7047Stefan Grow, General Counsel

7051Agency for Health Care Administration

7056Mail Stop 3

70592727 Mahan Drive

7062Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7066Justin Senior, Secretary

7069Agency for Health Care Administration

7074Mail Stop 1

70772727 Mahan Drive

7080Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7084Shena Grantham, Esquire

7087Agency for Health Care Administration

7092Mail Stop 3

70952727 Mahan Drive

7098Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7102Thomas M. Hoeler, Esquire

7106Agency for Health Care Administration

7111Mail Stop 3

71142727 Mahan Drive

7117Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7121Richard J. Shoop, Agency Clerk

7126Agency for Health Care Administration

71312727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 3

7137Tallahassee, Florida 32308


7141Ernest Reddick, Program Administrator

7145Anya Grosenbaugh

7147Florida Administr ative Code & Register

7153Department of State

7156R. A. Gray Building

7160500 South Bronough Street

7164Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 0250


7170Ken Plante, Coo rdinator

7174Joint Administrative Procedures Committee

7178Room 680, Pepper Building

7182111 West Madison Street

7186Tallahassee, Florida 32399 - 1400



7198A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is

7209entitled to judicial review pursuant to s ection 120.68, Florida

7219Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules

7228of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by

7236filing one copy of a Notice of Administrative Appeal with the

7247agency clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings and a

7257second copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with

7267the District Court of Appeal, First District, or with the

7277District Court of Appeal in the appellate district where the

7287party resides. The Notice of Administrative Appeal must be

7296filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed.

Select the PDF icon to view the document.
Date: 05/08/2018
Proceedings: DOAH Final Order
Date: 05/08/2018
Proceedings: Final Order (hearing held September 19 and 22, 2017). CASE CLOSED.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte's and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Filing Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital Notice of Filing Joint Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: (Agency for Heatlh Care Administration's) Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: The Agency for Health Care Administration's Proposed Recommended Order filed.
Date: 11/29/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Filing Proposed Final Order filed.
Date: 11/20/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/20/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time.
Date: 11/17/2017
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Extend Deadline to File Proposed Final Orders filed.
Date: 11/16/2017
Proceedings: Unopposed Motion to Extend Deadline to File Proposed Recommended Orders filed.
Date: 11/03/2017
Proceedings: Agency's Proposed Exhibits filed (exhibits not available for viewing).
Date: 11/03/2017
Proceedings: Agency's Notice of Filing Exhibits filed.
Date: 10/23/2017
Proceedings: Transcript of Proceedings Volumes 1-34 (volumes 2,3,4,5,7,11 redacted, not available for viewing) filed.
Date: 10/12/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Amended Response to SMH's Objections filed.
Date: 10/10/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Extension of Time to File Responses to Objections.
Date: 10/10/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Response to SMH's Objections filed.
Date: 10/06/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Unopposed Emergency Motion for Extension of Time to File Responses to Objections filed.
Date: 09/29/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Objections to "Venice Regional Press Documents" and Depositions and Entered In Evidence at Final Hearing filed.
Date: 09/29/2017
Proceedings: Courtesy Copy of Deposition Transcripts (Exhibits 94, 97, 98 and 99) filed.
Date: 09/19/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Held.
Date: 09/15/2017
Proceedings: Order Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for September 19, 2017; 1:00 p.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 09/14/2017
Proceedings: Agreed Joint Response to Order Granting Unopposed Emergency Motion for Postponement filed.
Date: 09/13/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Unopposed Emergency Motion for Postponement.
Date: 09/13/2017
Proceedings: Unopposed Emergency Motion for Postponement filed.
Date: 08/07/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Hearing Partially Held; continued to September 12, 2017; 9:00 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL.
Date: 08/04/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Response in Opposition to Sarasota Memorial filed.
Date: 08/02/2017
Proceedings: Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation filed.
Date: 08/02/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Notice of Taking Deposition (Greenberg) filed.
Date: 08/01/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Amended Cross Notice of Taking Deposition (Weiner) filed.
Date: 08/01/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 08/01/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Cross Notice of Taking Deposition (Weiner) filed.
Date: 07/31/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Filing Deposition Transcripts in Support of Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence and Testimony Concerning Financial Impact and Financial Feasibility filed.
Date: 07/31/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence and Testimony Concerning Financial Impact and Financial Feasibility filed.
Date: 07/31/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Notice of Taking Deposition (perpetuation; Ewens) filed.
Date: 07/31/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 07/27/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 07/25/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/25/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/25/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Request for Entry Upon Land.
Date: 07/25/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 07/25/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Sixth Amended Final Witness List filed.
Date: 07/24/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/24/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Notice of Taking Deposition (Fox, Moeckel, Singer) filed.
Date: 07/21/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 07/21/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Notice of Withdrawal of Motion in Limine and for Protective Order to Preclude Testimony and Depositions of Late-noticed Witnesses filed.
Date: 07/20/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Motion in Limine and for Protective Order to Preclude Testimony and Depositions of Late-noticed Witnesses filed.
Date: 07/19/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Amend Final Witness List.
Date: 07/13/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-Notice of Taking Deposition filed.
Date: 07/12/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (Weiner) filed.
Date: 07/10/2017
Proceedings: Commission for the Taking of Foreign Depositions.
Date: 07/07/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Response to Fourth Request for Production of Documents from Sarasota Memorial Hospital filed.
Date: 07/07/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte's Response to Third Request for Production of Documents from Sarasota Memorial Hospital filed.
Date: 07/07/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Response to Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Motion to Amend Final Witness List filed.
Date: 07/06/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Response to Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Second Request for Production of Documents filed.
Date: 07/03/2017
Proceedings: Ex Parte Motion for Appointment of Commission filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Corporate Representative Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition Duces Tecum filed.
Date: 06/30/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Motion to Amend Final Witness List filed.
Date: 06/29/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (R. James) filed.
Date: 06/28/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/28/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Request for Entry upon Land for Inspection filed.
Date: 06/27/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition filed.
Date: 06/27/2017
Proceedings: Fawcett Memorial Hospital and Englewood Community Hospital's Notice of Taking Depositions (Perpetuation) filed.
Date: 06/26/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Notice of Taking Telephonic Deposition (W. Barr) filed.
Date: 06/26/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Deposition (Barr) filed.
Date: 06/23/2017
Proceedings: Bayfront Health Port Charlotte and Venice Regional Bayfront Health's Cross-Notice of Taking Depositions filed.
Date: 06/23/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Taking Depositions (McLain, Sturm, Miller, Greenberg) filed.
Date: 06/23/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Amended Answer to Sarasota Memorial's Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing filed.
Date: 06/21/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Continuance and Rescheduling Hearing (hearing set for August 7 through 11, 14 through 18 and 21 through 25, 2017; 9:30 a.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/21/2017
Proceedings: Order Denying Motion to Dismiss, Granting Motion to Consolidate, and Granting Motion to Amend Answer (DOAH Case Nos. 17-0510CON, 17-0551CON, 17-0553CON, 17-0556CON, 17-0557CON, and 17-3108RX).
Date: 06/13/2017
Proceedings: CASE STATUS: Motion Hearing Held.
Date: 06/08/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota Memorial Hospital's Response to AHCA's Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/07/2017
Proceedings: Venice Regional's Response to Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/05/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Motion Hearing (Motion hearing set for June 13, 2017; 1:00 p.m.; Tallahassee, FL).
Date: 06/02/2017
Proceedings: Order Granting Motion to Intervene.
Date: 06/02/2017
Proceedings: Agency Request for Hearing to Be Scheduled at the Division Upon the Pending Agency Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/01/2017
Proceedings: Motion to Dismiss filed.
Date: 06/01/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Lindsey Miller-Hailey) filed.
Date: 06/01/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Kevin Marker) filed.
Date: 06/01/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Richard Saliba) filed.
Date: 05/31/2017
Proceedings: Sarasota County Public Hospital District d/b/a Sarasota Memorial Hospial's Motion to Intervene filed.
Date: 05/26/2017
Proceedings: Motion for Consolidation filed.
Date: 05/26/2017
Proceedings: Order of Assignment.
Date: 05/26/2017
Proceedings: Rule Challenge transmittal letter to Ernest Reddick from Claudia Llado copying Ken Plante and the Agency General Counsel.
Date: 05/25/2017
Proceedings: Petition to Determine the Invalidity of Rule 59C-1.008(4) filed.
Date: 05/25/2017
Proceedings: Notice of Appearance (Geoffrey Smith) filed.

Case Information

Date Filed:
Date Assignment:
Last Docket Entry:
Tallahassee, Florida
Agency for Health Care Administration


Related Florida Statute(s) (13):